HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-07, Page 8• .••• Page tby3l THE WINGH AM ,A,DVASura wwwwwwwwww wwwwwiwomommiwil WINDOWi -0 :SALES. 0 1. . Men's and Boys Fall and Spring Caps, 100 caps on sale regular $1,00 to $2.50, sale 69e. On display in window. II. Men's silk wash ties, reg. 75c, sale 49c Fancy colored stripes and plain whites. 4 dozen to be cleared at this price. HI 20 ladies' black moire silk coats in best qualities and new styles, reg. $30,00 coats, sale $18.75. Also 40 dolmans, Net - our and tweed coats on sale at reduced pricts. IV. 35•1adies' suits, the balance of our Spring stock, to be cleared out, at $19.75 and $29.75. • • 25 ladies' voile, cotton and gingham ready— made dresses in blues, greens; ,tnauves•and rose_$5.75 to. $14,75.• The Store with the Stock. MMMWAMMIVAWM fWWWWWAMWWW- XXXXXXXXXV,IVA NYZIMMItte.47,1X71.N174 11 An Exteptiohal Offer! Any person purchasing a piano or violin within one month from this date receives outfit - One Term of Lessons Free Instruction will be given in ottr store by Mr, Geo. Fryfogle. ;We have special prices. Ow, pianos are unequalled and our violins are of the finest, being made by Brare & $�n, the old English firm which has a con- tinental reputation second to none. Come in and see them. • You are not obliged to buy. A.good line of phonographs always on hand. New music and new records arriving almost daily. ?). A.% XX • • 7A. H1117S Music Store (cs, mocxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mrs, Neilson ctud daughter, were vlsi- ors at tho honie of Geo. and Mrs. Allah, last week. E. Bryans of Toronto, visited friends in town, re,..ently. Itiontlay being a holiday,. -a slumber from town, spent tlio day in Teeswater, Mrs Jinn Doyens ot Fordwich, spent , Tuesday with friends in town, Thero will be no setatices in the Presby- torian t•liarch nest Sunday, owing to the pastor licitly; absent. ,sis!..orkg_rom._00sS.014s, ' ••••••11•T•Wrirr?..4,ccratowsomi WEDDING BELLS .Turnberry McKna-SilnleitTFR A happy event took place at St. An. ..Sreves Manse on Monday afternoone,July 28th, when Mr. Thomas McKee and Miss Cora Gwendoline Sherrie( of Star City, Sask., were joined in wedlock. The cere- Molly was performed by Rev. D. Perrie, the bride being attired ifi her travelling suit of blue silk. The bride is a former well-known Winghairi young lady, being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Shea- *, formerly of this town, and the groom is le former' resident of Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. McKee left on Monday after- noon for Goderich and will spend a few weeks in Ontario pointsbefore going West and will reside in Star City, Sask. 1 Mrs. Wm. S. King and son, Pere, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKinney and son, Will motored to Toronto last week, also took in the sightkat Niagara Fails. Miss Helen Garniss of Toronto, is visit- ing over the week -end with her parents at Bluevale. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson and son. Allan. Mrs' Johnston and Mr. Freeman, Mornington, motored on Sunday to Mr. Wm, S Kin&e. Misses Irene and Nellie McKinney of Blizevale, spent last week with their cousin, Miss Lavine fCing, E STAB LIaglarD-r. rgli% mgrt t!,411! Itr%V MEAD OFPICE HAMILTON CANADA'S part in the war has necessitated the growth of nati- tonal indebtedness which Can - da has now to take cite of. This indebtedittiss must be cleared away by the production of increased wealth throughout the country The Bank of Hamilton will take ha part in ren- dering financial servie.e to all preduc. 