HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-29, Page 4I 11w, 1. I., I ,,. .q. A i .11 t. > - �.., : -. , - i `+ iP1001.�o t ��041111 1r tA►tir `'� ' ., *� *Ul0R. ,#L,( 10 rid, �3toytaX t iib �t,y 1� atlp ; ttle• 3It I s ,Nethodi�'c trKC1,e4 0r.Uh erich , hoo ` i A.lakrt t vv a 1?ald q fi(Qrth f�,t n tli0%,J c 'r , .. t , (at}der ,, ab : 3� ; i � tl � a# �rbia "bort. 'u...cha.t, .+o. o. y ,- � , lt► tl ee . ;w ,' .,.the ptln etetxa p>~[lie; ltr 1 nitstii��11:q.t?d ' �1± 5, ; d►ctrlot Circ iese . atid,in,'amltiAmt .,::iJt dal re� 10 , 1it ftx 1 n pyla eut Q.ches nl � 2 B �R,$ff11 1� , 0"'11 *1�1tV, fJ� igtct�n> W.iolij ' Atiri Gtrme; Cola W1 1tl l 01tn, COnHdtllitb`:nd Set totth; Gl, `IQllilllltti Hilltt7Q �`ii�lP,.l�, Z laotip lila~ aalllarttntelJsiQ to rid Irta tlaiorte�r'1a.,:11�t. Stevenson, , Sind, $11 Eli 01 , O 7lr�r'0,0d4 Y ljxAr?Faa`+�, • { , �6n 't iko alfa W. Cald. in H rQ well, I ensall; J; itzgers, . Kipp�en; lapvi e..,,.flud�rlcan, �l�ngannon;J.ot-ber, Qgba I 0 0 ori 10 ``y! rlo e Q f1 �M �- o r Sn It e t:ontar e ��ct t' �'• �s'�1. � l i ,�e ?'A,1'.1'owr a.!... (;le�`t'y, xW'r f 1 a Mecl fedi - Flop .. no ba , the) 01ee Gip4r" pR, T. $.8A1)1b11�t";' . Rbr.. Ilht '0p1t14!�;� 1 It t 41r1 1E d 1! 1F +.p1 @t' il.tsr�:l,>>ti>btla�tat:. 1>ktfl't, ?�tiilg` t1aQ prgvin afnttdal.'t>o� 47ultaph 'Lebolo �» I w 1tl,�.: � , q �1► t .,: YtxR';?' 4e 1?ilik iAt! );; 11 be' #dIll f iAtergt Itig :' :' W,r ^ ' ° , •' . TXi1 , Vy' xtat�i �Xi) 's , -�-' Rk .t L'iCf!ta Latrlht the•tntat iriatrthArohin is _ _ _ n r_ are ro l . wal 4 r ..A J 9.J .4A9 9..A".A 1 V ,.JY 93 Y A33 3 /A9 AD 4 M .4 •.AI 9 . V A► AN 494. 9r1 ! .4. .CAA H •FYY S�. J.l. + - 4 4p P 1 44.1 _Y 1 it , Yr 4 i'1'.. q M . +IJnP, V. , it rN b.. cilnr,4 ,4 � d ti4 1'ti l 15 K t f .F o aRt. J v o 8 i b Want .aur 1e was rat mut nded For ax owes 4 7 ra to r . ' if ou w u a Re . ld'. R r a i+" circuit 41. � , xe tp a lc vo e r i. E Oft t pu.�al . � t l y 1. �' p . $ •r�, e v Missionary, u to be not i b o e , G, a s ort 7 049 [d s I q 6> 292 du a i4q, low WbeQl at s low pilus ySi rt sued s �. 11..8 , Re 1 support, a yA ; , 8' t al funds s nt a e a n 88,2 stat Cc ne o u d n trews wa i e e tetally, a o al 1 a �i n. a a t em t)rl W A d pi o ti 1 til Pt better Ire I nt s + and Rev. Mr Olivant and J. O.'Sto e- 02,209,40. The Grand total for all purpes, The i r o is n tt e was 892.6 T e D s i t ,xteet mu a .rte. o a 6 7. 1' as la E t 1 � $ 4 t Se us 25 t e , � Wheels at from >� t. Coo on Tuesday Atter. Wh e .� A recommendation frurri the Quart- aonaluded.a 2 0o k ad y ,`x_rr $%xndrlea and )tsps Repairs. orly Board of Ontario %, church, con- moon, beta" followed by EpWOrth Leagut �1`H] �(;yr, corning the re-attaotitneut of Turner's and Sabbath School Couventione. church to this cI Dolt was verballp ref, $ 1110Y LID and Ait18tO even; also a petition, si ned b 88 Ati. ;, k ,`ORR'SQN S iiovsit, CLINTON nembore and adberenta signed The Queen's Birthday %. '"" " ahuroh asking to be re -united to On- ,;,' r' l y , Pow, ;�ttiQBrtioCll alto tarlo St. was presented. The matter The early trains and conveyance[ t !; , ° ^' was very fully discussed the Contin- from the country brought in a good Btlita tts inches i rident thereto discussed, taken crowd of people on Monday morning � 1 � a ori �wit°i'olp g to participate in the day's sports, b y , , hoap a�lt p�4d��#lroa Into account. It was afterwards mov- P p y p te, ul , Vloyclofa--[ifb41t1nerson ed that the request of the Ontario St. the threatening weather no doubt a , t3ti,urday.�JecksonBios Board be ranted and on a vote being kept many from coming. The raft a' r , MlQ nge—nt Gaaaetan g g which did come on was ver aces tali)[ R m iapto--'W 1Wr Co taken it was de'Rared a tie, and the Y P .. ,Vitali paper—Coo or & co but interfered material) with the matter thernfore stands just ae it was, tK * , eotiuga—lobo olrtillan but is like) to come up again ata sports, which were Carrie on at a des � ` ;"• w<f" g� goods- •reaeop � ae future meet n adv�ntage. In the early morning r �r>>y k t . ooi oles Allo��& Wilson g ro al salute awakened the citizens �wi ` eaFihaobe Cl�r % E Hovey Rev. J. dge was elected to the y 1'e fir, LooU ore—OnwardBioycle Co Stationing Committee; Rev, H, Irvine From about nine to ten the Band govt lei 1, Tut; 0hoes- 44ckson & Jaoltson and J. C. 5tuneman to the S.S. Com- an open-air concert on the Aqu:tre. ){ S + Jerssya far ea e—(1 A De4ldman TSE PROCESSION. —The rain dIsar ,• Up-tu•date�G Grop &Wiseman mitres; Rev. B. Olivant and R. Holmes t � ' dttsnt'on—pi mu mill & Oibbings to the Epworth League Committee; ranged the bicycle parade, which start r—O Cooper & Co g C{ive ns your orde p Rev. S. Bord and W. Gra to the ed out shout 11 o'clock, but the si:; 2 d bF. y 1N t� , Suatentation Committee; W. M. Gray little girls, representing six Provin Des irr1.