HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-07-24, Page 4. ;. ., ;'K ". .N�CYCI,E F% , ! a ' ' , � only a few of them left. yn m,+ t 1 BICYCLE and IdUBIO g/RSON S HOUSE, CLINTON 11� `" IUiC;�tloltib onto. Ax "jd «� "Bootle, --Coo er&,Cc ' y '11 ^l �� ��;' > � yy X Yy Farm for sale—Mrs T Hill - ' ... , .. .. t _: : , , 11 �V f ShfrG waists--Hodgans Bros 11 Jackets—Gllgoy R `alseman ' _ r:; . .n. ';. .. I :. '.r ..r...: , '. r. _ :: �. ,,. a ;' „• , n.. r. I n ' , r .. I f I 1 k 1' J ,� , i ,. '!� ' m , .:1�':M�t.. �Y� a�..1 f Q. r. „,. ..' ,... f ". r .' .� w. - .. .... U .'' - ' , •:111. - CM!n.R oN . .. A ,. _ ______ Additionai Local Newsi• '•. ., Cat.: '� , ' '.. s. , rde Y r=' ;. ;; .,` . , , , , :. a e e a rf r +hie lv. . P., G" 1ie#b l r fC '.. ':Xn4 y. tbgl? are both worthy of tbem all, r „ .._ I V 1 plozax�:••r, A very pleaean� afteeirnoon �utr�1l�R l�R� ' P'1��1��� t�� 11(1► 11 , , •', Jing during the past week; -W. Robb for Deloraine, Mies It4a } ; f., i ,. - .. - #7�����7�1� - �., > 11 „ a 1:11 > ' � �l� 1+ .. Ze phliolbt s, �c lintan CP icii�etera flayed Waterloo last 13'rld)�y With a team wttQ sFent an F>a tec'tt $wta, ,an, ues• h r o iCr ng 0*404nl�,� 11A_ doyl wee A l ad flora 0gderlc4 and rFazso 09,4904 xXltwu i Ida ld . Maud Pelnt � ; '` � , t' r ` ''' .:$ I. •+#J#y if lliCyC , made up Pram the county of Waterloo. OJintgn went to bat and in the Inst ln» as.many it am Holmeevfile, tial aunit- W9, Ivo betaw t ed piPalc. Averytlaing went off plea- g e shines of bhe:0uaoesa Ma I?oam In p d an Willie a A.rnlay ' f ,,' ; 4. ,'; ,' `, "i Tl ileal o .the lifgl>4. gradefi. bl wade" 46 runs w. le Waterloo rouged up In this eeconc� inn nga sandy gsines, boating, awingllrSt and fai oar�didates 9,4 the recent Pgblia pphool y g es ecially the supper. 1 Leaving and Entrance ERamiaatlons, In W i detezenoe to the apinton of the toaohers et Edna Aennis Berberb Dennis Be11a Laidlaw Dunoan MoLanehlin Lizzie I,eabberdale f ..- , '' .;., ' ' . .;1`... r� ° $49.40 Buys ;'K LEAVING Fanny .N�CYCI,E F% , ! a ' ' , � only a few of them left. yn m,+ t 1 BICYCLE and IdUBIO g/RSON S HOUSE, CLINTON 11� `" IUiC;�tloltib onto. Ax "jd «� "Bootle, --Coo er&,Cc ' - k'erfumos-,.IE Ho" • Sllvorw4r6--it Adams ,f1 1?q]lnose-•Jackson.Broa ^l �� ��;' > 1Jo dolrbtr- W D Fair Co, ExoursloAS-+W Jackson hz? Farm for sale—Mrs T Hill & Ly . t�y�ery. 86 pant9a-Rodgens',Brea iaxmforsalo—P Lsprang, 4,9 i it d 'Watches• -•Jos BI Jecombe Bons of rggat-0 Cooper & Cc r� �l .. 4 . ShfrG waists--Hodgans Bros 11 Jackets—Gllgoy R `alseman r'}, Reduced Prices—O F Emerson ",r . Fineshoea Jackson kJaoksgn Hoking Powder—Alien & Wilson f I 1 k $cod's Sarsaparilla—C I Hood Co J ,� , i (9 11141011 UIX V��c 1 �__ f AT, JULY 24, 1.896. `t ' _ ______ Additionai Local Newsi• �I�,- '''' '. PEOPLE WHO TRAPEL.—The follow- �.' s Jing passengers were ticketed bt W. 11 , , •', Jing during the past week; -W. Robb for Deloraine, Mies It4a '` Man.; �" ' 'A` for Carberry. Man.; Mrs Grantham for Joseph Stevens Pilot Mound; Miss Jennie Phipps for a - . '!' Thornhill, Man.; James Hastings for +,p Life was gluon by Miss Annie Allen. Moosejaw, and S. Johnston for Ed- *. .,.. '`' Z.� monton. 