HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-15, Page 7Hilo dei011nor . dea%reg tp w r c s 1pie of Qlinton and vicinity that be nee opened a butcher ehop in the store of Wo, ole,1111r'0n $treeA. ` I o ha held xaany pante exiserieuce, and feels that he pan give t beet of aatiefaotion, He will sell i>•trietly for ODA, and at the lowest possible pripes. Qapltus Rema oeystratx fiel#NLTsp W. Wright, - Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER,SHOP L~URD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford) Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest paying prices. Patrons may rely non good service and prompt filling, of all orders. FORD & MURI IIY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I willlnot be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical butcher, and understand all the branches of the business. We,keep the very beet meats and a full stet*,alw, ye on, hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your money and get the meat at the Dash price. We w1i11 give Credit but not at cash prices. Please call and see what you oan"do for Cash at R., FITZSI ONS' CITY MEAT MARKET COUCH & WILSON. Subeo r,iberg„demirmte nptify the public theta hey have bought lint the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jag A.Ford, and 3aUl eon- tinne the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, 1@'reebAneats of all kinds be kept in season.; sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere' in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEIDSii; sglaw package of each of the following seeds g Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, Reddish, Cucumber, Tomato, Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) All for 25 Cents. Also Bulk seeds such as Peas, Beans, Corn, Timothy, Clover and Ali;yke Clover. JAS. STEEP & CO. Produce Exchange - Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Two cars -choice Seed Corn just ar- rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &e, Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S FIourmFeed Store BRAN & -SHORTS In ls!rge or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pound hel Cshooicee� O meal for 1 ts. D. COOK, iLINTON. EA1(g8. The , Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, $2,000,000. REST -FUND, - $1,375,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON......... President. F. W. TBOSSAS,....Seneral Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, s- sannd eoldrlat Sterling current rn ates. Int°O"r5t alp, lowed on deposits. Er A.11111 izerzis- Money advanced tri farmer} on their own note stab one or more endorsers.. '1 o mortgage re gnired as security; H. C. BREWER, Manager. 61E0. D. McT4a 6ART.. BANHEI$' ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A genetai Banking Business tz ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. I, .Ml t1V' ,:TtSDALL BAN EItS, CLINTON. GNT AAavaneee made to farmers on their own notes et low rates of interest. k getierii1 8ailliitlg Bttiil%ness transected iI'tot`est t►11 ed do derbeitilr ,, > i1i9� otea bAug +1t1�117tII bt*ndger, Success is sure to attend those t3 who make good use of their Gime while atteudtug The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Last week showed ;the placing of five stu- dents in choice positions; this week three. Bella Mitchell, placed as second sten gra- pher with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., of Chicago. The first stenographer, in the same office, Miss Anne Moffatt, is also a former pupil. James Warren as stook -keeper and &Pee as- sistant with Wm. Gray & Sons, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo. B. Douglas to stenographer with Messrs Wilson, Benicia, MoKeough & Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. IT PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, :Jan. 6th For catalogue of either department address 1). MCLACHLAN Chatham MoKIllop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIOHRH. Geo. Watt, President, Harlock P.O.; James Broadfoot, Vice-Pres.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Seo'-Treae., Seatorth P.O.; M. Mardi°, in- spector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot,Beat orth; M. Murdle, Seaforth; Geo. Dale Seaforth; Geo. Watt Harlock; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Watt, Thos. Carbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Klppon. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans Harlock; Robt. MoMiltan, Sea• forth and J. Comings, Egmon"ville. Eartiea.d°sircus to effect Insuranoee ortran- sact other business will be promptly atteMed to on application to any of the above officers adr,ssed tq ,their respecitve offices $ri3'lor l`�ux fiery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of ethtah we Mate a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON RAND F The above ornamental treks=andehrubbery will be eels at very low.prtees; and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pnr ebasin}}3g hero. Orders by Ma lwill� d4 'promptly attended to. Address, STEWART, BENMILLER. JOHN THE PAGE WIRE FENCE. 