HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-07-17, Page 2. t
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� ° ��#k�"���S�e, taci.u��t� .��et,ur#�ed k�s�}�r�� fF.9na Minnes�ta I W�AL7M OF TH� W�.1R1.D. ' A� A FAVQFi TO At�.NT �Ul3A►�. evKn ao �nedical ex- i
^, � 77�, '�Rt3ti'D� AbF1�i t AvJ,I� ke. Pb �war4z's o�t �Tupeda r Bo�i� heLc� 4ee[� in ' ...-,.^,-- -._-T-'.,^ amivatione and �he ----�-
� ,,: �Rte�, 73agt1gl8� dYQ�Y'��.�}1��.dPy �i1t��kuU4.�1 u14ti1 71�ipqeaota �Eor 11��1H ICl9lltt18� et��In 8oana Fa�tt,� w»d Ff�ure�! 11�h1oh Will be �at tho Ua191A�1 Wf11 lz��sr ]lZske BuoL a u n 7* �r . L
'. ,�}�XG1�Q�`,�#�� Rsa+d Wlt,l►]lntarest. Q�ll A 1QRe1-aPPllcaiiou '� o;,.
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, 'z, , , ° " with hie eon tl�ere, but �vhsa he 6ear� �+�n� � ;zeatmeuk aie abhor- �Qr �alP' a� 4O �I�Q�L�"
s;, '{�teCQived ta1� lata iq� lsst w•eak] '^^
,. ox I.rtLuriet'8 vleGory in O.eqada, he The repoxtad valuacinn ot ell properoy �"I Ypg," eatd the Oolonel, loo�lng rent to every modest �
�p���Xq� �,71�1,T�[, ,- Uominipn �?�y �nul� n4t�tanc� it dnp� longer, t�nd tqol� ln E�e Unitted, Stnbes by Ghe oeraeue of we�onnd bhe t�eblo, "did elLher of yon �Pl• �� womatt. They ar� �OMMPJROIAL �Q���s CIlDiOII.
'"..� o.e,���x'�,4lcuR 1A ��y�eld waa .one of the the Srst train Yor harne. 18fl0 wns $86,OII7,031,1U7, ar �1,088 per lawe ever bry to hunt up ona of qour / �.�e�barrassing---often A splendid dtanci, where �ood bqsine�s� i8
fi� 1� t}ae et} �e fox csi+�u e loa fwr the enelre o u1�41on Th1e hunt°s eLabh or eeventh oouslne whoi,n �( ,�' uselesa. Thepahould done. The honee hea eaoelient aoclom. ., `,�
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Mr D vid Donovwn, horae dealer, left ° p � P p „ .� !, not be submitted to modation for travellers and ubl�o enerally.
��,�r yp�,g �te, and suc � enumera�ion, howevar, dealt with prop- you Led nevor seenP � �
ip on a�ll ki�ds of vebiclee ���fort on 1.1�laada�y e.n route for the „ „ „ until e v e r p t h i n g Terma mnde known on spp iaabiotl to JNO.
, old countr nl�rke�ta, �vith the l�r est erty l�cu►ted !n the United BUatee, ena , No, eaid Johneon; never had thub e 1 s e h a a b e e n R08�IER, BencqAller.
�. p c;loak �hd �luee v4t�e y did noL o tnto x4e queatian where iE pteaeure. Hlndly paee me Ohe mnsta�eci.' tri,ed, xr� pine caaes
�eRp��r. The S�st feature and Snest shipment of horses that a,s K
woa owned. If tt�e estimnte o�[ D�r. Rob- "Wwll," ooubinued ttaa Oolonal, atrok- out oF teu, there ie
L@ Lbe cr�litk�utc�tpi�p pt�o• e�'er left this sectiou af the countty. „ , .A.lao HOTEL at Eseter Narth,
The 6orse6 t�'eee all oY th8 hi heat C1tL�s ert C�iflet� ie oorreot, that $6,000,000,000 It� h!s maebpohe Uetlderly, It evaF Yoa � ` no reaeba for them. �pith Dwelling Houae nnd good 8tore fld-
�, �t�sted With a�wu68mec�t � Sn tacign onpiGal was lnvested !n Gh1s `a0 to feeltng too ht��py tor health jnet Iu nine cases ouk of oinin wiEh ood ontbniidin
ub aq hQue; thAn foltowed �nd in prime conditIon. ' oountry in 1880, p R y ten, the doctor in � �� B 8�• Fox par-.
robably e►n even lar er 6t 10, It'e s enre oure for undue joy. , � tlonlare a tv to J. T. FpEBTOO't'T
�,���pqt�1�1# mwtGh IPNtvaeen tbe Varaa On July 2nd, at St Mary's cathedre�i, amount is so tn�ested at the preaent "A tew weeke ngo," da went on, "I geueralpracticeisn t, P�
� i9ti�re u�nd Bwyfield Lal�esides, and was ��y�ilk.on, the Biehop rataed ta the tytne. Deduotion ehould be made for Ehe gob a letter imm Aunt 8usna, vcho 1l�ee competeat to treat Egeter, or OS�T ROBBI�R, $enmiller:
reut interest to the crowd of riesthood Rev Jae. P. Mwlane, ecn of femate diseaaee.
�`,� o�.iQ C�� � P hlgh valne put upon waete publlo lands 1n in Chi�ago, aeking me to Iook up the xhep make a branch I A18o, FARh� af 200 AORES-
ep�oG�terre. At $rst thrags looked blue oue esteetned frlend Mr Joh n M.alone, the cenyue, wlth tha net reAult thnt the i eaoond oousin oP her sieter s Sret hua- o� m e d i c i n e b y Tn 'oVest Niseouri. 140 aores oleared, thq
#or the Tn&1�Paide3, bat aYter they were of 11deKillop, wha has been studying �t per oaplt�a valuu�tion o! bhe United Btutes band a etep-brot�er. themselves. 'Phep reat being a good b�neh a! hard wood; uo
warmed up the �a�wle soon turned, and sG Joroqne's college, Berlin. In a� few wnuld be reduoad to abouG �880, or I "$er wh�►tP" inquired Johnson, /� ere dietinct from bnildinge worth epeakiug o1. The lapd ie
when time� was Called by Che referee, weeke he will go Co Ne�.v Orleane, to �4� 7�0 for a Ye►mlly oP Sve. Eetimatss eharply. � o th e r a i 1 m e n te. Srst rnte; 6 good pxiae ie eapeoted, bat notr
,$, E. Thompeon, ttte ��me stood 4 to 8 which diocqse he w 1! be attnched., �� �� . �/ They can be �rop- moea Ehan the land ia worth.
