HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-22, Page 6ti t t+ te- 1'Va have ,tib Silver moalnt sett -t tnid $t.4ii fig m 2t c to 1.5Q I? r deb i3iRRa• our goo sot, with• fol ar Buttof. l STcoii�s..a Hale, Gulf. B11tton�, .214 • 14001r it► +sur Window •• alias 0 rile hekntafut 0dld ?GV•atoa tit) be Oven away ou ti r 26. • WATOH MAKER ,J1�WELBle. demi lelleedmileeleellewalleleiselleilireeeelleseienemeneir ' „. French Ctast,ile 4 t+ n cel%t cakes fax �s •. Fvennfl, Castile $ flve,cent cakes for . 25c tairatogu Floating Baths Soap large cake for 5C M0rso'3, t&ey, Oatmeal ,3 ca es for 15c orse's, Glycerine and Cream 3 for 15o Rs .ped Tar Soap per cake 6c Piince, of Wales shaving soap per cake .. 5c Lu1t'wigs"Butter'milk°sodli per box 200o Baby's Own, soap per cake .-t• Ox Gall soap per cake ...10o . }4orSOs : W ndee per cake i .. ,.......IOc 13essii des the above we have • many other tollet soaps ranging from lOcts. to 35ote, per cake, J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, . - Clinton. TATE of COPPER '4ItLS GREEN Close . Prices . on . quantity RE1IEIIBER Prof. Chamberlain will be at our store on Thursday, April 23rd, wait for him. JAMES H. COMBE'S' IN 014 1IKIflflOfl&6o,BTj NOTHING IS CHEAP THAT IS NOT GOOD. We strive to place before you the best goods available at the lowest plssible prices. One thing is certain, comparison is the true test, your good judgment will tell you that a candidly expressed • request to compare our goods with any others looks like confidence in what we are selling. In LACE CURTAINS We never were so well equipped for the trade. ' We are showing the newest designs in a great variety of Nottingham, Swiss,' Scotch and Point Lace. The prices start at 35c per pair, a good one for the mo- ney. A better and wider curtain we are selling at 50c a pair. A splendid Nottingham Curtain 3} yards long, taped edges, good designs at $1 a pair. We have repeated this number several times this sea- son. At 81.50 we are showing, special value, this curtain is 58 inches wide, taped edges, 3} yards long. ' $1.75, a very popular price, some elegant designs' are shown in very fine net. $2, a Curtain 60 inches wide, 3} yards long, a specially desirable number; the patterns are up to date. $2.50 and $2.90—A. strong combination. It's difficult to describe these Curtains; suffice it to say, they are extra values and great favorites. $3—A beautiful Curtain, very fine net, one that is sure to give satisfaction; full length and width with fringed ends. Venial e at liberty to compare these Curtains, take them home and exardine, let your friends see them, and if they are not satisfactory we will cheerfully refundyourmes, always busy. We don't complain of dull McKinnon & Co.; B� Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash h ff 4f if if n u Ar / .u,-�. y .4P '11 17• At' N' 4t•• 1h' t • {n• 1t • "J Electors' Attention In older that you may get the best results from your money you have to spend, we would call your attention to the splendid stock of BOOTS 'and $If(P S -we are offering at exceedingly small profit, and many lines we are prepared to sacrifice for yout benefit. " First customers of course will get the best choice. SEEDS—First-class Corn and Turnixi Seed. MEATS—Ham, Spiced Roll, Breakfast Bacon, long clear at close prices. WIRE—Barbed, Galvanized and Black. CLOTHING—We have suits that for quality and price ought to suit you, and if you will come and inspect we will put the very lovtest price pos- sible on them. 2 Brooms 25c 2 Washboards 25 c TERMS—Cash or Produce. We have a number of old accounts that ought to be paid up. p ADAMS' EMPORIUM,o1 �.. A,p A T C LONDESBOR PLThSTEEL & GIBBTNGS .