HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-08-07, Page 7i `UT& TER $1101), Tho uadorsi od� .deeireI to intimate. to, #lo@ people of Clinton and vicinity that he has opened !a lantober eho in `the OOP of '�P :CorO,'Illuon Street. Hebaa bed many •tTaira experience, and feels that he can give he ;bot, et i4tiafaotion. lie will eell '00104 for Cash, ansl at the lowest passible .prioeo. p 9/1D14140fixeRIZOT FOLLY SOLICITED Reis, dross, - - Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP 'URD & AIURPIIY, We are doing business on the cash principle, and wi11 qupply' nr easterners with the beet meats at flys. lowest. paying prices. Patrons may rely up- on good service and prompt ailing of orders. FORD & MURPHY Cez teal. Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the pablio that I will:not heundersold by any other person in the sbusineee, , I nm apractical butcher, and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very beet meats and a full stook always on hand, and will Bell at the Lowest Cash Prides. Bring along your money and get the meat at the cash prioe. We will give Credit but not at oath prices. Please call and see what you can do for Cash at Ri-PITZSfMONS' - CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & WII SON. Subscribers desire to notify the public that bey have bought out the butcheries business lately, conducted by Mr Jas A.Ford and will con - Undo the under their personas supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, .Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in eealion. •sold at reasonable rates and delivered ,anywhere =in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS! SEEDS! vaokage of each of the following seeds g Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, Raddieh, Cucumber, Tomato, Gla,rden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) All for 25 Cents. -Also Balk seeds snoh as Peas, Beans, Corn, Timothy,Clover and " • . .• . AllEyke (over. JAS. 'STEEP & CO. Produce Exchange Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars -choice Seed Corn just ar- rrived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas &e. Highest market price paid for 'Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL dt JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. VOOS'S Flour Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KiNDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, MS CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,876,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLBON President. F. W. THOMAB,....Genere l Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, .Drafts is- sued, Sterling anis American eaobenge bought and sold at lowestutrates. i . Interest el- bowed current I6'ABMEELK . Stoney advanced to (armee on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re gnired as security, H. 0. BREWER, Manager. • "Oi TN 'C ugust 7 1890 Is sure to attend theeo Success why make goal ase of their tittle while attending The CauadaBusiness College cHATHAM, ONT. Last week showed the placing of five stu- dente in choiceoettione; this week three. Bella Mitchell, planed ae second sten qm pher with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., of Chicago. The first stenographer, in the same ofnce, Miss Anne Moffatt, is also a former pupil. Jamee Warren as stook -keeper and Woe as- sistant with Wm. Gray & Sous, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo. B. Douglas to stenographer with MOSere Wilson, Renkin, MoKeough & Kerr. Barristers, Chatham. IT -PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, :Jan. Oth For catalogue of either department address 1). McLACRLAN Chatham MaKHIop Mutual Flre Insurance Oo FARM & I BOLATED TOVr N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED oswICIRa. Geo. Watt, Praeldent Harlook P.O.• James Broadfoot, Vice-Pres.Beafortb P.O.; W. f. Shan- non, Beoy-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Martha, In- spector of loeeee,'Beaforth'1. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot,Seaforth• M. Murdte, Seater*Geo. Dale Seaforth; Geo. watt Harlooh; T. E. Hays, Seaforth;rAlex Gardiner, Leadbnry; Thos. Oarbatt, Clinton i John McLean, Klppon. Thos., Nellans Harlook; Robt. MoMtllan, Bea. forth and J. eumings, Egmoudville. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above oWoere adr:esed to their reepeoitve aloes PSYCHINE IPRONOUNCED SL.KSSN., Will cue CONSUMPTION, Lung mid Throat Diseases. Sample bottle sent free to every sufferer. Olve Express and Post Of the Address. The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd.. Toronto. Can. Be .miller Nu%eery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make aspecialty. LARGE STOOK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any Wing in this connection will save money by par chasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attenaei! Lo. dddreea. JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER THE PAGE WIRE FENCE. ' r' This fence lathe best add strongest wire fence in existence, it has a smooth surface, and will turn stook without injury. It is neat and easy to put up requiring few posts; it cannot blow down; w11l not break in winter; it is pig tight, ball strong and horse high. Lastly it is so cheap that it is within the reach of all, The under- signed is sole agent for Stanley, Tuokersmith Hnliett, Goderiob Township and Colborne, and will promptly fill ordersifor the erection r•f the fence in any of the townships named. WM STANLEY, 1. olmeeville For Twenty -Six Years DUNN'_� BAKI POWDER THECOOICSBESTfRIEND LARGEST $ALE IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Imppure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pel4re- tetion of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, JeurMl ler $id ney and Urinary Dieehtee, St. Qitps't)anoe Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, RODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. end Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON GEO. D. MCTAOOART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A genera' Ranking Business ti ansacted ..0111.-•,•••• NOTES D1f3OOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. 'ARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CINro'1. tritCT A,,avoinCe' maga to fsrniera tin their own ilo(es at low rates a intoreat. Ari gep.0ral /yanking - ngi, eqe i 'aneao Inttwoli allowed off• depodita. °. S 1i Notes bOttgh P. T SDAIa i1 Men J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER Sarsaparilla .44 o$OOAQ P 11114 03 The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach.. and Blood Medicines. A OPSOIFIO FOR Rheumatism, Oout and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. 111 Druggists and general Dealers HE GOT THERE Their wedding day will ever be a memorable one to both Mr and Mrs P. D. Sloan. Mr Sloan, who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, found, on arriving in Detroit, that he had lost the train for Bay City, and that his marriage to Miss Belle Buchanan would have to he postponed, - -'he cererrmny- was to take _ place In St. James' Church at 9 o'clock a. m., and he pictured to himself the assem- blage of relatives and friends,an anxious bride and a missing groom. Telegraph his dilemma he would not, but, like a drowning man clutching at a straw, he sought the railroad offi- cials to see if he could charter a special train at any cost, The officials acquiesced, and in a few minutes Mr Sloan was taking a 2100 ride over the Micl.igan Central tracks at a rate of 60 miles an hour. The ceremony was duly performed at the appointed hour. The wedding party then repaired to the home of the bride'sarents, where the wed- ding breakfast was served. CATARRH OF TEN YEARS STANDING CURED AT A COST OF 82.40. REMARKABLE EVIDENCE Or WHAT DR. Ao- NEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER Mil. ACCOM- PLISH. Cataarr•h that becomes embedded, ae it were, in the system, is usually Pronounced chronic' end 'incurable. But that all de - Rends. Henry W. Franoie, an employee of the Great North-western Telegraph Co., of Brampton, Ont., had been greatly troubled with catarrh in the head for ten years. He says: !'I tried every remedy dnribg these years, and 'aleo called in the assistance of doctors, but little or no benefit came to me. I saw Dr Agnew'e Catarrhal Powder ad- vertised, and secured a sample, which gave such speedy relief that I continued the nee of the medioine up to four bottles, when I found myself absolutely and - completely oared. For these four. bottles I had to pay $2.40, where for ten years I had been spend. ing dollars upon dollars every year getting nowhere." For sale by Watts & Co., Clin- ton. PARAGRAPHS PITHILY PUT. Don't worry—other people. Of two evils, choose neither. Don't find fault where it isn't. Money, alone, makes no one rich. Try to like that which is best for you. Some men make a soft living by sponging. Genuine kindness has no price -tag attached. Some editors do their work by shear force of will. It is too bad that most all effective medicine is bitter. Men and pins are no good when they lose their heads. The number of man's friends depends upon his conduct. Good roads means good homes and good government. He who looks only after his own happiness will not find it. "Never look a gift horse in the mouth;" he might bite you. Some wrong -doers should be turned down, but the scorcher should be