mAde by oarehil eoon�mlete, who oame I satd !b, retort�ed tbe Colonel. If erl understoo and
in favol� aF the•Lakes des. The base- • Th'el�!- eac-o r�ade��n of Mr James retty near nqreement omong tAeru- yon osa't undPrstand anythlag ae eimple � y
ball match we�s then called between � R p � we treated oaly by one Also FARM o� Sp ACRE9�--
BalYour, Thttmes roud, Uebor�e �vas Aelvps, pnt hhe valuaCiou oI 4reat Br�t- as that I mlght ea well glve up trytng �pfthin or�e mile o! the iarmwr p
the Chautauqu�ne of ICettle Poinb, taki»g a ride around the field an the nin AbouG nlne ye�►re ago at $b0,000,Q00.- bo tali this atory. The lady's nama, � of act at�p actice '���� ��
�pd the Orlenta af Zurich� but owing mower, when he Pell. The lad we�s 0(i0, und tbat ot Franoe et 440,00O,OOq- Aun4 8�eun eaid, wn.9 Aira. James Jaok- and ezperience in this �articular liae. ot the Wigmore Fnrm, bein� aompoead o[
to the absence oP three of the Indiana, exn ht on the barb-wire 4ence and 000. Thie would a�orci a per arplts val- �on. As I don'L otten have a oh9noe to This in true of Dr. R. V. Pterce chief con- Frast hal! oi Lot 130. 4, 2nd Oon. oi t�Veetf
the game was left unplesped, to the dis- g
� O'�qL018QC of the C�riente aAd the �ragged +�lon�r,� beinR completely dis- uat�on o� $1,888 tor Cireat Brltotn, and do any0hlag for A.unt Snaan I oonsulted aulting physician ,of the Inva fd'e Hotel TVieeonrf; the land ie $ret rate, snd wittb
Pp emboveeled. He wae killed and almost $1,081 for Franow mxking the valuation s dsreotorp wlth all haeta I found that end Surgical �Inshtute, st BuH'alo N. Y. very lit6le �nitivatio�q wil! �nqke a lerm
the crowd. This eadRd t1►e epocts tor cut in t o. for n faxnlly ot flve 68,6N0 in Qrnab Ehera were thlrty-eaven Jamee JaoLcsons Doctor Pieme e Favorite Prescript�on�, for eeoond to none o! its eize.
the forenoon. Immediately aftac �in- �' Brltntn, an $6,40b in Frauoe. The flg- 1n tLv oity." sll derangemente af the reproductive or-
nsr the pr�oCeseiqn N#�e fOrmed, het�de8 Mr DeLve Foas, Hensall, had the mie- �+. „ „ gans oF women, has been itt actual uee for Aqy oi bhe e►boQe dre good investmenta
by Che Settle Foint brxae hand, and fortune to 6avc, his eboulder diefocHted �A ot i�ranoe nre pA+Foed eoxuewhat WnaE did yon doP eaid JoHnsoa ySOle �� �{�y yenre. It was originally sad all partia4lere oan be obtained on•
maTched through the principwl atreets ag�,in on Tnesday in a very etmp le man- b�8ber by some authora, ead thc� tptal in "PnL 'em [n a he6 and dtaw oneP^ �old with an absolute axantce that it
eu • spplioation to JNO. ROB9IER, Benmiller
to the Fetir C�rounds, where the rest of ner. Mr Foss was leading hie horse to boch onuntriee inoludes oareful estimstes "I did thin� 01 eendtng a type-writton would cuxe every case, or that the money
the athletie. Aporta.�vec8_continued, and wiiter when the woimai ahied �nd the oi che large holdtnge of foreign seonri- le0tsr Lo t#e fifEp-Ehree MrH. Jsokeona," afd for it wonld be mfunded. Its succeae
the Yo1lovKin prizes Wan :-Putting wrench pulled his eh �ulder out. Mr tiea, some ot them ooverin� pmperty an�vsered the unlonel, "eeking them ii e heen 3o tlAiV�T�ai, S��t �;$ Hu&1��� � �
looated tn the United States. they were the eeoond oousine at the etsp- no longer neceseary. The Favodte Pre- EG}GiB FOR IIATCHYNC�
.etq1]e,---1-�,-��llis� 2-Rameay;-throw-- P'ose-ia-�verpuaitcrrtiniite ae t6is ie the The roat holdlnRe of, toretgu seour!- Drobher oL m Anat $uean's eleter's Sreb e�Phon" relieffi uow upoa the thous�nds gabeoriber oSexs tor eale Dgee !or 8atobing
i�ng 681b wei�bt, 1 H. Dummart, 2 H, third time that he hwe soffered in the g y of testimoniale &om grateful and happy
tlea, estimntad to amount ln Cirest Br1t- bwband, but it 000urred to me thab otte pnrpoeee, trom
Watlie. Fo�t race, lU0 yde, l Dd. Irwin, s�me w�y from accident. women, in all parts of the land, whoee
21l�arlin. BQy�+' CaCe, uader 17�1 M. sln to ab�ut $8,000,000,000, Pzp lain to or two ot the seventy-two Jemee Jaok- �ves have been made worW living bp tte Brown &rld W11LLe I.B�IlOPri
,� �Vha� might have proved a fatal ac- ���.gQ eZ�nt the edYerne bulanoe ol sona mlght be unmerrfed, .!a whloh oaae nse. "Favorite Yreacription" ia aold by BtoCk.
'OV6iddon, 2 A. 1VLn�rtin. B�y� [e�cP, cident happeaed to Mrs Wro. Kabioson, fo�! n trude ooaetantl shown bq the ihoy veould robably oay mean thfn e druggiats. �
under 13, 1 J�.Ward, 2 T. Jacobs. One- ��enaanan, la�t week, ehe was drivin s 9 p Q Prloe �1 per doa. 'JAB. $oweor�, rr., cttn ton-
g Hritiwh etatietios. Qrest Britain would abonL me, eo I wrote to Auat 8nesn and �om lete information regardiag it, and
third mile race, 1 O. Manna, 2 Martin. a ho�ee rake when ehe wna thrown out p•
3•legged t'�Cet 1 f�o8mwn and M�nns, 2 and dragg ed Eome distance when the long ago havu been denuded o! her gold sqked her whtoh one ot tha eiQhLy-three testimomals &om hundzeds who have used p�.ar��sionai andOtherCard�
Johneton and NicholsOn. Wheelbar- and beoome bankrupt lP esoeae of !m- Mre. JeCkeone the eeoond oonain of her qt, are embodied ia br. Pierce'a Common
rake collided with an apple t ree. �be porca over eaporte shown by her trade slstn's $ret basband's etsp-bro6her by Sense Medical Adviser, a atattdard medical
�OSV Cdce, 1 J. V4ard. 2 W. �Iliott. yo�� pretty weU ehaken up but will �atistios were a true meaaare of 5er msrttage thie one wae, nnd where the work of xoo8 pa8es, profueely illustrated, JAMEB aCOTT.
