HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-08-21, Page 31f
la Grippe, for Colds, Coughs,
"Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
phyeician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband,—read.
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,—procured, tor
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I bad taken half of it, I was cared. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specifio
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."—
Emmy Wools, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Pair.
Claus the System with Ws EmspsNlhh.
He—I fear the worst. She—What
has happened, George? Your father
has paid back the $10 he borrowed.
Frank Pepper, a boy of eight years
,of age, went bathing in the Thames at
London and was drowned.
Mrs Charles Hurton, of Hamilton,
has,with several other Canadians, fall-
en heir to an Irish estate valued at
about a million dollars.
Mr F. Robinson, who had been em•
ployed on the G.T.R. as a teamster for
the past sixteen: years, fell from his
wagon at London and broke his neck.
Lightning killed Dr. Wilmer L. Pres-
sey, a Harvard medical student, while
he stood with bis arm resting on the
Shoulder of his betrothed in his mo-
ther's cottage at Islesboro, Me., on
Four Most Remarkable Reme-
The development of science in recent
years gives hope for the During of many of
the worst forms of disease that afflict
humanity. Even so dreaded a complaint
as heart disease is onraole. This is being
demonstrated almost daily by the nee of
Dr. Agnew's Cure for Heart. It positive-
ly gives relief in any case within half an
hour after the first dose, and this often
means the saving of a life. Alfred Coal -
dry, of West Shefford, Que., suffered from
heart disease for four years. He found no
relief until he made the acquaintance of
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, and says:
"after using eight bottles of this medicine
.. I know nothing of this dreaded trouble."
se Catarrh in its worst forms is deemed in
curable. But here is what Mrs George
'r Graves, of Ingersoll, Ont., says: "My little
it daughter, Eva, aged thirtreen years, four
years ago was taken with catarrh of the
very worst kind. We used all known ca-
o'i -tarrh cures and doctored with the most
1 ^t .skilful physicians for oyer three years, but
with no avail. We considered her naso
chronic and incurable. Last winter I
.beanie of the fame of Dr. Agnew's Cater.
xhit 'Powder, and was persuaded to try a
bottle, and I must confess, for the sake of
tall Buffering humanity, that after using
two bottlesmy chiid was completely cured."
Dr Agnew has given to the public four
valuable specifics, and all alike do the most
satisfactory work. Hie famous ointment
'will onre the worst oases of itching piles in
from three to six nights, and one applica-
tion alone will bring comfort.
In an age when there is no end of liver
'pills that they win friends wherever known.
Ten Dente is the oharge for a phiol of forty
doses. Sold by Watts & Co., Clinton.
"John bas broken the record," said
the proud father. "I expect so," said
his mother, resignedly. 'He's broken
the front gate, and three places in the
hedge, and the cat's back, and the cro-
quet set. and his collar bone, since he
began to ride, and I'm prepared for
Farmers who devote much attention
to the rotation of their crops will he
interested to learn that on the fourth
concession of Lochiel township, Glen-
garry, there is a field which has been
growing hay season after season for
nearly ti Century. It is stated that it
hes grown no other crop for 94 years,
:and no one living to -day can remem-
ber of anything else being grown on it.
The product is a mixture of timothy
and clover,and, despite the drouth
and generaly short hay crop, the yield
this season Was two tons to one acre.
Furthermore, tills &id has never re-
.ceived any" top dressing, arid so little
that it been attended to that bush has
hegtui to grow In sortie places.
i1Id ! Ory for
Mr John Carson, extensive boree
buyer, states that there are 10,000
horses in the County of p'rontenao, and
out of this number there are not
twenty thoroughly fit to ship to the
English market.
W. G. Smith, ex -mayor of Guelph, a
well known druggist, and leading
member of the Norfolk St. Methodist
church, died suddenly on Thursday,
aged 47 years.
