HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-18, Page 7r• NEW BUTCHER SHHOFe The niaderaigned deairee to intimate the people Of Clinton and vioinity that 1 baa opened i betoher shok in the store W.,Qore, /toren Street, He hoe had mar years experience, end feele that he out gib the best of setiefaetion. lie will ar arriotly for Cash, and at the lowest, possib Piri )ere r, ORDIIBS ItkePECTFIILLY SOLICITED ,Reid Bros., - • Clinto CE147.1014•BUTCHER SHO FORD & MURPHY, We ore doing busters. t4t[ the cash t$e, R At WQata the towoa(s prices. paying R P Des. Patrons may rely u on good service nut}, prompt filling of orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP f wish to inform the public that I will;nc be undersold by any other person in th business. I am a practical butcher, an understand all the branches of the busineet We keepthe very best meats and a tui stook alays on hand, and will sell at th Lowest Gaels Prices. Bring along you money and get the meat at the cash prior We will give Credit but not at dash prioet Please oarll and see what yon can do fo • Cash at R. iFITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & WILSON. Subscribers desire to notify the public the hey have bought out the butchering busines lately conduotod by Mr Jas A.Ford and will o0 tinue.the same ander theirppersonal supervisio Orders will have prompt and careful attentio Freak meats of all kinds will be kept in Boase sold at reasonable rates and delivered ;anywhe in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSO CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS! SEEDS package of each of the following seeds g Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet Raddish, Um:umber, Tomato, Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) All for 25 ,Cents. Also Bulk seede such as Peas, Beans Corn, Timothy Clover and Alsyke Clover. JAS. STEEP & CO. Produce Exchang Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEED Two cars -choice Seed Corn just ar rived from Illinois. We have a larg stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Highest market price paid for Coars Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. CooK's noun Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats.. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Moises Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1865, CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, . $1,875,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLBON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes dieoonnted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exohange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. ErA.umxeR19. Money advanced to formes on their own note with one or more endorsers, No mortgage re qulred as security., H. 0. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed On deposite. FAR RA V & TISDALL BAIVICIARS, CLINTON. GNT &dvancea made to- farmers on their own Odes at low rites of interest. A genets' Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. bulb Notes bough • P TISDALL, Manager. CLINTON MARBLE WORSE. COOPIIII's OLD STAND, I7eitb t ihmerolal Ilbtel. • • e'n�Ytyyiie 't ftr tl, i. Okifaail t t..i Mrattled* ttiit 0*tfetaoti wa. COW* aria *ark, atie 00,1114,01t2 n to y re il e. le n n; ro PAIN:UKILLER Pam* Taken Qlarrhala, 8telach, Coughs, Used Cuts, Bruises, Toothache, Rheumatism, No article ity. -Salem Wo au] Biller. Wo severest pain, nett DtmateA. Nothing the most valuable Orme. ft tea medicine has Paln•Et ler.—Newport Beware DAM, t, / c U',tir IS C E'f •T A i N 1'AUij4ILLCR 4'111.5 ?P` THE CRpAT medicine of the Age. Internally, It Cures Cram and Pain in 8gTe billion., Budden Collo, qto,, ofd, Externally, It Cures Burne, Scalds, 8pralne, Pain In the Face, Neurafgla, Frosted Feet. the Patn. the V no Davis' P d it !t e a I. t) e r I. r ever attained to such unbounded popular- Observer. bear testimony to the efficacy of the have aeon WIImngbe effects to seething and know it to Da a good tubicle.-Ctnein- bus yet eurpsased the Paln•K1ller, bleb family mNivine ue y in ups,--%enneNei 4 fy�ry.Ar-i- real merit; aY m a means of removing pain, acquired a reputation equal to Parry News. • of tmitaaona Buy only the IentdM"Mar"Er sold everywhere; large bottle, leo. V.ry large bottle. sec, ONE GIVES RELIEF. R•I•P•A•N•S .- The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine cine : Cures the i ilias common every -day ills of humanity. ?000a _ Bane ■ I MoKillop FARM & ISOLATED , Geo. Watt Broadfoot, non, Seoy-Treae.,'Beafortb Spector of losses, Jae. Broadfoot,Seaford,: Geo. Dale Beaforth; . Hays, Sealorth; Garbutt, Clinton,;. Thos. Notions forth and J. Parties desirous snot other' to on application MutuafFlre insurance et ONLI Jame Shan In T. E. Th oe Sea tran TO%N PROPERTY INSURED OFs100BS. President Harlook P.O., Vice•Pree.