HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-18, Page 3Repteniber :I 8'
t Utz,, 1'411at0 of Sir Riciltard
In.. letter frons Ottawa dealing with
'the personality of leading members of
rt anient upon both sides of , the
'ougee1� (he'IGGlobecorlespondent Maims
thcr $lpltowiig reference to Sir Richard
art Wright; •
'hut it to upon a veteran actor in this
Heid th at attention is mainly- cOncFn-
redfor the moment, For more than
a quarter of a cantoSir Richard
'artwtri ht hat) ,bes ak orce in Cana-
dian pahtica.and a dons ictt'aue figure
in our Parliament. o has 'made
strong friends and' he bas aroused bit-
ter en amine.. He his asked' no quarter
from•,bis opponents and be has given
little. some have said and more have
thought thathe lacked tact and was
inellclentin the art of polit•icalmanage-
ment. A strong, aggressive politician,
intolerant of cheap subterfuges and
setting a low estimate on the value of
humbug, he took his swarth squarely
across the field and his keen scythe
cut mercilessly through every ohetruc-
tion. All this time it waa well known
that he . could be a genial comrade,
that in every stress and crisis of him
'career his loyalty to his associates had
been beyond suspicion, and that he
had magnificent capacity for .public
service. Well, Sir Richard Cartwright,
after a long, weary time in Opposition,
defeated for election after election by
arts and means which he felt the Can-
adian people ought to have resisted, is
back in office, and there are gratifying
signs that he is to receive justice at the
hands of his fellow countrymen. He
is- showing an admirable geniality,
handling deputations with tact, cour-
tesy arid consideration, and manifest-
ing a strength and resource in debate
that is evoking the enthusiasm of his
.friends and the open admiration of
the Opposition benches. It is a fact
that the greatest speeches that are
made in the Commons are made by
Mr Laurier. These are made at rare
intervals, in the crises of Parliament-
ary conflict, and their impression upon
Parliament and upon the country is
enduring. But the average of Sir
Richard Cartwright's speaking is high-
er than that of any other man in Par-
liament, except, perhaps, MrMcCar-
thy; and while Mr McCarthy may be
his equal, he is not his superior in
-power of sustained reasoning and in
the use of clear, strong, exact business
English. Ab to his gifts of speech, the
,present session has revealedd no more
than was already beyond question. It
is now to be shown that the country
has not well understood the Minister
of Trade, that he has been the victim
of mistaken criticism, that he is th.
'zealous and well informed friend of
the business interests, that he is a
British -Canadian whose devotion to
his country ie beyond reproach, a pub-
lic man of incorruptible integrity and
.this at least never was disputed --land
that he has a capacity for public use-
fulness not exceeded by any otherman
in Parliament.
And the Misery it Causes
The kidneys cannot talk and the only
way they have of letting us -know when
they are sick is by making our backs ache.
If it is only a little aohe the kidneys are
only a little sick. If it is a big, peace- de-
stroying, nerve -ranking ache, the kidneys
are more than a little sink. In either case
it must be attended to at once.
Doan's Kidney Pills aot directly on the
kidneys, make them strong and healthy,
and stop aching backs in every case.
Here is a sample case.
Mrs R. S. Gagen, Clinton, Ont., says,
"Since I was 19 years of age I have suf-
fered from lame beck and other kidney
troubles whiob seemed to become worse as
I grew older.
Although I had taken a great deal of
medicinehoping to get relief I am sorry to
say that none of the medicines I tried were
successful. However, I am now happy to
etate that the Doan's Kidney Pills which I
bought at Allen & Wilson's drug store
proved the remedy I had so long been
searching for.
"They were fast what I needed because I
commenced to improve at ones after taking
them, and now do not hesitate to say that
every vestige of pain bas been- removed
from my bank, and also that I am in mnbh
better health in other ways aft a result of
using these remarkable pills."
The total 'money paid out by the A.
O. U. W. Society since organization,
for deaths, amounted to the enormous
sum of 888,783.583.03.
