HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-06-26, Page 1tri IONS; I'he'result of the •eleotions ,molt be gretifying,indeed to ,every upholder of religious liberty, every believer in bet tet•'govertlruent, every than who looks for tirtie true development and progress :ef the ootu ,try. • To convex t a Oonser- vativ'eority of.30 or g4 into a Libe- ral Lnajority of at. least 25, and perhaps amore, ;bras a surprising charism, and ehaws tuttniotakeably that the people ..hre tired of the preeont state of attars. Tho, Conservrtives had the miefor- tun'e of •eutering a.campaign with roken branks; their internal quarrels triad Made such divisions that union bgslueve relieif tte ad netothe coun yyuderh "'.lead 'Of . Meekenzie Bowell instead of Sir` Chafed, Tripper, they would have fared he ter. The latter was undoubt- edly a strong man, in a political sense, but. be was eo thoroughly overbearing and eggtiettic that even his own fol- lowere•were dissatisfied with him. On the other hand the Liberals were never marc united; there was n hand ternal strife, with them;, d abundant and abiding confidence in their leader; they regarded him as a man nil Whom.they could place implicit dependence, -and above all, they real- ized thht he was fighting .for the"prin- cXple�., ,of religious freedom, as lead- ing plank in his platform. The following is the vote as Correct - Can be.got_at.tha t1menf going to �pcess:-- , rgvince Lib. Con. Ind. Ontario44 40 7 Quebec ' 47 17 1 11 9 ., -N0.17; 7Brimwick ,,a 5 8 Prtn'eeEdwa`rdieland3' 3 1 Manitoba Northwest Territories3 1 British Columbia 4 2 .. '' Totals 120 80 12 Algoma will not vote till next week, butas it has invariably stood in with the Government of the day, and a Laurier Administration being now certain, the Liberal candidate will doubtless be elected. The total ma- Xity against Tupperism in the new se, will be at least 49. Not count - ;c -Patron or Independent on his n' i e= -and on the great questions at i'fir ' igsue the greater portion of these will vote with the Liberals — Hon. Mr Laurier will have close on 40 of a ma- jority --plenty large enough to carry on the business of the country. The cities stood up for Liberalism and good Government in a marked manner, excepting London, where Mr :Hyman is defeated by alleged crook- edness, and Winnipeg, where Hugh John McDonald was elected. There were gains for the Liberals in Halifax, Hamilton (two seats,) Center Toronto, Montreal (four seats), Ottawa two seats); Kingston, Quebec city (three seilts,) and St. John, N.B., (two seats.) The Liberal victory in Hamilton is particularly significant, for the Liber- als had to fight against two govern- ment candidates, and two Liberals as well, who were running on the temper- - ance ticket. The sneering remark can no longer be made that the great cen- ters of trade and commerce are against the Liberal party. " Nova Scotia, the home of the Top- pers, gave the elder Sir Charles his answer. le ' told us that he would sweep it. The result is a great Liber- al victory. In 1891, there were 16 Con- servatives and 5 Liberals in the Nova Scotia contingent. In the House which assembles at Ottawa on July 16 there will be 12 Liberals and 8 Conser- vatives. Hon. Mr Fraser, Hon. Mr Mcisaac, and Hon. Mr Longley will prove ae leaders from Nova Scotia. In Sp Brant