�,f ovel was elected as la representative to could he) unade°writuntil e deo bas aalFlowel l.`- Clinton q-lrW &A the Missionary Committee. P �` yi ►^�" a The total membership in the district chariot, in the centre• of which sal . xrI FRIDAY, May 29, 1896. is 32I1, an increase of about 90; No. of little Miss Shirlie Parke; this wat .: +, R, - S.S. scholars 2944; members of League drawn by Messrs Morrish and Cooper "� 4 DOMINION ELECTION 1079; amountcontributedto connexion- followed by a guard of honor, while F '^ al funds, $3278.22, a decrease of nearlyy number of ladies and gentlemen, it ahs ,•;;? ',` $400 over last year; amount contribut- costume, and their wheels beautiful)3 1,1 ` NOMINATION, - - TUESDAY. June 16 ed by church to Missionary Society, decorated, brought up the rear; Bot TUESDAY, June 23 $1811.22; by S.S., $128.63; total money Downs rode an old-time velocipede t' r, , POLLING, -- raised by church $21,842.11; total raised behind came the Fire Engine and Firt k. ' , ' THE NEW ERA TICKET by Sunda Schools, $1313,52; total by Company, followed by Davis & Mo ti, •' Sunday Cool afour-in-hand and tandem, and r ` Epworth L 898.14 rand total number of buggies and persons or i Pnttnrma -HON. WILFRID LAURIER pp Leagues, $. , g $26,663.77. ,x( West Huron - - - M. C. CAMERON Rev. Mi Oaten read a very gratify- horseback. On the market square till !,&"i;". East Huron - - - DR. MCDONALD ingstatement, showing .the progress prizes were awarded as follows: ISSouth Huron - - JNO. MCMILLAN of Bayfield mission during the past costume, R. Downs, Arnoa Castle =hip. . year, and the determination to become Fancy costume, Miss Clarke, Luca k ,%< Conservative Candidates a self-supporting circuit. Brewer. Special to chariot and queen «+ .,• It was decided to hold the next Shirlie Parke. Slow race, four entries ' regular meeting of the District in Rat- A. Humphries; in this race three o ; The selection of Mr Robt. McLean, the contestants remained on their of Goderich, as the Conservative can- tenburyy St. church, Clinton, and the fib'' next 11la meetin in Ontario street wheels till within a couple of feet o Na{„r;, didate in West Huron, puts a moder- y g "4' church. the goal, but were going so slow the) 1'. .. stets strong man in the field; the con- g g A resolution ex resain cordial rrp- tumbled off, and Humphries was thi vention evidently thought him the i'�s : •, . strongest man available though it is reciation of the services of Rev. J only one who finished. Obstacle race f.- t: g g Holmes ea chairman during the three entries, W. Shannon; the rider; said others regarded as stronger could W. + g Z�'. have got the honor if they had been Past three years, was unanimously were required to wheel a certain dig f; passed, and the meeting tben closed. tante, lift their wheels over an ob I � anxious for it, He has been a��ccess- P + saruction, climb over themselves, ant fol business man, brit is at a disadvan- finish. �ti �11 y� ..` tage on account of not .being a speak. Woman's Missionary Society '14 a3a,- er- some his friends regard this as an --- CROQUET.—Among the things the ,4% ; .. - advantage, because he cannot say any. The sixth aimnal meeting of the aided in the celebration of the 24th ,t s,rt:- thing that will lead him into trouble. Woman's Missionary Society of the and which did not appear on the bills ;� ` However, the Liberals will not find Goderich District was held in North was a game of Croquet between thi �� fault with his nomination, but we are St. Methodist church, Goderich, on Clinton and Exeter clubs, on the lawn, ffi�. Strongly of the opinion that he would May 21st, commencing at 2.30 p.m., of Messrs A. Armstrong and Waltei lst ''t'I.. not have been the candidate, had there Mrs Leech, District organizer, presid- Manning. Early in the game the ,ff , . I been any hope of carrying the riding. ed. After singing "Ali hail the power home team found the visitors to N .t of Jesus name,” and reading the se- "foremen worth of their steel," In South Huron Mr T. Hays, of ' g y '„ �ayt ; .. , . McKillop, has been chosen as the Con- Gond Psalm, Mrs Ford and Mrs Elford later in the game found them _ wor .