Loose olothes and downy cushions bring
only a negative sort of comfort to the wo-
men who is saffering from some disease or
derangement of the organs distinctly femi-
nine. Some clothes and some positions
make the pain and d:soomfort seem less.
Perhaps the nerves are most affected and
this in tarn disturbs the digestion. No-
thing will ever completely relieve but e
radical cure. The start of so-called "ta-
male complaints" may be a very slight
thing inded. It may be that in the be-
ginning some small hygienic measures
would atop the trouble. Certainly at this
time, a little bit of the right medicine
would stop it. When the trouble becomes
worse, it is herder to onre, but still it can
be cored. Dr. Pierce', Favorite Prescrip-
tion will positively ware any trouble of this
character. It may be absolutely relied up-
on. It affords lasting relief to a woman
whose natural modesty has kept her from
eoneniting a physician.
Send 81 Dents in one•oent stamps to
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y., and reoeive Dr. Pierce's
1008 page "Common Sense Medical Ad-
viser," profaeely illustrated.
Diamond Dyes Give the Richest
The manufacturers of the jaetly popular
Diamond Dyes constantly avail themselves
of every improvement in the manufacture
of dye -stuffs,' thus giving to home dyers
all over the world each and every advan-
tage possessed by the largest manniactur-
ere on earth.
Have you tried the Diamond Dye Fast
Delrk Green, Diamond Dye Fast Olive
Green, add. Diamond Dye Fast Bottle
Green? For the dyeing Of Wool and Silk
goods, these Greens are certainly triumphs
of Aaienee. '
For' the coming Autumn, the above
()Wend with their varied gh$des--Bunter's
Green, Myrtle Green ,Bronze Green, Rns-
Men Green and Old Green—will be all the
ttige fbr YMr ieir attitt osnd'',,drbtlies. Use
only ihe."Df Mttiotldt'' Ind you, ltl surely
get flit( bbiir r'eititfis initlloiooir
' .�-d'1�,1 t P1:�� �
By the Persistent Utle of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak-
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic andblood-purifier, and, in-
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it."—Mrs. S. A.
FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pals Regulate the Liver.
"What was it that broke up the firm?"
"The two type -writer girls got toquar-
reling, and the partners took sides."
She—Everybody says you married
me only for my money. He—But I
didn't, dear. I know you look it, dear,
but I didn't.
Miss Snowflake—Does yo' believe in
wishbones? Mr Jackson—W'y yes its
a sign ob exceptional luck to hab a
fresh one in your pocket every day or
"Did old Grum ey make much of a
kick when yon asked him for his daugh-
ter?" Did he make much of a kick?
The doctor says I am threatened with
curvature of the spine."
"You don't mean to say that that
stingy old maid has given you ten
marks for telling her fortune?" "In-
deed I do. I told her she would meet
with an accident before she was twenty-
four years old."
"Isn't the country air perfectly love-
ly?" The Modern Girl shrugged her
shoulders coldly. "Oh, I dont know,"
she rejoined; I had my wheel inflated
with it this morning, and I ddn't no-
tice much difference."
"One cf the hardest things in mak.
ing a speech," said the old campaigner,
"is to say just what you mean.' "Yee,"
was the reply, "that's pretty hard.
But once in a while it's a good deal
harder to mean just what you say."
"This here piece of paper makes use
o' the word 'superfluity' several times."
remarked the man who was sitting on
the empty soap box. "Now, what do
ye take superfluity to be?" "I dunno's
I kin exackly tell it," answered the
man with twine suspenders, "but I
sense it all right enough." "Kin ye
illustrate it?" "M' yes, I reckon I kin.
Superfluity is a good deal the same
thing ez a feller's wearin' a necktie
when he's got a full beard."
Minton. of !loves.
