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The Clinton New Era, 1896-07-24, Page 2
{ �y !;, The NEW ERA always tries z „ � to give its :readers the news ' ! �; � ,,.of their awn locality, and in n* t this is largely dependent for the Wawa of the outlying dis- ,slats on its excellent staff of . ' colrm4po4deuts, I'll I : • The NEW ERA is highly pleased with w the careful and reliable reports fur- nJSUW�`by its staff', and to their palne- F„ '1. ' taking efforts is due, to some extent, "s ,, . b* patter's popularity throughout the . ''• district. There ill nothing in this t' `. • world. than cannot be improved, and 4ttN ' there is one point we would like to im- r, �, press upon our correspondents: MEND SOXWMING EVERY �f WHHB. We don't expect a col - f 1, umn for each issue, but we ex- Peet at least half a dozen items y�. , of good LIvE NEWS from each ,til t) correspondent every week. To ?�,. -;- do the most good it must be REGULAR. ':, . rad Get your news in as, EARLY As Pos- Ci'i SIDLE, FIX A DAY AND NEVER MISS 77,117".'--_' sending your bu'dgetto •th6 NEW ERA. a.V.., . A little trouble at first, but it will be - '.v, come a habit in a short time. 'w,; If correspondents are out of supplies, �, M let us know. We are always glad to ?'•..r get items from any source, even if not .11 from our regular correspondents, so �?, 1.1�, long as the news sent is reliable. ` , ,¢,. There are always items of ' news that do not reach the A`„ r 'editor unless sent him by some one. People some- times say to us, "I could "x; o ten send you some news, 'I; but I didn't like to." Now, we do not n want out readers to be troubled with any modesty of this kind, If you or your neighbor sells his farm, meets with an accident, disposes of some cat- tle, or anything of interest at all hap- pens in your locality LET US KNOW IT, If the Ontario Government wishes to advance the temperance cause, let it pass legislation compelling the re- duction'. of the number of licenses in small towns, There is an optional law in this respect now, but a compulsory one, based on population the same as the Crooks Act. could he enforced by the Province easier than by the muni- cipalities. W. W. Buchanan, one of the probib- itionj candidates 1who ran In Hamilton at the late election, admits now. that he never bad any hope of being elect- ed, but he, was tlgliting for a principle, This is absurd. The temperance princi- ple was not an issue and could not be, and the action of Mr. Buchanan and his companion, Mr. Watkins, has in- jured the temperance cause in the fact that many persons who are readers of the Templar and advocates of temper- ance; have lost confidance in its edi- tor, Mr Buchanan, because of his man - feat unfairness to Liberals. If Mr. Buchanan wants to restore confidence in himself and the paper he edits, he must pursue a course radically differ- ent to what he has for the last year or so. Division Court Business. The official returns for the year 1895 show the following business transacted at the several Division Courts of the county: . -06 - mP C� ° mm gb , ofL Courts No. o o AI�zmInm Goderich .... 1 237 $5.834 42 $1,248 181 Seaforth .... 2 276 0,89219 5,658 98 Clinton . 3 178 8,37340 1,358 03 Brussels .... 4 125 4,843 20 1,787 86 I Exeter ...... 5 180 5.98076 I M5 90 Dungannon.. 6 48 2,27801 564761 Bayfield .... 7 33 77139 424 05 I NWingham - . 8 147 5,61808 L710.36 Wroxeter .... 9 90 3,395 40 1.48028 Zurich ......10 53 1,95780 78417 Crediton ....11 50 2.411 74 70461 Blyth ........12 60 1,969 27 49150 Mr Laurier accepts with the Premier- ship the responsibility of providing for a debt of $318,000,000. When the Mac- kenzie Government went out of power the public debt was $$174,000,000. The repairing of bad work is neither- easy nor pleasant, but our new Premier has the requisite ability and determination. A hail -storm visited Fullarton Wed- nesday Ight and cut grain crops as though tbith a scythe, stripped roots of their tops and bared the orchards. Mr. Thos. Burrell, a prominent far- mer living near the 0. T. R. station, Walkerton, was killed instantly near his own house ;Friday morninir by a tree that he was chopping falling on him. An Ottawa telegram saga : ---Hen. Joseph Mac tin will enter the Cabinet as Minister of the Interior, and run for Brandon, if he will undertake to . abide by the findings of the proposed school commission. The ventilation of the Manitoba school question brought to light that the Protestants are not as well treated as they should be in Quebec. 