HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-08-07, Page 5•77 .4,T4* • r. • TharedAy, Aut. 1914 ..covr" PRE WIN • - :Pars Five . Men's and Boys Fall Suits Morris Mr, and Mrs 'rhos Stewart ot Blue - Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Proetoe, ;old daughter Verde of Morris, motenid to Bowling Green last week and spent st few days with the former's on, W. II Stew. 1 _ art. * . -.• Mrs, Bush has reunited to her home in , Toronto" after spending two weeks with I her parents, Mr. fuld Mrs R. J. Prnetor. , Mrs. Carroll and Miss Nora Gauld have . - returned to their home in London, after a low days veut with Mrs, A Procter , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gulley ,gtral claugh- ter, Dorothy* visited at Mr. Jack Rin- toul's*on Sunday Mrs. INIII Abraham and son, ROSS visit. ed at Maxwell Abraham's in Grey last reek, ' Mr and Mrs Will Holmes visited at Mrs Gray's last Sinalay. • Miss Suby Baird of Teeswater has been visiting, her aunt, Mrs, Sohn Casemore for a caiuple of weeks . Mrs Thomas Abraoarn spent a few days at Kincardine last week Mr. james.Casemore is under the doc- tor's care at pre,ient, we trust he NVill HOOD be better. Mrs. Hayes of Elma. spent a few days with hea niece, Mrs, Thomas Abraham, An early shipment of new fall models now on display in the season's newest. Young Men's Suits The lateet styles of cloths are to be found in our large asaortment of Men's and Boya' Suite the new waist lino effeeta for the particular young man who desires perfect fitting.elothes, In Greys, Browns, Blues, Mo. A pleatfure to show them Men's and. Boys' Suits A full stock to choose from th Men's and Boys' Suits in Woretecls, Tweed% etc., th new and selected styles at prices that are right and to those who intend purchasing we suggest te buy now while our stock is camplete. Raincoats . We carry a large stock of Men's Raincoats in Tweeds and Worsted Tops in great variety of color and stylea for $10 to $24. • OUR IViSN'S DEPARTMENT—Can supply your wants of Ties, Col. lars, Hats, Cape, Shirts. Underwear, Sox, Shoes, etc. • IV Xx,Vs 14.••••yetra Grey Mrs. Wm. Abraham and on Ross, visited at Maxwell Abraham's last week. Howard Strachan, on of Mr. Wm. Strachan, is home from France A re- ception was given him at the house of Harkwell. Howard intends going west in a few weeks, where he has property. Mr. and Mrs Maxwell Abram and son Visited at John Rintoul in Morris, on Sunday. Large crotvcIs from this vicinity attend- ed the Re -union at Brussels. ioneesemeemoewsiesoemeemesereo, Mrs. John K. Baker still continues very seressaaseimegesaiseseseseammesesseamemasiessasesemeaem leo poorly.. A trained nurse is waiting on • Fordyce Mr. E. J. Haines made a business trip to London last Week. Mr. Samuel Phillips who has not been feeling well for some time hag gone to the Wingham Hospital to undergo treat- ment there, Miss' Amelia Leaver is at present visit- ing relatives around Tamascus' and Arthur. Farmers are busy mating spring wheat and oats. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson of Toronto are rspending a tew weeks visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Daniel O'Callaghan. Mrs. Broomer and two daughters of Toronto, are visiting her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dow, Sr, ' Binevale Mrs, MilYert Sellers and daughter, Vera have returned home after spending the past few weeks visiting friends in Sault. Ste. Marie, Manistique, Mich., St. Penis, and Clearwater, Minn. ' • . The Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs' Henderson, Thursday, August 14th, at two o'clock. Papers will be given by Mrs. P. D. King "Canadian Autbois and their Work. Mrs. Robb "Present Day Needs." There will also be music and the question drawer followed by discus. sion. All the ladies ate Cordially invited to attend, • lielgrave . Mr. W. J. Procter has purchased- a handsome NeW Art Gerhard Helmsman Piano. Stanley Speiran, who was -operated on Lor appendicitis, is improving and soon will be about once more, Jack Little of the 4th line of Morris, likes driving in this vicinity. He thinks it alright to be in care of nurse. Jack! Last week, Percy Ward and Ruby Herd; • were united in marriage. They will make their home on the 12 con Mrs, Thos. Williamson still' continues veri, poorly, Mr Williamson is offering a fine farm for sale, on