Over 26,000,000 pairs of gloves are
need fflnnally is this country, three-
fourths of that number being worn by
ladies, at an annual expenditure of not
less than $10,000,000. Of the large num-
ber of imported gloves, the principal
supplies oome from Grenoble and Paris,
In France, Worcester, In England, from
Brussels, in Belgian,, and from Copen-
hagen, in Denmark. For dogskin gloves
the English manufacturers surpass all
There Are.
"Are there not times," said a man
entering the n0lco of a busy editor,
"when yon can write butter than at other
' Yea."
"Ah, I thought so. That men who
write are affected by their environment I
have no doubt Now, tell me, when can
you write the hest?"
"When I nm alone," replied tlealiter.
Charles Iles, a man of about forty
years of age, who for npWnr'ls of 20
years had been a clerk in the registry
office, Woodstock, was found dead on
the court house steps early Thursday
Is invalpable, if you are run
down as it Is a food as well as
a medicine.
The D. & L. Emulsion
Will build you np if your general health is
The D. & L. Emulelon
is the best and most palatable preparation of
Cod Liver 011, agreeing with the most deli-
cate etonlaohs.
Tho b. & L. Emultgion
Isprescribed by the leading physicians of
Tho D. & L. Emulsion
Is a marrielieuti',$eeth. anxbioer and will give
you an appetite.
606.* $i per Dottie
Besnrelouget I.poi ikl,Aiiad.'cli.tate.
, thaAlaigeanlay .
0$106 Of IntAteSte
IT WASN'T " OATOlIING."-'-A story is
going the round of a lady school teach-
er in Huron, who having an inordin-
ate fear of contagious diseases, sent a
little &theme) because she said her
mother was sic* and 14ivi s t:WA: s of
something alarming, Te next day
the' ehild'priiienherself at school,'
her "flnger'in her Mouth and her little
bonnet hangin by the string and said:
"We got alit le baby at our house,
but mamma told me to tell you it isn't
IT Is FRAUD.—Thos latest postal laws
are each that newspaper 'publishers
can arrest anyone for fraud who takes
the paper And refuses to pay for it.
Under thio law the man who allows
his sugscription to run along for some
time unpaid, then orders it discontin-
ued or orders the postmaster to mark
it "refused" and have a postal card
sent notifying the publisher, lays him-
self Liable to arrest and fine, same as
for theft.
al shows were first held in Holland,
and were introduced into England by
King William of Orange. He made
popular in England the idea of a period
ical festival, which was made largely
agricultural. The idea was followed
up and elaborated by Sir William
Temple, In England, and Dean Swift,
in Ireland. At that time they had
three day shows. The first was for
athletics. The young folk were to
run, wrestle and dance for prizes. The
second day was for manufacturers,
and the third day for live stock.
may honestly differ in matters of poli-
tics, religion and of m'elicin', but there
is uo room for any difference of opin-
ion in the matter of the plain duty of
every citizen to stand by home insti-
tutions. Patronize home industries,
should be the motto. Let everybody
with a dollar to spend remember every
cent spent at home helps to swell the
volume of currency in the local chan-
nel of trade, and every interest in the
town and every dweller in it is bene-
fitted by the impetus given to local
trade by plenty of money freely cir-
culated. One dollar in the course of a
day pays many dollars of debt, and
every dollar taken from the trade of
our town and spent to swell the cur-
rency of another is a direct blow to
home interest. The prosperity of each
is bound up in the prosperity of all,
and no individual can escape bis share
of responsibility for the result. To
criticise the methods of those who are
trying to advance home interests is
not as conducive to good as to take off
one's own coat and put a shoulder to
the wheel and all push together. Stand
by home industries, patronize home
merchants, and be willing that all
shall receive a fair profit for their la-
bor. Society is a partnership of inter-
ests in which all are entitled to receive
a share of the profits, and in advancing
the common welfare, the day laborer
and the money lender are alike under
obligations to do their share according
to their ability.
The cream of
purest Norwegian
cod-liver oil, with
adapted to the
weakest digestion.
—Almost as
palatable as milk.