'Several cases of hardship were exposed, and not denied, and this lest to a pledge be- ing given hp 1Mr, Atwater, who suc- ceeded Mr. Talllon In - the provincial tressutership, that such wrongs would -tie righted. This has just been stone in the cases of a parish near' Montreal, and sintilar rellef"Is likelj<% be gtant- ed its other places ib is an ill -wind that blows nobody;�g66 6"W �,/.ir.;v� ,xisp County i lippiijp, John Willis, of Usborne, has made an aealgameut. Mr Ed. Holster, of Hensall, has mov- id toLoodou. D. Welsmiller has been appointed lasistant General Organizer for the .. O. F. Mr John McLean, of the 2nd con. of Cuckeramith, left on Monday morning %at on a trip to Scotland. Jas. Wilson, school teacher, W rox iter, has been re-engaged for the en- suing year at an advance of $25. Mr Andrew •Thoson, father er of Mr Walter Thomson, of the Oatmeal will, 4eaforth, died in London on Tuesday act, aged bu years. Mr Geo. E. McT&ge irville cheese factory, tronzo medal and di dim at the World'sFai Thomas Stiles, of iuitered a stroke of weeks ago, lingered u ernoon last, when hit On Saturday H. Cornell was tried be -1 fore Judge Musson on a charge of inde- cent assault, and being found guilty, was sentenced to two afonthe impris- onment in the common jail. Albert Hooper, of Exeter, who un- derwent on operation at the London General Hospital fast week, is progres- sing -favorably, and will return home' Mrs R. Coad, of Hensall, who has spent some weeks at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, returned home on Wednesday evening. She is slowly recovering. Taken in time Hoods Sarsaparilla pre. vents serious illness by keeping the blood prare and all the organs in a healthy syn- dition. Dr Graham, of Brussels, was taken very ill at an early hour on Wednes- day morning, the pain being so great that morphine was ineffectual to re- lieve him, and chloroform was admin- istered. A little son of Mr Hamilton, north ward, Seaforth, got hold of it bottle of poisonous liquid one day last week and partook of it quite freely, to the alarm of its parents. The child was very ill for a time bnt through the aid of medical attendance it is being brought around again. Robt. Greenway, of Blueyale, lost a good driving horse this week by its being accidentally poisoned by Paris green. George Casemore, who was drugging a potato patch for him, left a pail with Paris green in it for a short titre, and the horse came along and drank it. On Saturday morning last, people of Grey were grieved to hear of the death of an aged and respected friend, Quintin McBlain, at the'iige of 79 years and 6 months. Deceased had enjoyed good health until a few monthe pre- vious to his death. Mr William Whitesides, of Hein 1, bad the misfortune, One da yy last wee , while engaged in faking cult out of. the pans, to step hack too far on the plat- form that extends around the pans, failing heavily on the hard floor. a dis- tance of eight or nine feet. He teceiv- ed very painful injuries, but fortunate- ly no bones were broken. Rev Hugh A. McPherson, who was assistant to Rev Dr McDonald, of Sea - forth, last summer, has received a call from the conggre tion of Knox church Acton, and he has accepted the call. This is the church of which Rev Mr Rae was pastor, and is a large and im- portant one. The large new flax barn of Messrs McEwen & Geiger, Hensall, in course of erection, was struck by lightning during the storm on Tuesday night, but very fortunately the flash went down the east end of the barn, enter- ing the ground without doing any damage. Miss Bella Scott, of Auburn, wishes to thank the West Wawanosb Fire In- surance Company for the prompt set- tlement of her claim on account of her barn being struck by lightningg and burned on the evening of May 25, the same being settled without any con- troversy. A vote was taken at Goderich on Thursday for the rAisittg of a loan to. wards the extension of the water- works system, and getting the euppply from Lake Huron; also the introduc. tion of the incandescent system of lighting, and a complete