� z, servstive candidate. That Mr Flays led in prayer. Duet by Miss Graham thiel, notwithstanding they had at , , < and Mrs Pr•idham. The President., on Insurance man to insure success, and 1 ', Bas no chance whatever of being elect- a " . irk ed in this hive, is known at the outset. behalf of the. Goderich Auxiliary, wet Dentvl Surgeon to pull them out," t: i corned the dale area and friends, of b accident they should et in till 1.1,11 .McMillan is sure of a big majolbity, g y g r 4;<3`� , but it is expected that by running which there was a .large attendance. [tole. John 13roderick, J. P. Ross .A'? a "' some one against him, he will not be There are eleven auxiliaries in the des- Mr Anderson and Mt Gidley composes able to render effective =lila) form ser- trier, all were represented, and the re- the Exeter team, while I. Taylor, A r Orta frim them Showed an increase Armstrong, Walter Manning and T.0 11%a V, $ l., : vice in other constituencies. If our in membershi - and a eater desire to Bruce made up the Clinton team. Th( trJ 11 .1. advice was asked for, we would say work for missions. gg t ' ,Jr,. everts) onstituencymeans send J where Millan into the Goderich Mission Band e(juveniles) one way, thenthetotherauntil°fln81I3 ,,� "" •i° nized platform ability would tell, d gave a very encouraging report of victory rested with the Exeter tea►n x" ,, 2 , his friends in SouthyTil ion •would see their work, showing that they are be- The day was thoroughly enjoyed b3 bJ ing trained in the Master's work. The the participants, and would have beer u ,art :. that he was elected. h lir of er Mission Bands have imerged into, witnessed y many if it had been gen the E. L. of C. E. Words of greetingq erally known that such an excitin f t Electors who opposed to coercion, were received from Knox church Auxil- and closely, contested game was bete •''•�'' who refer econom and crit to ex- f ,,r •-- P y P y iary and McGillivary Mission Band. played in town. . , travagance and corruption,should give pars Bond, of Seaforth. Conference or- BASE BALL.—The afternoon sport: rh1.{, their Support and votes to the Liberal garrizer, gave a verycarefull prepared commenced with a base ball matel aiirir:. candidates, y ,2 paper on the general work. Mrs Oaten, between the Goderich club and tht l ,.` ,for 3o years in public of Bayfield, gave an instructive paper Ot ieuts of London, umpired by Dr, M. C. Cameron on The relation of the women of Shaw. The London boys played tht °4 1 w life, asks the Support of the electors in ., ,„,fit,,. >..' Methodism to missions. Mies Florey best game and came out ahead, tht the corrin ccntest for the last time.— ;;,"h Pickard, of Holmesville, gave a very score standing 18 to 11 in their favor. ,,, x ' He certai> y will never run again, but interesting and profitable address on Both teams were as gentlemanly enc %fi w- his majority this time should be the „ The sin of worr in 80lo b Miss well-behaved as could e, there not be' . ! -, ; largest �e ever got. y g y Eva Acheson. The President then in- ing the slightest indiscretion or fur 1i. * .'•.. t.' traduced Mise Mor an of Brantford, propriety in their conduct. The seconc '' �.,_., , The News -Record thinks that the a returned missionary from Japan, who match between Goderich and Clinton '­` 'f' Conservative candidate is dead sure of y p el"'€`' being elected in South Huron. If the congratulated the convention on the teams was not concluded, owing to thf � .3, g deep s titres) 'tone of the meeting, rain. "'�L , - Conservatives are basing their hopes given her fresh ins iration to go fur- LACROSSE. —Clintou and Goderich r Of winning the Dominion on a similar wardgin the Master work. She ex- Juniors played a lively And interest .i. ;x,X foundation,;,t.hen it's certainly all up ects, next month, to g game, ,resulting in favor of Clinton 1d go to British in . 