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. P.O.; M. Mnrdie, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. M. Manila, Beaforth; Geo. Watt Harlook; Alex Gardiner,'Leadbury; John McLean, Kippon. Aot,NTS. Harlook; Robt. MoMfllan, Cuminge, Egmondville, to effect insurances or business will be promptly attended to any of the above offioerl I .BAKING adressed to their reepeoitve offices - Ee tiller Nuz eery will any pur FRUIT AND NORWAY AND The latter LARGE The above ornamental be sold at very thing in this Orders by JOHN STEWART, ORNAMENTAL TREES SPRUCE`, SCOTCH ASTRACHAN PINE, of which we make a'peotalty, STOOK ON HAND, trees and shrubbery low prices, and those wanting connection will save money by chasing here. 3failwill be promptly attended tot Addrege, BENMILLER For Twenty -Six Years f D U• NN POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE; IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER • Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC- AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blcod Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpe- tation of, ' the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, QODERICH, OMT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON IT5TEEYSON,I f--THE UNDERTAKER GOODS . 1'hebeetEmbklming Splendid AtBERTS Residence ti.gPotitO LEADING -- —AND— EMBALMER. A POLL LINK OF • KEPT ill 'STOCK- Fluidnsed Hearse. OLINTON overstate ,TO `" BALL e LORI? .A. l to HMI. :';'OUB, The Governor Gietie i1 has -begun bit} trip through Ontaido, and . .ill visit a large fumger of placed which tap till nQW havernever been honored by a call frons the . re resentativo of her Ma - feat ; Oil Tuesday . Lord and Lady Mercleen ad a warrb reception from the citizens of Toronto, when they visited the exhibition in that city. The Governor-General intends to visit as mac r places eQ poseibis while their local fairs are in pregrew), It ie evi- dentist the intent on ,of her Majesty's representative to see the people of tbe country and the products of the indus- try. In this way he may become pos- sessed of much information that will be of great value to hits when he re- turne to bis ditties in Britain ae a pro- moter Of fiehemeafor the advancement of the Empire. We feel assured that Canada hoe and will oohtil/te to have no warmer friend than the present Governor-General. He has shown his faith in Canada by investing his means for the development of the Dominion and interesting many old country friends in our resources. Bind H'ol'ds come from Pub - lie institutions. As well as from Private Indi- viduals. ALL CLASSES AND CREEDS PRAISE PAINE'S dw.dL gaEA LCELERY COBIPo0ND. a, - --- Publio institutions. throughout Canada are as ready to eoknowledge the marvellous virtues of Paine's Celery Compound as are private individuals. For many years a large number of our publio, benevolent, and religious corpora- tions have used Paine'e Celery Compound for the benefit of both old and young. and if it were possible to publish all the state- ments made by the inmates, scores of the letters would prove interesting and enter- taining. In inetitntione like those referred to, where hundreds are oared for every year, all the common ilia and diseases of every day life are found, and many hundreds have been made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound, that thehysicians of these institntlons were unable to cure by the ordinary means. To day this grand coring work is still go- ing on in many of the largest and most prominent of our public planes, and no oth- er medicine will be tolerated but Paine's Celery Compound, which shows the esti em and confidence in whioh the medicine is held. One of these noted institutions that has given testimony for Paine's Celery Com- pound is the immense conventual, educa- tional house on the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, and known as the "Convent of the Holy Names." The ladies of this hones write as follows: "We feel it a duty to add our testimony in favor of your 'wonder-working' Paine'e Celery Compound. Many Sisters, suffer- ing from debility, dyspepsia, sleepleaenees, and indigestion, have been completely re- lieved after taking it. "We shall strongly recommend its use in all our houses, as the best medicine to res- tore health and strength, and give tone and vigor to the nervous system." The Montreal Gazette weeps over the meagre pay of the poor judges obliged to struggle along on $6,000 or $6,000 a year and extras, and hopes Sir Oliver will secure them an increase in salary. There- are plenty of good men willing to become judges, however, and even an increase; of pay would not guarantee an increase of eSioienoy. I was nervous, tired, irritable and oross Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy. Mrs E. B.WoRDEN, Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. The only safe and sound policy is to re- fuse to establish a system t protection. Under free trade the o natural industries of the country develop, and in proportion as they develop other industries take root and flourish. When once the system of protec- tion has been introduced it is not easy to return at once to free trade conditions. The abolition of protectionism is even more difficult in times of business depression. We must move toward free trade ae fast as a due regard for business safety will permit and we must absolutely refuse to consider any further increases of tariff duties, no matter what the pressure or how powerful the interest which seeks a business part- nership with the Government.