Mr Wm. Moore, of Texas, who for-
merly lived in London West, is home
op a visit. Mr Moore brought a live
alligator with him, the ugly creature
being about three feet long, Tuesday
night the amphibian got away, and
made for the rryer, and so far has not
been captured. The small -boy bather
is suspicious of the Thames just now.
Sometimes 'eighty blotches, pimples or
s -plow opaque skin, destroys the attractive-
ness of handsome features, In all such
()lees Soott'e Emulsion will build up the
system and impart freshness and beauty.
Gun in hand, Robinsoo Orusoe sur-
veyed the prostrate savage with an air
of dignified benignity. You shall be
my man Friday, he said decisively.
The muscles in the back of the dusky
one quivered, as if to indicate that the
arrangement, as it stood, was not whol-
ly satibfactory. That's all very well,"
he said, "but who's going to be your
man the rest of the week?"
Fifty years of euooees in oaring Diarr-
hea r, Dysentery, Cholera, Colic, Cramps'
Bowel Complaints of summer and fall, etc.,
stamp Dr Fowler's Extraot of Wild Straw-
berry as the best remedy in the market. It
saves children's lives.
Dr Jones, of the Board of Veterinary
Inspectors, has returned from Colches-
ter South, where he looked into the
recent outbreak of horse cholera. He
finds it to be merely local, and that it
is dying out. About 100 horses were
affected altogether, and about 25 of
them have died. The others will prob-
ably recover.
An Aching yack and the
Misert Causes.
The kidneys cannot talk, and the only
way they have of letting us know when they
are sick is by making your bank ache. If
it is only a little ache the kidneys are only
a little sick. If it is a big, peace -destroy-
ing, nerve-racking ache, the kidneys are
more than a little sick. In either plane it
must be attended to at onoe.
Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on the
kidneys, make them strong and healthy,
and stop aehing banks in every ease.
Here is a sample ease.
Mrs R. S. Gagen, Clinton, Ont., says,
"Since I was 19 years of age I have suf-
fered from lame bank and other kidney
troubles which seemed to beoome worse as
I grew older,
"Although I had taken a great deal of
medicine hoping to get relief, I am sorry
to say that none of the medicines I tried,
were successful. However, I am now hap-
py to state that the Doan's Kidney Pills,
which I bought at Allen & Wilson's drug
store, proved the remedy I had so long
been searching for.
"They were just what I needed because
I commenced to improve at onoe after tak-
ing them, and now do not hesitate to say
that every vestige of pain has been remov-
ed from my back, and also that I am in
much better health in other ways as a re-
sult of using these remarkable -pills."
Cold and hunger are no res ()eters of per-
sons. The winter wind howls around the
riob man just ae searchingly as it aweeps
through a poor one, And Fibre Chamois
is equelly a boon to both with its wonderful,
healthful, warmth giving qualities, its
light weight and trifling most. Those to
whom money is no object perfer using it to
being burdened down by the weight of
many wraps end those who preform out-
door duties in cold weather find it invaluable
as it keeps oat all winds and oold—not for
an hour or so, but for all day, and yet adds
nothing whioh hampers them no matter
what their exercise may be. With it
through their outer garments everyone can
enjoy winter's coldest snaps in perfeot
The steamer Empress of Japan,
which arrived at Vancouver last Thurs-
day night, brought mail advices from
the Orient, as follows:—The news
from Kansu is to the effect that the
famous Tung Funelang, in obedience
to the imperial command, has begun a
massacre of all Mohammedans that he
comes across. At Hsingngfu he slew
three thousand business men, and sold
their wives and female children.
Thankful to E. ]6. $,
DEAR Srns,—I am thankful to Burdock
Blood Bitters that I am strong and healthy
to -day. I suffered from Bile:ma'a sa and
bilious fever so much that I was out of my
mind night after night, but I am now en-
tirely oared by the use of two bottles of B.
