The Clinton New Era, 1896-06-26, Page 7Hard at work every day PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND RENEWED HIS LIFE Farmer Smye says: "I Ant a Living Witness." Mr George J. Smye, farmer, of Shef- field, Ont„ writes as followa:— "It is with great pleasure that I testify to the value of your great medioine, Paine's Celery Compound. For nearly two years I suffered from indigestion. kidney and liver troubles. After trying several medi- cines that did not effect a cure, I decided to try your Compound. Before using it I was so low in health that I could not eat or sleep. I could not lie in bed owing to pain in my back; it was only by resting on elbows and knees I was enabled to obtain a alight degree of ease. Before I had fully taken one bottle of your medicine I began to improve. I have now taken in all four- teen bottles with grand results. I am a farmer and am now working every day. Anyone may refer to me in regard to these statements, or to any of my neighbors around Sheffield, where I am well known. I am a living witness to the worth of Paine's Celery Compound." The proprietors of Paine's Celery Com- pound have on file thousands of such strong and convincing testimonials from the best people in Canada. No other medioine in the world could have met the requirements of Mr Smye, as Paine'e Celery Compound did. Suffer- ings such as Sir Smye endured are not conquered by the common sarsaparillas, nervines and pills that are presented to the public for all the ills of lite, Mr firaye had made a trial of the majority of these advertised remedies before he heard of Pain's Celery Compound, and they tailed to euro him. The moral taught by Mr Smye's experience, and the past testimony of thousands of, other people is, that kid- neyand liver trubles and indigestion can only be cared effectually by Paine's Celery Compound. The great medioine Paine's Celery Com- pound, is as far apart from the guesswork remedies advertised as blank is from white. In the judgment of able physician, the great medicine is the triumph of the century. They prescribe it for their pat- ients, and carry it home to their own fam- ilies. Paine's Celery Compound is an able medioal scientist's presoription; it is a pre- paration that combines all the most ap- proved ingredients that are so necessary for the making of pure and healthy blood and strong nerves. It keepa up perfect digestive aotion and vigor, thereby giving continued good -health and strength of body. If you are convinced that your condition of health demands the use of Paine's Cel- ery Compound, avoid substitutes and the "something just as good" that many deal - recommend for the sake of profit. SHREWD - BUYERS Watch the market and buy where they can obtain the best value. That is why so many people ate buying their Groceries from us. GIVE US YOUR ORDER. We guarantee every article we turn out, and deliver it with a nice„ turnout, OGLE COOPER & CO. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 28. ;NEAP Hardware and Tinware We are now back in our old store, and will from now give low prices on all kinds of Hardware and Tin ware. Give us a trial. HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, - - - CLINTON. oPElVEii OJT M64I% ! I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so generously extended to me in the past. The stock, which ie all of prime quality, and well assorted, has been bought by me at considerable reduction on cost, and my customers may rely upon getting the best goods at bottom prices, N. ROBSON, - Clinton. Seasonable' Goods 'ods Fancy' Oak, Mahogany and Rattan Rockers Upholstered in Brocatelle, Plush and Tapestry, to suit the purchaser. b a 0 m x CHAIRS 44 A A We sell them as cheap as possible, but they are Oo 'tD tC e O O p q d a made right. JOSEPH W. C H I DLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. *iter s113�c, .1,88 • When a baby cornea to tilc house real lrep- iness Coulee. Wets erld work and care and anelety count for lutist ing aggainst, the aoothly dainty, clinging touch of'the little hands and the sound of the little voice. The highest function given to hu- man beings is bring- ing healthy, happy children into the world. Nothing equals that — nothing com- pensates for the loss - of it. The woman h who has not borne a child as never come to the read fullness of womanhood. Over thirty years ago