HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-11, Page 7THE CLINTON NEW ERA NEW BUTCHER SHOP. The talderai$gnned desires to intimate to the people Of Clinton and vioinity that he acts opened a hutober shop in the store of W.:Core, Huron Street. He bee had many years experience, and feels that he can give the beet of satisfaction. He will sell slrletly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ORDERS REBPEOTP13144 SOLICITED Reid Bros., - • Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, We are doing bueineee on the mush principle, and will Ripply our oaetomere with the beet meats at the lowest paying prices. Patrons may rely up- on good service and prompt filling of orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I with to inforrrt the publio that I willfnot be undersold by any other person in the business. I em a practical butcher, and understand all the branohee of the business. We keep the very best meate and a full stook always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prioes. Bring along your money and get the meat at the dash prioe. We will give Credit but not at cash prices. Please Call and see what you can do for Oaeh at R. FITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & WILSON. Subeoribere desire to notify the public that bey have bought out the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jae A.Ford and will con- tinue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N, WILSON CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS! SEEDS! package of each of the following seeds g Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, Raddish, Cucumber, Tomato, Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) All for 25 Cents. Also Bulk seeds such as Peas, Beans, Corn, Tilnot?,y, Clover and Alsyke Clover. JAS. STEEP & CO. Produce Exchange Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars -choice Seed Corn just ar- rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. NOOK'S Fiou iFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. AIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,375,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....Generel Manager. Nots le - sued, Sterling discounted, Collections American exxchamadengerbought and sold at lowest ur antdeprates. Interest al- lowed 8 RMRRAM . Monn note withe ormore endorsee). No eonatoomer) on hmortgage re qulred as eeonrity H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Banking Business t7 ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaded. Interest allowed on depoeits. FAR RAI% '& TISDALL RANKERS, ()LIN TON. tJNT. EVERY �� A IVIi I LY SHOULD Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN THIRNAL and EXTERNAL Use, and WOE derfulin its gulch action to relieve dletroat PAIN -KILLER 1e s su,e euro for Sor Throat. Co to r,. lin Chills, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Crum)", Cholera, and all BowelComplaints. PAIN -KILLER le THE BEST tent edy known for tit n gplckuese Sick lleadache. Pain In tb Back or bide. Rheumatism and Nenrtelsl,. PAIN -KILLER le UNtiniteric,NAllto tit BEST 1.IINlMEN• MADE. It brings arltEDY AND I -IMMANENT Datil. In all caeca of Drltidee, CUM, Sltrai,'o, Sever, (turas, ete. PAIN -KILLER ie the welt teed an . trusted friend of It Mechanic, Farmer. Planter. Sailor, and, fart all cla.,ee wanting a medicine always at ham a:. . • ^I T +11,48 internally or externally wh. tit. . -,. ^.tion,. Take novo bet the Sei.. ,.t ,,,. f,' Sem ,here: "a.,. I r het e. R•I•P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. ?BADE ^4'7. qi' Ne mane McKillop Mutual Fire: Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TO.%N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on.deposits. Sale Notes bough 3. P,TISDALL, Manager. OBFIoaaB. Geo. Watt, Praeidont, Harlook P.O.; Jamee Broadfoot, Vtee-Pres.Soaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy -Treat., Seaforth P.0.; M. Murdie, in- spector of losses, Seaford) P. 0. numerous. Jae. Broadfoot,Seaforth• M. Manila, Seat)rth; Geo. Dale Seatorth; Geo. watt Harlock; T. E.. Hays, Seatorth; Alex Gardiner,'Leadbury; Tboe Garbutt, Clintoq ; John McLean, Rippon. AGENTS. Thos. Neilane Harlook; Robt,McMillan ,Sea. forth and J. Cumlugs, Egmonrtville. Parties desirous to effect insurances or Iran- eaot other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above oilioere wit -,sed to their reepeoltve aloes Eeumiller Nur eery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by per chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART' BENIiILLER For 'I wenty-Six Years CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPIell'B OLD STAND,. Next to Oommercial ]total. his eitablfehlent it 1$ full Of erati'rin !Eldd a Mere filled fit t e Med Satlafastoky wriot* sir sty and,Omits work a A aeleltje '+a llbiiljthlo, hofs wens eitublijhuoht. SAL,d1 Alts & ' VERioli ltOii. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER TNECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARO[5T $A4[ IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished B1cod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpe. tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stonee, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. I3. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVEI SON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbitlming Fluidised Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. 'CLINTON . Residence overeiore OPPOSITE TOW, MAW'; NOT BORN TO BE RANGED. Gov. O'Ferrall, ou„Augttst 20th, par- oued Way ma; Sutton, of Wytheville, arged with killing Peter Harvel. utton shot Harvel ft out ambush in 1892, Sutton was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be hanged. His frietods formed a mob and rescued him froth prison. Sut tun then went out to the State of Washington and became a Sunday school teacher and a member of the military company. He was brought back to Richmond and re -sen- tenced. It was found that he was -sentenced on Sunday, and the prisoner had to be sentenced for the third time. This time the judge failed to give the con- demned man 80 days from the time of trial to the time of execution, accord- ing to law, and Sutton had to be re• sentenced. A technicality in two cases necessi- tated the man being sentenced twice more, and the Gov. McKinney commu- ted the death sentence to life impris- onment. The testimony of the chief witnesses against the prisoner in a subsequent trial was impeached, and upon thie ground Gov. O'Ferrall par- doned Sutton. He has served two years in the penitentiary. He left last night to join his wife and family in Tenuesee. IT 1S 1N THE AIR Clinton People Talk About It It is in the air. Can't stop it spreading. Can't keep down a good thing, People who don't know about,it want to know. People who do kno A want;to tell about it. It is kidney education. Clinton pleople are learning fast. Here are some facts: "I am sure they are a good pill for kid- ney troubles," Bays Dire W. Jones, of Ful- ton St., Clinton, "b:cause they were so strongly recommended to mo. "Before I commenced taking them I could neither sleep or rest. As a result of taking them I now sleep well and feel rest- ed when I get up. "Rheumatism and kidney trouble afflict- ed me for years and made my life miser- able nearly all the time, I cannot toll you how badly I telt because words fail to de. scribe the sufferings I endured, but no sooner had I commenced taking Doan's Kidney Pills than I beg tin to get better. "They have removed all the pain and tired feeling, and made me stronger and better in every way, and enabled me to ob- tain restful sleep at night. "They are a wonderful medicine for rheumatism and kiduey trouble iu any form, and I heartily endorse what is said about them by the hundreds who testify to their value." Canadian Eggs in England. Canadian eggs, like Dominion bacon, are, says the Daily Telegram, gradually win- ning their way into the English markets. They come either fresh or pickled. The exports of fresh eggs have begun rather ear- lier than usual this year. The demand seldom sets in oefore autumn, when the flash of the foreign Bnpply into Great Brit- ain is over, and prices commence to streng- then and afford a more profitable market for Canadian fresh -]aid August eggs, which are ooneidered the best of the year, This season, however, 2,250 cases have already been shipped from Montreal, against only 78 oases for the corresponding period last year. Liverpool is the chief market for Canadian eggs; for,of the above shipments, 1,682 oases went to that port, 485 cases to Glasgow, and 10 ogees to Bristol. Some heavy contracts have been made with Eng- lieb firms for November -December deliv- ery of pickled eggs, at prices ranging from 6s. 3d. to 6s. 9d. per long hundred of ten dozen. The past month has been the coldest August on record in England. The latest estimate planes the number of persons killed in the Constantinople riots at 2,000. _ Se tewber' 11, 1 A.eL liter Alone. ' The art of letting alone should be ao- qulred. 'Llon'e herald tells why:-- "aly dear„” the other day said 11 lady t t a yet, ug relative, who wtt,l . lueisting ,r a (.shoats mother should not wear he,t- •1f out by undertaking ismer work on whi+il the mother's heart wus s,t, "yeti tire her a great deet more by v •,lr op+ t- sition than the would tire herself by suing as she wishes to." It was true, though it was hard for the hiving daughter to understand why. Ouu has to arrive at a certain place in life to comprehend that the largest kindness which may be done to any one i.,, in nine oases out of ton, just to let the person alone. Especially in the deal- ings of the young with the old there Is need of caution, for even kindness may fail if it be overdone. Curloua Storage of nay. Au English traveler through Kashmir found In practice there a novel method of patting fodder up for winter use. The country lies In a valley among the 11lutalnyas. The chief industry of the people consists in raising flue wool, and in making this into fabrics which have carried the