111 " r vyith them. Columbia to engage in work in the by 6 to 1. The second match, Clinton r Y,;%n* Chinese Home, She spoke especially vs. Seafot t h, was a very exciting 11 k,, ;; _Hon Mr Foster justifies the enor- to the Mission Band ehildren-wwha -game, in which several of the players Y ..., + , :iiaOriA increase in the debt, on the had now entered—reserving her ad- got some bad tumbles; Seaford[ won 4t;ik ground that the money was spent to dress, concerning her work in Japan, the match by 2 to 1. Jae Jackson was ` "I' ",� ni'ld the C. P. R., and other public for the evening meeting, which was referee. r„ c�� d s. But Mr Foster forgets to — i r� • wotk g ell well attended and interesting. Mrs GUN CLUB ,MATCHES. The first �+ „yr �hishgarera that after thepublic money Ford, of Clinton, ably conducted a contest was between two local teams, Lrrr T':• was spent the road was presented to short consecration service, which captained by Geo. Hincbley and C. '~ �kr the C. P. R., and the country has no- brought a very profitable meeting to a Overberry respectively, 16 birds each, ' thixlg in the shape of an asset to chow close. ADDIE STEPHENSON, Ree, Sec. for a silver cup resultin in favor of ' for it the former h 6 birds. she following ' , Senator Laudry stated at a meeting Wingham District Meeting. was the score:— I*V•'?' in Quebec last Friday, that "he was Hinohley's team Overborry's team y Leet Monday afternoon the ministerial G. Htnohle 14 g 'authorized to state Sir Chas. Tupper y. C. Overberry.. 12 was read to sig n a formal en a e- session of the Methodist church, Wingham E. Hovey ....14 J. McMurray..14 I" y h g !� District, convened in Brussels, Rev. Geo. J. Blackall.. 13 W. Grigg..... , .11 H a.; . Jinent -pledging 9 self to settle t e Buggin presiding. W. Foster .. 10 J. Powell..... 8 it -Manitoba school question in the way The ministers of the District were all It. hidleyc 10 H. Jaokson....8 r 'desired by•the bishops." Then it's.not resent, J. Ch[dley .. 10 E. Cantelon..13 tl to be settled according to the consti- p W. A. Smith and A. Rapson were re- 72 06 F. tution at all. commended to Conference to be continued Another match, 25 birds each, resulted K on probation, the former having one year's as follows:—W. Foster, 21; G. Hinch. r The interest on our enormous debt standing and the latter being on the list of ley, 20; J. E. Hovey, 18; J. McMurray, t amounts to nearly $12,000,000 yearly'. reserves. The case of W. Millean was die- 18; R. Wallace, 18; C. Overberry, 17; J. This is something terrible, and people cussed and referred to Conference. Con. Powell. 13. A match between C. should lust stop to consider what it ferenoe will be recommended to eontinae Overberry and G. Hincbley, 6 birds means, If the debt was being reduced, Revds, Kerr Paul and Norton on the list of each, was won by Overberry with 5 '`, and the interest was coming down, it superannuated ministers. On Tuesday birds, Hinchley 3, In the last monthly would not be so bad, but to meet this forenoon the following laymen were in at- shoot for the Club Cup J. E. Hovey �.enormous interest drain it would take tendance:—Dr. Towler, Geo. Yeo, T. Apple- won with 21 out of a possible 25. nearly one-half of the entire value of by, T. Farrow, Geo.Grieg, M. Braithwaite, FOOT RACES, ETC,—These were well the county of Huron. In other words W. Elcoat J. Wilford A. Carr, T.Wilkir.- contested but the crowd could not he the interest calls for over 1000 of the ' $ son and Joseph Leech. Rev. W. E. Kerr kept back off the track, and rather in- peo les money every hour of the day, was elected Secretary, with Rev A. K. Birks terfered with the contestants. Prize .'' and every day of the week, Sunday in- and Dr. Towler assistants. Rev, G. H. winners were as follows: --Old men's eluded. Cobbledick and Joseph Leech were appoin- race, 100 yds—Jas. Rosa, Ed. Kemp. ' ted Auditors. It was recommended that Men's foot race, 100 yyda--Rdbt, Mann, °' The ',News-Recor l hanks that be- Rev. W. M, Pomeroy receive $75 from con- H. Rutledge. 100 �pd� race (instead of cattaO 82 votes were cast against Mr tingent Fund in view of deficiency in salary, relay race)—Mess�yne and Beattie. McMillan at the South Huron Conven- In regard to the quer•tion of altera. Dog racer --Walter Irwin, W. Steven- w;Mori', there's thatproportiorf of diasat- tion boundaries of oirouitEl, it was son. Girls'race—Lilian Fowler, Annie ,IsfactJon existing, although these 132 deou ed to recommend that Londesboro Forrester. Judges—J, McMurehie, N. voted '- Af'terwardsto make his nominacircuit be restored to its former shape. Fair, taatn tinanimotio, Let's Apply' its own Turner'a appointment to go back to Ont- OONCIERT, EiC.