HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-18, Page 2ti.
S ptelnber 1 R, 189(4
Unton tw Om
FRXDAY, SEPT. 16. 1896.
The imports into Great Britain
from Canada increased 81 per cent dur-
ing August, as compared with August
Of 1885. The imports from Canada for
g) t months
cent. £1,400,000, or
The Liberals are to be commended
for having absolished liquor from the
House of Commons. Not only have
they closed the bar, but orders have
been issued that absolutely no liquors
are to be sold, so far as the House of
Commons is concerned.
13y the death of Judge Lacousse, of
Waterloo, the country saves $2,000 a
year. Under the law drawn up by Sir
Oliver Mowat, the county will in fu-
ture have but one judge. Hitherto
there have been two. The junior judge
will now do all the work without in-
crease in salary.
Sir ,Oliver Mowat, as Minister of
Justice, has decided that a number of
contracts for militia clothing and other
things made by the late Government
are illegal, and they will, therefore, be
annulled. He has also decided that in
cases where an office is abolished the
officer is not entitled to superanuation
The House witnessed a lively scene
on Thursday when Mr Lister made
some insinuations against Sir Charles
Tupper while he was High Commis-
sioner, and also against one of the
. loans contracted by Mr Foster, Both
these persona warmly repudiated the
:: insinuations, and Mr Lister withdrew
Mr Laurier has intimated that if
the United States does not repeal its
alien labor law, Canada will introduce
one. This is retaliation. But is it
wise, The American law is an absurd
one, and should never have been put
on a statute book, but is it wise to fol-
low a bed example just for the sake of
Learning that the wife of the late
Mr John Clark, his predecessor in the
representation of North Grey, had
been left in indifferent financial cir-
cumstances, Hon. William Paterson
promptly presented her with his ses-
sional allowance of 01,000. This gen-
erous act is highly appreciated in North
The Orange Sentinel remarks that
"Hon. Mr Fisher }las given evidence of
his ability to fill the office he holds,
which is one of the roost important in
the Cabinet."
Mr Laurier stated in the House that
the Government intended to offer the
portfolio of the Interior to some gen-
tleman tram the Northwest. He was
not prepared to state who or when.
The six Conservative alderman of St.
Thomas who refused to aid in the civic
reception to the representative of the
Queen and his wife, are feeling pretty
small to -day. Discourtesy shown to
the Governor -Genet al cannot hurt him,
but it places those who show it in their
proper class.
The government through the Depart-
ment of Trade and Commerce have
sent out the following circular to man-
ufacturers:— Gentlemen: In connection
with the coming revision of the tariff
it is desirable that the government
should be in possession of all possible
information in regard to the manufac-
tures of Canada, and I will be obliged
if you will at your earliest convenience
furnish me with a list of the of the ar-
ticles manufactured by your company,
together with the quantities and val-
ues of each produce in 1896.
The Brandon, Sun, Liberal, At-
torney -General Sifton's organ, in an
article evidently inspired, says: Hon.
Mr Sifton will go east this week to
convey to the Government the result
of the schooleconterence last week. It
is not unlikely that the basis of settle-
ment has been found agreeable to the
Local Government. If so, there is the
beet ground for the belief that the
Council of the Dominion Government
has already been notified, and, there-
fore it is but a question of a short time
before the public may look for the
announcement of a satisfactory settle-
ment of the School question, and its
removal from the arena of politics.
A writer to the Hamilton Times says:
—"We want more business men and
less politicians at Ottawa, men who
will conduct the business on business
principles, not solely on party lines.
This ought to be one of the beat count-
ries to live in. Its resources are great,
and with honest men to govern, Cana-
da would be a cheap place to live in,
as far as taxes are concerned. Ther e
is no need of piling up millions of debt.
We ought and could live within the re-
venue collected every year. Then we
would find our country filling up,
when men found out that they were
not taxed to death.
Mr Emerson Coatsworth was defeat-
ed as the Tupper candidate for Parlia-
ment in East Toronto, but Sir Charles
undertook to provide shelter for his
faithful henchman by appointing him
a commissioner to revise and consol-
idate the Dominion statutes, at a Wary
of $1,000 per year. The new Govern.
went has cancelled the appointment,
on the ground that Parliament had
not sanctioned it, and the order ap-
plies equally to Jude Baby,Chairman,
and Mr R. V. Sinclair of Ottawa, Secre-
tary. There was no urgency about
these appointments, and Tupper had
no right to make them. Coatsworth
had his innings while his friends were
in office, and why should he be quart-
ered upon the country after they went
In some of the comment upon the ab-
olition of the bar adjacent to the House of
Commons there et en implication that the
proceeding is merely formal or farcical
and that the praotioe will be unchanged.