�tandfng jump, 1 Martin, 2 Mu�nas• yooa be araund again. �nancial oondition. The taot that over dmvil ehe Uved. Yn a tew weeke I got an which will be sent free on receipt of 3i
Rnnning �ump, 1 Mftona, 2 IiofYmatl. $400,000,000 Ss due her annualip !A in- enawor ea�ing that t6e seoond-" oue-cent stamps to cover cost of ouetoms
Runnin g hs gh jum p, 1 Mxnne, 2 Elliott. we have to record thie week the << „ and mailing on1v. This work ie a comptete $arrister Solieitor
den t. h o f Wi l l i a m M c U u l l o o h, w h i c h t e r e a t o h n r e s u p o n B rit i s h oa 1ta�1 Y we know whut you mean, said �
Rupning hop, etep and jump, 1 Martin, oecurred at hi9 reaideuce in Seafo[�th ebr�,►d, eapinins how ehe aan aSorfl to Johnaon, "!t von do epuak Dutch" fami ly do c t o r b o o k a n d s h o u l d b e read b y
2 Elliott. $awing match, local, l Lind- both oung attd otd. woRLn's D�.srsx- oONVElYANCER .�c.
9a,y Bros., 2 E�liott Bros. 9awing o� Saturdt�y, July 4th, in the 68Gh year lmport aeveral hundred mi111on pounda "Well, all right-she lived at a oerEnin g�RY �gDICAL ASSOCIATiON� Buffalo, N.Y. �
match, open, l. Iin,rris & Ramsay, 2 of hie age. 1VLr McCulloch was fur gterling of foreign merchendise whioh anmber Sn Forty-aeaoad sGree� 80 one Commieaioner tor Ontarto and �rtanitoba.
pars en hged in farming in b1c- yhe eaporte FranoQ ie estimatsd ta hold Snndey evening, betng in a be volent pROPERTIES FOR SALE Ox To LET Offiae immeaistely6ontt� ot csllroy & Wlseman
8t�ome & Rathwell. T3est ecoc•e ehoot- many y g • •
in , J. E. Hovey, 2 A. J. Brigh�t. Ob- Killop but during the �ast several ffi4,000,000,000 of foreign secuAtia�, mood, I thought I woulfl oh' Mre.
stacle horse race, 1 Wallnce Johnscan, ye�rs lived retired in �et�torth, largely It�lfan and Spanieh, and ehe also Jaokaon's heart wtt6 e aighE of ine. I gOUSEi3 FUR �AL� UR RENT
2 W. Elliott. Trotting race. 1 George �he voters' 3ist. for the township of has been able �tu ehow a lnrge balance uf wen� When the maid opened the doar ____.
$ing, 2 W. Johnsoc. Bicycle race, Mcgillo , for 189f3, he�e nst been iesued, imports over tho ]nst two deoadee, n hile I a�� `Ie �1're; Jamea H. Jtlokeon 11]P; 9everal housee efther }or eale or to ren4. Fall
open, 1 John Jowitt, 2 G}. F. Emerson. �,nd from it we ler�rn soroe interesting piling up Sn tho vaults of the Bonk o! �` he snld she wne. pnMtouta.re on anplication co JOaN MCc3ARVw
The day's proceedings wounc� up with atRtistics. Tha total number of voter� France, and diatributing through her "'Plea� take my oard bo her' I eafd
�, grand �oncert in the town hall. The an the liet is 886, of lheae 712 are eligible monetary ciroulntlon a lerger mase of 6he enid e�e would. Tflen ahe showed me FOI�. tSALE nR TO RI�'.NT.
well-kaown comic singers, R. Downs, to vote at both municipal elections and ooin than any othar oommeraial oountry. tnto the drnwing-room, whtch wsa ne ���'� �
dazk as a wat aloud, anQ Wen6 aWe9 Small ootta�e, oentrally loaated. For �eale or
of CJlinton, and W. NlcLeod, of Bea- ele�tions to the Le�islative Assembly; 5uap 9hot� nt the 8un. ta rent.
forth, aesisted by Olinton talent, gave 1-{$ s�re entitied to vote at muaicipxl wir,hout lighting the gaa I tried to Hnd w, C. 6EARLE
a prcgram euch as a Bay$�Id audience electio�aa only, nnd 27 e�t elections t� The most remarknble teatnre 1n the a oLair ond Yell over a oriake� �9h11e I
aeldom ht�s the pleasure of be�riog. the Legielr�tive Assen�bly only. Tbe eqnipment o[ the Liok Obaervato .ry e,ape- Wes.on all fours hunting for my hat, I Desirable Dwelling EGu6e to i,et
Messrs Downs and McLeod never aQ- number of peraone qualifled to serve as dition for observing the total eolar c+citpse �w s mn,n'e $gure outllned ageinst the � New, roomy and conver�ient hoase on vtccoria
peared to better advwntage; their comic � uCOPe ia 4b1. oi AUgust neat lII Jopon 1s the teles0ope doOTWaq. St PoeaeseIon given any time. Apply to R.
€�Ongs �,nd dances braught doevn the �uch s m att6 is felt fpr bir t�nd t° be used by Dlrector Snrokhaltsr, of "'�r-er-er-RoweP' he seid lnqniringiy. ` IRWIN ur mI99 BUTLER.
house. Everything passed oii witnoat y p y the Chnhot Obaervatory, 1n Oakland, ��I ea}d, �I am �� But I eaked for A B;aRGFA IN
1�Ird Luke Fortune, Tuckersmitb, in �ho aocompanies the aapediGlon. Hie Mse, Jaakson, I belleve-Mre. 3ames 73.
