HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-07-24, Page 5,11 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEW' ERA Tulp 24i, I COMMUNICATIONS West Huron -Entrance TELE FAVORITE THREE. - 8 The New ERA does not bold itself respon- sible in any way for communications appear- ing in its columns NO ANTHEM. The following is the list of candidates admitted by the Board of Examiners for the Inspectorate of West Huron. No candidate was peened who had not ob. load one half of the total value of the to papers, but in accordance with this year's To the Editor of the New Era :' regulations a number who bad consider - DEAR Sm,—A good deal of talk and ap- ably over the total, but had failed in some parent wonder has teen caused through- subjeot, chiefly in history or geography out this neighborhood, by the action of the were, in consideration of their age or Bethel church choir, on Sunday evening, other circumstances, allowed to pass. July 12, in that they did not sing an an- 1 Campbell, AMaggiie e Campbell, .ArmArmstrong, Geo. them, as has been the custom heretofore Cook, Magg Stirling, l P. Keys,Charlotte on special occasions. It was plain to all that something was wrong. Some thought I N. Laid, Robt. McConnell, J. D. Peck, that as the choir was composed maim y o percy Parker . Grits, not in any way connected with the 1 diatel,y. It will nose Bright's disease DaxoexxoN.—Oswald Boyle, Jas. Craig, Orange order, they would not sing an an- Brown Durnin, jos. Smylie, Milton Stoth- diabetes after all pills and powders had fai them for the Orangemen; others thought ere, Ella Stothers, David Smythe, Willie I ed; as it, being a liquid and solvent, die. k tc But gt wart Eben Wilson, Chas. Whyard, solves the send -lake particles which always appear in the blood of persons troubled with theee disorders. A dry powder or pill can not possibly do this, as neither is a solvent. Use South American kidney Jure if you would live and enjoy health. RHEUMATIHM—"For the last year," writes William Marshall, of Vardon, Ont., a res- ident of that district for forty years, "I was confined almost entirely to my bed with rheumatism. Nothing relieved me and I finally gave up hope,when South American Rheumatic Cure was recommended to me the first dose gave me instant relief, and I was out of my bed the following day. I have used three bottles and I must Bay I am completely cured, as I suffer no pain whatever now. THE STOMACH AND NERVES—Mrs ;;apt. Beckley, of Owen Sound, was one on whom La grippe had left its marks. She seemed never to have completely recovered from an attack, and nervous prostration took hold of the system. AU the doctoring had only a temporary effect. She tried South American Nervine, and says the first bottle give her hope, and completely regained her strength. Use South American Neriine if you seem to be wearing out. It will rebuild the life forces with surprising rapidity. KNOWN ALL OVER CANADA—EVERYBODY HAD WOBDB or PRAISE FOR THE TIME GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REMEDIE6—ABBOLUTE SPECIFIED FOR KIDNEY, RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS TROUBLES—TaEY RELIEVE IN k PEW HOURS, THE KIDNEYS: Dietreesing kidney and bladder diseases are relieved in six hours by South American Kidney Cure. This re- medy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness iA _ re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, baok, and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of nd pain in passing it almost im they had forgotten their boo e, e e none of these is the true reason why the Andrew Wilson, Maggie Armstrong, Ethel anthem was not sung, and as it was indi- k Due;, Minnie Douglas, Mary Gray, Jennie reotly through me that the unpleasantness Griffin, Hattie Harris, Etta Henderson, arose, I feel it to be my duty, in justice to Lizzie Matthews, Jeanie Mihigan, Maggie the choir, to explain to the public, and es- Reid. pecially to the Orangemen who were at EXETER.