HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-29, Page 5IVB 11aVa:.th0D1 `tri' ikppp.Ortc, wood, 11Vei, lxit?*tlted, see tlateta .. $1 ib � OVISO ► 8th-r>trciilx:20c 141'$241t1 per ttat, z1See outs. )c .&a.a,,'wtth CollarButton, 38t,1tds aril, link Cuff Buttog8, 200 BALI., WA'1`TTELPflON1 EXC AI�TC E �' Headache Cure A. vet y simple but effectual cure for all kinds of headaches. Does not contain opium, chloral, morphine, antipyrine or any dangerous drug. Easy to take, as each powder is inclosed in rice paper, which has only to be softened in a little water, when it may be swallowed with ease. Leaves no disagreeable taste.! Put up 12 wafers in a box. 25cts per box. 3. E. HO ,I EY• Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. IJLPII4TE of COPPER IRIS GREED REMEMBER Prof. Chamberlain will be at our store on Thursday, April 23rd, wait for hire. JAMES H. COMBE'S Close Prices quantity ►+Pen�► !►i►ry.:.'!e►n as,om{► R?►eto AlAlAl4 asAlY4►46►air ►!tF.A:,.4✓`' ;:A1✓ni�'ny►!1,Z3;I Y {4 46 4► t►. 4► 4r. Y a► . (G t�5 't Ale ilxg 1lodds ff baen ::iiont fir `a iril3`rl : Q91493 i6; t. to for a nae vi►tivo: aandi- +, 0. ykert has 4plinitely‘-n09cittal the; 0snelr!vative noloination for Pueoin and Isla garat f The l�il stale have decided not to pail ► R d xt,Alga n+►tl Stabs (l�tc0arthyite . `M . Evantural Gaya Montreal and the° VOW .neo Of 0140*Will do oven butter to, the Liberals thou ezll' of . and .that kik Oliiver'e prestige iat,a, powerful auxiliary to the party. Lion,1 `fluid Laurier, the Liberal leader, accompanied by,Sir Oliver Mowat, will op. en the oawpaign in Ontario by addressing a mass meeting in the Princess Rink, Lon- don on Wednesday evening, dung 8. A private letter from. Winnipeg contains the following reference to the political situ_ athin in Manitoba: "1 have been all over Southern Manitoba, and if the people vote at all as they talk, the Liberals will make a Olean sweep." The meeting held Saturday evening at the Pavillion, Toronto, in the intonate of Mr Emerson Coatsworth, Conservative, was a very turbulent and noisy gathering, the opponents of coercion being present in great force, and the speakers being subjec- ted to a running fire of interruptions, and talking sometimes amid great uproar. The audience nearly biased Coatsworth off the platform, and would scarcely even lieten to the Finance Minister. The Halifax Chronicle publishes inter- views with four former leading Conserva- tives, who have publioly announced their adhesion to the Liberal party, and pledged their support to Messrs Russell and Keefe, the Liberal candidates. They are Mr Robert Moseley, of Dartmoatb, manufacturer, head of the Dominion Paint Company; Mr John Walker, of Dartmouth, Merchant; Dr. Smith, of Dartmouth, and IYIr C. T. Barns, of Halifax, manufaoturer of Mate mantels. These men have been lifelong Conservatives, but have come to the conclusion that a change of government at Ottawa is badly needed. They are con- fident that Mr Laurier, Sir Oliver Mowat, and the Liberal party will give the coun- try government and a genuine measure of tariff reform which will stop the predatory operations of the combines. They are all frank and outspoken in their views. Mr Monty points out that on two articles of new materials used in his factory the du- ties are respectively 75% and 400%. Mr Walker says he knows dozens of Conserva- tives in his own neighborhood who are go- ing to vote the Liberal ticket. A perfect landslide of eleotore from the Conservatives to the Liberal party is going on inthis Pro- vince, and notably in Halifax, and this is having such paralyzing effect on the party here that they have oalled Sir Charles Tupper and Mr Foster to their aid. NOTHING IS CHEAP THAT IS NOT GOOD. We strive to place before you the best goods available at the lowest passible prices. One