HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-04, Page 3llfrlw
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.. :. WSAT RU OWED lilts WIFE. t N 4 `• I On wwa tPgpp. to op'no, til
I'll I':� rain sr�,avEeT alxwr�l v R saw "1.
»,r � .� Q.ril!71 1 ,1 " , 11' for 2 l auto c Fv subscr I .
Thomai A., Edison has been married j>1 a8b, to, the ba'l�
n V, f11� 141a1�"� P11uN1l,Pllle relltara twice, To his two wives he owes call- +a► Rolat,
Archibalrt sarnata 1telateg p Tbralinrr Ito.• w►� f �to�t� a brohohiflo� +egos of the �re�r, there #� no:
'i�ttltXi;,aplull tiltliep>gtlt, s#det'able of hip success aS the greatest Orient of too Zola War, reasQi, wit a rah(,?,. (W
- Wa szzQw a Ia,inx sN N�esxatr i#vin inventor and the greatest inven- Areibibald Forbes has seen so many I09M =I ��INO not subaCr bBYor it, VVe wa1 . '
far>;vRp.sR Fxr>altwrloo: So FVnais xlisx for that ever lived. They looked after brave. deed,° that tt eves witty scans nuc Id$® to add a lot of slew lsall}e13, , ""
t hie health and physical welfare, enah- Palue"s Celery Compound aril! ourlostb t ',9
y s9. $'gt 0t1IIx,a SOT pQ Ur STprae WITHOIIT ling hire to retain that vigor without Y Af}t wp turned to iffy Pts- � AVER'
•, ���� _`
, . ,A>taTlX9.,, ggl; FlrseN:p4TaorteaT San wile which he could not stand etre strain aY 3» it;i, Peaspanrp Iilagaxtne nailer this
X l tlpvgpr;Ex>ott; ldow zea PiasIIala on dap after dwy im�hia laboratory,without and Its Thousmids of title► The deed, wbioh he seleots as the I
jT$AjTa arin STalw NTH. a wink of alae , ea s the New York bravest that he ever saw was the rescue `CANADA'S PRIDP"
p y AI�vOCate�. of a wo ndeld trouper, which won for P$EACHER 8 E�(PEit1ENCE. TK>l GtREAT
11-1.1 Prepp,
IT, the Heaver Nagamee, Ont. Tweet two year a o Edison's ;d pcles 'Ba,ptord 'tile Vtotorlei
Arxloug the scan ladies of Na ansa y y g ilres+� thea tails the story* - •'Three months ago, I took a via
g p friends urged him to marry, hoping 11.004 Khsl now General Sir) Redvers lent Cold which resulted in an attack
'there ie none 1?e, te6 , ,nown or More highly that domestle life would compel tiara to 1I N 0 USTRIAL '_' 11
eat4enied than tYllee Mary L. $yrnee. In- eat at least one meal a dap, ppd sleep t}o where you will over the whole North R:smt
)Pshad been ordered 6omake a recon• of croute br4nChitis. put myselfoe beforo pebeai o'a 8raa1 at undermedical nths a and at thedeed her aelquoippance and Popatarity oav- with some re�+aril to cegularity. !:ills gf1erioau eloRtlnent, yon will hear Paino'e t'l 11.1@ A ;lucre extended field, as she is a teavel- on said he hti;d no tiara to court, but if CClery Uompound itNoken of; and in every BeresMM led the advasteiey Hal- end of two months wet} r10 better.
ug ealealady for'the Robinson Corset Co., some decent girl wanted to mart him lir "single on the main body. Beres- I �
sail has man Qaetomera on her route, R Y viliaba, town and city yon will find aurae, f rd, his I found ft very difllCult to preach,
Y " he had n4 ab actions. One da ,while s smart Cbestnu with the
i vghfoia eutentla from (Jahawa to Ottawa, 1 Y who, thronRh the Uompuand's power, Bova wills btokp on withers and flanks, was and canCluded to firs k►yeYs Chairs
watching a young woman who was found health an;d new W a. a foremoatrider of the force. The Zulu I � and Agricultural Exbibltion
$ow this young lady happens to be the working one of his inetrumentif. and to people delight in tell.ug to others what
laubjeot of this.article is no to the tact whom he had never before spoken, he Paine a Celery Compouu4 has done for !!tial brtngln0 ap the rear Of tine fngi-
ghat sh1�i�) has reoently undergone a most re• asked her, somewhat anxiously, if she them. o wonder that there are teus at uvea suddenly turned on the lone borea-
ohaugq ilarought 'the use of those would be his wife. She said pep and thnaenn3a of ar3ent and P-nthusiastho mis• mon who had so oubriddeen his followers.
