HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-07-24, Page 6•duly °.
Pt's.ty Rlouse Sets, eke p„ La
.T.�. va1ue«10 Gold Filled Watclhes`
ive yy011 a '101i;, Gold Titles , r.
u rQV�� for
with a 11 Jeieled AMerica
out 1
Spot.°Cash, We'got, a snap on these goods
last week and give you the benefit.
'. B RUMBA T L, WATE&o.,
ill ES and L.
Our selection of Perfumes in bulk consist of five different odors,
coirnprisipthe leading odors of the beet French, English, Ameri-
can and anadian makers, varying in price from 10c to 76c per
ounce. If you have not examined our perfumes do so and you will
be delighted with them. We also carry a full line of Toilet Arti-
(dee of all kinds. Fine Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes. Complexion
Powder, Toilet Water, &c. Try Stearns Antieceptic Tooth Pow-
der, put up in large tins at 25c.1
Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton.
C.,4 The main thing is to keep moving, no dull times
els around this store, brisk trade, quick sales and
0E4 a healthy - enthusiasm inspires confidence in
t,i4 our customers and is the secret of our success
07, during the dead heat of summer. This is the
t', place to purchase every day this month.
t ^.
BINDER CANVAS—Is the canvas on your binder
worn out? we have the correct thing to repair the old.
BUTTER TOWELS ju°t tl'e requisite for covering
your baskets, 2 for 5c.
Good range of Prints at Five cents.
Our Celebrated Ginghams —Few women in the sur-
rounding townships who have not seen or heard about
them. We have more new patterns; they are worth
9o, but as long as they last the same old price, 5c per
yard will prevail.
A Paper of Pins is a small article, but our price in
comparison is much smaller, lc per paper, regular
price 5c, You see you save the difference, 4c, by pur-
chasing here.
Our Men's Plow Boots at 98c are business builders,
they are really worth $1.25.
Gem Jars, quart size, 4 for 25c
Gem Jars, half gallon size, 3 for 25c.
McKinnon it Co., Bl
Oa3,eh and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
The Sons of Rest
And the Daughters of Rest are always on the look out for labor
savers. Many of the "daughters" have yet to learn now much
exertion can be saved by,nsing
B�,I xQN—Ia Aiicton, on J.aiy!Q. tate wife
pf Tnornnal Pritton, eta yon
Gi,. ,IE . -Ig Clintge, oe AO 12, the woe
of T. olagler, of a eon
the wile of 34ri art Iiiok OL a118btnr nthilla, On y �1t
11tuEJ1 LVIA1-411 WiuegShatn, en July 16, the
Vito .of ll?r daalnek 11IoX91v19, Of ns SOO
F1.TA$DEN,-In East Wawanoah, op July 14,
the wigfopof MrWM• lanr4Qn, of a 000
o 4r ueoigoltM go90, ore da g'hterl4, the wife
BEZZO--MAISS31Y-In Chicago, on July 1
at the reeidenpe ,ot the _bride's parents 941
Marebfle.d ave • byRov Afar Wei. n, Mr'wmn•
li rold Benno gt'ilVvanke, Wis., formerlyof
CllntOn, to 'else Maude, only dau8hter of Mr
and Mrs Rola. M111903'
23r4byy.1kev„ 3,H'. Pare, lar.W.Clawsoo, of Mtn-
ne8p0118, formerly of Henshll, toAgatha, eeoond
youngest daughter of Mr R. Reynolds.
MoO,sLLU114—COATS-^•At the rosidenceof
Mrs s. H. Manning,Olinton Jul 22nd, by Rev
A. McMillian, Dr. Duncan bloCauum, toCArrie,
youngest daughter of Mrs S. Coats, all of Olin-
on T uesday July 21st, at the resideno6 of Frank
$with, by the Rev. Joseph Edge. Walter Stirl-
ingHA�nderson, of Kincardine to Miss Alice
Baird•Wbitehead, of Clinton,
SLAUGHTER—BROOM--Atthe re8idenoe of
the bride's parents on July 14. by Rev P. Mus-
grave, Mr John Wesley Slaughter of Seafortb,
to Miss Jemima Jane Broom, of Winthrop
WALKER—LEAVER—At the residence of
the bride's mother East Wawanosb, on July
15, by Rev Mr Hall Mr I. 1. Walker, to Miss
Hannah Leaver, both of B Wawanosb
PATTISON—In Clinton, on July 17. Ambrose
James, on of Mr A. 0. Pattison, aged 16 years
CANTELON-1n Rohnesville, on July. 21,
Wm. Cantelon, aged 90 years
LAWSON—In Hallett, on July. 91, Sarah,wife
of Mr Anthony Lawson, aged 65 years
LOVE—In Tuckersmith, on July 13, Ann Ger-
man, relict of the late Geo. Love, aged 84 years
STILES—In Wingham, on July 14, Thomas
Stiles, aged 67 years
GOLDDUST Washing Powder
For scrubbing, cleaning wood work, washing clothes and wool-
lens, it cannot be beaten, and it does the work in about half the
time._ it would take,;using soap. It is put up in 3 lb packages
and sold by
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 98.
