HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-14, Page 2Fetriale Pine
or Wornens Munn
Venetian Mission** Aeta 1:8; 13'
StUIV14:34 Print. 1:8,
Ceenruentarynal. Pewer to witness
to the world (Atte 1:8-. But ye sltall
receive power. It was just betel the
ascends:He ot our Lent that he epolte
then worde. The minds of the 41e-
kelp1es were taltert lep with the gates -
tion of the reetoretion ,ot the )lugdom
to Israel, but Jena led theta to Wine
ot tbe work of bettriag witnese to all
the world et tho power of the gospel.
The task wae great, bat power would
be given to them for eat aec,ontplItel
Ment. After that the Holy Oben
ia cable upon you, "Mien the HWY
Spirit le come upon you." -11. er. The
lLol iitt wao to bring tet tee
apoikeles holesa of heart and abilitY
to live and eiea1 aa Jeaus would -live
and %tenet, The power ot the Watt
was to be UM permenent power in the
individual believer and io tbe church
tet Jest's Christ. Witnesses unto me
Tate gift of power wan not to be mere-
IY for the -comfort ot the clisciples, but
tt wan to be for service. They were
te be =powered te bear witnetle et-
rectually to the power cif Jesus to steve
ezettle en. In Xerusalette The eentre
et the Jewioll system and the seat ef
prejudice and hatred against Asuound
His fele:Avers. Ali Judea. Tee re-
gions where the eewish religion was
at one. Samaria. The eeat of a
lelleed religion, partly lieethen aid
pertly Jewish. • Unto tee attormost
part of the earth. Tlee field ot the
oteurch le woridewide.
IL Miselokaaries sent forth and ellen
work (Acts 13:1447). San" et Tar-
/ sus, later -called. Paul, bad been con-
nerte4 end had Veen preaching effec-
tively fer inetbably ten years when tbe
elturch at Antlech in Syria was di-
Virkely impressed to set dead Barnabas
end Paul to gek forte as missionaries.
Time two men With - John Mark as e,
eonlintuiett set out on their miasioe
and accomplished their first mission-
ary journey. They went southwest.
ward to Seleucia, and sailed thence to
Cyprus, where 'they labored effectively,
Thee Went fon -this island to Asia
Minor and laborea in Antioch of Pie
sidia, Jewel= and. Lystra.
• III, Honored anti persecuted (Acta
148-20). 8, LYStra. This cite was
eighteen miles santawest of Icoeium
in a WM regtott whore there were
lows It any, Jews lispetent iu, hie
feet. This man probably sat in e
publig. place in tbe city and Was well
'known. In Lestrite He was' afflicted
with lameness his feet and had
• never walked. We are reminded of
the lame men that the apcatles spoke-
ia tile streets of Lystra, 'es no mention
is made of a synagogue, and the trip -
pie beard the gospel story from Paul's
• lips, Steadfastly", "beholding hbn.
Paul's atteution was drawn to hint by
his earnest, wisetul look. Seethe that
he had faith to be made whole (Re Ve
The man earnestly desired to be heae-
ed, and he believed tbat the Lord was
uble and willing .to make him wnole,
10. Said •with a, loud voice. Paul's
earnestness in this matter and its ime.
portance breaght forth in a loud and
• clew, yeece the, command which
, The. people who were bout
Paul could hear the words and. could
be wituesees to this marvelous 'cure.
Stand apeight on thy. feet. The,
• preaching °Utile apostle in Lystre had
•eet forth theepower of Jesus and it
would be understood that througn his
petWen'and Doe Paul's, the cure would
be wrought. •
Ile When the people saw—Theemir-
aere watt so unmistakable that • the
people at ,once recognized the factithat
etileereatural agencies had accomplish -
*ed it. epeech of Lycaonia—Paun had
been speaking to the people in Greek
and they nederetood that langtiage,
• but they expresse4 their astonishinent
In their native Janet:age, whicle the
apostles did not unelerstand. 12.—
utter—rhe Pagans regarded Jupiter
as the father of the other gods. Bar-
nabas Was prolaably more venerable in
appearance than Paul, and hence Would
etompare better With their concePtion
et nuPiter. Mercurius—The god Mer-
euryawas regarded as swift of move-
. 'went and eloquent in speech. 13. Priest
' 'of eitylter—Sinee it was thought that
Jupiter was in the city, the people be.,
"laved that the priest who had cherge
of the temple of Jupiter should sacri-
fice to him, •Oxen—For sacrifice.
' 14; ,When.the apostles. .heard—They
bad. no knowledge before of the inten-
'deter erthe people. Rente their clothes
•"—To express their grief 'and-displeas-
• ure at the course the people were tak-
• ing. 15, Why 4o ye these things' —
* The apostles were.putting forth gime-
Weis efforta to prevent the sacrifice l• a
theleshonor. 16. in times past suffer-
, ed nations, etc.—Israel had been
ehesen. as God's people and only' to
them had he elven a direct revelation
of himeelf. Otb.er tenons had bnlY
nattire aS their reeelation of (lode. 17.
