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The Clinton New Era, 1896-09-04, Page 2
r',. .:v . ep—,W,bor. 44 OPQ --stn+,' i.m-.- n.mrtmm7—-a•-;^'S++`^'1.-a,,"R'm. -^+11 �O T. V a, #i OT4 JQ'H,WAA, S>1FTEMBER 4, 1898, fiatne, of the papers, discussing the probe- ble• settlement of the Manitoba school ques- 09p, OvAt{o that no settlement will be eatis- IiRoto to or aogppted by the minority, ,�rhigit dtlte not >Irant them 9,11 they ask for, x>As,...wbarestoraticin. 0 'Ovarote schools, Iii J4.l owls0 to, say' that, arig- other settle• recast veli Act > aocepted, for the reason i w,', *bot, any settlement tenet be in the nature of a com2romise, The people of Manitoba W, not admit thee restoration of the old or. : ,der of things, Nor will the people of Can- 0da assent to it, and it the minority insist apll reclei"tag the full pound of flesh, they sissy find it necessary to aogept ooneiderably less. »` 3jd-,'J . ,Disodesing the possible leadership of the (lonservative party, the Ottawa correspond. ant of the Mail says: -"As to the Couser- 1. �[_ vstives-rumor points steadily to Mr Hugh P, y" John liloDonald as the coming man, He �;„..ti iiaS many of the gifts of his great father, ',;and bas even a more magnetic personality +” ' ; than his father. He is in every way fitted h John' has a +reat loiAer. ,',. deep hogd on the affeotitlHar+Rof the people of ,;�,t- ?, the Dominion, not entirely beom use he is (� V, ! his father's son either; for he is a man of R�` parts and is slowly and surely coming to �l� di the front upon his own merits, and it up - 3' On those merits he will stand as seeder of s� "" the Conservative party at some future day. riC LAS + , ,6, !4- `i'` RXAMINATIONS. , ,",; , i�— `w� ' Below are the results of the High a . ;iii -School and University exams. for July. I * v ' yhe marks made will not be furnished r.1 to candidates from the Education De- ,, >.� partment. Unsuccessful candidates t,,' . ,,,, may apply for their rrpparks to the Prin- *� cipal ©f the High Schoai or to the In - , in the case of other centres. ;`:ti`s, : On account of the objections to the pa- r:, v ,... of er on Algebra, .bra 2l per cent instead ?`. g I ...., :,1. �.,, �;>.,, 1-3 per cent, was accepted far pass. ',ru:,4 No candidate was rejected in Algebra, " ��'�!•:' even on the reduced percentage, till af- '.`^ `,' ter his.standing in the other mathema- .. ,. i ;,' I t, tical subjects wits considered, together ?„i with his grading in the confidential re - iP4 ,4:s.:::, ,,,,�, port of the Stasi. More than the usual 4l.'o.r percentage of candidates were success- :'. t;. ;�44 ;. fol at the junior leaving examination: a 4� I ' BRUSSELS. �epl 1s First form -G Buchanan (honors), K _�ka:: �,. Cousley, M Code, I Gerry, A Gilpin, G ' '�y Howe, E Jackson, J Kelley, B Lamont, r W Leatherdale, J McCracken (honors), ;4 '. (�1 L McLaughlin, A McNab, T Switzer, Is - . Watt. 'e' „} ly. . Second form -Pact l (without phy- ,wr'r'. • sics) A MgNab. Primary -M Calder,S Crerar (honors Smith, E Sm F I Alott t .. se I and I , fol n 1 , i a uSmith. SEAFORTH. +First form -F Beattie, N Campbell, • y, l' E Carder, At Dalyy. L Dorrance, 0 Down, `�: ±zt R Elliott, A Engels, 0 Gillespie, G ,,�, Gray, H Hartry, A Hammett, M Floc x' n A Ingram, R Sem M Kidd, M �.1, _*s,"f.. to g p, k'`. McDonald, O McGregor, A McLean, A , , ' McLeod, E Neelon, B Punchard, M i a ' Rennie, M Scott,C Sparling, H Welsh, Yv; -_ D Wilson.' ''i�'”, Second form -Part I -A Beattie, A `.1;< Bond, E Connor, M Daly, J Davidson, "V�. E Ford, M Horton, F Jackson, F Kidd, ;1,°l:. " >; . D Leach, M McDonald, J Morrison, F `jl; ' Neal, 0 Stewart. "`''';, Second form- Part I (without ppby- ' ", ''" sics)-W Skerhart, P Baker, E Rat- ,.,,. .i;�:man, M Gillespie, T Kidd, F Lawrence, ail ,i,; 0 McIntosh, J McKay, C McKinley, A „y, - McLaren, ," R Muldrew, E Proctor, I Simpson, H VanEgmond, W Watson. JC; Primary -P Clarkson, -L Davis, M "irk Fowler, N Huffman, J Irwin, D Me- . I.. Kay, B McTavish, TRobinson. . Via;; Junior leaving -A Carnochan, G n{.` Chesney, Al Devereux, J Eater, L Gray, ".- J Killoran, J Kirkby, M Lamb. M Liv- ens, Ararnantha McGregor, H McMil- _� lan, T McQuaid, A Mort ay, J Smillie, r"',�.A Woodley, "M • . ;•s;,.;.; Matriculation --C Cudmore (pissed ;,:; , in German and French), D Smith (pass- `V,AM ed in German, French and. Latin). Cif iq Senior leaving -J Horton. 