The Wingham Advance, 1919-08-07, Page 4•
?Age Jottr
A. G. SMITH, Editor and Prop.
,,••••••••• • • ••.•,•
° ••,•
Politico, In South Bruce
(London Free Press)
There are difficult times ahead kr the
farmers' independent movement Highly
desirable as it is that there t-hould be
Illore men in our Parliaments who have
both the interest in and the understand-
* ing of the agricultural problem, and all
that relates to , the advancement of the
h3sic industry of the country It never.
thelese is going to be an uphill climb for
the .organizera of the movement, The
reasen rests in the fact that old political
divisions are not eradicated in a day.
Added to thia is the grave danger of mut-
. nal suspision. The Liberal farmer is quite
willing to unite with any movement that
will assist in' the ovetthrow of a Conser-
vative Government, and vice versa. The.
real tasks to Anda sufficient number of
Liberal farmers who will support a farmer
candidate who criticizes a Liberal Govern-
ment, and per contra.
South Bruce suggests the existence of
danger M U. F. 0. who had paid his
dues for a year was 'offered the Liberal
nomination for the Legislature and he
promptly accepted it. It is said that
there were many U. F. 0, Liberals in at-
• tendance at the convention, and at least
one of these turned up later at a U. F. 0.
convention and sought the nomination of
• the farmers' party, but was refused in
preference for a XL F. 0. farmer who had
been a Conservative. The net result is.
that South Bruce has two candidates in
the field, both of them farmers, the one
an acknowledged Liberal and former IL
F. 0., and the other a former Conservat-
ive but now an IJ F. O. The question is
whether this situation will inspire the
Liberal farMers to any extent to support
the ex -Conservative U. F. 0. candidate
, What has happened is that party polit.
jos leave entered into the farrners' move-
ment in South Bruce, and what has oc-
curred here is likely to. happen every-
where. One great responsibility is to
find farmers' Candidates who are truly in-
dependent, and who will command the
• respect and confidence of the farmers at
hat Is Real Value
Von can buy a Four Cylinder .j Passenger Motor Car at 4 lower
priee than the Dort.
'atm Lemma afford a ear less good than the Dort.
You ,lo wet want service less eomplete.
Measure the set•viee and satisfaction it gives you.
Judge the power and tptietness of its Motor. the size and comfort
its hely, the hes ;so inccanteleaver sin logs mean easy riding. Its equip.
ment and the years of service you get front it.
Ml these things the Dort gives yon abundantly,
As well aR genuine service. from the man you buy as is not so whit
Home other so ealled pedlars who will promise you everything and give•
your slotting.
A full,line of parts for Dort Cars always kept in stock Case yon
do need anything.
Buy a Dort find eliminate your trouble%
E. MERKLEY & SON, Agent•s.
• Phone Se
well-bred with a twinkle in his eye. Form- • •Sr. 1 -John McICenzie, Willie Rintoul,
erly he was a Conunissioner of Police, and
,he is therefore no theorist about condi-
tions." He eald
"I have never been a teetotaler. I voted
wet, but if another election were held I
would vote dry. I believe Detrolte-with
nroxv opt:strut
."11e Prevontod. Supply oat Votel atettehe
lug Gelman Ship,
. Ilettfuti the curt references, made
in legal formality, in the British lave
eourts recently lies a, story of the
• -lea that would have fired the imag-
ination and speeded the pen of Jules
.1 Verne or Clark Russell. true central
figurt: is a young Engliehman.
From the nrst there lutist have
been 'something sinister attaching to.
the fate of the American steamship
Edna, also kuown at times as JaHon
and Mazatlan.
On a certain voyage she was fitted
with a. wireless installatiou, and car-
ried ae operator a young Britbilier,
Guy Duncan. Smithwho was in the
employ of the AMeriCart Marconi Co.
of New York.
