HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-08-07, Page 6r. .,. �•• "avers, 11lan of •4•ut,r
body put n this roam. This here tkle "daixghiera'''I�aYQ yet to #earn now m cl>a
room Is full of sacred assooiaticgs to ,F. eae� tion can ba savSd 07 Qq
v e," went on, 1'111[y first bus
i died
and d ed in that be'i'; i th'hie
rW lead, C
BE these pillows, and poor Ms Jenks die
sitting in that corner. Sometldlul"
bt, when I.come into the room In the ar
be, 1 think I see him sitting there still
mg My own fothgr died layin' right o
go that loon e; right under the window
be there, Por pa, he was a Spiritualist,
and he allud said he'd appetir in ibis
room after he died; and sometlwes I
k. am foolish enough to look for hip", I
nd You should see anything of him to-
r. night., you'd bettfa not tell me. It'd
be a aign to me that there was some-
thing "spiritualism, and I'd heats to
e think+ that. My son fly Illy nFst Man
to fell' dead of heart disease right wiiere
ll you stand. He was a doctor, and
fe there s' two whole' skeletons in that
closet there belc,nging to him, and a
half dozen skulls in that lower drawer.
9t IP you are up early, and want some -
thing to amuse yourself with before
s•, breakfa8t, just open that cupboard
there, and you will find a lot of dead
.lien's bongs, My poor bo thought a
lot' Oftheiii. Well, good night and
, pleasant dreams."
n "Ifamma, was that a sugar -plum you
r iquo gave me?" asked .little Mabel. ,No,
t dear, it was one of Dr, Ayer's Pille. ,
"Please may Z.bavn anotherT, . _--"Not now,
`deal; one of those nice pills is all you need
e at present, because every dose is effective.,,
A tall man in black clothes of no
r particular style entered a Broadway
Jewelery shop the other day, says the
New York Jun, and asked to see a
watch. The clerk, sizing him up for a
poor country parson who would be
,LM QNt,Y RATio11ATa 044TAMNT Ia TO 4440
had been worshipping her for
T aaAq,A oA Talc., ?/ldII{,N-,ONE Wgo 8
F*0P 041PATI,{ allows now 1HIe OAN
want him to. He had come often
',Cede life Of a dyspQptio is, beyond don
Ho a 01lio ;goat unhappy lots that
; P1zi ni yr {# gllv.
`whore 4yaffi, feel
od operntullneaQ and distress actor eitin
sblrogettt@I; how carifally the #acKl tgaY
ropat t an 'even when th8
was the time to spring the momentous
patient 11se's
Qod"epiitingly there els frequently no ccs ea-
Igli of the distressing pains. How than
fluff one who leas undergone thilumisery a
dips peen restored to health feels q�n p
blips >w "Potter. impglnet# � than i CL1=ri bbd.
k%R0 6lioh sufferer Mrs Thos, r4. Worre
�t1L�D4xdlktrton,l`}'.�., re1At�:1lerrd�Porieno
Mollie," he said, tremulously, -
In the. #ippe that It may' prove beneficial
segues otnor
similar suffQrer. Mrs Worre
that for more than two yearn her Ii
,�k was one of oonetant misery. She took
lN,tlle If_eet (loads, :and yet. er ton d,i,
pu ti1i4 $apbu woreb,
getting, and'bvs
jously itggrapat@d by palpitation qf.t #a
1k #edit, broltgh3 on �bj,:the siotil'Ao1i trouble
x t
flue Inst all rellsh fur food and grew so we ak
tario of any paper west of Toronto. Mid.