'dye entesprise which helps to gain Olt end. ANKIOF HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANI".1-1 C. P. Smith, Manager Football Math A fast game of football will be played in the town park, Wingham, on Saturday evening, August 9th,, commencing at 0 46 sharp The local G. W, V. A, team and the Listowel boys wilt play. Wingbarn returned boys have a strong team and the Listowel buys are winners of the Hough Cup and the W. F. A. Admission 25 cts. and 15 cis, Wealthy tido Acquitted Albert Ralf, a wealthy hobo. wile was arrested on suspicion of burning James Manser's barn on the 12th con., Carrick, on Sunday, july 20th, has been acquitted and dismissed from custody. The evi- dence of five farinere was taken before Magistrate Tolton on Monday afternoon, but no incriminating evidence was forth - corning. On the request of the accused man's solicitor, who VAIS unable to be preseet, the case was adjoined until Sat- urday next, but‘on Wednesday the charge was dismissed and Kay was at once liber- ated. • • Fulret Laws Egg Hatched on febreary a, a Rhode Island Red Pullet, owned by Miss Winifred Wallington of ,Wilsonville, laid its first egg on Peaceday, just'161 days after it first brake from ita own shell. Miss Wallington claims that her pullet has set a record, and so far uobody has come forward with claims of a younger chicken having laid an egg.. Latest reports from the Wilsonville thicken run, say that theindustrious pul- let, baying begun early in life, may set • another record in the number of eggs it lays in a given time. Organizing ror Referendum A meeting to organize the township of Turnberry in connection with the corning referendum, was held on Monday evening in the Town Hall, Wingham. The follow- ing officers were elecred: Chairman-Robt. Shaw, Bluevale. lst Vice Ch -,-Mrs. Sohn Armour. Wing - 2nd Vice Ch. -Mr. John 1Ce117, Secretary -Rev. F Burgess, Bluevale. Treas.-John King. The chairman and secretary for each subdivision are: No. 1-Robt.131ack, chairman and Miss A. Paul, secretary. No, 2-Robt. Groves, chairman and Benson Cruikshankte secretary.. No. 3 -Fred Lewis, chairman and Eli Bolt, stcretary: - L No. 4 -Robt. Muir, chairman and David Fortune, secy. "Some Reunion" Rues Will, mascot for the Stratford baseball tearn, was struck on the head when i baseball hat broke in the hands of a player, Wednesday afterneon at Palmer. ston and was picked up for dead. He later recovered consciousneis add MeV cover. Wednesday night was the wildest io connection with the reqinion The supply of talcum powder MU out AO washing soda, old Dutch Cleanser and othee such dope was substittlied. All didn't taice4.0 this dope good naturedly and some scrapping resulted. Boys from here say it was "some reAirtion."--eLis- Cower Banner, • - So faras we can learn from reports of the Old Boy's Reunions held throughout Ontalio this year, we maymell feel proud of the conduct it the Wiagham celebra- tioh. 444*••••• NOTICE TO CREDITORS • .• In the Estate of David Bell late of the Town of Wingham in Lite County of Huron, Music Dealer, deceaeed, Notice is hereby given pursuant to 'seriti,art 56, Chapter 121, R. 0. 1914, Viet ell peesoee having claims against the Estate of David Bell 'who died on or about, the. fourth do of July, A, D., 1910, at the said Town a wing - ham, are required to the mid rsigned, the•Soi- leiter for thi• Executors on or before the .201h of Attgust A. D.1919, their llama and addrems- es with full particalars of their &alma to writ- ing and tho realm). of 'the seetuatiea (If any} held by them. Atel further take notice that after the said 9001 day of August A. D. 19E9, the Assets of the said literate will be distributed by the'staid. Executors laments the parties entitled thereto