In the guise of a Mexican vessel
the Ship, just after war had been
declared between Russia and (ler-
inany, made San Francisco apd took
on board a great cargo of coal. Seouug
Smith was suspicious, and before
Waxing port discovered that the coal
aboard the Gerraan-Mexican Yea -
Bel was. intended for the Genitals .or -
Bair Leipzig.
Smith was astounded to learn that
a German wirelesa operator was to
be taken on board, enc1 was informea
1 if he refused luty the Teuton
Mary St, Marie,
Jr. I-Dorine Webster, Ruby Turner.
Pr, -(1) Miles St. Marie. (2) IlarrY
Lillian Longman, (teacher.)
Prohibition, has been a revelation, it has
upset all the alarrnest preditions ot the I Indite tied Al Moe River .
wets and more than sustained the rosiest I
preclictions of the drys, I um in favor of The Presbytery of Maitland met on
prohibition I for Detroit because it has t Friday evening in Pine River, for the
made us a better town, and I believe the induction of Rev. G. Gomm, recently call -
public as a whole is impressed with its ed from Whitby Presbytery. • Every
• Thefollowing is from an article in the
Christian Guardian, of May 14th:-L-
'4•"Frank B. Flser, Special Representative
'9f trie Outlook, has been eareiting Detroit
, to see how:prohibition: works'. in the big-
. gest dry city in the •wtield, 'the writer
sayseee• • ;••
called•on James Couzene, Detroit's
Mayor; a good liver zhhaself, _tolerant,-
benefits The personal liberty argument
does not appeal to in e. The question ie
will it bring the ,greatest good to the
greatest number? IIere in Detroit it has
available seat in the church was filled,
Rev. C.A. Malcolm of Wroxeter, occupied
the their in the absence of the moderator,
done that unquestionably. Petty crime Rev. C. N. McKenzie.
has been reduced sixty to seventy per- Rev. F. 0. Overend, of Kincardine,
cent. Child welfare, has received an im-
1 preached the sermon; Rev. D. A. Mc-
petus wh;ch millions of d011arsin approp-1, Lean, of Huron church, Ripley, addressed
riations could not have affected, Collec- I the minister, and Rev. Geo Gilmore, of
tions are better, merchants report greater1 Knox cnurch, Ripley addressed the people
business from the working classes and thel At the close of the service Rev. Mr. Gil -
banks show a great increase in depositaimore the interim Moderator was presented
There has been no increase in the number with an address and a purse of money in
I' drug addicts. There has been boote1 recognition of his services during the
vacancy after which a lunch wai served
This eongregatioa was the first in the
presbytery to raise the stipend to the new
t iat
ee meld take his Place! It was then
that Smith found that the German
did not understand the. Alarcont sys-
tem, but was acquainted only with
the German "Telefunken" brand.
At once Smith decided that no
messages of his should assiet his
country',s enemies. ale shortened
the length of the sound waves and
"hocussed the enemy into the belief
that he was sending out calls rog the
Leipzig when he was doing actually
.-nothing at all."
But one day the captain ordered
him to get into direct touch with the
raider and gave him the coae word
"Dans." Smith knew that to refuse
might bring the reward of a bullet.
Nevertheless he refused. The Ger-
man operator was sent for, but bal.
fore he could arrive Smith short-cir-
cuited the "tone" of the wireless and
the wave -length was altered. Sparks
were seen in the wireless reran hut
notbing radiated from the aerial'.
The Telefunken operator was
puzzled. • For three days and three
nigbts he tried to call the Leipzig,
but in vain. The captain was com-
pelled to reinstate Smith, and A
was then that the Marconi operator
gave his final display of courageous
cleverness. With shrewd foresight
he made a great show of calling up
the Leipzig. He called her for
hours on end, but he took equal care
to get his messages "cross purposed."
•It was only whoa the vessel reach-
ed Le Paz that Smith found he could
use the instrument.
tClean,,itiry$ 'sunlit worksoorns.
Short hour' -a 47.hour week,
with SaturdaY
Valuable training in agreeable
worl; for the inexperienced.
