HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-22, Page 9paaltlae6Nff #; r4ela tiloplu thQ town boya say they beat lbs n► tucaQ ntr A the be t '01P,9_9 ,r ��cl'k• ti 3Y� �� �T TR -• Ur tli�iad�iprise,-of`Mount egl,u fatko txr A. Humpbrles, of ' lit1C � town) and bis 'daughter, were visitors f in town this week; they were on their gz' 1e1�yn, frXei� la Of ;way, to•here they go &b a otber, -side. w 40i r,h!rr nd. Ber for the benefit of Miss Humphries' know tha• .Whitt, town, t health. Mr Harold Whitt, son of Mrs i «x#qtr tivay .torehas been promoted to e b}ttI a hard and the position of Color -Sergeant of K. ob ey seem to Compa>ay, Queen's Own Rifles, Topon- t e cr ieal,bnt,' "to: 'fife. rus�els Helald,'saye;-`intra ?(,��441t �'or. ,, J�: Aftud, and children, of Cl'nton, tlhd 14trs C, () rlip -re vtsitip er parents, Mr an Mrs l) �l41011#�x�', +�r the 9th con., near Brus- r;t)htg the wlp�tett- <sels:"" y g dk }fie tiedFt41 tows; . , -1 The horse -owned b Mr King, to line will A, baket<, -,ran--sway-on Saturday and a6:74 -al -b- a !th l►as succeeded in breaking a couple of b, e qwheels, before it Was brought. to a i roxeyher so ttapdstill, . Mr H... Rorke, .of Mount * pest to-remaln' Forest, has taken a situiaion in the ,fix*0aeni at any rate. Doherty Orpan Factory. Mr Allan lies $tonebouse, has W. Hartt, teller at the Molsons Bank, ilt Ot0 Marie, whEre .will ever hie connection thereWith at, reed in the family of` tlie'end of the tur mtb,; an;) w 1F to nova llormeily f Code. to St. Louis, where he ac epts a more uetnbei of t. Paul's lucrative position with the Union Pa - be tt7hisaed here. A ciflc Railroad; he is, succeeded Yav�xlg she bad the by Mr Kann, _c&.Toronto, formerly of s r acket book, Woodstock. Mr R, Chgwen -found a liar'. ladies' new ligl,t•kid glove on Sunday night, and is awaitiug the owner.' ,1� opal concert will Mr Israel Taylor is this week in To- "ul3ervision of Mr routo attending a meeting of the H xe- Aa few weeks, in cutive of the Provincial S.S. Associa- lre in,town will be tion, of which he is a ,member. Mrs u r .nmbers each. It Brooks, of Mitchell, is here owing to V� . use-ot• Refuge the illness of her brother, Mr D. C.an- ;eds goingg to ppay for telon, jr. On Monday Mr D. Cantelon Sed for tkie reli roue ship ed a quantit.y of hogs to Colling- s hoped everybody woo Mr T. C. Bruce has sold las Shand to this deserv- splendid driving horse and carraige to Mr Jeffrys, Londesboro. The County Tly-Council will meet on the 2nd of June, J� 13ohnes, who and on the 3rd the Mayor and Messrs At, of the Fair and Ounn will appear, before it nen ,off. the 1 ohetty concerning`.: the '9taveley estate •and a ;s retired therefrom, county hospital. The Globe thus re- i.4he dust having af- fers to the former school inspector for Mr Rorke, who West Huron:—The many friends of the name of being Mr J. R. Miller, barrister, of the firm Ofisn and me&ktilc, of Miller and Duncan, will regret to 'arn. tha,Mr Holmes'r learn thatr he is in 'a very low condit- +tdso:on 10eisick list,` ib i, th`e result of an operation for can- itpnection. cer last June. The doctors have given tJTitaN, :TThe citizens up all hope of recovery." Mrs Steep, tnOXare tan- wife of Dr Steep_, of Winnipeg, s t', giiCitl@ in forming borne on a visit. Mr C. J. Wallis, who has been to the old country with a ifr of here premises, . naignment �o,,,f horses; has returned t*ovztVg tl} apps&t- - weep%. g uieettrig of tbei7o11eg- efit ,`°but t �e$r seems late Board of Trustees was heldrla"st. lne ori" x araso