lta.vingxegardpuly to claims of which they shall then have eatiertargt the Estate will not tia 114ble f" any Outing PO fited et the lime or the Saki distributicti.. Dated at Winghtton that 29t day eg "viy; 4, 1910. Ouptarz notntes, Solicitor for the Bireentorrk, Enema Pen, James G, Mews* and Arthur tt. BORN. Fault-- In Wingham, on Monday, Aug- ust 4th, to Mr. and,Mre Peet Pugh* a son. • • 10EM0NS MAKE SKIN ' WRITE, SOT', CLEAR PALL PMRS TEESWATRR REUNIGtt .. — Atwood.... . Sept. 22 23 Blyth Sept. 22-23 Brussels Sept. 10-17 Dungannon Oct. 143 Exeter A • . Sept. 15-16 Goclerich ....Sept 16-16-17 Kincardine ... - . - .........Sept, 18-19 Listowel • ..... . - Sept. 18-10 London Sept, 6 to 13 Luelmow....... ........ ....Sept, 25-26 Mildmay Sept. 1546 Ripley . . , . . Sept. 23-24 .. Seaforth - . ............ 0et, 1820 Teeswater.... .... Sept, 30 Mt. 1 Wingliam.. , . (Last and best) - Oct. 8-9 'Another Big Excursion Goderich to Detroit and Return THIS ONE Steamer Greyhound , Leaves Cr:aerial'. • • • Thursday; Sept, 4th Make this beauty lotion for a few cents arid see for youraell • What girl or woman hasn't heard of lenion Juice to remove complexion bletn. Niles; to whiten the skin and bring out the roses, the freshness and ttte hidden beauty? But lemon juice aloft is 'acid, therefore irritating, and should hi -mixed - stillit.'oreliard white this way. Strain through a fine eloth thejuice of two fresh lemons Into g. bottle containing about three ounces of ,oreliard white, then shake well stud you hot p. whole quarter pint of skin and romplexion jotion at about the cost one usually pos fur ft small jar of ordinary cold etearg. Be sure to attain the lemon Juie.e ab no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will tomtit pure and fresh for months When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands, it sholt.111 help to' bleach, lear smoothen and beautify the Atm. Any druggist will supply three mums ef ea -chard *hike at very little coat and the grocer hs e the letrtons. 500 a m. old time. 10 a. m; Eastern time. Arrives Detroit 5.00 p. m. Re- turning leaves Detroit ••• Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1 p.m. Detroit time. (Detroit time is the seine as Goderich old time.) $2.?5 ROUND TRIP % $1.15 ingIe Cliildren between (Rand 12,:. 4 fair. Don't miss this opportunity to visit America'g. most beautifuLand most pros peoaus city. A million population, a city of beautiful parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water"front. Canadians com- ing to Detroitfor a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax -or make a de- posit. U. S. immigration officers will be on the steamer to pass excursionists. Good music and dancing enroute. Fine cafe and lunch room abroad steamer. See a real big-Ieague ball game with Ty - Cobb in action. St. Louis Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Friday, Sept, 5th. BAND MOONLIGHT Out of Goderich. Wednesday evening, Sept. 3rd, 7.30 old time, 8.30 Goderich time -25c. 3 hours on beRutiful Lake Huron. Orchestra, musio and dancing in steamer's ball room. o. 6. Columbia blkYwCoLl' batteries' n(1.9.F D .01(614-4-0.00Y . Best by every ttgt. . • 45e, KW11(..LITE The quality Flatiblight. No car or lionise complete vithout one. $1.00 to'$2.75, • DELUXE: Canadian made, guaranteed ELECTRIC. IRON Saves labor, expense, time and &clothes $5.00. Ross' Hardware WHERE? The White Cafe 'for Paim Dairy fok, Creagi r:rmem,upocigis 13401.4. Hot Meals at all hours, LOCKMAN'S • Teeswater is in gala attire to \Vert:ae. home her old boys and girle, thousanda strong. They have gathered- for the greatest reunion ever held in the history a the village. Main