the 14 con. John Abraham, 1st line of Morris, called on his brother, Mac, last week. coottvococoocoac000mmoovocl000cocsoocAu000coczon0000000000ccoomoop0000000000ccuoomoop000poc3000o000=00. lc IF YOU 'BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN? . The Dollar You Spend In Wingham Will "Come Home To Boost" The Advance "BUY -Art. -MIME" tampaign Read these articles vvith care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people whose ads. are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with ,them stays in circulation in Wingham. Loomoom0000000inoc0000nimoomoom0000cocoomonocen0000000c0000m0000coopocitiqoc000c00000000doe00000000 ;PIE 'US FIRST ' when y ou require , aeotsj Shoes, Slippers, etc. We Special- ze in foot apparel and offer a splendid ; issortment for your approval. "A full * itock or Trunks and Valises.—W. J. aREER, • am REXALL STORE is criterion for amity and wholesomeness in ready-made , brmulas. Besides you have the benefit I sf an international service. Full supply af Drug Sundries as well. See me when your eyes are causing trouble. •-e• J. WALTON McKIBBON, WHEN YOU BUY Boots and Shoes. etc., from us you are sure of securing sat- isfaction as to the cluality and price. We stand back of all our goods. Full line of Trunks, Valises as well.—W, H. WILLIS POOR PLUMBING( IS DEAR at any price, *Let us estimate for you on all kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Tinsmithing, etc. Our prices are right - We guarantee our work. Patronize home business men.—W. 3. BOYCE, YOUR EYES are your greatest asset, When they require attention the best ad- vise is none too good. By consulting me you assure yourself of proper treatment Let me prescribe for your eyes.—R. M. McKAY. , ONE VISIT to our establightnent will convince the most skeptical that our prices and quality of Wall Paper, Fancy China, Books and Stationery are right. Let us estimate on your decorations.— GEO. MASON & SON. ......_ vo'n OFFER YOU a 'splendid stock of shelf and heavy hardware for your re- quirements. It will pay you to inspect our stock and one visit will relieve the necessity of going elsewhere. Order your coal from us —RAE & THOMP SON. tliti TIVVI‘I'M ft. A'T' IXt"OUill to Attn. 41-..stle.l.it• nf, by ignorant people, to be of poorer quality than that Which you cab get front the traveller. We 'know of ladies who have tompared wedding Stationery print- ed at Toronto with that printed at Tim ADVANCE and -found the latter to be far auperior in.quality and workmanship GRANITEWARE SALE get your preset.- ving needs at a big saving. 14 qt preset.- ving kettle 85c veldt, for Mit, 10 et pre - nerving kettle /50 value for 49e. jar eings and lee per dos, WINGHANI BAZAAR. NIVIIEN YOUR 'WATCH err Clock re- quires attention bring it to Wingham's Greatest Watch Doctor. We guarantee our work. Our optical parlore are corn- pletelet Us relleye that eye siren for you. — W. G. PATTERSON. WHEN YOU REQUIRE Dry Goode, Carpete knri Rugs, Hats, Caps, }turn, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, etc, one visit to our establishment will convince the most siteptics1 our priest and quality are right. ---j A. MILLS, _NT \‘,fi "BACERRE" an Beat Mail Order Houses at Their Own Game If They. Will Do It. • . In advertising, the local merchants find the only weapon with which they • eau, beat the mail order houses at their own game. This does not mean neces- 'sully; only newspaper advertising, al- though that is 1,he big gun in the bat- tery employed by the successful mer - client in his battle bar trade. Myer- llsing is a big word and, it covers a big field. Mere is no longer' to be friend' the man who does not believe in ad- vertising. Every merchant believes hi advertising of some sort. The placing of a display ha a show window is ad- • 'vertising. The cialy difference between ROVERTISIKG ONLY WEAPON that kind of advertis.ing and advertls- ing in a newspaper is that where the one reaches dozens the other res.shes hundreds. Attractive window displays are, of course, an important adjunct of any retail store. They serve their pur- poae but this purpose is only to attract the attention of those who may be passing by the store'. There are other Catalogue Concerns SpencL. tlun.dreds of Thousands of Dollars Annually to Create Demand for Their Merchandise. • (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper tInion.) The forest ranger and the prairie farmer have learned that they must fight with fire. They know that when the all-consuining forest or prairie fires are sweeping toward them their only hope of safety lies in the "back -fire." By kindling and carefully controllin$ a fire of their own they force the big ger fire to burn itself out, finding ltd further fuel on which to feed. The merchants of the small cities and towns are learning that fn wagina their fight for existence they musi adopt the tactics of the meet of ths West. The great mail order houses bf the cities are the consuming flame which threaten to wipe out the retail merchants of the small towns unlesI the latter, realizing their danger, tak4 steps to remove the menaee, The re tail merchants, as a whole, are begin ning to realize that they must fight fire with fire and that to save them selves they must build a "baek fire." Advertising is the weapon Witt which the mail Order houses conduct their warfare on the retail merchanti of the small cities and- towns. Thil mail Order houses do their advertisiml through their own Catalogues and through certain publications vrhieh SX11 known as mall Order advertising me, dims. A, big mail order house spends hundreds of thousaridrs of dollare mem ly on the preparatiori end publieatiO1 1. of ite bulky catalogue. Btfigness SAM Upon Advertising. fOrms of advertising, such as personal solicitation, but printed matter must always continue to be the chief reli- ance of merchants in attracting cus- tomers to their store& Advertising Begets Confidence. The buying publie has learned that the store which takes the people into its confidence, through its advertising is the one In •which it may .expect to get the best bargains and the most sat- Isfactory treatment, It 'knows that the store which advertises consistently and regularly has the best and most up-to- date stoeks becauSe this store sells its goods more rapicily than the one which does not advertise and, therefore, is not forced to carry over old stock -from one seesaw- to another, The public knows that the storewhich advertises can place lower prices °on its goods be- cause it turns over its stock oftener than 'the store WM.& does not adver- tise and therefore does not have its eapital tied up in slow-mOving mer- chandise. The mall order house does not get its business by merely letting the pub- lic know that it has dry goods or hard. ware or groceries or some other com- modity to 8011. It Creates a demand for its goods by placing In its catalogue attractive pictures and detailed de- scriptions of the articles which it has to sell. The lure, of the mall order cfttillogue lies in the fad that the merits, or alleged merits, of the mor- clutudise offered ere placed before the prospective percbaser In the most The catalogue houses also Spend graphie manner. The local retail ruler - thousands upon thousands of dollar* chant has the same opportunity to do in advertising in the mail Order POW MIS that the mail order bouse has and eatienti Which look for their &cults. an do it Inueb more effectively than lion to thee people or the malt tovnul the mail order house can. The retail • end the rural distriebt. Adireetialug merehant eari talk to the people of 1118 Semi) of these medluixis code ais Muds 'community through his home newspa- as from 440 to $85 for a en& k" per and that Is something whlch yet the Mail order hotiteit find it preflt. mall order houtes Its a rule cannot do, • Able to pity these high Tat. Their for the toed newspapers through rpOyenRisSb iTnOg IF, ICH 0 u0sre D. Dryion50h ionoados: LOsteaniet:,, bueineas is built upoa'advertLeing and sense of Inyalty to their eornmunittee Wear, etc , has been bought at prices It they 'were denied the nee of the • matte for their adverlising for a single mouth MAO frostinese Would be de - IOWA, .; PURE DRUGS ARE I3SSENTIAL to good health. We carry a complete stock of Nyal Remedies, as well as Drug Sun- dries, Toilet and tick fortis' articles and Stationery. Let us fill your next pre- scription —E. J MITCPIELL. 