s, lnc rl , paragon frame, torp will not out or turn rusty, strongly made, natural wood, fancy celluloid, or plain black handles, a good $1.25 parasol for $1. Hosiery ` 25 dozen pairs'of Cashmore Hose, some _ summer weights, some heavier, a manu- facturers' set of samples bought at a big reduction off regular prices and sell- ing at prices that mean a saving of from 10c to 25c on every pair you buy. Plain and ribbed, black and tan. We've said it before and we say it again, that there is not a stock of Wash Dress Goods like ourb in the county, whbther you judge it by style, as- sortment or value. We are showing a specially fine range of Colored Muslins, and of materi- als suitable fir half or full mourning dresses. See the new Marbury silk finished Henrietta, black ground, 32 inches wide, fast colors, 14c per yard. Hodgens Bros., CLINTON ' ^ 'u M, • x''"" slightly die,&Tran W ):.be lights for a. ra e�ron t o •the few nights, but a 1 are runningagain l'e, fe in^ as usual I��spgct9c,Pape ay 11�� Numerous expressions of IDr Shaw' has nose w�aPpea zUti' It�4a�soii�.ppter„kiwi 40t•on'Ontario hetrie t 4hA6 p, jb,}ielleiiel�lYatit pd by Dr Apple- was done by a piec�t'llArbed wire; its el;giblesite, and too neareTBetion° time•fdr that to -go Satisfaction and Pleasure are ly. location for a down. Master (carnet Whitley, (son It . the•purchase of Customs Collector Whitley, who intends to get made a record for himself last season n the deeds, but as an amateur traveller,: has again the progenitors ofpopularity. eft that erelong started out to see the world, without p g' ! T o ular oun his parernts consent, leaving hohle on is totection Monday morninany information �to.p tend our, concerning him w• be gladly received dice., by hisparents. Master Walter Shan - t • .", non. took part in an entertainment in Ycu have doubtless heard of .. r, meting connection with the Methodist church this in connection with our Vie,."t►. ondayat Centralia on Monday night. Mr l th`a too boule- -gdvnp is now engaged with Mr C. D. on the streets, McTa he is a good, competent, ',lidse• interested reliable man. Mr Rpynolds, Cemetery White % p bete to'the ex- Superintendent, is confined to his �N n 1 t e a n d wti •taho wish to room by illness, and his duties are be- *bf the griAbr.. in��++at(ended to by John Morrish. Mt of "' $13 phr' day, Jolie Smith, who has been in the tail- Fancy S h i rit s h mac .lne and �$ « h Pring business in town for a great ma- �t petreotla out- ny years. has retired. Robert New- tca use it, can march, brother of Mrs Oliver Johnston, r day who has been living at Neche, Dak., bliver has moved to Morden, Man. - (leo. Mc - ears a. pair -of leod,of Kippen, wbo has been an in- - That which represents the perfection of Shirt bfe'expensive: miite of theHHHouse of Refuge for some making in its higher form of advancement hile°' i;bwhag up time, took it upon himselt to leave on cannot remain long silent. The question re- .° 10liritrton lost. Monday, arad has not since been heard veals itself. lid' rlgtnotice it of. Mr Herworth, for some time an 1%, `$ round he employee of the Organ Factory, has l,ucefleld, but removed to Toronto. The Court of re - le:; 'On'the way vision meets on Tuesday next: There ]corse suddenly* was a slight frost on'Tuesday evening, Do You wear Our Shirts 2 �ti4Yi iAi ti'it `If:It i HdCOc� titoG^henrd-of --a 4niury )og, found the being done. Mrs McGuire, one of the file 911;60;• A pall, aged inmates of the House of R f age, I f not, �%�% h �% not Ct, ok a'niTthere slipped down the basement ste the nal.