HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-07-31, Page 6.1* - ••••
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1VaVat illan
Hunted Spies
"The Hun eould keep no secret from
Mtn," eaYs the London Daily Iafl
"The effictency with vaiitit lie organ-
ized, and, directed hie eteff has beea
QC a the Sileat NaVy'e triumphs, His
eadenries were everyWhere; the Ger-
mans a last beeelue tearful even of
themselves. Whatever they echenaed
WPM knOW11 in very shell time to tee
little keen -eyed admiral in 'Whitehall,
anti duly eoulitered."
Rarely does "the Voice of North-
ellffe" indoad itself of such eulogism,
and then the object a ite attentioas
umet be something in the way of et
genius. Tbough certainly claim May
be laid to thet much 'misused synonym
with regard to Rear -Admiral Sielteg-
laald Hall, British. navy.
As Director of Intelligence Division
irtve Joh% 19lai. he Passed froat a
tenantinga in the Britten grand fleet
to the Admiralty. A typical sailor -
man, the admiral is not unlike the
popular figure of Punch; short, thick-
et, with remarkably eharp eyes, root
eheeke and a elireetuess of manner
that is at times apt to to dieconcert-
ing. Da never wee there ii, British
official more obliging, morefrank and
courteoue in his manner; who Went
so far out of his way to oblig,o a both-
ersome newspaper man with some
"unessential" detail, And now he has
How the news woula have heart-
ened the german navy a year ago,
for tbe D, I. D.-eDirector of the In-
telligence 'Department -has been their
bete -noir of the war, Did they send
out their spies he eppeared to gather,
them tato his Mainly furnished. room
in Admiralty Building,,s. To raentiou
but a few who had the "pleasure" of
a personal interview with the admiral,
there were Ton ltentelen, the spy Pay-
master, epending millions in A.merica,
who was capttired at a British port
trying to return is) Germaeat in a
neutral ship; Van der Goitz, tne ass°.
elate of Von Papen aad Boy -Fat, and
Kupferle, who- committed kuleide ip
Brixton jail. They left Admiral Hall
as a witness leaves the box atter
being turned inside out.
Nothing can show his charactee
better than the story of how he saved
the queen Mary in the Bight in the
early days of the war. He had taken
her into the ,thiele of the figlit when
. torpedo coming broadside on. debaueh a beer and cheap whiskey
his keen eye. epled the wa
eeized the wheel and with a.nteety ot and fresh froni a street fight,
judgment swung the *vessel roun
He- stood by the door, reetleesly
that the torpedo ran side by side with turning an Old and ateslay gap in his
ed. so
the Queen. Mary uatil spent, hands; and Hesleeth lot him wait for
a.minute or so, for Hesketa inew
action is typical of Admiral Hall's tir value of the. chastening influence
Thet quickness of thought and
o suspense. At last he glanced up
sideways from his letter and said
coldly: k
"So you are getting into trouble
again, Rawdon?"
Rawdon eyed him, with sullen ex-
pectancy, bet said nothing.
"-Merril tells me that you have been
away from the works for the batter
"What about hina?"
else has been ou the drink again,
Plat" said Merril. "He has been away
nearly a week; but he has corms back
again to -day -well, scarcely sober; not
fit to put on a machine, anyway. I
told him I .alloUld speak to you, sir;
and I thiuk it's my duty to do eye I
ane very sOrry to have to make a com-
paunt against any man, especially
agaeest Rawdon; for he was one of
our best hand% until one et the girls,
Seaton, went off. Ile's been a changed
man puma then; enanged from a
steady, useful workman to a regular
-a regular raft You have been very
good, very lenient, to him, sr; but he
hasn't taken 'advantage of it, aud the
time has come when something ought
to be done, He has gone quite be-
yond the mark this turn -just n.arrow-
ly esca.peel being taken up by the po-
lice for drank and dieorderly, in a row
in Meddon street, He ought to gc.
sir; he ought, indeed."
Hesketh began to write his letter.
"Sen d him in to me, will you please,
Merril?" he said, quietly, and with his
usual courtesy to lits subordinates.
When Merril had gone, Ilesketh's
pen stopped, and without raleing 'his
heed, he gazed at the paper thought-
fully, as it ho were trying to come to a
decision; then he shook his head and
resumed his writing, as a. man's heavy
step was heard and a knock came to
the door. In response to liesketh's
cold "Conic in," a young man entered,
He was a fine, strong -looking young
fellow, was still good-looking, though
heavy drinking had made its rav-
ages in his face. His blue eyes were
bloodshot -one -had a discolored circle
round, it -his Hp was cut, there was
a heevy bruise on his cheek and fore-
head, and his fair hair was in a tangle
of disorder; he wore a red scarf in
place of a collar, and his clothes were
torn and mud -stained. In short, he
as if he had just come from a
"I don't leaow. one to that, wbY
should he be alive. Men, have a habit
at dying. But the more important ,
question is, my dear, why abound you
fret yourself. Here 'we are, an the
clown at the patoraime says, installed
at BrareleY, the house of our forefath-
era, with carriages and itoreee, with
all the neceseities, and what is mere
important, with all the luxuries, with
plenty of money, with all the mater-
ials for a prenunced spree---"
"My dear Mollie!"