straightened np. Honesty is the best policy, notwith- standing a good many seem to do pret- ty well some other way. DOAN'S Kidney Pills first proved to the people that Kidney disease is curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pill form, the cures they have made, and the fame they have attained have opened the way for a host of imitations and substitutes, but those who have been cured of The Soientifio American has reached the facture age.Ok Ilfty year,„ It is therefore with commendable'pride that ire editor and praprietora have prep, red il sPooiai anniversary=:Number, yvtlt.ti• our tlmos the usual u>In?ber of pegee, t9 Celebrate the occasion. This number, Contains reviews of the progress made In the:last fifty years in the sciences and the, arts,gives historical elletokes of some of the most notable in- ventions made during this period, and iii filled with interesting illustrations. Among the subjects treated are: The Transatlsntio Steamship, Naval and Coast Defense, Rail- roads and Bridges, The Sewing Machine, Photography, The Phonograph, Telegraph, Telephone,- Iron and Steel, Physics and Ohemiatry, Progress of Painting. The Bioyole, Electric Engineering, Telescopes, Ocean Telegraphy, Distinguished Living Inventors (Portraits), Shipyards of the United Stake, a large group of distinguish- ed InvQntors, reproduced from an old steel engraving, is presented. The Anniversary Number is provided with a oharaoterietio cover, and is printed in a style fully up to the regular itsues of the paper. It will doubtless be generally preserved for future reference. A very large edition of this interesting number is being issued. All articles have been contributed by specialists and are of great value as a work of refer- ence. In size, this issue is equivalent to an ordinary sized book of 442 pages. Sub- scription price, $8 per year, or for the special, 10o. a copy. Munn & Co., Pnblie- here, New York. —AND— EMBALMER. KIDNEY Complaints through the use of this won• derfnl medicine, those whose lame back is now free from pain, those who now have no headaches, those who have escaped from the death grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease by the nee of Doan's Kidney A S'1JLI,L11lla OF GOODS KEPI' in STOCK t „ ThebestEmbaitaiva Milldaaed Spleudld Hearse, .! ttouttST.,CtINTON iteifdefCeoberatore, PILLS are the ones whose opinion is valuable. When scores of finch people come forward and tell publicly that Doan'e Kidney Pills cared them after other means failed, it is evident that the only for lion biri age. O1Kdder and Urinaty glifiktalilliktottinti]Trait, iW d the nnxhbe r. 1tVMis1ii11 ilrpiy"laiwd 1 lime +s ie•Doan's oda* "��. i!u rim :i0 te4 boon's. PrIae,il1tjt i i psi' bol ors41e" by Poly WZ>t $Nl' T HOUSEKFIEPING. ' If a woman is in good health there is no more healthful employment than house-• work. _..Generally.. speaking; there is no other happier woman in the world. How different when every breath is pain, every step torture! This state of health, in nine oases out of ten comes from derangements of the delicate, feminine organs of genera- tion. The family dootor inquires first con- cerning these. He most usually inside up- on an " examination." From this the modest woman naturally shrinks. She is right. Except in very unusual oases of "female weakness" examinations are un necessary. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion is a simple, natural remedy for these ills. It cures safely, permanently. Send 81 one -cent stamps to cover Dost of of mailing only, and receive free a oopy of Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T. Fish City,which belongs to the State of Michigan, is a peculiar place, with a watery flavor; has no existence in sum- mer, but is a busy place in winter; is nbt built on land, and yet has nothing to do quit]} boats. The ice of Saginaw bay is used as a foundation for the city every winter, and the town is occupied by men and their families, who catch, clean and pack white fish and lake trout for the market. It is built in the same cove every year. houses being constructed of rough pine boards. It had a population of nearly 8,000 in the winter of 1893-94, nearly twice that number the following season, and last season the population took another jump forward. The ' Question Answered. The Reason Why Some Dealers Sell Poor Dyes. Many ladies who have been deceived by the imitation dyes so often sold by some dealers and druggists, ask the question: "why will these rn rohantspersist in selling us poor dyes thatare positively worthless?" This question is easily answered. The dealers who sell these common dyes do so for a very selfish ebjeot—big profits. They buy these .:rade and poisonous