HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-25, Page 7September 25, 1898 Troubles of a Clergyman. He and His Family Are Wonderfully !noosed by Using Paine's Celery Compound: • Clergymen of all the various Christian de rnominatfone have from time to.time given the etionggest of testimony in favor of Paine's f Celer$ Compound. No other medioine of tb° present day had ever been aq bighly spoken of, and so generally re- oommended by the olergy men of Canada, .as Paine's Celery Compound ' The honest, prompt and effective results that are alwaye obtained by the users of Paine'° CeleryComponnd oallforth unstint- ed praise, after health, vigor and happi- ness takethe plane of eicknes,, weakness and dieeeee. In all the ohuroh parishes of our country, clergymen are quietly spread- ing the joyful news that Paine's Celery Compound baniebes ill health and makes people well. r- Just here it is imperative that we sound a note of warning for the benefit of all who -determine to use Paine's Celery Compound as there are mieerable and deceptive celery preparation° sold in some plaoes. Be sure ems ask for "Paint'°," the kind that otwee; see that the name is on eaoh bottle you buy. The Rev. C. A. Sohlipf, of Killaloe, Ren- frew Co., Ont., writes as follows, "I have much pleasure in stating that I used paine'e Celery Compound with grand moults. Some time ago, loss of appetite and symptoms of kidney trouble and urinal disturbances made life miserable. Having heard much about the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, I procured a supply and need it with wonderful benefit. I am pleased to say that the Compound was productive of great results in my family as a home medicine; all are much pleased with it." i A boiler in Pettit Bros. hoop and Stave mills Comber, exploded Wednes- day. The (sound of the explosion was so great as to awaken people several miles distance. Night Fireman Alfred Jacobs was instantly killed, and his assistant was seriously hurt. Albert Moote, a deaf mute, came be- fore P. M. Geo. Spencer at Owen Sound charged with cruelty to animals. From the evidence, it appeared that on Wed- nesday Moote, while in a fit of anger, attacked a cow, the property of Mr. Albert Tracy, with an axe, inflicting et dangerous cut. He was sentenced to jail for two months. Stranger Than Fiction Is the Truth Concerning John Gibbons, of East London. $a WAS TORTURED WITH THE PAIN, OF SCIATIC RHEUMATISM—TRIED DOCTORS, ALL SORTS OF MEDICINE AND WENT TO THE HOSPITAL IN VAIN—DR. WILLIAMS PINK PINE PILLS AND HIM WHEN ALL ELSE HAD FAILED. From the Lcndon Advertiser. Tbere are twc things in this world which •Mr John Gibbons, a resident of Queen's Avenue East, will henceforth plaoe im- plicit confidence in. One is the judgment of his wife and the other the curative qual- ities of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. In his mase the two went hand in hand, Mrs Gibbons thought of the remedy, the pills did the rest, and today Mr Gibbons is a well The will of the late Hon. W. D. Bal- four has been flied for probate. The instrument is written on a half -sheet of notepaper, dated the day before his death, and devises all his estate, valued at about $4,000, to Mrs Balfour. Cablegrams have been received an- nouncing the murder of Mr Leynhart, missionary to Thibet, and the abduc- tion of his wife, formerly Mies Susie Carson, M.D., of London, Ont. The last word received from Mr Reynhart was dated at Kumbum, in January. The country was then in the hande of the rebels, who were ravaging it. Mrs Reynhart's medical skill would cause the rebels to preserve her life. Allen & Wilson, Chemists and Druggist, Olinton, have reoeived a supply of the cele. brated Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills. Note well that attention to the liver means healthy action to the kidneys, pure blood. good appetite, sound sleep, no headache, no indigestion. The blessing of a sure and safe cure of all liver and stomach trouble is within your reach. One box, (complete treatment) an investment of 50o will prove they are worth their weight in gold. Shortly after eleven o'clock Thurs- day morning, Mr E. Casswell, a com- mission merchant, dropped dead in his place of business in the market lane, London. Apoplexy is supposed to be the cause of death. Mr Casswell for- merly belonged to Ingersoll, Ont., where he was engaged in the cheese commission business. He was a well known figure at all the western On- tario cheese markets for many years and probably the best known buyer in the country. He came to Loudon about two years ago as manager for the Canadian Pork Packing Company's .man where last fall he was virtually a establishments and afterward entered cripple. An Advertiser reporter called at