HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-15, Page 8Is'eStegtmC/Arinion Bow
Gintlenien .redned te.sts absw uwOunees
"Pleic 0444ve17., 43.40P
Look old tor the Rooker
0,1Osir .400, gouti4164einni; for tee baby—
10, 1110112N—Ort second Ow, with geed
' eritexoein ritieenee, imitable for lodge or other
antreoeti. nest tease/Able. W. 0. MOW)
The 'Meese TONNA. Smoking Mixture le de-
ilgetrune cool and fragrant. Try a 10 cent NOTES.—Dr. Gunn has returned f
his trip to the Southern States.
Robt. B. McLean. of Kippen, has g
erously offered fifty bushels of pota
Jolla;, Atm A 00013 01114.—Wednes- free for the benefit of the poor of
d Y as a game of lawn bowls was in town. The Football match betw
jeregrees a MeMber of the club eat on Blyth and Clinton Collegiate, on
ikr,H, ,;rfAseting nail, and in rising day evening, resulted in favor of 0
e atits'visibly. Another mem- ton by 1 to 0. Mr J. S. McKinno
AO he younienst) instantly called well-known business man of Bly
riti,on to it arid his profession by was a visitor to the House of Ref
aching "A rent in arrear." on Monday, with Coun. Chidley;
McKinnon thought it well to go do
ANOTrieR DEAT11.—The elderly and and see the House, because he sai
infirm Inmates of the House of Refuge he continued selling dry goods as ch
are pping off quite rapidly. T e as he is doing, he didn't know h
,noventh death at the House occurred soon he'd become an inmate of
%on ,Sunclay, in the person of Jonathan Poor House. The morning train no
)..'lied'itt; of Gray, aged 53 years. De- on the L. H. & B., when near Denfl
ceased: has been very feehle since be on Monday, ran into a mare and c
.999Lie in about three weeks ago. The killing both. Mrs John Callender,
• remains Were taken in charge by hie London, who has been visiting he
e. eon -from Bay City, and interred in went home on Monday evening.
,,,, 'fl-reY. ' . St. Helens correspondent was in er
• ' DEAT/1.—On Sunday last Mrs Robt. last week in stating that the Dist
,_Trourse died at the residence of her Lodge would be held in that place
Ansi/and, .Delaware township. De- the 22nd inst., the correct day is M
ee sled Was formerly Miss Pamelia 20th. On Monday Mr D. Cante
Rowe, sister of Mr James Howe, and shipped two car loads of hogs to C
• was ' at one time a resident of Clin- lingwood. Miss Lily Miller is ag
Jan. She leavesa family to mourn her confined to her room, though her
loss. Mi and Mrs Howe and Mrs ness, we are glad to say, is not Serio
Trouse, of town, were among those The Grand Trunk authorities have
present at the funeral. paired the Hayfield road crossing n
the station, making the approable 1
ACCIDENT.—The Belmore correspon- dangerous, erecting a fence on the e
• dent to the Wingham Times says:— side for the better protection of team
"While •Mr D. Robb, I. P. S., was pass- and giving the whole road a hea
•, .. ing through this place a week ago last coating of coal cinders; the work w
, Monday, his horse stumbled and cork- done under supervision of Mr Har
ed itself so badly that it had to be Streetsection foreman. Dr. Beld
Stabled and cared for, for a couple of and wife, of Seaforth, spent Sund
days at Wroxeter. In the meantime
in town. Miss Annie Howe spent Su
• lir Robb made a tour of inspection day with friends in Goderich. Sa
• ' through the schools of Howick, using Beattie, of Brussels, brother of Jam
'a livery horse."
