HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-07-03, Page 5IF YOU WANT A WATCH, IF YOU WANT A GOOD WATCH CHEAP, "'ea losjoL.JOIJ WANT -1 CHEAP WATCH GOOD. CALL ON US AND YOU WILL GET IT. J. B. RUMBALL WATCH MAKER, JEWELER, &c., TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Paris Green -- Stood the Test NOTE -174 samples of Paris Green were collected and tested at the Labratory of the Inland Revenue Department at Ottawa lastear. One of the samples was supplied by us and when tested was found genuine without any adulterant. We can supply you with the same Green this year. Why use any other when you know ours is the kind you want. Pure in every respect. 25 cents a pound. J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. DOMESTIC ECONOMY There is room for more of it. One dollar saved means one dollar more to spend in goods at the matchless prices that has given this store such won- derful p 1pularity throughout the county Just now we are satisfied to break prices in many lines to clear the was for bigger sales during July and Aug. Summer Corsets, sizes 20 to 25, regular price 75c, our price 50c Henrietta Cloth, ,48 inches wide, blue black or jet black, regu- lar price 70c, our price 50c Henrietta's, Colored, 40 in wide, regular price 30c, our price 17e Needles, regular price 5c, our price 2e 10 Pins, regular price 5c,- our price Parasols, Black, good covering, regular price (35c our price 40c Hose, fast black, regular price 10c, our price four for 25c Factory Cotton, 1 yd wide, regular price 5c, our price 24c (limit 10 yards to a person) Childreu's Boots, sizes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, regular price 75c, our price, 50c Men's everyday Boots, reg. price $1.251, our price 98c Loads of pretty things in handsolne Millinery at little prices during the next ten days. McKinnon 8z Co., Blyth C.8.8h and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash SPECIAL liPARASOLS We have something new to offer in :MILLINERY, DRESSIGOODS and CLOTHING this week, having bought out a full line of Sample Parasols at 75c on the $. We will sell you a nice one for less than cost. Come and see them, there is a splendid assortment and no two alike. Come quick as they will not litst long at our prices, Are specialties this week. PLUMSTEEL & CfIBBINGS Albert Street, Clinton. S S GRAND TRUNK RAI LWAY SYSTEM DOMINION Day —1896 - Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE On June 30th and July let, good to return July 2nd, and Fare & One -Third On June 80th and July 1st, good to return July 8a.h. Full information from W. JACKSON, AO, Clinton - a COTTAGE FOR SALE OR TO LET, The cottage on Albert Bt., at present occupied by subscriber, is ()flared either for sale or to rent on very easy terms. It contains 8 rooms (with bath room) of whish there are three bed rooms. There is bard and Bolt water, stable &e. The property 1s in an excellent condition, In one of the best situations in town. Possession given any time. Apply on the premises. W. FOSTER. SPLENDID FARM TO RENT. The undersigned offers to rent the splendi 1 farm on the Maitland Con., Ooderieb Township, being Iota 88. 70, 71, containing 158 acres, all in a state of good cultivation except 15 acres wnie'i I+ buab. Good brick house and out buildings, well watered, 2 aures of orchard, convenient to school and church. This Is a most desirable Property lora person wishing to rent good farm, being 6 miles from Clinton and 3} mi ee from Holmssvllie. Possession given in the full. Apply to MRS JOHN RUDD, Clinton, P. O. • The body of Mr. James Ross lawyer, of Winnipeg, and brother of 11ir A. W. Ross, ex -M. P.was found floating in the Red River. Mrs Harriet Beecher Stotve, author of Uncle "row's Cabin," was stricken down with congestion of the brain and paralysis on Friday Last and died Wed nnesdisy Z 1TE CLINTON NEW ER. . DERL►N NEWS. •in Octogenarian Attempts to Commit Bn1- aide—Farewell Sermon, Berlin, Ont,, June 29.