"Quite so. The phrase, though
graphic, is unsuited to the opienclor
end refinement of our elegant • mire
r lofty
toundings, not to any ow poei-
keth, and when I've done with him,
the mother that bore him wouldn't
know him!"
"Tut, tut!" said Heeketh, leaning
forward and taking up late pen. "All
this wild talk ia extremely foolish,
Rawdon. You know that ete well as I
do, I eliould have thought, judging by
your past, taat you were too sensible
a man -to go to ruin because a girl,
evidently not worthy of you, has de-
ceived you and gone astray. But that
is your affair. 1 am very sorry for
your trouble, and I would help you it
I could; but, as you rnuet see, youre
is ono of those cases le which no fia eip
le possible. I sent for you to tell you
that I cannot tolerate your behavior.
If I were to do so, I should be oetting
a precedZmt that would have the most
dieastroue resulto. If I permit you to
go on to drink, to misbehave yourself,
I must permit every man in the works
to follow your example, if he choosee
to do so. Frankly, Rawdon, we ehall
be very sorry to lose a good hand;
but I am afraid you must go."
The maxi caught his breath, and,
fumbling with his cap, drew it across
hie Hp,
-"I thought you'd say that, . Mr.
Hesketh; for they wouichgt take me
on anywhere else, if I was turned out
of the Pit Werke. Net that I should
care if I was by myeelf; I'd as lief die
In a ditch as lead this dog's life; but
I've got a mother, as you know. It'll
mean breaking up 'the home, it will be
hard on her. Give me -give me an-
other chance, Mr. Hesketh," he plead-
ed, moietening his battered lips.
Hesketh was writing rapidly now,
and he glanced sideways at the man
as if hesitating; suspense again. At
last he said coldly, as i fhe were yield-
ing against the prompting; of duty:
"I'm inclined to give you another
ebance, Rawdon,for your mother's
sake. You have been at the worke
since you were a boy; and until thi,.
affair -but we won't hark back to
that. But I will otretch a point, and
give you another chance. Give me
your promise that you will reform
and conduct yourself as you used to
de, end you may go back to your
Rawdon drew a long breath of re-
lief, and he looked at the bent head
"Thank you, sir, thank you, Mr.
Hesketh. You have been very good to
me, !better than I deserve. and I'll try
to turn over a new leaf, try to forget
. •
"Yes; try to forget," said Hesketh,
witliQa, preoccupied air, as he bent
over his letter. "That's the best advice
1, pa n glee you. The best resolution
Y011 eau Make, you inaY go to your
machine nowe'
Ilesketh wrote on until the door had,
closed on the penitent; then he sus."
Pended the pen and looked straight
before him with narrowed eyes, After,
.4- moment or two, he went hack ,to the.
letter.; but -there seemed to be some
eliffichlty in it; and presently he rats
and Shutting the doer after him, went
into ethe sitting room, and rioured
out some brandy from a decanter on
the ugly sideboard. But he arrested.
the glass on its way to his lips, flung
its contents into the fire, and mut-
tering, with a smile of self-ontempt:
sI should be as bad as that fool
Rawdon," he retureed to the office,
and took up his work again.
"Behold, the first strawberries of the
Year!" exclaimed Mollie, as she burst
-whenever that impetuous young
lady moved -a tornado followed in her
train -into the dining -room, which, in
the Bramley's time, had been called
the ladies' boudoir, where Olytie sat'
writing at an antique bureau which
Would have. brought water to Ate
mouth of the connoisseur. "I picked
these with my own •hands," she ex-
tended it pink palm upon which twca
strawberries, scarcely more pink, re-
clined, "and under the forbidding eyes
'of itloWhirtle, the head garderier.
1. foresee there will be trouble betweeo
the aforesaid Mr, MoWhirtle and my-
self. He appears to labor under the
'oppressive delusion that the gardens,
the numerous hothouses, and the
fruits and flowers thereof, belong to
him. That is the point on which Mr.
etleWhirtle and I differ, They belong
to you; and I have just told him so as
yleasantly but as firmly as the °teas -
ion demanded. He remarked that he
was saving the strawberries until be
could collect a dish for the table. I
informed him, with that sweetness of
tone and manner which is my chief
charm, that I and you, preferred to
take them singly, as spies and not bat-
talions. Result -the great iltleWhirtle
goes off vanquished and discomfited,
and the conqueror offers you half of
her spoil. Take the larger, Clyde,
and leave the small one to me; and as
a reward for my unselfishness, I shall
have the smaller stomach-ache. No?
Then I will take both and suffer in sil-
Clytie laughed, but she looked rattl-
ed rather vtorried, and leaning back
in her chair sighed.
"What is the Matter?" asked Mollie.
"Why this cloud, this expreeslon of
weariness on the brow of the prin-
"I'm worried," said tlytie, as elle
pushed her hair from her forehead and
knit her brows. "People, all sorts df
people, are Writing to me; and I don't
know what to answer."
"Don't answer," said 'Mollie, eheer-
fully, as she arranged blossorn, of
one of Mr. MeWhirtle's most cherished
flowersIn the bosom of her dress.