• Left not himselt without witnens—
Gott tkliovied himself to the world se
Wise, loving, mighty and •benevolent,
by his works 4n nature. "13. St:three
restrained they the peeple--The
apostles took a bold stand in Oppoesing
the intended sacrifice, in calling' the
Ode of the Lycaonitunt varaties an in
*Waring to them tee living God; 'but
%they could not be consistent and do
WU. 19. Sews front Atitioell andleo-
niutn—They were loomed at the
apostlee and were not satisfied With
dreving them out of their own cities
but were deterthined to Stir up other
agaittst them. Stoned Paul—
Their rage earned them to such a
length that they *came themeelves
tlre; active ageets la taking vengeende
ott the "chief speoor" of the two mis-
A. scientifically 'prepared remedy of proven
worth, recorornomhd by physicians. Sea for
nearly half century in Patented Tin Bingo Cover
Box with Signature "Enielterbocker RentedY
4,10,,•0 aorora aide. Accept no, other. At your
Dfliggiat or by Mad Direct from our Canadian
Assets, Lyman Ilroa. ec Co, Ltd,, Toronto. Can.
upon receipt cf price $2,00.
t --
sionaries.—Cam. Bib. 00. Disciplwe
stood . . about him. The preach-
ot the apoetlee bad not been in
vain, for converts had been galnea,
and they were standing in sorrow
around thetr fallen leader, planning
for a fitting burial, He rose Up—Not
a few writers are of tee opinion that
Pant wee really dead and that his ris-
ing up was a resurrection. Luke doekt
not say that he was dead, but that
the perseculors suPposed that Ile was
IV. The missionaries' reports (nete
14: 21-28). The labors of the apostles
were not stopped by the pereecutions
which they underwent, elevate
,ureached at Derbe, a city thirty-five
miles eolltheast of Lystra, they revisited Lystra, Reuben -1 and -Antioch,
encottraging the Converts awl appointMg leaders in each church...They went
through Pisidia andPanty-lie and
preached in Forge, They s tied from
Attnia, to Alined. in Syria, where
they gave a report of their labors to
the church that sent them out.
Otleationa—Give an account of the
sending out of the first miseloneries.
Deeeribe their course front Antioch in
Syria. to Antioch in Pisidia, Where
did the apostles go front Antioch?
• Where was Lystra? Whont did Paul
• heal? Describe the healing, What
was the effect an the_ people? Why
did they stone Paul? What report did
the. miseionaries make?
Topic.—Cluistien Missions; Aims,
Methoas end Results.
I. Christian unseloute
II. Aims, methodand results.
I. Christian missions. The mission-
ary impeese grows out of the very
heart of the gospel. Its fuedamental
principles and expereauces can find no
• Other appropriate or adequate expres-
sion. It dates -front the beginning.eat
finds authoritative expression in the
world,embraeing commissiou of Jesus
and in the assurance of the Pente-
costal promise (Acts 1: 8). The Chris -
elan church is the agencysand its nits-
eionaay attivities are the means of
accomplishing the world's evangeliza-
tion. The gospel has a • meesege
straight to tho heart 'of the world and
must be preaehed everywhere "for a
witness." It includes the 'stranger
that is within -thy gates," and
them "that aro afar off." Early
missionary pioneers 'had visions of n
world campaign and conquest. Con-
tinents were to be conquered for
Christ. Pete, the aarliest ana.greateet
pioneer of Christiaetty, Acknowledge,"
a universal obligation (Rona 1: 1-
16). The world -crisis. existing and int -
pending, is •enque in opportunity,
'clanger, responsibility and duty. Tine
with the decadence of long-establishecj.
systems of religious faith creates un-
paralleled possibilities in all fields,
which will not -linger, The under-
lying principles of missiorary enter-
prlso were never as relevant or im-
perative as to-dav.
II. • Aitns, methods and resulta..
'The aim of Christian missions is first
to evangelize to spread the knowledge
of the great transformeng truths of
Christianity. This is a means, not
the end. The great design ot gospel
Preaching is unchanhed and unchang-
ing, It remains the "power of God
unto salvation." Social and civiliz-
ing agencies and intelleetual develop-
ment have their place, but must
never be suffered to eclipse the great
design of bringing, men Into loving
subjection to God andbelieving union
with hiin. Evangelization is to pre-
cede, not to supersede regeneegion,
"Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come upon the knowledge of
tha truth" (1 Tin, 2: 4). Toward
this God has been workine through
all history. Methods are always
determined by design, • The first in
the best missionary inethade is al-
ways prayer. It is not a last ex-
tremity, but a first necessity.
"Preaching reaches the heart ot inan.
but prayer the heart of God." Paul
regarded it as a great avenue of ef-
fectual service (Eph. 6:18, 19), The
second agency is the direct preach-
ing of the gospel to men. The gos-
pel presents a living Christ, and he
alone cab fill the world's appalling
emptiness. "It is the unshared natn-
ministry of the church to present a
Savior." ,Institutional agencies,
settee's, hospitals and industrial train-
ing are the outrunners of the gospel,
which alone "is the power of God un-
to salvation" They peepare "the
way of the Lord," and are the mes-
sengers which go "before his face."