�ccident, and �11 departed weli ple+�sed the death of their youn�est daughter, plan is thaE of givtng the oorreat eapoa- daokson.'
with the day's fun. M+try Emma, �vhich occurred aG her � for esoh par0 of avery photogrBphlo "`Oh,' he said. 'Plenee wslk this way.' House a�:d I. ot fOr Bale CVeap
� � father's res�dence on Fridt�y, wfter a P�� at an eolipse. Tbe belesoope for thla � I trled my best, bnt I oonldn'�. I3e Terme at payment w311 be made eo liberai that
` ' r�i.racted illness. $ome vnonthe wgo p�.posP le oP 4 ina4es aperture and 16 waddled like aduck. I tollowed him into �ey eqaal very littlP moxe tban an ora�nary
Crisp �ount� �lippiu�� ��es Fortune, who w+�s one oP the reuts�. dddress Bo=174,dlioton poet Office
feet foous mounted eqneborlal�y, apd will the 1lbrary. �
bri�hteet etudents of the Colie�iwteIn- follow the enn. The imsge o1 theeolipsed �� �Maria,' he said. 'Tbie leDdr. Rowe.'
Lord and Lcedy Aberdeen he�ve an- etitute, nnd which she attended nntil enn will fnll on the aegative plote, in ��p, tali, grayhatrod woman wlth a �1 FERRIN BLOCH
nouDced theit� intention of attending co[tip�lled by ill heulth to relinquiah �y.oat of whtoh 1A a rnpidly-rotating dSn- Romsn noae roee frow t6e faroorner and t.,
thef&11 fair at•(loderich on 9ept 28. he[ atudiee, contracted su seve�e coid phragm; the pinte i,as a hole Sn !tN oeu- etaod stili. 2. � FOR ��LE
G}eorge (Gtuickehanks, of lat line which ae�tled on hee lunt�s, cansing �� ��ugh whioh pasws an �fa dsivea �� �Tndeed,' satd eha. F���
Mvt'rib, killeda nest of 82 snakea on conaumption, which y,uickly put a pe- by alookw+ork,and, on the end oi the sxia ��I felt enoonraged to romnrk, 'I dare `��eh ana i2omoncb� pe menta or;iseach
��turdRy la�t while loading wood. riod to a young and promisinR iife. ��nt �i tlie plete, aad doae to it, !e a e�y you hnve heaed my name betore.' D a Ce�2p8��LL, Hamilton
The .:�Win hara D�iving Park Aeso- 9tanley council met•on 3uly 6th. T6e rotutila� ian� or df,.ptuwsm. Tde dler �• 'Oh, als, �en, w be snr�,' ehe oaid, FOIL $ALF{ OR TO RENT
Ciatioq wil� hpld theic aanual race msmbern all present; the miautes of the phre�m ie ont lnto the ehepe oi s donble wlth a�acant grin. ' Rowe-qes, to be -
meet on thQ.6Gh aqd 6th of Augnst. previaug meetio� were read and ado t- osm,one oam b�1ng inverted, ao tt►a0 it U► �e, ot oonrea' Z'tat aeairrhie pto�rt in the vtltage ot
ed. R. Dalgetty, ar., ia to be paid �2b perfeotfy in balenoo, and !t �ek� aboat. �'E[a�ing thna been eesnsed that I waa Hoimeeviue. �nown ae cbe �obb eetate, befnp�l�
i�c. AndrecV Btyant, of Bingham- for a etr[p af land off hiy farm to re air g�e revolnWone r dQcoad. Whea 6he welou I Lelppd mysett to s oh»ir und 4�� ot isna i} ecory t.ame bonee, �ooa sts le
ton, NewYork, �H Vt�ttiDg a�t the resid- p � �' well and ot�er oatLoneee. Coaven�anG to poE�
ence oY his btother� Mr. William Brp- and widen coad on Centre line. It wxa ylet�holder is litted the oloak stnrt�a en- �veat oa: `My »nnt 6uenn, Misa kceed, o�oe, rbilway etetlon �nd ohqrebee. Wonld eell
ant, in Hullet� ag� � B�nt the town of Clintun yom�t��uy, and rnae for abont flltaen o1 ohioego, wished me to 1ook in on yoa 6L a eaorfBce. Ap ly W(3EU6QE HOLLAND,
$`L6 to sesist in opening a et.reet in�o ipiantae. Flve or �ix eno6 platee will be Bhe sald ahe apoge to yon ot me laet Anlmeeville. or J. �. LUHB. (ialt.
Oae 'afteF ooit.ee4entlp Thos. Nasb, (;►inton for t6e brne8t of the ratepay- ezpw�d dnring totality, anA ewh pL►t� �nmmen' FOR SALE.
BT.. (�OrriH, LiIA Blioptitlg at a c[oW, e� jn the eastern part of Staotey Lown- w111 be ezposed muoh ton�r nt the onter "'M--m, yes--ao she d1d,' said Mro. _�
rece�yed a iek from the Run, which ghip, the elerk to drafG a by-law author- �1m1te oi the corona, where the 1lght U Jackeou, loo�ing ns if ehe were havtnQ a The nnderelgned wll7 eell at s eaorl5ce, to� �
broke hie callat' bone. izing thA eame. The cler� wt�e in• w�kest, thsn nt tbe lnner llmtt� whern tooth pnlled. '6o eLe dld' Mr. Jaokxoa or ia, Rsllway ��errece Ctf,�tnn. � erticoi•re
w8 RPe BOCry �rE0 YP.Sl7I t}lAt Ml' W. H. atructed to draft a by-Iaw wtlthor iziUg tbe llght 1e strongee� It !e, thet�elore� �� q�titing lette�Ce Sn the ootner, i wae °Pon applic4tion, JAME� 8C07T, Berriuter A v
�icheaon, of MeSillop , ie conflned to the tceasurer to borruw �1000, if neces- �oped to secure la thfe way a photogroph �ooking at tLe pictnrea on the opposite
hie residenc� through illaess. an d ix e a ry t o m e e t current px penses of the ot the oorona on e sin gle plata, every �vail, and trytng to remember where I FO$ BALE O�N EA14Y 7`ER14I9
undet tha doctor'e cnce. �ear, aod by-law pa,esed. Council nd- pbrt of whloh hae reoeived the yroper Lad seen worse onPa Su�idealy I eaw the �t 68, Ma►itiwd Coaceseion, <ioderioh
Ooneam tian, L� Gtri pe. Pnenmonie., 7ourned to meet on hLo�dt�y, Aug 17, ezpoettre; thte etngle plats will thea ez- � ISght of a dawning lnteillgence in 4er Townehip. For terme and psrtionlars ep-
P p at one o'clock p. m. hibit all the details of the coronn, lneteod eyea
and eli Throet a�ad Lnng 4ieet►aee *re nared „, ply to JAME6 6COTT, Barrieter, alinton
bp 8hiloh'a Onre. 8o1d bY J• H• �7ar°be+ of havSng to bnild np, ae it wer� the Yon-yon-er write, or--or some-
Ulinton. OPEN AB DAY. p��� ront► irom a aeriea of di8erent �a i aia G youP' ehe eaid hopefully. I gOUSE AND LdTB FOR RALE
This week W@ hSve to record the d�p It ie given to every phyeioian bbe for- "'And yonr mothet wae-er-' For sale on reaeoasble terme, the honee and
mise of Mrs IiUgh Wylie, 04 the l6th mnls o[ Bcott's Emaleion being no aeorec Le[t and RIRht. "6he looked as if F}10 WB8 BYlSi01'SI1Q, so lote oconp�cd by the andereigAetl,on King etreet.