1." v,,, ... . PROPERTY CHANGE.—The house and, David Dannsh Seymour Hill Pat on Albert Street, known as the Dr. Williams by Me ,-.I�"' ? `. pproperty and owned Joshua Hiil, Hulett, has been vii Y . n14 , of sold to Me Arthur Cook, for about $800; the Vocation is one of the finest in town.- 1`-' 'ry"',` Mrs Wilson has sold a small_property Albert Street to John Pat- on north terson, Bayfleld,�for the sum of $150. 14'' ODDFELLOWS ExcuRSION.—Tbe Odd- ,ig l". fellows of this district will run an ex- �y' . cursion to Niagara Falls, on Friday i�h x ' • 81st. The train will start from Elyde �,Ynir,'" Parke and go pia Clinton, leaving this .r x ;, town at 7.25 a. m. fare $1.75 for the _^�'"''' 1;,,•9, .. round tri g days, p, tickets cod for two da a A'` or %cod over Sunday if starting point its 150 miles from the Falls. dg`s ?, •! C)IVIO HOLIDAY.—Next Friday will 'Ali:• be Clinton's Civic Holiday. In the 9,f• ternoon an interesting game of lacrosse 11 tit ` • will be,played -by Clinton and Mitcbe'1 Clubs. A bicycle „1�.� ' a number of races will ^ `''' also be run on the Park, for which " prizes will be given. Those of our Y�,. "." V,J • townspeople who do not o elsewhere day, ,0I that Should go to t e Park and ,;� . " }y4 enjoy themselves. : . �;};� ., .. . LACROSSE.—The Lacrosse match on ,* N, Recreation Park last Friday evening, between Exeter and Clinton, resulted 11 11 ,`+ in an easy victory for theClinton boys, t4�, . the score standing 5 to I for Clinton. On Friday next, the Civic Holiday, �s * one of the best matches of the season '-,p,. 11 is looked for here, between the Excel - >; _. siors, of Mitchell, and the Dauntless,of •;Ix. i~� t'u Clinton. The game is in the league t. series, both clubs are in excellent form°, .,y and it is expected that play will be hot. The game will be faced at 130 m. on y�; f�' p. Recreation Ptu;k. HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.—Tile Y'''� regular quarterly meeting of the Hur- t �� F ' on Medical Association was bold in i3eaforth on July 21st, the following ,e.. members beim present:—Drs Mac kay, ,� I ., Bethune, McGinnis, Seaforth; Taylor, ". Gloderid�I; I�'rvilxt;, tit. Mary's; Stanbu- �x,� ry, Bayfield; Shaw, Clinton; Wood., �`+ OR Mitchell,; McKenzie, Jloncton. The r4: t president, Dr Shaw, read an address "Popular -4p,X >ai.^ , on Fallacies in regard to k,�' � Medicines," which provoked a good r ,., ''`` dAal of discussion by the members. Dr " �� :. McKenzie read an interestin a er. g 1 '. , Dr Woods presented a case that was - k„ full of interest to the Association, and `' Dr Irving illustrated a case that caus- �'' ed considerable discussion. On the r, whole the meeting was a very interest- itng one,- &MATEUR RAcEs—The bicycle races Iasi Friday evening drew a large crowd to the Park, who witnes:,ed a couple of t ,' good tests of speed. In the one-third r`'.-, mile handicap the Mayor was the only one who. was placed on scratch, and he vas not al$e to overcome the start the o'Gers bald the contestants were W. J Manning', W Jackson, F. Jackson, J.B ;;1i#., -., 1106ver; and the Mayor, Manning being 7 the Winner. In the mile race the con- ' testants were Messrs.Mandllle and Em - :;