The results of Christian missione
justify the past and presage the fu-
ture. Cheistianity is international.
It alone points the path of peace and
provides the basis of racial fraternity,
Jesus Christ belongs to Ali people. He
Is a world Savior. Conunerce,
schools and internatioual law have
all proved failures. Christianity has
the stupendous world - task. Christ
is the source and centre of world
unity. --W. IL C.
Every Bean
the "Mark" atm is perfectly cooked
d the 0oVernineitt legend guararttecs
'absolute purity. -
With Toipo, Chili or Phan Sauce,
Unless She Increases Pro.
duction, Cuts Outlay.
Chancellor Warns House of
Loudon Cable — "1e we con-
tinue spending at the rate we are now,
it will lead straight to aattoual bauke
meta," was the strong warning J.
Meilen Chamberlain, Gieancellor of
the Exebequer, gave the House of
COMM011e to -night.
"If we can't increase production,"
he continued, "we eltall ge straight
to national bankruptcy. Neitber
croaseU proauction nOr reducet ex-
penditure alone will be eafticient.
We leave got to do both if we are to
pull through and turn the corner.
The balance between expenditure
and revenue In definitely and ee-
riously lose favorable than When, I
made nw budget statement. Both
sides of the account are failingto
realize expectatione.
"The delay in the conclusion Of
peace involved greater naval -and
military expenditure, andone or
two new blocks of expenditure have
been sanctioned."
Mr. Chanaberialn cited an addi-
tional 420,000,000 for preissone and
inereased naval pay, and g-4,500,000
for the police. On the reeelpt eide
the speaker continued, the declaim
to contiaue control a few' meant
delay in realizing en tbe vain- trad-
ing in etocks of the food elinistrY,
ana therefore a7o,o0O,Ooo from that
equine will not roach the exchequer
this year.
The whole -Government. Mr. Gleam-
berlaln said, SW the cerioueneee
the situation, and was endeavering to
find a. remedy. Hie policy was tp being
sable:dire to an cud at the sooncet pos-
seine moment, but tho reilway eubsIdy
nlust continue until the railweess were
in proper worklug order. It sites ad -
seeable aleo to tonne -tie the . bread
subsidy for the present, but all eub-
sidles would be abolished eventually
The only mean e of dealing with
the AtiVertiO exchange rate, Mr.
Chamberlain continued, was to reduce
imports of luxuries and to increase
exports. Unlces we enceeedod in do -leg
these things, he said, everybody, -eels,
and poor, were going to have a bad
time. Fears bade been expreesed that
the Govermnent welled enter- upon a
Policy et generar uationalization with
a view of getting revenue, Mneetham-
berialn ectid, but that wee the - last
thing that would over enter his xnead.
Mr. :Chamberlain rend he regret-
ted that last week there hadbeen
a considerable increase of miereitcy
notee. .
"There is nothing in the enuatiou
berme our control or our power
to deal with," eaid etr. Chambers
inn, "if the nation will tachle it
with the sante resolution and publec
spirited. unity with which it frteed
tbe difficulties tan war." .
Cook's Cotton Root Compotitit
A sofa, relfable Veriukfing
inratotao. goid nthree, de.
grecs of 'fitzength—Ilo. I. $1;
No. 2 $3; No. 3, X'd per bor.
Bold, lir all drucalsts, or spat
prepai on tempt of pries.
Froo pamphlet. Address:
"f01?o8ro, on. (Fonaufr Maw.)
Dr. James W. Robertson
Reports On His Efforts
to Sell Our Goods,
Chance in Belgium., and
France for Stockers
and Cows.
Ottawa Report—Dr, Jamee W. Rob-
ertson has returned front Lurope. At
the request of the Minister of Agri-
culture, before the armistice was
signed, he went overseas as represent-
ative of the department for the pur-
l:ose. of investigating conditions in
the United Kingdom and ein disposal
of Canadian ,agricultural prodUcts and
of Making arrangenaents to teat end,
Ile visited Paris five times during the
Progress of the Peeve Conference,
Dr, Robortsou to -day made the fol-
lowing statement in meard to bis ac-
tivities Abroad:
Most of my thee overseas was giv-
en to the work of arranging for the
dispose' of the balanec of the export-
able surpluses of our toodstuffs, which
were prodticecl in response to the -cam-
or Increased production to keep
the allies, safe .during the war and to
help to win the war. The kinds of
tommodities dealt- with were- quite
varied, including: Apples, baeoh,
beef, packing-houge effete, poultry,
wheat and flour, other grains, dairy
products, canned goods, ete,
• Representations were made to the
fruit and vegetable section of the
British Ministry °reread as to tfie de-
sirability of admftting Canadian ap-
ples in barrels and aad et a
price ivbieh would be adequate mid
satiefactory to Canadian apple -grow-
ers and shippers. Action was taken
by the Ministry -with Mune entirely
,satisfactory to Canada.