Beattie, who has sold his interest
WELL REPRESENTED. —This end of the livery business in that place, w
the West Riding was well represented negotiating for a hotel business he
. - at•the Liberal Convention in Dungan- but we understand the deal has fall
• non on Friday last, the following per- through. Rev. J. W. Holmes w
eons being present:—Messrs Farran, in Toronto this week attending
,,,, ,• McPherson, McCorvie, McMurray, Mc- meeting of the Book Room Committe
- ' Callum, Wiseman, Jas. Smith, Paisley, Ogle Cooper & Co. have a dandy deli
• J. W. Irwin, Jas. Scott, Gardner, T. ery wagen; it was manufactured by
Brown, David Graham, Jas. Stevens, Leslie, the external embellislaments b
W. Coats, Welter Coats, H. E. Hod- ing put cn by Bowers Bros. The dri
eons, I. Taylor and R. Holmes. er recently bought from Mr Black
STILL AT LIBERTY. — This week by Oliver Johnston, has been re -so
Messrs Holmes and Todd, of the NEW by him to Mr A. Innes, who intends
Ens.and News -Record, and Neelin, of ship it to the old country. Messrs 0
•the Seaforth Sun, were served with Neill, Snyder and McNeill are at God
large sheets of official -looking paper, rich serving their country as juror
requiring their attendance at G °clench. The grader was used on Tuesday to fl
• Some people thought they were all to up the road to the House of Refug
be locked up in the county building; the Tuckersmith Council paying for
others no doubt thought that they share of the work done. W. G. Dobe
• should be, but the -truth of the matter ty, having other work that required h
was they were summoned as witnesses attention, has voluntarily closed up h
.in the case of McKay ve. Simpson, an jewellry business. Horace Jacks°
action for damage for alleged defame- late of town, has taken a situation i
lion of •character. Detroit. On Tuesday evening sixtee
•• ,--e • members of Seaforth Oddfellows' Lod
Too FLATTERING. — The Brussels visited the brethren here, the 1st, 2n
Post says:—"In case M. C. Cameron is and 3rd degrees being exemplified b
not the Liberal candidate in West Clinton lodge. At the Assiees th
Huron at the approaching election, a week T. Fleming, on behalf of h
good many electors favor the nomina- daughter, secured a judgment of $
tion of Mayor Holmes, of Clinton. He against Mack Cantelon for seductio
is a staunch Liberal with broad views; the defendant has been for some tins
well and favorably known in a hole in the States, and was not represente
portion of the Riding and is an ab e at the trial. Frank Baer had his han
debater. He would make a first-class cut by a saw at the Doherty Factor
representative both in and out of the The License Commissioners met her
House." [This may all be true, but on Tuesday, and transferred the licens
there's a difference of opinion about it.] of G. Swarts, Saltford, to Ben Mason
MEAN.—For some time Mr Emerson also that of John McDonald, Kintail
has been much annoyed by tacks being to Neil McDonald. We are sorry t
dropped in front of his Bicycle Em- hear that Mr Richard Manning, of Ex
poriuns. and lately broken glass has eter, father of Mr W. N. Manning, o
been added to the annoyance, the evi- town, is critically ill, and his death i
.1 dent intention being to puncture bicy- anticipated any time; he was for year
•7 cle tires. He has discovered the au- one of the most progressive farmers o
thor of this annoyance, and intends to Huron, and started the first chees
punish the party if it is repeated. Peo- factory in the county. Rev. W. 11
pia who throw glass on the streets Butt, of Clandeboye, was visiting bi
should not do so, as it is exceedingly mother this week. Messrs Seale
annoying to cyclists, and could just as Hoover, of the Marble Works, thi
well be put elsewhere. week received a consignment of 27
cases of Swede granite, import e
direct. Mr Alex. VVeir, of Goderich,
formerly of Clinton, has sold his busi
nese in that place to MrYates. Tuesday
next, 19th inst., will be the regula
meeting of the Home Circle. Last
Friday a prominent salt manufacturer
all uding to the Liberal exodus to Dun
gannon, jokingly said that "for once
all the toughs were out of town;" bis
own words virtually admitted that
salt had lost its savor. Mr Thos. Hil-
lock, deliveryman, has rented a house
from Reeve Kennedy, on Isaac St., and
will move into it in a few days.
