HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-09-04, Page 1+; f ray ,, GFF�,'�,��,,�,��': I .107,- I '­�,� �` .11 ; .V I I'll---, - y X I7, RArt 0�'r x Ito ��x I�lo1.M�s, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., SEPTEMBER 4 1896 _ — J - . $1 a year In adva t$'I.m when AorX6 ' ° • A Y, 11 t � , . �T left one Sunday evening recently. He jp �lii 11A tq BCti t�� . r, I ,,�, -ROT-TW� 1 :L1 . E � 4..:' . 25 left the church on lila csheel, butoa ov, � � � � . �S11 ,Y �v , What w%Q-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publloatlon. ertakin his lad love he of off and We will .cap the New Hta to now led the wheel in one hand A friend Fxom ae or from epeataal4 esicl�axa,4 ' ,c $>afnmerhill GiAderioh Township consider first, wliigh ops o tt�, yvi)i . NOTES. -•-Miss A. Stout, of Clinton, srbsarilbers, for fire cash, for the asked for the loan o! it, and he readily me.ke the frurisnotiop Mp ���iplpG ,% Plo�rla. -7'he annual picnic of the Rent part o! last week visiting at Me �,qw of the year, Tku is a oonsetited on condition that he would tory to you. You know, ttlti, Wo, Sunday and da schools of this place ' Izzard'e. Miss Andrews, of Goder leave It in a certain place. When he are , " will be held in Mrs Garvie's grove an ;ch, is vision at Mr Thos. Jenkins. very low rata Postage stamys I went to the set lace, tt was nowhere Al w'et's here. You cX_� - In t ,�.' S or money can be forwarded by p know them. They are 'IMever' #e111 the afternoon of Saturday the 12th Mies McGre or, who has been visiting to be found, and he was employed for except when they are selling you, ' ,, at Mr J. Wi futon's, has returned to lnatl, The sooner you .absertba several days in hunting it up. Will, Yoa know we can end will tit you � ; Itheo Inst. There will be the usual games �q b h , , _'.. (A , , '7 0and amusements. Come and bring her home in li`inburn, Mra Crawford, the longer you get tt at Ehfa price you had better get a dau le wheel. properly. Yon don't know wliethor F basket and en joy a pleasant afternoon. Mich., is renewing acquaintances in _ N4TE9. - Mr and Mrs H. H. AIcVittie this vicinity. $enmiller they can or sot. Matt know we< , t A16W Y• Blyth wpn't overcharge you. YOU know leave this week for their home in FRuiT.-In passing through ilia VISITORS. -Mr Williams and Mrs they must and do charge more North.Bap. The well at the school township one will notice chat there ie LOAN SOOIETX.—TheEquitahleLoan, Bunting, of Mitchell are at resent P Building, & Savings Association have g' P than we find it necessary to do. Yore Are the loud that we house has been thoroughly cleaned an abundance of fruit. The apple sea- g g the guests of Mr M. Plrammer, know we refund our mono if make. Don't make ouG, and the boys and girls can now son is just opening, while the lura formed a board in town, with the fol- y y Il. n j P g• i HoMl .-Mr Edwin Waiters, of Col- eatiefied. You know the dorl�t �, have urs water to drink. Mrs Jno. season Is about over. The plume have lowing officers: -Pres., A. Elder; Vice Y anM.. _ any other. If you P Pres., H. Gidle ; Sec. Treas., F.Met- Lingwood, came home on Thursday In other words, you know"that brit' i I ­1want that kind try us Colborne has been laid up for some been an excellent crop and a heavy calf; Valuator, John Wilford; Solicitor last for a few days visit to parents and fuzz from us ,fve tbke all risks. BUy ;" for your fall Suit or time with an attack of Paver, but ie yield. - Mr W. F. Hick picked over six friends. ing from them you take all ricks, O t im covin Miss Emily Proctor, of ushels of plums off one tree, and A. S. Dickson; Ex, Com., J. S. Mcgin- Y non and J G} Emi h A number of S I M W d h Which will you favor? ;f , vercoa . pp . Holmesvi le, is holidaying at her cis- would like to know of where thio can prominent citizens hive taken stock: TILL LL.— r oo A. w o was P laid u a couple of days. on account of ` F ter, Mrs J. H. Lowery. , be beaten. p P Y ALLEN & WILSON'S It.. .11 We are showing an ACCIDENT.—On Thursday hfternoon BUSINESS CHANC4E.