business for himself. -the house the other evening and was met at the door by Mr Gibbons, to whom he told the objeob of his visit, and was cord- ially invited in. The reporter had no sooner got comfortably seated when Mr Gibbon° went into an adjoining room. The sound of plinking bottles floated through the half open door and when Mr ,Gibbons reappeared he had in his arms a whole beaked of bottles—all be had to show -for many a hard earned dollar spent in .useless drags. AB Mr Gibbons was buoy showing the bottles and desoanting upon the impotency of the medioinee they had oontained,the reporter had abundant oppor- tunity of marking the personal appearance of the man. Hie speed` betrays his Eng- lish birth and his face still bearelthe marks of sufferingg, but hie frame is erect, his step light end elaetio, and when he tells you that he can work, run, or jump with any mane yon cannot help tut believe him. He is 29 years of age and was born in Bow Road; Stratford, England. He came to Canada in 1882 and located at Galt, where he is well and favorably known. He work. :for the Hon. Mr. Young, M. P., for a long time and seven years ago Lo married Miss Alice Mann, also of Galt. After Vir Gibbons removed to London he settled down near the car shops and Aid very well, always having plenty of work .and always having the strength to do it. He cared nothing about a wetting until one day a year ago he took an acute at- tack of sciatic rheumatism following wet feet. "I lay down on this floor," said Mr Gibbons, intelling his story,"night and day .suffering terrible agony. I could not get uta step and my wife had to help me up frgln the floor. I felt the pain in my back .first. It then apparently left my back end got into my hips. Doctors came here to see me. They gave me prescriptions but nape of them seemed to do me good. The ndighbore could hear meall overQceen's Avenue when I would get en attack of the paine. Last fall I was taken out of this plaoo in a hack and taken to the hospital, I remained there about three weeks and the doctors did what they could for me but could not give me relief. At the end of three weeks I came home again suffering as much as ever. My wife got hold of a pamplet which told of a number of remark- able; cures by the nee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and we determined to try them. I took about three boxes and felt myself getting a little easier. I took thirteen boxes altogether, end it is over two months since I felt the least suggestion of pain." "Do you feel that yon rementirely oared?" ask- ed the reporter. "Yes, sir, I oan go out and do e day's work just al well as ever I could. I feel perfectly strong and have a good appetite." "No, I don't want an- other attaok of sickness like that," said Mr Gibbons, as he lighted the reporter to the door. Mrs Gibbons was not at home on the on - carrion of the reporter's visit. Subsequent- ly he called on her and reoeived an entire confirmation of Mr Gibbons' story. "He was home all last, summer," said Mrs Gib- , bone,"and last August the pains were so se- vere as to bring bim down on hie knees, and to save himself be could not get up. I ','had to lift him off the floor many a time. He seemed powerless. The bottles he Showed yon were almost repeatedly filled 490that the number of bottles is no criterion - athe amount of medicine taken. Before he took the pills," concluded Mrs Gibbons, I thought my hnabend would never be able to -stand upright again. But now," she added in patting, "he is ter well as ever he Dr. Wililems' Pink Pill oreatenew blood, linil'd up the norves, and time drive discrete 'from the system. In hundreds of cages %`theyhavecuredafter all other medicines iattef i1 , t ns establishing the claim that the + e jil rvel'among the triumpho of Iedloal science. The genuine 1fr'eb1d only in tootles, bearing e park, "Dry Williams' Pink IXe qiC lmate Peoplo.'J. l"roeo,y elf 3'l shy 11 that, WOO $he regilitetea trade mark thi SHE OUGHT TO KNOW Having used Burdock Blood Bitters for 15 years I cannot keep from recommend- ing it to others. I have sold hundreds of bottles from my store, and as I keep other medicines I ought to know which sells best. It is a wonderful meeioine. Yours very sincerely. MRS DONALD KENNEDY, Box 110, Caledonia, Ont. About 10.30 a. m. Thursday while the 12th Battalion were practising at the rifle range,Niagara, Private Hatton No. 8 Company, ;31ts Battalion, who was a marksman at No. 13 target, was struck in the headand almostinstantly killed. The fatal bullet struck the earth in ft ont ofjthe target, and taking a doy�vvnward course, struck the un- fortli•nate man in the left templet pass- ing through his brain. The affair was purely accidental, and no blame can be attached