It it K as 4w1th::Qllt1?Raltyi'r ilhe �oottlt# . go
ra�►out the house, do
dlesex County and the territory west of
anti to her shake of t he
necessary housework made life a burden
a ^Y
Jkt times It was simply impossible for h
to take food, as every mouthful brought o
4 p. Ira. Edition
viQmb lits, 01 vomiting( which , left , he
iter tha'ii 7lefore.' She hied taken a grea
deal of modioine, but did no 4 find any im
pvfftneri4 '� t�1saG ➢hb read-i6-"owape
visit l
Per of p sure in a similar case through th
�e'Qf DrA Wllliilipe' Pinks F,{11s",uPd decide
o them trial,
4 l
give a After using three o
Ston :llouea., there wsa; a great. improvemoll
q4 t4,
4n her condition, and' after the use of eigh'
boxes Mare Worrell says, '"I can,
tis "
Assure you
I ala now a well woman, tie strong as eve
I was in my life, and I owe my present con
Y1� ,.
tlitior entirely to the use.of Dr Williams
Pink Pilll#,whioh have proved to me a won
idorlglr,Inedicine," Mrs Worrell further
4te'that Pills were also of the great
es _ to her husband, who suffers
greatly with rheumatism in hie bands an
Yet, no man will grow corn on
he same land for twenty
timesarras. At theseswell
yells without
ertilizing it, but thousands expect ap-
the Paine were that he coul
p g d no
les to thrive without fertilizers for
to forty years.
Bleep, and would sit the whole night beside
fire, in oruer to get a little relief from thebenefit
his wife had he was enduring.Seeing
d P from the use
1, s.
of Pink Pills he began their use, and sot
drove the rheumatism from his system,
and he has elate been free
Prepare Pot-pourri Now.
from the terribl
Paine which Ibad formerly made his, life
miserable. Both Mr and Mrs Worrell say
FOR 12
they will always strongly recommend Dr
Williams' Pink Pills to ailing friends.
These pills are a blood builder Bind, nerve
restorer, and there is no trouble whose ori-
gin is due to either of these causes that
they will not care if given a fair trial.—
The "genuine Pink Pills are sold only in
boxes, the wrapper,around which bears the
full trade mark,' i'Dr Williams' Piuk Pills
N.�fi�" s'
for Pale People." There are imitations of
this great medicine, also m1dred pink,which
are offered by the dozen, hundred or ounce,
or In boxes, without the directions and
*rade mark, Always refuse these imita
tions, no matter what the interested dealer
tris to s@ll them may say. -
Blind -people's first experiences of
:aigh`t 'are curious. An' old roan in
a' �;
Pembroke,who was born. blind, receiv-
removal of the cata-
ed his When
rack. W hen the bandage
wag .first re-
moved, 'the patient stapted violently
and cried out at if with' fear, and for a
while was quite`=nervous, fromAhe ef-
}x ,:
,� 'h,
fects of the shock. Fot the first time
in his life he looked upon the earth.
The first thing he noticed was a flock
* y
sh ,
of wild sparrows. In relating his ex-
perienbe hu said that he thought they
were tea -caps+ 'although a few mo-
afterwards readily distin-
uished a watch= which was shown to
It is supposed that this recogni-
lion is owing to the fact that he heard
it tickingg.
The blaze ftom a lamp excited,the
most"lively surprise in his mind. He
had no idea what it was, and when it
} t,a
wain=brought near wanted to pick it up.
When night approached upon the day
when he first used his eyes, he was i n a
aright, fearing that he was losing the
sight which he had, ao wonderfully
found',after sixty years of darkness•
well rid of, produced a $200 titne-piece
d as a discourager. The stranger looked
d it over and asked to see something
better. Winking to the cashier, the
t clerk reached for a specially made
chronometer, the price of which he
felt would be a squelcher. The seedy
h man examined the watch and inquired
its value.
n "One thousand dollars," said the
bright clerk.
e "Ah," observed the customer. "Let
we see a chain, please."
An expensive chain was produced,
and then the visitor selected a valu-
able enarm which had been made for
exhibition only. The stranger stuck
the jewelery into his vest pocket, and
the clerk; fearing that he might have
entertained a thief, kept close to the
suspect, who quietly fished out a big
roll of bills, and placed two -thousand -
dollar ggold certificates upon the coun.
ter. Utterly phased, the saleman re-
marked tbat it was customary to keep
the names of customers to identify
goods if lost by purchasers.
My name is Jones," said the
stranger; "Senator Jones, of Nevada.