After prolonged negotia.tioes, •the
;Minister of Food decided to 'forage°
an additional quantity of WOO. from
Canadian packers, and then to open
the market to free conunercial itripor-
Oaten and distribution, That course
„remitted in an attire demand for All
the Canadian bitten, with the result
that there is not enough available at
Present to meet the demand in tho
;United Klagderie In the ease of frozen
beer, due Minitary agreed to take a
large quantity which had been Inelleet-
ed and marked in the full expectatient
by the packers that it would be. pure
thafied be tbe Ministry. In clewing
ehrettgli the arrangernents -which was
aid* in tint cetrineetion, abotitt 1,00
Wet Of frostet beef Ware seId to hone
Tht MAY laid to the opening ef a
tegaier trade lattereta, Cantata Kett
Italy in o. Masa of beef which, being
it loaner quality, will be entirely
acceptable to Italy although zest of a
Pert which command:I the highest Price
in the nearltete of the United King -
I also had conversations with the
xepreocutatives of the Belgian Gov.
arnuient and others with a view to
eite opening ot markets tor light
tweignt beet, Ana for the importation
Pt stockers for fattening and ulna
eovra from Canada for the restoration
tot dairy herds. The ftret saipmente
;white have been landed in Belgium
:and France have given entlre
Bepresentattons were anade to the
Ministry of Food as to the datum.
If not the right ot Canada, to obtain
a portion of the very limitell cold
storage space on ocean steamers iu
order that these Canadian toed pro -
duets might be earned safely to the
British markets irk time for distribu-
tion to meet tbe deman4 from con-
sumers in the United Kingdom. The
British Ministry was good enough
to use its good" offices on behalf of
Canada in that direction, with the
result thatsuch sbipments were made
poet. Canada with satisfaction to the
:skipper and good service to the cons
sureers in Great Britain,
• The rope commission on wleeat
styptics, acting for the Inter -Allied
Food Connell and .later for the Ste
preme Econo rale Council and also
for the 13ritish Ministry of Food,
arranged to take the exportable sur-
plus of wheat as wheat or flour. It
was in connectein with these matters
that -
accepted the positlea as Cana-
dian Director of Food Supplies lu.
Europe and membership in flee Food
section of tee Styrenes Economical
It should te eatisfactory and grati-.
Wing to Canadians to enow that all
the exportable surpluses of foodstuffs
provided h response to the greeter
production campaign have been dis-
posed of at satiseactory prices. I
devoted considerable time to the ques-
time of tbe removal of the restrictions
on, the importation of Canadian live
stock into the United Kingdom, com-
monly known as the melee embargo.
The queetion was Uncen up in the first
inetance with the President nf the
Board et Agriculture and Fisheries
for England and Wales, and with his
cohcurrence with the :awed of Agri,
culture for Scotland. Later on, with
the approval and, co-operation of these
two boeies, the Canadian case for the
remove' 'of the restrictions was pre-
sented to tee exectitive committee et
the National Farmers' Union of Scot-
land, the executive committee of the
Natio,fa) Farmers' Union of Ens
tand, the directors of the Highland
and Agricultural Society' of Scotland,
and he executive count:Mee of the
Scottish Chamber of •Agriculture.
In that -Work valuable atnistance
was rendered by Mr. II. S. Ante%
-Can-ellen live stock commissioner.
•Restnutions in favor of the removal
or the restrictions were adopted by
some of the bodies before whoth the
case 'was laid and recommendations
forwarded by them petitioning the
British Government to take action
• for ta,e removal of the restrictions, I
discussed the Canadian ease with the
Parliententary Committee on Agricul-
ture at the House of Com,mons.
Further steps in ecatnection with
• that matter remain to be taken at
a, suitable time, and I cannot seer
mere than that a• am hopeful and
confident that some time during the
year action win be taken by the
British Government in the directiou
which. Canada desires and to an ex-
tent which °elle be satisfactory to our
stock raisers and the other interests
I arranged for the distribution of
the -gift of hand tools from Canada
for the peasant farmers in the de-
vastated regions of Prance, Belgium,
_Roumania and Serbia. These were
purchased In Canada by the agricul-
tural reliefeof l'ae allies' fund. These
tools will Meet a very real need, and
the gift has brought forth many warm
, expressions of gratitude and apprecia.-
I had conversations at their re-
quest with representatives of Greece,
Roumania and Polan,d regarding an
agricultural- 'policy for the restora-
tion and, improvement of agriculture
io those countries, have been re-
quested and urged. to visit these coun-
tries to confer teith their agrioultural
leaders. They are looking to Canada
for guidance. Such is the reputation
which our agriculture has won in
Central Europe,
•King's Gracious Letter to
• Prime Minister
• On His Refusal of Title or
London Cable — King George to-
day eonferred open Premier David
Lloyd George the Order of Merit as a
Ceti of his appreciation of Mr. LI we,
George's war services. In a letter
te the Premier, dated Buckingham.