to anyone. Private Hatton's home is in Owen Sound. A great deal too much of the time of the House of Commons is taken up with the asking and answering of questions. Sir Hibbert Tupper and Mr Foster, for instance, can hardly let a day go by without reading long ex- tracts from the newspaper reports of speeches of ministers or their support- ers upporters delivered any time during the last ten or fifteen years, and then asking whether they are authentic, whether the government agreed with the opin- ions expressed by followers, whether the government had acted in accor- dance with the promises contained in the speeches. Such questions serve to take up time and to obstruct, no doubt, but beyond leading to amusing dis- plays of the undoubted ability of the members of the government to give answers which turn the tables com- pletely upon the questioners, they serve no good purpose. Pointed questions which elicit valuable information as to what is being done in public matters, in regard to trade and so forth, are among the most interesting of the pro- ceedings of parliament, but the read- ing of long extracts from old speeches and the stereotyped reply that the min- ister has not charged his memory with the words In which utterances of years ago were made' are surely of no use, not even for the making of political capital.—Montreal Witness. EVERYOULDKNFAMILY THAT S Ie a very remarkable remark, bath fur IM- TBIRNAL and EXTERNAL use, sral w„u- derful in lee qu: cls action to r die.. eae. PAIN -KILLER • .".• C1re P �.,,•.. , c ull XI £.hills, Dinrrho-e. DI-Menmry, tramp,, Choi...mi. and all eo,v„I Complaint . PAIN -KILLER t.THE HERT rem. e.:4. Seem:�,• Fri • Rick neon Pick henrinehe, Pain In Ilse Hoek or nide. Rkeataatesal and dcumin la. PAIN -KILLER IDqIRxaTtnNAni.r fb PeEt4T A,,pwt sr, p M,t.DE. Itnrinrt arrrnv A,•n PIMINANPN't ast,�r 1nall es ta of Htens, raiaes, ts, SOrains. Ne tivve nn ns), PAIN -KILLER Is the troll tr1M and trusted friend of oto Mecha�nic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in tact 1,11151464e6.Iee5 a .medicine'mare M hand, Sad tient ru vetr `tnternmuror externally moth eenainty of taint Renata sf (.disuses, Tek. nogg but the retails* "rsttltit ilAVle " EOW s+YeryrYWhOtli lbs. bid Whin Vert lekt r, WSW.Ijis .iesa,saC'f9Bt.�a. Ayeeti Sarsaparilla is not a secret pre- pperation Any pbyslcieu may have the, fermilst on eppIloattion. The secret of its eueoess as a medicine Resin its extraordin- ary pewer to cleanse the blood of impnri- ti@e and euro the most deep -sleeted (Aees 9,t, blood,dieeete. Johannesburg, the boom city of South Africa, has now a population of 102,714. do a few years ago it did not exist. We may have a similar mining capital in the Ca- natlian ,Rookies betore long. The hopes are'' big. • Tamm.y MoOuldneas, a ).0 -year-old eon of a Marion county farmer, Hanna, was plaj'ing in a ' field last Monday, when he was looked in the eye by a grasshopper and the eight was immediately destroyed. The graeehopper was of the targe looust variety, and is noted for its great force of its hind leg. SUDDENLY ATTACKED Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Collo, Cramps, Di-' arnceea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Chol- era Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and euro owe which should alwaye be kept in the house. Erin's Buried Towns. Slumbering beneath many a peaoeful cornfield in Ireland are buried villages which once stood in the heart of the prim- eval forest, engirdled by the waters of some stagnant peaty lake. The Irish farmer of to -day tarns up with his plow the wooden piles upon which these lake dwellings rested; they are blaok with age but yon can yet trace the mortise holes which the anoient Celt made with his prim- itive ohisel. The archaeologist, eniffing each a find brings along his navvies with their epapes and presently the buried orannog" is ex- posed to daylight. There ie a circle in the stockade of piles, which kept the artificial islet together. Inside are layers of erose beams, hurdle work, brush work, clay, peat and other matters, which formed the suoo- eseive floor, of the dwelling, continually renewed, perhaps as they slowly subsided into the peaty bottom of the lake. To -say the lake and ite waters are ru- b layers of peat, in wbioh these ether with preee relics °amp ohise a000r The the 1 Upon whio praot and Scott fonn Th them a000r imm They for t but o well. any i torio meet have been a fairly quite and peaceful one, comparing very favourably with modern peasant fife. The lake age came to an end when iron found its way, says Dr. Munro, far surpassing in its influence on human life any development that either steam or eleotrioity has brought about or is likely to do.