1)LD DAYS IN ;ftPLORA.YE Mar old Be(113ryavBe; ofThTs the wanderer addresses the pretty little village on the hill -Side. It always was a lively spot and still is keeping up its record. But the life of long ago, filling ones memory, must not be compared with the common- place events of these latter days. We break therefore a few seals of the prec- jolts book of reminiscences. Our earliest trips to the village were for the weekly papers at the post office and to Sunday School in the old church on the hill to the south. Tom 13raudon tools care of the pigeon -holes filled with mail. His store was on the corner of Main and Morris streets, so long popularly known as McCelland's. We were too young then to form any judgment of the character of this important citizen, who was aillOng the first in the procession, which has nev- er ceased moving to the Great West, From reports however, he wes respected as a quiet honest man. This further we can confirm He was a fairly big man with a heavy black beard. The church on the hill had a young • minister, who drove a nice pony and phaeton, as the manse was situated in Blyth, It was "Mr. McLean" as he was • affectionately called bv a large and grow- ing congregation of—pioneers. They had just opened the transcept which largely increased the seating capacity on the east end. We shall not take time to paint the inspiring scene. Just this in passing, the minister was of slight stature but with the spring of a fine wire. As was the fashion, he had a brown beard, with upper lip shaven. A clear ringing voice and earnest ministrations. Before him were the big family pews of Scotts, Geddes, MeLeans, Dunbat's Andersons, Robertsons, Agnews, Bones, Porterfields, 1VIcCallums, 1VIenzies, Spiers, Gallaghers, Mickies, Fergusons, Allisons, Irwins, Youngs, Merton% Cloakeys, Mcl3urneys, Campj3ells, Nichols, Loutitts, Dalgarnos, Armours, Owens and Corquerdale. Other visits to the village were, When the lambs were to be sold and delivered at Billy Morrison's tavern or when horse - shoeing or plow repairing brought us to Watt Allison's blacksinith shop. This latter is the well-known smithy of Van Vannorrnan and at present jack Stewart. The founder of the business was one of the strong men, His anvil rang all week and around his dusty forge all the men of two townships passed He was a popular churchman too where he used to fire ' up in the winter and act as bandy -man to keep the cause going. We can remember his shining black eyes and hair in con- trast with a rather pale face for a big broad, *sheuldered man. Unfortunately he waS arertmg the first to fill a grave in the newly consecrated cemetery. Billy 11florilson's block of rude; squatt frame bifildings occupied the corner of Main and Wawanosh Streets. • The new hotel With its. better stabling, conducted by Dave McCarty, left the celebrated Billy Withopt a licertie. But in, his palmy days he loved a good race horse, and we can see him proudly riding, having a b td ith ail • 'QUALITY AND GOOD SERVICE at lowest possible prices is our motto, Let us supply your home with choice Grocer- ies and Provisions. Our stock la fresh and clean. We offer you satisfaction.— R, BROOKS. EVERY DOLLAR you spend out of town helps the town you spend it in. Boost your own town. Boost Winghatn. Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goods, Goods. Groceries, etc You will be pleas, ed with our service and prices.—HANNA & CO. MAKE UP THAT ORDER for Grocer ies. Bring it to us anti we will save you money. We carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery Let us supply your home. —R. S. MeGEE, OUR AIM IS TO sm.A., you a line of Groceries the quality of which will keep yottr money in Wingham. Our stock is fresh and wholesome. Our butter and eggs. are fresh,—MRS. J. A. CUM- INGS. sits. :here w'er:ssSittyersit Ifillirothe*rint the Bell family. Harry, who was the beat known was quite a handsome young fellow, having darts, glossy and curly hair. He was a jolly chap and passed away at an early age. There were occasions too when we had business with the tailor and shoemaker. Old Mr. Ilengough built a house and shop north of Presbyterian church. Ile was sin , unc1e. of the well-known cartoonist Nis talents were of a rare order, the least .suc- cessful of which was the one whereby he earped his bread. But he did e good trade with those who were just breaking away from the hotrie-spun cloth, and thus not too particular about the style He was greatly interested in the Bible So- ciety and held meetings in all the school houses, His long speeches were made in. kerestittg by blackboard notes. This