HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-18, Page 5CLINTON`. IsT+ WERA
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A H 'N7'Ni- ', WA'TCL-I' :�
First --Honest Advertising,
Second—Honest Goods,
Third --Honest Prices
We claim to carry out the above points to the letter, and
just now have something special in Watches for you.
P.S.--Repairing guaranteed satisfactory or your money back.
Ask for a Sample
Procure a sample BAKING POWDER
of our
And try it, We ask nothing further, but will allow the, sample to
speak for itself. Our profit is very small, but we have the Bat}stac-
tion of knowing that we are giving you the very purest and beet of
3a ing Powder at the price of the cheapest.
215e per lb. Try it.
_--Munyon's Remedies. Extra value in Spon.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
lYLillin�ry Opening
on the evening of
FRIDAY, September 21/ith
MISS WELSH bas again returned and ready for business, having visited
some of the larger American cities, she has many new ideas to introduce
in trimming. Since she has had charge of our Millinery Department it
has steadily increased until we take the lead for Fashionable (Millinery,
We expect to be able to show all the leading lines in English, French and
American Hats and Bonnets, and our prices are always right. Below we
we mention some other lines that are doing exceedingly well.
We have added largely to our stock of Dress Goods; we have the new-
est goods we could get, and when made up by our Dress Maker, MISS
SHIPLEY, cannot fail to satisfy.
We make Clothing which we guarantee as to price and fit.
one of the largest stocks of Ready made Clothing in town.
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, ttc.
Everybody welcome to the Opening.
We carry'
/Obvert Street, Clinton.
Established 1865.
Make no mistake purchase your
Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &c.,
From a reliable firm. See our immense display of Ladies' and Gent's
Watches, prices to suit all buyers. By coming to us you will save
both time and money
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
yoeu wme Huron Central Exhibitiori
SEPTEMBER 29th and 30th,
And will be pleased to have you call and inspect our complete stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamps and
Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils.
Our stores are the places for Bargains.
J. 11. OI23/12,1LFJW,
UNDERTAKER Fine Hearse, Large Stock of
& EMBALMER Good's, Prices Moderate.
Wedding Cakes
From .14a1. McOlacllerty's are made for
people who want the best. They
are unequalled for fine quality
and artistic decorations
We ship therm by express to all parts
• of the Dotninion. Safe arrival
CliatalC,406,and.prices on application.
0on;tiloilal3er, Matsu
Wonted—a oouple of Lady Boarders In good
comfortable home. Apply at NEW ERA Office
A large q(juantity of A pie Barrels for
by JOHN MoGARVA, Clinton.
A second-hand square Helntzman Piano for
sale; it is an excellent toned instrument and bas
only been in ase a abort time. Apply at the
splendid—pasturage for either horses or cattle,
with plenty of water, can be bad for the remain•
der of the season for $1 per head, Apply to M.
GLEW, Orange Mall, 8rd Con., Hallett, or C.
MASON, Stapleton. .
The 0ndtrslgntkl hs,Ing va't eonvinielicafeir
nlaiiflg Cider' is,prs Arbd'to Melte ari i1Aalititr.
et,Arswlies' ,atbI umIss.F1w398 MOs.
1 '1thd, Ce ., C0 e1,' e li11ot?oiMad
at tlie`l0tHai vi . G. P 1 M Bi lleI I '
THE LITTLE LAMBS SKIP with joy to think that
.- some day their wool will be made into fabrics such as
McKinnon & Co. now display in magnificent varie-
ties. No time is necessary to get up energy when
bargains are advertised in this establishment.
. D,ESS. are the backbone- of
GOODS J this business.
Pretty effects in low priced goods.
One special line is eaelly worth 30o, bub we're selling it at
The oolorioge are brown, bine and green.
All our Dress Goods are double fold.
Elegant Tweed effeote at 43o and 50c, worth 66o of any person'o'money
The wonder of every woman is how such goode are sold for the prise.
Better lines still at 65e, 75c, 9Oc and f$1 a yard in black and colors.
The Dress Goods this fall are an entire ohange from any previous season.
We hope to have the pleasure of showing you the finest selection of fall
Dross Goode in the County of Huron.
"Your money back if not satisfied."
McKinnon az Co., Blyth
Cash and One Price. Battler and Elggs taken as On.h
The following instructions are issued
by a firm handling quantities of fruit :
—Make a bench 10 feet long and 3 high,
cover it with inch square strips, putt-
ing the strips one inch apart. Pick
your apples. Put them on the bench,
The leaves and stems will fall through.
Sort the apples. Put the good ones in
the barrel when the barrel is ready;
prepare the barrel by tightening the
middle hoops. Put four nails in each
hoop. Line one end, open the other.—
Face apples with stem end down; select
the choicest apples for face; not the
largest, but a nice, even lot. Make
quality good. Shake when barrel is
one-third full. In culling, do not put
in wormy, scabby, bruised small or de-
formed apples, as your apples sell on
their own the ts. Keep the apples off
the ground if 'possible. Make a follow-
er by nailing two barrel heads together;
cover one side with thick cloth. When
barrel is full put on the follower and
rack barrel. Tail up a little over chime
of barrel. Use screw press. By fol-
lowing these directions you can pick,
pack and deliver, and not wait on pack-
ers. You can save 15c. per barrel, by
packing your own apples, and have no
extra men or horses to feed, (This is
all good advice, but farmers should be
careful to pack only good sound fruit.