fr' wonderful little messengers of health, Dr. in three days they were married, e'• sionartea all over the douiittant•epsakiuK A big man, even for it £l+u1u+ the ring
iVilliania' Fink Frl1a. When there reporter n Il!e hood roveti'•;)ljilii it"vettman•
p though he came bear forwetting the good words about Paine's Celery Com`lmond p
of the Beaver called to make Inquiry into hour for the ceremony, being busy on to those who need a Coring an a healing musolet rippled o,� ii All¢ijit>lt� tl" .
Its pure, he was met at the door by the atom les machine. medicine. The friauda who have apuaen > ooQiDat ted himself b+ohi�°tltl A i';>igllsdb
�p i markin ti
i`" young lady herself.,, Rtiiose roily aheehp and Walter F. Phillips has hien quoted for and reoommeuded Paine's Uelery Com- ! R }a -A t , r Q WlQ'•
!resifts appears e,8 s:,lav$ no indleiation as, tolling this story of Edison; Or. a pound have Bono store to advauoe the rs- ei of the tI �t �g 1, i T j
tnat she had undergone a prolonged illness, night a friend of the inventor found potation ofeartb'o beet medicine than all It flashAd out li e:; Y cif Ir'
r 1 him" in) his Newark laboratory, and the newspaper articles ever published. it stsi$esi Bes@t9 ow&lk,t' M•
. �%/ " i went in, sa in : "Aren't you going The tear major of dieaaaep that end clashed with it; the epaafi h'ei�Y
11 . • Yf ly home, Tam?y It$a late." in misery and death might be quickly and darned aside; the horseman gave polrttal
a ,. "How lata?" asked Edison, yawning, permanently oared if sick persona could with all the vigor of his
arm and lbs
- i��t I "About one o'clock," returned his ns y be induced to use Palne'a Celery Com• impetus of his gel3opina horse, and l41
friend. pound. In the twinkling of an eye the sword point
. a-*' "Ie that so exclaimedEdison. "By '1 ha wonderful medicine hoe a nobler was through the shield and half its
buried in the Zalub broad chest`
t ry - Geor et I must go home. I was mar- cord of cares—an array of teatimo y that 8th
Ned this morning." ie truly magnificent and astonishing. Tha 9 Ruuanir indna� Wase fiend pgap,. and -
i,. ) 'll Bp his first wife Edison ]res three ruermat-6, dyspeptic, nervous, sleepless; his apbe6al stands now In a corner of
'' V� 1 'T "t' cbildren—Thomas, William and Mar-
w.eak, run --down, and those tormented wit -it
mother's drawing -room.
1,'{ t I !on. The last two were nicknamed by blood diseases are soon made well_ a- I "`Phe flight of the groups of Zulus was
f t,,. �y their father Dash and Dot, and Dot strong be, Yaine's Calory Comoor ad. a elalonioted snare; tho ingitivee in front
rtf has clue to Marion even in her da s
,.,ts. g y Even it your doctor hoe doable about your of the irregnitue were simply a decoy.