• other day, and although -she di not j abi ttt the Reg• seem to hurt herself at t)ie time, has ;ihq W1n ham been quite poorly since, as the result. 10~ d'ot#rnal , has _ Mrs Moffatt, Victoria St., who has The greatest luxury a gentleman can enjoy is a been,._ way vies ing her«„ children in comfortable, well -fitting Shirt made strongly 0stion to'1t(eke ceXmitb aq vai+t�d, t19e r0turned- and at the same time neatly, and of soft ma- - metYt of.l obi :. u� hl'y Stevens has ;40vm., to his terial, and well laundried. These are embodied 4 N1 "'ERA , to b tyse'nn wi111aitr# etlrech,7neair'his fee. in the following lines rid 1i11,'the bill to tory; be has made extensive improve- of'the NXW gA& : , men t a to the house. The Blvtb Stan - thia jottrtla; t1C dard gays: -•"Mr and Mrs Jos. Chidley and' Mrs James Doherty, of Clinton 111ta1}le�at r ' ' Refi's Fano Oxford Shirts, Collars attached littt"xHO;Ca�ti ; jwere�celiing on Blyth friends on.Tues- . Thos. Churchill V: S. an old lies alreali�+'sta-' Clintonlan 'who has been living it) hien s FancyCheviot. Shirts, Collar attached with Tie $1 �,,:«t d,tffect 1Yli'hi n ior, some years is here on a dppli"` Visit afore going; to Vanitoba. Mr Men's FancyCheviot Shirts, collar.attached,with Tie $1.510 W. Doherty Uas tseen making exted- tbtet s inti�nrof, e1v`e folrali prdvemente to ilia propet cc cc cc cc lark ig" ty; under the supefvislbn of that eit ne, a Cream Cash mere Shirts 2+.00 ti? t,"i1} diet Rcellebt+oriet,;Mr Thos.•Oottle. Bag- w r•; e rb:pSuttctr:� hdf. �p ei lOrt�Joh i- McGuire on a No�t �Q� �j Shirts, Collars and Culls,lanndried, 60c. 70C di> t110rirk is Tdiiy trip to s�ringdeld, Mass., and " " r” #7��y,��y 'Mid �iYat is' buptitied lief thw `interim b 'i� - cc cc cc . 6d td till n , e Jr Wr Orand ' of Blkth. ° Mrs. A. ' Ieh R� hurts, $1 0161 ¢ r6 t+ '601 Gloodwln, who,, has been nureing ty° , Ob -d- hauo bee N . den � Witte Shirts shout • bosom o en front - lc! `.rhitiid'ietrei•atitsri'ts 1n«Londeeboro for f' y 4ry� Iiberctl i5a ��v6,;: f three weeks returned ho�_�t1e on tet`::dfiWa ,thd.ih, .y ip t esdaq i"ternisoti. Mina Bal , n �`'q' Sh o ail bac - i�e,, �� y e 'i. e,„tlhd ittoa�d ok' itls6'bepilon,the .sahle'misslooft �;S. r.� t lltittlili0, lifat,ilk #dhas J , Jobn St$venei of theLbnd6h . s a . . fhs x4ia( , r iii tEti�Irl, `fie l,�cviript a't♦tabte put undbr, his fiC�Cei .0 0f►1kont, 2 • collars X par tiffs) �etljbxl til it,1► ideitiia:; �'r�t1t ijr€ti(7dext the r3llktiot#tx is $�,iil( r�i`it' e t4, !? rale;, lf,l est rle0::Cie dri'$t,;Tolro ' . th t# h p. 1, tl m Oli ort,Tuesdit %`irtl *a” home' ,:,..,.: it rts�:titi�xaell�cl � ab' -. #lir bt' le of tf0oi`:;;i . " • ..'VI a s t � dd ; .... - $" .. •,�' , . . ,w,rol►>?� p0 ti.,. ec Coit tt�a loinlx d tail s ffeir the 'ub �a e „.. eicCm si lfehin • Od poff ° t.:. ; ,,. ,.. t'cf ,.. a . ._ft ,!#a lib: , a .an y:7�lltlltltYiablEW .'A�'*l�Ot�110110111ar twLQ� 114"7�i�r IIX�a' tCF4 l ,j� "a I a, : lea li bf It • 1: w i1N l� t►g'.a'11ti1 . �w � r%° � 4� tV 1 ; . 6 M'Ay N(�ldp L �Qt{ ��4+I,t� � � aol�u �,7RG.G+4��•tiif � n av �: 11 X + tl' 'l+�ilda of a r�t�lMTp�;��rtlp�l'• ' .. ' %, {, ... .. �,� �� . �; .,. :,., elft'rive��sriw.`15ir►�9itai�:`l*!il`it�irlr�,.: " S Spect�1� Bargains 41.Tan Goods 0 . r`o For Sat-urday, W. _ Taylor, & Sons Butter and Eggs taken at .Cash prices. 