1.4 �''.1,z WING HAM. 1ixN i; �. ., First form -L Bradwin, N Campbell, F Clegg, R Duff, F Foster, M III gins, ",,,', B McCracken, J McKinley,M McVeaty, H Millar, W Morton, C Ross (bonor•s), *`r ";: (1 Rutau, (honors), A Smillie, A Stew . 11.', at t., Straughan, S Thompson, C ^;r` Welsh. ' Second form -Part I -H Hamilton, ,r M Higgins. Primary -L Blackwell. .,',.! CLINTON. ' =•,� First form -D Allison, M Anderson, , ,' ' H Archer, P Baird, A Bean, A Brog- "''' den, R Brown, K Campbell, A Ohidley, . H Courtice V $ing, A McAllister, K McNab, M i1oiiatt, A Murdoch, I Pick- ard, W Reid, N Stout, P Worthinirton. S0c0fi4•foirm7--Part I -D Allison, H Archer, A Beim, D Blair, R Brown, E H Coo pef' ppassed in physics), L John- .` Ston (p1111"8819'iti.phyeics), M Lough, F Lutda9; •I McHwbn, M MoEwan, K Mc - .0 • Ni£b,° W Mt�'1.'avlsh, A Murdock, A Smith, O Thompson, B Stanley, M ' ,, s SwWart 'L R Whiteley (passe3 in pby- Aies), L Whiteley. .J Second forty -Part I (without pby- sics)--M Aiken, R Baird,, P Campneil, I A rszei; 'P Frttzer, W Rall(Zw'ay, F Hovey, IJ I6bietet', F Lutz, tH� Me 'Hugh ..._r A, ` roil, W McQdArHe, A MAW,ih, T Pow- ,: ,7 ell, M Robb, ESwitzer E Tbomllsou,L Trevel,bick, NTrewart'ba, A Twltrhel{, -. .: L Vittetone, M Wiltse. PriflSary-J Cook, W Hamilton, M ` r ' Mcti8bl i, D O'Neill., S Wilson, G Shop' herd. Junior leaving -F Ansley, J Brint- t1. nell, F Chryolc� I�-, M Kieft, It Hicks, M ,- Izzard, R Jackell,, J Kirk, 0 Klopp, E McQ411um, L McLateghlin, S McLa�ugh• lin. M McX'augbton, N Medd, J Mus- tard, 9 Plummer, G Rose, G Torrence, E Turner. . ' Fourth form --Part I -A. Stout. Senior leaving --W Baird, M Grah- am, E Bitch. E3t$TER. First form --1 Bissett W Bawden, E CWm- Carlin L nrtb(Uifrorc EGelifer. 8Geiser. C ,P V .11 .V �' y �' . G0D1?aI lea,, t j First form --J Armstrong, 111.1.11 Blake. j D Colborne, 141. Dunlap, S IJraper, W , Edward, L Farrow; `6'17 Oarrock, E Guest. J Green, L Hamiltou, B Jai - dine, W Johnstone, J Kennedy, W Lane G Liufleld, M Mair, I Mathieson, T Mr'Etven, R Rhynas, 0 Robertson, Q Robertson, E Sheppaa,rd, Q Stratie Wr((honors), M Tichbotue, B Watson, R iggins. Senior farm -Part 1.-M Buchanan, J Simpson (passed In physics). Second form -Part 1, (dwitiout ph - sics)-N Allin, A Blake, Campion, J Couch, P Densmore, E Dickson, H Dunlop, J Forster, W Hawkins, A Kain, D Mahood, L Naftel, A F Ro- bertson, A R Robertson, E Tilt, B Watson, W Whyard. Primary -A Bowles,C Bean, JClark, J Dickson, B Duff, W Elliott, T Gor- don, L Hooey, N Lockhart, S Mc- Knight, J Snell, M Tobin. Junior- leaving -W. Fisher, R. Ham- ilton, W Hayden. N Malloy, J Martin, A Morton, L Mose, L Morton, E Mc- Caughan, H McDonald, E. E. Reid, E M Reid, L Robertson, W Treleaven, L Trridgeon. Matriculation -W Naftel, A McDon- ald (passed in French comp., German auth. and Latin) M Skelton (passed in Latin. Senior leaving -L Andrews, A Ball, B Guest. 1U sp County Wippings. The expenses of Mr,John McMillan, in the late campaign, were $103. Mr A. Gray, of the Mill road, Tuck- ersmith, threshed the other day 150 bushole of barley from three acres of land. The election expenses of Mr Thos. E. Hays, the Conservative candidate for South Herron at the last election, amounted to $ICO.80. It is our sad duty 'to' announce the death of Uichard Obah, of Drysdale, from typhoid fever. He leaves a be- reaved wife and flim . l W. N. 'Winans, of Detroit, who com- mitted suicide a few days ago, with qn insurance of $75,000 on his life, was at one time a resident of Wingham. Mrs W. Somerville, Seaforth, was called to Toronto last week owing to the death of her father, who died in that city on Saturday. Robt. Smillie has resigned S.S. No. 6 Grey, and leaves on the tat of October to attend the school of Pedagogue. This is his second year. He holds a first non-professional. - Srinday night lightning struck the residence (if Mr H. Koehler, sr., Zurich. The old people were asleep at the time and did not discover what had happen- ed until vaorning. The damage was not serious. It is actual merit that has given Hoods Sarsaparilla the drat place Rmont medi- cinee. It is the One True Blood Purifier and nerve tonio. The Fall Assizes will open at Gode- rich on Sept. lith, before Mr Justice Robertson. Crown Attorney Lewis ,ys his calendar is very