at of eat ly womanhood. She is wall edu' Daae, Paine'a Celery Compound will surely Suddenly from out of o deep avatar course
cated and has spent some time in Eu- and certainly give you theboom of health mossing the plain, and from out the ad-
., rope. The second Mrs F.diaoa was and ng?care o[ happiness, jaotanb long grass. sprang up a long flue
\ ` Miss Mina Miller, daughter of Lewis Let your druggist or dealer know that of several thousand armed Zulus Al
I' .•� Miller, of Akron, Ohio, Lewis Miller,
I • you Inaat have Paine's," as imitat ions Butlar's loud command to a volley and
Vit, Zhe r per a n entioned his mission and besides being the founder and early fl- oannot meet your case. then retire, Beresford and his scouts rode
; - found :Mise Byrnes quite willing to tell the nancial backer of the Chautuqua As- book toward the main body, followed by
�,,, parbiou'ore of what she termed an escape sembly, is a rich manufacturer and a.. NEWS NU'IEi3 Zulu bullets
K.:p. ,from death. In reply to the query "What inventor of some note. To his daugb- „— "Two men were killers on the spot A
i�I have Pink Pills don for you, she replied ter Edison was married in Feh�uary, It is said that Sir Hector Langevin third man's horse slipped up and his
.i�' • "Why,tney have donewondera." Lfeel like 1SB3. They have had two children, is writing some reminisceness of ub 'c wounded rider came to the ground, the
` • ` a new woman now. For eight years I was Madeline and Charles. When Edison pp
, weak and miserable, and at times I could
spends whole days at a time in his 1, ',- Lee. If he tells all he knows it eho.ild horse running owes. Beresford, riding
i r . not walk, i waa greativ troubled with in- oratory, Mrs Edition goes to him, sleep- make an interesting story; but !t we d btrtllsa his retreating party, looked bink
;rid,<• df wan , and, ire avail could not ken be pretty hard upon some people. and saw that the fallen man was trying
,, g rl q y p in on a cot near his work bench. She - to r(}s,e into a sitting posture.
1:., anything on my stomach, not even a glees is youn and fine looking, has dark A neglected cough is dangerous Stop it 11 he Zulus, darting out in haste, were
of milk. T had dizzy spells, severe head- eyes and hair, and is of a vivacious dis- et once by cuing 8hiloh's cure. Sold b� J. ppe�r'iilonsip close to the poor fellow but
� aohes, and my complexion was of m yellow- position. H. Combe, Clinton- $eresford, messidAng distance wlih the
'.,F: ish hue. My kidneys also troubled ire, During a thunder storm'. Tuesday �ye, caw a chance of anticipating them.
i• and in fact I was all aches and pains. In KORN$. KORNS. afternoon a barn belonging to Hugh Galloping back to the wounded flash,
going up a flight of stairs I either had to McIntyre, three miles from Mitchell, and dismounting, be confronted his ad-
=" be aesisled up, or would have to rest several There are more then one sort of korna. and containing this year's crops, was voreories with his revolver, while tinging
``'l• times before I got to the top, At times my Some koro is planted in the ground and
hands and feet would have no more warmth the other sort don't need planting; they d br lightning and burnt,I to the ,he Idler to get on his horse
wounded mob bade Beresford
I .I in them than lumps of ice, On one 000as• grow quits nvtarally on men a toes ant g
round. There was some insurance on "She e
ion while btopping at a hotel in Kingston don't need hoeing. This kind of korn baa the barn, but none on the contents. m„i band Qe Why, said he, le but
R1?' after waiting upon a number of oaetomers, two sorts - roe gentle or tender like until I was nervous, tired, ,rritable and cross two die when death was Inevitable but
5; ..wumor
- I fell dovn in a faint. The landlady found Bill Jonee steps on your foot, when it gets Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me wall to ewtatf 'fbe eltlalat resourceful in this
'` «k7', ane in this condition, and sant for a doctor, toiling mad and swears like e�erythirg: and happy. Mrs E, B. WonnaN, Sold by of bre race did dot tai Beresford in bIlle
,, ,' who's attar bringing me back to conscious- the other is hard headed and makes a r^w J. H. Combe, Clinton, orble; by turned on the veoua4gd man
w°v" t Two boys named Leder and Ray- and swore. with clinched flet that he
it". ,;,, nese, gave me medicine to take. Retold all the time, espeoiaf1y when your boots are would unch bis boad if he did not es-
+. me that my system was so badly run down on. I doa't like korna, and use the ex- mond were char ed at the Wallace-
that it was imperative that I should have traebing medicine, Putnam's Peiuless Corn g slat in the saving of his life.