Two sues -60 cents and $1.00
SCOTT Qts BOWNB. 'Belleville. Ont
It is somewhat remarkable that since
June 23 Canada has won the champion
oarmanahip of the world, the interna-
tional cricket match, the half -raters
(boating) international match, the in-
ternational canoe race, the it .erua-
tional yacht race, the four -oared cham-
pionship ofjAmerica, the Kolapor cup
with the rifle, the Queen's prize at
Snorburyness with the big gun, and
the international golf match. Any-
thing else to win?
A liver pill that is small and sure, that
acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that
does not gripe. Laxa Liver Pills possess
these qualities, being composed of strictly
vegetable laxative and liver medicines, and
are a sure Dura for Liver Complaint, Con-
stipation, Sick Headache, eta.
One of the pioneer residents of Kent,
John Waddick, who for a great num-
ber of years has resided in Raleigh,
died on Thursday, after a long illness,
at the age of 78 years.
The Wallaceburg fire brigade ran an
excursion to Sarnia bicycle races. The
citizens did not patronize it, and the
firemen fell 814 behind. In disgust all
the members have sent in their resig-
It it understood that our friend
John McMillan, of South Huron, will
succeed Dr. Sproule as chairman of
the committeeon Agriculture and Col-
onization. Thle is on the principle of
"To the victors belong the spoils,"—
Toronto World.
We should say that this was most
emphatically on the principle of the
choice of the AtteQt. From what we
have seen of Dr. Sproule's farming out
north, and from what we have seen
and heard of himself he has little to
qualify him for the chairmanship of a
committee on agriculture- On the
other hand, from what we have seen
of Mr MoMillan'e farming in Huron
county, and from all that is known of
him in that connection there is no fit-
ter man in the House for the position
in question. Mitchell Recorder.
B-eldse a largo representation Irom Chatham
and vicinity, students from the following places
have registered at the '
The Canada Business College
Since the opening day on Tuesday last, Holy-
ro «d; Dresden; Galt; Sheds/3i; Deeltown• Rat
Portage: Wbeatlot; Hanover; Davis, Web.; Ruth-
erford; Wardevllle; Petrolea; Bankston, Crathie;
Detroit, Luoan; Duart; Geet Colinvllte; Wroxe-
ter; Preston; aeaforth,
By another week this list will t e largely increas-
ed, and it affords the most convincing evidence
tha.. young men and women In all parts of Cana-
da and the United States, are fully alive tothe
Importanoe of making a wise choice in the setae -
eon of a tonere from which to b0 graduated,
which means a sneoesstnl start in life.
'Iryiesise,w11i attdnd no otiaer.
Bol oe,teads:le of either- department address
D, r ,0.40,Rir if �'1pi;Cih�tih>�lllX,
Arthur Prentiss was found guilty at
the Oobourg Assizes of the murder of
Mr Thomas Lingard, and sentenced by
Ohanceller Boyd to be hanged on Dec.
17. The jury addeda recommendation
of mercy to their verdict.
No other remedy oared Sommer Com-
plaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, eta., so
promptly and quiets pain so quickly as Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild StFawberry. It
is a pocket doctor for tourists, travellers,
A somewhat curious and noteworthy
collection has lately been offered for
sale to the authorities of the British
Museum. A Canadian gentleman has
expended a vast amount of patience,
and shown considerable perseverance.
in gathering a collection of buttons of
officers of every rogiment and depart-
ment of the British Army. The col-
lection, which comprises 148 buttons,
haft taken nine years for its formation,
and the owner wrote 584 lettere to all
parts of the globe in pursuit of his
Ladles are fond of Elegance
In Underwettr.
Upwards of fifty years ago Frank
and Andrew Brooks worked together
in their home in Ireland. They were
at that time about twenty years of age.
Afterwards Frank left for America and
the men, who were cousins, heard no-
thing of each other and until some
months ago believed each other dead.