—lit the, evening a reaat`jttitt "ti 1tI' MCLeati, thhecandidate ario street, Clinton, and Almaappointmet t tremendous downfall of rain occurred trop West littl tin, to show iteabsurdityy to Seaforth. Jackson's appointment to be just about ,the time the concert was to Tice �Tf't5g'R , 'd it y, theme were I60 returned to Blyth instead of 1i alton, as at commence; this prevented many frorn delegpt:es p7lcAitxt -which, • wo ors in- present, attending, arid also affected some of t e b e 1a1 , d le a hero no ti ss d x a (tl t duos t A reso u on was s e e ressive b b y g r, 1 15 p of t o the stripgltd instruments so much that r 11,CeT;0411 xeeeiyecl 70 , baliotA, Al- good fooling ands 'ptreolation of the broth. they could ndt be used; however, that e thauglt'Ytis ilcliriiifiWotr.�Ve.:a�ter`wards ren toast[). ltev. ed, Bh�ggggid, ttlo msfeemed d+as' a Pair_ audience, tld' a nod �iaro- j iriadq.oi% iirl�nits., Are we ta,eup^0061% CJliaitmein. Rdtr0r. ilifio";' �+a ideated to gram,• Itriott h considerable goo itltad Ii ev'et�� tti+tst.thd . ditkdarehbd ;betWeen i 1 ;;;t�tatibning..'nor>ito'iltoe ;rev..,." ',,'lig; tb ba bmitte, ,'A' of Clad 2 it was its I ,,?,.. . I 'kid thel,tttalfitttbetf r elat -rh. BiAdn ri' %, ,1Uft,:. w beth ,, . .. p n,t, ' . a .. ilea ab f�rlldws,:, . Littlb' 1iss M+r ,ranee ave dd kiAddd. -law �oi+ttiulti tae' ab*iird to 'Sebool agtno ittee;,lisv. , ,1 I Cto lilediok' t�i., c8iip,le,("f Okdbllent-'ikii4tiotis;�Mtff , < ... , i .';lak tf l�ch il~ thiii ' l3tlt tfoit ' til i ''d ` r ,, r h o e 0 it +Calors �' tb d; w t Le ttt' i}iiaa f Vte'dtll d � T' c' J � 1 are eutitled to credit ton t4eir zealous labors. N W Oxltt �! DowAld Mooneon, ketiti ii, was'run over b train And had a le not o . y a #3' Mr Edward Burns of Tbornbury, is dead as this result of a colt's isiuk. A. five year old boy named Watt of Mount Vernon, was drowned in his tattler's cistern. ' A drinking fountain was resented to the Town of Coliingwood by the members of the W. C. T. U. Job McLeod, a farmer livin near Wora was killed by lighting about 9 .A olook Mon- day night during the heavy storm. The jury in the case of Lapointe, the Brockville murderer, returned a verdict of not guilty, holding that the priao,ner was insane. During the storm of Monday night a very heavy wind struck a small area near Walkerville and did great damage in lying low the buildings and killing farm stook. Rev. J. C. Madill, of P. P. A. fame, has resigned the pastorate of the Congrega. tional Church at Sarnia, and will go to Toronto to take charge of a church' there. The farmers' elevator at Treherne, Man- itoba,was completely destroyed by fire Fri- day, with 26,000 bushels of wheat. The loss is about $18,000, with little insurance. The death occurred at Toronto on Friday of Dr. Macintyre, principal of the Presby. terian Ladies' College. He was seized about six weeks ago with nervoub, prostra- tion, superinduced by overwork. A Chatham despatch says: The Hessian fly has again made its appearance in this county, and its ravages are seriously alar • ming to the local farmers. Many wheat fields are already practically ruined. The Town of Deseronto was visited by a terrific conflagration on Monday, in which the Rathbun Company lost $250,000 and a hundred families were burned out. Total loss, $300,000. It started by a spark from a steamer. Cyclones 'are doing terrible damage in the west. St. Louis was struck by one on Wednesday and millio4s of dollars worth of property destroyed. 