thing is certain, comparison is the true test, your good judgment wilt tell you that a candidly expressed request to compare our goods with any others looks like confidence in what we are selling. In LACE CURTAINS Pew Advtrtiofazeflto. We never were so well equipped for the trade. We showing the newest designs in a great variety of Nottingham, Swiss, Scotch and Point Lace. The prices start at 35c per pair, a !good one for the mo- ney. A better and wider curtain we are selling at 50c a pair. A splendid Nottingham Curtain 3i} yards long, taped edges, good designs at $1'a pair. We have repeated this number several times this sea- son. At $1.50 we are showing, special value, this curtain is 58 inches wide, taped edges, 3} yards long. $1.'75, a very popular price, some elegant designs are shown in very fine net. $2, a Curtain 60 inches wide, 31} yards long, a specially desirable number; the patterns are up to date. $2.50 and 52.90-A strong combination. It's difficult to describe these Curtains; suffice it to say, they are extra values and great favorites. $3-A beautiful Curtain, yery fine net, one that is sure to give satisfaction; full length and width with fringed ends. You are at Liberty to compare these Curtains, take them home and examine, let your friends see them, and if they are not satisfactory we will cheerfully refund your money. We dont complain of dull times, al ways busy. Jersey Stock for Sale. $95 will buy Registered Heifer 2 years old in August, due to calve in December, $65 will buy Reglste,ed Heifer, 2 yr old, to calve soon. 860 will buy Registered Cow dropped first calf last March, due to calve again next January. $70 will buy Registered Cow, fresh, supposed In calf attain. 5quarts of milk will yield 1 qt of cream; will Young pay rey Bulllf in ready for at 5e service, qt, Wil give on shares. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Brussels. John McMillan's Meetings WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Separate Scheel Mullett, Friday, May 29th Temperance Hail Kinburn, Saturday, May SOtb Baird's School House, Stanley Monday, June 1 Bruoefield School House, ,.,° Tuesday, June 2nd Varna Wednesday. June 3rd Blake Thursday, June 4th KipKpen .Friday, June 5th Mo illop, School House No 4, Saturday, Jane 6th All:the above meetings will commence at 7.30 p.m The opposition candidate or friends invited to take part in the discussion. Other Meetings will be announced next week M. JESSOP 41G CO., BLYTH McKinnon ac Co., Blyth Cash and One Price. Butter and -Eggs taken as Cash ttet;�4►Ar A ea. tie eir, te. With our nice, fresh, cheap goods, we have made the hit of the sea- sorf! Always busy, always glad to see you. 9 cents for Eggs. M. Jessop & Co., Blyth. The Great Cheap Cash Dealers. SHREWD - BUYERS Watch the market and buy where they can obtain the best value. That is why so many pecple ate buying their Groceries from us. GIVE US YOUR ORDER. We guarantee every article we turn out, and deliver it with a nice -turnout, • OGLE COOPER & CO. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. PUBLIC MEETINGS. Meetings in the interests of the Liberal Candidate, Mr M. C. CAMERON, will be held at the following places; KINTAIL-Young's Hall, Tuesday June 2 LOCHALSH-Wednesday, June 3rd. ST. HELEN'S,-Thnreday, June 4th. ST. AUGUSTINE-Thursday, June 4th, HOOVER'S -Friday June 6th, Addresses on the current topics will be deliver- ed by Al, Cameron and other.. St. Helens meet- ing will commence at 2 p.m., and all the others at 7:30,. m. The Opposition Caudi late is invited, Good . ShOes 'TENTIOM • We again talk Clothing, the reason, we have been buying mei e, we bought it because we thought it very cheap, and we intend to give the benefit of cheap buying to our customers, as we consider that n i11 benefit them, Will be to our advantage in making larger sales and a bigger turn over for tis. There may be some people that are not aware of the large stock of Ready Made Clothing we are carrying this spring We never had any such stock before. We have special prices to offer in all lines of Ready Made Clothing, Eats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. Men's Suits li $3 50 ., 4 00 ... .... ,,,, ...... 