A good livingwage to beginners
which Inawrially inareaseli With
experience and proficiency.
Writu or call -
x • •
Tablets 'without "Bayer Cross'
• are not Aspirin at all .
legging to be sure, but Detroit is the
largest dry city in the world, and we have
no more smuggling than we expected."
The Supetintenclent of Police said,
"This is my answer; Only half past five
and a Saturday pay day, and MG getting
ready to go home; in the boose days we GIRLS! LEMON JUICE
used to be always here until after mid- ' IS A SKIN WHITENER
night; what with murder, cutting scrapes 1
shooting, gambling news, family quarrels, Howto make a creamy beauty lotion • for
• •,
Get genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
in a "Bayer" padkage. plainly marked
• .with the safety `Wayer,Cross." • • •
• . Genuine "BayerTablets of Aspirin" 'are
, now .made inbanada by' e 'Canadian Ccm
•piny. No German -interest • whatever,,all
rights - being purchased. front the United
States' Government, . ' • •• 4•
, During the war, acid -imitations wero.
sold is Aspirin in pill boxes' atid vat;lotts
-other containers.. The "Bayer Cross" is
your only way °tittle:wing- that you are
• *getting. genuine A rpirin, pip ved Sate by
nfillionsfor Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally.
.flandy. tin boxes of 1.2 fablets•-also
• Jarger ,sized "Beyer" packages can be
had at drug stores,
• Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in
• Canada); of Bayer Manufacture of Mono
aceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
women 'screamingeabeaten up men, we
were as busy here as a department store --a_ . .
on a ChrlstmasEvea metell you that The juice of two jeesh lemons stained
Detroit, boot -legging oinot, it is a better, into a bottle containing three ounces of
qicbard white makes a whole quarter
city to live, ira"._ ..' ,. .....„ •
,,. ' •, • e ' pint of then:est remarkable lemon skin
' • , •beautifier at about the cost one mast pay
! for a. small4 jar of the ordinary Wel
SCHOOL -REPORT creams. Care should be taken to strain
the lemon juice through a fine cloth so
o lemon puha zeta in then this lotion
.• T,heg are th
efollpwine results of the- Projillwax keep fresh mtb
sh ' for ons. Every
motion Examinations in .-,V. S. S. No. 12 rwoman knows that lemon juice is used.
. . .
-W. ' Wawanork -:( order Of ! to bleach and remove such blemishes as
!freckles, sallowness and tan and is the
'm,erit.) • ideal skin softener' - whitener and beauti-
Jr. IV-Luella.Ferrier, Gertie Aitchison, I fie, .
'HMVChampion, „Laiella Pint:ell and just try it! Get three ounces of orch-
ard white at anydrag store and two
a few cents
TVRI .*I.F.M.••••.•••••,••••••••
one of ilar largest funerala vett here
for eotne time was OW of the tete, David
Cities who died at his WU* a few milts
east of Lucknow 4itni wee buried last
Wednesday. Ile had been sick for over
two years, and his death was not unex-
peeted. He was in hie seth year .ana
• leaves a wife, three thuighters ana one
on. fle was well kuown and of a. irately
disposition, and for years had been eue
4 the ettong men of tide vicinity, pulling
an the tug -of -warms. tealwre •Caledon-
am games etc.
Another pioneer of this district passed
' away in Chicago in the person of. Neil
Stuart in his e7th year. lie wee born in
'the Isle of Iegg, Scotland, and on aoming
to this eonutry settled at Holyrood where
he resided for sometime, later going to
Chicago. His remains were brought here
. and iuterred Ilelyrood cemetery on
• To represent
The 014 Reliable Fonthill
.The greatest demand for Nursery
Stock in years.
Brinell. and European Markets again
open for Canadian Fruit.
Largest list of Fruit and OrtiamentaI
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in
Write for particulars .
Stone & Wellington
Established 1837
Some Odd Postage Stamps.
