HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-08-21, Page 6August 21 IRO _ Nouimal Busiuoss Hsu Won the Rattle Through His Wife's Advice. -. TA, short time ago a Montreal business neap returned from a New York private hi ppital, to which institution he had gone l efet. February for treatment. The case was a carious one— kidney morose —and had baffled the skill of the local dootors. The New York epeoialist, after a month's °lose attention could not hold out very strong hopes of a complete cure, bat advised patience and continued treatment. The sick man, hoping for better results, Xomained for some weeks longer, but finally left for home sink, unhappy and despondent. Upon his arrival in Montreal, friends were alarmed when they found his condition had not improved, and some re- eommended a sea voyage. The siok man's wife having heard of the wquders accomplished by Paine's Celery Compound in cases of Kindel disease, urg- ed her husband to give it a trial. A supply of the medicine was procured and used faithfully, and the diet list—prepared spe- cially for those sffiieted with kidney troub- les—was closely followed. After three weeks use of Paine's Celery Compound, a blessed and happy change was observed. The patient was brighter and stronger, no constipation, no baokaohes, urine was more naturelin oolor, and appe- tite was healthy and established. After due care and attention, and the uses of Paine's Celery Compound this Montreal merchant is well and attending to business to day. i•? Poor sufferer from kiduey trouble, what think you of this Montreal case? Will not the same treatment bring youthe health and freedom and disease that you so much de- sire? Yes, we are pertain it will, Paine's Celery Compound will quite renew yourlife and give you a long lease of happy days. Use the kind that cured the Montreal mer- chant; remember there are imitations, and ate very worthless ones too. 'Tie "Paine's" that makes people well. A traveller whose business takes him over the greater part of the Dominion says there is nothing like the drinking of intoxicating liquors that prevailed in former years. Treating, he asserts, is on the decrease everywhere, and his opinion is, to use his own phrase, that ' people are reforming themselves by a general amendment of habits. This is a very satisfactory experience, but it still leaves unsolved the question, where do all the intoxicants manufac- tured in Canada or imported, go? Offi- cial statistit'ians tell us that the aggre- gate amount of alcoholic liquors con- sumed in Canada shows no appreciable diminution. Some one of a statistical turn will find an opportunity to exer- cise his powers in reconciling this tra- veller's experience with the Govern- ment returns. First in the :Estimation of Canadian Women. Diamond Dyes the World's Lead- ers. The women of Canada many years ago selected the Diamond Dyes as the atandard dyes for home dying. This selection has proved e. wise one. The quality of the Dia- mond Dyes has never deteriorated; they still attend first as the brightest, strongest and fastest colors, and never fail to do what is promised for them. Many inexperienced buyers are put to great lose and inconvenience by ueing the crude and imitation dyes. If every buyer insisted upon having the "Diamond," profit and pleasure would al- ways result•from dyeing operation. Beware of imitations; ask for the Diamond Dyes; take no other. WHEN FINGERS WERE FORKS. '1Vonsert Were Lh9p >i%r1stestad to !Jerre the Obit Or 11'001 Our al:mestere nl and to #t the Value of good ce n , an$$ A i were the rules by which a et wee expected to be goierned. The ancient ''Doke On ii;ervylag," among other thibge) admon- ishes hire to touch veniaop only e'a1i hie knife, and to "est never lib tyohe, fiese1, or„ fowl° more than two fingers and a thumb." Fingers he was naturally obliged to use, ranee forks were a luxury of another date, and were not in private use until Jamee I.'s reign. Pierre Gaveston, the famous favorite of Edward II., had three silver Corks for eating pears with, but this was regarded, no doubt, as a great and special luxury. In George L's reign, it wee the duty of every Mistress of a country house to carve for her guests. Etiquette demanded it of her, and no one might relieve her of herearduots task, not even the master of the house himself. To the latter was assigned the easy labor of passing the bottle and looking on while each joint was p1.ced in turn betyrre his wife or daughter as the ease might be, and by her rapidly manipulated. Carving became Gne of the branches of a good feminine education, and there were professional Carving masters who taught the young maids. Lady Mary Wortly Montagu took lessons in the ai' three times