HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-07-17, Page 74 fit:At A 0.10Er i S�,_..
t I[ets Befrfwn4stt Destine on leans
4., Than [line Qgvasian.,
40 moat oonspioaot a inetanoe et aoci-
dgnt hafrlen:iing gentile 1a the disoovery
Made -lay Newton. While sitting udder
An fipple tree! one fell cud atruok him on
fOt- the Broke * thee was surprised at
and fromthis he wits led
to Investigate the motion of falling bod-
.tits, which finally resulted in his enynol-
apl,ng the principle of gravitation, probe-
bly the greatest of all dlsooveriea
klhakespeare owes his fame to the fact
that his impprudenoe made It necessary
tor him to leave the wog' trade, and eon-
quently he fell in with some strolling
layersand earned his living by writ -
Ing. Gibbon, the kisto_rian, tint thq}tght
Q1,.Wrlting his great "Decline and Fall"
through seeing the friars in the temple
of Jupiter ate Rome, Sir Joshua Rey-
nolds, having aootdeutally 'Picked up
Itohardson's "Treatise," was so inspired
by it that he bename an artist. Similarly,
owley became a poet owing to the in -
{Oration of Spenser's "Faerie Queen."
gornetlle first wrote through the inspira-
tion of love and It is probable that but
for that we should have lost a great poet.
. The 'Jesuits owe their origin to Ignatius
Loyola being wounded. While he was
recovering be read "Lives of the Saints,"
Which raised an Ambition in him to be
the founder of a .religious order, and the
rsuits eesnited. Many more examples
might be given, but these are some of the
most interesting.
Why Chinese Take to Opium.
May it not be fro)n sheer weariness
.nd want of something•to do that many
Chinese take to the opium pipe? In most
places in China organized gambling is
fiarbidden. With the exception of an co-
oastonal game at shuttlecock or kite-
/lying—only at fixed seasons—there are
no outdoor sports. The Chinese rarely
walk for pleasure. There is no social in-
tercourse between respectable man and
women. There is not sufficient house
room, privacy or light for reading after
dark. How is time to be killed? I think
that the monotony of existence may be
one of the chief pauses of opium smok-
On the whole, though, at Canton, I
Was in contact with opium smokers al-
most daily, and made a point of seeing
muoh as possible of native life, the
seamy side of opium smoking did not ob-
tru a itself muoh upon me. Just as in
an English ooast town, one may dally see
the flaring light of the gin palace, the
besotted faces of occasional loafers, the
bedraggled garments, and infer there-
from great misery behind it all, so one
might fairly infer great mtiery item the
spectacle of nitre tie opfum dens, ea-
davorons faces and tatterdemalion gar-
ments in Canton, if one should see
them, but I did not see them obtru-
sively, though, as I said before. I was
daily poking my nose into all sorts of
nooks and corners. Naturally, a metrical
missionary will see a great deal more of
the seamy side. It is his business.
A Sparrow Stole the Toy BgltoeD,
Where the cable oars stop to take
hreath, near the
Center street
tofincoln park, a toy balloon a shall
boy, a sparrow and a fond mother
stopped traflo and nearly precipitated a
riot the other afternoon. The mother
was dozing under a greenwood tree just
inside the park, with the boy only a few
feet away playing with the balloon. Sud-
denly the balloon escaped and stopped
under the branch of a tree. It was just
high enough up for the string to be be-
yond reach. A orowd began to form at
once and in five minutes hundreds were
orowdlng around the tree, looking for
something in the branches. Men tried to
reaoh the balloon by climbing on eaoh
Every one was making suggestions,
and half a dozen controversies were In
full operation when a sparrow flew into
a tree. It j otloed the string dangling
from the balloon and eelzed it and
started west. Instantly fifty men started
in pursuit, and the small boy began to
scream. The men forgot the orowd in
the excitement of the phase and trampled
on a job lot of Leet In a way that brought
about a row that had to be quieted by
the police. The bird, when last seen,
was still toying with the balloon and
trying to weave 1t into a'nest above the
entrance to an adjtwent betel.