system of sewerage for the town. The by-laws were carried by a large majority. On Friday evening while Jos. Stubbs of Morris, was driving from Wingham along the gravel road, his horse shied at some object on the prairie, and ran his buggy into a passing wagon. The buggy was upturned and badly broken up, and Mr 33tubb's leg was hurl, but he managed to prevent the horse from getting away. • Mr Robeft Woods, of Turnberry, met with a painful accident on Tues- day, while working at. a barn in Cul- ross. He was enggaagged in handing plank up on a acasifoiding, when the man above let one slip, and it, falling, struck Mr Wood on the head. He re- ceived an ug scalp scalp wound and was unconscious far some hours. One of those events which always cause a flutter of excitement occurred in Brucefield on Tuesday evening, the occasion being the marraige of De Armstrong to Miss Florence Jamieson, daughter of Mr J. B. Jamieson, Bruce. field. The wedding was a quiet one, only the immediate ft'lends of the con. tracting parties being present at the ceremony. Rev W, Muir officiated. We are sorry to learn of the ilinesE of Mies Grace Pollard, of McKlilop who left some time ago to teach school at Parklands, Assiniboia. At th close of the term she went to spell her holidays at the home of Rev A Robson, Presbyterian minister, of In- dian Head, who is also editor of th Prairie Witnomd, Since then she h been confined to her room, and is un der the doctor's care, but we hope sh may soon recover', Another of , the pioneer settlers o Taekeramith has departed this life In Part Hope, and afterwards removed Political PointersI", �' ��t�t1��8?�{ IgE 4 to tills township, where she has scald , ed for 48 years. Her tiuebaad died - Premier Greeuwa bas returned to �'�' about 6 earn ago, and she has since y VFOr Sale Or �0 ReAt. then resided with her son, Winnipeg from Chicago, He did noteri .. visit Ottawa as reported, Made and Mont Malntiifns theoonfidenoe +--- ' We are sorry to learn that Mr M. U. of Seaforth is in a Very critical ar The recount in Lie lyes Mr ' at the pimple in 13ood'tf llsrsapar7lln. ItsDunlop, g Riphardaon, Liberal, 64, ' when aloki.itit makes state at present, ane{ is daily growing ti. majority of paediolus.ctured yon weaker. an increase of 11 votes. wonderful cures evotywhere, then beyond Prior to her departure from Blake Bir Oliver Mowat, Minister of Just. allgaostion, that 1' t►odiginepoaAt�ses luerlt. Mies M. E. Dick, who has acted as asals- tant And telegraph operator in Mr ice, has been appointed to the Senate for the Quints district, made vacant , rt Leslie's store, was waited upon by the by the death of Mr Read. � � e members of her Sunday scbool class beautiful toilet Hon. A. S. Hardy, the new Premier Ontario, and was presented with case, accompanied by a neatly worded of has been for nineteen years a member of the Government, 'truth addrees, expressive of their high appre- and yet he is not as old ak his predeces- That, Is just theabout Hood's 8ar- j ciation of her as a teacber, sor by Seventeen years. We truth it eRoodMeritB- sapillkwar pc A black bear was seen the other even- Ex -Governor Russell, of Massachu- bomuse it ourwr,'not once or twice or a Ing by Mr M6Qurdy, 10th con. of Grey, .setts The bear was In J. K, Baker's slashing, Cooper, who was camping near Quebec, was ound dead in is tent on Thurs- day m hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of oelt;es, We , j.�io l pppr t absolutely, pgrnrsnelauy when a} 0th ire and word was sent to Wall. a orning. Heart disease is supper. talk to 49 lily whatwar. We repoat neighbor, who brought his rifle and ed to be the cause. good quickly despatched his bearship. He was apparently about three years old The Calgary Herald says that Mr Maxwell the Presbyterian r , :- -, •+,ia : 1,_Jfl, and weighed 150 pounds. Cie man , who was elected for Burrard, BT. did "tie "W1 ' John Bell, 5th line, Morris has erect- run that he might attain." and '-made his ed a somewhat novel piece offence. callinganal election sure." It is constructed in the same manner as the ordinary picket fence, each pickle Top - pePifrindh Hon �u R.el)iokeHlbeld aeobbert n- "q' Bars' a , l'9 ' however it; made from a small roue tree with the bark removed, and sultation at Amherst on Thursday. It [ratbabas,-isfaettll•OasTrileB,hrodlurUl