Mr Paterson, the i+ ppopul - i, beral, was defeated. In Bothwell»«rthe Hon. David Mills, ex- Liberal.M'itister of the Interior, gives place to'11'ir Clancy, formerly in the Local House. Mr Danes, Liberal, was defeated •in South Wellington. Mr Grieves, Liberal, defeated in North Perth by Mr McLaren, the prominent cheesenlan, while Mr Erb, Liberal, de- feated the late member Pridham, in • South Perth. In East Lambton it was at first said Mr Frazer, brother of T. Frazer, Stanley, was elected, but it is in doubt; possibly with Fraser yet elected. Messrs Tarte and Marten are also among the prominent Liberals defeated, while four Cabinet Ministers Angers, Taillon, Desjardine and Dick- ey, were beaten, as was also the notor- ious J.C.Rykert. In Waterloo Mr Bow- man, Liberal member, was defeated by Mr Seagram, distiller, a man said to be very popular with all classes. The el- ection of a Liberal in Toronto marks a new era in the history of that city .-Noyalecotia, • ROBERT HOLMES,Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., JUNE 26, 1896 • $1 a year in advance $1.50 when not ao paid LAURIFtZ IS VICTORIOUS The . Dominion comes back to Liberalism, with a majority of at least 25. Four Cabinet Ministers and the Speaker defeated. Winnipeg elects Hugh John. and London defeats Hyman. Prominent Liberals beaten. Heron returns three Liberals. Quebec solid for Laurier; THE HURONS The three seats in this county stand true to Liberalism. In the North Rid- ing the old member, Dr,t, McDonald, has been re-elected by a substantial majority 100; it wasnever expected that. it Would be otherwise, notwithstand- ing the boasts of the papers. In fact We have reason to believe that the Conservative candidate only felt a half-hearted interest in the campaign, because of the strong opposition he had in the late member. °In South Huron either the Liberal vote Wag not polled, or else Mr Hays developed unexpected A,$trength; we have not yet the figures for the rid- ing, bat the reported majority of 860 for Mr McMillan is not what be should have in a hive, of this nature. How - vett. We ate not • going to find fault with even so substantial a majority as this. Vest Huron, always strong fight- • ing ground, , was where an unusual contest'toolt place. For the first time in its history it experienced a three - cornered Contest. In the person of Mr Cameron the Liberals had the strong- est possible candidate they could get, and they believed in their ability to elect him, even If the contest had been narrowed to two catldidates. When Mr tufty entered the "field as an inde- pendent candidate,, ananifested his determination to ,find.tght to the end, it was•atonce.eyident that the Conon. (Jonear- vtttive chances•.'of winning Were re' duced. Mr Kilt fought a plucky cin le handed. iigbt; and without or - 1101000 r- g"sn ration, polled al�ood vote, but not su stent to save llis deposit; in the aloft time that,he' was: in the field he certainly made a, good many friends who adnbired hie( oratory an personal vlrtdes`,,ev�en if ;they did not.siipp hili b .their votes.• 2r , cLean' prod - . his ;� ' �e �lt"etrrit►ger Crinddate thl�rl A'. t�fi ial ttha.t t CX4� 1 e n deih o u h£ h l . b o l d , o td,VAlyeex tt1on at that Went ttfud'ted, nd tbo he • sued did; lsan� }Wtl llitgtbn , •Q.enp#; . ► . o. . E 9 ttfi1 the, dnoyr �iht oratWtbn AtilC i1e afi.147 illl$� liii toe softs;: ' otit, �,.....r.; tt1� llltlb +� :v lett: e r'o�o�. . 