' No More Crying Babies.
Though the sound of a baby's prying
Is never agreeable music even to the
most devoted mother, it has been held
for centuries that this was an affliction
from which there was no escape. It Las
remained for the very new women who
ars In charge of a well-known New York
nursery to discover that an infant's
soreams are wholy superfluous in a well -
regulated home. This is the method by
which discontented babies are persuaded
to hold their peace: As seen as a child
begins to cry the nurse catches 1t up,
holds it gently and places her hand over
Its nose and mouth so that It oannot
Rheumatism for years, and Nervilino is
the cooly remedy that bas done me any
good." Bo ';montes Thomas MoGlaeham,
North Pellam, July 24, 1890, and his testi-
mony is'sgpported by thousands of others
who have experienced the wonderfully
penetrating and pain subduing power of it
Nerviline is just es good to take as to rub
on, and is the best family remedy in the
world. Nerviline is sold by dealers every-
Chinamen Demist the Efforts of Europeans
to Save Them From the Plague.
European physicians who have had ex-
perience in China during epidemics,
have been obliged to combat many stub•
born prejudioes of the natives. In 1894
the plague attacked Hong Kong about
the middle of May. From fifty to a hun-
dred deaths occurred daily. From the
first, the Chinese strongly objected to
the removal of their siok to European
hospitals. They did not understand the
necessity of segregation. They preferred
to die in their unclean surroundings
among friends, than to accept the ohanoe
ofd lowly r000vory at a hospital,
The devices to which the Chinese re-
sorted to conceal the slok trona swelling
parties, were many and ingenious. A
system of Tiouselo-house visltatfon bad
to be organized to overcome the danger
ons secretiveness of tho Cht_nese. The
effort of the nlemising and disinfecting
staff -were rendered alnaost futile by the
dislike of the native* to sanitary preoau-
tione. The epldemlo uapsea 9,660 deaths
before it ceased In early September.
The necessity of burying the dead in
common graves was a great shoat to the
feelings of the natives, and finally led to
open rebellion. Conaesslone had to be
made to the ignorant and desperate
Celestials and the presence of Chinese
medical attendants in the European Hos-
pital was permitted. Chinese to the num-
ber of 100,000 left Hong Kong while the
plague was raging. Their demand that
their plague -stricken relatives be allowed
to accompany them, was, of oonrse, not
granted. Of the. .Chinese patients who
were attacked by the epidemic, only 18
per cent. recovered, while 82 per cent.
of the Europeans afflicted were restored
to health.
Advantages of the Cow Pea.
(1) It is a nitrogen gatherer; (2) it
shades the soils In summer, keeping them
in a condition most suitable to the most
rapid "nitrification" and leaves them
friable and loose in the best condition
for future crop; (8) it has a large root
development, and hence pumps up from
great depths and large areas the water,
and with it the mineral matter needed
by the plant; (4) its adaptability to all
kinds of soils, stiffest plays to most
porous sands, fertile alluvial bottoms to
barren uplands; (6) it stands the heat and
sunshine of Southern summers; (6) its
rapid growth enables the farmer in the
south to grow two crops a year on the
same soil; (7) if sown thickly, will, by
its rapid growth and shade, effectually
smother all weeds and thus serve as a
cleansing crop; (8) it is the best prepara-
tory crop known to the Southern farmer,
every kind of crop grows well after it;
(9) on the alluvial lands of Mississippi
bottoms it serves to pump off excessive
water, evaporating It through its great
foliage, thus keeping the soil in a condi-
tion for most rapid nitrification during
the entire growing season; (10) it fur-
nishes a most excellent food In large
quantities for both man and animals.