Palace, Aug, 5, announcing the Wand,
the King says:
"My Dear Prime Minieten—Iloaers
ane rewards to officers of the anny,
navy and air force having beett sub-
mitted to Parliament, I teal that my
peeple will there with me regret that
11 15 not possible to express the 119.
tiores grateful recognielon of the per-
t:1st:ant services rendered by the Priam
iTii liter, both in carrying the war to
a victorious end, and in securing rn
lioncrable peace. To rectify Fotrie-
wimt title omission, and personally to
mark itty high appreciation ot these
serviets, it gives me great pleasure
to confer upon you the Order of
el3elleve, me, Yours very sincerely,
GEORGte R. I."
IfifJ itots•lielreeheienestitet,
neeis--Keep_your Eyes
Strong and healthy. If
rn. le Sere, Irritated,
ar Grentelated,
for Iuant o MuIt.
rite tee
i l3ook. n 0 yi ettleteetit tie
In Opinion of Head of Sol.
dier Board,
Oanada Will Not Do Much
for World Supply
Ottawa despatch -4V. J. Black, chair -
lean of the noldier Settlement Boated
of Canada, who hes been on a visit at
Inspection to tit Pacific Coast, Gentle
Rio following eurnMary et ere') =-
dinette throughout the went,
"Mainly becattse of inadequate
rainfall at tbe critieal period of plant
growth, the fames of whitern Canute
will fail thie year to contribute to
Rio food supply of the world in ae-
cordance with Um expectations of
thetas who know the east resources in
soil fertility Wing west of the great
"Of the prairie provincee, Manitoba
has suffered leatit. In fact, nista a
fortnight ago it was believed that the
crop would be abate° tee average, Out -
Sitio a small area in the eouthweet
damaged by graeshoppere, but as the
ripening period approached, lea*
rust, the deetroyer of many a 'for-
mer hope, again made its apPearanee
in the wheat libido, Althougb not ed
aerious no on Sonia former occasions,
the yield in the iseeth will Ine eonsele
erably reclueed, awl the grade lower-
ed in consequence: So far the • ot and
barley crop promisee toaee fair.
"In Saskatchewan the total yield of
all grains will be disappointing, In
the eouthwest there' is nothing to ea -
Peet: livestock and even humans, will
have to be supplied from outside. In
the northeast the crop is comparative-
ly heavy, but througbout the central
districts:, the southwest and northt
west, the result is eisappointing,
"Whether Southern .Alberta can
feed iteelt le a debatable point. Meet
people who have eeen it says so. Many
districts are arranging either to eine
live stock out or ehip feed in. The
central selections' of the province
have not seen so little growth for
many years, if ever eince settlement
began, in the north it is better. There
hate been considerable matfett There
dairying and mixedefarraing is the
rule, and the farn:e are producing saes
"Britisb Columb'a has a heavy crop
of fruit, and prices are good, but the
/season has been late, end the pro-
ducts generally comelier that usual.
Nevertheless, it Is a reasonably stens-
factory year in the Pacific province,:
Vora .litcophoOlno.
The Givat 'radish. 1Zenlealb
Tones rant invigorates tho leholo
nervous System, makes new Blood
in ()LI f 'arc's .iti'rrous
.0"bifilik.11/ento/ onct Braia leePprn-
down, Loss of iCiterm ratpitatton ei the
/Iftmorg. Price 21 per bolt, sir
for $0. Ono will Ocoee, Ell %CI cure. Sold all
iliuggiste or mailed in pin pkg. on rnceipt of
foe. .'.'.'I3 nee, tree. Inn .VJOEjt
triateakee co., TORONTO, Cr. r, t(Tforrnix Wiefterl
Role of Britain's Sea, Forces
in the Great War Com.
Depicted in BotirBoats and
Weapons in the
London, Cabie.—Cheering multi-
• tudes, 'clustered on the banks of the
Thames tins afternoon, witnessed art
elaborate river pageant, with which
England's peace celebration came
to a close. More than 150 boats,
headed by Mei:Royal bargee contain -
.the theeeing and Queen, the Prince of
Wales and other royalties participate
wt. It was a demonstration of the
• unity achieved during the war by
Great •Britain's naval forces, the mer-
cantile marine and the maritime, re-
sources generally tor the nation's de-
fence and unkeee.
Although a large part of the Lon-
don population spent the holiday in
the country, the nihe bridges under
which, the precession moved, the
miles of emba.nkraents and the river-
side parks peeved incabale of aecomo-
dating all who strove 'c'r vantage
places. The gayly-dreseed vessels
• moOrecle between Tower Bridge and,
London Bridge and dozens of barges
and wharfs swarmed With spectators,
Along the entire course the sputa.
toms broke the skyline et housetops
on. both sides of the Thames. ,
Many thousands wao were unable
to obtain places from, which to view
the pageant were tented to conteet
themselves with a view ot the royal
party driving from' Buckingham
Palace to the river. Both Houses of
Parliament suspended their seseion
ter the day, the members going to
the famous terrace) which was
thronged with faselonable stellate:era
Not since the Victorian period has
London witnessed a river eelebration
of auch magnitude, traetheneute
changes, added to the proce,ssioe. Two.
decoy mystery ehips used daring the
war for chasing tieboats and an olde
lighter were filled with, members of
the Women's Royal Naval Service
in natty blue sults and white cape
After the King disembarked from
his barge at Chelsea pier tct review'
the procession, the Lord Mayor led
it beck to the starting point at
'ower Bridge, The return Was en -
Wetted by races of nava,I cutters.