One hundred dollars started on Monday
morning on its errand of liquidation will
pay a thousand dollars before Saturday
night. Try itl It will help your creditor
and give him the means to help hie
n-ighbor's and hie neighbor, and bring
obeer, comfort andemployment to hundreds
of idle people.
In 1891 Donald MoLeod, of Kincardine
township, was convicted of barn burning.
In the opinion of many of hie neighbors he
was not guilty, and a petition was cironlat-
ed briefly setting forth the facts of the ease
and praying for a new investiggaticn by the
Minister of Justice. McLeod has nine
yeare yet to put in.
At Sandwich, Lewis Harmon was sen-
tenced to two and a half years' imprison.
meat in the penitentiary for ageaniting a
servant girl:in his employ, but in the cert•
iMoate Bent with him to Kingston the sen-
tence was planed at only two years. Now
the officials are wondering whether they
oan rectify the mistake and make the
prisoner nerve "the full term to which he
was sentenced.
It is said that several of the Europ-
ean nations will act in concert and pre-
vent the Sultan of Turkey carrying on
his awful massacre of Armenians. In
case they cannot agree to do so, Eng-
land will herrelf step in and punish the
Sultan. It is high time some action
was taken, as the brutalities perpetrat-
ed have been simply barbarous in the
TURNER.—In Tnokorsmith, on the 5th inst.,
the wile of Mr Geo. Turner, of a daughter.
COLE.—In Ballet on the 7th inst., the wife of
Mr Thoe. Cole of a son.
DORR&NCE.—In MoEillop on the 13th hist.,
tho wife of Mr John C. Dorrence of a daughter.
HOARE.—In Hallett, on 10th Inst., the wife
of Cornelius Hoare, of a goo.
ANDREWS.—In Clinton, on the 16th Inst.,
the wife of Mr 8. J. Andrews, of a son.
GLENN.—In Stanley, on the 17th in.t, the
wife of Mr. Edward Genn, of a eon.
SOBY.—In Turnberry, on the 7th inst., the
wife of Mr Wm. Soby, of a son.
LITTLE.—In Wingham, on the 0th inst., the
wife of Mr Robt. Little, of a eon.
McBURNEY.—In East Wawanoeh, on the 4th
inst., the wife of Mr Wm. MoBnrney, of a son.
BRYDEN.—Io Wingham, on the 4th Inst.,
the wife of Mr Wm. Dryden, of a eon.
TURNBULL.—In Grey, on Aug. 16th, Vie
wife of Mr Oliver Turabnil, of a son.
WARWIOK.—In Morris on the 24d 'net ,
the wife of Mr Thos. Warwick. of a eon.
FLOODY—CROCKER —At the residence of
the bride's parents, Exeter, on Sept. 16th, by
the Rev. Dr. Willoughby. Mr Matthew Floody,
of Blyth to Miss Alice Louise, eldest daughter
of Mr Richard Crocker. .
CROZIER—UPSHALL.—At the roefdonce of
of the bride's father,Tuckorsmith, on Sept.10th,
by Rev S. Acheson, sir 1. 8. Crozier, of Elea -
forth, to Annie,ecot.d youngest daughter of
Mr Jacob Upeha.
ENGELAND—OHLER.,—At the residence of
the bride's father, Colborne, on Sept. 10th, by
the Rev. E. Becker. John Engeland, of Hay, to
Mies Carrie Ohler.
SIMS.—In Blyth, off Sept 10, Carrie the only
daughter of Mr fir. Sims, aged 8 years, 8
months and 17 days.
CIiARLEdWOR'I''H.—Iii Seaforth, on 1110
6t1 inst., Martin CharleeWorth, aged 73 years
and 2 months.
>FEItt t}SOt+t,-Yrs Morris. en the 7ti inst.,
.tames rergneon,'aged 86 years and 9 Months.
itOLARIt'1i( In'j bn ibl t2tb bask .dies..,
ander OL11t`11�fAged 114 yIara, .tltihtngMad
47 dos.
Gerrected every Thursday afternoon
Tbureday, Eept. 17, 1886.
Wheat, f�
068 a 060
058 a 060
0 15 a 0 18
036 a 040
Flour per owt 1 70 a I 80
Park 4 50 a 4 76
Butter 0 10 a 0 12
Hayedos 08 a
new, $6; old 00 7 7 U0
Sheeepsklna 0 96 a 0 26
Wool 018a020
No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
The English Apple Trade
London, Sept. 12th.—Woodall & Co. report
that 21,871 barrels of apples arrived at Liver-
pool this week against 9667 last Beason. Oul
6500 of the barrels were Canadian of which
the most recently landed show a decided im-
provement in quality and condition.
