The Clinton New Era, 1896-06-26, Page 8BUTCHER SHOP. Ie andereigned deeirea to intimate to t>xe. people of Olinton and vloinity that he pay' opened a butcher shop in the etore of W. Ore, Huron Street. He has had many Ye:tee experience, and feels that he can give WI best of satisfaction. Be will sell siriotly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prides: ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Robert Reid, - Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & 1)1 URPHY, (Sueeeesore to J., W. Langford) Hailing bought out the above business, we intend to ootidnet it on the cash principle. and will stipYil four buotbmers with the best meats at th'e18weet•paying prices. Patrons may rely ri�ppeqn • good service and prompt fiiling'of all orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Dutcher Shop, Clinton oITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I willlnot bederso}so d by any ,other perm) in the bu ea j.') , I a an4r$: praetioals botcher, .and un eretand aU the branches of the'business: We keep the very beet meats and a full stekb always on hand, and will sell at the LoWest Coals Prices. Bring along your monlirefi'g rtiie'meat at the oas rioe. We wlll'G giveredit• but not•et cash rices. Please Dell and see what you can do for " Oeah at R: „FITZSIMONS' CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & WILSON. Subscribers desire to notify the public that hey have bought gout the butchering bdsinese latcon- tinue the same utednder their pJae ersonaland superrvision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered -anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDSI SEEDSI 'trackage of each of the following seeds g Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, Raddish, Cucumber, Tomato, Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) All for 25 Cents. Also Bulk seeds such as Peas, Beans, Corn, Timothy Clover and Aleyke Glover. JAS. STEEP & CO. Produce Exchange IT PAYS TO is sure to attend those me ile ng Success who make g«�headu rof their ti The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Last week showed ;the plaoing of five stu- dents in choice positions; this week three. Bella Mitchell, placed as 6 ndten gra pier with the Van a cen Stedtn Specialty Co., of Chicago. The firs stenographer, le the same oMoe, Mies Anne Beffatt, is also a former pupil. James Warren as stook -keeper and office as- sistant with Wm.ray �C Seim, Chatl;ein. Fred Thompsono sniffed from ;stenographer with Geo. B. Doug a to stenorapher with Messrs Wilson, Renkin, Mc1 eough & Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. IT, PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, ;Jan. 8th For catalogue of either department address 1). McLACHLAN 01latham Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two ears"choice Seed 5Ora just ar- rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas? &e. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. MokIllop, Mutual FireInaueanoa Co FAIdi & ISOI:ATENStJHV I OPER'ITYIONLY I COOK'S Flout/Feed Store BRAN, & • SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 ,bushel of Oafs. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANES. • • The , Maisons Bank. oirrrosas. Geo. Watt President Harlook James W.Broadfoot, vine-Pres.Seaforth P.O.' P.O.;f . Shan- non Secy-Treas., Sealorth P.O.; hg Aturdie. In- epedtor of losses, Seaforth P. 0. - --- DI8EOT0aB. Jae. Broadfootr;Seaferth• M. Hurdle, Seatortb; Geoff Dale Seatorth; Geo. ' Vatt Harlook; T. H. Hive,Sealorth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury; Thos. Cariiutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Eippen. AGENTS. Thos. Neflans Harlook; Hobt. MnMillan, Se,' forth and J. Cumings, E monwville. Partfeeeteeire6e'td -effect Ihetitanoaseer•traa- sadt other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above offioen adreeeepto their respeoltve offices Benmtller Nux la®r9 FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON RAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubboiy will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER luoorporated by Act of Parliament,18661 OAPITAL, - - 12,000,000. BEST • FUND, -, 11,376,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. MA•Grpaa " F, W. THOS.:.