With all of these advantages 1t is no
wonder that it is caled the "clover of
the South," and were it used regularly
throughout the South as one of the
crops 'n a regular but short system of
rotation, the soils of this section would
soon rival in fertility "heir primitive
Funny things come to pass
breath. The crying ceases directly and Perhaps the idea of wearing wooden socks
Ibe oh d Is allowed to breathe freely might seem ridionlons, its just what sono
again. Should 1t a second time attempt people in Germany are doing, and very
46 scream the same simple and elYeetual nice socks they are too. The- wool is re -
method 1s applied. This Is repeated till dueed to a long silky fibre and made into a
the baby imagines that the painful stop- yarn out of which the socks are knit ma k -
page of the breath is caused by Its own ing a warmer, more durable and just as
effort to scream and so 1s careful to soft proteotion as woollen ones. In a
keep quiet. similar way the pure spruce fibre is made
The nurses attest that this regime into the interlining called Fibre Chamois
works to a charm, that the most well- which provides for clothing an absolute
bred quiet is always preserved in the protection against raw air and cold winds
nursery, and that the self-control exhib- muse it is a complete non-conduotor of
Rod by bots of three months old even heat and cold, keeping in the natutal heat
when in aottial pain and disttesi, to and keeping out every breath of cold. This
something remarkable. Roaring will fabric bas also been made waterp, oof so
therefore be eliminated from the a000tn- that the rain never penetrates it, and is so
plishments of the modern baby. light in weight and inexpensive that a layer
Treated When no Bans Up a Bill. of it provides the some of comfort for all
outdoor clothing. •
"Why should a man receive a bonus
when he gets things charged instead of
paying Dash?" asked a New Yorker of an
inquiring mind "If I pay my big regu-
e gu4-
larly every day at the restattranl I A Dog's Imperative Demand for Dinner at
quent a good deal, no notice is taken of
1t, although in buying goods I would the Stroke or In a downtown establishmentNoon. that
probabry get 10 per cent. off for cash.
Yet, if I let an acoonut run a week, as a sells birds, monkeys and other pets is a
matter of convenience to myself, the pro- whits bull terrier waiting for some one
praetor almost invariably offers to treat to come and buy him. Ho is a good-hn-
pse when I pay up. mored dog, and likes to poke his cold
-'Now, if I always paid at the end of a . nose into your hand, even it ho never
week, and accepted his offer every time, saw you before. But ho is cranky on the
;I would get fifty-two drinks a year for anbjltot of having his dinner promptly
nothing At the rate of 15 oents a drink, ' at 19 o'clock. He never gets up distil
-this would amount to 17 801 In addiltoi 19.18, but that makes no difference in
the restaurant keeper, runs the obanoo of his Wishes. He has a cage Lige one h
not being paid for an entire week's for three doge his size, and in the e
'board. Now, why should he pay a prom- le a flat-bottomed tin pan, in whin
Sum of nearly 18 a year to run this dinner is eetved. Two minutes befo
chance? Supposing he does 1t in the ease he h1 calm aQd quiet, and t are la Do
of 100 onstofners, he pays 1780 for the olawd around his cage. Promptly 0.11
risk of getting cheated, and the risk � his ? ormance begins, and the oto
111 around him Ile lets tint a yelp
Letters Cone.
Letters co• me day
by day telling us
that this person has
been cured of dys-
pepsia, that person
of Bad Blood, and
another of Head-
ache, still another
of Biliousness, and yet others of
various complaints of the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through
the intelligent use of Burdock Blood
It is the voice of the people recog-
nizing the fact that Burdock Blood
Bitters cures all diseases of the
Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood.
Mr. T. G. Ludlow, 334 Colborne Street,
Brantford, Ont., says* During seven
years prior to 1886, my wife was sick all
the time with violent headaches. Her
head was so hot that it felt like burning,
up. She was weak, run down, and so
feeble that she could hardly do anything,
and so nervous that the least noise startled
her. Night or day she could not rest and
life was a misery to her. I tried all kinds
of medicines and treatment for her but
she steadily grew worse until I bought
six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from
C. Stork & Son, of Brampton, Ont-, for
which I paid $s.00, and it was the best
investment I ever made in my life. Mrs.