-We understand the injuries be received by the break- • - • • elegant- range -of tall FAMILY R'E'UNION. -A very, happy last-anhappene,d_to A p tbat Mr Purves,�fllte__Woo11Pn MiliN_ I ittgg--ofAiis-biaych -took c urge o t e -- �rff� a�� OPLICians i� and winter Suitingg, re -union took place at the reetdence of Me J. G. Steep He was driving the wlro7ias been one of the most highly sohool again on Monday last, but after ,,�; nice, nifty stuffs that Mr Robert Miller, base line, on Tues- team attached to the land roller, when respected business men of the p ace teaching for a taw days found himself AddiftOna� . LQQe� News• �;' you cannot fail to like day, it being the 90th anniversary of the horses got frightened and ran aw for several years, intends to leave ns unable to continue, and consequently �,. the birth of Me James Oluff, father -in- aY� when the bo was picked up, after shortly, he having bought the Teeswa- closed school again for a few days. On Thursday, Sept. 19th, in the S A ML. law of Me Miller. The occasion was ter W oollen Mills. He is a good all barracks, Enal n, cobell will exhibit IIl1ZBItELLAS observed in a becoming manner, being thrown ofP, he was pretty badly g We 11cpe to hear of hie speedy re g R the bruised, but whether the roller eased round business man, and we are sorry cover lantern views on the life of Little Al. p Y• children and relations present being over him or not be cannot tell; is to lose him. ice, or from match girl to Salvation r ' d NOTES. -R. Holmes, Clint'bn will SUCCESSFUL.—Among the list of Army pa Noble Cluff and wife, Seaforth; Davi thought his injuries would have been successful students who passed the re- captain. You know a good Umbrella Cluil' and wife, Goderich; Jas. M. De- g alt, when you ace it. Give us more serious if it bad; at an rate he Occup the ulpit of the Methodist INSTALLATION. -On Friday � Y d cent departmental exam , we are y evening pew and wife, Detroit; Henry Kerr was severely bruised. ehurc next un ay morning, and Rev lasts pleasant ceremony took Illace at: your opinion two lines we Y leased to Lote the names of Nelson P 12 Iand wife, of Winham0 and Mrs W. PICNIC. -The farmers of the 18th con, Mr Rigsby in the avenin Miss Hey- p the Masonic Tod a tt bein theinstallax are, showin at $1.50 and Gauley, of Clinton. Mrs Thomas Bea gg Malloy afld Walden Fisher, who ae- g t3 gg Huron and Bayfield roads, all formed Rood, Clinton, isMr13'W: lY. McElroy'a tion of Dr, Shaw as District DQ $2.26. The handles are nob- com, ,of Clinton, another daughter, y uestat resent. Mr Howard Alexan- cured their Junior Legood certificates. of des. .'X, •'�. b the frames stron and ,_ together in a harvest home picnic, last g P' There seems to be a good deal of die- G.M. Mr McFadden, R. W. D. Gl: M., , I y' ,,and was unavoidably absent owing to ill- F t � der returned on Monday from a boli- „i. of Stratford officiated i t d b R F1 .. a the to a will shed rain like Saturday, which was held on ors er s y satisfaction about the way the hats , Rss a e y ev. _ p Hees in her family, and Mr Thompson plats, near Holmesville, where a splen- day trip north. John Young, of Lon• were d this ear. As the de- Mr Hodgens, of Sea,fort.h. Attbe close -;i? a duck sheds water, and P„t}-t.�hehe Y Cluff, of Toronto. A ver enjoyable did time wasepent. Theseannual out- don, was in town on Wednesday. Mrs artiiient ave th explanation, manyof the exercises refresh were11 that's the kind of Umbrella time was spent, Mr Cluw bavi.ig the ins are good things, if for no other H. Bainton, of Plymouth, who has P g P served in the lod a -room and a leas et' to buy, osession of all his faculties, and being g g been the guest of friends in town, re- whose names were on the lists in some ant social time spent. � P � 1vo� P purpose than the bringing together of g form or other thought that thgy had P A' a apparently good for several years yet. the different families and the inter- turned home on Wednesday. Mrs S, passed, but upon investigation found AUTION,-A number of boa who •'had Hlodgens Bros. He is a pioneer of the county, having Chan a of good fellowship, and they Young has been the guest of Mrs R. to their disappointment that such was are in the habit of lapin on the L., H. ' LLLL ^ " settled on the Maitland, near Seafortb, Should be cultivated and encoura ed B. Ta for the est week• Miss Edna p g ;, CLINTON in the year 18.33, and being a veteran g not the case. & B., near the old station, will et Y g SUDDEN DEATH. -John Colclou h Hamilton is the guest of London get i' friends, A number of our oun peo- themselves into Serious trouble if their �ZM, v,�isl• m the McKenzie rebellion, and his for many years a resident of the base Y g Holmesville. parents do not look after them, e Saltford. than friends certainly wish him ears le attended C. E. Convention held in 1.Y Y Y line, but recently residing in Morris, P NEw ConIERe.-The Tamil of Mr other day the loosened the brakes on �`x BIIRNED.