Nothing could be farther from the troth.
The authorities have resolved that there
Shall be no resort for drinking in the part
of the building they oontre], and thia reso-
lution will be carried qut in substance and
not merely in form. A perverted ingenuity
may suggest evasions of the law in con-
neotion with the rise of lignor at meals, or
in some other way, but if any attempt of
the kind ie made it will be met and dealt
with ter that the spirit of the new regulation
will be obaerved. There will be no ere%
thing as turning the reetanrant into a
saloon upon the pretext of buying a biscuit
or a sandwloh. The authorities do not
propose to make farcical regulations.
The `Cultivateur,' Mr Tarte's organ,
referring to government patronage,
says: "There are certain rules which
no political party can think of ignor-
ing, and one of these rules is that the
contract's which entail a certain expen•
diture must be given to the lowest ten-
derers. We trust that the Laurier
Government will strictly follow this
rule. It 1s possible that there may be
complaints, that dissatisfaction may
even be expressed, but again we re-
peat that the people of Canada have
entrusted the present Cabinet with
the administration of their affairs in
order that such an administration
should be carried out honestly, and
the first duty of Mr Laurier and his
colleagues is to remember their en-
The report of Sir Oliver Mowat against
passing the list of new Q. O. a drawn up by
the late Government was laid beforeParlie-
mdnt last night. Bir Oliver says that 481
Q. 0. s have been appointed since Confed-
eration—all by Conservative authority—
and that the addition of 178 would be an
enormous and startling number. In Eng-
- land,he adds therein only 217 Q.C.sall told
Sir Oliver reoonfinended that no com-
missions meanwhile be Waned because there
war doubts to to the right of the Dominion
to appoint. He tatsorts that the list eab-
1 mitted by the late Government is disap-
proved of even by aoree named in it, and
that the selections vette not made upon the
basis of personal or professional merit.
• Furthermor'e,.lie contends thd't the whole -
010 end indiscriminate selection would
• he a elegredetion'ot the office and a griev-
ance As regardm Ilio bar. generally, instead
Of being x well -sliced honor tel these re•
ti erred
ai ant heti i d
. ''Ili b r
i ti#1�� o "n e 111
on. .
Crisp County Clippings
Crisp County Clippings.
Mr Tbos, Brownlee has been re -en -
Mut Rebecca McNair Is re-engaged gaged as teacher of No. 4 school Tuck -
in No. 10 Union school, Howick and, at an increase of salary,
Wallace, for next year. � Rev. A. Y. Hartley of Bluevale bas
Mr Wm Holden brickmailer, Oredi- leased Mrs Tuft's residence atBelgrave
ton sold one hundred and forty thous- and will remove there shortly.
and brick for building purposes.
Mise Ella McNeil, formerly of Grey
township, has been engaged as teacher
at llletivan, Man., at a salary of $4'1.50
per month.
Mr E. Bower, of Ashfield, has a tur-
key hen that has already this summer
laid 103 eggs, and as yet shows no signs
of giving tap the job.
A. K. McAllister, Morris, left on
Monday for a trip through Rainy River
die: riot, He may remove there if the
country is agreeable to him.
On Wednesday 2nd inst., at Ingersol,
Mr John Atkinson and Miss Annie
Horton, both of Exeter, were united in
the the holy bonds of matrimony.
It is said that Peter Watson has sold
his fine 100 -acre farm, 16 con., Grey, to
hie eon -in-law, James Sholdice, for the
sum of $5,000. Mr Watson retains
possession until next spring.
Master Lionel Linklater, of Morris,
met with a painful accident last week.
He was playing with the dopa, which
suddenly became frantic, and jumping
at his face cut him severely.
The Smith Bros., of the 12th con. of
West Wawanosh, threshed on Thurs-
day last, the product of 100 acres, be-
tween twelve and thirteen hundred
bushels of grain. This is a pretty good
A young son of Mr John Essery, Ds.
borne met with a very painful accident
on Tuesday last. The little fellow was
playing around the barn yard when
a colt lc,ucked him in the face, breaking
the lower jaw badly.