Ludlow took four out of the six bottles—
there was no need of the other two, for
those four bottles made her a strong,
healthy woman, and removed every ail-
ment from which she had suffered and
sheenjoyed the most vigorous health.
That five dollars saved me lots of money
in medicine and attendance thereafter,
and better than that it made home a
comfort to me.
A Smart Young Man.
One day a smart young fellow with
shiny shoes,a new hat, and checker board
trousers boarded a street car in a western
pity, and stepped to the front platform.
He pulled out a twist of paper and
lighted it and began puffing a concen-
trated essence of vile odors into the faces
of those who wets obliged to ride upon
the platform it they rode at all. One—a
plain old farmer—couldn't stand it, and
stepped off to wait for the next car.
When he reached the station the young
fellow was there before him, and it hap-
pened that the two met at the restaurant
"Got any sandwiches?" called the
young man to the waiter. "Here, gimme
one." And he tossed out a nickel, and
then proceeded to pick up and pull apart
every one of the half dozen sandwiches
on the plate before he Lound one to suit
him. The farmer, who had been wafting
for his turn, drew back in disgust. Fin-
ally, he found something whioh the fin-
gers of another had not fouled, and
presently followed the loud young man
to the car. He found every seat occupied
including the half one on which were
piled the young- man's gripsaok and
"Is this seat taken?" he ventured to
"Seat's engaged,"was the curt answer,
with a look meant to squelch the old
farmer, who went into the smoking car.
That same afternoon the same young
man walked into the office of the Gov-
ernor of the state, armed with recom-b
rnendatlons and inducements, an appli-
cant for a position under the state Gov-
ernment. He was oonfronted by the same
plain old farmer, who recognized his
traveling companion without any trou-
ble. Glancing over his papers the Gov-
ernor said:—
"Hu—m, yea You want me to ap-
point you to so-and-so. If I should, I
guess I might as well write my own
resignation at the amine time."
"Wh—why, so?" stammered the young
"Because I saw you pay for a street
oar ride this morning, and you took the
platform of the car. Yon bought a sand-
wich, and ' polled the plateful. Yon paid
for a seat s the train, and took mine
too; and if I should give you this place,
how do I know that you would not take
the whole Administration?"—Onward.
might often become a certainty a 1 ge ,'
number of oaees, although in my indt, 12fl' springs upon the tin pan se it
vidual cage, I flatter myself it is none fit were fl of rats. He barks fiercelyand
all."—New York Sun I olawa thhe pan, and timid females travel
toward the door. Just above his cage a
l to the a tt
A nova ha po u ( t searchlight has of the riot, and shriek at the tops of
Searchlight for Ships. two parrots,
which enter n p 1
-been invented for the purpose of Almpli- their voices a
fying searchlight operations on board I The dog p ay
no attention to persona or
ship. It is portable, and may be packed other animals. The tin pan is turned bot -
in a box when not 1n use. It can be at- tom upward, whereupon the dog
e 1n
taohed in 100 than a minute. Its weight claw a hole through the bottom, yelping
is just below 15 poundlt, and 1t can bei all the while, as 1f he could see three
handled with the greatest ease or sus- 1 rats underneath. The monkeys across
pended from a chain and operated by ; the way embracevarious
thengs wires with
the officer on watch. Its peculiar featnre their tails, peerthrough
is that 1t does not dazzle the eight of , their cages, and orate in a
ay that
the operator. None of he beams is would please Garner. The guinea plat
wasted, and it gives a blgh degree of under the monkey cage try to hide in the
concentration of light rays upon the ob- sawdust on their flnor, and purchansers
jeot on which they are directed. I swarm in from the grocerydepart
The internment has both automatto next door to see what it's all about
and hand feed, and the focussing ar- None of these thinge disturb the dog.
rangement Is very Ample. It shows small i He turne the pan over, catches It in his
objects such `as a buoy, three-quarters i mouth, hurls it to the other side of the
of a mile off, while it makes sails visible cage, and is on it by the time it lands.
three miles away. Then he pretends it is
no hehado the
dog, a
hated enemy, and p
stuffing out of it. Small boys stand
around And cheer him on. The man who
knows 1t all steps up, takes a look at the
performance and finds that the dog has a
bone in his throat, whereupon the boys
invite him to go to various places.