° = A1- Bargaif in -Hosiery 500 pairs of ,Misses and Children's Hose colors and 'blacks at 5cts per pair.,' A. Bargain in Print patertis, at Print, c pet fastrcolors, nice A Bargain in Flannelette ! Flue, places good heat,' 'lannelhtte, light and dant colors at 5c •per•yard A intim for Mea . .l pri'ti Shaker 'Tannel !rop' Shirts t. A Bargain • in Shoes 55 pairs of Ladies' Oxford Ties, a very stylish 8hae, u8id1 price $1.25, for this week.. 000 wS fez The Il,,'l.'.R. andQr. T. iit•'say� hey will apsolllte1y nentr Ali $131 ,4144#0 eo, Ili ftvey hl,old ifs Q'L LAty, fell'in the river M Petexlpgro' and. 14.0 hued, f, Wm. Vnrreli an emnloveg of the bias >v i hs a Brantfoxdr',drogped: dead pi I6cip t Bart disease. "John;,lMoEiula 'Wats kliled in Tobey axe teini0ry t •Coliingwoa . by being t 3d. the shafting. • Meears ".James ijertter of London end • ilei ehnedy of T. oronto, two railroad etn- ployes, were drownec at Port.DAV Walt while alt ►sting. . Ink soriglie lire stt Barnietthe King Mil - Wig Company's. plremises and the Lougbeed hub:land spoke works were destroyed, en- taiiling a leas of 570,000. Mlohael' , ern and: Mark Tompkins,oen- vieted oI w�,layingund• rob ing Tuokett'e cashier ip . aioilton, were eeeh sentenced to t'wolve yearn in the penitentiary. Two degrees of frost were reported from London Wednesday morning. The dart. age was slight, It war romewbat colder at Cellingwood, and reports allow damages 4n that dastfiot, • • �Mrollenry Hagen,:Mainatee, Mich. has given birth to five children in a little over ten months. She was delivered of triplets; last July,,,and twined ,Monday night. The.. triplets only lived 24 hours. litre Meier Picket of Sault. Ste. Marie, Miele, Was burned to death Saturday mor- ning while preparing her breakfast. It is thought she hada fit and fell upon a etove which, ignited her clothes. Mr. Wm. Lount, Q. 0., ie nominated as the Liberal candidate for Centre Toronto, and Mr. John Rose Robertson of the Tele- gram has been nominated by the anti-rem- edialiots of East Toronto to oppose Mr. Emerson Coateworth, the conservative nominee. 10,000 people gathered in New York on Saturday, to listen to an address on the Progress and Future of Humanity, the address having special reference to elec- trical progress. To demonstrate the promptness of modern telegraph service a telegram was sent around the world, oal- ling at many important points, and it ac- complished the journey in less than one hour. Mr Alex Drennan, a popular employe of the Grand ' Trunk Railway, London, has lately been sadly afflicted. Three months ago be lost his wife and infant by death. Friday one of the two remaining children, a girl not quite two years old, died from drinking benzine. The little one climbed on a Abair to reaoh the bottle containing the deadly liquid, which had been used for cleaning windows, drank its contents and fell to the floor. She lingered in great agony for several hours, medical aid pro- ving unavailing. Another old pioneer of Bruce County passed away Tuesday morning in the per- son of John Corbett, who was born in Su- therlandshire, Scotland, about seventy-two years ago, and name to this country when a young man, living in Cape Breton and Oxford County for a time before finally settling down in Kincardine in the early fifties. He was a member of the Presby- terian Church, a staunch Reformer, and a deoade ago represented Kincardine Town- ship at the County Counoil as Reeve for a period of eleven years. Mr Corbett'sdeath was due to paralysis of the brain. Re leaves a wife and nine children, all grown up. The full text