light, only two criminal cases being on dock:. A boy aged 14 years, son of Mrs Sit - era, near Dashwood, has died of diph- theria. This is the second death from the same disease that has occurred within a few days in the same family. After a long and painful illness Mr W. H. Kickley passed away at his father's r?sidence, lot 5, con. 7, Ashfleld, on Tuesday. Deceased, who was in his 25thyear, was a bright, intelligent man, and formerly taught school at the 6th con. of Kinloss. Mr Jas. Arith, another of the oldest pioneers of Usborne,assed away on Friday, at the age of p 83 years. De- ceased has been in a rather feeble state of bealt•h from infirmities of old age for some time. Another of Tuckersmith's wortby residentg, � n rhe person of Eliza Rebec- ca, wife of Jno. Furl, and eldekt daogh- t3r of the tale S. hot ton, of 138borne, naesed peacefully away on At,g 12th. tihe appeared to be in her usual health up to about a week before her death. The Seaforth Sun says: —"The many friends of Mise Annie Willis will re - Tret exceedingly to learn of her very tn erous illness. Since Sunday least she has been in a precarious condition, and although everything possibie is being done to aid recover y very little hope is held out by the physicians in attendance. The many friends of Rev, Jos. McCoy, of Chatham, N. B., former pastor of E ondville church, will bre pleased to learn of the succus of his elde9t dau(thte -, Queenie, who has just pass- ed hr a •,ruination for entrance to the Normal school of that provhwe. This is ct a tinly veru creditable for one So young. Air L. Tracey, Wingham, this week met with a painful accident, which caused the amputation of three fingerp of haw left hand. He had been assist• ing at the threshing of his son-in-law, Mr John Fyfe. They were using the bay fork and Mr Tracey's hand was pulled Into one of the pulleys and ter- ribly mangled. E. McKenzie and Gen. Forester, of Wingham, bad a close call while driv- Ing near Belmore, in the storm Wed. resday morning. Lightning struck a telegraph 'pole within a few feet of them. A part of the shattered pole struck the horse on the head and Some of the splinters fell in the buggy. Both men atiahorse were Stunned by the shock. Last week a couple of men called on P.11 the resident ministers at Hensall representing themselves as deputed to request money or clothing for a fami- ly named Hall or Miller which had been burned out. The family were re- presented as residing it frw miled east of Chiselhurst. At Rev. Kerr's they secured a dollar and a bundle of clothes and also some clothes at Rev. Mr W addell's. Enquiry revealed the fact that there had been no Such family's hoose burned and the affair looks somewhat fraudtilebt. Mr Huston, of Exeter, says tbat while he was driving up be met a re- evectableold man on the road who was 13;'S JlicTket' "` .N 'Well (honors , 3wi - •i'of 1A_.Parrt J-1 .U186eft, t, .hl . " rl+t' Xt' 'T 4660r.10 `pkat , 111 , t d-ZIf 1 utast ho Crx1dpt' , ,r i� $.:• 1'i . •fossiril by train years ..6 age. The Messrs lira ructierslnith, haye all but the paints "' I' it is one of the handsomest bui14' ego - of the kiiid in the County. The roof Is of wetal Shingles, while ilia ventilatar9, windows an cupola make it look m re like a public building in a town than a farm building. John Gillespie, residing near Wroxe- ter, was drawhrgetrAlk to Bluevale on Tuesday morning. He drove his horses into a little creek to water thele, but they became frigntened rind ran away, and a shot t time after, Thos. Walker, who was driving by, discovered MI Gillespie caught on a rail fence, severe- ly lnjure0j soiree of his ribs being brokers. His many friends In Wingham will learn with regret of the death of Bar- tholomew Flynn, at St. Louis, on Au- gust 22nd. Mr Flynn came to Wing - ham about twenty years ago, and up- on the incorporation of that place into a town in 1879 he was appointed town clerk, holding the position until his removal to St. Louis. He was an Irish- man and an adherent of the Church of England, in the Sunday School of which church he was an active worker. The trustees of a school section not a thousand miles from Wingham, recent - 1y advertised for a teacher, as usual there was a great rush of applicants. Salaries were at a discount. One ap- plicant, a man, holding a normal school certificate