—Au old lady named Mrs. Finkleatein, living with her daughter, Mrs. May, attempted /suicide on Saturday by cutting her throat with a razor her son was shaving himself with. The jugular vein was not severed and she will live. A week ago she tried to jump Into Victoria lake, and not long prior to that atempted to open the arteries In her writ. She is 80 year, old. The County Council has awarded Mrs. Charles Heintz of New Hamburg, $1,000 damages for the death of her husband, which took p aoo last Marob. Heintz while alighting from a nutter on the Hamburg bridge, slipped oft on the ice on the bridge and fell to his death. The Rev. Dr. Scott, of Trinity I tet'fo- dist oeuroh, preaohed his farewell sermon last night. He leaves for Japan within a few weeks to take charge of the Metho- dist College in Tokio. A singular ooin- otdenee is that Mr. Scott began his min- istry on the first Sunday In July, 1868, in the same church, and, as he is no longer a Methodist minister, he has ended it there, atter exactly eighteen years in the work in Canada. Dr. Scott has become quite popular here during his two years' residence, and his eepart- ure is regretted, Tho Rev. Dr. Henderson succeeds him. The farmers of Waterloo township are circulating a petition to the Council, asking for a by-law to prohibit cows and horses running at large on the roads outside of the towns. The petition is much opposed in some quarters. As It is, some farmers entirely pasture their horses and oows on the roads. THE LIMESTONE CITY. Poet-01Hee Thier Sent for Trial—Probably a Fatal Accident. Kingston, June 99--.A young man named Charles Hawkin was committed for trial on the charge of having stolen $41 from the Athens post -office Ile pleaded guilty Mayor Elliott this morning received a cheque from the Rathbun Company, Dos- eronto, as a token of appreciation of the work done by the detachment of the local fire brigade with the engine, under Assistant Chief Miller, on May 26th last, on the occasion of the disastrous fire in the town named The 14th Battalion team nred the con- cluding match hr this season's Canadian Military League series on Saturday after- noon, when a phenomenal score was rolled up. Since the opening match the team has increased its total at each suo- cessive match, and finished the season with a soore of 888. Capt. White won the local badge for the highest aggregate for the series. This morning while J. MoCermaok was working at a dismantled building t*o stone sills fell outward, and striking the scaffolding on which MoCormaok was standing, broke it down. He went with the stones, falling on a granollthlc walk. Ho was pinked up unconscious and bleeding, and taken to the General hos- pital. He is not likely to recover. CHATHAM NEWS. A Boy Sent to the Reformatory --Drowning Accident --Narrow Escape From Death by Poison. Chatham, Ont., June 99.—,Before Judge Houston •to -day Joseph Wilson, an incorrigible lad of 18, who has been before the court so many times on the charge of larceny that he is thought to be a kleptomaniac, was convicted of stealing, and sentenced to the reforma- tory for three years. Eddie, son of Mr. R. 8. Brewer, North Dresden, was drowned while bathing in front of Gordon's mill. The body was recovered about ten minutes after the accident happened. The unfortunate little fellow, who had gone to bathe In company with his brother Percy and two nompanions, Harold Green and Fred Boden fell from a log to which he had been clinging, and immediately sank. Mrs. Campbell, wife of the Mayor of Chatham, 1s seriously ill with fever, Mrs. G. K. Atkinson, Wellington street west, had a narrow escape from death by poison, and her experience should prove a warning to all growers of small fruits. She had partaken of some berries, which, it was subsequently learned, had been sprinkled with hellebore, and was taken dangerously ill. Medical aid was at once summoned, and fatal consequenoes were happily averted. WINDSOR NEWS. Serious Accident to a Younlr Man—The Dominion Typograph Works May Move Iiintford. Windsor, Ont., June 29,—At Kings- ville yesterday a young man named Wm. Vickers met with a serious accident which may cost him the sight of both &es. He had loaded up a pieoe of gas pipe with gunpowder for some purpose as yet unexplained, and then introduced a lighted match to one end. The explosion which followed was terrific. Young Vickers wan picked up half insensible, with his face and hands badly burned, and both eyes completely closed. The doctors think one eye can be savesi, but the sight of the other is entirely gone. There is a rumor current here to the effect that the Dominion Typograph works will at an early date transfer Its extensive plant to Brantford. No con- firmation of the report has yet been beard, but It is significant that the com- pany, whioh also manufactures a high brade bloyole, has for some time pant een reducing its working force. On Saturday last, ten more men were laid off, leaving only about forty-five at work, where there were more than one hundred on the pay roll of the company last winter. Should the company decide to remove Windsor would suffer an inoaieul- able monetary loss. THE FOREST CITY. London, .Tune 29.