You may address me at the Capitol."
And the silver. Senator, taking the
change for his gold certificates, de-
A story is going the rounds at the ex-
pense of one of the beet known mea of this
place. We shall not mention his name,
but you know him. Of rather determined
mien, he has of late been showing signs of
mentaP eg{tat{on. He weaka % fall''beard,
but a few days since his wife, much to her
alarm, found him sharpening a. razor.
She though his mind was . unhinged and
went into hysterics. Explanatione follow-
ed and it was found that life had for him
still some charm. He intended to use the
razor upon painful corns. A friend who t
bad used Putman'a Corn Extractor with P
success advised its nee, with the following
re6nits:—Man quite bappy, wife ditto,
razor sent away. Use Patman's Corn
"I once knew a man named Mug- e
gine who was a queer sort lot a piar- a
eon," said Congressman. Mondslh of °
e In all diseases that af#'ect, humans there is
i� some weak link in the chain of he• 1
a th, SQrni3 Spot
n that is the seat of the ,trouble, It may be the liver,
it may be the stomach; perhaps it is the bowels or
the kidneys; most likely it is the blood. Burdock'
Blood Bitters Foes straight to that's pot, strengthens
the weak link In the chain, removes the causd of the'
disease,' and restores health, because it acts with
cleansing force and curative power upon the stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels and blood.
With good red blood health is assured, without
it disease is cerrttain to come and Burdock
1 0.004 417I G►IT�
is the only remedy that will positively �removc all;
blood poisons. In ulcers, abscesses, scrofula, scrofu-
lous swellings, skin diseases, blotches, old sores, etc,,'
B. B. B. should be applied externally, as well as taken
internally according -to directions.
Duncan McGinnis has sold his far•"
Consumption is cured by the ties of I on the 14th con of Grey to John Clark
Shiloh's Care. This great Cough Cure is Morris, for $2,900.
the only remedy for that terrible disease,—
sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton.
The discovery of salt beds under(y- When Baby vwsick, wegave her Castorfa,
ing a portion of the site of Toronto
may be the means of utilizing some of wn" she wasaChad, she cried for Castoria,
the farms that were surveyed into city When she became Mfa4•she clung tocasterta,
lots and sold to suckers at fancy ...Www" 'AChtit --diegavetbemaastorik
prices when the boom was on. But
don't be too fresh. Be sure the salt Is
PrLEs CURP'D IN 3 To 6 NIGHTS.—Dr. By, a majority of 4,164 votes to 2,726,
Agnew's Ointment will care all oases of the manufacturing people of Hudders-
Itching Piles in from 8 to 6 nights. One fleld, Eng,. have refused to allow the
applioation brings comfort, For Blind and establishment of Surdsy street car,
Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cares within the corporation limits. The
Tetter, Balt Rheum, Eczema, Bar•ber'e Itch chief argument against the innovation
and all eruptions of the skin.35ote. sold by was that it would soon result in a
Watts & Co., Clinton. wholesale break-in upon the rest day
of the workers.
A Tardy Wooer.
had been worshipping her for
months, but had never told her, and she
want him to. He had come often
and stayed late—very late—and she could
only sigh and hope.
He was going away the next day for a
holiday, and he thought the Inst
B,', yy�
was the time to spring the momentous
1�' . •.�`—'—r�imin
- !r
question. He kept it to himself, however,
until the last thing. I# was raps clock.
clock; and It was not a very rapid olook.
Mollie," he said, tremulously, -
"I'm going away to -morrow."
2 p. III, Edition.
"Are you?" she said, with the thought.
Largest noon circulation in Western On-
lessness of girlhood.
tario of any paper west of Toronto. Mid.
"Yes," he replied. "Are you sorry?"
dlesex County and the territory west of
very sorry',' she murmured. "I
Toronto thoroughly covered.
thought you might go away this even-
4 p. Ira. Edition
Then she gazed.at the clock wistfully,
The People's Popular Evening Paper
said, good night,
Circulates in city and suburbs by carrier
boys and agent;. All advertisements in -
The Drain on the Soli.
serted in both editions.