Imagine a postage stamp which
though actually used for franking
letters, was yet never sold! This is
the curious • story attached to the
original Egyptian Expedi tient-1*Y
Force (corpraonly called the 'Pales-
tine) staraia.
As a peecaitipn against specula-
tion, it was not placed on public sale
in the usual lyay, but -was affixed by
the postal authoritiee tb.eraselves to
letters upon •whica •postage had al-
ready been paid.
In, some war -collections, too, may
be seen a typewaiter stamp, headed
•"G.R.I. Long. Island," and of the
face value of one shilling. This
unique production was "issued" by
the British Civil Administration •of
Chustatt, Long Island, in the Gulf of
Smyrna, during its occupation in
1916, •/'•
.The Most -singular feature of the
stamp is that it vras'absolutely super-
fluous as such, betause the correspon-
dence of the British forces did not
require prepayment and the natives
could not be allowed, in the 'datum-
staaces to coinmunicate witli the out-
er world. •
Many London firms preserve Rus-
sian staraps which were designated
'(Apply fewdrops then lift sore;
touchy corns off with
This Is Better
Than Laxatives
Arnold Wpddsv....-
Sr, Ill -Fanny 'healer,
Jr. IIL-Sam§e.Sto :Marie,. Zylda Web -
lemons from the grocer and make up a
pint of this sweetly fragrant lemoii lotion
and massage it daily into the fact, aeck
ster, Gertie Me"sei.M. • • • - • and hands.
. . .
Ira • • to • serve as currency an then e
One NR Tablet Each Night For AWook
• WIII Correct Your Constipation and
. 0Asike Constant Posing Unnedos.
sary. Try It.
Poor digestion and assimilation
• mean a poorly nourished body and
'10v/ vitality. Poor elimination means
clogged bowels, fermentation. ii1141"t
Section end the formation or poinomin3
gases whieh aro absorbed by the bloott
and carried through the body.
The result Is weakness, headaches,
dizziness, coated tongue, inactive liver.
bllIoUs•attatelts, loss of- energy, nerv-
ousness, poor appetite, impoveristicd
blood, flaw complexion, pimples, skin
disease, and often times serious 11I -
item •
'Ordinary laxatives, purges And ea-
iltarties-salts, oils, calomel and tit.)
••-• like -may relieve for A, few hours, but
real, lasting benefit cart onlY come
throogn use of medicine that tones
up mid strengthens the digestiyo as
Veil as tito elimint.tive organs.
Get 0, 21c box of Natures Remedy
,(NR Tablets) and take ono tablet each
night fur a" week. Relief will fultow
the very first dose, but a to?: days
will elapse before you ft:el and realize
the futh•st, benefit, 'When you fret
straightened out and feel ju...1 right
again yott need not take medicine
„every tiey-an ocettsional I1I Tablet
• • will then 'keep pier tt7'stein jttood
teondlt1011 and you alwayo reel
your best. Remember, liceplur well 1:1
' easier and cheaper than f:ettint?,
oNAtUre'e Remedy (Mt are
• *Old, guaranteed and recommended by
your druggist.
• J. Walton McKibben), Druggist, Wingharn
ALL sealed air -tight and
impurity -proof, in the wax, -
wrapped, safety packages.
Be sure N get
because it is supreme
n quatitY.
114/Vii& I.
Corner Dundee and Richmond Streets
Up-to-date course. Day and nigh i
chases. J. Merritt, Principal; N Slone
how*, Vice-principal. Phone MO.
Made In
The Flavour lasts
used 'for Postage.. Printed during a
temporary scarcity of 'small dui:riga
and of three values -ten„ afteen and
twenty kopeeks-ethey 5ear ea the
back this inscription: -Having elle
eulation on a par with paver sub-
. sidiary coins," '
Just as remarkable is the British.,
Honduras stam'p of 1915. When a
consignment of stamps was ready for
despatch from London to 13ritisb
. Honduras, a number of German raid-
ers were at large on the Atlantic,
and there was a risk that A might
fall into the hands of the enemy and
be used to rob the British ravenue.