of the judgment of the Privy Council has been received in Toronto and from it the temperance people argue that they have won their case to a large ex- tent. They claim the meaning of the judgment is the Province oan prohibit the Bele of liquor, but cannot prevent the im- portation for private use, nor prevent its manufacture under bond for importations outside of the Prorinoe. On the other hand officials in the Attorney -General's Department say the view formed on receipt of the cable despatches annonnoing the de- cisions is confirmed by the text of the judgment, and that the Province has only power to delegate to municipalities' the right of looel option on the sale of liquor within their limits. The Divisional Court has decided that Michael Brennan, now in jail in Barrie, awaitipg execution for the murder of d, A. Stratby, is to have a new trial, on the ground that the trial judge mis-directed the jury. This decision of the court will materially affect not only Brennan, but the widow of the late Mr Strathy, who, if a verdiot of manslaughter is now retnrned, will be entitled to $15,000 insurance policy on the life of her husband, whioh she could net obtain under the verdict of mur- der, recorded against Brennan. It is not likely that Brennan will be tried again for murder. When the new trial is or- dered, Brennan will plead guilty to man- slaughter,and they will probably accept the plea. A Bargain iii Ladies Slippers Two dozen pMire of Ladies' Cloth House Slipppers, very teomfortable • and easy flit ing, per pair 20e A Bargain in Parasols We' Pre selling Paasols that ate waf 'anted flet to fade, with very 00 at '1IBh.Ilandlee, at 6 Hlir stock of Millinery. and Wei* Goods Ale `marvels Of beauty' and excellence. i1jltoi.' . BORN O'NELL.—In Clinton on tho 17th inst.. the wife of Mr W. T. O'Neil, of a son. SCOTT.—In Blyth, on May 16th, the wife of Mr. T. W. Scott ora daughter. P4P4. -04v Wl r 04,4.-••Lragti wertek Jing• ;Doyle gave 3udgrllent iu,.fbe Aare o1' vas 'Prow' 04. action -•'ietweoi} Biwa, end d'oteph Speer,, oI the suwhehip of Aah110ifi In >;1890 d'di ph l poeca,, t o older, father of the above narnecl partie ,,. made tll: wi l�tn which he left alt hie estate, to J'osep'h, exoopt a•. few 'ktnndard.e doliarw(, �d ids ie o tie teat t,e mi t six, but in ,893 he'eame to the opnolntiof that ibis vas an unfair division ,and atom!: anew will, leevin the •whole ettaag to be abouterlitall divided among his,chiidrgn, and panted hie sone Wm. and Joseph ,and Andrew Mallin, tho oxooators of it, Joseph proteated this will on the. ground that the• testator had not sufficient capacity of mind to make a will and he set up the will of 1890 in We fever, as the true and last will, but in the judgment just given the will of 1898 iesuetained. iv mq ng h es h i`a ly o SALE REGISTER. Tailor's supplies and sundries at the Com- mercial Hotel, Clinton, on Saturday, May 23rd, D. Dickinson, auctioneer. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, May 18,-40. private cable to -day noted finest Canadian cattle in Liverpool at. d and organ at 4d. There were about9w head p bptohere' cattle, 600 calves, 100 sheep and 100 lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers were present In large numbers, but trade in cattle was slow, with considerable reduction In prices. A few choice beeves were sold at about 3}o per ib; pretty good stook sold at from 3o to no per lb; common dry cows and rough steers brought from no to nearly 30er 1 and some of the leaner beasts and barct.loolcing bulls at about 2o per lb. Millemen's strippers wore very plentiful, and of sale at from 210 tone per lb. Calves sold at from lilt to $7 each, and two superior ones sold ab 49 each. Sheep sold at from 8c to 410 per Ib; lambs sold at from $2.75 to $4,25 each. Fat hogs were plentiful, and sales were weak to -day at from $3,90 to $4.10 per 100 lbs. toWhen we offer to send the Nnw ERA to new subscribers for 50 cents cash, for the bal- ance of the year, there is no reason why everybody should not subscribe for it. We want to add a lot of new names. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, May 21th, 1896. 070 a 071 070 a 071 020 a 022 O80a 035 045 a 050 200a200 450 a 475 010 a 011 008 a 008 12 03 a12 00 025 a 025 016 a 016 Hides 4 00 a 426 Wheat, spring Wheat, fall Oats, Barley Peas Flour per owt Park Butter Eggs per doe Sh Hay, Wool No. 1 Trimmed elv dvertioseutentti. SERVANT WANTED Good general servant wanted at once. Apply to MRS MILNE, Queen's Hotel. Desirable Dwelling House to Let New, room and convenient house on Victoria St. Possession given let of June. Apply to R. IRWIN or MISS BUTLER. MEETING of HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the oorporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court Room in the Town of Goderioh, on TUESDAY, the 2nd dayof June next at 8 o'clock p.m. W. LANE, Clerk Dated ltiay 19tb, 1896. FOR SALE OR TO RENT That desirable property In the village of Holmeeville, known as the Lobb estate, being 1-8 acre of land 11 story frame house, good stable well and other outhouses. Convenient to •post cillos, railway station and churches. Would sell at a sacrifice. Apply to GEORGE HOLLAND, Holmesvllle, or J. B. LOBB, Galt. GARIRETT.—In Hu11ett, on May 17th, the wife of It r. George Garrett, of a son, VANCAMP.—In Morrie, on May 191h, the wits of Mr. John VanCamp. of a son. WALPER.—In Stanley, 2nd Con., on Satur- day, lath, the wife of Mr. L. Wolper. of a Daughter, MoARTHUR,—In Bengali, on Saturday, May 16th, the wife of John McArthur, of a eon. LAIDLAW.=-In West Wawanoah, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Jos. Laidlaw, of a son. COMBS.—In Blyth, on the 12th Inst„ the wife of Mr Jos. Combs, of a daughter. SPAIN.—In•• Soatorth, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr Peter Spain, of a son. KE1111 —In MoKillop, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr Jas. Kerr, of a eon. MARR11 Th., BENTLEY—CAMPB1LL.=•S6one residence of the bride's parents,Glen Farrow, on May 13th byi•Rev- A. Y. Hartey, of P'lievale, Mr W. D. Bentley, of Blyth, to 14" Tennis, only daughter of Mr. Peter Campbei, SHANNON--COLEMAN—By the Rev James Walker. at the residence of ! bride's brother, on May 12th, Mr J yf Slimmed, of Bay City, Mich'.. to Miss CatharineJ.Coletgan, of Stanley. FLAYS—TEBBIJTT—At theresidence of the bride'b'tether, Maitland con., Goderloh Town- ship, on May aOth, by Rev E1 A. Andrews, Mr Hays of Bluevale, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs W.•Tebbutt, DIED; • OOVENLOOIC,—In °Alliin, ori tho 10th that., Kipp •agoehd 17 perareand 9 tno thelooKr of Mt CORNELL,---Irl Morrie an.. the lith ,lnst:, 'Sarah, WHO of lubbard Cornell, aged 66001 ,14141141t—rd Winghanr, on *tile 49th inet., Peter Miller aged 27 years. MICJIEL- in Grey, on the tith hitt, Ileifry teg aims =of Conrad, and Saeralf Michel, Agee SCOT .'.