St, is a gorgeou thorougbfare of flags and bunting an signs of welcome and is, epanned by thrt4 magnificent arches. Monday, the program tommerreed .ntith an auto and calithunmian parade., in which the whiners for the best decnr ated autos were: Mrs. 0. IL Hasenflug, whose car represented the poppies of Flanders fields, with a Canadian soldier in their midst; Mrs M. A. Gillies, whose car *as of agricultural significance, with farmer - cites in it, and Miss Jeanette McKee; for the best Nat, Fred. Iliscox; for the best decorated bicycle, Frank Nevins; fur the best calithumpians, Herb. IVIcGee„ Cordon Melvin and Wilf Kirkland, A .fotir round boxing bout between Red _Cattle; of London, 'formerly of the 18th Battalion, and Fred Compton of Toronto, was declared a' draw by Referee Maynard of Buffalo, tonight, The beat was the re- etilt of a three -round battle in the after- noon, in which Corriptort's,,manager, who was refereeing; declared bis man a winner 00 points, The crowd' howled its dissatisfaction' and the referee retired, Cattle then chal- lenged Compton ;for a bout at night, .the• referee to be of Cattle's choosing,' -1(0426; tn 'the winner. The bouts were • Co be staged here, . More than 5,000 persons were out" a: the park Where the chief attructiri.n was the iierse. races. Fifteen hots6s 'were.'en- tered,in the three classes, The 2:10 trot' ,Was won by Charles Patchen (S 0. Hodd gins), which carried off both bents' in 2 171, taking the $300 purse. All Ala ANN Umiciwzos ; Abu% t two Alois* ago MN. David Rob. trtuou A ll, breaking her thigh and owing to her golva,ncerl age, she passed away at her hotne, Centre St., Winghain, on Wed- needay,. july 30th. Deceased, whose Malden nan.le was Mary Ann iviacKen. zie, was a bk-hiy esteemed old lady in her 85th year. oar husband predeceased her about three'yetres ago, Before corning to town over twelve yeara ago they resided on the 13t1i Con. East WtiwanOshi She is survived by atm daughters and two sons, viz., Mrs. Zigalurney and Christena who rosined with their mother, Mrs. Harry McGee, Winghtann David of Tor- onto,. Mrs. W. ,1. Arbtiekle and Geo. M. of Ii;net Wawanosh The funeral was hefd to Wingharn cem- etery on Friday afternonn; Rey. Dr Perrie, pastor of St. Andrews' Presbyter ian church, of which the deceased was a member, conelucted the services. 'rbe pall bearers were Messrs. Wm. Isbister, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Alex Campbell, Wesley Pettison, Robt; Currie and 'William Wilson. The other contenders finished: 2. Cleo B (W. Duemar); 3. Alfreda (E. M, Fawn; 4, Chepstowe Bell (J, Hanson). 250 Trot; ,1,?urse $250.. 1, Billy Sunday (J. Adams); Helen (Roy Colvin); 3, Btal 1;Cyle;44, K. Laal- bert. Time -2:291. •'• In the fermers' race Mat McKenny (Geo. Trayner) won in 2 .29i. Cherry Worthy was second. Other contenders were Pansy Walker, Lady W. Grattan, Little Ted Lady Pegresi. Lieut. Nesbitt of London arrive% Sun- day morning and has delighted the visi, tors with his stunts in the aeroplane. The Desand twins of London won, .aciplause by their dancing. The first days of the re -union were a tremendons success, and alt expenses are already coxered. Myth A number of out*. citizmis attended the Reunion at Teeswatere Monday„ A few - went to the tournament at Clinton • The Members of St. Andrew's Church' choir, picniced at Bayfield.. on Tuesday. ' • . Judge and Mrs. Jackson' are' visttiag friends in Seaforth this *eek; before go- ing to their home at Lethbridge, Alta, • Master. Steve White had .ins arm brok-' en on Saturday, trying to crank. a car. Mr. Alex. 