cedar eve part of the fence is made from every Is said to have been decided to rotes, all the elections in Nova Scotia won I cure naµaea; indlpitt&10 , uoeawn timber. It Is not only durable by Liberal candidates. l'lood'3 Pilin btuowriyw fa cants. but quite a novelty. Mr J. L. Haycock, M.P.P., expresses I • A ver ret, wedding took lace y pretty g P the 10th line of East Wawanosh, the conviction that the Hon, A. S. VOTER'S LIST, 1Stlr8. on at the home of the bride's mother. Wed• Hardy will make a better leader of the Ontario flares than lair Oliver Mowat, Muntepallty-of lthe-Towl'lshlp of izetlday.Jul Itith. the .CM4iactlAg par ties being Mr Iraae Irwin Walker, ai►l and better rafoims-will be passed un- Hullett, Huron Co. Mies Hanna Lever, both of East Wawanosh, Rev. Mr Hall, of Belgrave der the new Premier. The mother of Mr Wm. McGregor, Notice Is, hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections l - tied the nuptial knot. P M.P., North Essex, died at the rest- dance of her son-in-law, Mr Andrew, 6 and 6. of the Voter's Lists Acta, the copies re quired b said sections to be transdAtted or de - livered the list made to said Act of The re -o ening of the Lutheran church at uric last Sunda was a Sunday, on Thursday, aged 86 years. She had ti pursuant all personsapbearing by lastrevised. Assessment Maniclpality to be entitled to great success. The church was filled resided at Amherstburg for the past 50 Roll of the said vote In the said municipality at elections for in the morning, and in the evening a lot of visitors from otherlaces were years. The prediction that Mr Laurier's ma- members of the Lrgtel+rive APeamtly and at Municipal elections, an I that said List was first 14th P resent. The pastor from Tavistock and jority will be forty when the first vote taken io the home is being osted up in my office at Loadesboro, on the �av+or u1y,1896,andiremainsthereforinspection. to the said the pastor from Loan were here is new rap- Eleo ora are called upon examine are also, and tended their services by preaching one in the morning and the idly verified. North Ontario will be brought into the Liberal column ver y and shortly,and "there others." List and if any omissions or any other errors found therein, to take immediate proceediugs to have Paid errors corrected according to the law. Ulelk HulledT'p, other in the evening. The congr eg- it is are JAB, CAMPBELL, of July 15tb 1896. ation have a nice church now, and To a from the prohibition a credit to them. convention which waited on him onPROPERTIES Premier FOR SALE on To LET Little Anna Richardson, of Brussels, Thursday, Hardy promised who is not fret seven years old, is un- mistakeably a gifted child. Last that the Government would do all it had power to do in the direction of the HOUSES FOR VALE OR RENT week she correctly answered all the enactment of a prohibitory law for the Province. -- Several hooses either for sale or real. Fall 107 questions in the Presbyterian terian q y particulars on application to JOHN MCGARVA Shorter Catechism: not only so, but in Mr Freure, of Port Rowan, was out order to test her knowledge thorough- sailing with his family, when the boat FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Iyy, she was subjected, by the Rev Jno. upset.. He replaced them all on the Rosa, to a severe examination, and overturned craft, but one child of small cottage, centrally located. For sale or came out of the ordeal unshaken. eighteen months was washed off and to rent. w. C. BEARLE This is a feat that is seldom accom- drowned. The others were rescued af- plished by those double her age. ter being three hours in the perilous Desirable Dwelling louse to Let There isrowing in the orchard of g Position. New, room and convenient hones on Victoria Mr Morgan Austin, lot 23, lake range, Miss Rena Tatali, one of the trapeze at Possession given any' time. Apply to R. IRWIN or MISS BUTLER Ashfield, Kintail P. O., a Rhode Is- performers in the Wallace show, Win- land Greening apple tree, that this season presents a most remarkable ap- nipeg, met with a serious accident in the performance on Tbursday, slipping A B.1 RGA IN pearance. In the spring the tree blos. soured in the usual way, budded and from the rings and failing to the ground. Icer arm may