Con., of Howick. Her epirit took its bnt oo eaoaeeefnl imiteEion hae ever been � compnratively w eaienoe ot An- I snid, 'My moGher'e mniden neme veae � The h�use ie e oomfortabte c��tcage, em�eble tor
8i�ht to a� bcighter and bettec world oSered to the oblia Onl veeraof ea eri- smsn tamity; very 000venientty si�naced, with
p 9. 1� thropoLneLry ha�n p o lt beyond donb� RpletOn.' hard and eoft water, a number of beartng frait
on Friday. enae end etndy oen produce the beet. that the Laft aide t Lhe head ta larger I "She tstriy jnmped aG thie. ' Yoa took trees and emali lruic on the place
MP wm CamerOn, 8f the miil rOad, thnn the right, b t, so far, no esbolute the word out of my mouth,' ahe mur- pda BAMIIEL COPP
TuCkeremith, cut a fleld of barley on The town of Kobrin, in the Province reaeon for the di renc�+ hns been dlsoov- mured. FOR $ALH:
July 9th. T6ie is the earliest barley of (3rodno, Russi�, has been burned. ��, What we know te, thet the vast "Well, after that we got onewimmtag- —
Cutttng on reCord. It is a splendld Three hli�dred housee were destroyed majority ot humnn beSnga sre righ� 1�� oontinned the colonel, helping him- Tlietoltowing valuableresidental property !a
and `L,000 peop�e are homelese. �ided-thst la to etty, their rlght limbs � 1t to cheese. '`$he aeked me bow �ncle the Town of ciintoa, fe o$esed tor esle. Loc l07
CCOp. ere lnr er, stron r nud aa ble of m�re� oahun wgs. I hsd never hearfl of Unole And part ot 108, vicwria St., ana part ot ioe iis
Rev. A. Y. Sartle , Preab terian Rev. Alex. G}rant, speakina at t.he g �' � � i $iBhtltraet. Therearetw000mtortabledwelfing
y p Notthwest Bubtiat (7onventton at wi�- delleute nctioa thxn thetr left llmbs. We oehna, bnt I eatd he had failed e good Hoaeee npon the ptoperty, tn eo e:celieot etato
minieter op Sluevale, has tendered �lso know that the movemente ot the Ceul during the laat yenr. ot reprtr. For turther erticulBte e.na terme
hfe reaignation to hia can re �tian, nipeg on the echool question declared � sao�v r� anm�e g�om'�.�
�� that t� �it reli ion whether in the ��bt {lmbs ase controllc+d b� the aentara , "'Oh, then yon have ci+an hisu re-
Diaagceement be�wqen paetor and p g '. of the left bemiaphere ot the braln, bnt oentlyP' ehe aekPd 1n n eurprised wny. TO FAItDrI F.R$
people ie enid to b0 the cause. Yurm of rxercises or ►nstruetion, into �,bioh ot these IA couse aad whlch !e � "I eald I hnd.
the $tate ec�oole wae to do the children
Qeor�e Cooper, who left Brussels jooAlculable de,m+�ge. e8ea0 !e nnt known. There ie no tunda- I "'I difln't know yonr baelnoag wnnld An eaoeuent oPvortnnitp ie uoW agorded to
mental reasop why the rtAnjOrlty olpe� allow pou to t so far awa ae New taTmere with �md 1 ospltnl, wbo deeiru to obfbla
ei7t or a�a�q yeara �So, died last Friday r�ge London'I'imes ubliahee itsiai�ial improved tarms or etock raochee wt�ti �rrrt�o�
in Toronto. The deoeaeed was Town P ple ehould be riQbt�e�ded rRther then ! Orlanne,' ehe g�orgled. cion, bu1►aia e 6nd fenoev, La cne niet�et ot ei-
CJlerk Por some yeare and weli known report of the season �f the crops in �ef�slded; buc grsnted that yheq have � "I esld I bad been tll and went soath berr�,x. w.�r. on easy terma. Tte ralaina ot
(�Yreyt Britain, ehowiog their cond�tiun �ti ea � they ha�e tor a very lon tor�± 4ealth. hornea oattle, 4�oraea, eneep eoa pige �e rsp3a�y
in thie vieinity. developfnit tn the dS+triet. 4he unders� ned
LU tla,v0 beeo BOIOo Whab b6�OW ttle g�Od, it !� easy to eee thnt onCe ltgh� � ��T�OII ihe eald 'Anat EllB'8 dBAth WA�I will tArnieh laformation or aoewer enqnfrtee.
