HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-06-05, Page 5its.. .111%1 .iiltrN" ti uari :41 N�! ad O . ,. re , trop, 209 t:l ir4. 0 plc stet, leo -bur, 20q .sok, with . $ . .. Collar Rotten, S Stud8 ripe lurk cull' r,Et,tOile;; 2lk WATCH MAKER, JEWELER., NQMA O' • eaciache Cure A vet y simple but effectual cure for all kinds of headaches. Does not dontatn opium, chloral, morphine, antipyrine`or any dangerous drug. Easy to take, as each powder is inclosed in rice paper, which has only to be softened in a little water, when it may be swallowed with ease. Leaves no disagreeable taste. Put up 12 Wafers in a box. 25cts per box. J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton. ` o,``�4a�V���:i►�'law�i�',•r`��t•�v�4t•�'ta�v"�i'�f►�i;+i'��✓�4 5>I .til. Y Y Y Y {► �► Y Y Y Y Y Y tl9 04"'4 1rt". r41:5-4.'42;11'. {.41', 4►Il Y Y 41Y Y Y v Y In McKinnon & Co I Leadership the means Lead Blyth Superiority t Seasonable Styles at Fair rigures sa it? t Is a reasonable proposition to make to sensible people. You know it is possible for us to do this. We prorfiise it in good faith. The best at low prices. CAPE CLOTH – 50 in. wide in blue and black at 50c, Double fold, good black, at 65c `Well finished, all wool in blk. ani lawn, special S5c Fxtra value in blue, brown, black and gray at........$1 :special line Serge, diagonal twill, black, at $1.25 Extra lines in Black, at $1.50, 1.75, $2 and up to 2.75 The best range of Cape Cloths in the county. MILLINERY—We are up-to-date in the Millinery business. Flowers at 122c, others at 15, 20, 25, 30, and 50c. Hats for Ladies and Misses, untrimmed at 25o. Better lines at a little more money Ribbons, Veiling.$, Laces, &c, in all the newest styles and col- orings We desire to trade with you.. The next Monthly Fair in Blyth will be held on Tuesday, June 9th. r4 tyle anon & Co., Blyth Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs 'taken as Clash ' A 11 VW 41 4,�i 'fin . 4 '4�A�►Ar1'410'VW e,' •,A40ArJ' ell,' 0'40' 11 10 4P J 1► 4P 10 4P 1k off• 4f� 40'40-40 40 • 40, 4t 1y 4P 'TENTION We again talk Clothing, the reason, we have been buying mote, we bought it because we thought it very cheilp, and we intend to give the benefit of cheap baying to our customers, as we consider that w ill benefit there, will betre our ridvantage in making larger sales and a bigger turn over for us. There maybe some people that are not aware of the large stock of Ready Made lothing we are carrying this spring. We never had any such stock before. We have special prices to offer in all lines of Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. Men's Suits ff ff ff ff ff 46' 46 ff Runsuurr r; Montlrgrle IS re tel~ 14SNHitItb.•.;: 'Tho it.ng of ',4.2 2 to or Rt¥artiil. We hope tbhl Ilton : t‘11,4tlaa ., Put onli Grid,..11,300thi tiro* 14re un -be Tupper of pT9 be aousob. ' S�14 An old;ollm ;ign ,r , �►. Yanooavar '9 Q d� reports+r tihe .other as "This : ra. rloind ;Opt '70, b0 the utanpedtr ii gotli • in tbo other direotion Latimer stud M0,W, , acre,. wlnniu ooinbinattion. ' tO, >t11 448,1V8 tarter., ouu ors ansd eft. of rani the? mi oA. overnment 10449 r`ln It a(U 14 11 ,875 tete than it,iyg.or t f o part upanli0k0.F Cnrern!nent) Out lrto ped#10,'706,x02. in 1895 tthe'Goveruwont retlred IXI. civil isarvtynt at th nanttui 'scut int eupenuul t ,tion o a1 002,0 8024. In tie repeding five Yeats it hetieed 829 , and ebeet thereby 1710,158.02 a yea>cA0the drain by, Jyalperan nation. Sintae the paeeage at: the franchise sot in 1885 its operation haw Boat the country 111.