HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-25, Page 6e tember 21 ,1 130 t makes' any ,business Suckitisi ? First—Honest Advertising, Second—Honest Goods, Third—Honest Prices We claim to carry out the above pointe to the letter, and just now have something special in Watches for you. 0 li. �9 4 Y RLTMBALL, wATTEHLEPHONAE JEWELER, P.S.--Repairing guaranteed satisfactory or your money hack. sk for a Sample Procure a sample BAKING POWDER of our p And try IL We ask nothing further, t brei alle ow the,e s mpleeo- to speak for itself. Our profit is very small, m e tion of knowing that we are giving you the very purest and beet of Baking Powder at the price of the cheapest. 25c per lb. Try it. Munyou's Remedies. Extra value in Sponges. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton. Millinery Opening on the evening of FRIDAY, September nth MISS WELSH has again returned and ready for business, having visited some of the larger American cities, she has many new ideas to introduce in trimming. Since she has had charge of our Millinery Department it has steadily increased until we take the lead for Fashionable Millinery. We expect to be able to show all the leading lines in English, French and American Hate and Bonnete, and our prices are always right. Below we we mention some other lines that are doing exceedingly well. DRESS GOODS We have added largely to our stock of Drees Goods; we have the new- est goods we could get, and when made up by our Drees Maker, MISS SHIPLEY, cannot fair to satisfy. CLOtTHING We make Clothing which we guarantee as to price and fit. We carry one of the largest stocks of Ready made Clothing in town. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, &c. Everybody welcome to the Opening. PLTJMSTEBL & GIBBINGS Albert Street,, Clinton. JOS. BIDDheLECO111BE1866, Estabiied. It is a factjek. , hard times shows this store to better advantage. People are talking hard times, so we whittle prices to the lowest possible point to meet the occasion. It's our aim to raise the quality and down with the price. We have been par- ticularly successful in this respect with some lines of Underwear. We bought heavily, paid cash, secured the discount, and now it's ggyour turn. A Suit of 50c, or we will 'sell hem sepas Underwear, rately, Shiust the rt n250 for Pants 25c. for A Special Line of all wool, Scotch knit Underwear, Shirt and Pants complete, $1 worth $130 A better line somewhat finer at 81.20 a suit worth $1.60 An extra large e at u size, Double for $ted, all wool, very fine Lamb's An Children's Underwear, Combination Sults, 01 separate, just as you desire. Ladies' Underwear, Special lines, long sleeves at 15c, 25, 40, 60, 76 00c and $1. OFlur Millinery ' ry Departmentis in 32 inches wide, th 10c full Sfc full bl st Date of Blyth Show, Oct. 6 and 7, admission 10c t McKinnon & Co., Blyth tivsete Oasis and One Prioe. Butter '� takes ivOnsh� NEWS NOTES Mr Henry Sohadel of Hamilton, tell in a 1 fit and broke his neck, dying instantly. The aseeeem alt returns nf justLoncompleted show the pop on to be 84,794. Hon. Edward Blake was the guest of Lord Aberdeen and occupied a seat on the floor of the House of Commons Monday. A hypnotist at Lexington Kentucky, buried a man for two s, then had him taken up and restored to h hie natural con- dition. Oliver Embox, the thirteen -year old son of Thos Embox, Hamilton, was killed by a freight train at the Catherine street cross- ing in that city. Ned Crane, the famous baseball pitobe and holder of the world's record for long distance throwing, committed suioide b drinking chloral in Rochester. Mies Iiatherin Ryder of Niegare Fall was assaulted by an unknown her hat pin was driven en inch and a hal into her head. She will recover and medical treatment. Five prisoners