300 persons were aloe killed, and it is feared the number may be much greater. A married woman named Mary Koehler was called out of her home in 6hinglEtown, near Baden, her clohthes torn off, and she was beaten, tarred, and aterwards ridden upon a rail. Four disguised men did the brutal deed, and two of the alleged perpe. trators have been arrested. An electric car fell through Point Ellice bridge at Victoria B. C. onTnesday. There were 90 passengers abaord and over 60 were drowned. Twenty persona known to have been on the bridge at the time of the acci- dent are missing and it is supposed that they have perished. The car register shows 90 fares, and it is probable that over 125 were on board. W. H. Bowman, C. P. R ticket, tele- graph. ele- graph and express agent, died early Friday morning of heart failure. He, in company with some friends, was walking home from Waterloo,when he was seized with a cough- ing spell, and in a Elbert time expired. Deceased was 58 years old and a prominent figure in town. A curious case is that of Michael Morris, one of the employes of the G. T. R. at Windsor. He went home ifonday night to his residence on Glengarry avenue, and lay down to Sleep Next morning it was impossible to wake him, and it was only Tuesday night that he woke up and asked for a glass of welter. After drinking it he immediately fell asleep again and has not waked up since. At the Brantford District Meeting of the Methodist Church the following resolution was carriedlananimously:—whereas the sub- ject of remedial legislation has become a question of vital interest to the citizens of the whole Dominion, this Brantford Die- trict Meeting of the Methodists Church hereby places on record its unalterable opposition to any Government whatever which may attempt to force a system of Separate Schools upon the Provinceof Mani- toba Ex president Harrison's articles have proved such an enormous success with The Ladies' Home Journal, adding ever 100,000 to the circulation of the magazine, that the series will be extended beyond the original limit. The ex -President has now reached the treatment of the "President's Official Family," in his series, describing the rela- tion which each Cabinet member holds to the President. Then he will show "How the Senate works" and "How Congress Legislates,"—each in a separate article. Through John E. Rastall, formerly of Kansas, it has been developed that one- third of the children of one of the principal grammar schools of Chicago never seen s live sheep or hog, though all have seen lions tigers and other animals of the tropics. The matter has been taken up by the press on the belief that the same ratio of child. ren throughout the city have never seen a live sheep or hog, and the park commis. sionefs will be requested to place specimens of these animals in the zoological depart- mente of the parks. Maud Williams, the missing heiress from Stonington, Conn., who has been occupying the attention of the police of Montreal and Boston for some days past, was recognized last Saturday evening while leaving the Quebec train, and followed to the Montreal Sheltering Home St. Urbain street, where she was identiflea by her brother, who had reached the city a few days before. Miss Williams is one of the heirs to an estate of $3,000,000, yet she believed herself threat- ened' with poverty, and in a depressed state of mind left home and came to Montreal. Robt. Armstrong, of Melton, farmer and horsebreeder of considerable reputation, has an equine curiosity in his stables, It is a bal9 mare, if such a name can be ap. plied to a mare without absolutely a bare on her body. The animal, a. Clydesdale of about 7 yearn, bogan to lose bar hair two yyears ago, and in spite of all efforts to stop it, this spring finds her entirely bereft of p— - - - .» ,. —1 J L, ,,FFT..}'�i�y, 1. :,., yr�a;Clrin*nn lnYt,vr� poria nts.n!,tini"d dtat6M,t, ktiev m '.lw �, ,.r- . ''I", , � I= 7 � I I � 11 -W .; pastbr of ttch ia•ope- 'n 4 e ori littjfi.b: stltr In the he�ilvens" fe the Qubigct for Sunday evening. Leet (Thursday. evening there was a IaRYEr soy,al At ta�ileton• grove; COnw v e• ft 1 s R - ane le Gilroy corn r w Gh ss e s . Gl e 1 engers, • Ice create and refreshments were served. Brass band in attend- ance. Resolved that iastber was a greater character tbtw Muth, It, the subject of debate at the'$aptiyt church, .on jiri- day evening, at 8 o'clock. The af lrm- ative will be maintained by Mr Frank Baer- the negative will be supported by Visa Lot tic Granger; judges, Misses Topping, Robb and liattray. Special music will be provided. A sermon filled with the highest pat- riotism was preached in Rattenbury fit church on Sunday morning b' Rev J. Edger. The noblest ideal of Citizenship was described, And his hearers were ap- pealed to, to try And approach more nearly to Its realization. The Nation- al anthem was