'Eldon is sequsly ill at his home. Rev; Walter anti Mrs. Mc- Lean of Hanover, arrived on Monday and are in attendanCe of the lattee's father, -Large numbers pf Indiaris are in this vicinity engaged in flax Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Chamkers are holi cluing with frierids at Kincardine. Miss Ashton of Fordwieh, spent over $unday witli Mena' id town. . • •4 number of our citizens attended th geatiee) rpt Brussels. - Dr. E.. G. Wilforg, griln recently return- ed. from overseas, gave an infereetleg talk at the Epworth League meeting on. Sunday evening, Mt his medical vork in China, • , Ttiere passed away. itt her home on Hamilton Bt., Aug. Ist, Miss Mary Maines, daughter of the late James and Mrs, Wines of fluilett. Smiep va:4 cent dueled at her. home on Sunday, ny gag, G. Telford. pastor of Presbyterian churcb. The remains were convoyed to Ball's . Cemetery, for interment reer sistere ; and one brother, George oe the oh) hoeut,!' stead, ilave the sympathy of the commun- ity in their bereavement, • WINGDAM. Aly.),RICIETS (Correa:up till 'Wednesday noon) Wheat No. 2 Spring • • .2 60 to°. Wheat No. 2 Fall ......2 11. t� • 'Flair,. per cwt, standard..5 55 to 6 00 .134unPerton • 40 00 to 42 00 %nits; per ton..., 42 00 to 44 00 Oats .. 88 to 1 00 Barley . . .... ,... 100 to 110 Hay, .15 00 to 17 00 Bitter, per lb. -dairy.... 43 to 50 E r 45 to 4$ Lard 40 BelgraVe Mr, Ira Barkley, of Caspalanta,Mich-, was calling on old friends in the village last week. PredBealtdrett of Toronto, is spending his holidays with his mother, Mrs, I, 'Ar.andrett;- Mr. and Mrs. IN.vkins, of Jamestown, New Ilork State, spent a couple of days ty pr. ari&Mrs. Kirkby, last week: 14,ss G1wys ririptv. 7,3 home after spending a few - Ivrec)!,,q 14er* 4i4: • Otratford.. ' ' . Miss -Katie engUer of Walton, spent a few days with Mrs. 110Ppkr. • 'Mite Blackstone wlio has. been spend, big a few weeks, with old :friends in this vieitiity. left • for her :home in Warren, on Briddy last, yiss Laidlaw of Blyth, is spending it few days with Miss Allison, Mrs, Merarlane of Guelph. is visiting with Miss nudge. My, and Mrs. T. 13ridges motored to payjlel# . . . Mr. 44?nn.e.1d �f 'Fort William, is spending it few ifeya wilt Munroe at the Post Office, Mr. Ville, station agent has purcitaltefi Allfr a JICT/ car. Mite lie has litany pleasant outings in it, Misses Elsie and Sadie ffin of myth, are spending a few days with Nim .Jas. Grigg. Sorry to report Mrs, Allison is in very Toot -health anti under the doctor's are. Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Wray of Igoedon; Dr. and Mrs. Brown, Saskatoon, called t Joe Brandon's on Monday. 40 to Cattle, med., butthers-10 00 to 12 00 Cattle, butcher's choice. .13 00 to 14 00 Hogs, liveweight.... ....20 75 to 21 24 Butterfat.... .... . .. 52 • , a, .Whitechurch ,1ev J. pre Stewart of Behnont• form. Orly. itastor ef the Presbyterian church called on friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family are spend. leg their vacation at Bruce Beach, Miss Nettie Cottle is spending a week itt Kincardine Beach. 111sa Elva Taylor and Mr, Harry • Tay., tor of North*Bay, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William A. Tay-, Rev. James and Mrs. Seobie leave on Tizeirday to spend their month's holidays. Mrs. A. H. iquagrafve of Wingharn, is visiting relatives here. Miss 'Verna McLeod of Lucknow, was it week -end visitor at Mr. A. B. Pardon's. Mr. 0. M. Cherven was in Toronto last weak. Mrs. Howard and Miss.Mary Campbell of Wingham, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClenaghan,- Miss Olive Terriff, who recently grad- uated from Wingharn Hospital, is holi- daying at ber home here. „,- Mr, Andrew Hamilton has returned to Ms tome at Indian Head, Sask., after spending some time among relatives here, saloartary XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXittinforeVXXXXX 7.4 The Shoe Sale, At R. A. Currie's Old Stand will close on Sat. next, Aug. 9th KINDLY NOTE -7 -All chang- ing must be lone at the store itt whieh shoes were bought, therefore Sale Shoes cannot ▪ be changed at. our store in •.the McDonald Block, .