- 250,000, Apart altogether from its Pagaber- someneoeand unfairness, the enormous cost of operating it forms its complete con- demnation. , A correspondent ie informed that any member of the Parliament ohoeen by a Prime minister can be a member of the Cabinet, Whin en fit. P. is chosen, he has to, go to his oonetituenoy to eeonre in, doreation; but it he is a member of the Senate, he ie tree from any check of that sort. Sir Charles Tupper will commence his Ontario campaign at Peterboro on Jgne 8. He will remain in this Province from that date until election day. Speeches will be delivered by him in Brantford, Windsor, Chatham, London, Hamilton St. Cath- arines and other leading points in the Pro- vince. Mr. J. A. MaodonneU, who came •to Sir Charles Tupper's defence when the Premier was charged with having written that he has no 'confidence in the breed' has been appointed by Sir Charles to defend the claim of George Goodwin for $73,000 in connection wit'A his contraot on the Sou - lenges canal. This scandal was exposed last seesian. Ring Dodds, of Toronto, sent out to Bri- tish Columbia in the Conservative interest, has attempted to speak in Chilliwaok, Rev- -elatock and -Vancouver. In the -two --1 planes he was refused a hearing. In Van- couver the Conservative meeting was pack- ed by hie opponents. Four solid hours Ring Dodds faced the audience and the jeers of the howling mob, and all they let him say was "Mr Chairman and gentle. $3 50 Boys' Suits $1 00 4 00I if ff 2 00 ••. ...... 450 f. ff 300 ff ff ff if 500 5 50 and up Special Line of Men's Pants $1 and $1.25 Special Line of • Boys' Pants ..... 50c. Men's and Boys' Hats from 5c. to V. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, &c., at lowest prices. Come and see is. 4 00 4 50 PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS Albert Street, Clinton. tCllllton V. P -Local–Union • •Toptgass at the several Toung Peoples Society cieleatid"gsbeing held during the week: Dip tfet Ydan People's Topic for lune 8th, "The future lite" -Mies 11. Tof•ping. liattenbturyt St. Methodist E.L. of C•E. Mon- day' on- dKi eio evening work in elfin,-Mr9-Dr. for evenageune , {a r@turned missionary.) ' Rattenb rz St. Methodist girl's Junior E. L. of C F3,, Fridarevening1rorn 7 tog. Topic for June stir, Con.eoration and collection, ver - wee COMMeneing-whit D. ; Onllilrlb Street; gaff 1.'. L. of C. E., Mon- „ ltyevening Atli o'olodk' Topic for June 8. Noble miction w+ork--Drs B. J. Gibbings. 2, '144aloili}r1meetisg Japan. O tairto °St. Methedtat JuniorE.tL. of C. El, 7 btvitilOi tit;t ;a el k Topf0 or! June 5, our /4004hg•.-W d "Galloway. d+ VA ulfd 1'erbsit Eeirb►a C.. E. Society, Sunday ' ypdiftripf'hlt>;o& c"To{ito for Jena 77th' "The ,..tete• of h UtT.�' Cptechlam quas.487-Yfes ary.111011;0100. eitt braMethodtst Ijl,-L. of C. +iYR Monday tr . 710.o'olock ,T io for tine • 8, NglplllB ,.�illi/st�, Oittratt ., - of"C; � ilaada tit Jnar.: HORN CHURCHILL -In Hullett, Ma? 29, the wife of Mr B. Churchill, of a daughter. D'U64 i4ANV',-In Seaforth on May 24, a' of fatighter, of Mr Wm. Dugg n, i MITHERB.= In SeatOrth, on May 27th, the wife et Mr Geo. Smithers, of a daughter. ANDERSON. -At the. Manse, Goderlch, on May 27th, the wife of Rev Mr Anderson, of a son. MAltR1ii1D GRAELIS - COOK.