20,71 5 PRICEST: P orm the Nadgtonq thltCdraws custom to our store, and pod i slues given for tIt"ei same make our patrons friends. Ne do not g•ve away goods, but we do buy close, sell close ,ud share profits accordingly, which is why we secure what ve are after, a good share of the business doing. In offerings or the summer season we are particularly enabled to show lecidedly• interesting price items, which will satisfy our old customers and surprise all others. - JftMn� �rinr«a� We're busy as bees, but not wants to have leerthe level o � y. her e��lt f1meltt ° ! , ; 4 a better line at, 8c and Meta, It is the Eden lona ing filtering througla.ihe. ogee. " #h'tbe -Fine ,American Prints, claret. gro, ads priaU al1 the latest novelties aid of our artletle Rainbow Crepe Paper, twoAlr ire aQjgrs �otssrieaa d s aw' hwhite -s The best value in the trade , sh fl lenlnd evexily uesI #s i� ool0o, 04olutel , fast, nota particle mfuee ' o$'ered .I A very fine r1r~ varieties, orange, (2) blue to yellow,_ (2l'tuk to dressing, uneda6lled for wear, only 8c. a yard and 100. yellow; (4) pink to blue, (5) pink to green, (6) green to violet, -worth 35c, b0, 60, 75c,,$l and 1.25. you eaa perform an operation on your lamp that will: make ` Dra e p ` Our Hosiery' counter is' the it so prettily ornamental. It can also be fittingly used for Wide Japanese Drapery, seven new Mide °o ei ileo` then leading:: mantle, bracket or bird -cage drapery; covers or;Qgwer pate r, s and artUtie desi,an9, just the thing for brand is unequalled for quality 9, q y or fancy boxes. figured sash curtains ;or ,inexpensive draperies, would be- cheap it 25% spe- • The Paper per roll - - - - 29c Mz cial 18c per yard. ed heels and toe three thread Shade Complete on wire frame 50c Paranoia .Babies Muslin Bonnets 16 • :, to I.2fi. Iris t5ailo uHits a« The W. D. FAIR CO. in white and navy at 21r ` ' f 140 heels and toe, fast black, At 20c, high spliced heel and toe, and 30' salute. 41 ° ° ° E a lne ori" x araso s, lnc rl , paragon frame, torp will not out or turn rusty, strongly made, natural wood, fancy celluloid, or plain black handles, a good $1.25 parasol for $1. Hosiery ` 25 dozen pairs'of Cashmore Hose, some _ summer weights, some heavier, a manu- facturers' set of samples bought at a big reduction off regular prices and sell- ing at prices that mean a saving of from 10c to 25c on every pair you buy. Plain and ribbed, black and tan. We've said it before and we say it again, that there is not a stock of Wash Dress Goods like ourb in the county, whbther you judge it by style, as- sortment or value. We are showing a specially fine range of Colored Muslins, and of materi- als suitable fir half or full mourning dresses. See the new Marbury silk finished Henrietta, black ground, 32 inches wide, fast colors, 14c per yard. Hodgens Bros., CLINTON ' ^ 'u M, • x''"" slightly die,&Tran W ):.be lights for a. ra e�ron t o •the few nights, but a 1 are runningagain l'e, fe in^ as usual I��spgct9c,Pape ay 11�� Numerous expressions of IDr Shaw' has nose w�aPpea zUti' It�4a�soii�.ppter„kiwi 40t•on'Ontario hetrie t 4hA6 p, jb,}ielleiiel�lYatit pd by Dr Apple- was done by a piec�t'llArbed wire; its el;giblesite, and too neareTBetion° time•fdr that to -go Satisfaction and Pleasure are ly. location for a down. Master (carnet Whitley, (son It . the•purchase of Customs Collector Whitley, who intends to get made a record for himself last season n the deeds, but as an amateur traveller,: has again the progenitors ofpopularity. eft that erelong started out to see the world, without p g' ! T o ular oun his parernts consent, leaving hohle on is totection Monday morninany information �to.p tend our, concerning