Iiarry Dennis IeltBrussels on Tues- norm�{ t�t the begioning of July, bu� $lAedneaa 1�oame h�ecUtary, yhe 9-; 7ery ead veTy ead, waan't tits' � x w. o. �scy�8, �. a., anignry, N.W.'r
de�� for n conple of weeke' visit to hie well above aE Ehe coi reaponding t! �» nt demadd on 6he br9tn-a3htece o�t�e '7I eair� it wea VPOT88 Ehan that nnd �
twtn steter in Manitoba, who has beeo �ast year. Takiog a hundred per ceat �t lierulr+phert+ would develop them at ;)n�6 to seem soolabte, I aclded bhat her ( �nOD FARM FQ� $,p�LE
vetyillformanyweeks. fIiasonFrxnk � representative of the average, the tbe ezponse of those of tbe rig6t hemte- �oy �uety L*+ 4eY very mnah. -""" �
and niece, Miee M[naie penate of (3od- W�eat crop wo�ks out 104 per cen�, pbera. Thua, che ma�orltq ot ohfi3ren ' ��Mrr. Jeokaon g�t up SBra�gh� 'fter g tb9es aoon��si nrBeD oiee n�aaa� Iieon�-
erich, a,ccompaniee hlm. barleq 89, and oate 86, ae agninet 79, &�
would be born wlth a tendanoy to righ� eon,' ehe ezolalmed. `Yon menn her talne 100 n�ures, pith ebont 80 npree oleete8 dnd
Thbnrende oi o6ees ot Ooneamption, Ae- and 78 per cent respectively in 1895. eided.ness, which cuetom wonld treo ttom etvmpe Frame honea bs:n nnd 9riv.
d1u htet, dori'E qouY iag ehesd bearing oruhed, ro�eo� rane throngh
tbbiys, OoagB i(3oldei�snd Qroup sre anxed a.dditionul d�tailt� 'oY ' the ?a�►a..ueae+ etrengthen and develop. � "� �nld I d1d. Ordlnarily I ehonid have the lot, eitnated l� mllea trom Porc Albext, on
ever . ds b I,i�tbl�.A;4µre. . sold.ay J.�. tidal Wgve oY l�et ihoi�l.h wpte received �Eood w9 gronnd, bnt 1t wouldn't have ood �o.d. Wni be eotd oa reneonsble terme,
�Onlber �j1„��n,_:,,._ ,; ..,. :-.-. Fridaj� Atl 8�Th1V&�' 'Oi tll0 eCClLII�Bt' Pructicxl Itrllaion• �pp pollte to Oonttadlot Lhe 1&dy th0 �F 19 to AI.ER. AADOUB, HOLMIDBVII.LE, or
MrJ. �. HoRarth� Lhe popular teach- Hraemarfrouo Yokahama. The nddiC� , Nowadnys, is !s praotSoal bane8t to the }��,t ttme l met her, ana, besSdes, I t° �• HOLT. aoD�RiCa•
er q�'th0 lower Wingham 8chool w(ll e�re td June 22. n�dsTYd� that Lhe die- �vorld'e notive work th»t mPn are after; W�n'� 1n the mood for argument, ony- SpL�i�YD F,A.1iM ?O I;ENT.
��►end h9$,Mq4�atton in Msnitaba. He ie uater vwa� p�ob�M�+ 'th6' tnoet fenpf�d a and he who makca t�co Pnre of corn grow w�y, �
2lCCb17�. atltet� b�' 11i8 �818�AM1 11��HB Hcfg- modern t�mea.' Tbe�dpath,ii�thns be �vBere only one grew befora, or he who ���., Jpa�eon kept oa wr4ting lettera The nuderny[ned tl8et� W rent tbe �pleadid
aptil� �geffip+, e ,, . gregtly hueiY►�nted eii�tce laet adviCe �A�n atillze eome vost re�ervA ot motive � A� ��t Ehlnking I had done mp duty ferw on the AdattiandOon„ (ioderioh Townehlp,
and tvill unddnbfetlt �o Yx[ beydn po�ar now Rotng tA WHRY47� i� the sage yy Anut 6uaan when Mre. Jnokeon being loto 69, 70 71, aohteieing Ib8 naYes s11 !n d
- VI�"illie �FieTd�, i�f'W�In�chrim, inet wtth � � etwc� ot ood ouStiVdaon eitbepti l5 Karet ireto6 ie
� 611,000. 'I'he diatt�k8e tYiong the eUt'vi- the wor14 rnnYs h1gh, the dieoovArer �pu�ed hereelt wlth e�n e8ort and aatd:
��iaiefql acc9dent le�t 6v'e�k. '� Se wae voc� tif the terribl'e'vi�4tattat� ie a nll- who ren oiden reward. 6o v�hea tt ` 6neh. 008 brlek 6onse�nA oat tilfiidln ,weu
p P�+ B Do Tnti kf1oW i belleve thet I onoe �vetered. 2 soree �! orahartl, conven�ent to
� pAi'
� 1; � fCO17
� �' �� ��
� ,: �r ���
,t ��
, t . ry
� 2 ���
+ , ��y�
4 '� 1
,,� .���
ii1Ef��o��tri ��rt p�ie�a io a�d�,. Thouennd� bf injured �lre dy�ip oomes to retlgion. Not that oraod whfoh � k1 you wh�n yon were e bnby.' eohoot nna ohnrch. Thte 1� s m.,�t deeirsbte
��i g�,t1i11 lCd Sfl, f91l. the ��� ��� a� ��i�l'e�ssietrtnce dn� la�i�bea descrlpttoa ot the beauttes obd � ��� 8t setLled i4 I don't remembbr �ot+arty tor s pereon wiehing t,� reus good
f�iA`��i[,� AIIl�I�" bn lYis lege, � ' tnrm, be�og 6 mil�� botn Ulinton sa8 �} mii e.
rw�f� �dl;q` sr'At8p�1. ��aa�'At'A� l�poa' Clle dAr e of siarvat�on delfghts of the If4e that fe after thie; ast hoW I go6 tnW the hell. I beltev� I trom Hotmeevttle. Poaeeeeton gtvep lo tbe ts11.
gube�et[Yl� oh flb6 wAf! �xl aellore by not t�a one whioh ereote Eheorl� upon �old h�+r I� wpnld oome agatn, bat thet eDP�s � 11IR8 JOHN at7Dp, Utfution, P. O.