- At :die Manse, Sea - forth on May 26th, by RevD. McDonald, D. D.. 7Ytr Thotuas Graelte. to Mind Orace Carton Cook, both tit Clinton. HALLIDA CARLIS Z�.,.,..In Hay, Jane Zrd, by Bev. J. S Henderson, Nbliie Darks a to G.A. Halliday, Brussels. FOUND -CARLISLE- 0gay, Juno srd, by Ilea. J. 8. nderson, Joh Carlisle to G. A. Found, W IA►obur'ob. , . etv ' D . .;r -At the 1/ e oqf�} t�ge Clinton, On qj , Thee. 1oi la, Of orich town - obi ' ed di piers. -I Otd• Auto 2, U. J. Howell , reUitt gib ` T).11iC mpbeellI the wife • man." The Conservatives of West Huron have seleoted Mr. Robert McLean, of Goderioh, the well-known cattle buyer, as their stand- ard bearer. Mr. McLean ie all right in his special line, but he has not one single qual- ification to recommend him for the posi- tion to which he aspires, and even leaving politics aside,there is not much danger of the people of West Huron passing over a man of Mr. Cameron's well-known capabilities for a man like Mr. Robert MoLean.-Sea- forth Expositor Vs H, Lewis, an Ottawa Orangeman who attended the Grand Lodge meeting at Collingwood, says money was freely used and it has been estimated that the re-elec- tion of the GrandSeoretary coat at least $4, 000. -Toronto World. On which the Hamilton Times remarks: -It is safe bet- ting. that money used for that purpose did not come out of Mr. Birmibgham'e salary, either as Grand Secretary ot the Orange-' man or as organizer for the Conservatives. Who pat it up and why? Can the Orange- men be drilled in to vote for Tup; er and coercion? The Bishops of Quebec are now out on their annual pastoral tours. In some of the dioceses they are actively at work etumping for Sir Charles Tupper's candid- ates. Bishop Ladeohe, for example, speak- ing at Champlain a few days ago, repeated to a large extent hie Three Rivers sermon against Mr. Laurier and the Liberal party. He called upon the people to defeat Mr. Laurier's candidates, and declared that though he was 78 years be would make out t iooese against Mr. Laurier before he died. He also denounced certain Liberal papers without, however, naming then, saying that he did not want to get into any legal trouble. He has also ordered the priests of his 'diocese to denounce the Liberal candid- ates. The meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of British North America, which has just closed at Collingwood, was interesting from a political point of view, owing to the fact that a life and death struggle for the control of the lodge took place between the remedialists and ,trhe' anti-remedialists. Mr Clarke Wallace, the grand master, was the leader of the anti-remedialiete and Mr Robt. Birmingham, the grand secretary, was the leader of the remedialiete. The grand master's annual address was a clear declaration, supported by argument, against remedial legislation, and it was adopted. The most important resolution was one commPrling the members who opposed the remedial bill ani condemning as untrue to their order three who had supported it. Major's em' Hughes, who spoke in defence of thos,. who gay : a hal! s•ipport to reme- dial Ie;iilatio;,, was charged with having been among the members organized into ehifte.in order to put the bill through by continuous day and night cess`ons. He de- r fed the charge, and appealed to Mr Clarke Wallace as to the truth of the charge. The grand master declared the charge to be true, and a great uproar snarled. The resotn$ivn was passed with only one diesentin•i voice. Mr Clarke Wallace was re-elected grand master by an overwhelming majority. Mr Birmingham was re-eleoted secretary, but by a majority of thirteen only, and his re• election was supported many by anti•reme- dialistamere ly in order to prevent digital) tion. iibef bIP+ `.." Ct1i1 MrW• dt 0,44 ullg oht�lstf riat1'Jn' bhirrok. Goderriel►towf audit rr 1t*tight ,' fir► ova otter to 0end the w EPtA,Aqw enf rlbe e 50 cellststall •brill �4bloe u.1� tie tent,-010r0l a - ; earn why Ovcrybodd�pp��shau d 'not a(tbe ribs #crit+ ViFe rv+4inb a adsl it lot oft1ew irameaw and about W4INTON 1 TS<>. �0o rietad .q0 y;; hurpdhy Watteau • hurt iy, arm 49, 1836. 