B. B.
Fred Fowler, the 11 -year-old son of
George Fowler, a farmer and market
gardener, living on Lakeview avenue,
Toronto, is ling at nis home in a pre-
carious condition, as the result of a
terrible accident. The boy, who is a
very slight little fellow, went to one of
his father's field after a cow, which was
tethered there. He was coiling the
rope preparatory to leading the animal
home, when she, maddened by the
heat and flies, dashed out of the field
and down the road. The boy's foot
was caught in the coils of the rope,
which became knotted about his leg.
He was dragged along the ground at a
fearful pace, ae the beast dashed
down the road toward the city, Some
neighbors driving home noticed the
cow, and one leaving his rig to dis-
cover what object was tied to the rope,
found the little boy, lying on his face,
unconscious and covered with wounds.
He was carried home, when i't was
found that three of his ribs were brok-
en, and that he bad sustained internal
injuries of a serious nature.
You are weak, "run-down,'
health is frail,strength gone
Doctors call your case an
aemia—there is a fat-fam
ine in your blood. Scott's
Emulsion of cod -live o
wlt�i hypophosphites, is the
best food -means of getting
your strength back—your
doctor will tell you that.
He knows also that when
the digestion is weak it is
better to break u cod-liver
oil out of the body than to
burden your tired digestion
with it. Seott's Emulsion
does that.
Som & none, 8e1lavilla, Oat. fat rind ir.Oc
• Hon. Robert Watson, of Manitoba,
who is now in Ottawa, asserts that de-
spite recent damage by hail, the crops
of wheat in Manitoba will not be more
than one-third behind that of last
year's 30,000,000 bushels of wheat,
which was by far the largest yield on
A New Combination.
As their name signifies, Laxa-Liver Pills
are a combination of laxatives principles
with the beat liver medicine obtainable.
They Dare Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness,LiverOomplaint,DyBpepsia and
all deranged conditions of theStomaoh,Liv-
er and Bowels.
About eleven years ago Mrs J. H.
Scott, a fancy goods lady, doing busi-
ness on Dundee St., Woodstock, lost
$15, presumably through theft. No
trace of the money could be found, and
Mrs Scott removed to Gaylord, Mich.,
$15 poorer. A short time ago Rev. Dr.
Dadson received an annonymous letter
written by a woman in Woodstock.
Inclosed in it was $25, which the siin-
er requested should be sent to Mrs
Scott, if her whereabouts could he
fouled. She admitted taking the mo-
ney from Mre Scott, and to that end
that she might make full restitution
for her misdeed she inclosed $10 in ex-
cess of the amount she had taken. The
money was forwarded to Mrs Scott on
It has been held that consumption is
hereditary, and the fate that one person of
a family had died with consumption was
considered a sure sign that others of that
family could not escape it. Thie is partly
true and partly untrue. A man with weak
lungs is likely to transmit that weekness
to his ohildren. But ther: is no reason in
the world why the weakness should be allow-
ed to develop. Keep the lungs full of riob,
red, wolesome blood, and the weakness will
dieappear. Deoaying tissues will be thrown
off, and new material will be added until
the lungs are- well and perfectly strong
again. This is the thing that Pr. Fierce's
Golden Medical Discovery does, This is
what makes it onre 98 per cent. of all oases
of oonsnmption where it is taken according
to directions. It searches out disease
germs wherever, they may be in the body
and forces them out of the system. It
supplies the blood with rich, life-giving pro-
perties. It makes the appetite good, diges-
tion perfect. Send 31 cents in one -cent
stamps to World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive
Dr. Pieroe's 1008 page "Common Sense
Medical Adviser," profusely illustrated.
In Calgary, last Wednesday, the
thermometer marked a wide range of
temperature -38 degrees to 78 degrees.
E. E. Anderson rode a mile, paced
by a locomotive on Monday, near
Galesburg, Ill., in 1:03, the fastest mile
ever ridden on a single wheel.
