The Clinton New Era, 1896-06-26, Page 6ig
Paris Green -- Stood the Test
NOTE -174 samples of Paris Green were collected and tested at the
Labratar'y Af the Inland Revenue Department at Ottawa last year.
One of the samples was supplied by us and when tested was found
genuine without any adulterant. We can supply you with the same
Green this year. Why use any other when you know ours is the
kind you want.
Pure in every respect. 25 cents a pound.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
Day by day the intelligent citizens of the County
of Huron are finding out that this is the
Cheapest and Best place to buy
We don't work on the old plan of big profits. SMALL PROFITS
is our motto. We are inaugurating a great June sale.
Read this list, it's worth your while
Henrietta Cloth, good colors, 38 in. wide, regular price 25c, the15cgreat June Sale price
Henrietta Cloth, specially good value, 40 finches wide, regular18c
price 30c, the great June Sale price
Ginghams, new patterns, heavy make, regular price 9c, the great 5c
June Sale price
Curling Tongs, the kind that's well made, regular price 10c, the 5c
great June Sale price
Tweeds, new patterns, very suitable for school wear, regular
price 35c, the great June Sale price
Printed Muslins and Challies, fast colors, pretty effects, regular
price 9c, the great June sale price 50
Boys' Suits -well made, good fit, regular price $1.75, the great
June Sale price $1.25
Men's Suits, very special at $4.50, $5.25, $6
Factory Cotton, 1 yard wide, regular price 5c, the great June
Sale price 2$e
(limit 10 yards to a person)
Brown Holland Linen, good quality, regular price 10c a yard,
the great June sale price 6C
Zephyrs, pretty effects in Pink, Blue, Mauve, Gray, &c. These
goods are worth 18c a yard, but during this great June sale 12ic
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs takers as Ca sb
We have something c
have something new to offer in
this week, having bought out a full line of
• Sample Parasols at 75c on the $. We
will sell you a nice one for less than cost.
Come and see them, there is a splendid
assortment and no two alike. Come quick
as they will not last long at our prices.
Are specialties this week.
Albert Street, Clinton.
stew aerttoc,nento
The cottage on Albert St., at present occupied
bon very easy subscriber, r o(a
le or to rent
terms* It contains 8rooms (with
bath room) o1 which there are three bed rooms,
There is bard and soft water, stabie deo. The
property le in en oxeellent condition, in one of
the befit situations in town, Posseeaion given
any time. Apply on the premises.
The ataterelyned offers to rent the splendid
farm ori tho Maitland Con„ oodetich Township
being lots 68,10 Ti, containing 1581 }ores, all in a
state of good ehic
nitivatign except 18 totes withal is
baph.,., Good brick hones and mit blritdles�%fi troll
motored, 2 scree fat Oroh�trd, convenient to
school and church. Thiele a rnbet desirable
Property for w pereon,, vilehtng• to rder good
frtrrrj, bribe A milts trete Olititonf anti Sl, rnile.i
trentgalmeitvilioI'Oneetinrnn Wee in the fail
<l jelly to MRS', JOBN Bi'DD, skit Wh. P. 0.
J `orterr'fi nine
11' boil Aib, 'hte, strawberi g festival
in cotnietltlori with • Rethef Sunday'
'' hoot on puttyeretilfi of islet« wok,
Idp1 'b . �ItI aucco5 ., �'f1t ,*(4tlfher
CuuRa .Nowee,--,Rev. J. A. ! aMil-
ton filled the appolutt,tents of Rev. Mr
Musgrave on Sunday� last and his
work was done by Mr Johnston, of
Walton, Revs, Fair and Millson gave
their parting addresses to their con-
on-fire ation on Sunday, there were sev-
eral present for the first time, especial-
ly at the moruing service; they will
remove to their new homes this week.
House RIDING A Wwwl?:I.,-Mr Dave
Crawford is the owner of a clever
horse. On Monday evening while in
the village here it mounted the wheel
of a buggy, but as there were no pad-
dies for its feet it could not ride well,
and the buggy was turned over in or-
der to get it off the wheel. There was
not much damage done to either the
horse or buggy.
PREACHING. -Mr Thos. Nott preach-
ed on the street corner on Sunday ev-
ening after the church services. Some
people think his preaching would take
better if he did not find so much fault
with the other denominations. He
should spend his strength calling sin-
ners to repentance. Go out into the
lanes and bye -ways and invite there
to come in, and let those who believe
they are serving the Lord alone.