This week we begin to clear out the balance of summer goods,
remnants,&c.. at prices less than cost for many lines, they
mist go efore the fall goods arrive, come and see what we
have, we can save you money.
Seeour Men's Coate at 91.2
See our Men's Pants at .85• 61.25
See our Men's Suits at 8.50
See Our Men's Suits at 4,00
See our Men's Suite at 5.00
Dress Goode at 100. worth 20c
Dress Goods at 15c. worth 25c
Dress Goods at 20c. worth 30c
Dress Goods at 30c. worth 45c
Prints tat 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 8c, 10c
Full lines in Boye'Suite equally low MILLINERY
Full Stock of Tweed Suiting and
Worsteds by the yard or made to
order;work guaranteed.
e have;a lot cif bad Sizes and ,ends
of different lines In Boots & Shoes
that we .*111 sell at front 00 to 7Oc
on the dollar?. They are worth
looking tatter.:
Ladies' Hate from 10c up, all must
go. Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery,
Underwear at 75c on:the dollar.
Prom 10e up. Several pieces
Brussels Carpets worth $1.25.
for 75c per yard.
—Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are the moat
perfect made, and pure like magio, Sick
Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, In-
digestion and all Liver Ills. 10 cents a vial
40 doses. Sold by Watts & Co, Clinton.
11010„04004 4ziritvoraot' at 'daailt
of A,Phe1t 41)404.180i oelehrsted At;ptira
li r Obar1g ° »igkeuri, eill4, 9 belt#, 4,0604•
ea 4.l
vfooked a,t getz lu u front hilt:
Ailb� natllnrinen the tinily of ilii. R3.
H. lltighton had n very narrow esoap.$ itch
the .lire whiol► deetroyea file 4wel1in04
.Aire, Letitia Creighton Yonwane, hon-
orary president et the W. 0. T. U., and
Canada's"mosb prominent lady temperance
worker, died on Saturday at: hey rosideneo,
Toronto; Mrs 3r oumans had IIiuioet reach.
ed the allotted. open of lite, having been
born Jan. 0, 1827, and being • ooneequently
in her 70th year.
The American barkentine Harbert Fuller
arrived in Halite' with the bodies of Capt.
Noah, his wife and Second °Meer Brand -
berg, who hae been murdered with au axe.
First Mate Brave is aoou6ed of the Murders
and the theory is that robbery was his
"Lady Aberdeen's nerrow eeoape from
diowing in the Gatineau last spring will be
long rel lembered ae one of the inoidents of
the notable flood. A sequel to the 000urr-
enoe is the presentation whioh has just
reached her Excellency from a Dublin friend
of a pair of bigli.bred_heroes, to replace the
team which was drowned in the Gatineau.
The pair were brought over by steamer and
landed in Quebec, and so pleased Lady
Aberdeen that she has sent the. groom who
brought them on a trip to Niagara Falls in
charge of one of the grooms of tbevioe•regal
Corrected every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, Jnly 23th, 1896.
Wheat, spring 0 58 a 0 60
Wheat, fall 0 68 a 0 60
Oats, 0 16 a 0 18
Barley 0 30 a 0 32
Peas 0 40 a 0 45
Flour per owt .. 1 70 a 1 80
Park 460a475
Butter 0 10 a 0 13
Eggs per doz 0 74 a 0 08
Hay, new, $6; old 7 00 a 700
Sheeepskins 0 26 a 0 25
Wool 018a020
No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
There were about 450head of butchers cattle,
225 calves and 450 sheep and lambs offered for
sate at the East End to -day. Despite the rain
the butchers Dame out in considerable numbers
and the prices of cattle were about the same as
on Thursday, while lambs and calves brought
rather better prices than on that day. The
best butchered cattle sold at from 340 to 3gc
per Ib pretty good stock at from 24o to 34o per
Ib while the ordinary and inferior beasts sold
at from 20 to 20 per lb. Mr Bourassa bought
five good calves, paying from $5 to $9 for them.
Other calves were s'Ad at from $1.50 to $5 each
Shippers were paying 3e per Ib here to-daytor
good large sheep, but they paid 3}o per lb for
some ood lots at the yards. Lambs sold at
from 1.75 to 50 each. A lot of twelve lambs
sold or $22. 'Tore were very few fat hogs on
the market to -day and they sold at from 310 per
Christian Hanson, the slayer of Jas.
Mallen at Seguin Falls, has been sentence -
ed to be hanged on Ootober 16.
October 8 next will be the fiftieth anniver-
sary of the marriage of Sir Charles and lady
Tupper, and it is their intention to com-
memorate the event by a golden wedding.
The event will be celebrated probably in
PILES CIIB.ED IN 8 To 6 Nloaxs.—Dr•
Agnew's Ointment will cure all oases of
Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights. One
application brings comfort. For Blind and
Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cares
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Barber's Itch
and all eruptions of the skin.35ots. Sold by
Watts & Co., Clinton.