1 77-a sounammaguaa 1111N11111nasamssuai '111110 l%011011Aiiis1is�in1s11sns1ssisn swain timaisaiifteiw mien oswanwa This fence is the best and strongest wile fence in existence, it has a smooth surface, and will turn Stock without injury. It is neat and easy to put up,requiring few poste; it cannot blow down; wilnot break in winter; it is pig tight, bull strong and horse high. Lastly it is so cheap that it is within the reach of ail, • The under- aigned is sole agent for Stanley, Tuckersmith Hullett, Goderioh Township and Colborne, and will promptly fill orders`for the erection cf the fence in any of the townships named. WM STANLEY, Iiolmesville For Twenty -Six Years POWDER THECOOICSSES�f FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palea- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, UODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Menafacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVESO —THE LEADING -- UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER': A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT is STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT S,T.,CLINTON � f Renidenee overstore OPPOSITE Tow HALL Dr.i7Arri As, S H I1AA se at o SIT UP all night gesping;fer..breeth teir ettffneatiro .Seqd y tu: harltdeed �'•�.` . I n `w i%l Mali a `�,',i A DOUBLE • ROM i'w ' Young readies Bron i'h t Back To . kfcseltlit ^wid Strength. ONE WAS THREATENED WITH O NSUMPTII 5 FoLLownNo AN AMOR OI 1'NetamerA— Tait OTIIER WAS IN AN A.DVANOED STAGE or ANAEMIA—DR. WILLIAMS' PINE PILLS RESTORE HEALTH ATTER OTHER 1)1EDICINEe Fern. From the Truro, N. 8. NOwa. Among the residents of Truro there are none better known or;,enore highly esteemed than 111r and Mrs Turner. Mr Turner is an elder in the Presbyterian church, and s men whose word is as good as his bond. In his family reside two young ladies, Mise Maud Christie, an adopted daughter, and Miss Jessie Hall, a eieter. of AIN Turner. Both young ladies are known to have had trying illuessee, and were said to have been restored to health by a popular medicine, the name of which is a household word from the A,tlantio to the Paoifio. Judging that their etory would be of popular inter- est, a reporter called upon them and asked for such information as they might chooee to make public. Both young ladies were adverse to publicity, but when it was pointed out that their experience might be helpful to some other sufferer, gave state- ment for publication. Miss Christie, whose case is perhaps the most remarkable, ie given precedence. She said: "I am now 19 years of ege and have never been very strong. On the 26th of July last I was at- tacked with pneumonia. brought on by a severe cold. 1 Was confined to bed for al- most eight.weeks, when I was able to get up onpe more, During these weeite I was under treatment of a physician, and still continued taking bis medicine. I did not appear to. recooer,myy, ato pggth however, and on the 14th of -Noveiilber' Wes again., forced to take to my bed,,this time suffer- ing from great weakness and nervous pros- tration.. The dootor's medieine nowneein- ed to do me no good, and I grew gradually worse. I Became so low that 1irs emed hardly possible that I could live' ; long. The said that ( was in consumption and that medicine Was of no more' use to me. At this'titlleanartriele Was published in , the paper concerning' the cure of a young lady in 'Toronto by the use of Dr. Wil. 1 liams' Pink Pille, and Mr Turner at once bought some. After I had used abont six boxes I began to get gradually better, my strength began to return, my appetite im- proved, and I had .sonnd refreshing Blaen at night. I have now used fifteen boxes of Pink Pills and have no hesitation in say- ing that they have effected a wonderful cure in my case. In the case of Miss Hall the Pink Pills have also accomplished marvels. She was attacked with dizziness, severe headeches and fainting' spells, followed later by swelling of the feet and limbo, together with other symptoms of anaemia. After having been treated by physician for some time without any noticeable improvement she decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trill. After using a few boxes of the Pills there was a decided improvement in her condition, and with the use of the medicine full strength, health and activity returned, and Mise Hall is now feeling as well as ever she did in her life. Both Mr and Mrs Turner were present daring the interview, and strongly endorsed what the young ladies said, and expressed their thanks for what Pink Pills had done for them. The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease due to e vitiated condition of the blood or shattered nerves, that Ur Williams' Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and those who are suffering from such troubles will avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to this treatment. Get the gen- nine Pink Pills every time and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer, which for the sake of the extra profit to himself, he may say is "just as good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when other medicines fail. While Mr T. H. Hayhurst, was singing a solo in an opera performance at the Grand Opera House in Hamilton, a woman point- ed an empty revolver at him and snapped the trigger. Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Roo Tea gives perfect regularity of ..the bowels.— Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. The wife of Oscar Lyon!, a farmer,liv ing one mile east of Mayville, Ky., gave birth last Friday, to five boys. The child rep are well developed and healthy. Four of them weigh 44 pounds each, and,the fifth 5 pounds, making a total of 22.poinn6s for the five children. A -neglected cough is dangerous. 8top;it at once by using Shiloh's care. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. A census of the church -g re of Toronto on Sunday last was publish by the Wen ing Te1e-g'r`s n. °,Afteir oryrefu invest' ation' the staff em loved b"`y that paper reported' that in 203 churches there were present at morning and evening serviette no less than 123,991 worshippers. Of these 60,171 were - present in the morning, and 63,820 in the evening. The total seating capacity of t'ie churches is 112,852 in numbers the Meth- odists lead, with a seating capacity of 32,- 770, and an attendance of 36,655. The Presbyterians are second, with seating capacity of 22,746 and total attendance of 25,647. Neat come the Anglicans, with the Roman Catholics fourth. Dress well and Stylishly and Save Money. The Problem Solved. Diamond Dyes have saved hundreds of thoneands of dollars to the intelligent peo- ple of tbie country, for by their aid bld and and faded clothes have been home -dyed to look like new. Diamond Dyes save money in every home; they are tree to name, end stand at the bead of all dye-atnffe in the world.— Diamond Dyee are the only original and only reliable package dyes, and have never had an equal. They are the true preventa- tives of hard times, and will solve the vexa- tious problem of how to make small in- comes Dover increasing family demands. There are vile and worthless imitations Of Diamond Dyes; therefore see that your dealer supplies you with the "Diamond." Common dyes are sold for the sake of large profits. , Children Corot, Pg .titP19AFIR 1 AMtllitl ld htxatat.+t lMtinerta t7!{agk'*-Qn '-' atrltieh �n . The big white eruiter 11ew York 110.0 be eu beard.,;. weighing 600pond whioh�is,la all preba1lllt'the largest boli ,'t ptlt alto d R s41Psf . Ilse 9.0ep, The r1'tl 'iii iwll i tiia ma'rinsr e Week, The . nat#ttealday bins fwd' ends itiC tioen w ',It�n.ligkt byi4, struck. The, bell s o 'half -ll arly, day and 4igtitt od4 strollerbalttgAdd•d.lel+ each half'hi11r un- til eight is reaobed, when the want bo - gins 11t ane- bell., , In ,the U,nits4, States navyntlle;4htp'e .UN►11 hnoiie llsuail'q ender the forseastlel or just torward of Lha fo e- m1i�p Tb.„gapt o'o orderly teams the them and rspgrtq to the odor• on,deok the banr is terns of "bells,” Toe officer of aha. deck, thele; bider.. the messenger of the watch strike the bell. There Is some- what niore formality at eight bells than at other times, for then the hour is re- ported to the captain, and the bell not struck until he has said: "Make It so.” Here is the routine on board a man -of• war et sight o'clook in the morning; The orderly says to the officer of the deck, "Eight bells, sir." The offloer of the deck replies, "Report. to the captain eight bells and chronometers, wound." The orderly then goes to the oaptaln an t eye, "Eight belle, and chronometers wound, sir." Tho captain replies, "Very well, make it so." The orderly goes to the oflloer of the deck and says, "Make it so, sir," Tho officer of the deck Saye to the messenger of the watch, "Strike eight bells," and if everybo ly has been prompt, the messenger strikes night bells at ex- actly 8 A. M. As a matter of fact, the report "eight bells and chronometers wound" le intend- ed as a check upon the riavlgntlflg,:officer. To him the ship's obrononieters are con- fided. TherO.arQ.three chrogalneeers and a "hack" on etich man,.of-wag The hack '1s atmply' a portable ohrogo{netgr, that, nib6'tnken ashor,r It„need be. Tbo 'nth , once at1ixed, tq their, plage,l4 the nevi' ator's room or the chart room, are nON@£ removed-, The navigator knows his ob{rgpelarster even better than: bo knows , b�fellipmi►tes . The error and the rate.of the,, io,hrago�aeter,as oompered1wlth Greea- p. Fi�l menu; tin, nre accurately known, au,,fit! is pretty, sure if one, gets out of or- derj.thgt,tpg other,ma, be depended upon Beplt}es talo ohronometera there are chi olookf, whloh are kept up to local time. So a of ,the ptpip',s clocks are now made to ata :o the brills„,but the old routine is retained, except that the clock does the work of the messenger. Whether or not the olook would stop should'.the. oaptaln at eight bells withhold his "make it so,” lea question yet to ho determined. They do things rather (Different in the Brifieh navy. On the English men-of- war there is a curious deviation from the American naval metaod of Indicating the hour. Before the British naval mutinies of 1797 the belle were etruok on board British mon-of-war just as they were on board tho ships of other nations. But In one of those mutinies the signal agreed upon by ,mutineers was the stroke of five hells, 6.30 P. M. When that signal carne the mutineers rose to slay their officers. In the fight that followed the officers upon one ship at least were driven over the star- board side and the mutineers for a time were in possession of the ship. When order was restored throughout Oa navy the stroke of five bells at 6.80 P.M. in the second "dog watch” was dropped from the plane in sequence, though five belle are retained at 6.30 A. M. The stroke at 8.30 P. M. in the British navy le one bell, at 7 two bells, at 7.80 three bells, but at 8 it is eight bells. From that hour to 6.30 P. M. the sequence of strokes is the same as in the United States navy Fanta About Food. It bas never been scientifically demon- strated that fish and other phosphoric foods can appreciably Improve the brain and mind. Fishermen, for example, and fishmongers, who may be supposed to live largely upon ash, have never shown them- selves to be in any measurable degree more intellectual than their neighbors. Indeed, it may be plausibly argued that they are a little less so. The truth is, that that particular food which best agrees with the particular tndiyidual,and which best maintains his general health at a high level, Is the best for the brain and every other organ of the body, as well as for the whole man. Common experience has long ago formulated the saying that "what is one man's meat 'is another man's poison." Science now oomss forward totalk, ua exa?tlyJhc,eame thing, and to Impress upon levery. pee of ns thri necessity of--ilnding-° oaqt the diet best eglted, to,onreeleee and 'kicking to it. —London Hospital. Inequality In Eyes. You are either left eyed or right eyed, unless yon are the one person out of 'Very fifteen who has eyes of equal 'strength, - 17ou also belong to the small minority of one out of every ten persons if your left eye 1s stronger than your -tight. As a rule, just as people are right banded, they_ ere right eyed. This is prob- ablytcbiie tc'tfie generally greater nee of the orgthieos..