have to be 4m._ _ House a I dl.ot for sale cheap grew, then another blossom came out, putated, and it is feared she has also Terme of psymentwitl be made so libers',that budded also. and still further up ano- received internal injuries. Her hits- they equal very little more than an ordinary Office ther blossom Comes out. Dere we band's name is Henderson, with Sells rental, Address Box 174, Clinton post have the apple in several stages of When the first fruit is Broil.' circus, growth. ready From every point of view there is I PERRIN BLOCK to pick the next will be maturing. The freak of nature, curiosity, or one result of the elections that can bet regarded with satisfaction. There will FOR SALE whatever it may be called, is not con- be no little pestilent faction holding _ fined t0 one branch, but COV@re the tree. Can crack the balance of power between the tH o ; cash and M monthly pa menta of $13 each D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton whole any of our fruit growers explain it. great parties. The Liberal party has a clean majority of its own, sufficient, --- FOR SALE OR TO RENT What might have been a very seri- though not more than sufficient, for _— ous accident befel 'Mr F. Holuneted, the_purposes of government.—Moneta- 'Times, That .desirable property In the village of HolmesvOle. known as the Lobb estate, being 1-B barrister, of SeaforthI on Saturday evening, as" he was driving home, to ry It certainly is safer to be Prime Min- acre of land 1; story frame house, good stable, well and other outhouses. Convenient to goat Hitr urhe When a short distance P Y• west of the residence of Mr Jos. Brown, ister of Canada than President of France. On June 24, 1894, President Would ash office railway Catton and GEORGE rats sacrifice. App Ip to GEOSGH HOLLAND, Holmesvifle, or J, B. LOBB, Galt. his horse made a sudden bolt to the Carnot was assassinated by a half - side of the road, causing Mr Holmsted crazy Italian, and in the eighteen FOR SALE. to lose hie balance, and he fell partly months which have elapsed since M. -- between the box and the wheels of the bit In this position he was unable ggj' P Faure became chief exet:utive of the Republic three or more less defined The undersigned will sell at aBacrifice, Lot 461 or 12, pplFAIl ally Terrace Clinton. rrister &e : upon appllcatlon, JAME{3 SCOTT, Barrister do to } e himself, nor could he gain con -plots to kill him have been made, the - trol of the linee. The borse ran along latest on Tuesday last. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS the aide of the road for a considerable Ju?t now the Conservatives have a distance, when it was stopped by some bigger job on hand than abasing Mr Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderieh parties who, seeing the accident, came Tarte. The regeneration of the Con- Township. For terms and particulars ap- to the rescue and relieved him from his set vative party is of pressing import- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton Eerilousposit ion. He was considerably bruised it fear- ance, and the new government can HOUSE AND LOTS FOR RALE and shaken up, and was well be left alone for a while, until the ed at first that be be was injured in- ternally, but we are glad to learn that Opposition gets itself into a condition where it ca.) talk about the in the For Bale on reasonable terms, the bcuse and his injuries are not serious, although mote other felk,w's eye.—Toronto Star. lots occupied by the undersigued,on Ring street. The house is a comfortable cottage, sutiable for somewhat painful." A London cable to the Montreal family; very conveniently situated, with hard and soft water; a number of bearing fruit Mr Wm. Doubleday, of Wingham, Star credits Sir Donald Smith with trees and small fruit on the place has been much troubled about the dis- a ying that Hon, Mr. Laurier's Cab- pd4 SAMUEL COPP appearance of the body of his child, inet is regarded in London as one FOR $ALE which be buried a few months ago. of remarkable strength; of the high- — He had determined to move the body est character. He adds: Mr. Lnurier's The following valuable reeidental property In the Town Clinton, is for Lot from one place in the cemetery to an- digging down speech on Canada and the em ire at of offered as e, 