Sound fruit sold as follows:—Gravenstein,
11s. 3d. to 15e. 6d, per barrel; Blush, 9e. to 12s.
3d.; Culvert. 8e. to 12e.; Jennettingn, 8s. to 9s.;
SL Lawrence, 9s. to lis.; Cabachaw, 12s. to 18s.
White & Co. report the arrivals on the Lon-
don market still small but the demand has
improved, as the Erffish supplies are fallin
off. The hulk of the Kent and Berkshire fruit
will be on the market next week, which means
a splendid opening for good fruit for the re-
mainder of the season.
Fall Fairs
Clinton Sept. 29-30
Wingham Sept. 29-30
Mitchell Sept. 29-30
Goderich Sept. 22-24
Zurich Sept. 28-24
Exeter Sept. 21-22
Seaforth Sept. 24-25
Belgrave Sept. 24-25
St. Marye
Stratford Oot. 1-2
Bayfield Oot. 1-2
Dungannon Oct. 9-10
Fordwich 04315.3
item gkoverti$ements
A good } aore lot on Rattenbury St. West,
for sale at a big bargain. Apply to
A eonple of boarders can be accommodated
with good board and lodging in nice part of
town. Apply at the NEW ERA OFFICE.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 a res
-Wog lot 18 on' the 8th non. of Hallett; about 86
cleared, all fit for onitivation. Log house,
With frame kitoben frame barn 86x80, with us-
ual outbuildings. Good bearing orchard. Tao
land 1e as good ae can be found and farm 1e In
good condition, five acres In fa11 wheat and near-
ly;t0 acres seeded down. Possession given any
time, Apply on tbo premirel or to A. LAWBON,
Not toe is hereby given that a court will be held,
pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889
urt of
tbbheelc�ountyyis not Hnroo,i he the Town f the Hall O Clinton, on
TU'EBDAY Sept. 29, 1898, at 8 p, m. to hear and
determine the the complaints of errors and
omissions In the Vetere' List of the ffinnloipallty
of Clinton for 1898. All persons having business
at the Coatt aro required to attend at the said
time and place. W. COATS, Clerk of Clinton.
Sept. 29th, 1898.
To the People of Clinton and
This Birthday Party in given you,
'T1s something novel, 'tie something new;
We give you all an Invite+ion,
Please accept this intimation,
With 19 cents, one for each year;
This gift from each will give ne cheer.
Tne 28th of Sept., Monday night,
We hope will be both fine and bright;
A sapper of good things to eat,
With Muelo and Sp) Iches,b genuine tree';
The Ontario Street ladles, with greetings
most hearty.
Feel sureyon will attend our Ohureh'e
Birthday Party.
CABLE TO-DAY—Apples ar-
riving in good condition, de-
mand very active for good
fruit in general. Kings 16s,
Greenings 12s 6d, Colverts
9s to 14s, Glascow lOs to 12s
See tint for other information.
Health Bra
. Underwear
For quality, fit and finish, is away ahead of any other
in the market. We handle the range of sizes alt
the way from the smallest infants to stout ladies.
We have of course other good makes of Ladies' and Gents
Underwear, some of which are all fine wool,
some union and some all cotton, but made very
woolly and soft, and are very comfortable and
warm, and at a very low price. In tact a real
good, warm soft vest can be had for as low as
20c, and this with long sleeves too.
A lot of very pretty things in Cape and Jacket Cloths
are just to hand in most of the leading patterns
and shades, many of them with the fancy check
back which does in place of a tartan lining. We
are making a lot of Capes and Mantles to order,
styles perfect, fit and all that can be desired,
Of course we have a big stock of the latest things
to be had in Ready Made Jackets, stylish and
pretty things they are, too, and the prices are low
for such handsome stuffs. It is surprising how
Dress Goods are selling here just now.
Forest City Rosiness & Shorthand College, London, Ont
And yon will find them practical at all points. Students attend this College from all
parte of the country; they have the finest set of rooms, in the new Y. M. C. A. building,
for Business College work in Canada, graduates snooessfnlin securing positions. Cata-
logue and partionlare of either coarse sent upon application. Good board, 82.50 per
week; ladies 82,26.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal
Than aanpson
Every peg, every thread, and
every piece of leather in our
52.50 Long Boots
• is put there to stay and to wear. They are made
on honor; built for the purpose of supplying the
farmers' demand for a thoroughly well made, com-
fortable, durable boot. We have not a large quan-
tit only 48 pairs,but while the stock lasts the
will be $2.50 a pair.
Last spring we placed a large order for Fall and
Winter Clothing. We insist ou having the best to
be had for the money. Ample time has been given
to have all the little details carefully attended to.
Every garment has been subjected to the closest
scrutiny before leaving the factory.
The cut, the style, the material, the lining, the thread and the
workmanship are all first class, and 6 every coat has
the name of the manufacturer, consequently in buy-
ing these goods you are getting the very best that
can be bought for the price.
The leaders in both Suits and Overcoats are $6, $8, $10
We offer 50 Apple Barrels at 23 cents each and
125 Sugar Barrels at 10c each, or 3 for 25e.
b8 M Ohl 1'1
000 0.