—Frank Sparks, a notorious character, pleaded guilty to day to forging the name of .Tames Mao- donald, a local hoteikeeper, on an order for whisky, which he presented at Mr. John Garvey's store. Judge William Elli- ott remanded him for sentence. A proposition WAR submitted to the City Council to -night, at its regular meeting, by the Dominion Cold Storage Company, of Montreal, who purpose ereoting a cold storage warehouse here to opst $126,000. They will employ from ten to twenty mon, according to the season. The concessions asked are: Total ex- emption from taxation; permission to lay an ammonia pipe through the city tnr the trtiansfnission of their refrigerant, and that she city grant them a site at a nom- inal rental. They will start work within three litonths after the passage of the by- law granting the tame Both railways harm offered them building sites July , 189:9 The A ..e Record. Penetanguishene, June 26.—,q, dieser- trouts lien coot? red here about 11 o'olook to -day, when the large planing mill and sash and door faotory of Mr. A. Tessier was totally destroyed. The fire to sup- posed to have originated by a spark trona the furnace flying into the planing room, when instantly the whole plane was ablaze. So rapidly did the fire spread that the workmen in the second storey had to escape through the win- dows. The fire brigade were quickly on the spot and soon had three streams playing on the flames, but on account of the headway the fire had got oould not save more than a portion of the build- ing and machinery. Ottawa, June 26,—About 6.45 last night fire broke out in Matthew's new pork -packing factory beyond Hull. In a few minutes part of the Interior was in a blaze. The fire brigade was soon on the ground, and In a short time got the flames under control, but a consider- able amount of valuable maohlnery was destroyed. Loss about $4,000, covered by insurance. The building was of stone and was not very much injured. Montreal. June 26.—A lire broke out In the showrooms of the Chanteloup Brass and Iron Works on Craig street about half -past 0 this evening. It looked for a while as if the whole establishment would go, but the firemen got the fire endeesentr01 Alter au bow's work. The damage will amount to about $25,000, fully ooverred by insurance. The origin is unknown. Springford June 86.—The residence of Mr. Carman was destroyed by fire early this morning. The fire started from a spark from a stove in the kitchen. Only a part of the contents were saved. The house and contents wee, valued at $1,200; insured In the Gore Pi Insurance Com- pany of Galt for $1,000. Alexandria June 96.—The flour mills belonging to J. 0. & H. Mooney of this plaoe were totally destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The lose 1s between $25,000 and $30,000, partly covered by insurance. Origin of fire unknown. Ricked by a gorse. Niagara Falls, Ont., Juno 28.—Mies Amelia Buckley, daughter of Mr. g. P. Buckley of Philadelphia, who Is visiting her uncle, ex -Mayor Morton Buckley of this town, met with a very serious acci- dent while out driving with her cousin, Miss Amelia Buckley, and two other young ladies, Miss Waldron and Mies Melia of this town. The girls were In a two -seated phaeton, taping each other, and when bear Southend in Stamford the horse, from some unknown cause, let both his beele fly at the dashboard of the phaeton with muoh force, smashing it into atoms. Miss Buckley was sitting with her back toward the horse's heels and Pipe strnok on the back of the heat{ and fell out of the phaeton unconscious, striking on her head.. The other girls were more or less hurt in the scramble to get out. Mies Buckley is lying at a farmer's hoose in a precarious and semi- conscious condition. Another Fatal Tornado. Chicago, June 28.