c�klnire; met� �piEh the mie� t6e w�ves, and ea�ing the�U Paw, hav• theortee, and enb-theorlee to prop and �r� OAl� pil0 m01'e II& When I got op- �p �T
e�ti�l�hecCol�eriionebmken iug ho tooicing np�iarntna. eupport them, touohtng the selvation oi ��5�� the drawtng room door it ooaan�ed RUBEiI.� '; ���%.l�f �,
�2R'en�tng. , Tt10 A�CC�i�@pE WAS �arl'a plover RooL Tes ie e eare onre [or lofante �r ot nnapproaohebie pagane, 1� m�e tha£ samething wae mfsefag. Dda •
�� ,: f�f, •,thb ,iiu(ggy eomtag •ge'sdsofiQ edd s1C ��rvone didenees. Nonh- 1ltety to r�itd►ri mowt dtt�ent�o�i tit theao '��g�n ��, ho]ding the daor open. t p��TON
k,�}CtfprlPg �iei� d1��a ing r8]iebee tlb' t�tliakly. 9�itl by J. FI busy da�; �hdt the ane r►hiah dee�le with eat lnto the drnwing room, lighted the '
tt�e' p�t�ietere�i cvith fhe �lerk Qoinbe, C�C��tA ' � L6e problenya rigl�t oloso to na, prnbleme �� �Hhed my hnb lrom andc+r the wta Msontsoynrex end P'roptlettor Ior Ehe baE BAW
�jtli�r'itig�th@•lAet eilt ndobthe �� � �� ' not "np 1n 6�ven," prnbieme inot "bu- �d tarned out.the gne egnin I oonldn'0 �iohLtt�n�af �eae�' Fi��n PwMmmT eo�rdi�o
�6rpiSCet1 �Hre ag�e oi` 88 dncl 1C}� Tb�'�� gb Bx�Ctkd, the d�9�th 0� hio road the sea, brtt veiy nig� anto na,' �p �r• that i apoko to Jso�eon vrhen I �otnehs Onae�sr. �AM BIT'�TtVCiB loruieLed
� fl�tt�b� 6etwa��2a the A e� P. E. W. Mop�r,'�ditiS��ifP � i6tl $�rli+ti ' W dur mouthA eaeh dwy, [a onr ha►rte . went onE." wa sttnche+9 on ehorE notioe.
all the time. The colonel re p g
9!qe�t�i Et�e i�'ver�i�e cti t'e dail�`nearb, iaktiqli• tdok' ple�c.'e »t hi�a . I 8arded hia tate Ehou ht-
�qrg�;:, � ti�iu�e ou i�uee�► 'etr@tt ri'pul�ed�� w:ie fnfl' s mamen� ThQn he looked up and B4{�MP�• J�rgtdes, snd slt 1c�ads e
X Hob Asth W111 Rring Cleep. �4
ik�o��llg�i''�eA�h�1���1$pTodt'e ����� tO B�ril� �e hA�l b�en ailin gnppoee a peraon be tlred out b over- �6ngBt the eympatl�f2ing glunoe� ot hie ��wwd 1r� b�fbifslYiesor� �hntie��
i�'��r�np'i�'hr ��ic� edn► 6� .11�r Por�q'ear�,� bub� a�t'•p�ople �xpeo Y i4ieade.
hi�n tti rg31�r, �s i1tl hns dOntl uri �tlirr ��k oi any �ind, to leel rierQoau, lrri- � ����,}b e�er dp iiy boye," he eald.� Fe�rm linp�emente uolsnufso.tr�red aod repiJtea
bo�+bifgtdy 2fi�1 �t�t��e�sioY�,�eft ��ca��ong. ,D�r M`dyew 'N�e� ��n �ble �ble and worn, to Ise abaolatol� certnln New York .TrlbtY�e�. eteam iad wsiex. pnlm" (dtulshed knd puL tn
�' i�et ,an �' .t�lp tu th�e ,ot�: wMiter, ttnd W'�eknntan all averCnnacla thab bed means onlq tosetng ior honre in i �aei�ta� bry Slind 'II tetl 1Gii�an epniiosao�
��t�P� �Y� ��i�iid� ��i�r�itig hie 1��� tN��relled exteo�iw�ly. A�rr� hes viAi t. an nnhappy waketntaoes. Wc� al! know � Btrthd�y Or�tc�. d�fAr�fbd a1+Jdexs .
�cl lr�ber pliueeb of lhtehe�t �n this Cot�. �� ���f�to� of the bodq si�d minci. , x�e tollo�rif��, rCi�k'�p� �+iil taU Itow' to
�]�I�s4tt',.ve'b,_jb lias 4+�ithfu9 y tihent� Eie rct o�i� tim�o�cd the ntsw . or e, ohll.d: �r���'/1� �������� ���
Tura �tt the ho� rrsY�+r in tho 6ath%oom �uak� a nice ,bfrt�+�►�r ��, i`
j,���r��^+�t,�'r.�e�c a� t�i �t rlefun�b.�3t. O,�ti�arines �`imes e,£ter> bnd rohh itt the ho�bathuntilth� dro�sy (�re�m'f,�qat�ari r�n� c�U�1 n�: :bn�te#t� eriit �� , �. �
� Yi�r��.�c ,.�:yh , txC�: �1�� ob ��KYIg 'r�1�: �'l6ibi'YCtb aFli(i iC�e • and ibeitn� oomee; wl�ioh witi be wl��ia� thro� �1s�e.cr�pa� of.;, e��a�:.,.��g .�fi1�C� ¢# . iCuhi� . . '
��, , , � !Ot �C6 d �1��� ei ��it� � � ml�ttteM; xub yaura0lt riri�kTy wi�h t► e "�tit�e�..t�!dx`dt�hl� ftk►,. ur�e.ou�; : � . -��,lti'i«�•
��� r� �';n � .�� .� ,, � . +� � , �+� . � .. , ���,�� ,�r�p L;������, . . _ , _ . . . e�. _ ,;. , , < . . . . ,� . . � ,. .
d�d �n�-� d���l� �r���iv� �'e��. �� ���av,� t� I�tK1t�" �+� u V tn�i dodt�s� �'ntktel� td'K�i unttl t�� 1�a�� � �era� ��Si�, �►t�n. �: *�av�ZY ��r,na� - y� y�
�� ., .r,?#, nn .,. . . ., , .,, .�.: +�. ,�, � .., �r .. .. ., . . . , .. . .. ; ::
r!C'k�� �1�"�t���'�1�h.'��Y�i���!4�:r:,"'A . '�' 1iAV8%'�I� t°'LT1�IA� �(49 �bL`�b�I ��F1tVi �MtltfE� �Y,p'�' �1'� �i�A17 O tfS � �Oi� fG�'�f1Eil�. Y1��. ��[-ti�;'. tiE��li�Qfl�Firllr. .. ,. : " , J�4/ � � :.' � �;il�+f �� �.,� 1 �, ,
w ..,� ., ,, . , ,.., . . ,e:.. . ,., . � , ,,. ,� ,� ..wT�e' �bu�1 ! t�t�� udt r�nd r�� _a . , frt ; lier. ;�f�lir�� ! ,. ,Q� �y� ..:- ,. e ..; � ,
. , {+ ; a�id�d� ri�W6 r� ihk►i'!�'Y +�h. . � r.el� `�. 'Mf%� .,$ .. apri d .. � � : . . . � � , � �►"CI , r, � . . ,.:t�,+,� , �,
7 ��1�„�C&PC�t 'k3i�'�16Lk��lll.k`� �, ; ,, ,�.: , ,.,�.�� ., , .,, ,, � . -,. :,� .,
., _, � •� NY Yiti6TM1i1S' � t1�i� X1� hb't� OUuott'�tC iltldtl� �'1ll�iti iM10.� i�el� :�:: t�i1� Wllb�'�� ..�'bl��u�i�� �i�i�itg�$0o6�`Yi�telt� tii�i11
.. �,�,�r,..y:i,.t,�.,�bti ,,,�r,�r�.�. rw ..�i�.�Wn� � ;brbm#nen� 11���tsnt�t�t; t,r,�. �in � �' i�i4 x � �. � .. � �_ .!� �'> ., .. .,. .. _v ._ ,..� .�. t _,,.�.�. _���..u. .. _....:�� __...