—London Chroniole. A few days ago a young lady and an elderly gentleman called on the Wind - nor city clerk and ask to sec the mare is e` records' for the luonth of July; The names of Jacob Ma fiery, aged 23, and Jennie Hirons, age., of Detroit were found ,registered, and Ws, 3., R. Gundy performed the ceremony. The young lady said that 'she was Mies Hirons but that she had, never been married to the man, and had, in fact, never been in Windeor before. $ e, said that Medery had kept compSta with her, butshe had never.encourag hie ipteptione. He had been absent for a few days about the tittle the alleged marriage took place, and when he returned he went to the home of her parents and made a demand forthie wife. She was as much surprised as her parents when the man told hie story. She said that some woman most have impersonated her. Last Thursday night Madery and Mies Hirons came over from Detroit to see if she could be identified as the woman who took part in the ceremony. Almost on landing here Madel y was arrested and locked up on a charge of perjury. OVERWORK -rNDuoED- Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became, weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de. cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, A foul breath fs one of the greatest afflictions that a man of woman can have. An affliction not only to themselves, but to those with whom they come in contact. A foal - breath is a dreadful discourager of affece tion, or rather of the demonstration of af- fection. It would probably be more so if people only realized just what bad breath means. Bad breath is one of the symptoms of constipation_ Some of the otherymp- s are sour stomach, lose of appetite, sock and bilious headache, dtzzjness, hearts btitn and distress after eating 'These things gn indigeation. They lead to dyspepsia t d worse things. They all start with con- stipation, and constipation is inexcusable beeause it can be cured — cured easily, quiekiy and permanently, the use of Dr•. PPlerce s Pleasant Pellets. ate a er. I feet remedy for this most common all troubles. They vs) tp nattlf'! Jest the the help that she de. They are vett' mid in their action and act vrithdut any violence whatever. action, this, they are different from many preparations offered for a similar pur- pose. Sometimes the remedy is worse than the disease, Dr. Pierce's Plegaant Pellets are mild, but they are Infallibly efficient. They do the work which they are intended to do, without deranging the system in any way. They not only give immediate relief, but the benefit derived from them is per- manent. You can stop taking them by and by and there is no danger that you will become a slave to their use. The drug- gist who tries to sell you something ease just as good," either does not know what he is talking about, or he makes more money on the other thing If you care more for his prosperity than you do for your own health, take the other thing. If you value your health, insist on having Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. A free sample, of from q to 7 doses, will be sent to any address. A copy of Dr. Pierce's celebrated roo8 page book, "The Common Sense Medical Advieer," profusely illustrated, will be sent free on receipt of thirty - one (31) cents in one - cent stamps to cover cost of customs and mailing only. Address, WORLD'S DISPENSARY MED- ICAL ASSOCIATION, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. adnally increased my weight from hundred and twenty-five to two red pounds. Since then, I and my y have used this medicine when ed, and we are all in the best of h, a fact which we attribute to s Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- would have been fatherless to -day t not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, o .ieh preparation I cannot say too mac ."—H. O. HlxsoN, Postmaster and Plan er, Kinard's, 8. C. Ayers= Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. LADIES ! Emancipation from Pain 18 FOUND Ix Dr. LeRoy's Female Pills. The only reliable and trnrtwortby pre- paration known. Safest, rarest syntera. endq1 ffrmrrrooess�tt .oscura remedy eror ered°ealedaelradsr tsarinas otend yearn Ova Prig, pm bon of orb', mn a securely seeded on recdlpt of prim LeRoy Pill Co Victoria 8t., Toronto. Can. For sale by Allen & Wilson. s Ri tees Aiacl4ametilte Cook's Cotton Root Composed Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for ' IiYit'i and fuel particulars, whfch we will send by return mail in plain- sealed envelope. An old physician, 33 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3—No. 268 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. $ Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for Ont Dollar per box. To