Last winter Prank, at Alymer, Ont„
heard of Andrew Brooks, gardener to
Sir Richard Cartwright, at Kingston,
and correspondence developed the fact
that they were the long -separated cou-
sins. Accompanied by his wife, Frank
came to Kingston last week, and they
have been enjoying a very pleasant
time as the guests of their cousin.
The meeting, after a long lapse of
years, was decidedly interesting, and
the aged gentlemen, each about 70,
have spent many hours recalling the
Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it
FOR 12
You simply treat the Eggs with
PRESERVER, and lay them away
in a basket or box.
CUES!'. "
Vit ror book givfnd tail information, fee
of charge.
ICt'b1C Ste I y ALLEN leWWU $E
' r
and she who understand the
virtues contained in a fill; pure
Wool article, exqul$itfvely finished,
will buy the 44 Health Safes"!,
both for herself and her ebildxeh.
Every doctor in the Dominion,
says,—do not wear underwear
with cotton in it --do not wear
anything but fine, soft, pure 'wool
next your ikie, which will not
irritate and will absorb.
"Health Brand"
Has been before the public now
for seven years and every day, the
Bat of those who wear it, has been
added to, until we can count
thousands who wonl wear any-
thing else but this. If you study
yourhealth, your comfort and your
safety. Ask for the 'Health Brand'
For sale by Gilroy & Wiseman and Hodgens Brothers.
Nothing succeeds like success. We started in business near!
two years ago, and have made a success of our venture. We
started out with a new stock of first-class Groceries, and a cash
principle, and have built up a
STILL—we can do more, and in order to do so we are enlarg-
ing our store and putting in a plate glass front. When complet-
ed we will have a store second to none. Have you tried our
CREAM BAKING POWDER, 20c per lb. Tin
The up-to-date Cash Grocery
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23.
BETTER THAN GOLD le a Course in
or Shorthand
Forest City Business & Shorthand College, London, Ont
the whole of the third floor of the new Y. M. C. A. building is being speedily filled up for oar
work. With increased facilities, coarse strengthened and revised, we will easily maintain the re-
putation earned as being the Model Business Training School of Canada. Drop as a postal for
catalogue and partionlars. College reopens September
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal
The Best
The Money
You do not know what you miss by not nsing the above Tea.
Every customer using it is a pleased customer.
Our line of Staple Goode is complete, and prices will be found as low as
is consistent with honest goods and honest dealing.
For a few weeks we will have a choice collection of House
Plants from the Benmiller GreenlHouse, which we will sell
at a very reasonable prioe. Call and get prices.
NearPostOffice--CENTRAL GROCERY—Telepholae -;0
Keeps the largest assortment of newest goode.
Quality fine and prices low in;,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware
TEAS—Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will eat.
from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of Tea peddlers. Com-
pare quality and prices.
SUGARS—We are headquarters, we bny direct from'Montreal refiners. Keep best
quality and sell at oldse prices.
SPECIAL BA11GA.1NS-3pounds Evaporated Peaches for 25o. 3 lbs Evapor
ated Apples for 25o. 5 lbs Prunes for 25o, 28 Ib Box Raisins for 811
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps -We have to make room for oar
Imported Goods, and have reduced oar prides on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet
Sets, Berry Sete, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cuptiaand Barmen .nd
Lampe of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to
We keep in stock
and make to order
Wagons and Buggies
which we g,tarantee to be
first class in every particular.
Nothing hitt the best material use
Em.a _ olliatlon from Pain
pr. LeRoy's Female Pills.
The only reliable and trustworthy rase
i>f�teton known. safest. sums and most
�od1hlo1 etyma
if."tit tVLAM". 8t, ?WOOL Can.
i oaii giola by Akan & Wo on • .
Clinton Planing Mill
The snbscriber, having the yery latest improvedmae1l�1nory, and employing the moatekllled,work•:
men le ,able to do work in hie line in the Meet
satiefentoii manner, M ieaeobable rates Bol'
6k the shortest notice, f A trial collated
PAOPOiir ft111A1v-o.T , IMATIO11,'Ordillfiol
TROs nicauszts
! ' n 1,