i 4,;` p burg police court with cruelty to ani- "This droll argument prevailed. Still
f ; absolute rest. Hie medioine had no bene- Extractor, which removes thorn painlessly mals and find $6 and costs, t68 in all. racing his foes with his revolver, Bates-
E� finial efeeot that I could see, and I tried a in twenty-four hours. The offense consisted of securing two ford partly lifted, partly bustled the
�111z - number of other doctors, with no better re• stns!! kittens which they used as balls,
"a'1 suite, T became so low that I oared for A runaway trolley oar, carrying more man into the saddle then sormmbled npp
l;tn,w, . than 100 passengers, dashed down the Cot tossing the felines one to another, un- himself and set the obestnut a -going af-
t, neither work nor leaanre, and my friends t'1 one of the kittens had its back
is,,, octin Mcontain Maryland, and in rounding ,r tar the other horsemen; anothor mo-
� '`. ` thought I tied consumption. It was at a carve upset and was smashed into kind!- broken,
II this juncture that I determimed to give Dr menti a delay and both must have been
`. iA'''' Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and my ap- inn wood. Altboagh going at the rate of For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, asee ed.
60 miles an hour at the time of the accident Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and "A comrade fortunately came back,
t`" pearance today will show yon what a won- noone was killed outright, but 40 were
derinl change thay have wrought in me. g Bummer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Ext-- shot down Zulu after Zulu with pool
f ''•: injured, some of them serioasly . of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe ,.!,d oourage, and then aided Beresford in
;:,, T continued takiug the Pills for three
ears onre that has been a popular favorite kee So the wounded man in the saddle
x months, and bsfore'disoontinuing them ev- Michael Purcell, a young man making P g
ery ache and pain bad disappeared, I oar- his way to Chicago, was picked up in the for nearly fill years. till the !sager was reached, where no one
3,�: , not spank too highly of this wonderfal ditch of the C. P R. track by Officers Dod- Judge McHugh, Windsor, will he could toll whether it was the resouar or
:ir'� Medicine., I am eager to lot the fact be son and Groves near Chatham. The lad called upon todecide whether the $200 resoued who was the wounded mea so
I- known for the benefit of other sufferers." bas been lying there for some hours, and deposit made by a candidate at a Dom- smeared was Boreeford with borrowed
, l` Mrs Byrnea was present daring tho in. told a pitiful tale. He said he bad been minion election is liable to seizure for blood.
terview, and strongly endorsed what bar unable to obtain work in London, and feel- debt. D. B. Odette received plenty "Going Into Beresford's tent the same
` 11daughter amid, adding that she believed !ug auwell, had started to walk to his au nt of votes to save his deposit, and RP- attlrnoon 1 toned him sound asleep and
they had saved her daughter's life. in Chicago, but, growing worse, could go turning Officer Templetoq was about roused him with the information, which
The experience of years has proved that no further. He was taken to a police to return it when a garnishee was put Colonel Wood had given me, that he
there is ebsolately no disease dee to a vii station where the chief called the oily in, ,Fas be be recommended for the Victoria
fated condition of the blood or shattered physician. Examination by the doctor Right Ilon. Joseph Chamberlain, Cross
,t" nerves, that Dr Williams' Pink Pills will disclosed the fact that the lad was suffering Get along wid your nonsense, ye
,r, accompanied by Mrs. Chamberlain,
not promptly cure, and those who are h i from a serious attack of typhoid f ,,or, sailed for New York Wednesday o❑ spaipeenI, was his yawning retort as he
lill,fering from such troubles would avoid m,, i a¢d be was at enoe ramoved to the public the Teutonic. Although the arrange- threw a boot at me, and than turned
;Y misery and save monay by promptly re- hospital. Exposure and hardship have en menta for the departure of Mr and!firs ovet and went to sleep again."
. V` sorting to this treatmene. Get the genu _te aggrr,vated the fever that it is doubtful if Chamberlain had been made with the -
1.Fink Pills every time, and do not be par- he will recover. Tho Maternal Instinct.