So the stamps were overprinted
with a moire design, that they might
be easily identified. The Germans,
however, did not capture the stannee
and they were sold in the usual way.
Point Clark is proving the popular
plae'c for picnics this year. The Anglican
church Wading theirs at that part of the
beach last Thursday. The weather was
not as nice aS it might have been but a
very good time Was hael and enjoyed by
Have you seen the latest in
X We have just .opened up a large
that's new in Waists and Skirts.
Pretty styles in waists made of fine quality; •
Voile, Silk, and Georgette Crepe, a great variety to:
in• choom
se from, excellent values.
'The local base ball boys journeyed to
Brussels last week to play two games of
ball at the Old Boys Re-Teak:on the first
whit Clinton, in whicli they came out
victorious and the second with Brussels
in which they' were not so fortunate,
The table factory has been closed for a
few days taking stock.
Another of Lueknow's popular young
meneto return from the war last week
was Pte. Marshall Graliam, familiarily
know as Mash. He has seeu a great
deal of service in' France, End lately liad
.been working in one of the camps in
Eugland. He has always beer). a sort of
local comedian, and many were out to
welcome him home. His brother Herb
returned sometime ago.
Now ,1
Ladies' Waists.
shipment of • all 14
4.441.4,4., *
Is There Aniihing You Want f
A Summer?
X Some Vacation Need?
Lueknow is loosing one of its most
valued citizens in the removal of Mr. H.
A. Doupe to Port Credit. Mr.'-Doupe
has been principal of the school here for
the past seven years and has been in no
Small measure respousible for the reput-
ation which the school now enjoys, ,He
bas accepted a position with the school
board at Port Credit which is more lucra-
tive, a.nd. offers more chance of advance-
meut. He was also a valuea worker in
the IVIethodist church and secretary of
the library board. Mrs. Doupe has also
taken a prominent part in the musieal
• life of the community, and will be great-
ly missed.
Mr. Robt Fisher who lately returned
from the war has bought a house and. lot
from Mr. D. Huston, .and has moved lino
Mr. Wm. McMillan bas bought .the
house in which he now resides from Mrs.
R. j. Ross of Canning, formerly Mrs, A.
Mr. Jacobs of Montreal :who hae bean
in tawn abciut a month .buying horaes,
shipped a car load of beautiful horses,. ea
Mr. Chas. Cooper who has had- chifige
of the repair shop in the Ford garage; is
leaving town for Detroit. • ,
• Doesn't hurt'a biti • Drop a little Free
zone ten An aching coin, instantly that
corn stops hurting,•then ion lift it right
out. Yes, • . • •
A tiny bottle of lardezoae costs- but a
few cents at any drug store, but is suffici-
ent to remove every hard cona soft corn
or corn between the toes, and the callus-
es without soreness•or irration.
Freezone is the sensational discovery
on a cincinuati geitus. It is wonderful.
Daylight Saving Time
• .TBAIN Lita.1711Foit
London o 7.30 a. m. 3.,15 p. m.
Toronto and East 6.45 a. m. 3.25 p. m
Kincardine... . 12.20 p. •9.40p.m
Kincardine, 7.15 a, m. 3,10 p.
London 12.05 p. en. 7.35 p. m.
Toronto and East 12.20 p. m. 9.40 p.
W. F..Burginan, station agent, Wingham
H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 6.40 a. nee 3.00 p. m.
Teeswater ........1,04 p ni. 10.32 p.M.
e.nuavio vrt.Orir
Teeswater . ' 6.40 a. rre 3,00 p. m
Toronto and East 1.04 p. m. 10.20 p. m
5. H. Beetrier, Agent Wingham.
• J. W. McKibben, Town Ticket Agent.
g Something You've Forgotten?
Some Little Thing That's Import,r.
ant When It's Missing?
You may find just what you 'need if you pay
a visit..