-The many friends of Me of happiness yet. died suddenlyon Sunda He awoke Goderich last week. The brick work y Y Y, of the new scbool has been completed, weir, of Goderich, moved into Me a flat car, allowing it to run out on the Hornet', near Saltford, will he sorry early in the morning with a choking P Pickard's vacant house on Front St, main line, causing considerable dela 11 I learn that on Wednesday last dur- Huilett sensation, and his wife of u to et and the carpenters are busy with the y ing the severe thunder storm, his barn ENCOUNTER. - On Monday night g e g roof. Me John S, McKinnon returned We understand Me Weir runs a thrash- to a train. Offences of this nature are �_. g him a drink of water; when she reach- er and doubtless thinks Holmesville a punishable by imprisonment, and iiar- Was struck by li htning and burned to about 11 o -'clock Wm. Stevens, of the ed his aides sin he was dead. He was from an extended so'ourn in Muskoka gg g more central point. ants should warn their children against the ground, together with all this year's 9th con., hada very unpleasant en- a native of Ireland, and bon ht the on Friday, bearing t e unmistakeable P g . g them. crop. A new binder which was in the counter with some stranger, whom he farm on the baseline in 1864. Hie wid- hue of a summer, outing. Mrs Curtis TEAMEETING.-A meeting was held A' .- barn was also burned. found in his house. He is laid up with ow, six daughters and three sons are visited wIngham friends Thursday of Wednesday to consider what form our CORRECTION, -In the NEW ERA of t DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. -A disastrous a sore foot ys the result. left to mourn his sudden death -Mrs last week, Me Wm. Shane left for anniversary would take, and it was last week it was stated that young ' fire occurred Sunday morningat three NOTES. -The wife of Mr John Sun. John Johnston and Mrs T. P. Shep- Montreal on Friday, where tie will vie- decided to hold the usual teameeting; Hutchinson had been sentenced to the ;„ I_ o'clock, The large salt works, dairy dercock, who has been seriously ill pard Clinton; Mrs Render and Mrs it his daughter for a few weeks, Miss it will take place about the last of this Reformatory for a year for procuring "ftt salt mill, saw mill, stave and heading p Young, of London, and Miss Tucker, a horse under false pretences; this wasLLL factory, is ether with several thou- with congestion of the lungs, is im- Burton, Goderich Township; MIS R. J. g. month S. first of next. Y covin Me H. Livermore, of the Anderson, Manitoba: and MissAnnie,at of Wingham, were guests at the horns NOTES. -Mies B. Marquis lefC on wrong, be was released an suspended i�" sand barrels of salt, And 5000 apple bar- p g• of Me James Anderson last week. A Tuesday for An Arbor, Mich., where sentence, Unintentionally an injustice 1 9th, has corn over 13 feet high. Me home; Joseph, Bluevale; John, Alma, large rain storage is bein er- she has secured a situation, her sister was also done young Bramfleld the in- rels belonging to Peter McEwan, Salt- Matt. Mains has the bridge on the 4th Perth county, and James, Grey town- g K g g Y g11 fora, were completely destroyed. The con, about Com feted; it will be a rest shi In olitica the deceased was a ected at the G. T. R. depot by Mr As, Jenny, is also there. Me S. 'Nhite- faience being that he was v¢ith Hutch - loss will be about $15,000; insurance egnvenience tothepeople in this par- staunch Conservative, and an Episco- Tiernay. Mise B. McConnel left for man, of Detroit, spent Sunday at Mrs inaon at the time the horse was se- 17 ; not very large. The flames spread to alian in religion. London on Monday, to attend the mil- J. Holdsworth's. Mr and Mra Thomas cured. He was in town here, and only the tannery of Jos. Beck. Aestro to ocular locality. P g liner openings. Miss Wheatley, o tY y BARN BIIRNED.-A mysterious Gro RIINAWAY.-On Saturday last as Mr Y y, P Holmes, of Palmerston, are visitingg went for a ride on the earnest solicits- 1 the old part of the plant. By the aid o occurred on MRndRy evening, on the F. Beattie was re grin to deliver a Clinton, is the guest of Misg Jack at the latter's sister, Mrs J. Marquis. A tion of Hutchinson. The NEW ERA x,�: the Goderich steam fire engine and bei- Pat m of Mrs Mills, on the Huron Road load of fruit in town, histeambecame resent. A lar a audience greeted number took advantage of the excur- fully appreciates the commendable ef- � ,I g occupied by Mr E. Jones. It was die- fri htened and ran awe It seems , Iker's Uncle Run's Cabin Co„ who sion to Toronto Thursday morning, fects being made by Me Heaton, Presi- . 