dyes for much less than the celebrated Diamond Dyes cost, and they are sold to the ladies at the same price, ten dents per packet. The dealers in this way make long, big profits, while the deceived ooneumer most suffer lose at every time of rising. Dealers know well that the Diamond Dyes are the only true and warranted colors, but the -love of gain is too great to allow them to treat the public honestly. The ladies can soon compel dealers to do what is honest and right if they insist every time upon getting the Diamond Dyes. Von oan always find one dealer in your town that is anxious to yell dyes that will give entire satisfaction. A Iiattle With a Wolf. The author of a hook on early Cana- dian life says that a young girl was ono afternoon on her way to the spring for a pail of water, relates the Youth's Com- panion, when she heard her pet lamb bleat and saw what she supposed was a large dog worrying it. Being a brave girl, she dropped the pail, seized a stout stick whfoh lay on the ground and rushing forward began to beat the brute with all her might. The animal let go the lamb and turned upon the girl, showing his teeth and snarling. She saw then that she had to deal with a wolf instead of a dog. The sharp ears, busby tail and gaunt figure were oonvinoing. But she was not frightened; excitement and fears for her pet gave her courage, and when the wolf again seized the lamb oho valiantly attacked him, and again he released his prey. She need the club vtgoronsly and rained blows upon the wolf, crying for help meantime. Her brother, hearing her outcry, ran with his gun toward the spring, but the wolf saw the reinforcement coming and fled into the woods. A Temperance Lesson. A cavalryman had for the second time returned to the barracks in an Intoxi- cated condition. His comrades saw a chance the second time to give him a little lesson. He had gone to bed and thrust his bare foot out from ander the blanket; and they fast- ened one of his spurs on his naked heel. The trooper lay in a heavy and motion- less sleep for a long time. At last he stirred, changed hie position and dug the spur into his other leg. "Oh t Help! Murder I" he shouted. Then he started up, struck a Light, and looked at the spur fastened on his bare heel. "Well," he said, "if that doesn't make me out a helpless idiot! When I took off my boots last night I forgot to take oft, one of my spurs. I'll never drink a drop again t" -, 3'apert Way. •Grandpa--Doh{t- be frightened Willy; the ttgr' is about to be ,fe(1; "thatid'what makes him JUMP .arid hoer so Millie (cusliy)Ohtt ,I villi afratd him, grandpa; papa's tfio Aetna. ii'bi 14• bis„ moabi i4t i q roadya i914 fl old CIGARETTES W. S. Kimball & Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail everywhere 50 per Package 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. CLOTII1NCT READY MADE $UITs $3, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6 and $7. Ordered Clothing from $7 up. A FULL RANGE OF LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING FOR THE SUMMER. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed, ROBT. COATS & - SON CLINTON Consider Your Feet —the work they do—how much they toil cry end eufferl Clothe them in kindly shoes, which give ease and comfort to them. Why load them down in ill. -fitting leather shackles when you can buy the most foot -fitting font. wear In America for the same price as the hit or miss variety? gore is a shoe made by the famous d ear Welt roceee which r 6SnoMPiilhe 0 Inc a ons 'Orro`.Ir foot.— whioh yields to its eccentricities and helps It to do its duty. Made from best imported calf-skin—black or tan. Stamped on the sole $3,00, $ per pair, The Slater Shoe (for Men.) WM. TAYLOR & SONS, Sole Agents for 'Clintai>ti. Do You FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms,, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. II you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . Ii you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, 1f your COMPLEXION I8 SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . TAKE RIPANSTABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULIrS TAKE RiPANS TABULE' R;pans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. • Ripens Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines cleanse the system effectually ,cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One T Mute taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness,,distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an' infallible cure; they contgln nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. tAsr o TAKE Ujar .44i>anh pabiiYeifft eoldr 'Y'it>e t60' Qb'hte boil lR, ont'CODipan "r1=ib. to Sprit Ad$4,10 onto. , r 8