name of the country till over the world. A curious custom 1n some places is that of hanging quantities of hay up among the branches of trees. Why it was dune was more than 1 could guess, till my guide informed me that in winter the snow lies five and six yards in depth, and that the supplies of hay, which now look as if they were meant for carnelo- pards, are then easily reached by the Gooks of sheep which abound there. THE STING. W iTHIN It is said there is a rankling thorn in every heart, and yet that none would ex- change their own for that of another. Be that as it may, the sting arising from the heart of a corn is real enough, and in this land of tight boots a very common com- plaint also. Putnam'e Painless Corn Ex- tractor is a never failing remedy for this kind of heartache, as you can eaeily prove it afflicted, Cheap, sure, painless. Try the genuine and use no other. na aioctrlcal Novelty for Bicycle ltt005. An electrician says he has Lound a quicker way of malting tt fortuno than running wires and Felling hat,terlos, and, judging from appearrtnces, he has geot1 reason for the statement. He has erected a platform, 100 foot long and 10 foot wide, at the end of a cyclo path. hewn this platform is ringed a series of push- buttons, which are connected through a buttery to an electric bell, and an annus dater, The rider, having infill 10c, starts at one end and tries in riding down the lino to depress as mansy of the buttons as possible. When a button is struck the bell rings, and the annun- ciator registers the particular button. The rider who Is eueceseful in guldintt hie wheel over all the push -buttons wins 50c. -This new diversion has created an extraordinary furore. The lucky inventor has organized a company, which will sell the platforms out-lght and give territorial protection to purchasers during the life of the patent. As a drawing card for owners of seaside and country pleasure resorts, the new diversion would seem to be unique. Seems as if all the things we like dies• gree with us, and all the things we don't like agree with ue. Dyspepsia lurks in most of the good things we eat, and indi• gestion follows the gratification of appetite. Of course, it isn't Nature's fault. Nature does the beet she oen, and if a man will only help her a little bit at the ri,;ht time, he may eat what he likes and as much me he likes. Dr. Pieroe'e Pleasant Pellets are for people who are troubled with indiges- tion. Particularly for those in whom it manifests itself in the form of constipa- tion. The "Pellets" are quick and easy in their action. They are in perfect harmony with Nature. They effect a permanent cure. You need take them regularly only a little while. After that, use them occa- sionally when you need them—when you have eaten anything that disagrees with you. They may be taken just as freely as you would take water or any other necca- sity of life. Once used they are always in favor. • NOT SOMETIMES, BUT ALWAYS TIIE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REME- DIES ARE SPECIFICS TIIAT CURE AL WAYS—A MERRICKVILLR LUMBER- MAN PROSTRATED WITH NERVOUS DEBILITY, REGAINS HIS STRENGTH BY THE USE OF SOUTH AMP:RICAN NERVINE—MRS J. HALLAM, OF BER- LIN, ONT., CURED OF KIDNEY DISEASE OF EIGHTEEN MONTHS' STANDING BY SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE— BEDRIDDEN FOR FIVE MONTHS, SOUTH AMERICAN RIIErMATIC CURE EFFECTS A COMPLETE CURE. With the great South American Reme- dies it is not the case of occasionally hit• ting the mark. These remedies are speci- fies for indigestion and nervous prostration, kidney trouble and rheumatism, and tak- en by those suffering in this manner are sure to mare. NEavons DEBILITY—Mr E. Merritt, lum- ber merchant and mill owner of Merrick- ville, Ont., became completely prostrated by nervous debility "I tried,' said be, "several doctors, and everything in the shape of proprietary medicines, and got little if any relief from them. Having seen South American Nervine advertised I decided to give it a trial and I can trnth- fnlly say I had not taken half a bottle be- fore I found benefoial effects. Before tak- ing it I had not only to give up business but I could not sign my own name, either with pen or pencil, my nervous system was so badly out of kilter. To -day, after tak- ing two bottles, I am as strong and healthy as ever." KIDNEY DIBEABE.—Few worse oases of kidney disease are on record than that of Mrs J. Hallam, wife of a well-known flour and feed merchant of Berlin, Ont. At times the pain enffered was so intense as to produce fainting epelle, and it was clan - woes to have her left alone in the house. S tie says: "I dootored, and in fact tried everything, but nothing seemed to relieve me for any length of time. I saw South Amerioan Kidney Curs advertised, and I purchased a bottle. Relief name in a few days, and the second bottle cured me of all kidney trouble." RnnviATIBM.