"Didn't' some great man Say that If
you don't answer lettere, they would
answer themselves? Wonderful what
a lot of clever things some persons
scent to get off,"
"That's all very Well," veld Clytie;
"but there are letters that must be an-
sWered-besinees lettere. Mr. Gran-
ger eent me a pile of them this morn-
ingiug. And what ten I stay/ I can't
tell them that I'M net the extend Mis-
tress here, that 1 atil a kind of locum
tenens, a caretaker, until Sir Wilfrid
"No newe trete that mysterioue
Young man, I suppose?" asked
tte she held a kitten aloft and shook
her red hair at it tantalizingly, •
"No," mid Clyde, with a Sigh.
"None 'whatever. No reply has toffee
from Mr. eirenger's letter; no news
"Perhaps he's WI," returned Mol-
lie, as cheerfullY as here.
"Why should he be dead"
naval careere particularly of his work
as the head of the Intelligenee Depart-
ment. Dating theetvar the. German
epics in England were both numerous
and exceedingly crafty.
One day there arrived in London
from Sivitterland a man who precluded
Ainericanapapers purporting him to
be a reintegeatatiVe 'of a large New
part of a. weeet. Drinking, I suppose?
Ynrk-foraga Mine He- had. bags filled
"Yes; I have been drinking, Mr.
with stationerY and order -books all
Hesketh," said Rawdon, almost def I -
properly, Printed with the name and ee,a,
addrees 'of' elle New' York firm. .that. ""s•
"And fighting?" said Hesketh. "You
his papers *ere afterwards' found to
ought to be ashamed of yourself."
lia.ve been. forged, and he was a Ger-
"Perhaps.I am, when I'm sober," re, -
man seg. . " • torted Rawdon,•raorosely. •
He eseillied deteetethe for some time,
Hesketh leaned back in his chair.
but owing to-Us-sell:UM-her of orders
which the man iseek.aisiuling telaner- "And you were once one a the best
Ica and the similarity of them, he Was workmea we:had," he said.
suspected; and the -D.1. D. began to get "Once; that's a long time ago, Mr.
busy., Hesketh," said Rawdon, with e short
One evertirig he Was dining with a laegh. • "Yes; was steady eneligh at
woman in a Strand hotel, when the otie time; I had something to werie
police walked in and quietly tapped
him gen the slioutdeis 'He was subse-
quently 'Stitt in the. Tower,
Another of- Hall's "friends" was a
nnua who came hi London from Swe-
den. Ile nail he Wanted to buy port
in largeequantities. Owing to the de-
lay and sb,orta,ge, he said, he had
been sent crier to buy direct.
,It was nOt long before he was sus-
pected of being vtlret he was -a Ger- a trouble as mine, unless hes drunk.
men spy, as he was seen in the coin- That'a what make e me go on the drink
pan' Of sttsPictOne characters. A and take to fighting. Why, look here,
watch was kept, and finally the man Mr. Hesketh, you'd do the same, if
was arrested. • You was. in my place." Hp stretched
Early one' mailing in the apring out Ms hand with the cap in its ap-
of the year Ite paid the penalty. poalingly. "If you'd lost, If you'd bean
• In a alashionable restaurant in robbed of year sweetheart, the girl
Piccadilly one evening sat two you loved better than your wife, the
smartly dressed women and ' two girl who proraleed to be your wife,
you'd teke to drink, I can tell you."
"I think not," said Hesketh, with a
cold Kane, "I should remember that
she was not worth fretting about. You
Should console yourself with the re-
flection that there are other girls in
the world besides this -what is her
"Mary -Mary • Smeaton," replied
Itaevtion, as if it hurt him to speak
her name.
these women was effected end ie "All, yes," said Ilesketh, "1 remem-
secret got no further then Picea- ber. Well, Rawdon, I advise you to
dilly. forget her."
Another German agent has in his "Do yell think I haven't tried?" said
employ a remarkably pretty woman Rawdon, fiercely. "Ain't that what
who Miged in the best society In I've been trying to do? But I can't!"
London. Ile groaned desperately. "She's with
She Wee introduced to all kids of inc all day, all night! And it isn't
peeele-anilitary and naval officers as if she'd died. I could have borne
and :even members of the Gov- that. I could have thought of her
'0 meta, kindly, could -could have waited until
For a time tnie faseleating woman I'd gone to join her; for she's have
sueceeded in Worming secrete out of been 'mine still. But to deceive me,
her admirers. One day an officer to have gone away six weeks before
whome she had met on several owe,- our marriage! It's that that, turns
stone accidentally easy the woman life bitter to me. It's that can't
havirig lunch with an obvious Ger- forget, . forgive. Though, mind, I'm
man in a quiet little restaurant off more bitter against him, the man who
the beaten track. The pair were lured her away, than I am against her.
deep in conversation and did not She was a geed, straight girl till he
notiee the officer's enttanee, • got hold of her,"
Ile at once Withdrew and met the Ilesketle looked gravely, calmly, be-
wOrnall by appointment the nine fore hint; a little wearily, but patient -
evening at a house in Mayfair. When ly, ea if it were his duty to listen to
she began to ply Win with certain his men's troubles and to help them,
qUestimee 'he gave replies purposebt if he Mild.
intended to niielead end trap her if "You never discovered the man,
elle Was as he neeiv strongly believed, never found out who he was?" he
st German spy. She fell into the trap asked, not curloosly, hut again as if
so neatly arranged for her, with the it were his duty to show some sym-
reeult that both. 11er employer and . Pathy.
hereelf were caught.. The man will "No, Mr. Ilesketh," replied Rave -
not trottele this country again, while doh. "I never got any clue to him.
the woman received a teem of int- dotet know where to look. You see
tion. I apologize; we will say for our
enjoyment . Now, why can't you en-
joy yourself? Take example by your
Yoanger but wiser eister. I an en-
joying every hour of the clay. But
you mope and worry as if life were a
burden to you and you wished your-
self back in Camden Town."