the needs of women ap- pealed to Dr. Pierce, now chief coti$ultine physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surg- ical Institre-e, of Buffalo, N. Y.. The result of his study improved by thirty years of practice is embodied in Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription. It serves but one pur- Ipose. It strengthens, purifies and makes healthy the organs distinctly feminine. It gives weak women the strength and health i necessary for the production of healthy 'Children and it makes the bearing of those Children easy. It is sure to cure any weak- ness or derangement peculiar, to women; stops pain soothes inflammation, strength- ens, purifies, invigorates. Thousands of homes have been made happy by its use. Thousands of letters like this one from bits. W. P. CAIN, of Clinton, Allegheny Co., ib., who writes : I was affected with all sorts of fe- ,gtitale trouble. I tried three doctors, and seven kinds of patent medicine, and found no relief. y husband said 'try Dr. Pierce's medicine.' told him I might as well throw his „Smiley in e fire as to try anything'more. I had lost all oPs,. Ilrast sox taken.more than half -a bottle, when I could eat and sleep well. I took four ibgttlea of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and itteverel vials of his ' Pellets.' One year atter I gove birth to a fine baby girl. I,ggot along So ;much better than when my other chtiilwas born. 'Three of my friends are taking your medicines, land are improving." Yours truly: ." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a too8 page doctor book, profusely illustrated, of which 68o,oco have been sold at $r.so a copy will :be sent FREE on receipt of sr cents to cover cus- toms and mailing only. World's Dispensary Med- jcal Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. From all over the World. The Southern Baptist convention, in session at Chattanooga, passed, by a large majority, resolutions condemn- ing the retentioi of church members who "make, sell or drink spirituous liquors, or rent their property for the use of liquor dealers." Ii.The Rhenish Mission, in Sumatra, is having great success. At tbe last re- port there were 6,000 candidates for baptism, l,000 of them being converts from Mohammedan(am. In a recent speech, Gov. Matthews, of Indiana, speaking of the duties of citizenship, said, "A Christian cannot afford to neglect doing his utmost to purify, protect and preserve inviolate the ballot box. He owes it as a duty to his God, his country, his family and self." At the closing session of the Congre- gational Association, held at Aurora, I11., resolutions were adopted, denounc- ing war as col ire.rye to the spirit of + ,... hria rrtl avoring arbitration of all international difficulties by a perma- nent international tribunal of arbitra- tion. More than one hundred prisoners, members of the Christian Endeavor Society in the Indiana State Prison, have been baptized by the chaplain. Son—Say, Pa, why do they put stones on the road in the summer? Father— Because they don't know enough to put gravel on in the fall. Son—Who made the law that gravel should be put on in June? Father—Those who know nothing about country roads, my on, and never have to travel over them. Son—Oh 1 PURELX YEGETAB.,E First the bud, then the blossom, then the fruit. These are the several stages of some of the moat important ingredients composing the painless and sure oorn cure —Putnam's Painless Corn Extraotor. The juices of planta greatly concentrated and purified, gutnu"and'bi laams in harmonious union, all combined give the grand results. Putnam'a , Extractor makes no sore spot, does not lay a man up for a week, but goes on quietlydoing its work until a perfect cure results.? Beware of acid substitutes. At a barn raising on the farm of Mr H. A. Reid, 8th line of Esquessing, on June 16, an accident occurred that may prove fatal to Mr Malcolm.McCal- iium, a promising young farmer.. Ev- erything wendwell until the top plates were being placed, and the ex • citement was high. The plate McCal- lum had charge of slipped, and he fell some twefftytflde feetAwlth l.he Plate cn top of him. Both his legs and one arm were broken, and his head crush- ed in. DOAN'S Kidney Pills first proved to the people that Kidney disease is curable, Being the original Kidney remedy id'pill form, the ,.cures they