171100.. a ring,...... , .,....,F. v. 0► 70' a p0 71 Vheattti ......,.,,.,.1....... 0 70 f O 71 1atgy 1A.4........,...:,.,t$ ., 0 20 a 0 2* larlay ............„ . . . 0 00.114 0 85 N4ee,: ' ... ,.4 0.45 * 0 50 Lour per cwt ..... , .. 2 00 a 2 00 '?rkt,, ................,... ,450a475 gutter .,., .• , 0 10 a. 0 tl 1agaper dez k..., * 9 a." 0.08 A 0 08 ...;12 00012 00 1s . .... l7hreeepekinu .. 0 25 0 025 ,Pool,•.•.,.,. 010a0t0 7o. 1 Triremes, Mao, 4 00 a 4 25 1 IIONTREAL I,,1VA STOCK MARKETS. There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle b0 calves, 400 sheep. and lambs. and 40 email pigs offered for sale at the Beet End A.battlor. The butchers were present in large numbers. a fair amount of business was done at the sante rates as prevailed legit Thum - da . The toe of the cattle market was rather fetter. and. prices a shade higherr than on last Thursday-still for thiseeeason ohe f the yeas are r n There weredno lattleboughtbythheshippers; thebestbutchers' tattlesold at from Seo to Oio per lb., with pretty rood stook at from go to 310 do.; common and nterior beasts sold at from 2o to 24 o per lb. Calves sold at from $1 to $7 each, most of the tales being et from $2.60 to $8 each. The sheep 'tiered were cf inditt gleurent quality. and sold at more. Lambs are being marketed in increasins would g m numbers, and their quality is improving; still there are some of them too young for profitable consumption at present Prices are from 12 to near 84 each. Fat hogs sell at about 410 per lb. Small pigs sold from $1 to $2 each. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Small cottage, centrally located. For sale or to rent. W. C. BEARLR. Desirable Dwelling House to Let ., New, roomy and convenient house on Victoria Si Possession given 1st of June. Apply to R. IRWIN or MISS BUTLER. p s aT-IIHR, r 4En- _ - Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good fences, plenty of shade, water and salt. No Barbed wire. Apply to C. MASON, at Stapleton or to M. GLEW, of Orange Hall, Hulletc. CASH FOR EGGS Tho highest Dash price will be paid for any quantity of fresh eggs. J. STEWART, Basket Maker, Victoria Street, near Queen* Hotel, Clinton A BARGAIN House and Lot for sale cheap Terms of payment will be made so liberal that they equal very little more than an ordinary rental. Address Box 174, Clinton post Office FOR SALE OR TO RENT ' That desirable property in the village of Holmesville. known as the Lobb estate, being 1-8 sore of land, 11 story frame house, good stable, well and other outhouses. Convenient to post office, railway station and churches. Would sell at a sacrifice. Apply to GEORGE HOLLAND, Holmesville, or J, B. LOBB, Galt. Jersey Stock for Sale. , $.6 von buy Registered Heifer 2 years old in Anguet, due to calve in December. $55 will buy 1 Registo.ed Heifer, 2 yr old, to calve soon. 860 � will buy Registered Cowdropped first calf last March, due to calve again next January. $70 will buy Registered Cow, fresh, supposed in call again. 6 quarts of milk will yield 1 qt of cream; will pay for herself in milk, at be a qt, in 8 mos. Young Jersey 13u11 ready for service, or will give on shares. G. A. DE ADMAN; Druggist, Brussels. BLYTH MONTHLY FAIR If you are coming to the Monthly Fair at Blytb, on TUESDAY next, 9th of June, Call and see,us. 9 cents for Eggs. M. Jessop tt Co., Blyth. The Great Cheap Cash Dealers. John McMillan's Meetings WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS,- Meliiilop, School Huse No 4, Saturday, June 6th Bayfield, Town Hall, June 8th Drysdale Separate School June 