On Tuesday morning editor Brown,
of the Wingham Times, had the mis-
fortune to get his hand caught in the
Gordon press, resulting in two broken
fingers, which will necessitate left-
handed editorials for a few issues.
Says the Montreal WItness:—
"Mr Mills, the Liberal statesman,
who is a recognized constitutional
authority, was triumphantly declared
by the Conservative press to haVe ad-
vised Mr Laurier not to accept the re-
sponsibility for the Governor -Generals
couree in declining the advice of the
Tupper Government. The Conserva-
tive press professed to regard Mr Mills'
opinion as of the greatest weight, and
they declared be had declined to en-
ter Mr Laurier's Government be-
cause of his views on this question,
When, therefore, the Conservative
press is told by Mr Mills that there Is
not a particle of foundation for the
story, it will surely come to the con-
clusion that Sir Charles Tupper and Mr
Foster are pursuing a mistaken and
bad course in forcing a quarrel over the
Governor -General's action with the
Liberal party."
Liberals everywhere are delighted
with the excellent generalship display-
ed by Premier Laurier in the House.
He is realizing every promise held out
concerning him. Whether it be in de-
bate or in directing the business of the
House, he shows the same capacity,
the same masterly confidence. He ne-
ver forgets that he is a statesman, oc-
cupying the highest office in the gift of
his countrymen. So far Mr Laurier's
government is affording every ground
for satisfaction. It goes about the bus-
iness of the country in a business -like
way. The Manitoba school question
which has kept this country in a tur-
moil for so long, is practically settled,
although the Government has been in
power for but a few weeks. The pt o-
hibition question is in a position that
is entirely satisfactory to even Prohib-
itionists. The tariff question, we are
assured, will receive every considera-
tion between this session and the next
one, and from the capaciey for busin-
ess the Government has already shown
the people have every confidence that
when it comes to be dealt with, it will
be in a satisfactory and business -like
manner. Mr Laurier and bis Govern-
ment are doing well. Let them perse-
vere in their well -doing.
Mrs David Dorranceof Seafortii, who
has been so long ill, is not getting any
better and she is not expected to last
Constipation, causes more than halt th
ills of women. B,arl'.a Clover Root Tea is.
a pleasant mare for Constipation. Sold by
J. H. Combe, Gunton,
Mr Q. McDonald. formerely of Bruce -
field, has secured a station on the Man-
itoba and North, Western Railway.
Huron boys ate aIwaye to the front.
Win Milne has sola the whit mill at
Ethel to H. F. McAllister. Mr Milne
has also disposed of the saw mill and
will shortly move his family to Trout
Mr McDonald, Hotel keeper, Blue -
vale, is in very critical condition. By
the breaking of a pop bottle, six weeks
ago, his arm was cut and it has never
Mr John Mc0aa has sold his stylish
new residence on West Mainstreet Eg•
mondville, to Mr John Landesborough
of Tuckeremitb, for the snug sum of
Mr Robert Habkirk has purchased
the Johnston farm on the 4th conces-
sion of McKillop, paying for it $4000.
This is the old homestead farm which
his father took up and cleared.
Mrs Robert Logan, of Seaforth, re-
ceived a telegram on Monday, announ-
cing the death of her sister, Mrs Henry
Flockhart, on Sunday last at Sualt Ste
Marie. The deceased lady has been in
declining heatlh for some time.
Before going on a sea -voyage or into the
country, be sure and put a box of Ayer's
Pills in you valise. Yon may have occa-
sion to thank us for this hint. To relieve
constipation, biliousness and nausea, Ayer's
Pills are the best in the world. They are
also easy to take.
Mrs 0. W. Andrews, of Gerrie,- has
beeninavery dangerouscondition. The
illness was due to an abscess in the face,
which broke on Monday and she is now
improving. She is a sister-in-law of
the Methodist minministers atLondes-
boro and Holmesville.
A very quiet wedding was conducted
in Mount Forest on Wednesday, the
contracting parties being Mr Short -
reed, of Hermiston, formerly in the em-
ploy of T, E. Walker, Wingham, and
Miss Charlotte Grey,one of Wingham's
popular young ladies. They expect to
take up their residence in London.
During the heavy thunderstorm last
Sunday morning, Mr Jacob Haberer,
Zurich, had four calves killed in the
field by lighhtning. He did not dis-
cover the dead animals until evening.