have made, and the fame they have attained have opened the way for a host of ti'Oue and substitutes, but those who have been oared ai - //KIDNEY Con9plaints through the use of this won- derful medioine, those whose lame back is n0W free from pain, those who now have alio headaches, those who have escaped from - the death grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease by the use of Doan's id>h)iy. PILLS h`r! bifid ones 'whose opinion f: luable. When Stores of sneh people come forward and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills tetrad them after other meat ileal it is evident that the only l' �ejr Ra *10 4, ti rinary theil, taint Beek, is ytuniber- i(tlliti I btat ted • 1,NBom 11 a ettlts':tw get' 1740i. r box Fox fill% by ItE, %LI: T()N ` `M'' SALT AS. A RPEMEPY. Tu the Editor of the Farmer's .Advooate. SIB, --.•Your paper lately contained paragraphs relating to the ravages of the wireworm, etc. My small'experi- ence may be of some use. I had seven and a hall' acres of oats on sod, dart plowed last fall aXtd art this spring. On he 20th of May I o served the crop failing, it then being a. out two inches high. On examining it I found that a dark blue grub about an inch long and the wireworm were the cause of it. One corner of the field they were just getting into. I plowed all up but one acre at this corner, and on this I sowed 600 lbs. of salt in two doses at an inter- val of two days. At this date (June 2nd) the oats are looking well and the ravages of the pests seem effectually stopped. M. 9Law. Huron Co. A Manitoba Government crop bul- letin issued on Thursday, gives the comparative acreage of wheat as fol- lows: 1894, 1,010,188 acres; 1895, 1,140,- 270 acres; 1896, 1,081,960 acres. The slight decrease is accounted for by the very bad weather during the seeding season. A serious accident occurred in W't midster on Tuesday, as a result of which one young map may lose his life. About a score Dung men from the immediate ood were engag- ed in erecting a new barn on the farm of Mr David Beattie, con. 3. The work was progressing finely, when a large chain, which had been used to secure a bent in position, broke, allow- ing tbe ponderous beam to fall with a crash. In falling it pinned Chas. Laid- law, a son of Mr Geo. Laidlaw, of con. 4, of the same township, crushing his body so cruelly as to break several ribs from his backbone, some of which pen- etrated his lungs. He suffered other internal injuries as well, and will pro- bably die. Another lad, George Beat- tie, was also injured, but escaped with a badly fractured lea and some bad bruises. He is the son of the owner of the barn. HAD HE KNOWN. WITH DR; AGNEw'S CUBE FOR THE HEART AT HAND, DEATH FROM HEART DISEASE IS IMPOSSIBLE. WONDERS OF THIS WORLD•FAMED PHYSICIAN'S CATARRHAL PONDER. Success has followed all of Dr. Agnew's speoifica. With all the emphasis possible, this is the case with his cure for the Heart. Its effectiveness is marvellous. The very paroxysms of death may seem to have seiz- ed the patient, and yet relief is secured with the taking of a single dose, and the continuation of the use of the remedy Boon cures the worst case of heart disease. George Crites, customs officer, Cornwall, says: " I was troubled with severe heart complaint for several years. The sligh- test excitement fatigued me. I was under dootor's.care for over six month I, being un- able to attend to my business. No relief Dame and it was only after I scarcely dar- ed to hope for cure that I used Dr. Agnew'e Cure for the Heart, and in a comparitively short time it removed the disease altogeth• ere" With careful, innate conservatism yet re- cognizing its benefits, the Rev. John Scott, D. D., Presbyterian minister of Hamilton, is only one of the several leading clergy- men in Canada who, having used Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder, has freely testi- fied over his signature as to its unquestion- ed benefits. It may be only a cold in the head, or the case may be a more aggrava- ted phase of catarrh, that has baffled oth er remedies, but this simple and. pleasant remedy will give relief in ten minutes, and entirely remove the difficulty. Sample bottle and blower sent by S.G.Detobon,44 Church at., Toronto, on receipt of roc in silver or Stamps. Sold by Watts dt'Co. Observations From the F.armer'a Advocate. LUCERN. Dropping in to see Mr H. N lford, of Holmesville, the other day, we were especially struck, with:`his3 pety, fine crop of Incern,.