far- t.e toid, hey seeing that all your ordered QtI ipg is interlhwdr wi b fibig chaflIO1S. ft will not add weight :4434 coaly. k nots a few extra cents, i rlut it.. stop a i00.044.X.4.0#1#1; "itarmth • to men's, women's and children's clothing which will &fly the. coldest hblsts of winter. For your own sake don't try to do without this backbone of all winter comfort. Don't buy any ready-to-wear snits which haven't the Fibre Chamois label- Think of the healthful warmth, the difference in price doesn't count. Business Change ! The 'undersigned having purchased :he Furniture and Undertaking business of Jos. W. Chidley, will continue the same at the old stand, Huron Street. Having had many years experience in both lines of business, he feels qualified to attend to all orders, and will carry a well assorted stock of FURNITURE and FURNISHINGS We make a specialty of the Undertaking business, being a professional and experienced Embalmist, and all who require my services in this line may rely on courteous and prompt attention. We have also added a new Hearse to our undertaking department. All night calls will be answered at the shop. All kinds of Furniture Repaired,Pictures Framed and Upholstering done. Orders Respectfully Solicited. H a C. BARLETT .wJwti:. Reduced to 25 cents a yard. ..2 NN ...m.b.••••N•ONNH•••N•N• Weu to the weleolneguron Central Exhibition yo SEPTEMBER 29th and Doth, And will be pleased to bave you call and inepect our complete stock of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils. Our stores are the places for Bargains. HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, - - - CLINTON. HvP C3 -1=t0 1R.. -Y - Pure Ginger, Pure Tumeric, Pure Pepper Pure Cloves " Alsvice, " Mix. Spice, " Keyenne, " Cassia " India Spice, Curry Powder, Curriander Seed In Spices you want the beat. We desire to furnish you with pure goods. You may as well have the best. There is no satisfaction in using poor spices. Extra White Wine Vinegar is also necessary. GE() S WA L. L €)W, o Clinton. Silverware Premiums We are going to give for a time to GASH PURCHASERS to th amount of $2.6, their choice of a large range of Silverware as per list It will be worth your while to call and get a card and see the goods. SUOA,Rr—Special prices for Sugar in quantities of 100 lbe or over. Try us. OATMEAL—A fleet close grade of Oatmeal cheap. BOOTS and SHOES—Special bargains) in Boole and Shoes. STRAW HATS—If you want a Straw Hat cheap this is the place to get it. Highest price for produce, would take a quantity of Oats in exchange. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R . ADAMS OPENED OUT AGAIN ! The I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand, and would respectfnlly solicit a continuance of the patronage so generously extended to me in the past. stock, which is all of prime quality, and well assorted, has been bought by me at considerable reduction on cost, and my customers may rely upon getting the best goods at bottom prices, N. ROBSON, - Clinton. Clinton Sash, DooriBlindFactory COOPER BROS., - - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We parry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on the olosest prioee. Ail work is supervis- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- (jterior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prioes and estimates before placing your orders. THE BEST PHOTOC RAPHS ARE TAKEN BY HORACE FOSTER rDRSPINNEY 8c CO. The Old Reliable Specialiste. 89 'Yoram Experiet o. t• ON treatment of the Throat sad oom Tenable., Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Mumma, Chronic and Special Dis- eases el men and women. kitmood tettered—Kidney and Mad. kit maaar+'nru der fro Mss permanent)?7 tasted—Gleet, Gonorr Parieocel.and stricture cured without No tuttinr. S7p b and s11 Sloe Diseases eared wjthatt mereary iaAn Tering from th. afecta aft YIU1 youtLfnd fallles ar tfadlaeretiona, or itep Iseabled with Weakneas, Nervous DAMN Lass of Memory, Des,ondency, Aess u to Society, Kidney Troublae, er saplings') of the Geottal marry yr• wet, esu here And safe and speedy curs. Chanes reasonable especial to the CURESpoet. CUES GUARANTEED. n-rrhertsaremanyboabied u vritb tea ikadaagt rsea- tfone et thrbladdet. often aceoih need by a attire smartinger seasattoa ned Weakening of the system to a ra ser the patlaat rant accotlnt� are ineay men who die of this difficulty it�uior'ant of tin orally The doctor' villi g.Maabss a feet cure in all .rich antes, and health* cestotsWrtof oke 10. Crrifwl �r.1 teen fres.. Those unable to eine eiet wifll .tat! wilaa i1Mi tla Itlltrrd °alit b exprelef, with full i ' 13of - Rola triyli,'YYII♦ . , O ce hours: llh'om f t.: bs ,1t4w aiO t t ,:11t: i�e offs k. Riddle -Aged lie 1