He estimates the loss at about $35, as
they were about nine months old and
good ones,
Why suffer with sour stomaoh, sick
headache, weakness of the back, pain be-
tween the shoulder blades, feeling° of de-
pression, insomnia, indigestion, and the
numerous sufferings that come from a
sluggish and disordered liver when yon can
obtain a sure and positive Imre in Wright's
Liver and Stomach Pills, Get a box with-
out further delay from Allen & Wilson,
druggist, Clintt,n.
One day a last week a'valuablehorse
belonging to MrJobn,Ford, Lake Road,
ran into a gang plow, the handle enter-
ing the animal's side about eight inch-
es, near the front leg, causing a very
painful wound. A mare belonging to
Mr Wm Penhale„ Stephen met with
a very similar accident white pasturing
in the fleld last week, a snag running
into her shoulder several inches.
Mrs John Hoffman, Wingham, met
with an accident while about her
household duties on Monday- She was
doing some cleaning to the cupboard,
and was standing on a cane bottom
chair. The cane gave way, letting her
foot through the chair, when she made
a grab to save herself from falling
pulling the cupboard over on herself.
The cupboard was filled with dishes,
which were almost all broken. Mrs
Roffman received a number of bruises
and quite a shaking up.
The Montreal Gazette is coustrained
to admit that Mr Laurier "fills the po-
sition of leader of the House with
grace and dignity." It adds: "His
natural urbanity of disposition and
anxiety to please serve him in good
stead. His manner is propitiatory,
and he is not averse to making a com-
promise with the Opposition when the
two sides of the House are not of the
same mind about the conduct of the
public business. He has a pleasant
word for every body, and may now
and again be seen In friendly converse
with leaders of the Opposition on the
Conservative Bide of the House." As
a leader Mr Laurier makes friends ev-
en in the Opposition ranks.
Britain's debt is now 500 millions
less than in 1978, and the interest
charge is about 15 millions less. Can-
ada's debt is about 178 millions more
than in 1878, and the annual interest
charge about four millions greater,
Britain has enjoyed free tade; Canada
has been "protected."
When from over -work, possibly assisted
by en inherited wertkneis, the health fails
end rest or medial treatment const be rc-
serted to; then no ffuediaif a oan be employ
ed with the canna beneficial ratite to
Tired Feeti n
Mattes you seem "all broken ap," with-
out lite, ambition, energy or appetite.
It le often the forerunner of . serious ill-
ness, or the accompaniment of nervone
troubles. It Is a positive proof of thin,
weak, Impure Olean; for, if the blood is
tidb, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im-
parts life and energy to every nerve,
organ and tisane of the body. The
neoossity of taking Rood's Sarsaparilla
for that tiro feeling 1s theretoreapppzent
to every one, and thegood it will do you
is equally beyond gaestlon. Remember
The many friends of the late Alexan•
der Ingram, of the township of Hay,
will regret to learn of his death, which
occurred on Thursday of last week at
his residence, lot No. 12, 2nd conces-
sion, Hay at the age of 75 years. The
deceased was a native of Aberdeenshire
Scotland. and emigrated to this coun-
try over 50 years ago. He located on
his fine 50 acre farm on the London
road, a little north of Hensall, nearly
50 years ago, when he moved on to the
present fine 100 acre homestead where
he continued until his death. In re-
ligion he was a Presbyter fan, in politics
a Reformer. He leaves his widow and
two sons and six daughters to mourn
his death.
A meeting of the rural-decanal chap-
ter of Huron was held at Seaforth on
Friday laat. Rev. Rural Dean Hod -
gine presided, and the following mem-
here were present: Revs. Turnbull, of
Goderich; Higley, of Blyth; Lowe, of
Wingham, Bray, of Exeter; Mills, of
Hensall; Stout, of Clinton; Griffin, of
Brussels; and Messrs Metcalf, Maxwell,
Bulger, Day and Holmeeted. Several
matters affecting the work of the
diocese were discussed, and the follow-
ing committee elected to visit the sev-
eral mission parishes: Rev. Rural Dean
Hodgins, Chairman; Revs. Turnbull
and Lowe, and Messrs Holmeeted and
Ransford. The meeting then adjoined
to meet in Exeter at the call of the
rural dean,
A daring burglary was committed in
the township of Morris on Friday
night last. The burglar made his en-
trance into the houseof Mr C.G.Came
bell through the cellar. Mre Campbell
awoke while he was going through the
drawers of the dressing -case in their
bedroom, but was afraid to awaken
her husband until after he was gone.