—Globe. Dr Sunshine WITH BEAL'I H THE WORLD IB A WORLD OF SUNSHINE—WITH DISEASE A DARK GLOOMY, PRISON -LIKE ABODE—THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REMED- IES HAVE BROUGHT BACK THE SUN• SHINE TO MANY A LIFE. Rheumatism—What joyful news to the sufferer from chronic rheumatism and neu- ralgia! That instant relief and an absolute onre oan be had in from one to three days by using the great South American Cure seems inoredible, but thousands say it's a fact, and here is the testimony of one; "For three years I suffered untold misery in my lege, for six months I was confined to my bed. I used all the ordinary rerne- diee I could lay my hands on. South Am- erican Rheumatic Cure being brought to my notice, I procured a bottle and it gave me instant relief. A few bottles complete- ly cured me,"—Geo. Denham, druggist, Petrolea. Kidneys—Bpontaneone, unsolicited testi- mony is the highest recommend that cell be given the great South American Kidney Cure. What it has done it will do again. It is a kidne] specific—gives quick relief in all kidney disorders, heal; and strengthens. Michael McMullen, Ohesley, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled with gravel and kidney disease for eight years. 'Remedies' and doctors could give me no relief—pain was so severe I eouidnot lie down or remain in one position any time. I proonred a bottle of South American Kidney Cure, and took it according to directions. I 'got instant relief, the soreness all left me, and to -day I am oared of the dangerous trouble and recommend this wonderful remedy to all similarly affected." • The nerves—We live in a hurry and nine.tenthe of our ailments are due to ner- vone exhenetion, impoverished blood or bad digestion. South American Nervine is a blood -builder; it tones the nerves and stimulates digestion. Thousands whose lives were burdens to them are today in ex- cellent health because they have tested its marvellous power. W. H. Sherman, of Morrieburg, writes: "I was completely run down—A great sufferer from stomach and nervous troubles. Tried every medi- cine in the market, with little or do relief, I obtained a bottle of South Apn erican /ler- vine. Before half of it was ia1ion I had de- • rived great benefit; Sir' bottles ,Made me lnyold self again. - I > eoor4f??6gd;ft to. er+ro 40 1,00 bo •affiioted, And cheerfully give my testimony. Se .miter 1 6 A NE-WSBOY'S BANK. Re rind the Flue k nod Wanted tI10 G:ruoel. of Qod. IIs wag Tory little; and hie olothee were tagged, and hie hands were red with cold, whenever he came apieniug around the corner and .paused before tbe handsome house across the way. Ono funny thing about It was that kis neper came on pleasant days. but I -grew aeonetoreed to see him ta#a up blo.,poet- tion and oil his papers while the snow swirled around him, and the wind tried 1te best to ta$o bim off bit feet. At last I became curious. tnd determined to find out why he never Dame when tbe sun was shining dnd everything looked bright. I had only to beokop to bim, and he hurried across the street with a cheer - All "Berr you are! A Record, did you Bay?" A moment later I had him before the grate, end his eyes resembled those of a great mastiff as the warmth penetrated his shivering body. "It's terrible oold," I begun, "Yeo, rather; but I've stn t worse," was the answer. "But 66ii't you find it hard selling !Vipers this weather?" I continued. "Ye -est sometimes; then I hustle over there as fast as I con," nodding at the house across the way. "Why, do your papers Bell more readily 1n this neighborhood?" "No!" with a disgusted sniff at my evident look of business intuition; "scarce ever sell one here." "Why do you come, then?" "Do you want to know the real reason?" "Yes, indeed," I replied earnestly. "Well, one day, pretty near a year ago, I was most done for; couldn't sell any papers, and was about frosts, and if I'd known any place to go, would have crawled off somewhere and give it all up. While I was thlnkin' of all this a couple of fellows passed me, and one of 'em says, 'He's rioher'n Croeeus, now, an' to think he was a beggar only a few years ago.' 'A beggar?' says t'other fel- low. 'Yes, or what amounts to pretty much the same thing—a newsboy—and I've heard him say dozens of times that nothing but plunk and the grace of God would ever have brought him through.' 'An' his house to in the next street, you say?' 'Yes; we go right past it.' I fol. lowed 'em till they came to the house over there; and while I stood looking at it something seemed to say to me that, 1f that man could build a house like that when he'd begun by being a newsboy, I oonld,too. Then I wondered over what the men had said. They'd gone on out of sight, and I said over and over, 'Pluck and the grace of God.' Then I made up my mind I'd got the pink all right, and 1'd ask over and over for the graoe of God. I didn't know jest what 1t was, but every time I was alone I'd jnet say what I could remember of the Lord's prayer, and finish up with, an' give me the graoe of God.' If you'll believe it, I begun to get along right away. I'm saving money now to go to school with, and whenever I get discouraged—it's always on stormy days, you see—I just come in front of that house and think it all over and say, 'Plunk and the graoe of God' over to myself a few times Then I go book, and you wouldn't believe how fast the papers sell after that." He rose, shook himself together like a dog, and said, "I must hustle along and get rid of my papers, but I'll be round whenever I'm down in the mouth, for that house le my bank, and I dome to draw on it when I'm hard up. I expeot it's a deal more oomfort to me than to the man who built it, " and a moment later the youthful philosopher was shouting, "Flyers your mornin' papers! Tribune, Yearld, and Reoord, yere!"