We want you to feel that you are always
come here,
' 74,
If you want to come and look around, please feel 1Nti
free to do so.- Come and inspect our exeellent va1 ?A
ues in Women's Wear. . • . .
An Anzac Metnoritti.
The Anzacs who helped Great Brie
tain to defend Egypt during the war
are to have a memorial in the shape
of a huge equestrian monument on
the banks of the Suez Canal, The
placing of the monurhent on such a
site, with associations going back to
the dawn of time, will be a striking
footnote to history, so to speak, as
the Anzacs literally came from the
ends of the earth to the land of the
ancient Pharaohs, and the motiument
to their valor and loyalty will almost
be Within sight of monuments which
allerodotus saw, and not very tar
from soma; connected VIM the Mo-
saic aecount oX mutt in the earliest
years of recorded time.
At thetaceent entrance,to high school
examination, Lacknow schoel kept tip
its record, 14 pupils wrote. all passedand
II took honors: • . •,
Mrs. R. apindler w -ho has been living
in Toronto. for the past few menths With
her daughter, has been in tnwn durieg
the past disposiag of her property by
auction which was held on Saturday.
Site is moving permanently to the city.
Thursday, Aug.l. will ,he. Civic Holi-
day here, and a large crowd is expected
to goto the lake at Kincardine for the
big Oddfellows picnic.
Mr. Temple Clark, wife and. family
hive moved to Goderich where he will
engage in the butelier business.
Mr. Steele McKenzie who recently
passed his examination at Stratford Nor-
mal,. will teach near Kitchener this year.
Sam Murchison spent a few' days last
week at Palmerston Re -union.
• • • 4
H E Isard & Co.
X Agency for the Popular New Idea Patterns. '
vayi4s4xxxvimimPtirt: -6Artiriallexiviargriwoix
ummemenew ameineimm melee' atertemeielealsom' .46enstememeht.
r . -
-*Chiropt•actic Drogless Healing accor-
ately locates and removeS the cause of
disease, allowing nature to restore health.
J.A. FOX D.,., D.O.
Osteopathy Electricity
Member Drugless Physicians Associa- •
tion of Canada.
-Phone DI-
On some of the islandsrof the Pa-
cific, ht tropical South America, is
the beautiful bird known as the
Is fan:lona for its so-called
loire danees, which appear to be exe-
ute.d by tha &ales to excite the ad -
nitration Of the fernle birds: When
the rnatmg aeason apprOathea the 3a -
cane, will single out its fa.vorite lady
and try- to win her admiration With
all its bewitching manoeuvres. In the
dance the wings are spread and
worked in such a Manner that thee.
beautiful colored teatbers produce 0,
Dlt, F. A. PARIettle.
Osteopathic! Physician, only qualified
oeteopath itt NOrth Iiitron.
Adjuetment of the spine more qui,eay
secured and with te.wer treatments teen
by any 'other ritet hod .
Blood preseure and other examinetione
All dimeasse treate.d,
For immediate sale, a
complete small farm, near
Wingham. Good buildings,
well watered, rural mail,
telephone and a fine grow-
ing crop.
Will he sold either with
or without the crop. Best
of reasons for selling. Easy
terms. Apply to
In ,nrance Miti Rent INals
Successor to Ritchie & Cosoert.
• netario
W Welton,
. - TAKE NOTE -Will close every Friday evening, one half•hour before
, sundown, until Saturday, one-quarter hour after sundown. Time this eveek:
Friday, 7.3013. M. to Saturday, 8.15 p. me Meals eeilr 1* served to regular
boarders during this time.
PAUL -E. 'VAN NESS, Proprietor.
Special Discount To Regular Boarders.•
11.21.160ININWS COMEMBIUM moss Geo emeteseareacces essesswintoeu esoloNgiaitsacti me:
with a short curved spur. The ripe pod 1 GRAND TRUNK "LwAY
has five cells and is so elastic that it will " SYSTEM
pop open et a touch and send the see
• flying, from which pecularity it no doubt
gets another name, "quick in the hand."