He took Mr Campbell's pants from be-
side his bed, from which he carried off
a silver dollar, a plug of tobacco and a
penny. After he had left the room Mrs
Campbell aroused her husband, but
the thief had made his escape. The
same nigh tMrA Campbell's house was
entered. and between two and three
dollars stolen. From there the marau-
ders went to the home of Mr R. Mac-
Guire. They forced an entrance into
the cellar, but as there was no inside
connection with the house, they were
unable to gain and entrance.
The Financial District meeting of the
Methodist church, Wingham District,
was held at Kincardine, on Wednes-
day, Sept. 3rd. Rev Dr Gifford, of
Wingham, presided, and Rev LB.Wal-
win, B. A., of Lucknow, filled his office
as Financial Secretary. The spiritual
aspect of the District received special
attention. Class leaders Conventions
are to be held at central points ;during
the year and an Epworth League and
Sunday School Conventions is to take
place in Wingham during the eerily
A long and eventful life was brought
to a close on Monday, Sept. 71b, when
James Ferguson passed away, in his
87th year, at the residence of his son•
in-law, S. Irvine, lot 6, con. 6, Morris.
His father settled in Lanark Co., there
being at that time only one log house
in what is now known as the town of
Perth. About twenty-eight years ago
he moved his family to the county of
Hut on, living for two years near Luck -
now, and afterwards at St. Helens.
Six years ago be moved into Wing -
ham, but Mrs Ferguson dying soon af-
terwards and all the family being
grown up, he broke up house keeping,
and has since lived with his children.
A despatch from Pitlochry, Scotland
oo Saturday last, conveys the pleasing
news of Mr Gideon Perrte's success in
Scotland, It says:"In the contest held
here to -day, September 5tb, for the
Caledonia Athletic championship, be.
tween Gideon Perrie, of Brussels, Ont-
ario, and the Scotchman, G. H. John-
stone, of Aberdeen, the former won,
defeating' Johnstone in four out of
seven events. Two new records were
established, Johnstone throwing the
twenty pound hammer 92 feet 4 inches,
and Perrie putting the twenty-two
pound shot 37 feet 5 inches. Petry is
a Brussels boy.
Derangement of the heart and nerves in
women is followed by various nervous dis-
orders euoh as Hysteria, Melancholia,
Neuralgia' Sleeplessness, 1 alpitetion and
Pains and Aeheii in variens parte of the
body, In Stich ewes strengthen the barb
and build tit the nervous system by the ttse
of MilloArn'sEeart and Nerve Pills. ,
lathe beat—In laet the One True Blood Purifier.
cure liver Ills, easy to take,
Hood's Pills easy to operate. 26 cents.
Train Service at Clinton.
Trains leave Clinton Station as 10114140;—
oonio MAST 00150 WEST
Passenger ...,7 26 a to 1 Passenger 1 02 p m
Passenger ... 3 05 p m f P spongerm
9 92 p rn
Mixed Train...4 85 p m Mixed Trala 10 15 a
Milted Tratn..6 80 p m t Mizen Train 7 05 p m
0C1280 MOUTH 00180 BOUTS/
Passenger Pae.enger
London, depart sib am 4 45 pm( 680 gni 8 23. D01
Exeter, 980 66 06 I 44 815
Hepsen i'' 949 15 8 1 7 08 549
SruoeAeld . , ,958 698 7 40 869
Olinton 1015 6 66 7 69 4 28
Londesboro 10 83 1 14 s (8 4 et
Blyth 10 41 7 29 815 4 58
Seagrave 1956 1 87 1895 508
Wingham ar've1110 800 960 6 AC
"Neat and sweet are pretty feet, •
When clad in shoes which are complete."
Such for example are those we are
now offering for a song and a little
ready Dash. Our fits equal our
quality, and prices balance both.
Call and see our
Trunks, Travelling Bags,
Baby Carriages.