—A special from Owensboro, Ky., says West Lonievllle, a little town near there, was struck by a tornado at 2.80 o'clock yesterday after- noon. The bone of 0. L Clark was wren ed, flpd Mkse kee4 Bloke. who was visiting there, wice blatantly killed. Clark was knocked senseless and will die. St. Alphonsus Catholic Church at St. Joseph was completely destroyed. A great many residences were destroyed or badly dau,aeed. It is impossible to get a complete list of the injured EVERYKNFAMILY THAT SHOULD Ie n very remarkable rimedy, both fir IDT - T:. :: use, and won- derful to its ctdck antro to r-l'eve Cis;tesa. PAIN -KILLER 14,:;,17,r,^, tor? rr 'p.a' Coulc'2' Chills, INnrrh,r:., S!idalat a ry, l 'solemn sad oil Uou cd Con,ytxb4s. PAIN -KILLER fa THE 1111. -ST rr,n• cdy knn.n-,- hlrlrncaa Sick Hendnche, Pnln in the Rack or Hide, Rheumatism and Neural8lr., PAIN -KILLER le 0NQUF.8T,0NAnl.: the (DENT I.INIMSINT MADE. It brings err.rur ane rraMASa0T ion11.r 0 ell cn.e. of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burne. etc. PAIN -KILLER I. the molt Hod an d trusted friend of the Mechanic. Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in feet all olssen vsui)ng a medicine always at herd, and sera Tu ver internally or externally with eartatnty of relief. Beware of Imitations. Take nano but the gennlns "Pillar DAVIS." Bold everywhere ; 2tib. big bottle. Very large honk. 0..a. 11T. Jessop & Co., BLYTH. The following Tines are now on sale, but we do eueb an Immense business we cannot guarantee the full list for any length of time 5 Ibe Dried Apples 2.5c, Fancy Tin Pots another I; t to hand, each 100. 20 lbs Redpath Granulat- ed Sugar 81. 24 Ibe light Brown Sugar RI. 2 lbs Good Japan Tea 25o, 1 Ib choice Japan Tea 20o 1 lb extra Ono Japan Tea 250 20 Ibe C irn Meal 23 15 lbs Rolled Oats 25o, 12 ibt Roiled Wneat 25o, Laundry Starch per Ib 5o. Canned Salmon 100. Lemons, sound fruit 2 doz 25c. Cream So- das, tin boxes g5o. Tomato Catsup per bottle 10c Horse Baddia5, 4 bottles 25e. Choice Black Pep- per, 1 I., retie 150. Good Electric Soap, 15 bars 25c. John Bull Sauce, large bottle 10c. Cream Sodas, paste board boxes 20c, Famous Flour per 100 Ib. 51 90. 20o Bottles Ehoe Droesing 100. 121, Bottle Shoe Dressing 7o. 8 large bare Soap 250. Noi.such Stove Polish per bottle 10c. Note Paper, fine quality, per quire 5c. Box Note and anri Ento'opee Sc. Large Box Paper and Enve- lop s 10c. Tooth Brnshee each Sc. Pine and Needles, prime quality 2o. 12 quart basket with cover, only 5o. Nide Meat, partly heavy 100 lbs 56.75. 10c Essence Lemon or Vanilla 6o. Butter '1 ahs, wire hoc is 26e, 8 large Nutmegs 50. 2 buttleo hale 011 5c, Mixed Bird Seed per lb 5o Matches, sure fire 10c Machine Oft 50. Castor 011 100 bottles for 5c; 25o 1 cities for 15o. Toilet Bete, R {{tleeee 81.60. Tea Nets, 44 pieces 81.50. White Iiasins, regular 50c for 290. White Bowls 7,. Canned Peas and Tomatoes 4 tai 211c. 10o Oatmeal at.d "astlle soap Se, Pure Paris Green per lb 19o. 1 1 , til s Baking Powdet 120, Bak- ing Po,vdor in sealers IOo, Syrup Pitcher with puund Basing Powder 55;. English Breakfast C- free 1 lb tin 200. 10o cane 'Mustard 50, 3 lbs Biking Soda 10o. Pure White ,•000anut per 1b 19o. Fly Paler and Tanglefoot 2 papers Sc, 4 quart Scalers 25o, 8 hall ga'Ion Scalers 25o, Toi- let Soap 2 for 5c. Fresh Pickles in bulk per qt 10, 3 lbs Moe 10e, Califrrnia Raisins 5 lbs 25o s ba Tapioca 250. Large bott'e Yorkshire Relish or John Bull Sauce 20c. Choice Currants 51 a 25o Gowan',, Baking Cbocolate 50, Gibe fine dried Peaches 25s. 4 paokages Corn Scarab Silo, Spic- ed Roll Meat 7yc, Net? Cheese 90. 1 lb pane Mustard Ito. Pound stone jars Mustard Soo, 2 boxes Shoe Dressing 5o Timms GASB OR BOOS. Phew Isn't it Hot? Hot Weat het Stuffs at this store are being cut and slashed right and left now. If you have any family needs, you had better take advan- tage of this chance. 0 GILROY & WISE MAN SULPHATE of COPPER ClosePrics PARIS GREEN quantity JAMES H. COMBE'S Your Wife Will be pleased when she sees both you and, her boy in one of our Sum- mer Suits. AFFORD IT Of course you can at our little prices. You should see the nice lines of gray and brown Sack Suits we offer at $6 Ch:ld's and Boys Suits, neat and nobby, well cut, well made and well wear- ing at $2 to $5. All sizes and a variety of grades and patterns. W. M. JESSOP & CO., Blyth I G.RmMM caw DICALEIA6 Things that you Want Hay Forks Scythes Snaths Rakes Turnip Hoes Bug Finish Paris Green Ready Nixed Paints Carriage Top Enamel Raven Harness Oil We sell all the above at close prices. 3,. The Cash Dealer, Londe bora. _�� x.',.i. 5i.. ii :, ri.:.•aJtiYYi_,),.I,:.�t.a�i'