1 ode which went over to Saltford, a g y. "� plentiful supply of water was had from covered about 10.30, and was then too that he had hitched the team to the Played here on Friday evening under Inspector Tom visited our school last dent of the Children's Aid Society for, the river. The firemen saved the new far advanced to save anything, The wagon, and, thinking to change some their own canvas. Miss McMurchie, week and reported things in good the county, to aid youths in leading portion of the tannery, containing the barn contained a quantity of peas, a, of his garments, went into the house, Clinton, was the guest of Mies Curtis shape. We notice the name of Bertha better lives; at the same time it' can11 - machinery Me Becks loss will be couple of sleighs, and some small arti- leavinthe team in Charge of the hired on TuesdA�y. The Sacrament of the Stanley as successful inithe commercial, not refrain from saying that Hutchia- ,, About $2,000, covered by insurance in 1 Lord's Supper will be dispensed on etc. Me Jos. Leech, of Bluevale• Rev, eon, young as he is will be found a ,' clog. As no one had been around the man, who began to rol the barrels Sunda next. School opened on Mon- W. W. Leech,' o4 Whitechurch; Mrs good subject for missionary woi k in • I the Western and Lancashire compan- premises, as far as known, it is suppoe- . containing the fruit up to the wagon, Y P y ies. Had it not been for the steam fine 1 da with codattendance. Miss Me- (Rev. G. Leech, of Toronto; Mrs Rev this direction. . ed that tramps must have set the ace The horses, however, were not used Y ) (Rev) engine the village would have been on flee. P P to this kind of work, and took fright Gregor, after a pleasant holiday, re- F. Oaten, of Bayfield, were here on swept out of existence, as a high wind g turned on Wednesday. Thursday visiting Mrs beech and other en played a �e married and single � . p g at one o! the barrels, a> d started out Y men played a a was blowing. The villagers had a hard Stanley the lane Por the highway, while the friends. Mies Churchill, o! Toronto; ti Y game o on Friday last, fight to keepthe fire under control to Brneef3eid Mies MCKirI of London and Miss resulting in favor of the latter by 70 a;'1 NOTES. -Mise Lucinda Reid visited ahempts of the man trnstop them y' to 38. The following was the ecote:- save their homes. The supposition is friends near Exeter last week. Mrs were in vain. Me Beattie rushed out, Norna.-Tories Burton, of Mitchell, is the Holmes, Clinton, were visiting Mrs g b sect of Mise Gibson this week. Mise Holmes, Mies Stella Holmes after MARWED MRN eh; that the roof of the salt lock was (Dr) W. Armstrong, Fullarton, paid a but his gentle voice had lest ixs power g £i ^ struck by lightning, r a tremendous short visit to her friends on Bronson for directingthe inftiriAta animals Coutts, of Ailsa Craig, is visiting the farm- three weeks visiting , l ftnasals, n FriGode- Wheat er o McDonald b MaTaggart..13 ,t}'6 electric discharge occurred about that �• 1 of her Uncle, D. McIntosh. Rev. W. rich And Holmesville, left here on Fri- Wheatley b McTaggart .... ....... .. 3 ;,' g line recently. R. Reid, B. A., w ho is and they rue ed madl on towsrda the y Harland sand b McTaggart 3 . .... time, arousin man of the inhabit- Muir exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. H. day for her home in Detroit. Me D. g Y teaching in Ridgetown, returned to his closed gate. This di not check them Agnew b Terry ....................... 2 Henderson of Heneall on Sunda Dame Holmes, of Oodericb, visited his rand- Chidle b Tetty....., 'ry ants, who noticed flames a few min- duties r here last week. Rev P. W. as they went through the gate, break- y' g y - • • • • • • • • • • 9 "' rtes afterwards, and gave the alarm. Phil ott, of Toronto, visited friends on in it into a dozen pteres, and then rumor says that two of our young people mother on Saturday; he was accom- Hollowsy c� McDonald b McTaggarb.. 3 r'• P g will neat week begin life in team harness. Bruce b McTaggart ............... ... 4` There had been no fire in the furnaces Goshen line and Bayfield Road last started west for Goderich at a teriffic 8 parried by his wife and sen. Upshall b Torry ....................... 6 of the salt block for three weeks. This Miss Jean Jamieson left for Paris on v week. Miss E. Reid, of Bayfield Road, speed, scattering things In wild pro- Thursday. Rev. W. Mair and Misses M. Tuckersmith. Coat, (Wm) c Hodgone b Terry.. , 4 a� i; is the second time within a few years went to Tbrouto last Tuesday to air fusion. Just at this time Mr Hick, a y couch—not out ....................... 1 ,c; Burdge and L. McGregor attended the O. COU190IL — Council met at Daly's hotel, E Noble c Barnharot b McTaggart. ,... 1 =i;''? that Mr McEwan's salt works have tend the millinery openings. Mr W. neighbor, carve upon the scene, And of g g _ r,;