Airplanes hovered overhead earotigh-
out the celebratieu
The proceselon whielt was mar -
hatted at the Tower bridge at four
It tile attenuant, -spread out 'five
niles, and when the head of the line
eached Chelsea and tamed with
lie tide, tile tail of the procession was
ttst leaving the leading point. As
t moved along the Thames the Ingo
auk holiday crowds, erlileit lined the
mbardtments gelidly, seranned on the
ridge* and perched upon railing's and
oohs of houses end in tree on both
ides of the neer gave the eminent te,
umultuoutt greetleg.
The progress of King Goree in the
W&% marked )4,7 pentad
ular etteutton, His Journey up the
river was greeting with progressive
roars of cheering on both banks, the
noise culminating in an explosion et
applattse as the barge ehot into Cado-
gan pier at Cheleea, opposite Batter.
eea Park, where the King disembaik-
ea dnd was reeeived by the AdMiraity
aud civic °Mein's.
After the King, who sat at the stem
ot hia stet:nee old craft under a
canopy whtch was sermounted by the
royal crown, and was rowed by eight
wa.termen qualutly costumed, Carat)
the Admiralty in a rowingtarge. Then
eollowed a steam barge with the Lord
Mayor, acting as admiral of the port
of London. • Next carren launches
bearing' officials Of the Ministry' of
Shipping and other marine services. A
naval unit renewing comprised a doze
en twelve -oared cutter e in three 'Mee
and a large barge inounting three
guns, emblemetic ee naval develop -
went, The smallest- gun on the
barge typified tne .weapons used
against the -Spanish 'Armada, the
second was ot Nelson's period, the
tim third, an eighteen -inch gun, the
heaviest of fleeting ordrkance employ-
ed in the great war,
Aft& the barge came a lengthy
ening of weft representing various.
shipping companies, wireless Wee&
graphers, sea melte, fishermen,
yachtsmen and °them.
After Xing George landed he took
Rio salutes of the passing beats while
standing under a gorgeous royal ban-
ner prepared by the League of Art.
Tiio. bridges, tee enebankments and
the houses alohg the stream were.
ablaze with foga]. colors. Even tee
wharves were gaily decorated the
,piles being planted variously orange, ,
green, red, white, and blue, malting a
vivid contract with the muddy waters ,
of the river. Gigantio flags and pen-
nants forty. feet long floated from
the brIdges and flag poles, Numer-
ous bands alone the shore made music
as the precession passed, inters:Pe:re
ing the natio/tat Mae with such war --
time favorites as "Tipperary" and
"The Long, Long Trail," while choirs
stationed here and there sang rollick-
ing sea Chanties.
The procession was a brilliant one
as a whole, beingaeommented uron bY
many witnesses of this and other
similar celebrations, as surpassing in
beauty and variety of eft:eats marine
pageants oe modem. times.
• - 9
Birdman's Paten
The cardinal archbishop of West-
minster, who has laitiated the Guild
of -St, Michael for .Airmen. invites all
Roman catholic 'airmen "to place
themselves under, the proteetion of St.
Michael by Joining the guild," No
one coUld desire a dougleeer cham-
pion, remarks a Leinion paper, but the
choice of the Misstate einem, who in
the .early days of the war decided on
Elijah as their patron saint, is per --
haps even more plausible. It le, at
all events, plain that these days have
given an entirely new meaning to the
phrase, "prince of the powers of the
• **
Beat From the Sun.
"One ectuarn yardeof the earth's sur-
face receives each- six -hour clay of
sunshine heat equal to, that in 1.8
pouads of coaL Thus an area of 1,200e
nines receives in a -year energy equine
alent to that obtainable from the 1,1
100,000 tons ot coal Mined annually
in Europe and the United States.
New Bill Give s Municipal-
ities Wide Powers.
May rix Reasona,ble Prices
for Goods.
London, Cable.—The CeVernment 1301
providing prosecution and penalties for
persons guilty of profiteering, the text
of which was made public to -day, em-
powers the Board of Trade to investigate
prices, costs and profits told to Investi-
gate complaints of unreasonable profits,
whether wholesale or retail.
Atter investigation, the Board of Trade
is authorized to declare what is a veils.
onable price and require that the article
be 43 old at that price. /it case of failure
to sell articles at the price speolfied, the
Board Is empowered tto take proceedIng3
egatnet offenders before It court of sum -
mune jurlsdietiOn, which may Inflict Pen -
°Ries not eXceeding a. fine of A1200 or six
Months' imprisonment.