4 60 .. >.500 5 50 and up Special Line 01 Men's Pants $1 and $1.25 'Special Line of flogs' Pants 50e. Merin and Boys' Flats from 5e. to $8, Shirts Collars, COIN, ' Ties, dm., at lowest prices. Come and see us. Boys' Suits « if r•.$1 00 2 00 3 00 f• fi if if if 400 4 50 There are times (hat try men's soles, and a good shoe is important in the way of enabling a man to walk with satisfaction. Our shoes are like the one horseShay, they fall to pieces from old age. $ARNEStE_bouble and Single. TR1 %s, VALrs S, 17 'o :twit arrived, the Rocker Baby !Carriage also a ear of British Columbia Red and Native Cedttt' Shingles. A�hert Street, Clinton. t ?i,ntou. Y. 0. 143 a lr: ?t7'uiom,:: TPplpa at the goveral Yentvp Peng e'r Soclet eay mttoohetertheid dunogweekthe ,. Rattenbnry Sk Iwamoto 1a1.L: 0. Mon - day=eve ing itt8 o'11Polr, Topi for ne Ju C4neec a�iit>a:eorvloar rat. call. I allect nan d sootily reports, ,iiattenb t, 1liethodl.t- Girl', lit of 0,,:n oYoning'froni 8. epi for MRue;.G on Coiitert. u ay . OotarloStreet Methedist40,L,O40i4XL. day evening at 8 pelook; itoplo for,Tane I. 6th clause of pledge; 1:101.'0, 'I7; 10 Cor. 10 15; Tim. 2)121(r, C{Po §hipioy 2ud, onaeoratlgu and ro1:04 de* cvsnln at 7 n elsoto'k,. Tope for "Novy 20, Vonsocratles•aynd.i;f�li nail. eve lrg atP$ 05. Tapqas° far Mu.y 81:$u �dY for des Mate,, 24, 80M, Catechism quos. Mee L, tudeay. Londosbore Methodist E. L. of 0. E. Monday evening at 7,30 o'clock. Topio for June 1, ( Oiiseenstion, A. woodman. Turner's Methodist E. L. of 0. E. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Topiq for May 31, 1The young Chrhltian in company -Rev, Mr Holwesviile E. L, of O. E. Topic) for June 1, What we learned yesterday. T. R. Courtice. Y evening. ] Mays 31, MethodiE.st in =Patrr'iotisma d. Harnwell, •Panna, EOL of Methodist.16..iay uevening at7.80. Topio for May 29, Christian Patriotism- J, Harnwell. MARR11 D GOYbarn, on May20th, b NRev D. Perris' John Goy to Miss ennie Stephenson, both of Turn - berry, 13EATON-OALf,ANi11IAM.-iiy the ftev. R. H. Hall at the residence of David Agnew, Beaton todMiss AnnieepaIlauh gham all OflgAsh field. IAMIESON-CARTER,-At Ws Thos. Car- ter's Tuokersmitb mother of the bride, on the 20th inst. by the ftev. A. D. MoDonald; D. D., Mr John YoungJamieson, of Hallett, to Miss Harriet Eliza arter. DIED. _ WALTER!. -1n Lower Wingham, on May 10th, Richard Walters, aged 85 years. SHINE. -In the 6th, con., of MoKillop, on May 10th, Mary Ellen Shine aged 6 years and 9 months, and on May 19th Catharine Bratty May Shine, aged 5 years and 2 months, ROBERTSON. -In Clinton, on May 26th, David Robertson, aged 66 years. food When we offer to send the Naw ERA to new aubscribefs - for 50 cents cash, for the bal- ance of the year, there is no reason why everybody should not subscribe for it. We want to add a lot of new names, °LINTON MARKETS Oorreeted every Thursday afternoon Thursday, May 28th, 1896. Wheat, spring 0 70 a 0 71 Wheat, tall 0 70 a 0 71 Oats, 0 20 a 0 22 Barley 0 80 a a 85 Peas 0 45 e 0 50 Floor perowt .. 