Mr John Ransford was the principal
speaker at a meeting of the YoungCon-
servatives on the 6th con. of Goderich
township, Wednesday evening; surely
our friend is not afraid of G" oderich
township going Liberal at the next
election. Mise Bessie Ross has return-
ed to Clinton, having completed her
third year in McGill Univereity; besides
taking first rank honors in Mental and
Moral Philosophy, she succeeded in
winning a prize in Metaphysics. Miss
McWhinney, the well-known vocal in-
structor, has already commenced to
paint scenery for a. concert, which she
proposes holding on the evening of the
lat of July. The Mayor did express his
opinion at the Council board concern-
ing the road machine, as those who
were present know, and was the only
member of the Council who verbally
expressed an opinion. Dr Blackall bas
been appointed Veterinary Inspector
for the county, under the new Domin-
ion regulations, Mrs Albert May, of
Stevensville, Montana, (daughter of
•' Diem= Reote—A Mr Wells, of Mr James Howson,) is home on a visit.
Stratford, undertook a race against Miss Cole, sister of Mrs E. Holmes,who
time, on Friday, which he would easily has been here for some time, returns to
have,won, had he not suffered from an St. Catharines in a day or two. Mr.W
Anitodtrollabie cause. .The conditions N. Manning has gone to Montreal in
• ,Of the race were that he was to ride the interest of the Doherty Organ Co.
fromeStratford to Gedittrich and back, The Morden, Mao ,Herald, of last week,
and tben from Stratford to Goderich mentions the death of Mee John Fox,of
ined, back again, between 4 a.m. and that place, at the age of 65 years; she
-''SPArt., the stake tieing, $150. He made was formerly a resident of Stanley,and
the Best round trip,&distm ance of near- also of Clinton, removing frohere to
ly 00 Miles, in shOUrs; but on the se- the West in 1882; Mr Fox survives her,
&did trip,. When eonie distance west of and two sons and one daughter out of
FiertfOrtiedn'her way, to Ooderich, he a family of 9; Mrs McLeod, Clinton, is
tOolterenditie In his lege and had to be a sister-in-law of Mr Foe, and Mrs Mc -
taken bank to $eaforth and the race Gregor, eon. 8, Stanley, a sister of de-
• declared Oft At one Plate he broke a ceased. A fashionable Wedding is re -
pedal, and, on WO, Occasions , his pate, ported to be one of the events of the
triakernellided *,44 him, thus tnaking near future here. The friends of Miss
the r4e0 Mere difficult. As he hintten Mary Townsend, Bullett. win) has been
, -
hours WhWeiti to ,.tairksi the soeond 00 tin the sick lint for so huts; *RI be
mile be, 60111d C011y ha;t0' entered the
dielanee but, for hit ‘Mialnitg •' Re tin
dettenk thn tame 'UV yetteidati but
Vith What'sUCCOOS is unknoWiti;
1.0*9-1414 .14QT1tise"-00911,' jaw* Taytor
Yojte the drat OiiHit9Plan Who made the
trip to ter00490 WetieASOP, Clay 'Man,
:Vats rode to London from Pluton, on
Sunday,, -49 miles,taqp-arid a belt
hour; Jed/Will IlaVe to beat,this• PC94t
tinr, rionfe..oe the Wye will "do hien
Rev 11. It vine, of f3toderich,
ed thtough town on Monday, on his
way to Kingston; he purposed wheel,
lug all the Way. The Bicycle Club had
a run to Brucefleld last Friday evening,
and go Lo the penes piece again to -night
The members havein contemplation
the building of a third -of -a -mile track
on the excellent Gun Club property.--
gown iti.