The Board 'rnay require the local auth-
orities to establish local or other cm-
mittees, to whom tile Board may &IC -
gate all its powers with a regulation to
provide right of anneal by dealers from
any meter or decision of the local commit-
tees, and may make provision for the
nrevention Of frivolous coinplitints.
The Board. -of Trade may authorize the
Mesa authorities under prescribed con-
ditions to AnirChaSe and sett any article
to which the Act applies. he Act wilt
continue in force for six months, unleso
Parliarrient-direets otherwise,.
"And shall I be able to play Ute
Milo When my hands •heal?" asked
the weuntled seedier. °Certainly you
will," said Um dotter. "Gee that's
great! I never could before," -los -
ton Trahseript.
Dairy Produce—
Butter, cboice dairy .. $0 50 $0 GO
Do., creamery .. 0 51) 0 05
Marge -Ines lb. .. , „. 0 37 0 40
ieggs, new laid, 4105. • 0 60 0 05
Cibereessestealbr. .„. 0 35 040
Fowl, lb. 0 35 0 40
Chickens, roasting . 45 0 50
. 1 85 2 00
Cautaloupes, each . 0 10 20
BItieberrien bskt. ,. 2 60 3 00
Lawtonberries, box 1)26 0 28
Beaus, belce 0 00
Beets, doz. bchs. 035
Carrots, doz. belts. 0 35
Qabbagee each .010 61.5
Cucumbers, take , 0 75
Celery, head 0 10 0 115
Conti dos. 040
Lettuce, 0 belts. for 0 10 4 4
Onions, lb, „ 013 015
Do., green, beech. 0 05 0 10
Parsley, bunch, , 0 10
Potatoes, bag — 1 50 4,444
Doe new, peck ,. 0 50 0 75
Ithetharb, 3 tor .. 1) 10 • •
11441SheSf 3 buncbee „ 0 10 4 • • 4
Sage, bunch .. 0 05 0 10
Spinach, peek ., — 0 30 .
Squash, each .. 0 25
Savory, butte!' .. • „ 0 05 6"i6
Tomatoes, bakt.. 1 20 1 50
Vegetable marrows, each 0 10 0 15
Beef, forequarters, cwt. e15 50 $17 50
Do„ hinelquarters . . 24 00 26 00
Carcasses, choice, cwt. 20 00 21 00
Da„ medium .. 16 00 39 00
Do., common 11 50 16.00
Veal,- common, cwt. .. 13 00 ° 15 00
,• Do.; medium .. .... 20 00 23 00
• Do, prime ..,. 26 00 26 00
Heavy 1iog, ewt, .... 23 00 .25 00
Slum hogs, cwt„. .. 27 00 20 00
Abattoir hogs, cwt. — 29'00 31 00
• Spring lamb, lb. ,,... 0 28 0 32
The wholesaler -quotations to -the re-
tail trade on 1Canadian refined sugar,
Toronto delivery, are now as follows: •
A.cadia granulated., —100 -bags e10 16,
Do., No, 1 yelloweee.... 9 76
Do., No. 2 yellow s. 9 66
Do., No. 3 yellow e 9 66
Altana? granulated " 10 16
g‘ 9 76-
9 06
, 956
4144 16-
. 976
18 9-66
.1 9 .56.
• t
• • 10 16
if 9713
41 9 Vee
if, 956
" 10 16
" - 976
" 966
Do„ No. 1 yellow
Do., No. 2 yellow
Do., No. 3 yellow
reorninion granulated
Do., Noel yellow
DoNo. 2 yellow
Do., No. 3 yellow
Redpath's granulated
Do., No, 1 yellow
Do., No. yellow.-- .
Do., No. 3 yellow
$t. Lawrence granulated
lice, No. 1 yellow
-Do., No. 2 yellow
Do., No. 2 yellow
Barrels -5c over bags.
Gases -20 5 -lb. cartons 60c, and el)
2-1b. cartons 70c over bags, Gunnies,
5 20 -lb., 40e; 10 10-11), 500 over bags.
Fluctuations on the Wiihnipeg Grain
Exchang were as follows:
Oats-- Open. High. Low. Close,
Oct. .x0 84 0 864. 0 831,4 0 85%
Dee. 0'83% 0 821/2 0 SO% 0 81ee, •
Oct. 182 1 34% 1 31% 133
Dev. 1 27 281/2 1 261/2 1 26%
Flax— • ,
Ovt. 662% e 70 5,60 563
xTo 83nee sold,
'Minneapolis—Flour unchanged; bai-
ley, $1.16 to $1.35; rye, No. 2, $1.441/2;
bran,' $43.00; flax, $6.01 to Ka- te
Iroquois—,At the regular meeting of
Rio Iroquois ,Cheese Board, held ,thi
afternoon, 81e cheese were boarded -
365 colored and 455 white. Johnson
secured six hundred boxes on. the
board at the stated price, 25c, less
freight to Montreal. Tee balance sold
on the street. •I
If .9 06
'Men to .Accept Arbitration
On Wages.