"My baby had oroap anis was saved by
Shiloh's Cure," writes are J. 13. Martin,
of Huntsville, Ala- Sold by J. Id. Combe
The visiting Canadian artillerymen
in London paid a visit to Windsor
Castle Thursday, and by special per-
mission of the Queen, were shown
through the state and private apart -
me its of the castle,
Irene, a three -year -old -daughter of
Mr 0. Pinault, formerly of the cotton
mill, Holmedale, near Brantford, was
bitten by a cat recently, and is now
suffering from a severe form of blood
poisoning, from which it is doubtful it
she will recover.
In the matter of trade with Great
Britain the first month under the new
Canadian Government shows up well.
The British trade returns for July
shows that the importe from Canada
increased 7 per cent. while the imports
from all other countries decreased by
2 per cent. The export to Canada, as
compared with July of last year, in-
creased B per cent.
Consumption is cured by the use of
Shiloh'e Cure. This great Cough Cure is
the only remedy for that terrible disease,—
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton.
e Dr. Carson, veterinary surgeon, St.
Thomas, had a close call from death.
He got a bottle of medicine from a city
physician for nervousness, and went to
his office and took half the contents at
one dose. Then he took a dose of
opium, and the two nearly got in their
deadly work. Adoctor waseummoned
at 2 o'clock in the morning, and found
Dr. Car son nearly dead. After work-
ing for over two hours the physicians
brought him around all right, and the
chances are that he will recover.
The hair, when not properly oared for,
loses its lustre. becorb.es oriep, harsh, and
dry, and falls out freely with every comb-
ing. To prevent this, the best dressing in
the market is Ayer's Hair Vigor. It im-
parts that silky gloss so essential to perfect
Judge Ferguson has given judgment
in the London election petition case.
Mr Beattie end his agents attempted
to prevent the case from corning to
trial by contending that it had been
filled with the wrong clerk of the High
Court of Justice. Mr Justice Fergu-
son holds that the petition was pro-
perly filed, and be dismisses objections
made to it. There are eleven petitions
against Conservative M. P.s in this
Province and none against Liberal
members. The same objection was
raised in each of the other ten peti-
tions as was brought forward in the
London case, but all are governed by
the decision given, and will have to go
to trial.
Agnew's Ointment will cure all oases of
Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights. One
application bringe comfort. For Blind and
Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cares
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Barber's Iteb
and all eruptions of the skin.85ots. Sold by
Watts & Co., Clinton.
John Lowry, guardian of Fire Sta-
tion No. 7, Somerset St., Ottawa, met
with a sudden death on duty on Thurs-
day. He was driving the reel to the
fire on Central St. shortly before 2
o'clock Thursday afternoon when the
fatal accident occurred. At the cor-
ner of Bridge and Duke streets there
is a hole in the road about a foot deep.
The reel was going along at a i ' .
pace when it atruwk She hole- r �
who Was driving, bounded into the air
and let go the lines. He clung to the
Iside of the reel when he came down,
but only for a moment. Falling back-
ward, the wheels passed over his pros-
trate body and'whenpicked up life was
extinct Lowry was eighteen years a
fireman and leaves a widow and two
American gold is coming into Can-
ada in considerable amounts at the
present time, there being a rush on
the part of capitalists from the other
side to deposit their money in this
country, where they consider it will be
safe. All the Toronto banks have re-
ceived applications from Americans
who wish to open accounts and trans-
fer their money from the United States
to Canada. The banks in many cases
are not particularly anxious for this
class of business, some refuse it alto-
gether, while others discourage it, and
will only receive deposits in exception-
al cases. There is not much money in
this class of account for the banks, h&
they expect the money to be only
placed here temporarily, and that it
will be withdrawn as soon as financial
conditions in the United States are
1 m ore settled. Still a large n umber of
accounts leave been opened here with
American depoeltore,
Bad Blood
B B E3
Rich Red Blood.
In Spring Time got Pure Blood by using 11.11.11.
No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing
and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not
only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally,
all sores, ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions,
etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter-
nally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter front the
system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body,
restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy actloe.
In this way the sick become well, the weak strong, and those
who have that tired, worn out feeling receive new vigor, and
buoyant health and spirits, so that they feel like work. , If your
appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B.
will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life.