• . -K",11R1/01.10111K118 W. H., L I S FOR , LADIES SOLE AGENT FORTHE • .5/710e ' Miss Irene Taylor is spending some %peke at Grimsby. Miss lisrgaret Gillies returned to Pik - onto on Monday. Mr. Alex U. Kennedy and Mr. Arthur Smith* Of Windsor, spent the weekend with friends here. Mrs, (Rev.) J. Henderson and two children of the parsonage are camping at Baaiee )3each. The GUilci Meeting on Sunday night wan in charge of Johnston _Conn. The leader for Aug, 10 is Robina Henry. Misses jean and Millie McGregor who have been home on a visit returned to Toronto on *Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mowbray' are nik- ing to Dungannon, where the ,fOrrner .bas purchased a chopping mill. Rte ,Henry A, Pnrdon, who *recently retiainecl front overseas, is visiting among relatives here, before leaving for his hotne at Walpole, Sask. Miss Nellie McMillan came home from London on rridaY night last. Mr, Alex Milne of Toronto spent the tweeevking. week -end his father 'Mr, Milne of h , ; • During Rev, James Scohie's absence the pulpit will be supplied on Aug. 10 by Rev D, McTavish of Ripley and on Aug. 'Tend Aug. 24 by Rev, J.' Henry' Martin of Long Branch, son of Mrs. Martin knd the latestar. Wm Martin of Bast Wawart• oah. • 'Mrs. Robert Sangster of Michigan, formerly •Miss Mani MoClenaglian; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Gorge McClenaghan, who lived at Whiiechurch, was suddenly called away by death on Tuesday, July • 29. Deceased underwent an operation for caner.. She leaves it family of seven. ' After a line,-ering illness, caueed by an- aemia, Mr. David gillies, who lived on the boundary west of here, passed away on Monday, July 28. He had been ill. far over a year, but until reeentlY, had en- tertained bright hopes for his retovery. He watt, member of the Presbyterian ckturch here, also a member of the C, .0. P. Be was 56 years Of age, The funer- al took place on Thursday to Greenhill cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. J. Scobie. Besides his wife, three daughters and a son Survive. Mar ion of Lucknow, Margaret of '1:oront0. John and Jean at home, , • . . • • •or s iliSummer Clothesi Gloves Guaranteed double• wear silk gloves h all sizes and shades. Prices .$1.00 to $2.50. Fillings pm" Neckwear All .the latest in dainty meckwear .fdr the sum-. mer dress, Prices 50e and up, . -Underwear Vests, drawers a n d y. combination suits in cot- ton, lisle 017 silk, in white or flesh pink. All prices. SPEIRCICSr Middies. and Wash Skiits The latest styles are here and the best values, MONARCH KNIT SWEATER. COATS • • Sweater Coats 74 and Pullovers , • In fine qualities o .f wool or silk in all the newest•styles and shades .1 Prices $5t$20, re -4 rc Georgette, crepe - de- Artl chene and silk.blouses1n all the newest styles in Navy, Taupe, Buff, Ivory lc Flesh and .Maize, Prices 5 up to $15. Silk Hose . Pr.s Blouses - Special values in silk hose that will give extra good wear in all the wanted shades. Prices $1.50 and up, Corsets • - Nemo and Crompton latest style corsets'. for summer Wean itt pont, or back law, a. Style for everyfigure. Price 1.50 to $7,50. e, # X Wash Goods, Cotton Voiles, Muslins, Wash Silks and X Ginghams, Special Values. a G BRO 4 Z1VX ZXXXVIPCZXZIOINZXXXXX)hic 4 4,1 •