British Colombia Red Cedar and
Native Cedar Shingles before buying
A fearful smash-up and the inevi-
table loss of life was narrowly averted
the C. P. R., in Wingham, on Friday
night last. T. H. Manuel, as is bis cus-
tom and in persuance of his duties,
went down to the waterworks' wheel-
house to see that all was right, and by
good fortune discovered on the railway
track some saw -logs. It was about 10
o'clock, and the late train was due at
10.45. Mr Manuel immediately pro-
ceeded to remove the logs, but finding
himself unable to do so, went and got
Wm. Sheridan, who lives close by, to
assist him, The two men rolled the
logs off, anti in a short time the train
came in. It is not supposed that the
logs were placed there too wreck the
train. The supposition is that the logs
wbich were being used to obstruct
trafflcduring the construction of a new
flume at Cart's mill, had been drawn
on the track by some person who had,
in the dark, run amidst the logs with a
buggy, and possibly threw out the oc-
cupants of the rig, and in order to get
the buggy out had to haul the logs on•
to the track.
The Seaforth Expositor says:—The
township of Hullett is not flckle in so
far as its municipal officials are con-
cerned. It seems to know when it bas
good and faithful servants and it
knows enough to keep them. Mr
Thomas Neilai the veteran collector
of tarts, is now entering upon bis
twenl y -sixth year of service in that
capacity. During tbat time he has
handled a good deal of money. One
year he collected seventeen thousand
five hundred dollars, and bis average
annual collections will amount to
thirteen thousand dollars. He has
thus handled over eight hundred and
twenty five thousand dollars of mun-
icipal money and bas never lost or mis-
counted a cent that, he is aware of.
Who can beat this record? The assessor
Mr Robert Smitil, sae also held his pre-
sent position aid has assessed the
township for nineteen years in succes-
sion, and he is just as good a man now
as ever he was. The late Mr James
Braithwaite held the position of clerk
and treasurer for twenty-three years,
and then he resigned voluntarily, feel-
ing that the infirmities of age made it
undesirable that he should longer
occupy so important a position.
A choice farm of 107 acres, on the 16th con: of
Goderieb township; about 96 acres cleared and
1n good 'state of culivation, Frame house, bank
barn, young orchard lust beginning to bear,
well watered. This farm is in an excellent sitn-
atlen, not far from church or school, about tour
miles from Clinton and will be !need for a term
of years on reasonable terms. Full particulars
en application to C NESBITT, Clinton P 0
DBAR Brae,—After I had doctored for two
years for scrofula all over my body and re-
ceived no benefit, I tried a bottle of Bur-
noek 13Iood I3ittt•r,•wliich gave me relief
very quY
ickland after coin six bottler I
, .
was completely cured. 1: can reoofnmend
t t
1)."' berg b
ll r.hiy,
:. Foon, Toronto, Ont, :.:
Where to nerd par Holdayl at
The undersigned offers to rent the splendid
farm on the 9th con. Hullett township, being
the north hall of lot 38, containing 85 aoree,
Frame hoose, barn, stable and abed, young
orchard bearing this year, a creek running
through the farm all the year round. A desirable
farm for stock or grain, being only six miles
from the town of Clinton. Apply to MRS JANE
DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmespille.
The Famous Tourists Resorts
Georgian Bay,
Lake Huron, Districts
Muskoka Lake,
Midland : Lake : Districts
Balsam Lake, Coboconk, Lindeay,
Lakefleld, Peterboro, Oshawa.
On Lake Ontario:—Lorne Park, Bur.
lington Beacb, Grimsby Park
On Lake Erie:—Crystal Beach, Port
Dover, Port Rowan.
All reaohed by the Grand Trunk Railway eye•
tem: Full information can be had from all
Agents, or write to M 0 DICKSON, District Pas-
senger Agent, Toronto, or
Lot 12, Bayfield eon., Goderich township, con-
taining 113 acres, about 85 oleared and in good
state of cultivation, talanoe hardwood, bush and
some cedar timber. Good, comfortable brick
house, large tank barn, good orchard; well
watered, spring creek running acrose the farm,
which le well fenced, mostly with cedar, Terms
of sale will be made very easy. If not sold o will
rented for a term of year.. Apply
SIMONS, 72 bt. David's Bt., Godericb.
Subscriber offers for sale the 080 acre farm on
tbo corner of the obt line and 10th con., Goderich
Township. It is well watered, with good bearing
orchard, ire me house and new bank barn. Con-
venient to church and school. Will be sold on
reasonable terms, Apply to
W. JACKSON, Agt., Clinton
Professional andOtherCards
Lot 25, Con, 5, Township of Hallett, 100 sores,
88 acres cleared and in a good state of cultiva-
tion, excellent clay loam Poll; 12 acres of hard-
wood bush, There in a good bearing orchard
and a good supply of water. The farm tae never
been rented, The buildings t comprise a good
frame house, barn anc stablea. This property's
eltuate on an excellent gravel road, 2g miles
from the Town of Clinton. Terme easy. For
furtherpaiticulars apply to the undersigned,
en he promisee, or to JAS. SCOTT, Barrister,
C lin ton ,
MRS THOS, HILL, Clinton P. 0,
Barrister, Solicitor
Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba.
Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman;
Office—Beaver Block.
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo:Gallery,
Several bonen either for sale or to rent. Full
particulars on application to JOHN MOGARVA
Small cottage, centrally located. For sale or
to rent.
House andLot for sale cheap
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)I'
Offioe—Hamilton St„ opposite Colborre Hcte11
Terme of payment will be made so liberal that
they equal very little more than an ordinary
rental. Address Box 174, Clinton poet Office
8900 each and 120 moJ thly payments of 818 OAI1Pr3ELL, Hamilton
Tbo undersigned will sen at a raorfike, Lot 451
or 19, Railway Terrace Minters. Particulars
upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u
Lot 138, Maitland Glbeeteiola il0 04' 0h
Toan9hip.. For canna wild palttiatilar'lr Ap.e
ply to'J'A NS ACIOT ', 13arriittir, Cillnton
TsR, WM. GUNN,L. R. C. P. end.L. h, C. S
Al Edinburgh. C3Hce—Ontario Ereet, Clintcn
Night calls at front door of residence on Batten
bury St., opposite Presbyterian church.
Univereity, M D. 0.M., Vlotorta University
M. C. P & S„ Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetric a
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ and
Edinburgh Hospitals . Office.—Dr. Dowsely's old
office Rattenbury 8t. Clinton, Night bell
answered at the same plane.
Accoucheur, etc., office in the Palace Block
Rattenbnry St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve
Gunton Ont,
C. P. & S. 0., Graduate Mega and Qneene
College of Pb eicians, Dttbiin, Ireland. Lloen.
tiate General Medical Connell, Great Brits
Member of College Physicians and Surgeons, On-
tarto, Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital,
(Lying-in and G aecologtoai)Dubiin. Reeidenoe
—Rattenbnry Bt, east, next door to Ontario St
Medical Department of Victoria Un
fifty, Toronto, formerly of the Hospital'. and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
Londesboro, successor to Dr Young,
T. AGNEW, M. B.. Toronto Univereity, M. D. 0,
M., Trinity University, Member of College Phy-
sicians - and Surgeons, Ontario. Office opposite
Methodist church. Night cane answered at the
same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to'3p,m:
to 9 p.m.
Greduate R 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Uni
versity Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation of
the natural teeth.
Moe, Coate f look, over Taylor's shoe store
N. B,—will visit Blyth every Monday and
Payfield every Thnreday afternoon durineth e
• HonoraryGraduate of the On tarioVeterin a ry
College. Treats all diseasee of domesticated and
male on the most modern and scientific princi-
ples Ofiioe- immediately south of the New tare
Office, Residence — Albert BtClinton, Gal
night orday attended to promp„tly
. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-
nary. College, Toronto. Treats all disease,
Domo5tio AUSmala on the moat modern and
Blilentffic Prinelplee, Day add night °elle prompt;
ly answered: Roeidenco—Rattenbnry Bt., west
issnror of Marriage Littering, Library Room
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
No witnesses required
small autos on good mortgage eeonrlty
moderate rate ofIntereet. H HALE. Clio ton.
• P. L. 8., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at. Geo.
Stewart's Grooery Store, Clinton.
Giadnate of Royal College of Dental 8argerns,
Ont. Honor Graduate of Trinity University,
All oporationa In Dentistrycarefully performed:
Best local Anaesthetics fr painless extraction
OtBoe opposite Town Hall over Swallow's store
Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Znrio
everyreoond Thursday of each month.
t 'Night bell anewerod.
THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer,
corona ICH, orrr,
Sales attended to in any part of the county
Orders left at Clinton New ERA office will receive
careful attention, pd Ifm
Davis & l�tc+ ool�
Having bought out tbe Livery ,b siness of
Allan Turnbull. and amalgamated tbe former
hneinere of Davis & Sen, Subletibere 'will eon•
tittle the sante et the Turnbnil Live The
DeWitt generally pini Y4001 ,11.010 barbf'atton•
tiodendastre;in ail titters for vitt. t .
tat Good, caret
lkotos asd banlfo able,ii wi b8G r Wenn
• ,