9th Zurich, Tuwn Hall , June 10th Dashwood Jane 12th McKillop Separate School House..,.. „June 18th Hensel', June 15th Tuckeramith, Red School June Ilth McHillop, Manley's School ....... .June 18th Leadbury. ............. June 19th Seaford', t`ardno'e Rag. . June 22nd All the bove moetit,gs will commence at 7.90 p.m The onpositi n candidate or friends invited to take part in the disoueeton. Other Meotiuga will be announced next week PUBLIC MEETINGS. Me, tinge in the interests of the Liberal Candidate, Mr Id. C. OA11I RON, will be held at the following places; HOOVER'S -Friday, June 5, 4The tour -year-old son of Mr Wm. Wills of Merriton was burned to death in the fire which destroyed hia.fether'e barn. Adams, an old resident of Paris died suddenly of heart Wore Friday night. He was attacKed with a fit of coughing, and a doctor wee called in, and Le ,expired within a few moments. At Columbus; Ga., two cegroes were banged to a tree in the middle of Broad street. the main bnainese thoroughfare, end riddled with bullets by an infuriated mob. Revir ening the barge market outlook the New ork Herald "sized up the eituatibn in a few words. as follows ' Thrre ie nobody in the horse bhetnese just now, doing any. aorrying. Ti ie;'matly year.;miens there was ouch ;a gannino dernifnc'i'f, r01f11 et; and tally good, plrloee. .V brought about mainly by throe till1� f st- ore. ,First, the restrictions iii limed OPS1' Lotter Wi'a tiara, en Jilay 2t fb� stiffen t.wrli;.gh 00 title bt;ittliii o throe t hO Na care:, +t d+ ire t44 is t,1•11 f1111€i'tr gill`ikil fill bion - l�pltTlltM #tr aged, i x •t, n191�7�1<nl0ebsb'rti4.OtlMlijl'itleivVhht s •,, �y. �t•biwly w lt:; 1(n d oad} Oil Y t xo°`::� siS84'iirl tare: 7,y6 vf;iN pt rr�,. trt lloitdit : T• Yr BENMILLEE-Mon day, June 8. PORTER'S HILL -Tuesday, June 9. NILE -Wednesday, Jane 10. PORT ALBERT -Thursday, June 11th, McPhail's Hall. FINLAY'S-Friday, June 12. LEEBURN-Saturday, June 18. Ml th'. above meetings will commence at 7 80 p. in. Addresses on the current topics will be deliver- ed by Ur Cameron and other. 1 he Ot'poaltion Caudidate is invited. ENI+LUSI WOOLLEN MILL .at the highest” market price for tech er willy xoo change for thy manufactured articles, My stk of `STOC$INCii• YARNS lOOIRRSE,' BLANKETS FliJetsktus TW11 DS" tine. BED iitA.Niters y { e believe we've just what 3 want for the heated term the coming. If you'll step in a have a peep around and see t stocks kept at this store. think you'll say, here we'll staff at least long enough to do our buying. e cater to every one here,high and qi mow, tic and poor, male and fe- male, and try to please every, one. Our prices too are as po- pular as the goods we carry. 0 GILROY & WISEMAN ULPHA.TE of COPPER ARRIS GREEN a. Close . Prices . quantity JAMES H. COMBE'S KUR1VIA! KUR1VIA! KUR1YIA What is Kurma? It is one of the most carefully selected blends of Ceylon and Indian 'r In frakrance and delicate cup qualities it has no superior. Try it; and ) ou will be convinced that this Te ; grown in British territory, made by ',British-ma- chinery, ,British machinery, paclied,by British subjects and carried in British vessels, is better than .the praatnd& 0t'. either Uhit;a or Japi.n, , Black in pounds 25c, 1.2 pound 20.e and 25e. Mixed in 1-2 pounds 20e. Samples, Free. •" SPECIAL --25 dozen only White Granite 1 ke oniipditer irld{(1i3Yietaetl uninatasstnrad 61 tltlitdROMPI Fu erce,u$ end lies (rota Shoddy et • tiny destripiloii, ; left, rir f f.r tit k Aht'it01;11'04SI1 ter t*•1 ( pit iT't. 'stplt'a • w. 411CAY:itDtitAM t:�... Ili is lSu °si±:ny:r8l.xri.➢,.. rte: • • Saucers, 15e a doz; -3 it r '