Prof. Robert, of Cornell Station, In a
gives tables showing that acrop
Western Advertiser
corn each year for twenty years will
$128.23 worth of fertility (nitro.
Largest weekly circulation in Western
potash and phosphoric acid) from an
Canada. As an advertising medium in the
of land, while the fruit, leaves, tops
west it is without a rival,
roots of thirty-five trees will remove
worth of fertility in twenty
Yet, no man will grow corn on
he same land for twenty
yells without
ertilizing it, but thousands expect ap-
1 •
les to thrive without fertilizers for
to forty years.
E603 FR[DN
Prepare Pot-pourri Now.
FOR 12
Now is the time to prepare your pot-E(ro
ourri for the coming winter, for rosea
re at their beat. It is not necessary to
onflne yourself to rose petals alone.
of the rose, geranium, mignon-
tte, violet and lemon verbena may be
dded to the rose petals, with the layers
f fine salt and it rem fragrant spices.
Wyoming, "an I always thbUght a ra
A TRIPLE ALLIANCE good deal of him. Once he hired an
Englishman to work op Bilis ranch, 'i'URI1TINfQ GRAY
but when they gave
m. a trial it
7• THREE GREAT gOIIT$ AMERICAN REM$DIE9 turned Oltt that he COni Alt -"ride nor
NgvER' FAIL 64 THE CURE OB RaEIInuTIBM, Johnny,;' said Muggins,
NEr DlesE AND THE WoneT FORMS dig pont holes?" _
or IivnlaaeTloN. "J"kin yer ohnny tboug1� the could, so M jig- 171; Danger is dverted by Using You simply treat the Eggs with
'The'`#brae greab South Ameiioan Rem- gine set him to w$'rk making holes in PRESERVER, and lay them away
*dies have been called into conflict with the ground. He draw@ a straight lisle�A�V 1in a basket or box. .wawa,,.aaawwa
many a desperate enemy, but the case for him and then he site down at one AYERPS
itt 8tto be recorded where they have not end an tells Johnny, to go ahead. ,� O R T-
oomti Ont a, v{atdr. If we take South "You jus"t dig, post holes, Jdhnny, I LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARi
American RhertmatioCare, the story of along this line until I tell yer to oto "Nearly fortyears a o, after
Y g EA_.
the patients who have been cured by it Ain't ju@t made up my mid how fa some weeks of sickness, my hair Carl Tor Look giving fun information, fret
9&0ilke a fairy tale. .Mr D. Desenetele, I want yer to go. But I'll,tell ger."- turned gray and began falling out of charge.
Of Pet$rboro', suffered so ter 'bit from "Joe ntiy digd'ptibt' h6les" aril Mug- so rapidly that I was threatened -
% rhenmatiam, that he was blistered by d'oo- gins goes out every day to, see how he with immediate baldness. Bearing pLANfisi PLANTS! PLANTS
lyre tend eat times,1,9, as many differ- is getting along. But in a few days Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
ei Iii tl jpol a Of driving the he gets it Call to attend court at Choy-
commenced using this prepara-
disease from to eye em. l3;'shands were enne, ;and stays away two months. I r
drawn out of "shape ands the fingers almost When he comes back he asks: --
ALL HINDS OF FLOWERS.dbll xcyed. -Hie left leg had to be er►oased `.'wherabopts is that are you" Geraniums, plixehias, Begou^ia}g.
iirl. aster 'of Psi cast for months. One Br{tie er that was here when I leftp, g Annnals—Astern Petunias, Ver D-1,
week b after using $otith American Rhen- "'Ob, is it Johnny you mean?" '
natio Cure this p tient was like a new "That same critter," eaya Mug ins. Stooks, oto.