him w• be gladly received dice., by hisparents. Master Walter Shan - t • .", non. took part in an entertainment in Ycu have doubtless heard of .. r, meting connection with the Methodist church this in connection with our Vie,."t►. ondayat Centralia on Monday night. Mr l th`a too boule- -gdvnp is now engaged with Mr C. D. on the streets, McTa he is a good, competent, ',lidse• interested reliable man. Mr Rpynolds, Cemetery White % p bete to'the ex- Superintendent, is confined to his �N n 1 t e a n d wti •taho wish to room by illness, and his duties are be- *bf the griAbr.. in��++at(ended to by John Morrish. Mt of "' $13 phr' day, Jolie Smith, who has been in the tail- Fancy S h i rit s h mac .lne and �$ « h Pring business in town for a great ma- �t petreotla out- ny years. has retired. Robert New- tca use it, can march, brother of Mrs Oliver Johnston, r day who has been living at Neche, Dak., bliver has moved to Morden, Man. - (leo. Mc - ears a. pair -of leod,of Kippen, wbo has been an in- - That which represents the perfection of Shirt bfe'expensive: miite of theHHHouse of Refuge for some making in its higher form of advancement hile°' i;bwhag up time, took it upon himselt to leave on cannot remain long silent. The question re- .° 10liritrton lost. Monday, arad has not since been heard veals itself. lid' rlgtnotice it of. Mr Herworth, for some time an 1%, `$ round he employee of the Organ Factory, has l,ucefleld, but removed to Toronto. The Court of re - le:; 'On'the way vision meets on Tuesday next: There ]corse suddenly* was a slight frost on'Tuesday evening, Do You wear Our Shirts 2 �ti4Yi iAi ti'it `If:It i HdCOc� titoG^henrd-of --a 4niury )og, found the being done. Mrs McGuire, one of the file 911;60;• A pall, aged inmates of the House of R f age, I f not, �%�% h �% not Ct, ok a'niTthere slipped down the basement ste the nal.• other day, and although -she di not j abi ttt the Reg• seem to hurt herself at t)ie time, has ;ihq W1n ham been quite poorly since, as the result. 10~ d'ot#rnal , has _ Mrs Moffatt, Victoria St., who has The greatest luxury a gentleman can enjoy is a been,._ way vies ing her«„ children in comfortable, well -fitting Shirt made strongly 0stion to'1t(eke ceXmitb aq vai+t�d, t19e r0turned- and at the same time neatly, and of soft ma- - metYt of.l obi :. u� hl'y Stevens has ;40vm., to his terial, and well laundried. These are embodied 4 N1 "'ERA , to b tyse'nn wi111aitr# etlrech,7neair'his fee. in the following lines rid 1i11,'the bill to tory; be has made extensive improve- of'the NXW gA& : , men t a to the house. The Blvtb Stan - thia jottrtla; t1C dard gays: -•"Mr and Mrs Jos. Chidley and' Mrs James Doherty, of Clinton 111ta1}le�at r ' ' Refi's Fano Oxford Shirts, Collars attached littt"xHO;Ca�ti ; jwere�celiing on Blyth friends on.Tues- . Thos. Churchill V: S. an old lies alreali�+'sta-' Clintonlan 'who has been living it) hien s FancyCheviot. Shirts, Collar attached with Tie $1 �,,:«t d,tffect 1Yli'hi n ior, some years is here on a dppli"` Visit afore going; to Vanitoba. Mr Men's FancyCheviot Shirts, collar.attached,with Tie $1.510 W. Doherty Uas tseen making exted- tbtet s inti�nrof, e1v`e folrali prdvemente to ilia propet cc cc cc cc lark ig" ty; under the supefvislbn of that eit ne, a Cream Cash mere Shirts 2+.00 ti? t,"i1} diet Rcellebt+oriet,;Mr Thos.•Oottle. Bag- w r•; e rb:pSuttctr:� hdf. �p ei lOrt�Joh i- McGuire on a No�t �Q� �j Shirts, Collars and Culls,lanndried, 60c. 70C di> t110rirk is Tdiiy trip to s�ringdeld, Mass., and " " r” #7��y,��y 'Mid �iYat is' buptitied lief thw `interim b 'i� - cc cc cc . 