At 12.15 the attendant comes with the
dog's dinner. Tho performance ends, the
monkeys get back and whisper to one
another, and the parrots stink their heads
tinder their wings after throwing ont
insinuations condensing the stupidity' of
MO and people 440 watch their foolish
perfot'ansi►oes. •
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
in an editorial about No -To -Bac, the fam-
ous tobacco habit cure. "We know of many
oases cured by No -To -Bao, one, a promi-
m-nt St. Louis architect, smoked and chew-
ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him
so that even the smell of tobacco makes
hien sick." - No -To -Bao sold and gnaran-
tr ed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterl'ng
Rem •dy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal.
Sold by Allen & Wilson.
On Tuesday morning Grand Trunk
Station Agent Gen. Hogarth.pf Otter-
ville committed suicide by shooting.
Oit him were found a K. O. T. M. pnss-
hu„k and $150 in cosh. In the book
was written: ' Tirrd of living with an
unfaithful wife." Hogarth was to m-
t•rly employed at the Brussels station,
and was appointed to Otterville one
week ago.
Right to tbo Point.
The clinical lecture room was crowded
at 0.80, for every medical student was
deeply interested in Ds. Itllorkure's
vitroj�d�01'ful discourse.
"T�pt1 will gbsarve, gentlemen," b.gan
the doctor, pointing to the patient nitarn
biting peacefully under a mild 0oporifa
"that this i e queer ease The vertebra
is broken oft between bbe oa(As acid the
tiilirtto toed -
did tier mill
Amber Shield, Blue Star
and Composite.
Church's Potato Bug Finish
and Fertilizer, Pure English Paris Green at
How the Entire
of the male may be
brought to that con-
dition essential to
health of body and
of mind. How to
stunted, feeble organs
in our new Treatise,
NPflfECT o118000
A simple, infallible,
mechanical method, in-
dorsed by phydcians.
Book b FREE, sealed.
Address (in confidence),
Q1E MEDICAL CO.. Bnffiio. B.T.
1-1-CTE3 QOB1
A. Snap in Crockery I
We have just received a shipment of DINNER SETS from England, and Cott;
eider that they are the best value for the money we have ever been able
to offer. Ju112 pst think of a Fine Gold Splashed Decorated 97 piece set for
line of Tea Sets from foriece Set up9 o -$5,l16 and tece Toiletset
Sete atla pr ce e to suit ave a athe
WOODENWARE—We are going to give a Washtub worth $1 and a Wash-
board worth,25c, the both for 81 Cash.
(4I i r NIV L41 )W
Will care CONSUMPTION, Ln ng and Throat Blames.
Sample bottle sent free to every sufferer. Give Express and
root eelco Address.
'he T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd.. Toronto Can.
of Califon la, c,r Mono Lake, gives to the
world what is known as Mono Lake Salt
a Balt prepared from the water simply by
evaporation. 1t ie a remedy and cure for
Catarrh, Salt Rheum, Dandruff, Skin
Diseases, Rhear atism, Dyspepsia, doe.-
2Ge a package, or eampl, free on applies
tion to
ALt EN & WILSON, Druggists,
May 1-3m Agents for Clinton
FOR t2
MONTl4 .
IT rS `No ,PIcKLE.
▪ Ali nton
Watch the market and buy where they can obtain the
best value. That is why so many pecple ale buying
their Groceries from us.
We guarantee every article we turn out, and deliver
it with a nice ,turnout.
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 28.
I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand,
and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so
generously extended to me in the past.
The stock, which is all of pilule quality, and well assorted, has been
bought by me at considerable reduction on Bost, and my customers
may rely upon getting the best goods at bottom prices,
N. ROBSON, - Clinton.
Goods . .