NOTES. -The election passed off very
quietly here on Tuesday; there was a
very small vote polled, Mr McMillan
did not get quite his usual majority.
Miss Jennie McKenzie is, we regret to
say, laid up, and requires the services
of a doctor and nurse; Mrs A. Good-
win, of Clinton, is attending her. On
Thursday a goodly number obeyed
the order of the Mayor and observed
the holiday going to Bayfield, and
many more went in the spirit only, as
the body could not get. Your readers
will please not forget to come to this
place on the 1st to the picnic and also
the festival. There are not many
weeping over the fall of the Tupper
party; how are the mighty fallen; there
are some noble men amongst the slain.
From another correspondent
NOTES. -The Good Template wish to
announce to all absent members that
they have started a contest which
promises to be a success; come one,
come all and take part in it. Miss A.
Crisp has been on the sick list since
attending the Grand Lodge at Toronto.
PRESENTATION. -Rev, Mr Millson
has taken a very active part in looking
after the spiritual welfare of the young
men connected with the Londesboro
church, and the young men showed
their appreciation of his labors on Sat-
urday evening by presenting him with
a beautiful gold watch and chain, the
watch bearing a suitable inscription,
and accompanied by the following ad-
CIIRrsT.—AB you are so shortly to remove to a
new field of labor for the Master, we as mem-
bers of the Young Men's Mutual we,
Association of Londesboro, feel that we cannot
allow yon to depart from amongst ue without
in some tangible way expressing our apprecia-
tion of your labors on this appointment, and
for the friendly interest shown by you on our
behalf, and we would ask you to accept the
accompanying watch and chain, not so much
for its intrinsic value, but as a slight token of
the love and esteem in which you are held by
us, and as we have, during the short term of
your stay amongst us, ever found iq you a
kind, faithful adviser, devoted not onlyto our
interests, but to the interests of the church of
your choice. Wo trust and pray that although
we must part that God's blessing may ever rest
upon you, and that His presence with you each
day may cause your pathway to grow brighter
and brighter, until when called by our heaven-
ly Father it will end in the perfect day of His
favor, and that our friendship began in time
will continue throughout eternity is the de-
sire of us all. Signed in behalf of the Y. M M.
P. A.
JAB WOODMAN, Chairman of Committee;
Trios. MILLER, Vice Pres. of Society;
GEO. E. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
Mr Millson was completely taken by
surprise, but expressed his hearty
thanks for the gift. What he had
done was simply to promote the spirit-
ual welfare of the young men, and if
he had succeeded in so doing, he felt
amply repaid therefor.
was all that could be desired. The lad-
ies done their part in their usual good
nat.nred way. The program consisted
of songs; recitations, and instrumental
music. One solo, worthy of mention
as an old and pathetic one, Over the
Hills to the Poor House, rendered by
Mr E.O. Potter, was much appreciated.
•The chairman, though evidently feel-
ing a little out of place, cracked the
joke with the young people, that the
longest way round was the sweetest
way home. Proceeds amounted to
about $23.
NOTES.- On Friday evening,June 19,
Zion Sunday school held their picnic in
Mr D. Cox's grove. Elections over,
work has commenced again. A great
many went to Goderich and Clinton to
hear the election returns, many not re-
turning until after daybreak.
Ontucsit Si ..-The cheese factory
here delivered at Clinton, on Friday.
50 boxes of May�cheese, which had
been bolts ,to MrBibbertr of Montreal
itt 77c pet ib. .This i1 coneidered a good
SHEEP KILLED. -During the storm
of Saturday night, Mr Thos. Carbert,
jr., had seven sheep killed by lightning.
ACCIDENT. -Mr John $u hes nar-
rowly escaped what might have been
a bad accident, on Saturday night.
He was out to town, and on his return
home one of the wheels came off bis
waggon, thus pitching him out. For-
tunately he did not get hurt, but being
the time of the storm he got a good
BARN BIJRNED.—At about six o'clock
on Sunday morning a barn on the farm
of Mr Ben Churchill) gravel road, was
discovered to be on fire, and was en-
tirely destroyed with its contents.
There was a threshing machine in the
barn, belonging to Isaac Brownlee, a
new binder, and other implements,
etc , all of which were destroyed.
There was an insurance of about $500
on the barn and contents, which will
not begin to cover the loss. The ori-
gin of the fire is unknown.
WEDDING.- A happy event took
place in this township, on the after-
noon of the 17th inst., at the residence
of Mr James Reid, when his only
daughter, Mary A., was married to
Mr VVm R. Sanderson. The ceremony
was per formed in the presep:;iofa
large number of guests, by Revs: A,.