"I do," said Olytte, as she glanced
despairingly at the pile of letters on
he bureau, "That life, at any rate,
ivas substantial. We were walking
on our feet, not drifting in the Air
Me unsubstantial shaeloWa."
" 4Unsu,bstantia1 shadows' 'is clis-
einctly good," said Mollie, as she, bur-
l'ed her face in the kitten, "But al -
'ow me to remark that there le w-
ishing of the shadbw about the, is
,here, kitty? In fact, my dear Clyde,
have a presentiment that this lank
and gawky form of mine will wax fat,
If I don't take care. You, on the con-
trary, if YOU continue to grizzle, will
grow thin and spare like -like Mr,
Hesketb Carton, for instance. Has
he been here to -day?"
"Yes," replied Clytie. "fie game up
to "See me about some business con-
neeted with the estate. He le so very
Icind as to help me, or try to do an.
Yes, he is very kind to take so much
trouble with a pair of lonely and help-
less orphans."
"Let me see, he has been up to the
Hall every day this week, hasn't he?"
"Yes -no -I don't remember," re-
plied Clytie absently.
"That's ungrateful," remarked Mol-
lie. "Kitty, keep your claws in -like
Mr. Hesketh Carton."
Clytie looked at her reprovingly.
"Mollie, you should not say such
things, even in jest!"
"How do you know that I am in
jest?" asked Mollie, her shrewd eyes
peering under her tousled wig at Cly -
tie's troubled face.
"You ere unlust, Mollie; and that's
not like you. You don't give Mr. Hes-
keth Carton credit for his magnani-
"Magnanimity as a wand word;"
said Mollie to the kitten.
"Put yourself in his place," went
on Clytie, her geaerons spirit warm-
ing to its task; "Sir William's son
had deserted litm—"
"Oh, I thought they had quarreled,
and tbat Sir William had turned him
out of the house. But, no matter; go
on, most just judge."
"At any rate, Mr,„ Hesketh Carton
was Sir William's nephew; and he
eame to Sir William's assistance, help-
ed him -with his business, was his
right hand and stay, and tdok the
place of a son. No one -has a word
to any against him, no one. Indeed,
every one thought that far Wildans
weal teas e him Bramleas and a' lafge
isund p. money. Lady Winclifieldt
when she was here yesterday, said ab
much, said that they were all stir-
eerieed." . —
• 'My Opinion of Lady Winchfield.le
• unprintable, kitty; but 1 will go'este
far as to say that of all the old busy-
bodies and scandalraongere, with or
without a wig, Lady Winchfield takes
the chief product of the coneectioner.
I think that's an elegant way of say -
in 'takes the cake,' " Mollie reniark-
kt,teinn. an undertone, and still to the
'nd Instead of leaving him Brom-
ley and the money, Sir William leaves'
him. the Works."
"And a very good leave, too," said
Molliet "Etr William made all his
money out of them, so Sir Richard
'Denby told me."
Clytie stirred impatiently. •
"You appear to -have been talking
over the affair with half the neigh-
borhood." she said.
"A nice child listens and -does not
talk," retorted Mollie. "All our
friends talk of nothing else but what
they call our 'invidious position.' Not
being deaf, I listen, learn, and inWard-
ly digeet. And if you want nay opin-
ben, niy dear—" •
"I shall have to have it whether I
want it or not." said Clyde, with a
rueful smile.
"I am afraid you will," asseoted
Mollie cheerfully. "I am a young per-
son that speaks her mind, as the
Mayo, at the lodgings used to say;
and my mind Is,, that Mr. Hesketh
Cartofl has been treated very well.
Having thus expressed my unsolicited
and tinwelcome opinion, I am going
ride.Lor 3 Wilkins" -this was the
stud groom-"ha.s found me a dear lit -
o a lemon, orange or ripe grape -
tie Ilene. He is dear, but he holds e
for something to live for. It is easy
enough to be steady and stick ha your
work when it's like that. But when
everything is taken away from you,
when you feel as if" -he voice broke
and his harids elutched eap-"as if
the world had turned black and your
life wfth it, it don't seem worth. while
to be respectable. And you want to
forget; .send 'a man can't forget such
naval officers dining. • In an un-
guarded tnoineng - at leate one of
those ' 'apparently unguaseled mo-
ments, of the little admiral's. conceit -
tion -one of the officers happened to
menden that on it certain day an
extra lot of officers would be leaving
a 'British pert for France,
But the British • secret service
were .aiready on their way. As they
left the restaurant the arrest • of
Conservation Is the Order of
the Day
Don't discard your old, Tennis Racquet because it re.
quires re -stringing.
We make a specialty of this wok, and employ only ex.
pert, scientific strhigers, and utle only first quality gut.
Send your Racquets TO -DAY, carriage prepaid, and we
will return TO -MORROW without fail.