Fancy Oak, Mahogany and Rattan Rockers
Upholstered in Brocatelle, Plush and
Tapestry, to suit the purchaser.
scA IQ
H 0
U ~
g (a
:We sell
o *O
R' Mi ~
z to
o171 t a
them as cheap as possible, but they are made right.
You sifnply trerethe Eggs with
PRESERVER, and lay fhenr•away
in a basket or box........««ftn•
Call ror book awing fell information, fret
of (barge.
Is a very remarkableremedy, both f r T'7-
TBBNAL and EXTI6R.NAL use, ar n w
derfal in its quick action to relievo Claus ,.
Is a sire cure for go : 1
'Eli rout, Colla`'
1a edy known re.
Back or side Rheumatism and Neu!It
MITE. Itbrings 015501 AND rER,,A.?'t],T anter
aas o of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe
PAIN-KILLERthe wain t'."4trusted friend of ,..e
Mechanic, Farmer, ?Vanier. bailor, and Mtact an classes wanting a medicine always 1111..1,
and sera To mainternally or externally
certainty of rsllet
$,wmre of Imitations. Take tion h• -t Lha c tonne
"P6Wty 0..vte.' 6v.•. ever/v:11Mt. 105
Very Largo
i§IH eoen>�1
Ilk far bre�astnh or fear of
ernfbeetleneSendyourn eandr .,
td . •'ill is rim tit
Cook's Cottee Riot Compound
Manufactured by T he
Cook Co., Windsor, Ont.,
and Detroit, Mich., is the
only known safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which ladies
can depend in "the hour and time
of need." Every lady who reads
this is requested to inclose two poet -
age etampe, with her address, for
and foil particulars, which we will
send by returemail in plain. sealed
An old physician, 3s years con-
tinued practice treating diseases of
women, has charge of the office, and
can be consulted by letter or in
person. Address our main office
Boom 3—No, 268 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
sir Cook's Cotton Root Compound
is sold by all responsible Wholesale
and retail druggists in the Dominion
°Manacle and United States for One
Dollar per box,
The Old Reliable Specialists.
$ 3 Years Exp.risriw•
la tie treatment of the Throat end Lag
Treaties, Cahtrrh, Alleluia. HeoseIsitls,
Nervosa, Clretic and Sp.dal Dis-
ireases at ems sad wanes.
lilt lukood rdrrd
,red—G1eK Ocean trancoeeieaai i
stricture enmd without No cuter,.
bog EY =from the effects a,
aay1te us -Urinary Or-
�,er��tsin Isere find Mesa,fe annddt }' the
speedy one.
l,• There an aun7 tronbMd
Riddle -Aged lien-witk too tr.qusnt evea-
tions of tits bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or b rums { eetian, sad
weakening of the system in a manner the patleat cannot account for. '..re me mai
men who diced this difSculty, ignorant of the cause. The doter rri11 1W>�
feet ewe in all sea eu.s,.and healthy rertoratioa of tar pdto-� nary S
sultation free. Those unable to call, eau write fuparefivlars Oakmedicine seat by express, with fun Instructions for use. 1liendon this *yet whoa
writing. Office hours: From 9 a. tn. to a p. m. Sondeys, 9 to 11 e. 1111.DR. SPINNEY & CO. Wa Mnt un xa 1 ••1,
Geraniums, Fuschtas, Begonias.
Annuals—Asters, Petunias, Verbenas,
Stooks, eto.
About 600 boxes of Tomatoes, many new kinds,
enoh se Child's Pietere Rook, Now Imperial,
Early Leader, Ruby, and a number of others,
an . of which I will sell cheap. Dell at the gt een-
bonne, Huron Street.
You Want a Plough. e n tr
the bleary Plow. It took a cordal at Inc
like tt, tt Mday th'note
S, den'to have
want anyy ed it noty
'wit Anyens ,tthinng t look at ever regret, and it I WM Sell
lj u. Blitskittl[$b, Clinton..
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine: Cures the
common very -days
ills of humanity.
seeedeeeetieranitilleterastela "...