and having had a dozen or more years' of successful teaching as certified to by a number of testimonials, offered to teach the school, teach a singing class and light the fires, etc., for wbich he asked the princely salary of $240 a year, The residence of Mr Peter McKenzie, lot 9, con. 14, Ashfield, was totally de; stroyed b fire Tuesday night, togeth- er w•th a large portion of its contents. The family had retired to bed and were only awakened by the smoke and flames bursting in upon them, and their escape fromahorrible death H as indeed providential. How the fire originated is not deflna,tely known but is supposed to have been caused by a defective chimney on the kitchen. The building was insured for $e00 and the contents for $2C0 in the Ontario Mutu- al Insurance Company. The funeral of the late Maggie Bell on Friday.last, at Wingham, was Some- thing rather out of the ordinary and yet the most becoming, quiet. and or- derly conducted funeral we have ever seen. Four young ladies, dressed in white and each carrying a bouquet acted as bearers. They were assisted by two young gentlemen. At the grave the bouquets were deposited on the casket. Another part of the cere- mony which we believe to be a sensible departure from the ordinary custom was having the service private and a few hours before the time of burial, . " A ' �. . ,,. 1. . • .. , F I ,... and that he was 62 , 11,4 ck, of the Mill road W.*' their barn finiabed ng We are Safe in • • q Political Pointers The estimates for the fiscal year laid on the table of the House amount to $41,647,000. Sir Oliver Mowat spoke for r -early an hour in c(+ntinu'ng the debate on the address in the Senate. The debate on the address was closed Thursday In the House of Commons without a division. The Conservative caucus was held at Ottawa, onThurada o and Sir Charles Tupper was elected leader of the party in the House. Clark Wallace and one or two others were not present. In 1891 Mr Masson, Conservative, had a majority of 247 iii North Grey. In the general eleci,ion this was con- verted into a majority of 32 for•the late Mr Clark, a Liberal gain of 275. In the by-election the Liberal majority was increased Swam 32 to 420, a further W. of NS, and atotal gain of 60 Since 1891. Mr Paterson had majorities in five out of the seven divisions of the seven divisions of the riding. Some miscreant recently walked through the business portion of Otta- wa, and with a diamond scratched the plate glass windows of about 50 busi- ness establishments, doing $3,000 da- mage. Most of the stores carried in- surance on their plate glass, but they cannot recover anything for the da- mage done, as there is no clause in the policies providing for injuries su9- tained a9 related. Things are going about right for Can- ada, both afloat and ashore. The ma- jor ities for good government on land, were as large as the mrrg'in for fine skill on wator. Ever since the happy day when the people of Canada decid- ed to put their trust in Air Laurier and the Liberals, victory after victory with big guns and little guns, with big yachts and Ilittle yachts, have been coming thick and fast. The crops, nearly ruined before the 23rd of June, have been picking tip ever sines, and now promises fairly well; the army worm became discouraged, and the grasshoppers, which amounted to a plague last, year have not given trouble thio Summer. The astonishment began when Mr Tarte startled his clerks by appearing at the office ready for work at 8 o'clock in the morning. Mr Fisher adds to the wonder by visiting the Dominion Farm ever day. Such a thing was unheard of before. But then, what difference did it make whether such men as Carling, Montague and Angers ever visited the farm or not? What did they know about it when they did visit it? On the other hand Mr Fisher is a practical farmer, a man who loves farming and has made a success of it. By the way, now that we have a prac- tical and competent farmer as Minister of Agricultural, is there any further need of paying Prof. Robertson $5,000 a yearfor rnnrring through the coun- try exploiting schemes, astonishing E18with hie learning and getting his name in the paper? A good deal of the work Prof. Robertson as been do- ing has been of very questionable utili- ty. Some of it would be high at any price. --Stratford Beacon. The