107 and part of 108, Victoria rat., and part of lot 113 other, but on 3g' g was much M ontreal aroused much satin Action. Higb8treet. Tberenretwocomfortabledwelling surprised to find a portion of the rough I expected nothing less from him, I am HouBea upon the property, In an excellent state box cover about one foot above the box no party man here, and I know Mr. of reprir. For further particulars and terms a"ply to JAMES SCOTT. while the box was filled with mud Laurier to be a true -hearted Canadian, around the coffin. He was still more Hon, L. G. Blair tendered his resig• TO FARMERS surprised to find that the coffin bad nation as Premier and Attorney -Gene - been opened and two of the screws re- rel of New Brunswick, on Thursday,r to excellent opportunity is now afforded to improve with small capital, who desire to obtain moved, but on opening the coffin he g was astonished beyond bound to find bodyof his dead had been and recommended Gov. Fraser to send for Hon. Jas. Mitchell and entrust him improves terms or stock ranches with trrriga• tion, buildings and fence-, in the District of Al - berte, N, w. that the child he removed. he little Clothes it wore the formation of a new adminiv. nation. Mr Mitchell was immediately on easy terms. The raiaintr of horned cattle, Itoraes, sheep and pigs Is rapfdlyy developing In the district. The were bundled u d laced back in the p anp coffin, the little stockings layingg across summoned by Hie Honor and accepted uudersigned will furnish information or answer enquiries. IA. w, C. MEYER, O., Calgary, N.W.T the bead. It4r Double- the commission. It is understood that Q. one another at day now feels anxious to know whether he will also succeed Mr Blair as Attor ney-General. Mr Blair will run far GOOD FARM FOR BALE the body of hie other child but ied about one month ago is unmolested, and will Gloucester, a Conservative, Mr Blanch- ard, making way for him. Subscriber offers for sale the Eesthalf of tot 2 in the 8rd concesslon, Ba D. of Ashitetd, It con - raise the coffin to investigate. No Cluetains as to whom this grave robbing may The "Winnipeg Northwest Review 'If 100 aerea, wit about 80 sortie cleared and free hom stem Ficins house barn and driv- ing ebead bear g urchad, creek through be charged can et. be arrived at, but b Y Mr Doubleday will leave no sten@ nn- Catholic) stays: Messrs Laurier and reenwa think that we will accept y P runs the lot, situated 1} miles from Port Albert, on good toad mut he sold on reasonable terms, turned to ferret out the matter. If their hands the toleration which Is Apply toALEX. BA DOUR, HOLM ESVILLE, or to P. HOLT, such things as this happen in our midstgranted others will feel anxious as to the safety to our co-reli ionists in Nova Acotia, who have no legal status, no GODERICH• - of their demised friends' bodies. constitutional guarantees, no Privy SPLENWID FAICM TO RENT. Council at their back, they have failed A Whitechurch correspondent Bays: utterly to gauge the temper of the The undersigned offerd to rent the splendid farm on the MaitlandCon.,Goderich Township, —The Methodist people here deserve for their minority that has for six years, against tremendous odds, so nobly struggled being lots 68.70 71, containing 153 acres, all in a state of good cultivation except is acres which is touch pralse enterprise and liberality in improving I heir parsonage for its rights. Again we name our " bush.Good bri.kbousesndoutbuildings, well watered, 2 scree M orchard, convenient to property and making the home of their terms: 'Catholic sctsoola or nothing.' g• school and church. This is a most desirable pastor much more eligible and com-Property than it hetherto has been. The Ontaarin Government was re -or- fors person wishing to rent good farm, being a mil.efrom Olihton and g} Milan madiuus They have expended over $.500 upon it, anized on Thursday, by the appoint. ing of Provincial Secretary J. M, Gib- from lRolmeevine. Possession given in the fail. Apply to MRS JOHN RUDD, Clinton, P. o. by adding a story to its height facing it wish brick, putting on a new roof, son as Crown Lands Commissioner. The Provincial Secretary, Pre ROBERT --- DOWN. digging it celier and walling it with new as - vionsly intimated, is Hon. W. D. Bal - stone, and remodelling it so that when