Wood's Phosphodini.-.
lish Remedy.
Is the result of over 55 years treating thou .. saes with all known
drugs, until at last we have discovered the tri., remedy and treatment—a
combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure In a:l steges of
Sexuo! Deblliiy, Abuse or Ercesse.s, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Mental
Worm, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or .Alcoholic Stimulants, all of
which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's
BefOre'raking. Phosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed
almost hopeless—cases that had been treated by the most talented physi-
cians—cases that were on the verge of despair and insanity --cases that were
tottering over the grave—but with the continued and persevering use of
Wood's Phosphodtne, these cases that bad been gives Irp to dle, were
restored to manly vigor and health—Reader yoti need not despair—no mat.
ter Who has given you up as inoumble--the remedy is now within your
resell, by lea rule you can be restored to a life of ueefulneers end hemostat.
Price, one paeka00. Sts sit prokagesi Ss; bt niatlfreeOfpdatage,
One w411,/Pau, al fo cure. Pamphlet free to limy Mdreee.
- The Wood Company, Wtrtdettr, Oit't• CattritdYtt
Wood's (*hotphodtpe IS said by reapatlalbta whofeeale sed retail drrggtat* Itl
for Infants and Children.
OTHERS, 1Dp You Know
Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial,, many so-called Soothing Syrup;,
moat remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine f
Do You Know that opium and morphinaare stupefying narootia potions r
pra Yon Know that in moet oeuntries druggists are not permitted to sell narco .
without labeling them poisons r
Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine tto be given your ehii<
unless you or your physkdan know of what It is composed 1
Do Yon Know that Castorta is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a lint of
Its ingredients is published with every battle ?
Do Yon Know that Cru;torla is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it has been in nevi for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined t
Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and at
Other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and nib assigns to use the word
Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense I
Do Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protectlonwa(
because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmlessi
Do You Know that 36 average doses of Caetoria are furnished for is
lents, or Dna cent a dose r
Do Yon Know that when poesessed of this perfect preparation. your ehlM[eI meg
fie kept welt, and that you may have unbroken rest r
Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts.
that Pare
The fao-rimile
signature of
is en every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
BETTER THAN GOLD Conrse inn the°r Shorthand
Forest City Business tt Shorthand College, London, Ont
The whole of the third floor of the new Y. M. C. A. building is being speedily filled up for Our
work, With impressed facilities, course strengthened and revised, we will easily maintain the re-
putation earned as being the Mod& #sadness Trailing School of Canada. Drop ns a postal for
catalogue and pertlorlaru. College reopens September
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal
The Best
The Money
You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea,
Every customer using it is a pleased customer.
Our line of Staple Goods is complete, and prices will be found as low as
is consistent with honest goods and honest dealing.
Por a few weeks we will have a choice collection House
Plants from the Benmiller Green:House, which we will sell
at a very reasonable price. Call and get prices.
NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40
Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods.
Quality tine and prices low in:
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware
TEAS—Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. Yon will save
from 5 to 10 cents per pound if yon bay from as instead of Tea peddlers. Come
pare quality and prices.
SUGARS—We are headquarters, we buy direct from; Montreal refiners. Keep best
quality and sell at close prices.
SPECIAL BAB,GAINS--3 pounds Evaporated Peaches for 25o. 31be Evapor
ated Apples for 25o. 5 Ibe Prones for 25o. 281b Box Raisins for 81
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our
Imported Goode, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Sete, Tea Sets, Toilet
Sets, Berry Sete, Water Sete, Bread and Butter Plates, Cape and Saucers, rnd
Lampe of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to 31:
..n...-..-..n.n.n.... ,.n....n..,, n ....... ....... .. ... ,. ,. ,.n.n.n.n..... ,n,r,.o,',n✓•,n.n,n �........,. ,n.n✓n
We keep in stock
and make to crder
Wagons and Buggies
which we guarantee to be
first plass in every particular.
Nothing but the best material use
�' U1J hkt�f