Regina, edited by Nicholas Flood Davin, is dninp its best to keep Mr Tarte'S guillotine ft am gett%ng rusty from want of work. It wants to get to work on the Lieu t•Governor'a staff at Regina. It Says. "In the office ai Government bulld- ings which by she way His Honor aloes not mach fredukhl, there biro• lbree is essential to,. Health, VV07 uoQX red o Iner of Wood s or e system to reached by the blood, stud on its quality thecondition of every organ do. pende. Clood blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood moans scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma- tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi- talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and oares that tired feeling, Remember, P Ho -ods Sarsaparilla 13 the best —'In fact the One True Blood Purifier. cure Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Pi l lit take, easy to operate. sac. real service as a Snow plow in August. We venture to declare that any one of the clerks in the Bank of one branch; here does as much work in, a week -as -six -men collectively can find to do in three months. Anil while this waste Of money is going on, the Schools and public wotks funds are n a State of beggary. . A FARMERS' TENT. --Arrangements have been made by the Ontario Agri- cultural College to have a tent on the Toronto and London exhibition grounds. Officers and members of Farmers' Institutes, of lives stock, dairy, poultry, fruit (growers', and kindred associations, exhibitors of live stock, poultry, agricultural products, etc., are cordially invited to make this tent their headquarters during the time of each exhibition. A nimber, of the staff of the Ontario Agricultul-' at College will be present at each ex- hibition at the dates hereafter given, and will be prepared to furnish to ell - Cnulrers all information relative to the College, etc. The tent is known as "The Office of the Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes of Ontario and Secretary of the Live Stock Associa- tions." Farmers and other friends are cordially invited to make this t^ret their beadquarters while attend- ing the above fairs. A table and writ - Ing materials will be at their disposal at any time. Zhis will be found very convenient, and no one should have any hesitation in availing themselves of these privileges. A RECOUNT NOT NEEDED. WINS IN EVERY CONTEST—THIa Is THE R8 - CORD OF DR AGsXW'9 CUBE FOR THE HEART —MRS W. T. RUNDLE, or Dumm", ONT., CURED IN ONE DAY—DR. AdNEw's CATARR- HAL POWDER THE ONLY REMEDY TO DO $YL- VESTPR LAWRENCE, OF WYNDHAM CENTRP ONT., ANY GOOD -DR, AGNEW'S 0INTMEN7 A CERTAIN CUEE FOR PItxs—DR. AoNEw'e LIv ER PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION AND HEAD- ACHE, Continued experiments are needed tC test the certainty of some things, but this has no application in the case of Dr. Ag- new'. Cure for the Heart, No matter how severe the pain, it will immediately relieve. Eelief comes within one half hour. The disease may be of years' standing this ape. cific will remove it. Mrs W. T. Rundle, wife of a well-known cattle dealer in Dun. dalk, suffered aevere)y for a a6raiderable time from heart disease. AS aha says: "I was for some time unable to attend tc my household duties. No remedies did me any good. I was induced to try Dr. Ag• new's Cure for the Heart, and I must Say the result was wonderful. The pain lefl me after the first day and I have had no trouble since." Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is recom• mended by all classes of people. The lead" ing clergymen of the countrv, over their own Signatures, have borne testimony to its effectiveness. Nearly 100 members of th( late House of Commons have done the eam( service. It has cured the worst cases of deafness, an outcome of cattarrh. Sylves. ter Lawrence of Wvndham Centre, Ont. says that this remedy is the only thing thal he can use with ease and comfort. Hit words are: "It is the best I have ever tries and I have need a good many." The vervbeat thing that can be said cf Dr Agnew's Ointment is that in the case of piles it will cure in fromtbree to six oighte It is a certain cure for tetter, salt rhena and all eruptions of the skin. Simple and yet meat effeotive are the Lit. tie Liver Pills of Dr. Agnew, They are cagy to take and cure sick headache, consti• patios, biflionneas and indigestion sit bl magic. 