—Ram's Horn. Bread and Marrow the Newest Delicacy, Paris now recuperates on bona mar- row. Atter the failure of Dr. Brown- Sequard to rejuvenate the world, the search for the spring of perpetual youth has been taken up again with undim- lniphed ardor. The agent with which the faded beauty now seeks to bring book the roses to her oheeke and the ronrid- 1 nese to her form is bone marrow. Bone marrow 1e the soft fatty appear- ing matter found inside the hollow bones of animals. It has been discovered that ' if bone marrow ie not the elixir of youth, at least it is a powerful tonic Bone marrow 1s now served in Paris restaurants, spread raw upon thin slices ' of bread in a dainty manner, and it is ' said to be a very palatable morsel. I Everyone eats it who oan afford to buy it, and butchers are furnished with a ' new branch of industry. The long bones ' of the ox are split open, the marrow ex- ' tracted and 1t is then eaten without fur- ' Cher preparation. Dr. Renault of Paris, prosoribed bone marrow to an anaemia patient as a tonin with immediate and gratifying results. The news of the wonderful effects spread rapidly and at the present time marrow eating bas beoome a tashionalje fed. New York is already in danger of eoom- ing a victim of the marrow habit. and medical men on thle side of the water are dsoussing the subject with great in- terest. Prof. Qoidsoherders, of Berlin, was the first to use she extraot of bone marrow, With unfavorable results, hgwevep. Noth- ing daunted, German and English phy- sioians followed suit, and many of them reported brilliant successes. American physlolane are reporting oures of ner- vi;ue prostration and general waste.— New York Herald. Great sales prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and great merit en• ablee it to accomplish wonderful oure o. Hrar Krupp has discharged all the for- eignere in his empi oy, on the ground that they divulge secrets to foreign Governments. Break Up a Cold in Time BY USING PYNY- PECTORAL The Quick Cure for COVGHB, 00O1f.Dg, 'CROUP, pItoN- cmm, HOAItSENLSS, etc. Mos. Jotr.rn'Nrtswtex, • of 68 Sortturen Ave., Toronto, writes, ply�i Pectoral /01; never failed to cure of rod tnyse f0f a in.tending cough eftec esveral other excellent had taped. It hoe Mee roved excellent cough euro tor my ramify. I prefer it to any other medicine for coughs, croup or boarsenoes.' H. 0. 13A00000, of Little Roeher,'N.$., writes s "A* a wire for eengh* rhnyrectoral.te the beet sallies medicinal hired; my tux. tomer* Will tare soother." xarge ltbttlei All Eta, n,•. C 6. h . 15A 1� & tA�VR � t 'i f •lProjirieikorej Debi ekr 06400110011001044 Gol CIGARETTES W. S. Kimball & Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail everywhere 5. per Package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. CLOT INCA READY MADE 6UITS- 0 $3, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6 and $7. Ordered Clothing from $7 Hp; A FULL RANGE OF LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING FOR THE SUMMER. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed HOST. COATS & SON CLINTON —� t}j'! Consider —sly our Feet 1s '�l j I�g , 1 p t ;V • —the work they do—how much they toil and suffer! Clothe them in kindly shoes, which give ease and comfort to them. Why load them down in ill-fitting leather shackles when you can buy the most foot -fitting foot- wear in America for the samo price as the hit or mise variety ? Here is a shoe made by the famous Goodyear Welt process which oonsiders the form and inclinations of yoar which yields yields to its eooentrtcities and helps it to dolts duty. Made from best imported calf-skin—black ar tan. Stamped on the sole $3.00,04.00, 86.00 per pair. The Slater Shoe (for Men.) Il� WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Sole Agents for Clinton. Do You FEEL SICK? TSA O C Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. 11 you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, . . . • 11 your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH end ALL DISOR- DERS OF THB STOMACH; . . TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE tinea RIPANS TABULES RIPANS pABULg RI PANS MUMS RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver stomach and Intestines ; cleanse the system effectuaitq� Cure dyspepsia habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TAnt7tz taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or deprestkfen of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripens Tabules are an infallible cure i they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. ONE Owes 0�,yytR{ 4ryy 11"' R•1 LASY TO TAKE .: _QUICK TO ACT 11e�Ieabulbs are sold ,by drageste, 0by, mail,3> ? ( .alts a boa) ib sent to The iOpaarte Chem.; !No.10 Strube Bt., ltew 'York, pia ' •F .r rt 1 14 na� .-,