Hamilton. The bride was supported -
by Mise Anna I. Watt, and the groom
by his brother ,John. After the tables
bad been considerably lightened of
their weight of good things, a soebtl
evening was spent. The good wishes
of all went with the newly wedded
pair to their future home in the town-
ship, the young couple being Justly
popular and highly esteemed.
NOTES.—Miss tiertie Farnham re-
turned home this week, after aper ding
a month with friends Si Kingston.
Miss R. C. Richardson, former reacher
of S. 8. No. 4, is visiting friends in this
vicinity. Mr Crawford has almost
completed the stone work of Mr James
Caldwell's harp. Messrs Haywood &
Prior, bricklayers, are busily engaged
building the hotise of Mr Thos. For -
service. Mr L. Farnham, who was a
delegate to the Grand Lurige of I.0 G.
T., in Toronto lastweek, rvturred
home Saturday evening. The Kin -
burn Methodist church was thronged
with people ,in Sunday evening, to
hear the farewell sermon of Mr W.
Millson, which was ably delivered from
1 C,tr. 1, 1-2. Miss Turnbull, teacher
of S. S. No. 4, and Miss L. Hoek, spent
n couple of days recently at the home
of the former, near Walton. Miss E.
Cartwright, having secured a Si' coition
near London, left for the city it short
time ago. Mr D. Robb, Iispector, vis-
ited No. 4 school on Monday last. Mrs
W. Arg nt,, of Clinton, spent fait week
at the C ine of her father, Mr 3. Cat t -
Wright. Misses Mary and Eva Hun.
ter, of etrolt, are at present visiting
at the parental residence. Remember
the picnic of S. S. No. 4, Friday, June
26t i r Mr Allison is now (fleeting the
'h s se of Mr Meows Adatills.
(Front an oocasfooOl corrpaponeeet.
Nores,-A number of�young people
frohere attended the Harlot* picnic,
and report having had a good time.
The jubilee, held under the ems -
pious of the Ladies' ,Aid of this place,
we are sorry to say, was poorly at-
tended, owing, no doubt, to so many
other like gatherings that are being
held at this time; an excellent supply
of good things was provided by the
ladies none of which, we are pleased to
say,went to waste; as the words of our
Saviour, when he said "The poor ye
have always with you," are as true to-
day as when uttered, eighteen hundred
years ago; Rev Mr Bond, of Seaforth
gave a very profitable address, as did
also Rev Mr Fair, our esteemed pastor,
and those who failed to attend missed
a pleasant time. Mies Mary McCully
and sister have been visiting friends in
Blanshard this week.
VIsITORs.—Misses Maggie and Liz-
zie Falconer were visiting a few days
in Stanley; they were the guests of Mr
John Gilmour. Mr Duncan McGregor,
of Harrisville, Mich,, spent a few days
this week among old friends and ac-
quaintances; he is a brother of Messrs
Peter and Hugh McGregor, and thinks
this is one of the finest agricultural
countries the sun shines on.
Lessem BARN. - The large frarne
barn belonging to Mr John Moffatt
was placed upon its stone foundation
last week; this will be a fine building
when completed, Mr John Butchart
is also busy with an addition to his
BActc--Mrs Geo. Stewart, who left
here four months ago, and who has
been in Middlesex for the past month,
where her numerous brothers and sis-
te^s reside, has returned. She reports
having a very pleasant trip in all, and
also reports great appearance of crops
in that locality.
LEAVING, -On Sunday evening a
large congregation gathered in the
Methodist church to hear Rev Mt Bug -
gin's farewell sermon. On Wednesday
evening an At Home was held in the
Methodist parsonage. Mr Buggin
leaves on Saturday for Wallacebur ,
his new appointment. While here Mr
and Mrs Buggin have , made many
friends, whose best wishes follow them
to their new pastorate.
NOTES. -Messrs P. and F, Bradwin
and Loyd, of Wingham, spent Sunday
in town with friends. Mrs Palmer is
Mrs Ashbury's guest at present. Mr
Joseph Carter, who has been on an ex-
tended business trip east, returned
home Tuesday morning. Those who
would not be left must make a five
minutes earlier start in the morning;
the change in time is as follows: train
no. 1, south, 6.56; no. 1, north, 11.41; no
2, south, 3.48; no change in the even-
ing. Mr D. McKellar returned on
Tuesday, after An absence of several
weeks, and is preparing to move his
family to .Strathroy. Among the
faithful who gathered in an Tuesday,
we noticed A. R. Allen and Wm.Cash,
Goderich; Geo. McElroy, Woodstock;
Jno. Ballantyne, Sault Ste. Marie; A.