Be sure to mark the package with your name and address,
No' 1. Good quality Gut, white only OM
No. 2.. Superior quality ,Gut, white only $2.00
No. 3. Best quality Gut, white only ....... $3.00
No. 4. Special expert stringing, white only$5,00
Dixon Sporting Goods Co.
156 King Street East
the inolteY to prevent th difference
of rich and poor.
That crafty fellow ever Introdeeed
the raoney for ale In human life? Of
come, nationalieM of various velaables, such 40 gold, Oliver, jewels,
eta, shall be imPlied in the disuse ot
the raoney and their ownership by
Little Jimmy 'had a very pretty sis-
ter. e'rettY eleter had a very devoted
admirer. eetto evening when he was
waiting lir the pallor for deter to ap-
Pelee wa; aPProachel by little
"Mr. Smith," eueried the youngster,
"do you lege rhy Ater Jersey?"
"VOW, Jtinmy?" vea the Amami re-
ef blushing Mr. $talth, "why
do you aek me thitt?"
-Demme," was tbe quirk rejoinder
I had no eusidelon, she deceivel me 00
Well up to the very last; and never
tem anYode hanging about her, All
the men knew that /she and were
goalie to make a rratteh of it; and
they'd have beers afraid—." Ile drew
a long breath and stretched his broad
ehest. "No; I haven't a thing to guide
Me. She' went off like a thief in the
night -why, she kiesed me, tte
bus voiee broke; then suddenly his
ta,0 flashed redly, he flung his hand,
eflti grasping the dirty eap, above his
heed alIzt add between hie eleneihed
teeth: "But I'm still ImItlng, still
waiting' tied shell find him some
of the yeungster, "elle egad lent night day, And when do --when 1 do!" --
ehe would give a oovereisn to 'MOW, the words /seemed to eholts him, he
end I Used the money." -- Lonlon had to string& for breath -"I'll have
ideaa. 1 reekoning vitt that rake, Mr. Hee-
In Kittch.ext and Pantry.
(Home-made cinnamon buns, nice
and sticky, and plentifully filled with
raisins, will be round to be a, wel-
come and healthy eubstitute for cake
for the small child. This makes a
dainty and wholeoome addition to the
school lunca, top.
If you had an open fireplace save
buying metal polishers, for wood ashes
-Mixed with a little vinegar makes one
of the best. It will often clean very
much discolored. old brass where other
polishers fail.
At last there is to be had a stove
cleaner than will actually and quickly
remove rust. on stoves without Mitring
them greasy looking.
Preehly ground peanut butter, sold
In the bulk, is liked better by some
than that in tars, and is somewhat
more reasonable. Peanut butter
should be a household standby, para..
elderly where there are children, since
it is healthY and nourishing. •
0 • 6.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto.
• •
eat s SOUPS.
•••••••6 • •
Some Pointers /or the House-
, ti wife.
In making a soup ot good stock it
is wiser and cheaper to make en-
ough to last two or threo days. When
thoroughly cooked, strain and set to
cool, then remove the grease, pour on
enough stock for one serVing and set
the rest away keep cool.
,Vegetables or any other edible gar-
nish may then be added, Sheald any
One be left over strain and set aside
to add to the next day's portion, but
do not turn it in into the 'unused
In enakin,g stock a quart of water is
allowed usually to a pound of meat,
individuate be prohibited. Bach
abies retain their values Only when
they are need at, a Means of !newel.
ity, but will be nOthing more than
theses pebbles on the toed when
equelity is to be prevalent. They
real have some value in giving us a
good feeling on account of their ele-
gance, then they Amy be need, under
lenblic ownership, for the decoration
of shrines, templos, churches, halls
and many other Ube buildings to the
eoramon pleasure of the public at
Most complieated troubles may tittle
from the a.djustment of properties
after the enforcement of the disuse of
the money. With the proposed sug-
potion mines, railroads, Wallis, electric
arid gas plants, waterworke and many
other prOperties essential hi the cons -
Mort Interest Of it nation, shell be
transferred to the national Ownership,
not to say of the nationalization of
land, and they shall be equally coat-
nalgatted for, as for the eonfiscat1011
ot money and severed bonds, with a
kind of registration bonds newly iesued
for the purpose, which should have
the charaeteristic of temporary transi-
tional means until an improved fea-
ture makes its appearance in a new
In other regards individuals MaY
be perpaitted to retain their own pro-,
perty, personal and real, and main-
tain their professions or occupations.
Transaction shall be carried on by
• the exchange of kind in kind, or bar-
ter. But as barter is too inconvenient
to be eleforeed, a ticket system may
be taken for the remedy of this
defect, As has been stated, our ideal
dituse of the money does not admit
any accumulations of wealth, and so
the tickets shall be given each a cer-
tain period of time, say ten, twentY,
thirty years or more, during which
they can be in use, and after which
their circulation ceases,
When this is accomplished, there
can, be no more complaints, no more
dIssatiefactions, no more contradic-
tions, and no more misunderstandings,
end the world will be reorganized
Into a paradise of peace.-Seijiro
Bawashima in Ded. Nippon.
ISSUE NO. 31, 1919
ey fur. Reid Bros., Dethwe11, Oat,
Men Ini2o Dare to Do.