led te a suspicion that he could easily have .made use of the pencil for other sketches. He was indeed a very fine Old gentleman. Thompson was the cobbler. Yea! and more! We all rather liked to visit him for the fine cow hides he made, to keep our feet safe from slush and snow. In the winter his warm shop was an inviting • place. Hammer and needle went merrily while the master pleasantly chatted about kirk or council, He had a large family whose acquantance we made as they play- ed in the corner of the shop. The boots stoed the test of all roads SO he. kept an A I reputation. • Everybody was sorry when he sold out and went to the 13ruce mines His shop stood south. of the old Queens Hotel, In later years it served as a tailor shop, then butcher, and is now part of the residence of Finlay Anderson, I (Continued next weelc,) Wroxeter We are pleasetito report that Mrs F. Davey bus returned home from the hos. pitat and is gaining in strene. The many friends of Mrs. John Breth- auer, will be pleased to learn that she a.rrived safely a. few days ago at the home of her son, Mr, J. H. Brethauer in North Dakota and that she street the iourneY remarkably well. * After a lingering illness of over a year Miss Jessie McTavish passed away at her home here on July 20th, The funeral, wok place to Wroxeter cern :ttery Tuesday afternoon. Decased was a daughter of the late John McTavish and -had lived all her life in this vicinity -where she was highly esteemed She had a kindly natnre and will be greatly missed by her many frieuds, Mrs. John . McEwen, sr„ of Turnherry is a sister. Messrs- Wm. andsAlex Smith. of Sask. atcliewan, old Wroxeler boys, are at emcee visiting old friends in town, -has seen considerabi military ser - vie' Besides going thraugh. the Boer War he was among the first in the: great' ViOrld war and was for nearly. for years. a prisoner in Germany,liaving beep -ca:p. tused in September 1914. He says.that, .thOusands of prisoners were sterved. to- . • death', and bad it not been for the food:. .that wa.s sent in to the prisoners there windd have been very few to mime- back, NEVER BUY HARNESS from a cata- logue You see the picture but cannot tell the quality. We guarantee, service and satisfaction on all goods bought here. We offer quality of the highest at lowest prices . —THOS. KEW. WE.SPECIALIZE in Halters of our own make and s m a 1 1 goods of all kinds fOr horses, A full stack of Harness, Trunks, Traveling Bags as always in stock: Our repair department will attend to your breakages —J. JOHNSTON. .Aza,tg*RM rite)." LET US SUPPLY your home with Grocerizs, Provitions, etc. One trial will convince youotir prices and quality are such as to merit your patronage 'Watch this space foe future special announce ments.--R. A. GRAHAM. bine onnet, Ornamen e w a r Scotch Thistfe: Moreover the laid tavern keeper wee quite a character. His child- ren were specially noted for their intelli- gence aid proficiency in the Bible ind in the Shorter Catechism. We had very great pleasure in recently meet- ing Mr. Morrison and a daughser, at Morris, •Mabitoba. • The 'said buildings have long since given place to others It became the site of a good store and post office, Archie Taylor, Mrs. Tufts, Davie Sproat and others have done a successful business. The present building rose from the ashes of a big August fire, thirty years ago At length the new Queen's Hotel was erected across from McClelland's on Mor- ris and Main St. In those days it was a specially fine brick builditig„ The most popular of the early proprietors were Sandy Stewart and John Scandrett, the latter was a well known figure to the tray- illing public for many years. Both he and Sandy conducted a first class hotel. Por a while the Bell Brothers were in the old Queens, to the south of the stables. The building was turned intoa store, t he ARE 'YOU PARTICULAR about your tea. Our teas are of our own blending - and give you Helmets in taste obtain- able in no other. We stock Groceries and Provisions, Fruits atid Confectionery as well —j, HENRY CHRISTIE. nin ONE PRICE HOUSE have en- deavoured to anticipate the requirements of the, men and women of Wingharn re- garding the wearing apparel. We carry a complete stock of Grottries as well. Let no supply your home..