�wlaic1 his wvppas tting and feeding to his Cattle and �or'ses. At the time of our visit (May 30th) it was about two feet high on the aver- age, and Mr Elford, jr., informed us that they had been ending it since May Oth. The plot contained about four acres, about half of which had been cut, the remainder being about to be cut for hay. The earliest cut was growing up again very fast, and would soon be ready for a second cutting. The soil and *subsoil are gravelly loam. This plot was seeded in the spring of 1895 with bar ley, on land that had been in hoed crops in 1894. For the second year this is, we tbipk„fihei,beet,6;atand we have yet seen: • Fifteen -pounds of seed were put on (sown at same time as barley) seed falling in front of drill hoes and tbeni harrowed. ' Mr Elford gives his cows all the lucern they syill eat twice each day, and is well satisfied with results. He intends to stableis cows all summer during the day. His stable is a model of sweetness and cleanliness. With a clean stable, soil- ing crops, and housing during the day in hot weather, Mr Elford is on the way to sound success in dairying. He needs a Babcock milk tester yet to grade and weed his herd, and he in- teidi al-o`fia corniF soon. ' Mr Elford and family are most hospitable- and genial, and will be pleased to show strangers what, they are doing. • A HYDRAULIC RAM, For an outlay of $14 Mr J. W. Hill, of Summerhill, has a No. 4 hydraulic ram that is one of the completest ar- rangements for supplying water for farm use that we have yet seen. A drop of three teet from the spring to the ram constitutes the head, and with this head about li gals. of water per minute are raised to the dwelling- 'house—about a thirty feet lift. From this it tank is filled that supplies the stable, hog pen, etc. All the piping, dr'atns, tank, etc., cost Mr Hill about .$1O.. He knows how to build a water tank. His is first an ordinary 14 inch stave cistern (about five feet across and six deep) hooped. The whole is cover- ed with 2 -in. plank, which extends six Inches beyond the tank all around. A curb six Inches wide is put all arourd the outside bottom of the tank, and then boards up and down, leavf qq g a CI -in. air space, then twotarred paper all around, then another sheet- ing of inch stuff; a similar falsecover on top. Prost has no effect on the con - N children fry far r•. I C �1a tents. Sawdust filling is not to be compared to it, either in etlIciency or durability. Mr Hill has built a very neat little ebeeee factory ou his farm, that is completely equipped. His son, G. W. Hill, took a couree at Guelph Dairy School, in the winter seseion of 1895. In many ways we considered Mr Hill a utilizer of his advantages much beyond very many in the profession of dairy fanning. Nervous Prostration. Cured effectually by Scott's Sarsaparilla. Hie heart idea affected. ” Overwork as a student at college brought on an attack of nervous prostra- tion, says Mr. Gilbert, a railway missionary. " 1 was exceedingly ner- vous and if I exerted myself my hurt commenced to flutter violently, and I was warned that even ordinary exercise en- dangered my life. But thanks toScott's Sarsaparilla I feel better than I ever ex- pected to feel, for I can now address a meeting without effort, can walk a brisk pace for two hours or more without ex- haustion and am free from that distressing palpitation. In my work I have often - time recommended Scott's Sarsaparilla, and have seen may cases wn r its �le e effects have been most marked.' Scott's Sarsaparilla acts like magic in restoring shattered nerves because it re- builds the nerve centres. Nervous head- ache, nervous dyspepsia and all nerve derangements wear on the system. Scott's Sarsaparilla makes new blood and muscles and strong nerves. Of all drug- gists, $r per bottle. Dose front half !e one teaspoonful. The Magnet In Surgery. While the X rays are undoubtedly able accurately to locate a foreign body, such as a nexdle, imbedded in the flesh of the hand, yet they are powerless to remove it, but electricity is equal to the 000a- slon,and oilers means In the electromag- net of accomplishing this. A curious in stance of the removal of a needle by a magnet is reported from Cherryfield, life.. A