Yorkshire Miners Are Still
London ,Cable — Notwithstanding
the fact that there wee further cont
ferences to -day, the strike Of miners
itt Yorksbire remains unsettled, and
and the social conditions be the come
try as it resuit are becoming -very
The bread strike in some of the
provineial towns has ended, and, at'
though it still contheues in Lowlon,
there is good proseect of a ecttle-
ment to -night, the Bakers' Union
having authorized it resumption of
work individually with employers
who are Willing to minced° the
baker& terms.
The Ministry of Labor is endea-
voring to induce the men to eccept
arbitration on the wage question
and leave the -vexed question ot-
night work to be settled afterwards.
Further, the Ministry, with . the
sanetion of the Cabihet, has prom-
ise(' to introduce it bill in Parlitt,
went providing that night work
shall be compuleorily abolishea two
yeare hence throughout the tottetre•
Tito Bakers' Unioe is recommend-
ing that the. men accept the pros
posed tertioe
To the Best Market in Canada
We Supply cans Ond pay *epeeist Cash weekly,
Write fee earls now.
Don't let your biggest month ga by without bating
Advil:intact° of our prem.
RepretentetIval wented In every lacelity; write ye.
H. N. CARR & CO., Ltd.
KIv Stt East Ham
.01$104411 4
SAPAWISPI 00140111"
OR/kW Oirtir 0004 klinkiMokt
R. 'ironstone
*mows* mo agA,sonv*,
wog to 144* towvos OA*
—Arthur 3.‘. Irwin
D.D.S., L.
Doctor 'or Dental eursery, of the Pettrk-
selvania Collette and Licentiate of Den -
tut Surgery et Ontario,
ClOrlecl mewl We:Theater Afternoon.
• - sefftee In MacdOnaid Mock.
W, R. flarnbior
11.5.., Maio O.M.
Spodol ottOtitton paid. to dtronnon
Wokion.tn& cadre; births
tkkok pootgrodusto work bk Our,
Hem wAt•riology ;ma Seletratilla
heettlietizet. •
0020 In On K417 r011.111103.1 bee
ewe.* the Queen's, Hotel tad. tekte
• 1 uptist Chu
Agee blueness. eV";car.04.4116#01e
1104 Ft.
Dr,,Robt. C. Redmond
leReetee, (Lerei.)
*• (pe. Oafs_ heenl's old stand).
214'radue.te of tinlversity of Toronto,
neulty of Afedictriet Licentiate 42 the
Ontario College of Physicians and
orricm oivrrtA,=g1;
OntoopotIty - War' :irttallty
01163032. Ailltintntont; ot:the,iptfte Ina
*suss' k; $0147..1140:1'0'. Ottwe.
• rioiorthit the motispts
. Ironstmi.sni 001orl OtnollitIO
'Is 'nude, Ittoonts ,sitlooti#00/117
isior•—ort•sdim arid tirfdszyn, idag
fdi • ps,..g. Altrothilindirt;"1 to 11
Or 141111)7- spoila*
.(Undsr GoverntywnListspention),
PligtaWatlY,iltsotetlIrtort.utttnIlr toe
Openeto all anwelang licensed
physielane, Bates for paticate (ivbich
laelude board and nure1ng)-14:00
alS.00 per week, According to limation
of room. For further information—.
nee 223, WIneeem, Ones
. f.
Town and Farm properties. Can -4W
lee mY eat ared get my peke*, hove
*ono snoollonft. trainee.
Ileteteekellele eteeele,.ita !even 'eel%
eSuccessor to J. G. 'STEWART)
P. 0, Ilex 866. Phone 198
John IstumPs rGarcrvi.
PhottetaeOfflee 114: Nosidonas
London, Aug, 10 (Reuter despatch")
—A despatch frein Rawal,Pindi giVegi
details, ot the Angle -Afghan peat°
treats.. While the men et Um -head
arc not to be punished for the mo-
ment, the Afghans are to be given ear
months to show their sincerity to-
warda 13ritain. The only penalty'
Manses are the withdrawal of the
Areir's subsidy and the withdrawal of
Rio privilege of importing 'arms and
munitions froin India. e
The eereinollY or signing tke treaty'
passed off without it hitch.
Geticeal Grant said the treaty would
put an erne to a waaton and uriprofite
able war, preventing further blood -
sited. He Warned the Afghans agelet
it renewal of petty intriguee,
Ali Aimed, the chief Afghan dele.
gate, in a sturdy ePeeell, declared Af-
ghan friendship was as essential t*
Britain as 13ritainet was to the At -
Pire Clay Substitttte.
The great resistance to heat of or-
dinary real ash has tmegeSted the tise
of thia material- for fire bricke lit
place of fire elay. •It is 'claimed that
a suitable binder has been peoVided
in a iteW proeeas, and seyeral thous-
' and experimental brielks already Made
are beitig tested, both fts,, h. fireproof
, building Material and as a furnace
• "NV 11 at' a that DliVatO all evened up
• %bent? Ite ballet any medals ott
hint." "Well, you tee he Wee eh orniy
enolt, and ttll tho girls in 'Went trent
10 flurry hint,"..4udge.