'Lew Aovertioentento
'Lot 25, Con. 5, Township of Hnllett,100 acres,
18 aures cleared and in a good state of cultiva-
tion, excellent Olay loam soil; 12 aerosol hardwood
bush. There is a good bearing orohard and a
good supply of water. The farm bas never been
rented, The buildings comprise a good frame
house, barn and stables. This property is situ-
ate on an excellent gtavel road, 2i miles from the
Town of,Clinton. Terms easy. For further par
tiouiare apply to the undersigned, on the premi-
ses, or to JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton,
MRS. THOS. HILL, u,inton P. O.
Lot north half of 11, east half of 12, 12th con.
of Hallett. 100 acres in goodoultivatidn. 4 acres
bush _ Good frame house, bank barn 60x60, driv-
ing shed 22x86, sheep house 16r25, oonorete hog
pen and hen house 18x40, good bearing orchard
good fences, soft water, never-failingwell, spring
school, church, post ot8ee,1miles. Sit-
uated 5 miles from Blyth.Possession in spring.
Will be sold on reasonabe terms. Apply to
*'4 1 F. A. SPRUNG, :Warlock.
wanted good general servant—small family.
MRS G, 5. MoTAGGART, High St., Clnton,
The undersigned offere for rent his splendid
farm on the and concession of Hulled, just two
miles from Clinton, all cleared and in a fine
state of cultivation. There are on the premises
a good frame house with stone foundation, bank
barn, with stabling for 50 or 60 head of cattle and
10 horses, windmill at the house which supplies
both house and barn from a never -failing spring,
and 2 acres of good bearing orchard. A school
Is on the lot. This is a most desirable place for
any person wanting to rent a good farm as it is
one of the best in the township, Apply to
iFo io
Se lovely
e Jackets,
ig sleeves, large
nttos, silk far,
iugs, styl h mix-
tures of cloth.
Former price
56.50, '57, '$8.50,
$9.50, 510.50
Your choice
for only
the snap of
your life. !A few
left till Saturday.
They fit like a
It would pay you
immensely to
buy these coats
and cut them
down for the
You will under-
nc i'stand our week S
Slaughter Sale
lasts tillSaturda''
night only.
Values on hand
still, just as good
as those that
have - gone--out-----
The house full of
Bargains every
day now.
1000 1000 1000 j ----'
In order to sell CORN STARCH at
6c, we had tonow purchasenle. packages. SULPHATE of COPPER
It is now on sale.
1000 packages Corn Starch, finest
Medium Lamp Glasses 3c
Large Lamp Glasses be
Fine Lemons, to -day, per dozen 10c
xxx Vinegar per gallon 30c
Great bargains in Boots and
Shoes, Groceries, Fruit,
Crockery, - &c
Close .
0111 •
We are paying Oc for eggs.
Jessop & Co., A Golden Opportunity
Jost. Biddlecorbe,
The Pioneer r
and Jeweller,
with a business record of nearly half a century, may still be found
in the same business, at the same old stand. Having secured the
services of my nephew, A. J. GRIG0 who is a practical and thor-
oughly competent Watchmaker and Jeweller of manly years' experi-
ence, to manage my business, the public may rely on receiving the
same cowl teous treatment and hgnest values as heretofore.
We have a complete etock of all the standard makes of
Silverware, Spectacles, &c
and will quote prices whic'1 must appeal to the judgment of shrewd
buyers. REPAIRING, as usual, will receive our best attention.
Silerwarre Prenuums
We are goinft to give for a tibia to CASH PURCHASERS to the
amount of $25, their choice of a large range of Silverware as per list
It will be worth your while to call and get; a card and see the goods.
S'UGIAR- Speclal prices for Sugar to quantities of 100 lbs or over. Try os.
Cy&.'T ZEAL --A first class grade et Oatmeal cheap.
lilOOTS and SHO ]9--Speclaal bargains In Poets and Shoes. ,
:SZtttA.W Hh TS—If you want Ila Strait. tat ± 1ieal This le the tense to get it. .
lghe`et p lee for.prodixde, Wh•itt& tftkg a,•giitttitltjl' of o4te i>I oxeliftngO;
for Buyers of Clothing!
Boys' and Youths Suits
30 Suits, light and dark Tweed, sizes 22 to 28, will fit
boys from 5 to 10 years old, regular price $2.50 to
$4, have been reduced to your choice for
16 Suits for larger boys, size 29 to 34, are offered at one-
third off regular price.
These Suits are from "The Sanford Manufactur-
ing Co," which is a guarantee of excellence.
Cut and style are right, linings, trimmings and
workmanship are strictly first-class.
We respectfully ask our regular customers to
make their selection early, as the extra indnoe-
ment in these goods will ensure a quick sale.
Our stock of Men's Suits is well as
sorted and up-to-date.