eaaded to take an imitation or some other greatest secrecy, a large crowd was !n
�.' Wallin when theSecret aryandhis wife The maternal instinct to essentially e
'� �' remedy from a dealer, who, for the sake of When any part of the body isn't doing g
�p� extra profit to himself, may say it ie "j¢at the work that nature intended it to do, it reached the landing stage at Liver- product of ertolution. Romanea starts
.1 ex good," Dr ims lame' Pink Pills care pate the whole system out of tune—out of pool, and cheered them heartily. that bb found signs of maternal affection
harmony, Sickness in one part of the bo ly thmong spiders, giving an tnstance, of ane
when other medicines fail. Constipation, sasses more than halt the spider choosing death rather than desert
is likely to run into all parte of the body. ills of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea !s bar bag of eggs, which had been thrown
,i; Shipments of peaches and pears are When children stead a row of bricks on a plbasant ours fn Constipation. gold by into the pit of an ant lion. Parentalfeel-
now in full swing at Leamington, an end, they knock the whole row do vn by J. H. Combo, Clinton. ing has also been noticed in certain spe-
+,,; # . average of 3000 baskets; per day being upsetting one brink. That is rsaotly what
11r in
by the Canadian Express Com- happens to the health when the bowels fail Simon Wiidfang, the petitioner oleo of tho.avos class; "but," says Prof.
';`; peas, through cars being run by that to perform their proper function. ConF',i- against the r stat n of A. 1 . cLare.i as Drummond of maternity, "it is doubtful
,1; company from the fruit section to pation makes trouble all along the line- member of Parliament for NoN It Perth whether in the invertebrate half of na-
$., London, Hamilton, Toronto and Mos- nuts the liver out of order, is bad for the has laid an information against Wm. tura ft exists at all. 1f it door tb 1s very
. e rtes!. Shippers and others interested sidneye—bad for the stomach. It holds in Renwick, who the plaintiff` chinas, rare; and In the vertebrates it 1s met
,'"'';.` have only good wot'da for the manner the body poisonoae matter, and because it threatened to kill him for the part he with only oitnepttonnlly, till we roach
+ `' *'i which their, business is handfed. oannot go any place else, it gets into the has taken in connection with the pro- the two highest elassoy. What does exist,
The early crop has held up fairly well, blood. The blood carries it all over the test, A warrant has t/Hen leaned For and sometimes to marvelous perfection,
- " but late Crawfords show a decided system. That makea e'uggishnese, laesi• Renwick's arrest. Wildfaug says that tp r>sre for eggs; tint that is o wholly
falling oft as against last season, tude, bad breath and foul taste in i in another man whom he did rot know different thing, both In Its physical and
' , month, fills the stuinach with gas and t teAtened to handle him roughly the Re Ohtani aspect, from love of offspring.'
k;1. No appetite? Then do not try to force causes windy belching, stops digestion in first tinie they met on a back street. he true maternal instinct was evolvAd
1. ?; food down; but use the most scientific the stomach, ceases soar stomach, haaro• when nature had reduced the number
;<141�, means for restoring tone to the stonigch. burn and headache. You can avoid all THE CHIT DREN'S ENEMY kWoduced at one birth, and made it pos-
How? Why, by taking Ayer's Sarsapsril- such trEuble, for Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pel Bible for the parent to r000gnize Its indi-
',, Is, and in a surprisingly short time, yopr d i o b., often ehuby itself g early flit vidual ntispring. The young then be-
x.`' appetite will Come again, and come to eta lets care constipation and it attendant and !s ob: raoterized by ewellinge,'abeoeas-
pP g y• evils. as, hip disease", etc, Consumption i1i 0arne retained around the parents for a
Sere are ,,some figures. quoted by Send 31 cents in one -cent stamps to Dr. scrofula of the lungs, In this class of dis longer period of time, and then developed
Lord Russell in bis address on interna.- R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his "Medi- Cases scott'e Emulsion is unquestionably that bobd of sympathy and love known
' ° . onal law at Saratoga., In Austria t`ie cal Adviser," It is a book of 1008 pages, as thO thaternal instinct,
' R P g the meet reliable medicine.