a week, and when her father was giving a big dinner party made a practice of having her Own dinner an hour or two beforehand. A guekt who did not receive his portion from his hostess' own fair hand would have oon- aidered himself mnah aggrieved REVIVAL OF TRADE. OReports from the United States support the view that trade interests have vastly improved recently and. that the business outlook for the future is encouraging. This will be welcome news to the people of Canada, since our own trade interest will be stimulated and improved. In nothing has this improvement been shown in a more marked way than in the increased sales of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Times being dull everything not absolutely needed because a luxury, and its sale be- came stationary. Now it is different. Sales have inoreaeed vaatly, doubtless as it has proven the only safe, sure, -and pain- less remedy for corns, and wise pdople will nselano other. A demon incarnate in the form of a woman was a few days ago sentenced at Windsor to 4 years in the penitentiary for inveigling a young girl of sixteen into a life of sin. She complained that her sentence was too severe. The Judge ehculd have doubled it as a penalty for whining. She deserved the penitentiary for life. If Hon. Mr Tarte holds the palm for go• ing to hie office early, the Minister of Agrioultnre, Hon. M. Fisher holds it for going to his farm early. Every morning before breakfast Mr 'Fisher rides out to the Experimental Farm on horseback. He takes a great interest in the farm and will try to make it a great practical benefit to the farmers of Canada. His predecessor in office never viaited the farm. Herr Lilienthal, an. engineer, who for many years was experimenting in the building of flying machines, met with an aooident on Tuesday that resulted in his death. Restarted with one of his mach • Ines tb fly from a hilltop at 'Ithinow, near Berlin. The apparatus worked all right for a few,minutes and Lilienthal flew quite a dietanoe, when suddenly the maohine got out of order and man and maohine fell to the ground. Lilienthal was so badly injur- ed that he died soon afterwards. The will of the late John Livingston, Listowel, has been entered for probate in the Surrogate court, Stratford. The estate is valued as follows: Household effects, $1,000; life insurance, $70,000; share in business of J. & J. Livingston, $160,000; total, $231,000. Besides this it is understood that the deceased left property in the United States of nearly half a million. The Ontario Govern- ment gets $10,000 out of the estate, as a succession tax. 10 CT5§s)nfEB CONSTIPATION AND Liven Thee. —Dr. Agnew'e Liver Pills are the most perfect made, and mire like magic, Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, In- digestion and all Liver Ills. 10 Dente a vial 40 doses. Sold by Watts & Cd. Clinton. WHY SOME ANIMALS LAP. W'HIFPFD AT LAST In the logging camps of Michigan m'ght makes right, and the man who , has whipped all comers in fair fights is king of his camp. e One of these, said a logger to a Washington Star reporter, was very boastful of his exploite. He had been the victor iu a dozen fights, and no one cared to eater the lists with him, but every man in the camp hated the champion. Going into the saloon one day he announced: I'm tired of these babies in the camp. I ain't had a good fight in Michigan. I can whip my weight in dogs, wildcats or anything that breathes for $100." A meek -looking man took the bet and arrangements for the fight were made. It was to take place in a closed room, one week from the time the bet was made. The day came, and the champicn called, "Bringon your ani - mile.' The man who ad bet against the king of the camp brought his an- tagonist in a large sack, which had been deposited behind the stove in the saloon where the match had been en- tered into, the weather just beginning to get cold. The gladiator entered the room, the sack was emptied and the people crowded at the window to see the contest, Out of the sack came three large hornet nests, the occupante of which had been revived by the heat. They issued from the nests in swarms, and lit all over the man. He fought them for a minute or two, then, with a yell, jumped through the window, carrying sash and glass with him, never stopping until he reached the river, into which he jumped. "Said he could whip his weight in anything that breathed," remarked the meek little man, as he pocketed the stakes, "but about five pounds of hornets knocked him out in the first round." A Curious Provision of Nature toPrevent Overindulge°ee. The reason that certain animals lap in- stead of drink seems to be an ai:'rangs- enent of nature to prevent earnivor-bne