qq completely r r g OABBAt3E, OAUWFLOWERS, OhLERY,
man, and in a short,time wag tom letel "Oh why, Jobnnq be left bete about
cured, two months ago with six months pro- Ab Int Keo bo:tie of Tomatoae, many new kende,
�Vhen,South American Kidney Cure 's visions and a pack horse, and said you snob s obox s PictureTom Rook, Nen iw kinial,
aF Jdpfp�Qqu�est�t>ly an %jte.pill�1 slid pow- told him to do @omethinF or other. He
Marl Leader, Roby and a number of others,
dere and isaediolnea of thst hind, it imine- hasn't showed up since.' * .11 of whlob I will sail obese: Cali at the green-
dIit`kely dissolves the aria acid and harden- "Muggins threw his leg over the back boast, Karon street.
ect1611 talloetlsbat, .00i)atitnte; tills disease, of a cow pony, with a grim expression '',, s7 J• UUNINGHAME.
anti ire ayetepI ld of, these_, i cu%ei is soon and a growl and began to follow John- .aKi; You Want a Plon h I am an
4 effected. Mr D. J. Locke, of Sherbrooke, ny's trail by the post holes. By night • agent for
Quebec, says he spent over $100 in treat- he catched up with him. There was the Fleur Plow, It took a m.9al at the
�1 world's Fair. Those rrtio bave used it notoal
ante or a ioomplicsted oisse of kidney Johnny with hie pack horse and pro- it ;. iuceit, nut say they don't want otbor, It
+ dfserc ;but+>teoeided lid relief. After tak- visions u1 Camp, i a 'won't oca anything to look at 1t, unci U I Gap pall
Ang 06 fedi doses of South American Kidney "what be yer doin' here?" said Mu i . lou one oull never regret it — AMORT
Clare i�rre felt wonderfully helped, and, to gins. g -;;i(l .d: 1 r,?'. RELElY, fienoml Btaokamith, Bunton.
ngt�jis owrl wgrdg' "I jrave, ow: taken "131699 m he es Mr Mu Ina but
tt fill
tion; nd boa( mys jf� drapl'ete- I'm glad to see yyoul" shouts ghe Eng-
Jy caked " ggli9bman. 'Ow long, air, are you goin' tion, and was so well satisfied with R'I•P'A-N-S
'5.the vrorst Corms.gf f� Lfteetigp.were our- to keep,in Blest g -these post'oles?" the result that I have never fried
sfl byttli ne6'oi` acSoth Ainorloan Rervine.' 'efiow sohk?'. shouted Muggins. 'Ye any other kind of dressing. It stop. --
It acts on the nerve, centroa ideated'at the plagued fool, you're three miles across ped the hair from falling out, s#mtl-
lrase`of the brain, from which come all nerv. the county Arline 'now. Pack' up and lated a !few growth of hair, and kept The lrl6dern starid-
4as troubles itad disordere,of the storateb, come home. the scalp free,frotn dandruff, Only
�mr's It, tapeltonr �4i�Rb ►all int„ seeks: and Eainily Medi-
xbad btieh troubled Edi` ani in r'cif cave �r0 an occasional application is now p;
with naxvorrti ddbilityi, indigestion And d si n port T BAvu To Sw>9An OFF n6eciPd Q. keep my lihir of ood, cit) e 2 Ci .1t"e13 ihC:
" pdP016lnrulhis � ',j11,epbedd?b�r�AMeutm, r st<getlre t,�,Dais JnanrpAl,afn Agr' ,lyre natural color. I never Hesitate to i.i�taiillt,lf,r
ot:the. p)1y iai,14 iii (3tftktidm slid E - th inti edttnilAt iboab Nd='i'ayBaa t � r W
pin- + eCoinYriend Rr1y of Ayer's xn sdicines `d ' ` "
g c 1�ilxloti .car ,oda
iai,a : ,wets'i►dbiseti ti t,p ti. if h ice not dadell cured o -T '•a a nowofmany tb nyfr!6hds.r' Mr8.�.M $A1C
' , hair 2givii5d;:,pati maet'say `i! X'hatl:ant eased oared bq No -To Bao, bne,d romf. ,
.. tlupert, Neb. ;els of It
e eoiv tYbdid ifoi ilave,bee # p0ilt St, Uuiaarohiteoli smoked p ,o,a , huma
n litre, a-8 1. s o d a Beth
Qi i o ..
y }# Cf ,
p stili Iledt 11eitlsotli iket.. p'ax pale b,* ..ed, foto twent3! Yeaka, pwn;; boxrg ddrad .hilii •• >1 _ ..: ;..y .