L ___ --- - --- --
�, t of mrmy and navy in 1806 wr, profusely illustrated.
round 6 urea 18 millions; ste: "� ,
' , France, miflionsf in Great Britain Preferential Trade. There were fift'applicants for two va. -
,r, s anoies on the teaching staff of the St. HIDDEN FOES
' 36 millions; in Italy, 13 mill;one, and Thomas p Among the many foes to human health public school. The suaaaes{ut
1 `, ; in Russia 62 millions, This is enough The NHw NRA never had ver much applicants were David Beecroft, of War-
,, , y pp and happiness Dyspepsia and Constipation
a, ) to set one thinking. There surely faith in the Preferential Trade Fallacy, wick Huron count and John Drennar,
must be something wrung when after because it knew England would nave y' are twin enemies greatly to be feared
•<{' 1 pearl 2,G:0 tare of Christianity the g oI Toronto. Mr Beecroft holds a second With B.B.B. to drive thrm cot of the ayr-
y y y consent to anything of the kind. The eines boner professional certificate from tem, however, no danger need be anticipat-
• most highly civilized nations of the following letter to the Montreal Nit- Toronto and aB•st olass honor- rofessional
earth continue to vie with each other nese hears out this opinion.- p ed, as every dose triage ,tie sufferer a long
on their capacity for destruction and p certificate. He is 23 years of age and bas atop further on the road to perfect bealth
p y Sir, ---Ib is high time this nonsensical been teaching since he was 18, end strength, end a term -Anent cure always
blood letting. talk• about preferential trade in the reFnitF. 11
Empire ceased, England would never __ _...__- —_--_
Wonderful Aid stand being taxed—even for the
colonies. Mr Courtney answered for g j� RAI LWAY
_-__ England when he said at a recent din. GRAND TRUNK gYSTEiIII
Her given by the Cobden Club: 'What • ,l
' Diamond Dyes Conduce to Mod- did it mean to the people of Great i; �j}�tl p }1 pn nn�t jj�j • }
Britain? That they were to have ad- Y+r - if hro LU sod your, ReLldhys al
ern Home Comfort. ditional duties on their meat, corn, `+ '' y f
i sugar and timber, so that those articles
i — mtf{lit only come from the colonies. c y ` r,,e Famous Tourists Resorts
V� \ The presenb generation of women are Every man, woman and child in the i i ; '►
• blessed with privileges and aide that our United Kingdom would at once feel a kleorgiau i3ay,
.• grandparents never enjoyed. Bmotg the burden in the increased cost of life and �, make iiurots, Dis;trlcfa
i - stiatry important aide in the family the production. And what:fore In order . 1lluskoka Lake,
r Dibmond Dyes hold a -high and important to augment a fourth of our trade at
liltioe, the cost of diminishing three-fourths, bo Midland . i Lake : D1Strleta
' F,otmeely, 04 dyeing operation was a The proposal had already received its
todione, hent and awa tful ob. To -da answer. No aoorier was it mooted BvimnlGH FALLe. MOi7NT JULIAN,
* dresa;.Oap0, jacket, coat, pants or vest ' than it was repudiated by the grew- �' CrIEmoNe , I�ATCI3F.R'ANOOiCA,
. ' can btsciylored and tisado to ]nor; its good ria eat chambers of commerce in the king- r dIARR14CIZA A If E, STONEY LAKE,
elLn R LA
>5ea at kt i!Br smallooiit, dom, and it was repudiated floor the ii
An i edea Neither Prae trader ,nor Balsam Luke. CJelbocouk, Lindsay,
W'l ein`tronbled ar3ea ia.ltoi>fs dy6ing, it �jty.. Lakedeld, Peterhoro, Osbawa.
f� ti filet ouid have It, Turnin 3 �iOLy�iyy,�,y
x prdGeC o w vrw'1
v oa 1 t g
use. on iia a allowed r dealer o
f d e . Lake `',o:�. riit� ,t,tlt lsttr�
d be O lank Off i ri �
� p ,•d n � �
. gpir titin dOda that a're crude crud; iihieoranr in; �oitclusiont to the, • ,nittd States it Ali, lt�%Ai 'i'klirM..'; litlg i11.i3esi}cb C#f'in}'sb lidpk
, ,
ri . J.
1 e 1',im
ELI , ,
On Ltyke'let#e•-'&'Yi�i*i �t06,,Port
C +;..Y, to it .1, ..�, ., s 5. .?.'�,: d.: .. .,r 11
�,, , I,
,,, __, . r • - 1 M t/i lltdtitttl ilttlt::th k idddbt# tlllsiit 1
lttYi�;hytiNt t2t:i'r;tt4 F sr' �,.