—L11y Anderson, Flossie An• that service, why the choir did not sing. I drews, Mary Armstrong, C ttauraL, Butt, tt iret let me say that there is no blame h Magg d Fletcher, Lt Sara Clements, Doupe, Bette Eesery, Mau Et- ta Gillespie, Rose Horton, Ada Homey, Nettie Keddy, Lizzie Lawson, Edith Lowe, ra Northcott, Nora Petty, Lida Quance, el Madge, Annie Merrill, Lily Robison, M. E. Russell, Kate Slavin, G. Stewart, May Thomas, S. S. Weir, Cora Windsor, Emily Wood, Geo. Bagshaw, Wm. Brown, Chas. Borland, Percy Car- lisle, Edwin Clark, Afred Coates, wilfred Campbell, F. Delorhridge, Gilbert Dow, Alex. Duncan, Wilbert Horn, R. Huxtable, G. Lawson, Coleman Moncur, Louis Mc- Arthur, W. 'McLaughlin, tarthur Pass- more, Herbert South ott, John IRollins, Speakman, John Todd, Frank Treble, Chas. Upehall, Jas Weir, E. White. Vincent Wood. GonER1cH.—Edith Acheson, Stella Ache- son, Laura Bridges, Evelyn Craigie, Crete to be attached to the choir in any way, as they went to the church fully prepared to sing—having their anthem books with them. As is generally known, I filled the posi- tion of choir leader in Bethel church, until about six months ago, when, owing to dif- ferences existing between Rev Mr Oaten and myself, I resigned the leadership,with- drew from the church, and united with the Methodist church at Holmeeville — for which action I olaim to have justifiable reasons—but in doing so I told the choir that any time they needed help for any• thing special, I would go and help, if they wished it. About four weeks before the 12th the organist asked Mr Wm. Lobb and myself if we would assist the choir on the 12th of July as ere th was to be a special sermon h n no preached to the Oraegemen, and avi g Elliott, Ethel Garoow, Etta$p0 , ohu. bass voice in the choir, they could not sing I Graham, Florence Graham, ti 1) Myrtle KnJM. an anthem without help. We consented to , ston, Frances Johnston, Sy help, so the organist, in conjunction with 1Malloy, Edith Milian, Elizabeth McLean, the choir, made arrangements to practice i Mary McDonald, May Neivtou, Annie at my house. We had cur practice, and, , Polley, Mary Price, Ethel Sharman. M. as I have stated. went to church fully pre- 1 Stoddart, Lexie Sutherland, M. E. Tom, pared with two seleotione of music; but ' May Tighe, Blies Tye, Coral Vivian, N. when Mr Oaten saw me in the choir, he Bell, Chas. Blackstone, Harold Blackstone, came down and told the organist that be Arthur Carrie, Wm. Chisholm, Oliver positively would not allow her to play an Courtice, W. Oourtice, J. W. Currie, A. anthem unless Oliver Potter would step Dickson, W. Elliott, Lincoln Edward, E. down from the choir, and O.P. being there Feagan, Eddie Fisher, Bert Gordon, M. to stay, the organist had to submit. This Humber, R. Harrison, Jethro Knights, is the reason the anthem was not sung. A. Linfield, W. McLean, H. Masson, H. Now I leave those who read to judge for Miller, Jae. Morrie, Fred Munroe, E. New - themselves, whether or not 1 have been at ton, Chas. Newton, Geo. Salkeld, Charles fault, but as I said at the outset. I felt that Varcoe. Bert Varcoe, H. W`eanis, Samuel an explanation was necessary, and I have GRAND BEND.—Stanley given the facts clearly and honestly. Whitmore, M. A. Bullock, Marie Eagleson, Thanking you, Mr Editor, for the space S. A. Hayter, A. M. Wilson. occupied in your columna, and hoping that KINTAIL.—Arnold Cowan, Thos. Lane, this explanation will be satisfactory to all, Mex. McKay, Frank Scott, Bertha Ba1d- I remain, yonrs truly, O. W. POTTER. Will, Hannah Dalton, Minnie McLean, L. Porter's Hill, July 20. I McMurchy, Portia Shiells. 6T. HELEN'S —Fred Borland, Wm, J. DEADLY HEART U[HI"AgF" p Loughlin, Alfred nSmith, J. IThos. F. Tennant. — CURED BY DR. AGNEW'S GREAT ZURICH. T. CaldWeAll B ntEife L. W. ICibler, HEART REMEDY—MANY LIVES ara Buchanan, G. Ballentine, M Ellis, Pearl SAVED. ' Nidholson, B. Steinbach, K. Swann, i. — Sparks, S. Swaze, E. Smillie, C. Thomp- TRE SECRET OF SUCCESS OF DR. AGNEW'S CAT- eon, A. Turner, L. Thompson, S. Witwer. ARRHL POWDER. Great damage from floods is report slong the Columbia River in British Co umbia. Caron is new looked to aa the leader o the h'renchseotion•of the Conservativeparty at Ottawa. Speaking at