-the right side of the body, as, for example. a gunner, using his right arm and shoulder, uses his right eye, thereby strengthening It with exercise. Old sea captains, atter long use of the telesoope, find their right eye much. stronger than the left. This law is con- firmed by the experience of anr1ats. If a person who bag ears of equal bearing power bas mange to use one ear more than then other for a long period, the ear brought into requisition is found to be mnoh strengthened, and the ear which is not used loses Its hearing in a correspond- ing degree. Letter Writing. Children should early be taught the art of letter writing, and not only to express their thoughts, but to become experts in the art so that every sentence tells its own story. 1f every mother would look over the letters of her ohlldren before al- lowing them to go to the mall, correct mi®takes 1n grammar, 'spelling and punc- tuation, and often suggesting a different wording for phrases, a good work will be a000mpltehed for the children. The habit of correcting expression upon paper has a strong influence upon conversational style. Escaping Temptation. If any man should escape temptation it will not be booting° he is etrong, btit because he Is weak. There are natures 'to shallow and thin as to be below temPta- Mon. The ternpest which raises the bil- lows of the Atlantic does not make a ripe ple on a street pool, and the tares whiCh strive With the wheat unto harvest In the deep rich loam would Wither on the sto 'y li and, therefore, they must always be le s than ineti.—Ian Madmen. se who berg done nothing , In all diseases, that aired Itimanitt some weak link, in the chain of 11,44,1011:;:461rikti that is the seat of the trouble. It may be the:1We it may be the stomach; perhaps it is the bowels, or the kidneys; most likely it is the blood. Burdoc Blood Bitters goes straight to that spot, strengthens the weak link in the chain, removes the ca.use of dip disease,• and restores health, because it acts with. cleansing force and curative power upoi! the stomach; liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. With.good red blood health is assured, without it disease is certain to come and Burdock 411409.0 41177Cda is the only remedy that will positively remove blood poisons. In ulcers, abscesses, scrofula, scrofu- lous swellings, skin diseases, blotches, old sores, ete.., B. B. B. should be applied externally, as well as taken internally according to directions. MITT E3 A Snap in Crockery I We have just received a shipment of DINNER SETS fro in England, and con. eider that they are the best value fer the nannoy we have ever neen able to offer. Just think of a Fine Gold Splashed Decorated 97 piepe set for $7.50. 112 piece Set for $9.50. 11(1 piece set for $11. We have a flne lineof Tea Sets from $2 up to 55, wet Toilet Sets at a price to spit the times. r:Ft WOODEN-WARE—We are going to give a Washtub worth $1 ancIa Wash- board worth 25c, the both for $1 Cash. ImPas 1 ONE GIVES RELIEF Wagons Buggies • We keep in stock and make to order Wagons and Beggies which we guarantee to bell first class in every particular. Nothing but the best material use F. RUMBALL, - - CLINTON J. W. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prices low in: Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS—Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. Yon will save from 6 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of Tea peddlers. Come pare quality and pricee. suGARs—We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal refinere. Keep best quality and sell at close prices. SPECIAL BAHGAINS-8 pounds Evaporated Peaches for 25o. 3 lbs Evapor ated Apples for 25o. 5 lbe Prunes for 25c, 28.1bRgx 14144a fer — Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room. forottZ Imported Goode, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Bets, Tea Sete„,Voilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and, Baueereatml Lamps of all kinds. Call an,d see our goods and get prices. No trouble 03 aeT, goods. TRADE Do You FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or hay'. 11 your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. For OFFENSIVE (MEATH and ALL DISOR- T E RI PANS TABU LES RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabales Regulate the System and PPeserve the Health. Tabulee act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and lutestinea t cleanse the system effectually 1 cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, uffenalvte breath and headache. One TAMILE taken at the first indication of indigestiOn, bilionsnees, diiziness, distress after eating or depression of spirire, will surety and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedY. ONt RipListv P.1:1. b,;), 1,!..5.0,. emit lieJtiteltUttehinte'" 4