°eneal Manager. Notes 'dlsobtljited Oollectiohe made, Drafts lee sn.d. aton1iWasg and American r�exchan o bough aneeiold, tett lolowed on dntositt Iii al ,est, s. S'ARM1E . wtha.orefe_oh r with or ndorsers. Np e gutted air m6onrity, H. pi, 11 WER, Manager. GIEO.D, MCTAGGART. B AL4ERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Bankl t g Burin N',OTES DISCOUNTED l: Dtrefttl' il�ened. Interest allowed on deposits. irlI OLTNTON. • Another Great Triumph 'the Bowmanville News Intl r - views Mr. John llawkens. AND is GIVEN BARTICULAES OF NINE YEARS' Sorrnethe FIVES ASTHMA, FROM WHICH HE HAS BEEN RESTORED TO HEALTH WHEN His CASE WAS LOOKED ors as uorELESF. From the News, Bowmanville. During the past five years the Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have developed into a boueenold word, and from several oases that have oome under our personal obser- vation, there is not the least boubt in our minds but that they etre a boon to inaM(inpl, and in scores of instances have saved lie, whet} everything else bad failed. The cure of Mr Sharp, whose Dave we published some time ago, was one of the most remarkable that we have heard of. To -day he is as wellsever he was in his We, end fe daily knocking about in all we thers attending to hie farm duties. Reeently another Wirepph for Pink Pillp name, under our ob- Berg3ltion, and, atter 'interviewing the'per- aoaeured, he gave permission to melte, the tagt,'g public, and we will give- the story in his own words. Mr John Hawkene, who resides in the township of Darlington, some ten miles north of Bowmanville, and whose post office is Enniskillen, came to the coun- ty from Cornwall, England, some 45 years ago, and up to 'the time of his sickness had always been a hardworking man. , One day, however, while attending to his work, he got wet, took a chill, and a severe oold followed, which finally developed to as- thma. During the succeeding nine years he was a terrible sufferer from that dis- tressing disease and gradually grew so bad at he could not work, frequently spent eepless nights, and had little or no appe- e. Finally he could scarcely walk rose the room without panting for breath, d would sit all day with hi s elbows rest - on his knees—the only position which erred to give him ease, and at one time never lay down for six weeks. As it as a hardship for him to talk, all he ask - was to be let alone. During this time had been doctoring and had tried near - everything, and spent over $100, but t -no relief, , Finally some one recom- ended him to take Pink Pills. He ought they could do him no harm at any te, and proonring a supply he commenced ltmg them. After he had taken three boxes he found that be was improving, DI after taking, -two more 'boxes, to the tonishment avail, he, walked Heroes the e14 to the woods- and cat' up e, cord of wOGSt. Ho continued the pine and took oro more bores, making seven in all, and o chy, is ao-well as, heievise wee,, 414,al- ays Vitas.103OVIWI ihkEii101•tdib•11 e: he neighbors all began to ask him what e had done, astheasthma had. left.him, fid they never expected to hear of him being well again. To one and all he tells hat it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that id it, and has recommended them to cores of people since his recovery. With snob wonderful cures ae these ea- rring in all pparty of the Dominion it is o wonder. MAI Dr.' Williams' Pink Piffle have achieved a greater repatatien than ny; other known •medicine. All that is eked for thein"IS a fair trial and the n- its are rarely disappointing. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the El of the disease, driving it from the eye - em and restoring the patient to health and trength. In cases of paralysis,' spinal roubles locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, oiatioa, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, to., these pills are superior to all other reatments. They are also a specific for he troubles which makes the lives of so many women a burden, and speedilyre- ores the rich glow of health to pale and allow cheeks, Men broken down by over- work, worry or exee9see, Will lied lie Pink Fills a certain cure; '' Sold by ell dealers or sent by mail on receipt of 60'oents a box or $2.60 for six boxes, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., or Soheneotady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and refuse trashy substitutes alleged to be just ae good." THE L PAGE �011��0��1�A11 WIRE FENCE. IRO�ININS111111 th Ble tit an in 80 he w ed he ly go m th re to s ere fi l FtAw1���I��N/�IA1�ww1ElA�1 M 111111f1�1/�'�/�1♦� w%.��.