2 00 a 2 00 Pork 4 50 a 4 75 Batter .. ,0 10 a 0 11 8ggsper doz 0 08 a 0 08 Sheeepskins12 al2 0 25 a0 25 Wool 0 16 a 0 16 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 STRUCK WITH LIGHTNING, Neatly describes the position of a hard or soft corn when Pntnam'a Painless Corn Extraotor is applied. It does its work so quickly and without pain that it seems magical in notion. Try it. Recollect the name-Patnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sold by all druggists and dealers every- where. Desirable Dwelling House to Let New, room and convenient house on Victoria St Possession given lot of June. Apply to B. IRWIN or MISS BUTLER. PASTURE TO LET Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good fences, plenty of shade, water and salt. No Barbed wire, Apply to C. MASON, at Stapleton or to M. GLEW, of Orange Ball, Hallett. CASH FOR EGGS The highest cash price will be paid for any quantity of fresh eggs. J. STEWART, Basket Maker Victoria Street, near Queen's Hotel, Clinton A BARGAIN House and Lot for sale cheap Terms of payment will be made so liberal that they equal very little more than an ordinary rental, Address Box 174, Clinton poet Office MEETING of HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the oor oration of the County of Huron will meet in the Court Room in the Town of Godericb, on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of June next at 3 o'clock p.m. , W. LANE, Clerk Dated May 19th, 1896. FOR SALE Olt TO RENT That desirable property in the village of Bolmesville, known as the Lobb estate, being 1-8 acre of land If story frame house, good stable well and other outhouses. Convenient to poet: otilee, railway station and churches. Would sell at a sacrifice. Apply to GEORGE HOLLAND, Hoimesville, or J, S. LOBB, Galt. Tenders for Addition to Huron House of Refuge. Sealed tenders will bo received by the under- signed (marked tender for the House of Refuge( up to the 2nd day of June 11896, for building an addition to the House o� Refuge, "at Clinton. Plane and specifications can bo seen at William Coats' office Clinton, or at the office of the Ar- chitoot, H. C. McBride, London. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated May 12,1 1896 •lC6alrman of Crediton P Oo PLANTS! PLANTS! PLANTS ALL KINDS OF FLOWERS, Geraniums, Fuschias, Begonias. Annuals- Asters, Petunias, Verbenas, Stocks, eta. CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWERS, CELERY, About 600 boxes of Tomatoes, many new kinds, such as Child's Picture Rook, New Imperial, Early Leader, Ruby and a autobor of others, all of which I will sell cheap. Call at the cut en. house, Huron Street. J: CUNINO•HLATE. BENMILLER SOOIILEN MILL As usual I shall bo prepared to paveliae° Wool at tho highest market price for cash, er will ex change for my manufactured articles. My stook of STOCYKING YARNS HORSE BLANKETS FLANNELS TWEEDS hold BED .BIaA.l.1f'KETS la . ntween1At to and gnarhtteed mannfbottt$d 11 of 0kF�L M13 E1S lap and free !Coin dhoddy"Of any description. flout fprrggeti l uta]] p CASH or (cool at tbehigbtbtpia°inthe,m5rk9'ty , kSe.. eniu1» r, lith New Silk and Wool Blows als 35 cents New,American Percales,stylish �. New Fast Black Hose for Ladi two pairs for 25 cents. New Cotton Pongees in China patterns. New Black andWhite Stripe Prin popular things. New long Cream and White Silk;; Gloves New things in Tartan Silk and Wool Blouse Goods New Scotch Dimities, wash colors New Pine Apple Tissues, light and airy New English Zephyrs, beautiful New things in Fancy Parasols New fancy col'd Muslins, fast colors GILROY dc WISEMAN • 3t& l4 13 HEAP Hardware�and e We are now back in our old store, and will from now give low prices on all kinds of Hardware and Tinware. Give us a trial. HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, CLINTON. If you Buy on the Basis of Value For your Dollar d OUR MEN'S SUITS WILL INTEREST YOU.,. Out of the large stock take the $5, $6 and $7.50 lines. They are made of first-class Tweeds, trimmed in a substantial manner and tailored to perfection , . . . . a Altogether these Suits are sp1eu 4 value. Our regular customers , ar buying them freely. They know good thing when they see it. +� Ct$k + €ilei', Lokic e‘ (41'4°'