The tender watery stems are bruised to a
pulpy mass and applied to the swollen
parts, relief from the intolerable itching
and burking comes quickly. The appli-
cations are made several times duringthe
day. The poison from the Ivy works
into the pores of the skin and sets up int-
flamation, It is an oil that water will
neither dissolve nor wash out of the pores
once it has lodged there, then the touch-
me-not will do its work. If you have
come in contact with Poison Ivy and
know it before the infection develops.
Alcohol as low as 70 per cent pure will
dissolve the poison, brandy will also dis-
solve it, but whiskey will not, but after
the infection has made its appearance
these applications are of no use, then is
e for the touch-me-not.
Kenneth Murdie has accepted a posit-
ion in the Molson's Bank.
Visitors in town are:
Mrs. Faulds and Mrs. Aiuley at their
parents home, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Grah-
Miss Eva 1VIttrchison of Toronto, with
her sister Mrs, Fred Armstrong,
1V1issess Kate and Ada McCrinimon of
Philadelphia,. with Mrs. A. Newton,
Misses Jean and Marian Fisher of Tor.
onto at their home,
Mrs. jamiesoix of Toronto at Mr. and
Mrs, Dan McDelata.
Miss Isabel Douglas of Chathmu at her
Mr, and Mrs. Horace • Altelieson spent
the past week in Goderich,
Miss Mable McClure who has been
clerk in Dr. Spence's drug store has
given up her position and, will attend
Normal school,
Rev, Mr, McCall= and fanny ate at
Bruce neach for a month.
• Rev. Mr. Watt and family of Barrie
are visiting Mrs. Watts father, Mr. Arch-
ie Barboar.
Mr, and Mrs, Iiel Lawrenre of Winn-
ipeg are vieiting at the home of Mr.
C. Anderson,
• air, mid Mrs. Jim Batton were in Tees -
water last Week attending the funeral of
Chas. Button who died very suddenly
the tint
Harvest Help Excur6ions
, 02.00 to Winnipeg
Plus cent per mile bey:ond.
August 12th from all stations netween
Lyn and Toronto, Weston, Palgrave and
North Boy, including Penetang, deaford
and Midland, Depot Harbor and inter-
mediate stations.
August 14th from Toronto and all sta-
tions west and south thereof in Ontario.
For further particulars apply to any
Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.
Horning, District Passenger Agent, To-
ronto, Ont. W, F. Burgman, Agent.
Wingham. Phone SO.
The plant known as the ""
furnishes an antidote for Ivy Poisioning,
"impatuns palida" is the 13otannical name
for the touch-me-not and "jewel" weed
is another every -day appellation. This
plant is sometimes called, but wrongly so,
"Lady Slipper" it grows in wet shady
places rather a tall. slender weed with a
M,* *kr* flower, the lower sepal of which
ler somewhat sptitted, opsa and tipped
J Walton McKibbon. Druggist Wingharn
* is • •
ntometrist. Optician itt
1. 4
For 20 years we have made a special study of
hoa i took my first •eourse. . ..
In 11105 graduated at the 'Canadian Ophthalmic Col41ese.4'0rento.
In 1912 tot.* it qp‘vial course in muselo troahnent and shadow testing.
And in 11118 took it Post Clradnate Cottrso in the CanattianOpinhatraie
College, Toionto„ ,
., •
in every cow graduating will) lainotits. .
Onr Optical pArlour a; etpapped with the. moet up-to-date insh•umetite
for eight teetitig that eau be proowetI, and 14 4000Oit to WOO tit t2tOtatia,,
WO examine your eyes free, and recommend glassecs only when abso-
lutely necessary.
'Watchmaker, Engraver and Optielan,
Formerly with Ryrie Ltd., 'rorouto.
811,...,••,e,or to A, M. Reale,
*4144144144 •14014 041014********441k