in the Kingston Pen tentisry had en elaborate plot on foot escape, but were caught. When fon they had several saw -knives, which th used to oat the bars. The Governor-General has been reoo mended to commute the capital senten•e on the boy Kearney, sentenced to be hang- ed on October 1 at Lindsay. He will be sent to the Kingston Penitentiary for life. Residents of Labrador and Northern Newfoundland are writing to the news- papers end the Government respecting the destitution prevailing on those ooaste owing to the failure of the fisheries. The writers unite in deolaring that hundreds of persons must perish from starvation unless exten- sive relief measures are inaugurated soon. Mr. A Stewart, barrieter, of Glencoe, some time ago held an investigation into a obarge that MrO. C. Grant, slaw student in Mr J. A Robinson's office 8t. Thomas, had passed the matnoulation,examinetion of 1896 by fredulently obtaining the ex- amination papers. On the report of the oommiseioner, the Minister of Education hes cancelled the certificate and ordered it to be returned. Make no mistake purchase your Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &e., From a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladies' and Gent's Watchee, prices to suit ath bnyeme and monecoming to us you will save Watch Repairing a Specialty. JOS. BIDDLECOMBE, : Clinton SULPHA:FE of COPPER PARIS GREEN Close Prices . on quantity JAMES H. COMBE'S 0 GOOD PASTURAGE Splendid pasturage for either horses or cattle, derf thwith e mason, for of oa$1per head. n be had for Applain- M. OLEW, Orange Hall, era Con., Hallett, or 0. MASON, Stapleton. COLBORNE CIDER MILL >: afreOVA The undersigned having every eonvenlonoe for making Cider, le prepared to make any quantity of nret•elase Bider, at his premises, Lot 28 Mait- land Con., Colborne, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices. D. PHRIMMER, Benmlller Wedding Cakes From Jas. McClacherty's are made for people unequalled for qualitytine et. y and artistic decorations p We of the Dominion. them by Safe ress arts arrival guaranteed. .Catalogue and prides on application. JAMES , geopk HEILTV, - fid ConfoctI0net, Olinton The Government majority was increased to' 37 on the division on Mr Foster's reso- lution in the lions° on Wednesday. Dr. Bray, Coroner of Chatham, thinks the Attorney -General's department should investigate the recent death of Mr John Boyle, whioh took •lace on the road b tween Morpeth and Do You now That we make as pretty things in Ladies' New Jackets and Wraps as ever were shown, ready made and one half cheaper. Do you know that there is scarcely a Gown, Cloak, Coat or Wrap for children, and infants in arms, that we do not make, and that with the best satis- faction. Try us on these garments. APPLES! Cable from J. H. Houghton & Co., Liverpool, reads Market holds firm for sound stock, choice varieties ; wasty and inferior stock neglected at lower prices. Kings 14e to 10s, 20oz Pippins, Rip- ston and Blenheim Pippins 12s to 14s, Snow 13s to 15s, Colverts, Jennettings and soft varieties Os to 8s. See us for other information. J. STEEP & CO., Clinton, Ont. Fall Faire Sept. 29-30 Sept. 29-30 Sept. 29-80 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 24-25 Oot. 8-7 Oat. 6-7 Oot. 1-2 Oot. 1-2 Oot. 9-10 00.3 Clinton W Ingham Mitchell Beaforth Belgrave Blyth St, Marys Stratford Bayaeld Dungannon Fordwiob Arohbiehop Langevin told an interviewer at Ottawa, before his departure for Mani- toba, that he did not care whether the Leerier Government consulted him or not, eo long as the settlement of the Manitoba sohool question gives the minority justice end fair play. That is well. He will not be disappointed. The Laurier Govern- ment has no need to consult the gentle- man who was Sir