woman pierced her hand by a needle, the eye going in first and the point breaking off, leaving a piece about three- quarters of an inch long imbedded in the flesh near tho thumb. A slight cut was made in the skin over the place where the fragment was located, and a powerful electro-rnagnot devised at the local electric light station applied. The attraction of the magnet for the steel needle drew it out at once, causing it to out its way through the flesh, broken end first. The magnet used was tem- porarily devised for the emergency, and oonsisted of an inch piece of soft iron about 1 foot long, wound with ordinary magnet wire, and attached to a 110 -volt circuit. A $a0 Laugh, A society girl, one of whose great at- tractions is a soft little musical laugh, entertained an interested group lately with an account of how that prominent charm of hers was acquired. "Very few persons have, as you all know," said she, "an agreeable laugh. I had simply nothing that could be called such in my possession. The lack made me seem grim and too far from merry to be a successful companion. So I took les- sons of an actor and learned the mechan- ism of forded laughter. This I practised and improved by myself till I had the art to perfection and it became second nature. It cost me $50 to buy my laugh, but I would not part with it for many thousands. You can't guess what a boon it is when the social atmosphere is full of ancient Joe Milerisrns." Getting a Snap. "I," the young man frankly admitted, "am looking for a snap." "Well," the elderly ono suggested, "if you have the ginger it ought to be easy to find some one with the dough." And a great silence fell lnaudiblY• A YEAR'S SUNSHINE Will Not Fade Garments Dyed with Diamond Dyes. No other method of home dyeing gives colors one-half so fast and beautiful as Diamond Dyes. The colors are fall, rich, bright and handsome, and so fast and flrm that e. year's sunshine will not cause them to fade. It is not so when garments and goods are dyed with the poor imitation dyes that many dealers sell for the sake of large profits. Goods colored with the crude dyes soon fade, and become dingy and ugly. It should be borne in mind, that the nommen dyes Dost the same price as the tested and popular Diamond Dyes, but cannot for a moment be compared wrtb them. If you would save money and time, put your trust at all times in the never -failing Diamond Dyes; the user is never disap_ pointed. Refuse inferior dyes offered by dealers, and insist upon having the "Dia- mond." Bishop Burns, of Qit'Appelle, is dead. kit is now reported that only three lives were saved of the 150 persons on board the Lit -fitted steamer Drummond Castle. TerYpersona from Little Falls were killed by the explosion of a boiler on the pleasure steamer Hon. Titus Sheard. Emulsion The cream of purest Norwegian cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, adapted to the weakest digestion. ,Almost as palatable as milk. Two Sixes—ea anti fund 11.00 AVMs 8 BOWNE. BeslIevtite, Onto The big fly -wheel o the engine in the B., O. d+ B. power -house at 8teney Creek, buret Friday morning, a piece of the wheel going through the roof, and another portion smashing through the floor. 1 esides the damage to the wheel and the building, the switch- board was injured. Power was ob- tained from the Street Railway Com- pany, until the H„ G. & B. Company got another engine running. Fortu- nately no one was injured. About $3,500 damage was done. DON'T WAIT .FOR THE SICK ROOM The experience of noreasens and the public brovee that taking soott'e Emulsion produces an immediate lacrosse in flesh: it is therefore of the highest value in west. ing Diseases and Consumption. aof- Self-Government for Boys. The training in oltizensnip and politi- cal methods was only less valuable than the training in practical thrift and in- dustrial economics. The several indus- trial classes were allowed to be repro • sented.in the two chambers of the Re- public's congress. Each industrial class Bleated one member of the House of Rep- resentatives for.every twelve persons, and elected one member of the Senate. Repre- sentatives were elected for a term of one week, and senators for a period of two weeks• Thus the experience of conducting an election was enjoyed eight or nine times in the course of the two months. The balloting was carried on in an ap- proved fashion, and so the members of Mr. George's little commonwealth ware prepared to understand not only what elections mean, but all about the con- duct and machinery of elections, the ne- cessity for pure and honest elections in a self-governing community, and the proper safeguards to protect the exercise of the elective franchise. -.