Scott, Birr; and a number of others.
Mrs Beattie, Seaforth, was a guest at
the Methodist parsonage last week.
Mrs Robert Symonds, for many years
a resident of Blyth, now of Buffalo,
was last week the guest of Mrs N. H.
McElroy. Dr Milne was last week
confined to the house for a day or two
by an attack of measles. Mr George
Cade, for a year or two connected
with the Standard staff, left on Satur-
day for his borne in Guelph, owing to
ill -health,
MINISTERIAL, -Rey Mr Rigsby as-
sumes the pastorate of the Methodist
church here next Sunday. Concern-
ing his departure from London the
Free Press says :-"That Rev Walter
Rigsby is popular with the congrega-
tion of Colborne street Methodist
church -and deservedly so -was amply
attested by the large gathering which
packed the capacious lecture room last
evening, to bid farewell to their retir-
ing pastor. Rev Mr Rigsoy has labored
successfully and well at Colborne street
for two years past, and during that
period has endeared himself to all
those who have the welfare' of the
church at heart. Addresses, highly
eulogi=tic cf T'.sv Mr Rigsby, were de-
livered by Revs E. B. Lancely and B.
Clement and Mr Wm. Bowman, But
the most interesting feature of the
evening came when Dr Swan stepped
forward, and, on behalf of the congre-
gation, read an address and presented
him with a purse of $50. Miss Maud
Rigsby, who has been indefatigable in
Sunday school and other departments
of church work, was presented with a
magnificent bouquet by the young la-
dies of the congregation, and Master
Ted Rigsby received a picture of his
Sunday school class at the hands of his
If You step
Inside .
A pile of Crepons, washing . 5c
Another pile washing Ginghams 50
Wash Goods in great quantities.
Surprising demand for our Shot
Silks at - - - - 25c
Laces are in great demand, all
Colors, widths and patterns.
West Wawanosh.
NOTES. -Rev. Jas. Wilson, of Nia-
gara south, epent part of this week
here visiting friends on the 6th con.
Tnckersm i th.
Ncrms.- O Saturday last a large
number of the -West Enders picnicked
Bayfield. 1l1Fs� Alien, of Clinton,
and Miss Shannon,'of London, tvere
the guests df bite F. LS,,ton this Week.
Rev. Mr Mitigate preach
sermon at Turner's appo{n.intent on
Sunday last. ,_...-
CouNcIL.- A short meeting was
held at Kyle's Hotel on Monday, June
22. as per adjournment. Mr D. McIn-
tosh, of Brucefield, tendered his resig-
nation as pathmaster of divistgn 83, on
account of pressure from other busi-
ness. Mr Joseph Robinson was ap-
pointed as his successor. Anumher of
ncenrints were passed for payment,
amounting to $149.94, which includes
an item of $50 for grading the Kippen
mad. The next meeting will he held
at. Daly's Efotel, on Monday, August
Stet, at 10 c'clock. -A. G. SMTLLIE,
his farewell
DR. BRUCE, Dentis', will bo at Swartz's
Hotel, 13ay el 1. every Thursday a'tirnoon until
futtber nott'e,
PERsoNAL.-The Chicago Canadian -
American says: -"Mrs J. McAllister
and son, of this city, have gone to Bay-
field, Ont., where Mrs' McAllister's
mother, Mre Colloday, lies very ill,"
During July and August this store will close
at 6 o'clock every evening except Saturday.
Ooderieb Township
rAnnt SOL1b.Mr Hetirt Obok hap
sold,, his 'Min ..of 10qacres, Haron road,
and`aleehts80"acre farmed the 12th Con,
to Oilbet't Malr, lot, the stun of $41,900.
Will be pleased when she
sees both you and her
boy in one of our Sum-
mer Suits.
Of course you can at our
little prices.
You should see the nice
lines of gray and brown
Sack, Suit&._ eft r -tfl-
Child's and Boys Suits,
neat and nobby, well cut,
well made and well wear-
ing at $2 to $5,p -
Fill sizes attia, vail
grades and patted'
that you
Hay Forks
- Turnip -Hoes--
Bug Finish
Paris Green
Ready Mixed Paints
Carriage Top Enamel
Ragan Harness Oil
11 all the above at
ci'e prices.