sung at both the mortl- ing and evening services. Scripture addresses will be given in Perrin's Hall, every night this week, (Saturday excepted) at 7:30, also Sun- day, at 3 and 7 p.m. Some such sub- jects as the following may be taken ftp : " Crossing the Jordan," "Four judgments," "Have I eternal life?" etc., by T. J. Enefer, of Lachute, Que- bec. All are cordially invited. The meetin of the Ontario street League, on Tuesday evening, was a very profitable one to the members of `,he League. A good.many thoughtful lessons were thrown out in topics. The devotional topic was taken by Mr Dave Smith, and the literary topic by Mrs H. Andrews, Next Monday will be consecration evening, and a full at- tendance is asked for. The Stationing Committee of the London Conference will meet at Strat- ford on Monday night next; the repre- sentatives from this district are the chairman, Rev. J. W. Holmes, and Rev, J. Edge; from the Exeter District Revs. G. Jackson and W. H. Butt are the representatives. The Conference proper opens on Thursday; the dele- gg�ates from town are R. Hclmes, I. Ta lor, D. Ti lady and J. Br•ickenden. The W. O. T. U. will hold the next four Hower missions at the home of Mrs John Stephenson, Saturday after- noon at 3 o'clock. Any one having flowers to help make tip bouquets for the sick will please send them in. A cheering text card is put on the bou- quet, for each invalid, who is always encouraged by the kindly act. If there were more flowers put into the hands of the discouraged sick ones, there would not need to be so many heaped upon the coffins.—Com. , Windsor and Soo Line' Steamers y ,--- From Goderich a ery Monday morning Steamers of this line 'save Goderieh every Mon day for Kincardine Son thampton and all Oeor' gian Bay pointe, dor tickets and reliable infor z8 mation, apply to . W. JACKSON. TOWN AGT. G. T. R., CLINTON. Look Here i We carry in stock everything you need to Repair.a Bicycle. We have what you want in supplies and our Wheels stand the test. See The Eclipse, The Griffiths Leader, The Capital. Give us a cAll, ONWARD BICYCLE CO. >....;_ . Makes a great difference in its appear- ance. It would be impossible to make a fine room even if you had good Wall Paper poorlyy hung, and it would be equally fmposst- ble for a good workman to get - good results if the paper were poor. Get good Wall Paper and have it well put on and the results will be satisfactory. For late housecleaners we are able to offer special inducements. Comd and see what we have. You will be surprised. All paper trimmed free of charge COOPER'S KOOK. STORE, CLINTON. What about a Sail on the Lake or Ocean for your Summer Holidays I bave been appointed agent for the following lines: . Allan Line, Dominion Line, Beaver Dine, American Line, Red Star Line North German Lloyd C.P.R. Steamships Rich & Ont. Nay. Co. Black Line Windsor, Detroit & Soo White Lice ani several others. Accommodation will be reserved and full in- f)rmation cheerfully furnished to intending tourists. AT COOPER P. R. Ticket, ship • • f graph and Steamship ' Agent, t'linton. Big Reductions in Ready Mades ,. We are going to reduce our btock of Ready Made Suits to about half of its present size, and in order to do this it was necessary to reduce the price so as to make them tarn over quickly. We are selling Men's $10.00 Suits for $8.00 Men's $9.00 Suits for $7.20 Men's $8.60 Suits for $8,80 Men's 7 50 Suits for $0.00 Men's $7.00 Suits for $f.60 Men's $1.00 Suits for $4.80 Boy's $4.60 Suits for $3.60 Boy's $4.00 Suits for $3.20 Boy's $3.50 Suits for $2.80 Boy's $3.00 Suits for $2.40 Boy's $2.00 Suits for $1.60 These are genuine bat gains, as the stuff is all new and up to date,— Our Tweed stock is now complete. It will be interesting to you to conic in and examine the goods even iF you are not going to buy. Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. A. J. Holloway, CLINTON oppposite the Market, ' PERRIN'S BLOC$, (limon ' OUR GREAT N ewYorkTan shoes .`-1� LINE. OF , In Ladies' and Children's goods is being thoroughly appreciated by customers who want choice goods, e present one of the finest stocks in the county, and a rapidly increasing trade is good evidence that we have got the proper goods, a 4` naturolagartnent, Notwithstanding bet po- •`NOTHING LI " Dollar on 1E LEATHER o dlEion •the riiare.is fat stud sleek j i:,...r,.i...rlrr, .. and in mvory .otheN reepeoi< pperfllotly heal. �;: thy. Aho•ppresonts laaghAbl I pppoarenoe, . ad )Doke like a rtbbex:lr ":els it ehd tttnds in. he>? eliinyin.uaring Eli, of >rho re; , olith6LtA t ii; h . . QQ ,, :. 