10 cents a vial -40 doses. Soll bl Watts & Co. Dr. Harris of, Brantford, died slid. denly. Cattle shipping from the Northwest is very brisk just now. Immense quantities of apples are be' ing shipped from Montreal to Liver pool. your child You note the difference in children. Some have�nearly every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. Weak children will have continuous cold, in winter, poor 'digestion in summer. They are with. out power to resist disease they have no reserve strength. ScoI' ', �.. 11 of cod liver 18 -IV o11, I?p t1, lf� Po• phos h tes- is � obdAiw�or tail f1I11^fili �t the, tizen ear ,,tCY 9meiile ;iasissititl 1?IlrililtYtAtfGf illtofi CYdl'Jt, ,` dy,. •lpy, or etl.. ' Rh>�tattiod co'�fst kiadtl;het's+ tr„�2q :b $ ,11 r> toixi �kli'3�ri til • �Lt n M iCy. 1%fl 114 *h �� ,,, ;n ..Mi5 #4 i90 i ww,4 I ., � a” , *' w' ,1; I a11 Mrs Michael Boyle of Owen Loud wits arrdsted on a charge of shbotiu and wounding a young Haan named William Rug es' who, she claims, in- sult gd her on the street. You Do.Ww IlAvE To SwE,►u OFv says the St. Louis ,journal of Agriculture in an, editorial about No -To -Ban, the fam, ons tob;k000 habit cure. "Wo koow of mangy caves,'cured by No-ToXao, one, e, promi- nent St. Louis architect, smoked and ohew- ed for twenty years; two bakes cured him so that even the smell of tobacco makes him siok.'t No -To -Bao sold gad guaran. teed no care no pay. ' Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET CHOICE FARM To sell or rent lot 90 W3, let con. East Wawa - nosh, containing 100 acres in a good state of cultivation. For terms apply to SAMUEL MARSHALL, Auburn, DESIRABLE FARM TO RENT A choice farm of 107 acres, on the 16th con. of Goderlen townshipp about oil sores cleared and in good state of cal�ivation, Frame house, bank barn, young orchard lust beginning to bear, well watered, Thio farm is in an excellent•aitn- anon, not fardrom church -or school, about four miles from Clinton and will be leased for a term of years on reasonable terms. Full particulars on application to C NE3BITT, Clinton P O DESIRABLE FARM TO RENT The undersf ned.offere- to rent the splendid - farm on the oth con. Hallett township, being the north half of lot 86, containing 85 acres, Frame house, barn, stable and eked, young orchard bearing this year, a creek running through the farm all the year round. A desirable farm for stook or grain, being only six miles from the town of Clinton. Apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FORD, Holmesville. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT Lot 12, Bayfield con., Goderich township, con- taining 119 nores, about 85 cleared and in good .tate or cultivation, balance bardwood, bush and some cedar timber. Good, comfortable brick all a tabard• w Lank bar cod o hawse, large tan g , watered, spring creek ruuning across the farm, which is well fenced, mostly with cedar" Terms of sale will be made very easy. If not sold will be rented for o term of years. Apply to 0. 'SIMON4, 72 ht. David's St., Goderich. CHOICE FARM FOU SALE Subscriber offers for sale the (80 acre farm on the corner of the out line and loth con., Goderich Towuship. It is well watered, with gopd bearing, orebard, frame house and new bank barn. Con• veni�nt to church and school. Will be cold on reasonable terms. Apply to MR3 JOS SPARLING, Clinton GOOD FARM FOR SALE Lot north balf of 11, east balf of 12,12th con. of Hulle:t, 100 acres in good cultivation, 4 acres bush. Good frame house, bank barn 60x60, driv- ing shed 24x88, sheep hone 16x75, concrete hog pen an I hen house 18x40, good bearing orchard, well B ria good tenoee, soft water, never-failin w p B creek, shoal, church post office, 1J miles, Sit- uated 5 miles froin Blyth. Possession in spring. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to *41 P. A. SPRUNG, arlock. FARM, FOR BALE Lot 25, Con. 5, Township of HnllettI 100 acres, 88 acres cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion, excellent clay loam Poll; 12 acres of bard wood bash. There ie a good bearing orchard and a geod suppply of water. The farm lice never been rented, Tne buildings cum rise a good frame boase, barn and stables. This property Is situate on an excellent gravel. road, 2;i miles from the Town of Clinton, Terms easy. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, on the premises, or to JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton. . MR13 TH08, HILL, Clinton P. 0. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full particulars on aDPlioation to JOHN MCGARVA FOR SALE 0R TO RENT. Small cottage, centrally located, For sale or to rent. W. C. SEARLE A BARGAIN House andl (,I 1t 1 1•ale r Iii frj, Terms of payment will be made so liberal that they equal very little more tban an ordinary rental, Address Box 174, Clinton post Office I PERRIN BLOCK 2 FOR SALE w _ $800 cash and 12,0 monthly pa menta of 819 each D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton FOR SALE. The undersigned will 8011 at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister &, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderioh Township, For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE For saloon reasonable terms, the house and tote occupied by the undersigned,on Hing street. The house is a comfortable o4tago, susiable for small family, very conveniently situated, with hard and soft water; a number of bearing fruit trees and .mall fruit on the place pd4 SAMUEL COPP GOOD FARM FOR BALE Subscriber offers for sale the East half of lot 4 In the 8rd concesaion. E. D. of Ashfield, It oon. taina 100 cares, with about 80 acres cleared and free ftom Stamps. Frame house barn and drly. Yngshead bearing urchad, creak runs through tbo lot, situated 1i milce from Port Albert, ou goopd load, will be sold on reasonable terms. to PI to ALEX. BAD R' HOLMESVILLE, or MORTGAGE SALE ' —0 F ---- VALUABLE PROPERTY In the Town of Clinton. Under and by virtua of the power of sale contain - e9 iu a certain m"rtttag0, watch will he produced at the Aisle, there wills be cold at Public Auction, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, At the RATTENBURYf HOUSE In the Town of Clinton, on SATURDAY, Auanst'29, 1890, At 2 o'clock, p. m., the following land.:—Town let 810, on James Si- in the said Town of Clinton, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or lege, There is on the tot a snbittantfal Frame House witb stone foundation, hard and soft vrater, anti other'convenisucesy,, , bita dot Vd,Ha d tTlleA bniaoet_ip,t80 d�tLL�d t ereetar withnat'int6rest, !Clra pxa er`tq drill be ioid sub- 99dot to'a prlok.11660gage 6k, 40.• *itb adatir0d iptlfssty red rrilibd pnt,riijl ou J0t;6,0,,Wytdfitt" ,1 'rite, ariibe ;iA1Yme . sad, rlilftlaa 1tikW' iii o tidwa otii' d f bi halo, dol gpeff avol.t414tio' d tb' 6 111dd 1 �' i411t01566 T • t, , �A �RtTliiile b{', . . :' aArrn�nnawt vAndhr'lr.t3b13a1f41f For Sale or to Rout, OOMMURCIAL Hotel, Minton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent gecotxyyl• wodation for travellers and ppliastton teJr>!l O t'' Terms made known ons 1 �, R08.8IEU, Beamiller. �; Also HOTEL at 1 sxeter MOM, ' With Dwelling House and good Store ad a , joins g, with good outbuildin s. : t par• Exeter, or'F6HN MOSSIER, B-e-AmAler.,,,,• Also, FARM of 200 ACRES -- In West Nissoari. 140 acres cleared, the rest being a good bush of hard wood; no buildings worth speaking of. The ,land is first rate; a gcod price is expected, but not more than the land is worth. Also FARM of 50 AORES- Within one mile of the former, being part of the Wigmore Farm, being comp(is d of East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of Peat Nissouri• the land is first rate, and with very lithe cultivation will make a farm second to none of its size.! Any of the above are good investments and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller Professional and0therCards JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, Soricitor CONVEYANCER &c. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba. ofllce immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman' Wa BRYD©NE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's PhotolGallery, CLINTON M: CAMERON~ Ga (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)i BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Offloe—Hamilton St. oppposite Colborne ,Hotel; GODEIISCH, ONT 71R. WM. CUNN, L. R. C. P, and 1, R• C. 8 J J Edinburgh. Of leeL-Ontario Ereet, Clinton Nigbt calls at front door of residence on Ration bury 8t., opposite Presbyterian aburch. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M, D. TORONTO Cniversity, At D. C.M., Victoria University M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrics Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Engg and Edinburgh Hospitals. Offioe.—Dr.Dowsely's old office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell answered at the name place. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN BURGEON Accouahear, eta., office In them glace Block Ratter,bury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Out. JAS. S. FtEEBORN, M.D., L.S.&Q.C.P.I., hi, 0. P. & S.O., Graduate MID98 and Queens College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, lacen. Hato General Medical Cant.eil, Great Drita Member of College Physicians ana Surgeons, on- tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital, (Lying-inand G aeeologieal)Dublin. Residence — attenbury St. east, next door to Ontario St Parsonage. STANBL,RT F THE D� Medical D partment oftVlot rifle Un11 PIt city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospital. ant Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for ht Courty of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. DR AG1lEVN, Londesboro, successor to Dr Young, T. AGNEW, M. B., Toronto University M. D. C, M., Trinity University, Member of Cohege . Pby- Bicfann and Surgeons, Ontario, Office opposite Methodist ehureb. Nigbt cans answered at the same place. Office hours 8 to 10 aim., 1 tolap,m; to 9 P.M. DR- T• C- BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R C D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Unl varsity Toronto. Special attention given to the Preservation o1 the natural teetb. Office, Coate r look, over Taylor's shoe store N. B.—will visit Blyth eery Monday and Paylleld every Tbursday aftOrnoon during.tb i summer • J. E. BLACRALL VETERINARY SURGE01 Honorar}Graduate of tbeOntarioVeterinar, College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and male on the moat modern and soientiflo princi plea .Ofilce- immediately south of the Now Eri Othoe. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Cal night orday attendedto promptly Official Government Veterinary Inspector; �. TOMLINSON, VETERINA.UY SURGEON .V Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestic Animala on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and night calle pprompt 1y answered. Residence—Rattenbury 8t., west fJlinton, MARRIAGE LIGENbE, JAMES SCOTT 9R. lmurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Boon and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL LONDESBORO ISSUER OF kARRIAGE LIC'ENBE8, No witnesses required �(ONEV TO L D IN LARGE Oi 11zux Small Burne on ood martggaaae security moderaterateofinter t. H HALE,Clinton- ZJ1 W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER, OF ASSN 01 1' • P. L, S., Provincial Land Surveyor amt Civil Engineer, London, Ont,—Office at Geo Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton, R. AGNEW, L.D.S D.D.S. DENTI[ST.. %hsduste of Royal College of Dental Surgeons Ont. Honor Graduate of TrinVy University Toronto. All operations In Dentfetry oarefullp performed Beat local Anaestbotics for painless extraction 01fic0 0pp oaite Town Hall over Swsllow'B store Will via t Hensall every Monday, and Zurle everysecond Thursday , each month. XWNisrbt bell answered. THOS. 4UNDRY, Auctioneer, GODERICH, ONT. Bales attended to in any part of the county Orders left at Olinton Naw ERA ofRoe will receive careful attention, pdgm BUSINESS CHANGE Davis & _McOo01. Having bought out the Livery business of Allan Turnbull and amalgamated the form.t businean of Davie & Son, sabactiber6 .will con. Crone the same at the Turnbull bLiivve . The pfonland care in 6,11 orders for rfiggn-Uood careful hordes and comfortable rigs will be our moth st treasonable ohatgas. DAVIS & MCCOOL ROBERT D(3WNI,, OLINT'ON, Manufadtarer anis Proiirlotor tot the beat SAW MILL. DOG in use, - Agent tot the sale and ap- plication of thg &,lr'FisrW& PAf XT ATMICAM IidUAlpi-ett tti ftEAM,E'1TWINGS tarnished ttud fish obbd 64'ehgi't lttitide1 >lltatl<Itilk:+, 7Ciitlf111a6iN'r' wi4 .t�tIlfilttiili' 1. • illl641iitirbiw, 1060' rtr6tt slips t10 ,r r : 404f I* eii46t�fitiXali11*60r.'*4}f96 ;r tlf tluritl d v it7 01.13%' limit 14(ttt 1Wt il� it r t• art lirnsnd a afl A, , �ij7t1 �� �tiLY4YYrll'5i1N��. � .. r--*; I