6d td till n , e Jr Wr Orand ' of Blkth. ° Mrs. A. ' Ieh R� hurts, $1 0161 ¢ r6 t+ '601 Gloodwln, who,, has been nureing ty° , Ob -d- hauo bee N . den � Witte Shirts shout • bosom o en front - lc! `.rhitiid'ietrei•atitsri'ts 1n«Londeeboro for f' y 4ry� Iiberctl i5a ��v6,;: f three weeks returned ho�_�t1e on tet`::dfiWa ,thd.ih, .y ip t esdaq i"ternisoti. Mina Bal , n �`'q' Sh o ail bac - i�e,, �� y e 'i. e,„tlhd ittoa�d ok' itls6'bepilon,the .sahle'misslooft �;S. r.� t lltittlili0, lifat,ilk #dhas J , Jobn St$venei of theLbnd6h . s a . . fhs x4ia( , r iii tEti�Irl, `fie l,�cviript a't♦tabte put undbr, his fiC�Cei .0 0f►1kont, 2 • collars X par tiffs) �etljbxl til it,1► ideitiia:; �'r�t1t ijr€ti(7dext the r3llktiot#tx is $�,iil( r�i`it' e t4, !? rale;, lf,l est rle0::Cie dri'$t,;Tolro ' . th t# h p. 1, tl m Oli ort,Tuesdit %`irtl *a” home' ,:,..,.: it rts�:titi�xaell�cl � ab' -. #lir bt' le of tf0oi`:;;i . " • ..'VI a s t � dd ; .... - $" .. •,�' , . . ,w,rol►>?� p0 ti.,. ec Coit tt�a loinlx d tail s ffeir the 'ub �a e „.. eicCm si lfehin • Od poff ° t.:. ; ,,. ,.. t'cf ,.. a . ._ft ,!#a lib: , a .an y:7�lltlltltYiablEW .'A�'*l�Ot�110110111ar twLQ� 114"7�i�r IIX�a' tCF4 l ,j� "a I a, : lea li bf It • 1: w i1N l� t►g'.a'11ti1 . �w � r%° � 4� tV 1 ; . 6 M'Ay N(�ldp L �Qt{ ��4+I,t� � � aol�u �,7RG.G+4��•tiif � n av �: 11 X + tl' 'l+�ilda of a r�t�lMTp�;��rtlp�l'• ' .. ' %, {, ... .. �,� �� . �; .,. :,., elft'rive��sriw.`15ir►�9itai�:`l*!il`it�irlr�,.: " S Spect�1� Bargains 41.Tan Goods 0 . r`o For Sat-urday, W. _ Taylor, & Sons Butter and Eggs taken at .Cash prices. 20,71 5 PRICEST: P orm the Nadgtonq thltCdraws custom to our store, and pod i slues given for tIt"ei same make our patrons friends. Ne do not g•ve away goods, but we do buy close, sell close ,ud share profits accordingly, which is why we secure what ve are after, a good share of the business doing. In offerings or the summer season we are particularly enabled to show lecidedly• interesting price items, which will satisfy our old customers and surprise all others. - Ladies"Vests We're busy as bees, but not Ladies'Cotton ribbedVests bo too busy to wait on you or a better line at, 8c and Meta, take your order. We have a large and varied stock com- White and Cream line at 15c. priaU al1 the latest novelties The finest goods at 25 end 30c and mmings. -' Our -.ready Tri' me Hats at $1.75, $2, The best value in the trade , $2.60 alid .43i are, the best: mfuee ' o$'ered .I A very fine range of Ladies' Bailor ,Hata:, in White a> d Colors, prices-- Ladies' Hosiery 35c, b0, 60, 75c,,$l and 1.25. J a Our Hosiery' counter is' the STRAW HATS centre of attraction- just now, Mide °o ei ileo` then leading:: our imported > Maple Leaf' styles. 5 per cent off for cash.a brand is unequalled for quality 9, q y on millinery. and price. At 95c we sell a life of black Lisle Hose, splic- CHS° IimitN'9 D VEIR ed heels and toe three thread extra and guaranteed stainless .Babies Muslin Bonnets 16 • :, to I.2fi. Iris t5ailo uHits At 256 pure blaclt Mach yArn .Hose, sillt,finish, high l pliced in white and navy at 21r ` ' f 140 heels and toe, fast black, At 20c, high spliced heel and toe, and 30' salute. 41 ° ° ° E a gauge, guaranteed fast blk. Bic: �'* % SAAR' IOso, ��'!t►dl es' and Children's 2 and S airs d p 20 do;eu Si ,,x`�l e l attc fdr 25c. Elaine �Fia�ves, a" bYg snap, 26" , Snap lily Anile ° ; : ' M pairs il(? 6e5y.I4>F '" ><�Qt ClUldrolz' �b��8,8.0 and 10c