--In deliffitnilae''oounty, Atich., 00'. the 4th just, Adam. Scott formerly of Elederloh: tnwnahlii',and fatherof idt1400114 Scott, Otte ton,.aged80 year°. MANNING - At eter..an• May 19th Mob and Mann gl nged 72 yoare. ..a COL'EM 1.'N'-�•In Seatortli. btt May t lgats na Matil a Chh reldtet ihia Pte Colomac, ged 72 Vets Sea 11 months,.... PLANTS! PLANTS! PLANTS ALL KINDS OF FLOWERS. Geraniums, Fuschias, Begonias. Annuals—Asters, Petunias, Verbenas, Stocks, eto. CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWERS, CELERY, About 500 boxes of Tomatoes, many new kinds, auch se Child's Picture Rook, New Imperial, Early Leader, Ruby and a dumber of others, all of which I will sell cheap. Call at the gteen- house, Huron Street. J. CUN INGHAME. RENM[LLER WOOLLEN MILL As usual I shall be prepared to purchase Wool at the highest market price for cash, or,,will ex change for my manufactured articles. My stook of STOCKING YARNS HORSE BLANKETS FLANNELS TWEEDS and BED BLANKETS is now complete, and guaranteed manufactured of HOME FLEECES and tree from shoddy of any description. jDon't forget I shall PAY GASH for wool at the hlgheet price in the market. JESSE GiLEDHILL. Bon miller. May 22,1896. 61 PASTURE TO LET Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good fonoes„,Nenty of shade,water and salt. No Barbire, Apply to C. MASON, at Stapleton or to M. GLE W, of Orane Hall, Hallett, CASH FOR EGGS • The higheet,-oash price wilhbe paid for any quantity of fresh. eggs'. J. '6TEWAh7.Basket Maker Victoria Street, near Queen's Hotel, Clinton A BARGAIN House and Lot for sale cheap We haven't had in a long time,as good a Q, T furnishing season as this. We appeaz what the people are looking for, qp4 ways satisfactory; as our stock bee keep constantly filling it in with the' R! be found. That's why people generai`Iy in want here. Terms of payment will be made so liberal that they equal very little more than an ordinary rental. Address Box 174, Clinton poet Office Township at Hallett Court of Revision Curtains Curtains Come here for CURTAINS We import them direct from Nottingham CARPETS for Drawing; fr" CARPETS for Landib CARPETS for ParIa CARPETS for Dining :. CARPETS for Stairs, CARPETS for everywbe LINOLEUMS kept in gtOC' 1 yard to 4 yards wild FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, tr to 72 inches. JAPANESE MATTING epi SMYRNA and. FUR RUGS` 940 0 GILROY & WISE irk ;,:J7';'" ,: -re • pie` You do not know what you miss by not using the aboge Every customer using it is apleased custonher. Our line of Staple Goods is complete, and prices will be found as.•; %is consistent with honest goods and honest dealing. • -; PLA A / S For a few weeks we will have a choice colleetiowp Plants from the BenmillerGreenlHouse,which we;;, at a very reasonable price. Call and get price8..:? ti AY & WIL' NearPostOce1IIcMURR—CENTRAL GROCRS Notice Is hereby given that the meeting of the Court for the Revision of the Assessment Bell of the Township of Buffett; Will be held • at Loedeaboro in the said Townatiip do '!t'11EsnAY, Dray 161h at thehour of le o'clock a. m., for, the purpose, of hearing end Settling complaints against the said Asseesdient Roll, Felten' having business at the ()dart wiil plead° attend at the sold time and blade v►libcut further neons. JAMES- CAMPBELL, Clerk, Tenders .for Addition to Huron House Of Refuge., 8oalef tenders will b eeefved by the� t,indcri' signed(markedrtoildartor th 8niiseot , fdgef;: u 10 the 2nd dayof antis li fol but e" se < tin the ou°e 'et nig°:,at fl n. Plena b a thine Den be seen at m tW'.eG or' at the nixes hoh 1t ' o (leo , ' a�d000n. The low ddae auk r d ':i,t xe atrtrftptu0 Clotnr ton. If you Buy on the Basis of Va;k' For your OUR,a 4. � S ' Cr` •* MEN'S SUIT ---1? WILL INTER. Out of the large stock take the $5, $6 and $7.50 lines. They are made of first.* trimmed in a substaltialtitiileir ai tailored to perfection Altogether theseit aye • �pu value. Our ` regular eust�►nnl r re heiu e � � Inn* bung t � c ;� � good th f1 �vll a ,i�he 'ace _