Conventional Men col:wider clothing,
reputation and returne. The age calls
for men who forget all in the chal-
lenge of the opportunity. While the
crowd epeculates and 'wonders, the
man of the hour eeee the opportunity
and goee on to. euecees. His fearleeis-
new is a mark of Ilia fitness, He
dares while others cringe. It is this
quality that gives the lion -tamer con-
trol of the beat, It le the quality
thee has thrilled every man that has
risen above the average. It'e a case
of dare to do, or remain with the
crowd. -Grit.
Slums and Unemployment.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, -I have used MINARD'S
LINIMENT on znY vessel and in my
family for years,. and for the every -day
lila and aceidents of life I consider it
has no equal. I' would not start on a
voyage without it, If it cost a dollar it
Schr. Storke, St. Andre, Kamouraska.
"Only the other day I saw a skilled'
Birmingham artisan working in hie
garden, and I aiked him if he had a,
day's holiday; ',he said 'No, I have
been out of work for three months,
and I. am enjoYlag my garden, the
freeh air, floweas, the sun and the
birds.' I said 'What would you d�
wtth your tinie if you were living in
the slums?' (as be had done at one
thne). He said should be dead!'
This brought home to inc the hopeless
emulation of men out of work living
in a great city, with a small house,
no comfort and no garden.
"I do rejoice in the ' work yea are
doing in Canada."--I0ktract from lot -
ter from Mr. George Cadbury, of
Bohrtteville to .the . Commission of
Conservation, May 19, 1919.
I"' 70-aere farm, young beerbeg
trees; select varieties; refloated. 00 OA
beautiful Bay of quinte, Prince, lildward
County. The fineet apple beet the
province. Write for partiettlare, photos
etc, .A,ddress 13ox 267, Ploton, 'Ont,
FARMS roR ext.%
6f1,13,40 ;ApAecbrgufrei—bt.",,AAtii:20fioch.12:00r:04112:41:0e1:4y:
other buildings; one hundred and twenty,.
in an r ve nit
u C et, a
same district; excellent soil, all undqr
efieuvIteinvatytlepne,r aexcreoe,ptittwx4e.ntgyatacinrne:thbanrol*
wp0e4::n°204,u est:hapen4e! bpaeln.V°UvloweIlmobytednilidefitYelithnott
L.4110E1 Ntteri3Ele IMPR,OVED FARMS
sse, for abeut, half cost or Unproventents.
PO and Uli; grows in abundanee ell
kinds of vegetables; ants roads, , flawing
wells, schools, churches, fish, gargle.; WIN*
farmed here 31 yeari3; never he4 crop
failure, 3. Locking, Erne, Ont., Rainy
River Valley,
" cash, 100 tillable land, lots ot water,
frame barn, 40 x 50. Geed statollageogeed
house, farm implements. Horses, cattle,
close to Post Office, school, 800 me.P10,
• trees for syrup. Sell separate, (also Ford
car.) Possession any time. Apply tG
John Smith, MelVlurrick P.O., Parry
Sound, Ont.
Manslaughter in Second Degree
Cutting corns with a razor is dan-
germis and useless. The only rem-
edy is Putaarras Corn Extractor,
Whieh removes corns and warts -in'
one day. Becatise painless and sate,
use only "Putnam's," 25e, per bottle
at all dealers,
To give body to thin soups add a lit-
tle barley, rice, arrowroot, cornstarch.
potato flour rubbed to a cream, with
a bit of butter, gelatihe or rice flour
that has been worked free a lumps
with a little water or stook,
If a soup made without tomato needa.•
a little acid to flavor it add the juice
fruit Leeks cuchmhers pounded celery
me cheap, and appears tO think that • , ,
seed, burnt vinegar and sweet herbs
his niission .on earth is to break my
aro all valuable additioxis for stock
neck. My mission is to convince him making. If one is the proud posseedor
that he is wrong; so we have a lively
a an herb garden„ then all the flavor -
time of it. Wilkins saye that he hopes ful herbs may be dried or preserved
he won't be too much fax- me; but I
in spirits of wine for cooking use,
like a horse with spirit. And. a girl An odd Oriental fancy is to make
also," eye added. a puree of beans so thick that it hard -
(P0 be continued.)
--04.-•--- ens when eoldl thee a clear soup is
made aad slices of the bean curd are
Woodpecker Nests On Sale. put In each portion. It is dentate and
very rich and nourishing. Still ati-
lt may sound like a jerk° to epeak of
other idea from the Far East is to
the manufacture of woodpecker nests, make tiny fritters, holding one boil-
sMuacihnensettsha.t talc% many orders for in each platej of soup. In Russia a
favorite soup has Isliced apples poach -
The bird houses are eenetructed of od On top lust before serving.
pine blocks fifteen inches long and , --------- .
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
from five to eix in diameter, The back
of the block is equaredi to permit of .
ITto Time for That.
the patent adjustment being properlY
attached to the tree or placed where Kathryn carie running to her moth.
the house is to be lbcated, a CanOpy or
er, crying as though her heart would
top pieee to keep out the weathet be -
but there is actually a factory i
-n ed shrimp each, serving tette tliree
' Obeying Instructions.