—H. B. IS ARD & CO, and their honte trrere an , enabling us to sell at prices which will •ept the advertleing with Which, thekeepiyoor money In Wingham, Yon vrill ItireAitiao derholportszotieen would flood tiriXt it 3 ler° p eased with our selection. K G 0.." National Victory Celebration TO Bu OPENED BY H.R.H., THE PRINCE OF WALES EXHIBITION Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band • War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. otoom•ii•••••••, WINGIIAM, 'ONTARIO The school with competent instructors. The School that gives thorough coUrseS and asalsts graduates to positions. Write for free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray McLeish, Prin. NKXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX/AXXXXXX WANTED 0 I I Glove Operators Experienced g WAR TROPHIES Mantmoth asseinhlage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments a hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. X X ALSO 40% BONUS We are paying highest piecework prices I 1 NThis is an exceptional opportunity for experienced glove operators to earn the highest wages in an ex.- eellent shop, with short• hours and congenial sur - Luncheons Served at Cost. It • Rest Room Write us at once or come prepared to go to work. m We will pay your railway expenses after you have / get been here one mouth, Canada's Flying Circus Colo. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. • VMEIVET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph The Most :tilling el ail Otani Stasi Spettair • The surrender of the Gerinan Fleet Cattle—Victory koh, Alienby's entry int* lerautatitan. . , het seffe of Atm tearittni, hewer Tin ORD:MST 110111010,4 elt sta. trAMS • Pi LENOX GLOVE DEPARTMENT Peabody Company ItAd. • Walkerville, • Ontario Ask for Mrs. Laird. 'Ail X 74 XX: 7414X1C7111TOYA'A XIV 997,Erritiorro--- v YEARS MS S_U CC preparation which has won its enviable reputation solely on its merits, The safe, sure and si4dt- remedy 'for all Rheumatic complaints. ;•"..•ssii 4.. • • Ask your druggist or write us for our new boOleNt ; it is interesting anoteSiSi$,y611 (Templetons, 142 King W., 'reroute). ISre Mali* T.R.C.'s anywitete:iiti Ae,e.eibt' of 41.01, 'Sole Agent for Wingham • ". • J WALTON*McKIBBON'VitiV * CANADIAN PACIFIC smavat . • . any arm for:1rvestg "Going Trip Vilest"—$12 th .lnotirs orers iestern Cana "Rom Trip East" ----$10 from •••••••••••••••.••••••••••* • TERRITORY GO I NG DATES From stationo in Ontario West ot Smith's Fella to and including .Torooto on Lake Ontario Shore. • Line and Ilavolocit-Psterboro' Lino. August Fr711 06tations Kingston to Renfrew aunetion, • 12th Prom stations Toronto to Parry Sound, inehadvo. From stations Bethany Junotion to Port MoNiooll and Burketon to Bobtaygeon, inclusive. . . From stations in Ontario West arid South of Toronto to anct,including Unsuitton and Windsor, oat, August Frotu Stoltt.i0118 on Owen Sound, Walkert•m, Teeswater, 'Winenon, Nloru, Listoarel, Godoxioh, St. Mary's, 14th Port Burwell and St. Thomas branches. From stations Toronto and North to Milton. inolostYc• EPPLCIAL THROUCIA TRAMS PTSONI Tomos:era Full partkulare from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W, B. EOWAIr17,,Dretricbesseeogra eletisote- Having taken over a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest tire factories at a quantity price, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to offer these sizes of first-class Non -Skid Tires at the following prices: 30 x 3A 32 x 3M° 31 x 4 sa $15.65 (EV) 17.95 24.95 33 x 4 - 34 X43"2' 35 x 5 $28.95 39.50 44.95 These Tires are all firsts and fully guaranteed. SUDDEN ERVICE TORE THE AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON Weskit: Ontario's Largest Exclusive Tire Dealers TERMS—C.O.D. subject to exaiiiination. -^ • . • trawls Awe sell this furnace it is a guaranteed heating sys- tem. When installation is planned by our engineers, we deliver exactly' what you want— Comfort in your home. If you are going to install a Amulet, let 111nClar3tik engineer,* showyou how Ask,about the 1..YDrLit nnAr. wm that tura* on the draft* sod rogaiato them autetuatloalty. Sunshine it should be done. They have seventy years of experience to guide their, end their services cost you nothing. Adopt their plan. and you are assured ot a comfortably heated home; and durable economical heating plant. Let us tell you moral about thilt proposition. Sold by R. 10 MOONEY