St. Barnabe, St. Maurice County, he accused Laurier of being a traitor to his race, not having done Quebec j ustice in the distribution of port- folios. air Adolphe announced that 20 el. ections in the Province of Quebec would be contested in the courts and also a large number in the Lower Province, where Sir Charles Tupper was in charge of the cern- paign. Laurier would be opposed out and out from the start. When the House met, the Conservatives would move Bergeron for Speaker, and force a division. House Wanted Were it net that Dr. Agnew's Cure for I NEWS NOTES. the ea heart will give relief within thirty min• t after the first dose as been u ee b taken we ' The wheat crop of Manitoba is venously would not read of e° many liver being saved ' estimated at from 12,000,000 to ,10,000,000 by this remedy. William Cherry, of Owen Sunbelt Sound, Ont., says—"I was greatly tronbled . the 19 -year-old son of Mrwith weakness of the heart and fainting Edward Ryan, Y spells for two years, and at times was nn- J an the Colborne street fruit mer - fitted for my work. Naturally much an- ' chant, was drowned Sunday while boating xiety 'vas felt by myself and friends, for no on the Don Rive:, Toronto. treatment seemed to do me any good. I i Police Magistrate O'Gara of Ottawa sen - was influenced, however to try Or. Agnew'. tenced Arthur Vsrean, a boy to six months Cure for the heart, the proper action, and imprisonment for stealing one cent from made me strong and well. the collection box in St. Joseph's Church. CATARRAH—One secret of success in Dr. While assisting her hneband in taking Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is that is ie easy - in a load of hay, Mrs Daniel McLennham, net , Conservative vtuse. As ber. W. the Res nett, Conservative member in the last near Rodney fell off the load receivinii, injti- House of Commons, said, "taken in the 1 ries which resulted in her death about six morning it clears the head of any cold or � hours after. rand that H. Lawry had s1aPd' catarrhal trouble that is manifest." But it Havinglone ''d ale with the minor cares of ered their sister, William and John Paea- B Hamilton hunted him up and Wanted to rent, comfortable house, cottage pref. �rr• d, suitable for small family; most have L ordinary particulars at NEw ERA Office permanentood tenant. Desirable Honseufor Sale or to It The comfortable and well situated house at present occupied by the undersigned, No 81. rea- onlableiterms. I'�be honsofor is a, story and very half, with accommodation for ordinary family, near, ly he f an acre of land, quite a number of fruit' trues, close to collegiate. It not sold will be rented. For particulars apply on the premises to MRS COhBETT not a catarrh, but even where deafness and some more of aini of the worst forme of disease have become I thrashed him so soundly that a doctor had t t three have been eradicated by ! to remain with him all night, and attend 1 ii Were cath fined GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM - Where tj speed year HNlildays at -. The Famous Tourists Resorts Georgian Bay, I aka Huron. Districts Muskoka Lake, Uid11111d • Lake : Districts this remedy. To the names of Mr George him for a week. Tey muni es E. Casey, Hon. David Mille. Hugo H. Roes 8100 and costs, and paid it willingly. might be added scores of other members of ( It is reported that Sir Oliver Mowat is the late Parliament, who, over their own to get a Christin the shape of aLieutenant-Governorship. maa box six months hence signatures, have borne testimony to the value of the remedy. Sold by Watts at Co., Before he went to Toronto it was arranged Clinton. that on the expiry of Kirkpatrick's term Mrs. Spencer of Cherrywood hanged her. the ex Premier should become occupant of self in a shed adjoining the stable. Government House, Toronto. • BURLEIOH FALLS. : MOUNT JULIAN, CCi.F,ARtLAKE, STONEY LAKE, Balsam Lake. Cohoconk, Lindsay, Laketieid; Peterboro, Oshawa. On Lake Grimsby ParBu k. On Lake Dover, PorttR, Bet All reached by the Oran* tem. Full Informatics Agents, or write to M 0 senger Agent, Toront W. JACKSO'