��01mm rmmsmesA�Af '_ ., This. fenee�is in ekistenoe, turn stock to nut up,requiring down; wil Chat it is ull signed ie.eole Hallett; will promptly fence I WM the rOn it has without injury. not break and horse within the agent Goderioh Township' fill orders, WU of the STANLEY, agd,7,et oonnggO0ggGa,� wile fence a smebth ip�$Sb, anti, will It is heat and easy few posts; it cannot blow in whiter; it is pig tight, heap eth. aall. stly iThe t is le der-, reach for Stanley, Tuckeramitii and OolbOrppe, aril for the ereotdoh of the townships named. Holmesville For -: THECOMOBESTF'RIEND Twenty -Six uNN BAKJNC LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Years w a e II 6 a s McLeod's ti System RENOVATOR t AND OTHER e Tested Remedies. t SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE a For Impure, Weak and Impoverished s Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Nipa- tenon of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Hid ney and Urinary Diseases,Bt. Vitus' Dance ,Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, 60DSI1ICH, ONT , J, M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by l J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON r 1 1 aj ` 34 1 • n 7` } Ci —THE UNDERTAKER A GOODS ThebestEmbelmingFlnidulea Splendid ALBERTST.,CLII4TON r.'>lt`eeid'easeovethto OPPOSITE STEVENSON,J. LEADING— --ANn— EMiBALNER. STOCK -4, e'' HALL FULL LINE KEPT in OF Hearse., TOW vs- ,�� � Po �t y' tr,8 K , r::; s 4 : ,.. .....• a. aft' sad i r' tJ N E r, i. �i,1r �rA,gn,�1V � TIS,A�I 13ADiKERS, QLINTON. (ANT Advineei medti-.to farmers on their 0 notes s# low rate! of interest. i 1, PF 1'i• e f 6 s- li o 081 a i Mill. siw «Mimi Iwo $ r. lreDAtt, 11t1uiitirjlli • 'h DT" TIr" r kcal ihpl ,ek • HE r(ED HER Sl agstRiNds, �. Then Ise Wee IneUnesi to PrldP Himself She was pretty and pert, and as the i • theater train swayed around the high curves of Harlem four men In dress suits «landed et her approvingly. All at ones she made a discovery and her manner let every one into her secret. One of her shoes was unlaced. At first she made a show of stooping to tie it up, but she was not comfortably adjusted for lacing her own shoes. In fact, it was a physical im- possibility. The four young men In dress snits saw it and soon were diecussing the young woman's dilemma. "I'll make a bluff at it anyway," said one of them as the train left the Fiftieth street station. Whereupon, to the delight of hie companions and tho astonishment of those who hadn't observed the eitua- tion, he Areae and, kneeling deliberately atthe feet of the fair one, he raised hie hat politely and said:— "May I have the?" etc., Her red lips parted, showing two rows ofpearly teeth, while a faint color mounted to her oheeks. Tt you will be so kind, "she said. It was a Mighty pretty foot, and none teo, quickly the job was done neatly and deftly, ¶he pretty woman thanked Mm 'end be returned to his seat. He plainly inclined to plume himself to the eyes of his companions, who rixadu''4ahous re- marks about "havingher on the string," etc., all of Which waselatear4,by her,as was Cutins tly Intended. i 4t the Forty-second street'etatlo4i she &skew,' and, pausing a moluene before the young man as she passed sweetly inquired:— "IMee I ask where your store is?" And then she vanished.—New York World. Until the Fall Caine. "So Very Serious." $i Bias Alidereop's boolt Willi q 'Pet tells Me well-known autograph story It is worth repeating any number of times, because it shows that even Carlyle and Tennyson were human. Novas a young friend of Black and an inveterate auto- graph hunter. He had written unavail- ingly to Beaconsfield, Tennyson, Carlyle, Gladstone. Finally he Mt upon a strata gem worthy of Machiavelli. He wrote to each of tho most obdurate that ho had a >If. ie yacht that he wished to name after him. By return of post he had affirmative answers from them all, the Chelsea sago condesoendingto wish "that the Thomas Carlyle' might sail ever under blue skies and on smooth waters.". Here is a story of Cardinal Newman—human without vanity—prettily told by Miss Anderson. "So you are going as far as any young lady can go—as far West, I mean," he explained in answer to Miss Anderson's look of surprise, The '`youthful twinkle in his eye was so irresistible" that she laughed heartily. The Cardinal used to carry toys in his pockets for the little child of the wife of one of his friends. After a time the mother died, and the child was taken away by friends to an- other part of the world. Many years elapsed before the little one returned grown up. The Cardinal was informed of her arrival. He at once went to call, and it was a touching thing to see that he