!Mrs, Archer had a flew maid from
Sweden, willing and viborous, but ex-
treineny ignorant in many ways. She
had never seen a refrigerator before,
and her mistress, after initiating tier
into the niyateries, instructed her nev-
er to Matte anything old or left over
in the- icebox, but to keep the refrig-
erator perfectly clean and fresh by.
throwing away the old things every
On the following morning Mrs. Ar-
cher, looking out of the window, no-
ticed something peculiar in the yard.
Calling the maid, elle eald:
"Hilda, what is that over in the
yard, aud how did it get there?""
With her face beaming with pride,
the Swede replied:
"That bane old lee, Ma'ap, left over
from yesterday. I Crew Ift. away lak
you tol' me."-Bostori Herald.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
4 • 4
Cholera infantum is one of the
fetal ailments of childhood. 'It is a
trouble that comes on suddenly, es-
pecially during' the summer months,
and unleas prompt action is takep. lit-
tle one many soon be beyond aid.
Baby'e Own Tablets are an ideal
medicine in warding off this trouble.
They regulate the bowels and sweet-
en the stomach and thus prevent all
the dreaded summer complaints.
They are en absolutely sate medicine
being guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain no opiates or nar-
cotics or other harmful drugs They
cannot possibly do harm - they al-
ways do good. The Tablets, are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 23
cents a box from The Dr. William.s'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
ing mule like a rect, let. perfect neet break. BetWeen SOW she said that
dog had frightened 'her. Her mother,
is drilled by a reamer. Within three
inched of the bottom a coekserew in -
trying to divert her attention, asid,
dentition le made to the bird en-
trance, as the teas of the woodpecker "What kind of a tall did the dog
are in pair, two before and two bel
hind, 4witti sharp, strolls trews, the
whole etructure Of the foot Making it
adaptable for climbing.
The houses are sold to orchard own.
ere, as the claim is Made by the orni-
thologists that the woodpeckeree feed
coneists chiefly of inseebs etad their
larvae whieh the birde get by digging
into the bark and Weed of treee. The
woodpeckeets tongue is an itriportaat
instrurneht in obtaining this feed, as
it, can he extended fet beyotid the bill,
its tip 'being horny and furilished with
a barbed filanaent.
The heed of the fatally glatitted UP
from the paper end remarked:
"I see plere's a new hippopotamus at
the Zee." Glancing et hie son 3 moment
niter. he *sad:
"Whitt are you laughing at, Hato?"
"I was Jut' 130551181' to think Of a
strerit earryln' b erpetamus," returnoi
narry.-allestart G
have?" Xathryn gobbed, "I:10 Yeti
Japanese Presoription for Bring-
ing in a Paradise of Peace.
by mail is by Dominion Express
Money Order.
Fellow These Enke and Help the
Good Work;
Don't lose your tools. Stanip your
nhine on every one ahd be Insured
ad,ainst leas and theft; We will make for
YOU a Stamp hand cut from, tool steel.
It will last a life time; send 30c for each
letter of your name and 1(le postage,
it -
only your initials required send $1.00;
Crown Stamp & Die 'Works, WaterdoWn,
wANTED - LIMITED N11111E111111 OW.
• prime rabbit skins, cased, stretched,
salted Lind air dried. Reid Bros., Both-
well, Ontario.
• ranch, 205 acres, 1,000,000 flne tin-
ber; house, barn, about five acres finest
black soil, cultivated garden arid hay;
post office, church, school, telephone, 10-
itt water -main, Canadian Northetm Rail-
way, 'saw mill, planing mill; most "beauti-
ful climate In the world; radius; 6 miles
Victoria; fine auto roads; eleetrie wires
soon. Reason for selling, Dr. Barker,
Happy Valley, Vancouver Island, •-
tow of land; excellent water; good
bsueallfcloilnIghs.; price right; near good mar-
kets, school; churches, store, Box 164,
HOMt BUItintrtS.
Write for Freo Book of House Plans, •••aai
and information telling how M save from
two to four hundred dollars on- your new
home, Address, Halliday Company, 21
Jacksoh Street East, Hamilton, Qatari°.
1. Match -es --HBe sure your match' is
out. Pinch it before you throw it
8, Tobacco -Throw pipe ashes and
cigar or cigarette stumps in the dust
of the road and stamp or pinch out the
fire before leaving them. Don't throw
them into brush, leaves or needaes, •
a. Making camp - Build ,a small
campfire. Build it in the open, not
agabase a tyee or log or near brush.
Scrape away the trash from all
around it.
Leaving Comp. -Never leave a
campfire, even for a short time, with-
out quenching it with water and then
covering it with earth.
6. Bonfires -Never build bonfires ia
windy weather or where there is the
elighteet danger of their escaping from
cotitrol. Don't make them larger than
you need.
0, Fighting Fires -If you find a fire,
try to put it out. If you can't, get
word of itsto the nearest forest ranger
at once.
The above rules for the prevention
of fires, prepared by the United'.
States Forced Service, are equally ape
plicable to Canada. Their observance,
would go far towards lessening the
tremendous toll taken each year by
the forest fire fiend.
• olla
We will make here a suggestion
which furnishes us a method to pre-
vent the appearance of the rich, and
avert the consequent result of the
difference between rich and poor.