ri1�it�� 5;
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�,:' '17.fii1�'.' �6ARdIQ]I�� �.
W. BRY0011EE.
PUBLIO,�ET0. C'.�"�
Office-Seaver Block.
Up-ete.ire, Oppoeit.e Foster's Photo(C�sllery,`�
(Formerly�ot Cameron,FHolt{Jc Cameron)' ,r
S�ae- am on 8., op� Oarte olborne Hc el,
T'1R. WM. GQNN,L. R, C, P, end L. Ti, C. 8
1J Edinbnrgh. O�ec-Cntariokrfet,C'linton
Night calle at front door o! rieidence on Ratten
bnrq st., oppoaite Presbyte;ian charch.
Dnivereity, M D. Q.�d , Vlatona IInivereity
M. O. P� 6„ Ontario. Fellow o! the Obetetrit•
800iety o! IDdinburah, iate ot London, Eng wd
Hdinbargh Hoepit6�e. 089oe.-Dr, Doweely'e old
o�oe RetEenbary 8t. Cllntqn. Night bell
ane�vered at the e�me pleoe.
Acconohepr, ete., a�ce in tLe �slece block
Battec�bnry 6t. fotmerly occapled Ly Dr.Reev�
aunwn onc.
JA8. 8. FBEEBOEN, M.D.. L.H.QcQ.C.Y.I., 3I.
O. P. @ B. O., �r�dnate 8irge and ueen�
Oollege ot PLyoiaiane, Dnblin, lreland. �icem•
tiate qeneral Mediasl Conneil, Grea6 Brite
Member o( Cailege YLyeiciaae nna Bnrgaone, On-
tarto. Formerly reeldent ot �otand� Hoepit�l,
(Lying-in and (ipaecologlcal�Dnblin. Beaidenc•
-ltsttenbary 6L, eant, ae:E door to Ontnrlo 66
.V �edSoal Dep�it ent of�V otorl UnLHS
eity, Toronto, 2ormerly of the S06j1i1R1B BLIi
Diepenearfee. New Yotk. Coroner tor h�
Connty of Hutou, Bay�eld,OaL.
DR AG1�E1M, � �
Londesboro, dncceaeor to Dx Yaang.
T. ACiNEW, M. B„ Toronto T)nfvereity, M, D. 0
11., Trinity Unlvereity, Member ot ColleRe PLy
sfciane nad Burgeone„ Ontnrio. 081ce oppoeiw
Methodfst chnrch. Night cal)e anewered nG th•
eame plaoe, O�ce bovre 8 to 30 n,m., 1 to 3p,m;
to 9 p.m.
Creduete R C D 8 of Oatar�o, and Trinit7 Unf-
veraity Toronto,
Rpreta� ettention given to the Preeervetion ot
Ehe natcral teetL,
OtLce, t;oate 1 �pck, over Taylor'e ehoe etore
N. A,-�Vill 'vieit Blptb every bfon8sy and
PayBeld tvery ?barsday ahernoou dnitn�th•
. Hoaornryf3rg8nate of theOnterioVei9rtnery
College. Treate el] dieeaeee of domeatlonted anA
mele oa the moet modetn snd eatenti8c pripct-
ples pffioe- immedlatelq eoath of Lbe Nep Err
Office. HeeiBenue - Alba:t Bt., Clfntan, Caf
nlRht orday ntten8ed to prom tfp
OtHoiul Uocarnment Vetertnsrq Inepeotor'
. Honorary (3radnste ot the Ontario Voter�.
nery College, Toronto. Treste all dleeaeee
bomeetio enlmels on the moei modein ana
BalenElBo Prinolplee. Day end n�, E esils promp0.
iy Raa�vared. Seeidenco--Ratte�barp 9t., �eys4
Clin Wn,
j�{AAB1A(iE LIl'EN6E reMEB ECpT7' BR.,
lil leevrer ot Marriege � ia�nece, I.lbrasy �toom
and Beaidence, M�rp etreet, Ullnton.
NO �VItI�B66C6 reqnire8
8ma11 eame on good wortga�ge eeonsft'
modersterateoiintereef. g HALE.Ctinton.
FW. FARNC01s8. ME�B�R O� A88'N OD'
. p, L. 8., ProvinoSsl T.and 6nneyor �na
Otv�1 EuKlaeer, London Ont,-O�ce at peo.
6tewsrt'e (ironarq Etore, dimton.
R. AQNEW. L.t�.S D.D.S�
.3�a8qste of Roynl Co11eqe of Deatel 6nrgeon�
OnE. Honor (3radosfs ot Trlaicy Uatvereit�
All �perattone in Dent�et�ty� carefnllp perfo:meR
Best looet An�tHbt ce for psinlese eztrsotloa.
O�loe oppodte Town Hell over B�vello�Wa etox�.
Wlll �rleit 8enenil every Mondsy. snd ZurW
e�erqeecond Thnreea�of eaoh month.
�NIRbt betl amirvered. -
I3esti to Oommexold IIote3.
ble eetabSSfbment le in tull o+ cretian sad s
rBerA 811ed �n the moet satfnieoco,y vrs�� Oame•
etq end �rsnit6 Work s e�ecisliy. ptioae �t
eaeoneble sa tLoee of Ans ee UIlebt:ent
B�ALH dt Ii00V�R,dlfntOn. ]!n
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�iT�iN��9 CHA11iGE
�i�"�� � ����iJl.
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