completed it will not only be one of four, member for South Essex, and ' the tlnest building's in the village but Speaker of the Assembly since 1894. Manufacturer and Pr prfgter for the beat SAW MriL DOG t g will be one of the finest parsonages in the district. Too much ptalive cannot @ be given to the Indies of the eongrega- d tion whose promptly and nobly turned out to clean and paper the par'Sonage and make it in every, tv€ty comfortable e for occupation, The new pastor, the tin Rev. W. W. Leech, is well received - and it is expected that this year will © be a pleasant and prospei•ons one. f - - In addition to these changes, Mr E. J. Davis, member for Notth York, and a rival of Mt Balfour's for the vacant Provincial Secretaryship, is appointed a Minister withou' Portfolio. 'How much more Is your farm worth to -slay than It was a week ago?"—Clin- ton News -Record. It Is worth the price of freedom from a rule of Tupperiam and the stigma of a reign of corruption and iniquity. Just the difference between the value of right and of wrong; of virtue and of I f f d fI- 't n Use, gant tar the Bale and ap- ppitoation of the A9rf!t6MZP1 PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILEx CLRAAua• STEAM FITTINGS furnished i and attached on aboft notice, Butters. Bulinus ", ano sit kinttb • 1 Machiaerr repall*ed esloedttfojt�jrl,t and In snlAtfsfsetbry monster Farm Implements manufactured and repaired ateam and water pumps furnished and pat in position Dry Khris fitted up on application Charges moderate. Clinton Planing Mill lkl s tlpo. Love pissed peat@full aha v cc; o r g teouatlea9 art o nlqqury ---dffD - y of pnrityand ofcorruptIon; of national tin Alf .6 last$ at the 15 as of • 150117 rasetaty.w 09MI0herCiacorta, years, She had efyjoyed• b6r, usual wheneh6w"s044aboatWforrastOrta. good health until ,within A .few day's of . tit t .each;, solid ;eveq P914,Sunday chi, .'hNt khobtica"�aoh acre clung to t;lastorla, aeslYle• to 10� Vl r.,ilid, tt .:eelatifaiV' tChijlF;�;.,sR;aka,atr�+lcfs . n. .: 4 .. lam... T r d d g t n a -I el v *x r t '1h I: �� • � illi � lt, bN rat h q s j et+, s d itis= G!a a i h ba r • o dtlt� u ,� i ti M , sit'" tI O Yl r r,i � 11+i! � � �'� it e � ti 't,iE��dc fi ' ...: �. _ .�J,• �a a -.Gln., ...� «.,ten ?.r, f•:. . _:-..L.d. r.....:. I Ille- honor acid of 1 pride and of pc this dlflYerence more is ymir i c utrdh h ezl S tI u d oyb1111 , jiurIf'+IIll would be wi>klhi corder, iia COafiMER01AIL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid' stand, where good business Is done. The house has excellent aeeom. modetion for travellers and publio generally. Terms made known on appliostion to JNO. BOSSIER, Beurnwer, Also HOTEL at Exeter North, VPitb Dwelling House and good Store ad- oining, with good outbuildings. For ppeerr ioalpra appply to J. T. WESTCO`rT Exeter, or JORN 1408SIER, Bonmillgr. Also, PAlE K of 200 A01 tES-. In eat Nissouri. 1.40 sorsa desired, tine rest "being s good bush of • hard wood; no buil4ings worth speaking of, The land is first rate; a good _price is expected, but not morin than te lend is worth.. - Also FARM of SO ACRES -- Wit> in one toile of the former, being ppstt of the Wigmore Farm, being composed pt E Ai half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con, of West Nissbrri; the land is first fate, and with very little oultivation will make a farm. second to none of its size. ,_ , Any of the above are good invert end and, all particulars ot,n ' lie obt*tned on oppliostio:s to JNO. BOSSIER, Bonminer EGGS FOR HATCHING Subscriber offers for Salo Hggs for Hatching purposes, from Brown and White Leghorn stock. Price dI per doz. ,JAS. HOWSON, Jr., Clinton Professional and0therCards JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, Solicitor CONVEYANCER &O. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba. Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman Wit BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office—Deaver Block. Up-atalre, OpposiCte LINTON•e PhotoLos,very, M: G. CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)h= BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.. Office—Hamilton fit., op�oslte Colborne Hotel; GODERICH, ONT TSR. WM. GUNN,L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S A--' Edinburgh. Office—Ontario kreet, Clinton Night calla at front door of residence on Batten bury St., opposite Presbyterian church, R J. L, TURNBULL, M. D. TORONTO IIniversity, fn. D. C.M., Victoria University M. C. P & S„ Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrics Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Sagg , and Edinburgh Respite a. Office. Dr.Dowaely's old office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell answered at the same place. DR. J, W, SHAW, PHYSICIAN 13URGEON Acconebour, no.. office In the Niece wria Rattenbury St. forsserly occnpled by Dr. Rears Clinton Out. J AS. S. FREEBORN, M.D., L.H.&Q.O.P.I., Irl, C. P. & S, O., Graduate Kirgs andeens Qu Co)lege of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, can. tiate General Medloal Council, Great Brit& Member of College Physicians ane Surgeons, oil- . Formerly resident of Rotunda hospital, tLyyfng-in and Oyaecological) Dublin. Residence —Rattenbury St. But, next door to Ontario St parsonage. MSTANLURY edical De�aetmeht of Victoria MedicalVictoria Unpi; alty, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals si Dispensarieps, New York, Coroner for he County of Huron. Bayfield, Ont. DR AGMEN/, _` Londeeboro, successor to Dr Young. T. AGNEW. M. B., Toronto University, M. D. O. M., Trinity University, Member of College Pby. slclans and Surgeons, Ontario, Office oppoelte Methodist church. Night calls anewered at the game place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to llp•m; to 9 P.M. DR. T. C. BRUCE. SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity Uni- versity Toronto, Special attention given to the Preservation of the natural teetb. When. Coate flock, over Taylor's sboe store N. B.—Will visit Blytb every Monday and Payfleld every Thursday afternoon dming:the summer JE. BLACHALL VETERINARY SUItOEON . HonoraryGraduate of tbeOntarioVetsrinarryy College. Treats all diseases of domeetfoated and male on the most modern and scientific rWef- plea Office- immediately sootb of the New Ers 0111ee. Residence —Albert St„ Clinton. Oal night orday attendedto promptly • Official Government Vtterinary Inspector; B. TOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON B sa Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri. nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestic Animals on the most modern and scientific Principles. Day and nightcalleprompt 1 answered. Residenco—Rattenbury St , west Clinton. .M 1►R ARRIAGE LICENSE ,TAMES SCOTT SR„ Issurer of Marriage Licenses, Library 13ooto and Residence. Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL LONDESBORO ISSUER OF k!RRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses required MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Small sums on good mortggag�e security moderaterateoff ntereet. H HALE. Clinton. ['1 • W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. B., Provincial Land Surveyor sod Civil Engineer, London Ono—Oriloe at Geo• Stewart's Grocery Store, dlinton. R. AGNEW, L.D.S D.D.S. DENT18'r. 3l adnate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons Ont. Honor Graduate of Triniay University Toronto. All oporaticns in Dentistry carefully performed. Beat Po=ns for painless extraction. Officeoppppcolts Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will vleit Hensall every Monday, and Zarto every Second Thundayot owb month. .Cr•Nlght bell answered. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial note]. bin establiebment Is in full o- oration and s rders filled in the most.satiafaetoyy w Cetne- cry and granite work a eppeelalty. prices es easonable as those of any eetabltehc.ent SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton, Im BUSINESS CHANGE Da liC 1016 _.- . s ,. . _ , �, ,�., , �,,�, Y ,t ' E .,1 NVi Y vM0[W/ . 1r ilell0o, 1�, and•ttll 01Ir Malleia�' t ;i tikiigtl,tp�i�"i;rtilas 60 � �y t q4 �1+tiri a4fUbttGiNb;fa�t411 YddFaiai+a n4 of a� ,s nfirianc tea., dui tliit62itfflMiitltelitltr« .�• )1ek,. su>xtpafabn ,esm citable t , . f, i .+►' i tilts 1400a . %'ttt na Ilam?- %hail ilk . Il�lt7�'ol Yt i.1k I ti. W j► a s•a bti atria} . >Z 11 f�Yilti7CQ1i , kms• '1,. AtV;.. ttatJ (. , ", I w ev . _s xy J .,,.. ., ..... n,. „ . .-.L+a. t`_. ,, ,1i'x.•,:a A., •...,. . n. .........,..... •�T.,->: '[,fd'��.-.�1,:�1L�1.,L-�d�i�S