—At 120 Church street, To- ronto, there resides Mr W. J. Traoie, who was a great sufferer from rheumatism for many years, and was entirely bedridden for five months. Nothing did him any good until South Amerioan Rheumatic Cure was taken. Hie words are these:— "Yon do not know how thankful I am for having tried South Amerioan Rheumatic Cure. For years I had enffered, suffered intensely and could get no relief, until I wee influenced to nee this remedy. How groat it sufferer I wag is known to btindreds of oltizens in Toronto. You oro M liberty to Use my name in Any way you like."— Sold by Watt/ & Co. On a Summer Day. Sho could ride a bicycle. She had done centuries, wh•)eled 10 miles home on one pedal, scorned touching the handle -bare down a steep hill, escaped unscratched from suddenly turned carriages, spun through one -foot passages when a block- ade yawned to swallow her and out dou- ble eights without trying. So you see any confidence she may have bad In herself was pardonable. That is why she so surprised four of her friends the other night. Five abreast they were spinning down a deserted part of the drive. Sho was next the right-hand -curb. Suddenly her wheel humped its back like an angry cat; 1t bucked, darted at three tangents simultaneously and thrall took a tortuous and disastrous streak sideways across the road. She had broken into screams when her bicycle first was smitten with this strange mal- ady and she never stopped shrteking one instant as ehe curvetted along, nearly upsetting each one of her four aghast friends. She bumped Into the opposite curb and tumbled off. "Merciful heavens, what to It?" the four fallen ones shouted pleadingly, as they struggled up from the quadruple wreck and tore toward her. She was grasping her skirt madly, "June bugs!" the whispered hoarsely and the flattened corpse of one dropped to the ground with a thud. �n.trafia'e Orphans. Australia has no orphan asylums. Every homeless ohild is the ward of the state. Tho Charities Commission organ- ized in behalf of homeless children main- tains a temporary home in which chil- dren are sheltered until homes in private families can be found for them. The state pays the board of the child and clothes lt, and a Committee of Inspec- tion keeps an eye on the child. The child is gent to school by its foster par- ents, and from the time he is 18 years of age a certain sum per year is deposited by the state in trust for him, so that at 18 years of age ho boomer a Bolt-respeot- Ing citizen, with a small capital to start him in lite. Important Personage. Deacon Frisby (impressively)—Young man I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lard than to dwell in the tents of wickedness Young man* Well, if your dookeeper is anywhere near as Important as our janitor, I haven't a bit of doubt but what you would i _ t _ " ,a+s;u ..>r.ce,ir.. if r�rt ire OId God. CIGAFtE'CTLS W. S. Kimball & Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail everywhere 50 per Package l7 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. Li CLOTIENG .......ate. READY MADE t UIT8- 33, 34.50, 35, 35.50, 36 and 37. Ordered Clothing from $'7 np. A FULL RANGE OF LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING FOR TIIE SUMMER. High explosive Shells have proved so successful with quick -firing breech loaders In the French experiments that the $ritisb adiniralty bas already Sup- plied ,the ?Channel (feet with theta ;eud Will soon provide /he'll*. for the *hold navy. w; PerfectLSatisfaction Guaranteed, ROBT. GOATS & SON CLINTON � li ,Shoes for Show • w —made to look ell in a window- -made fhr anything but comfort. Such aro the kind that please your eyes at the expense of your foot. The snoo which does not lit your foot the first time you wear It pro- mises little comfort for the twen- secure tieth time. It costs more money to the foot - fitting lasts of the Slater shoo than for some entire shoo stocks. That's why they possess more foot -com- fort, wear and appearance than other shoes. Stamped on the sole $3,00, $4.00, 85.00 per patr. The Slater Shoe (for Men.) i — - 11! 1)i1t WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Sole Agents forlClinton. 1i Do You FEEL SICK? TRADE Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABU LES TAKE RI PANS TABULES TAKE RI PANS TABULES Il you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, • If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, 0? have LIVER COMPLAINT, . 11 your COMPLEXION 1S SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH. . ,BARK Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. Ripens Tabules act gently but prompptiy upon the liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually 1 cnre dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousyness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and+ iven a r infallible cure 1 they contain nothinve the whole g injurIf ious and are anial econopens mical Tabules are an EASY TO TAKE Am.—QUICK TO ACT Ripana Tabules are sold by druggiiste, or by mail i! the price (50 cents a box) is sent 1 Tihe Ripens pesk. t mre* tealCompany, No. 10 Spruce 131., New Vial, 10 dente. - 1 ONE GIVES RELIEF