,g i; , . , r , �:
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lga- i Y ,iiaiMlt�d *., . ��-.elf.;. , t `,r I , , -
_—_t-�.,ii d. ._ _.i .maw z ' ti 4 .1i
Pectoral. The first bottle gave me
great relief; the second, which l am
now taking, has relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot-
tles more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
��.illrQlr 1
Aug. 31 to Sept. 12
(TIRE FIE ]p'eople's Great Eplfda
l �4 OutiuIoftbrer'yte#t
I Whit for It.
Cheap Excursions from Everpwllexe j'
For Prize Lists, Entry Forme, etc., address`
J. J. Witbrow, A..
T. Hill,
Manager, Toronto
Clinton Planing l� 111
Cherry Pectoral."—E. M. BRAWLEY, I —ANn--
D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. 1 D R. Y S I L l�
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Th- enbeeriber, having the very latest improved
machinery andemployingthemostskilledwork-
men is able to do workk in his line in the most
GOLD' V"Ai AT T88 WORLD'S PAZ. setlafaotory manner, at reasonable rates and
on the shortest notiee. A trial solicited
Wood's Phosphodino,-- e,, -h'_ -,h Remedy.
Is the result of over 85 years treating thousu,ii ., ut gases with all known
r drugs, until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment—a
combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure in all stagesol`-•
Sexual Debildy, Abuse or Ezccsses, Nervous Weakness, E'mfsswns, Mental
Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Aleobolie Stimulants, all of
which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's
13efote Tatting. Phosphodino has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed
almost hopeless—cases that had been treated by the most talented physi-
cians --cases tbat were on the verge of despair and insanity --cases that were
tottering over the Myo
--but with the continued and persevering use of
Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had boon given up to die, were OP
restored to manly vigor and health—Reader you need not despair—no mat- t
ter who has given you up as ]ncurable—the remedy' is now within your _r
reach, by its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness.
Price, one package, $i; six packages, S5; by mail free of postage,
One will flK se, six guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address,
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont •, Canada. Atter Takla .
Wood's Phosphodlne Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists In the Dominion.
BET'T'ER THAN GOLD Is a Courseuin the or Shorthand
Forest City Basiness & Shorthand College, London, Out
be whole of the third door of the new Y. W. C. A. bullding is befog speedily filled up for our
work, With increased facilitire, course streng,ber ed and revised, we will easily maintain the re-
putation earned ae being the Model Dusluess Trait lug School of Canada. Drop as a postal for
catalogue and particulars, College reopens September
J. W, WESTERVELT, Yriselpal
0 i' � The Best
Irene }x ,.
*11 �.I The Money
You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea.
Every customer using it is a pleased customer.
Our line of Staple Goods is complete, and prices will be found as low as
is consistent with honest goods and honest dealing.
PLANTS For a few weeks we will have a choice collection of Reuse
Plante from the BenmillerGreen.House, which we will sell
at a very reasonable price. Call and get prices.
NearPostOffice—C t-M'RgL G$OCER�—TElepboc,e AO
Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods,
Quality fine and prices low ins
• C
I VUV1 R:7 1 rockers, Glassware n},�",'
TEAS -Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save
from 6 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from ne instead of Tea peddlers. Com-
pare quality and prices,
SUGAUS-We are headquarters, we buy direot from; Montreal refiners. Keep best
quality grid sell at close prices.
SPECIAL i3ARGlAiNS-3pounds Evaporated Peaches for 26c. 3 lbs Evapor
ated Applee for 26n. 6 lbs Prunee for 26c. 281b Box Raisins for Sl;
Crockery, Cbinat (,Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our
Imported Goods, and have reduced our prioes on Dinner Sets, Tea -Sets, Toilet
Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Sancero ,nil
Lampe of all kinds. Call and sec our gouda and get prices. No trouble to i -
—__ __- --_ -.— ._.. --.---
I 11
�sagon s We kee i in stock , ,
I "1111 11111 11 *1 and malto to cider
a � Ie,s i 1 trF=, rtl i,, ,1,a t i • Wagons and Buggies
which we asrantet to be
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Nothing first class
bu b i"
t t e best tnttter a fid
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wNM tr ?'k l �lia� ", IHi l
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