animals, whose stomachs are compara- tively email, from over -distending them- selves With water, Most of the animals that sunk when drinking are herbivorous and have large stomachs, or more than one, with a paunch or receptacle for un- chewed food, and with them digestion to a slow process and there is little, if any, danger of over•dtstension, although dish a thing is not unknown with some do- mestic herbivorous animals. Dtgeatlon is a much more rapid process with the garnivora, and it is important that i1 should not be delayed by the ingtiettoll of large quantities of cold water. By lapping the month and throat are thor- oughly moistened, while the water is tto hin and small mitxednanti- With tiesies , properly warmed saliva. It may be fairly assumed that the carnivore are of more recent creation, for the herbivorous animals ale their food, and that therefore lapping may be oonsidered a more highly developed way of drinking than suci.ing. Light in Asia—Jt Shines Clearly. Metiers T. Milburn & Co., Toronto. • Dear Sire,—There is light in Asia after all, and the man that advised me to try your Heart and Nerve Pills was a friend in- deed and truly a friend in need. Before I started to take them I was languid, weak,• eieepless and nervous, My brain was be- clouded and I could notoollect mythonghta, I had gone through an operation in the hope of relief but still remained generally brok- en up, my appetite was gone and I was al- most without hope or ambition. Now 1 feel thoroughly rebuilt through the nee of Milburn'e Heart and Nervine Pills, and it took only three or four weeks to do the work. , I often think of the years of saffer'ingg I might have mimed had I known of Mis- r burn's Heart and Nerve Pills in time; but I am gratefntto be restored to health at last, and gladly recommend the medicine that ourea nib. Antons Welters, Artist, 1fslMitdelle, „ Cbl. rii Q for Diamond -Studded Sticks. Li Hung Chang, the great Chinaman, who is on a visit to England, will return by way of Canada. He will be the guest]of the Dominion Government. In a letter written to Rev. F, Burgess, Stellarton, N. S., Premier Laurier says: "With regard to the fear of dismissal which is entertained by some of the railway em- ployes, I firmly indorse your statement as you put it. Those who have J been good and faithful employers have nothing to dread I would not say as much of those who have been offensive partisans." That is a fair way to put it. The offensive partisan always assumes the risk of being sent about his business. He courts dismissal in the event of a orange of Administration. df�p?.a in nmbrellla bandies 19 g kaw o�p It is considered fiaceedin lj sweQger to have precious stones set into the butt of your parasol stink or umbrella handle, and to cause them to be arranged in all kinds of beautiful designs; when a woman is tired of a ring, with several diamonds, rubies, emeralds or any bf them, to go to her jeweler and oommlg- slon him to transfer them to the artiole that is so useful in this changeable oli- mate. A parasol or umbrella wittl a cluster of real diamonds in the handle is a br - hafent thing, and when it in placed in a ll rack itlitters a weloome to @n7 sneak thief that may happen to be within reach. it is supposed, of course, that these valnabie umbrellas will not be left carelessly in hall racks, where strangers have an opportunity to examine them. But it 1s to be feared that the abstraction of one oro of these jeweled pai'Aeols or umbra will be quite enough to drive °tit he new fad quicker than it came hi. Some of the new parasols are exceed- ingly beautiful. They poet as muob as *80 in some oases. The latest idea is to make them of woven silk. The flowers are woven into the material, and the de- signs o-signs look as if they were hand painted. Dark colored flowers are the particular taste. White silk umbrellas will be 'much in evidence this summer, as they always ere. They will be ruffled to the top in dotted and plain chiffon, giving them an airy, fairy cool look In hot weather. -- New York Press A MILLION GOLD DOLLARS Would not bring happiness to the person suffering with dyspepsia, but Hood's Sar- saparilla has cured many thousands of oases of this diseare. It tones the stomach, regulates the bowels ani puts all the machinery of the system in good working order. It creates a good appetite and gives health, strength and happiness. HOOD'S Press act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 25 dente. , neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once by using Shiloh's aero. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton' The Canadian Grocer says: "It is com- mon talk that the late Government arrang- ed with a wealthy Conservative to allow a senator to resign in his favor on condi- tion that the latter would pay$30,000 of the senator's debts and contribute handsomely to the campaign funds. The retiring sen- ator was to be provided with an easy posi- tion in the public service." The story should be ferreted to its source, and if true the senator should be exposed. There has been too much of this corrupt bartering in the recent history of Canada. It has been held that ltbn• sumption is hltedifary, and the fact that one per- son of a family had died with cOneump- flon was considered sure sign that; Mt Miens pf that family could dot ei ape i This is balmy rt sed partly untrue. }A� mt n with weak Pings is !beefy {o tran6tnit that weakness to his children. tut there is no reason in the world why the weakgess should be allowed to develop. There is no reason why the lungs shdnld remain weak. Weak lungs predispose a child to Consumption. They provide a place for germs to settle. That is all that is necessary. Once let the germs of disease gain e, foot -hold, and they in- crease with a deadly rapidity. Pretty soon the blood is full of them, and so loses its healthfulness and its strength -giving quali- ties. Ii the weakness is in some other organ, the disease will show itself in that organ. The germs will get into the blood, just the same, aed the body will begin to lose strength. We speak particularly of consumption because it is most common— because it causes more than one-sixth of all pirethe in the world. If there ie a weak and crumbly epot in the foundation of a hose, the owner clears out the decaying material, supplants it with new, strong stuffThat's all there is to do. That's all that's necessary. That is exactly the thing t9 do with the lungs. Keep them full of rich, red, whole- some blood, and the weakness will disap- pear. Decaying thistles will be thrown off, and new mktefial will be added until the lungs are well and perfectly strong again. This is the thing that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery does. This is what makes it cure 98 per cent. of all cases of consumption where it is taken according to directions. It searches out disease germs wherever they may be in the body. It ex- terminates them completely and forces them out of the system. It supplies the blood with rich, life-giving properties. It makes the appetite good, digestion perfect. It tissues lies the dsound, healthy fleshed nutriment to all . andmakes There are some interesting facts about it told in one chapter of Dr. Pierce's great work, "Com- mon Sense Medical Adviser." This boob of coos pages will be sent free (31) one -cent stainer to copver eoe of customs eind mailing only. Adens World's 4pensary Med- ical Association, Main Str Buffalo, N. V. HARVEST EXCURSIONS In order to give everyone an oppor- tunity to see the grand crops in the Western states and enable the intend- ing settler to secure a home, the Chica- go, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y has ar- ranged to run a series of harvest ex- cursions to South and North Dakota, and to other states in the West, North- west and Southwest on the following dates:—August 4th and 18th, Septeun- ber1, 15 and 29 and October 6 and 20, at the low rate of two dollars mor e than one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be good for return on any dor Foflst t days from datesaeFor es, time of trains and further details ap- lsly to any coupon ticket agbnt in the East or South, or address. A. S. Taylor, Canadian Passenger agent, 2 Xing St. Iial Toronto, Uixt. • CANCER CURED .,-A,1QD 4- LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in- deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it."—Mrs. S. A. FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S The Only World's Fal Sarsaparilla. dyer's Pills Regulate the Liver. R I P'A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the ammimin common every -day, ills of humanity. The item of repairs is one of the in portant considerations in buyin shoes. It 1s far better to put dollar more on the shoes and a do lar less intc repairs, you will hav more Satisfactory service. A she that is warranted first-class Is th cheapest shoe to buy. Just arrived, the Rocker Baby Carrie also a car of British Columbia R and Native Cedar Shingles. JAS. TWITCi4EL VICTORIA BLOCK COVERS THE WHOLE FIEL THE LONDON, ,,ONT, Bi• r1 L O NDO N ADVERTISE p. m. Edition. Largest noon circulation in Western C tario of any paper west of Toronto. M dleeex County and tee territory west Toronto thoroughly 3owered. 4 p. m. Edition The People'e Popular Evening Pa Cironlates in oity and frikerbs by oar boys and agents. All advertisements serted in both editions. Western Advertise Largest weekly circulation in Weet Canada. As an advertising medium in west it is without a rival. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Excelsior Egg WILL Kt[ LAOS FRl FOR 12 moms* IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs wi PRESERVER, and lay them awe in a basket or box. +� wa LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY VISAS. Clali for book string fail Inter:mation. of charge. For Sale by ALLEN' & writeSoN, The SOUS of Rost And the Daughters of Rest are always on the look out for Hibor savers. Many of the "daughters" have yet to learn now iniich exertion can be saved by using GOLD DUST Washing Powder For scrubbing, cleaning wood work, washing clothes and wool- lens, it cannot be beaten, and it does the work in about half the time it would take, using soap. It ie put up in 3 Ib packages and sold by OGLE COOPER & GO. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone Na. 23. Silverware Premiums We arle going to give for a time to CASH PURCHASERS to th amount of $25, their choice of a large range of Silverware as per list It will be worth your while to call and get a card and see the goods. SUGAR—Special prices for Sugar in quantities of 100 lbs or over. Try us. OATMEAL—A first class grade of Oatmeal cheap. BOOTS and SHOES— Special bargains in Boots and Shoes. STRAW HATS—If you want a Straw Hat cheap this is the place to get it, Highest price for produce, would take a quantity of Oats in exchange. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, H. ADAMS LONDESBORO Wait OPENED I beg and generously The stock, bought may OUT AGAIN ! to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so extended to me in the past. which is all of prime quality, and well assorted, has been by me at considerable reduction on cost, and my customers rely upon getting the best goods at bottom prices, N. ROBSON, - Clinton. i g a 1- e e ;e d M L Clinton COOPER This factory chinery, and reliable es of buildings ed in a Lumber, Agents for at Waterloo. . Sash,Don BlindPactary' BROS., - - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class- on short notice and on the closest prices. Ail worts is supervis- mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in. Iterior and exterior material, Lath, Shingles, Linie, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc, the Celebrated G1•RAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured Call and get prides and estimates before planing your orders. �� ....re BINDER TWINE Amber Shield, Blue Star and Composite. Church's Potato Bug Finish and Fertilizer.. Pure English Paris Green at] HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, - - • CLINTON.. f MITI A Snap We have aider to $7.50. line times. WOODENWA board (-••F,O ►--__. II) R, �a- of ger In- , ern the 13 C+IR0 00EI r in Crockery 1 Just received a shipment of DINNER SETS from England, and con that they are the best value for the money we have ever been able offer. Just think of a Fine Gold Splashed Decorated 07 piece set for 112 piece Set for $0.50. 116 piece set for $11. We have a fine of Tea Sets from $2 up to $5, and Toilet Sets at a price to suit the iva Washtub worth $1 and a Wash- h W the roto for togCash. AilliV A LLA) W, - 401i nton b' THE BEST • A p u SC RAt H PH 1 HORACE OTOC l 1 ARE TAKEN BY FOSTER la Ml 11 iy ea •1'tbias, DR.. SPINNEY tic CO. ' The Old Reliable Speolaiists. 88 Yoaro Exporter/koala Throat la � e tr eat of the and Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis.. Nerved°, Chronic and Special Dia - earls of men and women. Lentoo r stand—K Idn.y and Siad - r. ta[ik VW Cromer perrnaneati eared—meet, orrho.y Varicoeeleand tl : Aridity cured without eels. No cuttins S !Ii and all Blood Diseases c�.rsd w assroury.. • Ioang of mels triol foMierin la dthe Indis Indiscretion, gt tkMlbled with Weakness, Nervous garbled \C�`\ >1.i.a of Memory, pond , • . • AFFIRMS SO Society. Kidney ronhl., it iieeaas the Genital•U'thwry Or- 0C\,\‘'\\`'any' of \������,, `� • s`R' eta We Aad safe mai eij ewiy tame. ,J\\', , W w ',v Maaona►i sly to the #. �I.tm�c,a .��\\` 1�`} ,' , i . }Oar. `-.'•"f`. U 1`\,� \ ' L x 'CheeeareslsiatlytroeWe \\ „ ilU�� iced liar with tie fr.Q*aat arsyitir Noxa of thm bleddcti oftea ltorompaafed b7 a alight *Witting or rail lda faet'.I' T waakentng of the•syatinil mtaier . Wittitaaatia iCeouat atalt man who die of ant. difficulty.. Ittnotae thenelee. Thttdisetoe gwliiMMM1s+ ARS ;Frei feet curd in all such ewe, anti healthy tietosatlitt di • .eltatioa free. • Those unable to t'alle Cdit WSW At* tt f1 H64 i wit Ylr��;.vrith ielhlailleidiai i .iii ' •s ,'�Y "911f pl. ? taint fMatkotsntir Mtn' 9 t. It. M't'p MWS f'ii. 11i: sMr Q fills ADDik • Dllii tl lel 1 1 i�' it,t4111 a yy,W,�r,'j.�{1� r y1M