The suggestion consists of the entire
Meese. of the money over the world,
in order to give the strinagle for exist-
ence a check, to make Way with the
difference of Atli and poor, and thus
to promote peace and equality in the
public life of mankind.
It is through the medium of the
money that wealth 15 acnuntilated,
and the accumulation entails the dif-`
ference of rich and poor, With its
resultant straggle for existence.
This state of things is most uncle-
sirable, The end of mankind is not
to be proud of iridividual talent or
ability, but to to-ettjoy the peace in
,the world, just as -in a family, and
any cause which brings about any
ineouality in public life mut be reell-
cally elltninated. It le for this reason
spose I stopped to look at his tail?" that we dare to seggest the disnee of
Send Your Cream
Best Market in Canada
We supply can and pay exprese. Cesti weekly.
Write for cane noW.
Don't let your blogeet month no by witheut taking
advantage of our prises.
Rsproagintatives wanted In every icostlity write us.
EN. CARR & CO., Ltd.
193 Kin East Hamilton, Ont
e • lence in village of Grimsby. SteaM
heated, car stops at door. WoUld eon -
eider exchange for same or smaller place
between Stoney Crook and Brantford.
Apply, Btqc 366, Grimsby. Ont.
beeame a pleagure holiday resort ita
place was taken by the old towti of
Shipden,• which now lies beneath the
waves. These waves brought frenh
Sialpden, on to the sands of•Cromer
hundreds of gold nobles and silver,
pennies, most of which were bought,
up by antiquarians, who had human -
Seely rushed up to Cromer_ on bearing
of ..the discovery.
A boy WaS playing along the rooky
coast of North Wales a shert thae age,
and trying to lift may of the iciest)
rocks saw a sparkling -object lying unl
derneath one. of themSOn being flatted
up this proved to be a valuables' gold!
ring. When inquiries were made
was found thee it belonged to an old
resident of the district, who had Tose
It in the sea more than thirtg -years.
ago when bathing.
About seventy miles off the coast oft
Southern California lies the Island Of
San Nicholas, a horrible spot, all sand'
and loose pumice stone. No oae bad
landed there for years, and it was ale
Ways believed that it was uninhabited
and uninhabitable. Imagine theiefoefii
the surprise of those who knew this
wild and deeolate spot be learn, seven
or eight yeara ago, that one 'man had'
resided there for some yeere. • .
He had been steadily coalecting the
treasmie met up by the sea from the
many wrecks along the coast. ilie,- per-
haps, had more reason to think the
sea a valuable storehouse than 'moat.
people, for when he retUrned to Civil:
izatton he brought back with hitn in
gold and silver, both coins and bars,
upwards of $180,000, all picked up on
the beach. Moreover, he had a fine
collection of antiques which brought
him a smell fortune.-Philadelphis,
Minard's Liniment C7---.ures Garget in
Farmhouses Modernized. .
As farmhouses become adapted to
the taste of the women who are, in
so many cases, taking over their man-
agement, it is found that many of the
old institutions of the farmhouse -
the parlor, the many small rooms, the
dark halls -are disappearing. Parti-
tions are torn out to make spacious
living rooms; porches are added, and
everything is arranged for the utmost
convenient() of the housekeeper who
is also tender of the fields.--Exciranga;
"Cold In the- Head"
Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Persons who are subject to frequent
"colds In the head" will find that the
will build up the System, cleanse the
Blood and render them less liable to
colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh
may lead to Chronic) Catarrh.
takerl internally and acts through the
Blood On the Macous Surfaces of the
Systeln. •
All Druggists 750. Testhnonials free.
$100.00 for any Cage of Catarrh that
S'J Clieney & Co., TOled0, Ohio.
The sea is full of queer things and
queer tricks At Thorpness, for in:,
stance, recently, tbe sea revealed eeiet a -
sure that had been hidden for hunde
reds of years. As the tide ebbed the
sands were found to be littered With
huudreds of coins -gold, Over and
bronze -dating from earIY Saxon
times. There were also antique
bronze ring end oreaniente that will
fetch many pouteds to their for
timate finders trona collectors. At the
inteuett-which, by the Way, Is invar-
iably held on sueh treasure trove -it
'wee decided tliat the find was not
crown property.
levtryone knows the story of hov
Xing Jollies treasure WAS overwhelm-,
ed ia Os Wash, Confirmation Of
tbij was given ft few days ago when
a Oolid gold eirolat was cast We bir ebo
via. at Wolfertan. Before CroMet
Color of Pure Oapper.
The work of a Swiss investigator
suggests that abselately pure copper
may have light pay color like that of
moist other metals, since it is foland
that othet coppers which has been ten
times distilled hi vacua has ouly
pale rose color, while the yellow color
of gold becomes much lighter under
simnel, treatments.
Vegetable Diet.
A well-belaneed diet does not neces-
sitate much meat. The leafvegetables,
like cabbage, spinach, eeletY, onions..
etc„ are now in their nettle, and
hodd be used as the basii of a nums
ber of appetizing dishes. Supple-
mented as they can be by a liberal el-
loWaliee of milk, cereals and a Halite
ea number of egge, the proper load
values are fully enaintained.
Dr. Marie's Eemale Pills
For W..orneos'Al menu
Pt fro; Yer°4-: t
io retested
• gaii•ker
Lta„ To
Atte q rte.
see NAMAIS se eri