W�ttN Dire (la tJlaii die o. that _bveix tb
r e iiiilell:of o 00Q
., ,., . _ � gin stalk"'► No»
_ ... < , !�'o-i3Art . K ld; situ' >i` ra '. ,l ,,;, , s :•c:
�aed >e fir
0o en0 y'.a,
� . Bc�bk 'o +
tM ,Cir tgk
�R� d
.�yebR :� li m
f' 1
h,S rf 19t �r
►�*�' � � tt . �1VtR r
r u�y ygi
F }
d ,V
UST r,, ;'7• :µ k� 1.'.
For scrubbing, cleaning wood wprk,_washing t lothes a>7 Wool- `
ens, it cannot be beaten, and itches t
he work In about half the "` )
timit would take, using soap. It is put up in 81b ac s !
1 p kages �1
and sold by `
EI'1if*6i'Pe6dee'ta1c6t 08'eash.-Telephone No. 9% "1
ilv'erRra re �renuuMI S
We are goingg to give for a time to f1A8H PURCHASERS to th
amount of $`l.t'i their choice of a large range of Silverware as per lieb.
It will be worth your while to call and get a card and see the goods.
SUGAR—Special prices for Sugar in quantities of 100 lbs or over. Try us.
OATMEAL --A first class grade of Oatmeal cheap.
BOOTS and SHOES— Special bargains? in Boots and Shoes.
STRAW HATS—If you want a Straw Hat cheap this is the place to get ib.
HIghest price for produce, would take aguantity of Oats in exchange.
ADAMS' EMP4h;IIIM, R. ADAMS A ri S � ^ � �r
I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand,
and would renpectfnlly solicit a continuance of the patronage so
generously extended to me in the past.
The stock, which is all of prime quality, and well assorted, has been
bought by me at considerable reduction on cost, and my customers
may rely upon getting the beat goods at bottom prices,
N. ROBSON, - Clinton.
Clinton Sash, Donn,BlindFactory
Gel>ieral Builders and Contractors.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stook mod prepared plans, and give estimatea for and build all class-
es of buildings on abort notice and on the closest prices. All worts is supervis-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in.
terior and exterior material.
,L umber, La,tYi, Shinkles, Lime; Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc,
Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DASH, manufactured.
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders.
A>�i�' S�Yie�i�; Rifle Star
and Composite.
Church's' Potato Bug, Finish
and Fertilizer. Pure English Paris Green at
A Snap in Crockery I
We have
)'ust received a shipment of DINNER SETS from England, and con
eider that they are the best value for the money we have ever been able
to offer. Just think of a Pine Gold Splashed Decorated 97 piece set for
$7.60. 112 piece Set for $9.60, 116 piece set for $11. We have a fine
line of Tea Sets from $2 up to $6, andpToilet Sete at a price to suit the
WOODENWARE—We are going togive a Washtub worth $1 and a Wash-
board worth 26c, the both for $1 Casb.
40, 1 i ntoI,
ter. col
°This 01d4ollabla Specialists.
88 Xearo Eacperieiao� ,,
r fgatta•nt bf the '"treat .riff 1A
w CakarrL. watk>,rti Hroackitia,
CltranIc ud tspeeiat Db -
„t g a wM• if: ", .tsgd 1►a•tta.:.. r
tnmate "da•r and Blad-
�ttttr• without No c+ittinK.
Dt�lr!••ata car•a ,.<
16, 00m,, the aa4tit'
lowtet+a�taut•tl e• tAattkretl•:•�
lMWM.witL �
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.WixkgdiF* ofikdifayaterii'i'rtfti
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;Cts l,s'ltibau
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Nrri w1 tti. , f` 1%lI id
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