'Tile'. i�46i4r 3ork 3is»err*►rf►tllctiir�s+r4 .lfi a QUEBEC. cellent fight, and feel pleased that a 1 majority of 317 stands to the credit of Argenteuil .Dr. Christie 100 Mr Cameron. The Conservatives be- Beauce Dr, Godbout 156 lieve that if Mr Kilty bad been out of Bellechasse .0. E. Talbot 800 the way they would have been sue- Bonechass re ....—Fauvel 807 cessful, but this is by no means cer- Berthier C Beausoleil, Acol tain, as Mr Kitty pulled votes from j the Liberal party as well as from the 1 Brome .A. S. Fisher 275 Conservatives though likely more Chamblyand from the latter'ithan the former. I Vercheres. 1 C. A. Geoffrion .... 800 1 Charlevoix .Chas. Angers 50 Chateauguay ....J. P. Brown 400 ..I Chicoutimi and i V Savard b..,"uenay Dorchester:,.Dr Vaillancourt Drummond anal' J Lavergne 500 Arthabaska ... j Gaspe R Lemieux . Z..f,_,.... `t' Hochelaga J A C Madore 400 Huntingdon ......Julius Seri ver Joliette . ..Chas Bazinet Kamouraska.....0 Carroll Labelle H Bourasia Laprairie and 'i D Monette apierville.... Laval Thos Fortin Levis Emile Guay Lotbiniere Dr Rin fret Masoinneuve R Prefontaine ...... 200 IMaskinonge J H. Legris 270 Megantic G. Turcotte 500 Mlsstsquoi.......D 13 Meigs 240 Montmagny P. A. Choquette 200 800 2 200 110 460 400 .( Montmorency ...Hon C Langelier .... Montreal— St Jacques...0 ,..esmarats StLaurtent .E G Penny 680 St Marie Ald. Dupre Portnenf.... j Hou H 0 Joly de l Lotbiniere 145 ONTARIO. Quebec 0........F Langelier B ant N. and Quebec E Hon W Laurier 2260 Wentworth ... Jas. Somerville.... 490 Quebec County ..Chas Fitzpatrick 200 Durham W Robert Belth 40 Renville .... L P Brodeur 999 Elgin W Geo E Casey 520 Richelieu A A Brnneau 184 Essex Wm McGregor250 Bt. Hyaki .Dr Fiset 105 Essex $ M K Cowan 1St. Hyacinthe ...M E Bernier, scot. Grey N John Clark 80 St. John's and j F Bechard 517 Grey 3 Dr Landerkln 600 1 lberville j Hamilton T H Macpherson .... 451 Shefford C H Parmelee 100 lton Dr Bourbonnais..... 400 A T Wood Soulanges HON. WILFRID LAURIER. REFORMERS ELECTED. EnnD1 ron E Dr P Macdonald .... yemisconata E Pouliot riv. Mountains_ .T A C l+:rhier nron $ John McMillan $' Karon W M 0 Cameron 't Hastings E. J M Harley 441 Kent Arch Campbell 880 Kingston B M Britton 176 Lambton E John Fraser 114 Lambton W Jae Lister 114 Leeds, Grenville.F T Frost 17 Lincoln&NiagaraWm Gibson... 200 Middlesex $. M. McGugan 800 Middlesex W.... W. S. Calvert 860 Mnekokaand Parry Bound.. W. H. Pratt. 444 erfolk, N John Charlton • 570 Ontsrio.13 L. Burnett 215 Onttirto W Jas. D. Edgar 868 Ottawa City ....N. A. Belcourt 509 Ottawa City Win. Hutchinson.... 286 Jas. Sutherland 909 Sir R. Cartwright 550 Jos. Featherston.... 800 D. K. Erb 84 Peterborough E.John Lang 400 Prescott J Pronlx 28 Renfrew N Thos Mackie"... 55 tcsell W 0 Edw ar ds..s+. ss 600 0 Toronto d'..kWfi taunt ...7..0.. 80 Vfn orisS ......»Geo McHugh .. .. r 60 Waterloo, 8 Jas Livingston .;* i.00ta 100 bath 84 hbn%aemot .i..... 89 �' ntw .< e �C Oxford, N Oittord, S Peel Perth 8 Vandreail .. Wright -18 H S Harwood 850 C R Devlin 800 Yamaska Dr Mignault MANITOBA ,!►ND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Alberta Frank Oliver 89 Assinibola E....Rev. Dr. Douglas800 Ltsgar R L Richardson Macdonald Dr J G Rutherford... Marquette J H Ashdown........ Saskatchewan.. Hon W Laurier Salk irk J A Macdonell.. NEW BRUNSWICK. King's Col Jas Domville.... 400 St, Johtr (City) John V Ellis 600 St John County .J J Tooker 000 Westmoreland ..0 W Robinson 15 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. King's Dr McIntyre Prince E - John Yeo Queen's W L EI Davies 827 NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis... ...J W Longley .....• 140 C M clsas;a .Han P nibh... Anti a g L• t7utnbeilaud....I#'T Logan ,..... S Copp Diglijr�f...... , e•�... Gtiyabotough; D,C Fraser ..» I alif ►x..`: .: •II nssbli...i. atth.. rrlsll4+c)�S1dy.•::r: ,. 1 Inverness King's Dr McLennan Dr Borden Shelburne and F G Forbes Queen's Yarmouth T B Flint 56 640 BRITISH COLUMBL1, l3urrard Geo. R. Maxwell... Vancouverlsla'd.W W B McInnes.... New Westmin- f Aulay Morrison.... ster tsrooe, w — -"J4' in Toot - -- Cardwell W Stubbs l'rontenee D ,Rogers 'rinse Edward..W V Petit Quebec W R R Doboll ......... • simcoe N Dalton McCarthy. • .. 812 Toronto E 3 Rose Robertson....1614, York W N 0 Wallace THE SUMMARY. Conservative . 00 Liberal ..........118 Independent. 10 The Toronto Mail summarize the re- sult as follows: Coneervetive, 88; Lib- eral, 112; Independent, 4; Patron, 1. 1 . Tho Toronto Globe summarizes the re -1 sult as follows: Conservative; 82; Lib- eral, 118; Independent,0; Patron, 8. _ - T .4T 808 noel Beauharnois ....J. G. H. Bergeron.... 16 Champlain Dr. Marcotte Compton .R Pope 500 Jacques Cartier .F D Monck 220 L'Assomption...H Jeannotte L'Islet J A Dionne 202 Montcalm L Dugas Montreal— St Anne J F Quinn ▪ St Antoine ..Dr T G Roddick Nicolet F Boisvert Pontiac W J Poupore Richmond and Wolfe C C Cleveland Sherbrooke Hon W B Ives Stanstead A H Moore 500 Three Rivers and i Sir A P Caron 800 St Maurice .... f Terrhonne A Chauvin -MANITOBA AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Provencher C C LaRiviere Winnipeg .HJ Macdonald NOVA SCOTIA. Cape Breton Sir C Tupper ... Cape Breton H F McDougall Colchester W D Dimock 800 Halifax R L Borden 816 Lunenburg C E Kaulbach 122 Picton Sir C H Tupper Pictou A C Bell Richmond J A Gillies 90 Victoria Dr Bethune 100 NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert Dr. Weldon Carleton F H Hale Charlotte G W Ganong Gloucester T )3lanohard Kent ,.,..G V McInerney NorthnmberlaudJames Robinson 510 Queen's and } Sudbury R D Wilmot Restigonche McAllister 81 Victoria .John 0ostigan York Hon G E Foster 1100 800 ( PRINCE 'EDWARD ISLAND. 8 Prince W Hackett 150 Queen's E Alex Martin ...•• 600-- • BRITISH COLUMBIA. 150 Victoria .Ool Prior BIB CHARLES TUPPER, BART. CONSERYATIYES ELECTED. Addington John W. Bell 000 Bothwell ........James Clancy Brant, S Robert Henry 200 Brockville Hon. J. F. Wood.... 227 Bruce E H. Cargill 207 Brune, N A. McNeill Carleton W. T. Hodgins Oornwall and i Dr Bergin Stormont Dundas A Broder Durham E T D Craig Elgin E. A B Ingram s 181 WEST HURON (RETURNS - Cameron Kitty • McLean Ashfield No 1..•.48- - 47......55 2. 55 7.. ...552....55 57 27 3....37 42 47 4....78 10 49 5....85 12 22 O.. 127 9 18 430 1771st' 218 Colborne 7....65 44 23 8 ....279 ....52 1 56 9....52 ,. 73 28 10..._53.. 10 28 197 128 I35 Clinton 11..,.85 15 51 12 ....73 7 58 13.. .57 18 5861 14....54 249 46 228 GoderichTplS....37 19 78 16....34 16 60 17....32... 