en -
lin -
d if
re -
v -
v -
r -
GENEROUS.—On Monday Messrs Gil-
roy and S. S. Cooper appeared before
the Gederich township council, as re-
presenting the Clinton council, and
laid.before its members the opening up
of Isaac St. to the Bayfield road, ask-
ing some assistance thereto. They
eloquently portrayed the advantages
that would accrue to the people in this
end of the township by the opening up
of the road, and on motion of Jas. Con-
• molly, seconded by Thos. Churchill, the
• ersuM-of $35 was granted towards gual-
iirg and gravelling the road. This is a
• generous contribution, and will be
duly appreciated by the people of
• DO= orr Ma WATTS.—Wednesday
eiteninirefr Y. W. Watts received a
telegram announcing the death of his
father, Which occurred at the residence
Of his daughter, Mrs Garnham, on the
13th inst., at St. Louis, Mo. Mr Watts,
ere Was born in 'Yeovil, Somerset, Ens -
land, in 1812. Coming to Canada in
1849 he settled near Ancaster, from
there he moved to Harlington, Ont.,
Ieaeing there foe Milton, Ont. In the
fall of 1889 he took up his residence in
Madre renialning here till the fall of
1893, when he retired from active life
and removed to St. Louis, Missouri,
where three, daughters and one son
• reside, another daughter residing in
Yeovil, England, and Mr F.W. Watts,
• ,• of tOwe, complete the family. Mrs
•%' eke.- tte sr., died in 1876 and is buried
Vlititon cemetery, where the re-
• - 'sangria Of Mr Watts, sr., will be placed
her side.
plettsedtd know that elifilig gteitir Int'
proved .10 health, and hal lieeti Visiting;
ettefidaittouddtnAntn int fx)iltis3t ttiont i
having tkittW00* rel
eat° her h(!ll?til"' • ; , '
Iteathot wave QtIi season has struck us. We are
ready for the warm weather with a stock of sunaxnery goods
that's almost perfect. Not a lot of old stock, but new, fresh,
up-to-date goods, bought for spot cash, which enables us to
give such rattling good values.
Children's ifeadwear.
We are ehowieg alrecist everything
that a fond mother could possibly de-
sire for a child in Straw Hate, Tam 0'
Shanters, Muslin Boneets. er.t.
Large assortment of Children's
Sailors 25,cents and up.
We are offering in our Millinery de-
partment a large variety of Hats and
Bonnets, comprising all the latest no-
velties in Trimmings arid designs at
moderate prices.
Untrimmed Hats in all popular
shapes and shades at prices more
than attractive. Our 82, 132.50
and $3 Ready Trimmed Hats
are having a great sale. There's
no hat value like them in the
The very latest styles in Sailor
Hatsijust opened this week,Black
Brown, Navy, White.
Summer Hosiery
Our Cotton Hosiery is imported di-
rect from Germany. Buying direct
from the maker we pay no wholesale
profit and sell better goods for the
seine money than if we bought here.
Ladies' and Children's Black and
Tan Cotton Hose, all sizes and
qualities. All sizes in Children's
pure white Cotton Hose.
• For comfort and durability
there's nothing like Balbriggan
or Lisle thread, Hose, wetshow
special lines in ladies' sizes at
35 and 45c. Qur special line
of Fast Black Cotton Hose at 20c
has no equal in the trade.
Have you seen the new Parasols?
They're the most stylish and daintiest
handles, and the beet values we've ever
Ladies' Vests.
Summer bas come upon us with a
rueh, but we are not unprepared. Cool
Summer Vests at little prices.
Ladies' Cotton Vests, ribbed,
we sell at 150
Another line, better duality at 8o
Fine goods, pure white 15o
Summer Corsets, all sizes.. 500
Wash Dress Goods
Every day nowjpeople are calling for
Wash Drees Goods. We are within
the mark when we say there is no stock
of these goods like :this in the county.
Weaves that are new, materials that
wear and colors that are fast. ,•
Oi.frninity Muslins
iSteass Spot Muslins
• Oolci-ed Xuslins
_French Tlisse
Scotch Ginghams
A very flue range of ,Summer Dress
Materials in Black tthat will not turn
Curtains and Draperies
• Now that spring house cleaning is on
it is the time to renew your curtains.