Charles Tepper's chief assistant in the elections, and in whom the majority of the electors deolared their want of confidence. No matter what Laurier says or how ex- plioibly he denies it as he has done, the n Conservative newspapers will have it that 0. OLSON, Victoria. St Clinton he has sent Rev. Abbe Proulx to Rome to talk to the Pope about the Manitoba Schools. The Premier of Canada has his mandate from the electors of Canada, of whom the Pope of Rome is not one, and it is most absurd to imagine that Mr. Laurier would would seek instruotions from any person the is not responsible. The Montreal Wit- ness says: As the Rev. Abbe Proulx recently peened some time in the New England States, among the numerous Frenoh•Can- adian settlements, it ie stated that be was entrusted by some of the congregations there with the mission of laying their grievances before the Pope and pleading their aaneee for the appointment of pastors belonging to their own race, and that this is the Wain object of hie voyage to Rome. CRITTENDEN - MgMIpEAHL. — at th manse, heatorth on Be t.17, by Rev Dr MogDgon . Chi nden to Mies Ma seecond daugh erErnest�of Mr Wm. MoM1oh el, all 00 Hallett GRAY—COOK•— At the reeidenoe 01 the bride's sister, Mre W. T. Pridbam, Toronto, on the T6th inst., by Rev. J. A. Rankin, Rev C. W. Gray, M. A., o1 Gagetown, Mioh., to Mis. Nene Cook, (evangelist,) daughter of Mrs Adam Cook, Clinton. DIED. GORRELL.—In Clinton. on Sept. 91st, Han- nah A. wife of Mr A. Dorrell, aged 70 years and 4 months BROWN.—Io California, on Sept. lith, Thos. Brown, of Kincardine, formerly of Clinton, aged 91ears. JELLY.—At Detroit, on Sept lath, James H. Kelly, formerly publisher of the Trne Briton, Clinton, angged 66 years. ELLIOTT. At Aberdeen, Dak., on Sept. 16, Dr Marshall Elliott, formerly of Doderloh town- ship,aged 37 eau. MRDOCK— In Lucas on Sept., 18th, Thos. ll1urdook,egad 72 years, fatter of Mn. J. B. Hoover, Clinton. Mo URNEY.—In East Wawenosh. on Thurs- day, Sept. 17thBamnel Herald, eon of Wm. Mo - Burney, aged >i yeare, 6 menthe and 2 days. KENNARD.—At Bruoeiield, on Sept. 18th, WeiThomas nd Mrs J. Kennard, Pinkney, f s afo Mth, aged 65 years. STEW ART.—In Stanley 4th eon., on Sept. 20th. Annie, daughter of John Stewart, aged 29 years and 2 months. IrDo you know that heavy storm Serges and stylish Tweed effects are the only up-to-date stylish stuffs for ladies fall dress wear this season. Do you know that the very newest things in Ladies' Mink, Sable, Oppossum, Fox and Nutria throat Boas are to be seen here. As these are all the rage you ought to see them. Do you know that everything you require in Fancy Jacket lines, are here in Beavers, Niggerheads, Mel - tons, Venetians and Fancy Tweeds. All these in Black, Cardinal, Seal Black, Navy, Fawns, Grays Bargain Week! HOUSEHOLD : ECONOMY SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR To every purchaser of 100 lbs. we give 15 lbs of genuine Oatmeal for 35c, muoh lees than the market price. We handle Wheat, Peas, Barley, Oats, Buck- wheat uokwheat Flour, Bran, Shorts. &o. Wo give 10 lbs. Oafor old. for a bushel Our bargafne are gennine.cleanoate and 11 Alan Cameron, youngest eon of M. 0. Cameron, M. P., was married in Florida redeptiy. r CLINTON MARKETS Oorreoted every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Sep . Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 63 Wheat, tell 0 60 a 0 68 Cate, 0 15 a 0 18 Barley 026 a080 Peas 036a040 Flour per owt, , 1 70' a I 80 Pork 450a475 Batter 0 10 a 0 12 Biggs per dos 0 10 a 0 11 Hay new, $6; old 7 00 a 7 00 Sheeepskina 0 25 a 0 25 Wool 018a020 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 The British Apple Markets. Tho following cables were received by Attb nr R.Fowler, Montreal from Liverpool:—Priee8 to -day show a slight decline on Wednesday's quotations. The market ie steady for good sound fruit, but poor and warty fruit is a glut at weakening prices. Unless quality and con- dition Improve we fear the large arrivals will have a bad tendency upon tho market. From Glasgow:—Those is no change to report. Prom London:—Dodd stook In active demand and prospects favorable. To -day's prices: -Bald - wine ile to 180; Kings, 14e to 161; Spite Seeks, and 1. reds; 12s to 14s; poor and nasty Mutt, 3e 10 Li less than above quotations tot so nd ELew 4ovelriioerueuto GILROY & WISEMAN MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Private cables from London say that the market for cattle was about the same as last wabentsold l4and there an better feeling than blot week. There st End Abbatotr but trade in cattle wa lare attendance of astslowthe�and pricee low except for prime beeves, of whiob there were ontwo or three on the few sales were made at over* market. Oly a very per d three t cows w. A lot of 50ipoounds were old at 30aper Ib. weighing 3 Common stock sold at from 21c to 21e per lb, and the leaner beasts at from 14o to 20 per lb. T leeswas an aotive demand for calves have adveneed considerably piot late, or about 25 per Dent. on the prices paid here three or tour weeks ago. One butcher tarda id otherr 6 for two large fat oeivee, and $24 which were five or ala weeks old. Calves from three to four weeks old sell at from 83,50 to $6 eaoh aording to quality. Shippers are pay- ing a -ing MMooc per Ib for ordinary lots of sheep. Lambs are higher in prioe, or from 8}c to 310 per lb. HOUSE TO RENT A small house to rent on Rattenb ury Street west. Apply to A. 0. PATTISON. WANTED A good general servant, by first week in De- cember. Applyto MRS R. RANSFOBD, Huron St., Clinon. NURSE GIRL WANTED Wanted, young girl who osn look after child- ren. Apply to MRS. W. HARLAND, Jr. Isaeo St., Clinton SERVANT WANTED Wanted a good girl for general housework — One who can Bleep at home proferred. Apply at the NEW ERA °filo°. LOT FOR SALE A good 1 acre lot on Rattenbnry St. West, for sale at a big bargain. T. ppto JR. BOARDERS WANTED. A oonple of boarders can be a000mmodatsd with good board and lodging in aloe part of town Appiyat the NEW ERA OFFICE. APPLE BARRELS A large quantity of Apple Barrels for Bale by JOHN MoGABVA, Clinton. PIANO FOR SALE. A e000nd-band square Heintzman Piano for sale; It in an ezeellent toned instrument and hes only been in use a Short time. Apply at the NEW ESA OFFICE. DRESSMAKING MISS GORDEN nae opened out a Dressmak- ing establishment next door to Mr Hale'e 'Bee, Huron St Ml crders entrusted to her will be promptly attended 10. Satllfaction gnaranteed and prices reasonable. STRAY HEIFER Strayed to subscribers premises, on or about Aug. 15th, a red and white Yearling Heifer, de. prov- ing horned. operty and owner aying charges, can have the B,oby GOVIER, East ball lot 80, Con, 1, E. Wawanoeh, Auburn P. O. 4,• FARM FOR SALE. Sobsaribor offers for sale his farm of Macros, cleared, lot ail on the 6th toon. of onitivet Oil. Hallett; about house, with with es - with frame kitchen frame barn 96x00, eat ootboiladinge. Good bearing orchard. Trio land is as Gvo sorra is fall wheatparm and neaur-- tiime g Apply�on the premie l ors to A. t.WSON, ; Coneteaoe, CLOTHES THAT FIT 2 buyer. We take particular care to see that every garment we sell fits properly in every respect. However good the quality of the cloth may be, if the coat does not fit it would not be a credit to us or satisfactory to the In our large stock we have all sizes from that of a small boy to that of an extra big man. Boots and Shoes We are again showing the celebrated Yamaska Long Boot Good stock, well made, strong and durable. W. L. .OUIMETTE, The Cash Dealer, Lendesboro.