4 t bxnetxll tas:zllawed b. d• j 1 ru ct (.''� tJ IL iso A , ; �. s o i - ati +.. uta. er ft a do t rn.tl�d etrd suet .gobs ;fit+lit llieteiri�d;,. bit ; s w,r1 .0 N im . tlitttr, tlr d dyRcctrt d , ar: oe +►tiN. itrJ a xo.the iia . baa o tA. .. �:: trle'eiiin} .:,In f, titre ha. tM111` " bl '`ro• A Ri i . 'RRD: ., J ,CYI S(SN o :. d - �.: i :.,.' i►iez_ .. iii iCl+ ct>i . M� ,stir Yd'�ib, lisp aLoolitt afrl !1. ,. j`.. „,, I 1, C. «; „ 1.ala'Ittea a o )tai itn •i~e r o -- sire to ivotar i►rbil.1. 'i'1 r b �' r 41nrta>r, ,: • %'b 1 mq p ka p,did ri went, A ex, lomat t;ad a tau e1 G, CSV .S 0 �' a: C p e d . >, , - - +, . ,, - . i. y i , .tt im . 67, � � � � 4 ' w, • III 1. • � , , 7r 'X� r}dam y f�' 4",$ . n ,�.0" 0--i4" ,v "14• ' '� �1 • •i 1 a - I 1t r t! 0� I : � t .. - k / 1� I Y it • - .t ! I �; Pik Ilii 5, >....;_ . Makes a great difference in its appear- ance. It would be impossible to make a fine room even if you had good Wall Paper poorlyy hung, and it would be equally fmposst- ble for a good workman to get - good results if the paper were poor. Get good Wall Paper and have it well put on and the results will be satisfactory. For late housecleaners we are able to offer special inducements. Comd and see what we have. You will be surprised. All paper trimmed free of charge COOPER'S KOOK. STORE, CLINTON. What about a Sail on the Lake or Ocean for your Summer Holidays I bave been appointed agent for the following lines: . Allan Line, Dominion Line, Beaver Dine, American Line, Red Star Line North German Lloyd C.P.R. Steamships Rich & Ont. Nay. Co. Black Line Windsor, Detroit & Soo White Lice ani several others. Accommodation will be reserved and full in- f)rmation cheerfully furnished to intending tourists. AT COOPER P. R. Ticket, ship • • f graph and Steamship ' Agent, t'linton. Big Reductions in Ready Mades ,. We are going to reduce our btock of Ready Made Suits to about half of its present size, and in order to do this it was necessary to reduce the price so as to make them tarn over quickly. We are selling Men's $10.00 Suits for $8.00 Men's $9.00 Suits for $7.20 Men's $8.60 Suits for $8,80 Men's 7 50 Suits for $0.00 Men's $7.00 Suits for $f.60 Men's $1.00 Suits for $4.80 Boy's $4.60 Suits for $3.60 Boy's $4.00 Suits for $3.20 Boy's $3.50 Suits for $2.80 Boy's $3.00 Suits for $2.40 Boy's $2.00 Suits for $1.60 These are genuine bat gains, as the stuff is all new and up to date,— Our Tweed stock is now complete. It will be interesting to you to conic in and examine the goods even iF you are not going to buy. Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. A. J. Holloway, CLINTON oppposite the Market, ' PERRIN'S BLOC$, (limon ' OUR GREAT N ewYorkTan shoes .`-1� LINE. OF , In Ladies' and Children's goods is being thoroughly appreciated by customers who want choice goods, e present one of the finest stocks in the county, and a rapidly increasing trade is good evidence that we have got the proper goods, a 4` naturolagartnent, Notwithstanding bet po- •`NOTHING LI " Dollar on 1E LEATHER o dlEion •the riiare.is fat stud sleek j i:,...r,.i...rlrr, .. and in mvory .otheN reepeoi< pperfllotly heal. �;: thy. Aho•ppresonts laaghAbl I pppoarenoe, . ad )Doke like a rtbbex:lr ":els it ehd tttnds in. he>? eliinyin.uaring Eli, of >rho re; , olith6LtA t ii; h . . QQ ,, :. 4 t bxnetxll tas:zllawed b. d• j 1 ru ct (.''� tJ IL iso A , ; �. s o i - ati +.. uta. er ft a do t rn.tl�d etrd suet .gobs ;fit+lit llieteiri�d;,. bit ; s w,r1 .0 N im . tlitttr, tlr d dyRcctrt d , ar: oe +►tiN. itrJ a xo.the iia . baa o tA. .. �:: trle'eiiin} .:,In f, titre ha. tM111` " bl '`ro• A Ri i . 'RRD: ., J ,CYI S(SN o :. d - �.: i :.,.' i►iez_ .. iii iCl+ ct>i . M� ,stir Yd'�ib, lisp aLoolitt afrl !1. ,. j`.. „,, I 1, C. «; „ 1.ala'Ittea a o )tai itn •i~e r o -- sire to ivotar i►rbil.1. 'i'1 r b �' r 41nrta>r, ,: • %'b 1 mq p ka p,did ri went, A ex, lomat t;ad a tau e1 G, CSV .S 0 �' a: C p e d . >, , - - +, . ,, - . i. y i , .tt im . 67, � � � � 4 ' w, • III 1. • � , , 7r 'X� r}dam y f�' 4",$ . n ,�.0" 0--i4" ,v "14• ' '