-From " Vaca- tion Camps and Boys' Republics," by Albert Shaw, in May Review of Ba- viam- You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR OFF Bays the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No -To -Bao, the fam- ous tobacco habit mare. "We know of many oases cured by No -To -Bac, one, a promi- nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew- ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of toba000 makes him sick." No -To -Bao sold and guaran- teed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. LOST OR FAILING MANN00D, (Moral and Nervous DohNItr, Waimea of Body and Mind. Effects of Er moor Excesses in Old or Young. Robnst, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to en- large and Strengthen Weak, Undeelo of Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutelyy an - failing Home T1eat- Benefits In a 60 Mentestify from States and Foreign Cotmtries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex - planed= and proolk mailed (sealed) fie, , ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, 11.L.. Di-. TAF ?'S ASTHMALENE CURES ASTHMA so that you, need NOT SIT UP all nightgasping for breath for fear of snfiocatln-•• Send'your name and FREE addry- ,- ',ill mail trial bottle i, E OR 1: r`i BHOS., 186 ADELAIDE ST.. W. } , o d • TORONTO. ONT. 1 Ct E FITS! Mut hos s e„aet.r. aisr. sypr..►. Way Peet Offlas ultras. 0. a. 't00T Y.C. IN W. rd.lalde to Ont. ON -E GIVES RELIEF. R I P•A'N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Clinton Planing M#d-J —AND— DR.Y 8ILN! The enbscriber, baying the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men Is able to do work in hie line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NEAR O.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS MoKENZIIC You Want a Plouh.n r the Fleury Plow. It took tne medal at the World's Fair. Those who have used it not only like it, but say they don't want any other. It won't cost anything to look at it, and if I can sell you one yon'Il never regret it. — ALBERT SEELEY, General Blacksmith, Clinton. PLANTS! PLANTS! PLANTS ALL BINDS OF FLOWERS. Geraniums, Fasehias, Begonias. Annuals—Asters, Petunias, Verbenas, Stocks, oto. CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWERS, CELERY, About G00 boxes of Tomatees, many new kinds, each so Child's Picture Rock, New Imperial, Early Leader. Ruby end a number of others, all of which I will sell cheap. Call at the green- house, Huron Street, J. CUNINGHAME. THE DEAD SEA of California, or Mono L ke,. gives to the world what le known, as Nana hake eats a salt immune from tho'witersirn ly by evaporation, It it tk remedy and tore for Oatarrh, salt malt Ilandtrna, skin Messes.Ehettmatl Dyy�sspeptic, &e.— We: a package, or a 1a fratsert,apPlitio Ma to ALtielf-et WILSON Drug at,' fddy i sty Agents 03 (I1t to ' DR. SPINNEY & CO • The Old Reliable Specialists. 83 Years Experienoe rttestment of tbe Throat and Law 1�oaWs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, N.r.aas, Chronic and Special Dis- eases seinen and women: Lot'I odd restored—Kidney and Blad- der troubles permanent] eared—Gleet, Gonorrhop. Vertex:1eant stricture cured without No cutting. s Mot manse BI Diseases arra avau inYtai.� from the effects of b !Dili1�i at isdlseradoes, 14;1,711- ar ujilad with ysakaus, Nertoua trey diaaua al Ilia Modes le Oiik*f ti or- , •i, 1► hare. i ;•.4 poor � U NTSElitia.:1" \;;,‘„,, r ' _ diddle, F• ed M itetltasspaytlretlbk tions of timbta/der. often ed' a ltagaaek • l> w alt t aat:>rttet^or • wq n of aha dysta'm fa a ntle the It tNit+CxaaW irrn! icor glia •rhea K c'ie of this dlflenity Itnorantof the Cosa. -15. p *111,glWE*Mss$ - ofect cure ln, ail each cases sad healthy tesiorattes ef'tita ergs is:, a%11 Haff gibe. ho to amble to sill, as wnit. - It disk shit, ' ,, inb ieinseearlikexpress,wi •fell fns a,f0r usa.`.vlt[1 i �w ., Fr rh 0 at' nl , m Ii.; m►.rt d tfitut!il+:1M.I. . tied':, O ea.htlytrii: API' N i"tII 'RUvRO- 66'60.4400.t a y�� IH - yfi1 y��."` (s :i