6 92 19. ..31 ..33 176 143 301 Goderich 20....44 7 61 21....49 2 ..49 22....41 6 50 23....46 4 29 24....47 3 39 25....56 5 57 26....22........ 9 25 887 108 Glengarry R R McLennan Grenville Dr Reid Grey E . Dr Sproule 660 Haldimand,Monck,Dr Montagne 500 Halton David Henderson ... . Hastings W Harry Corby Hastings N A W Carscallen Lanark N B Rosamond 200 Lanark 8 J 0 Haggett .......... Leeds 8 George Taylor 98 Lennox Vriah Wilson. 200 London Thomas Beattie 111 Middlesex E Chas. Gilmour 800 Middlesex N W. ld. Hutchins 185 Nipissieg James 13. Klock 900 Norfolk 3 Col. I). Tisdale 278 Northnmber'd E.E. Cochrane'. 200 Northumber'd W. Geo. Gfuillet 160 Ontario N jaa: McGillivray.... Perth N • Ala F MaoLaren .... 66 Peterborough WJatrtes Kendry dM Renfrew, 8 John Ferguson 800 Simcoe E W 11 Bennett , 400 Simcoe, 9 Ool Tyrwhitt 879 Toronto W E P Clarke 461 Toronto W ......E 13 Osler i.,........'0*1 Victoria N Samuel Anghes....:. 16. . 200: Waterloo 1� oJ,yl�$tia ram•.:....,. Wats 1? Welland....., Wm McOlearl+.w4,4,4, v _elli'n�'ton18eiit+ihltlii fir......rICS: � ll; 4 p ., . 134il 1.......4»..1..4 iirjblY4ri cl Victoria .Thos Earle DALTOX lldo0AOTH'5C, Q.0, htilgtUdfaaW.1 DIS4cnib..z•..,..0 �� $rahrlii11 j , ,,t'larthi -38 .310 W.Wa'nsh 27....40 28 28 28....53 43 58 29....64 15 57 30....73 19 19 230 105 162 E. Wawnsh 31....67 38 23 32....71 16 85 33....63 6 36 34....52 8 33 253 68 157 Totals 1837 703 1520 Majority for Cameron 317 EAST HURON RETURNS. Below will be found the full returns for the election contest in East Huron, between Dr. McDonald and Mr Dickinson, and also the figures for the election of 1891, between Macdonald and Holmes. McDonald Dickinson MoD H Blyth 'No. 1 68 59 58 57 2 44 43 44 43 102 102 102' 100 Brussels 3 78 54 89 58 4 75 53 79 64 152 107 168 122 Grey 6 72 88 69 50 6.... 113 64 108 • 67 7 91 31 91 36 8 63 25 59 29 9 86 71 77 66 10 96 47 72 62 64 100 57 92 63 92 64 62 59 116 61 101 106 70 84 79 92 71 79 —64 `66 — 572 898 484 61 07 58 ' 50 71 48 • 70 59 29 84 78 76 a , 74 64 77,; •••.' Howick 11 12 13 14 64 15.... 104 16 52 — 406 Morris 17 66 18 81 19 52 20 80 21 77 856 889 Turnberry 22.... _68 68 61 28.... 125 74 24 95 84 Winghanb 25 20 27 28.,. Wroxeter 29 Recapitulation— Blyth • 102 102 Brussels 152 107 Grey 520 276 Howiek 406 572 Morris 356 889 Tasnberry ... Wrngham Wroxeter 889 8X,0•r." 63 52 117 68 97 `/2.. 283 277 187 48 43 49 83 46 17.;.e,F 48 87 55 ,68 69 , 94 70 58 192 268195 179 68 41 62 87 • 219 64 41 64 102 100, ,ii 188 122, ''• 496 810 898 484 889 810 .288 219 277 187 192 288 196 177 ;.w 68 41 • 62 89 `s ' 2079 1919 2037 129 Majority for Macdonald in 1896, 160; in 1891, 808. It is ,expected ,Sir Charles Tupper will promptly tender, 'tis resignation to His Eacel1enC Ottawa for the fire£inne in 22 year's has gone back on the C"onser tatiVe} party by returning two Liborate `,. Mr iaurier's ma ority of 2250 in.,' Q11ebec i the second largest on thelletr Clarke Wallace heading the list with about 8,500, Tivo hours after the polls open' itt Wintlipeg a great sensation was; e, iib- . ed the announcementthat.ah. ire y, o lilt d visibnea ,the deputy , ol• theo$ l 1. . . '' °tib of eld rear b fl�a r� .h u et r. � l� ,.For hear • er 80 the.e a ilii• .et'orloltitik; , (cove' there `: r de ria ritf4fm�.hd taNlke to inva idato,the election. ed ;y,