had as of old filled his pockets with toys foe the little one. "He had forgotten the lapse of years, and only remembered with beautiful fidelity the old custom." Artof Pattinson a Posthorn Stamp. "When you pat a postage stamp on an entelope," said a precise man to his son, ",you should put 1n on square and true, 'A?thtl•xtplier:•;rigdti:hand" Corner and as near as possible to the margin of the en- velope. You put it on at the right-hand corner for the convenience of the stamp - ere in the post -office, so that it may be uniform in location w11th the ,tamps on other envelopes and so more conveniently and expeditiously stamped; you should study the comfort of others as well as yourself. Yon should put it as near as possible to the corner, so that the cancel- ing stamp will be less likely to deface and so perhaps obsoure the address on she envelope. "Yon should put It on square and true, because that is the methodical and proper way to do. Many persons are dis- turbed by the appearance of a stamp put on in a careless and slipshod manner. And I can easily imagine that such a practice might work positive injury to you. You might have occasion to write to a man on a matter of business that was of importance to you. You might compose and write this letter with faith- ful care and set forth what you had to say with commendable clearness and pre- cision, and yet upset It all by slapping oxi''a damp carelessly; the recipient might judge 'Yon 'by the one slight act ' dine naturally rather than by the studied work done with a purpose. "My son, don't do it; put the stamp on where it belongs, so that the little tto oh'bf color will graoe the envelb'pii and not deface it."—New York Sun. There was no summer weather in the nth,:npbiii, mon»taine tilj the lest veeldyp`Attill ;w IeTi time tbesngw kept einitole ror getting into -tile iiile. The season is the latest ever known. Sas this foot anything to do with the re- narkably 000l June weathell After a oareftrl investigation into the oir. umstanoes of the recent "^''st Eli( e fridge disaster at 'Victoria, B C., Hie eor' Iner e jury hie rendered a verdict holding be Consolidated Railway Company di- eotors reepoesible for 66 lives. AT STITTSVILLE 1 The Town's Leading Ilieroha►nt Lafd IIP Rheumatism in various forms ie one of the most common dieeaees there is. it arises generally fro leip4Fxit and a broken down system. In. lois limbs It is painful ; in most of the In* terns.' organs dangerous. and le the heart usually fatal. The impedance ° of Mr. Si Minn; the }coli known general merehant of Stitt's. tine, is int eeeting : b ' 1110 [.est winter 1 was badly afflicted tlt rheun ptism. ed , tri r. Chase's% Pills: id sitVi illi. got immediate relief, and before I bad timed one i ek'any atilietjon ora ops. " I .was also troubled with billow Gess for yesreAiand at intervals of three or four ireeki'tidald be laid np with a' tevere heads h and sick stomach. Buse ing C1mstilh Ellie I , hage not had Alii ttack of either. I'I " I may add that Dr. Chase's Glut - bent for piles and skin diseases in just *a effective as -Dr. Chase's Pills for blood troubles. I have a clerk who suffered terribly from bleeding piles. He tried . hese'• Ointment end in a few, days was To Prove the Pole le Found. If Dr Nansen has really discovered tbe--t North idle, bow is. .ho gbipg to prone 111 This question has been asked repeat - of late, . and scientists have been Fe to glue a 'satisfactory answer to e'' problem. 'Pref. Dyeho, of Kansas, who 1s now organizing a polar expedition, explains how absolute proof of the success .2t his enture may be given if he is lucky enoiebh to reach the North Pole. "I will- take a bullet and suspend 1t from a string," says Prof. Dyche. ` This bullet will oast a shadow. In our lati- tude that bullet would in a day's time describe an ellipse. At the North Pole the gligror would make a perfect circle. r will photograph the shadow through- out the day. Of course, it will be neo - smeary to bring back only an aro or part of /t of s:de. Ag a day at the pole is sir )ettnethe long, ., at would be practically impossible to get a picture of the perfect oirole. Any part of it, however, would be enough to convince a scientist that I had 1eeohed the North Pole." B. B. B. Turns Bad BloQd Into Rich Red Blood. n Spring Time get Pure Blood by mein A.G.Q. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood 'Bitten... It not only. -cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores, ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches. eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter- nally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs' of the ' body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthht action. In this way the sick 'become wC11, the weak strong,' aadJ'ttbse who have that tired, worm out feeling web,. neivi 41004+ and buoyant; health and spirits, so that they feel like work. - It rot r appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B.H.B. Will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous Uta l� READY MADE 6UIT8— S3, $4.50, $5, $5.50, S68 and $7. Ordered Clothing from $i up. A FULL MANGE OF LADIES' 11111L(IGILIRG FOR THE SUMMER. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON completely eared. All deale•I•s and Edmaneen, Bates A 00.. 1} ilanutectorers, Toronto. 25e. Oh(se'e Ltaeeed olds, broeo1sltir ale, 25 °enrts. r• 1 t .max ' ,►.ti.. 1-1-U13 G -I 0 C RY A Snap in Crockery I Teeth Reading -A New Fad. Teeth -reading is the latent method of investigating character. Phrenology le !Ild-tabliiiflied, 061011d01 hes , f1111en into dlerepnte. Something new bad to be de- r, theist, and at;fast •it,And befalls feqand that ifie teeth '1thI I a Book W ieh reveals hitherto nndiseo p,erect secrete.The set - ewe IOW iii Pitt' nfatloj yetj'but the tollpwing are two or three of the items W111611:'tte bir6fWOrd assert Who inisontro- tertible: Teeth that are long and nar- row denote vanity; projeotote indicate a grasping disposition; treachery is best known by small white, separated molars; inconstancy by overlapping teeth, and the poiisessor of wide, separated ivories to sure to tell all ho knows. e for ►. sair We havejust received a shipment of DINNER SETS from England, and con- sider that they are the best value for the money we have ever been able to offer. Just think of a Fine Gold Splashed Decorated 97 piece set for $7.50. 112 piece Set for $9.50. 118 piece set for $11. We have a fine line of Tea Sets from $2 up to $5, and Toilet Seta at a price to suit the times. WOODENWARE—We are going to give a Washtub worth $1 and a Wash- board worth,25c, the both for $1 Cash. CFO 4WAL.L() W, Married by Mistake. Seven cases are recorded in Britain, during the• present ntury, where the bride- has been merle to the best mai by the cfergi yiifa'ares -.mistake or the groom's Stupidity. ?C•16 ,�1J01.,1( . • CTii n#on L a��`.in.�� ..'�wi��► ✓ '•�:L �J rc.. -°•‘1---"•"'14;1l ,i ,11 r 1 it Shoes for Show —made to look well in a window- --made for anything but comfort. Such are the kind that please your eyes at the expense of your foot. The shoe which does not fit your foot the flrat time you wear It pro- mises little comfort for the toren, Matta time. It costa more money to eecnre the foot - .fitting lasts of the Sinter shoe than for some entire pixie stocks. That's why they possess more foot -com- bat, wear and appearance than other shoes. Stamped on the sole *8.00, $4.00, $5,00 per pair. it 4 The' Slater Shoe (for Men.) r � Ir —s-.7 ;JET' t4. rilt.'111MOU r? , S 11 '� '1.I,����,��% �•, �.o.��, ore:'�i�'iiiit0-;fob.;ninton. '. • • t • . M • / . • a tel_ bo You FEEL SiCK? 1 I,yll .� f , ur, 1. Disease commonly comp. �t4 wit l;,sftght symptoms, whi,Ch-'wh n neglected increase in ext2nt and gradually grow dangerous. T11ADt ti 11 you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DVS- TAKE PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . •- 11 you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or hay. .rAKfr LIVER COMPLAINT, . • . . --- Ii your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW. or you TAKE SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, — For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STt111ACH, . . . — Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve fbe Healf>{h, Ripens Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cleanse the system effectually ti cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensiv,C breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestik n, bitionsness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression Of pepirits, will Surely and infallible cute they contain ickly reratle the whole difficulty. injunoous and arIf given a e ani econoal mical remns uedyles ate an y•� YAA11K RIPANSTABULES RIP'ANS'''ABULESI RIPANSTABULES ; RiPA$t TABULES ONE GIVES RELIEF EASY TO TAKE ______QUICK TO ACT. RipensrTabules are sbrd by' druggists, or by 1thh11 f the price (60 tents a box) is sent to The R.ipans Chem, Ictil vial,Com tinny, No. 10 Spruce St., New York. • Sampia