We just opened up a large shipment
imported direct. You take no chances
buyieg your Curtains from us and our
pricenire money savers.
White and cream, taped edges,
good_patterns 50c pr pair.
White and cream, tape edges, 8
• _patterns, special value, 90c a pr.
White and cream, tape edges, 3e
yds long, very wide, $1.26 a pr.
White and cream, 3S yds. long,
tape edge, extra value at $1.60,
$2 and $2.40 per pair.
Art Muslins, 7c, 9c, l2c per yard
White Spot Muslins, large and
small spots with or without
border. I
%.<".• , I •;...‘
. . FOR . .
Men's and Boys' Flannel Shirts, 5 for $i
Boys' School Hats
200 pairs Men's Hose . i octs worth soots
200 pairs Men's Braces 25cts worth Soots
M en's UnderShirts and. Drawers 2 5C worth 6o
. Scents
1 0
Neither 110140 uIft trade Her draws HOW qad. The
beet is the cheapest and Most satietaetet7 alWayS,
every intelligent person must recognize-thiS tact,•
and have as their purpose the securing o the
very best article for the money expanded. °
Since we have had them, Birge's Wali
Paper aangingshave held our previous ens- h` 4
tomers and made new ones. They are the best
therefore the cheapest and most satisfactory a1
way. When you buy them you have the very
best value for the money' expended
How is it with your Window Shade Rollers ? The
perversity of a shade roller thal won't roll is
equalled only by the persistent obstinacy of
one that insists on rolling when you want it
to stop. If yours are not well behaved
shades bring them to us or let us know ae cl
we will send for them and mount them on
rollers that will obey your action
The W. D. FAIR CO.
The stock of goods we have for the spring trade is com-
plete and gratifying in variety.
Is the capping stone to all the other advantages
you gain by dealing with us.
Form the loadstmee that draws custom to our store.
We do not give goods away but we do buy close, sell
close and share profits accordingly, which isithe reason
why we secure what every energetic merchant is after,
the bulk of business.
In offerings for the present season we are particularly
enabled to show decidedly interesting price items,
which will satisfy the shrewdest buyers.
LADIES—See our assortment and price on Tan:and Black Oxfords.
GENTLEMEN —See our special line of Tan Goods,
Our Prices are the lowest for strictly first-class goods.
Sole agents for the Slater Shoes in Tan and Black.
W. Taylor & Sous
Butter and Egg e taken at Cash prices.
Have yon seen our window of Ladies' I7nderolothing, Night Dresses, C hsmise
Drawers, Blurts, Comet Covers at 18c to 55o, Nightdresses at 75o, Skirts, $1.25
to $1.75, Babies Robes at less tbao you can make them up, quality A 1. Lat-
est style, workmanship the best. They are selling, come while the stook is at
its best.
Lacesreal hand made Torchans. Yon will find our line right and up
Chantilly, Dentalle, Orientals,' Pt, de Iriande's, Valenciens,
to date as regards variety, style and price
Ladies' and Children's Vests, new
arrivals added to oar assortment
this week, which are of the right
Big Glove Sale
It is a particular pleasure to call
your attention to our Hosiery
counter this week, it never con-
tained snob a handsome stook.
We never offered a better lot of
25 dozen Silk Taffeta Lisle Gloves, in Black and Tan,
a big snap, 20c and 25c for 10cts.
A Snap in Hosiery
286 pairs of (hildrens' Hose in Black colors at 6 and
lOcts. 1 lot of Ladies' Cottcn Bose in fast black,
8 pairs for 25cts. Cashmere Hose, all sizes, a line of
ribbed double knees for boys.
Things are humming in this department, see our line
of trimmed hats at $1.75, $2, 42.60 and $8. Nice
assortment of Girl's Sailor, Bats made over leading
'1 3'
a ice ray° t
.y .&.., CO