HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-05-15, Page 6.. ,. S WNTITFx r ^,. ,i: , : r F WIW 1p. ,. , c F M11111117r r. S ,. , , 1"-... .. ..q. 1. .. .: ,. I'll 1­11 I 1. .� 1,. 1 �.. ,.1. ..: ., :.. ,.:�:. .:1 , ., - V , 1. w: ,. ; , ` 7, .* ; IN11 .�_X:A I1 Y..,::. 11 .IVA1 R • R N CI 1.T ''Sit _," „> u M « z rr . ax * ,"% TT�� C144 U IVEG! BY /4 CO S /A; tl_�,�.'_, I j , O i.,�. A Aa Iron Founder VVi�o $naw lYRthing About ilros,ze. • a: ., �. -,._ . • -„�-;�, I Is the date of iS Tho #ottndor of rho Vendolne poluiun the first day oP our ire B'aI'gAin Salo I r, _ in Paris naso with $n4�taiul ruin in his y o-. contract I`ho French 'government when in pp ppIs r *` 1 ,I , t it decided to erect the notable column, WdetW,thwe protni promisedhave it and we wf1}pPulfil €+ r [ I ( 'lr j rr��( entered into a contract with an iron (1' 'I ( diii t,p` :I� i Vt d� 1.���S�' lCl E�uble� CI�i�UI�\t�t�l\ founder He knew nothing whatever oY o'irpratnise by giving lower prices on s;lF �� 1'I�� ll� �� d�G _1'1;Udl I 1 tn",tieling °r aaatinl3 in I,rol>ze W �° °a°�: H RllWAIiL+', 'I'INWAItE NII► ., ��.' to � U . erl:iuent agreed to supply him h u '� L Bou c apttued Prom rho Ruselune and i HOUSE+ I+URNISHING, GOODS I r, __ Austrians during the campaign of 1805, than has ever been offered in this section lIr ;' in quantities sufficient to found the of the country♦_.-Atenlember the date • , , , tuuuun cut The contractor, knowing our Goods are all being marked down anc� ,.� 1 (Amal fil Roplatol u�im�(lr n,th(ng of the phenomena •which the 6v ` Nin ���C�I�� �� All 1111 Illlll ` customer++ahallhave the benefit. t ` f lI'+ 1 Il� f ..... n oP bronze offers, Pound `when two- +>* 1) ` I li thirds of the column was completed that � n �f s':,:aD`r lie had used u all his mctatl Sufficient �jL,4,, D S 't11, � r'' bronze had been 3van him to complete ”' • 1 ns. , A'A .' the tnanulnant, and he was responsible HAWDWAli � SIEUCHA,NTS, - - CLINTON. � r�ot , r�i for the entire amount Finding himself "1i- 96 fnm to facie with bankruptcy he melted y y "Beep a Watch on the ubstitutor and Imitations . rI.up Itis scoriae and mixetf the natal with �;,i �'+' <,, cheap refuse which he purchased, and so . z�pr.1 I completed the founding The castings, J t �i t sl t iti`il however, were found is be so Pnll of Seasonable i he worlds rest leader, Paine's Celery ney and liver troubles, and all diseases I ceive unwary and too confiding people,- flaws that the work was stopped, and the ;l aq44 �$y,`, /QOmltound, has no equal Por feeding ex- arising from impure and posioned blood.-- . Yaine's Celery Compound is atraely solea• founder ruined The moldings of the prescription y different pasta of the tae-re11eP were so i 11 it , ;hauatod nerves and building up the weak i Thousands of men and women, tired out, tiflo ireseri tion recommended b the beet Good $' l., it ti ., run down, sleepless, nervous, morose and medical men, chemists and proiesaional badly executed that the chiselers who ttfi- • r ti f :sad shattered body. paired the defects removed no lose tMU ,M�, T11e greatest of modern medical men- despondent, have regained perfect health, I men njarit seed idreat eminenoethat Paine'e seventy tons of bronze They received for FaIICy Oal , Mahogany and Rattan Rockers � '; . prof Edward E. Phelps, M. D•, LL. D•, strength and buoyancy of spirits, by the P p y g their labor 218,000, to which was added Upholstered in Broeatelle, Plush and 't€111," ,?; -alter -'years hard practice and close scien- well advised use of nature's own medicine. Celery Compound has reached, it is only I r C tiiio research, gave Paiue's Celery Com- It has given a sygw and brighter existence I necessary to state, that millions of well-re- the seventy tons of bronze, which became c° '' pound to millions who were suffering. The to a vast, nargbliz ��1lrliud�pp�tyv, beings who Were I gr?lated homes have made it their chosentheir pe The whole traneaotloII Tapestry, to suit the [iurc�laser. " t i q tis astonished tired mf 1%fett11iild it"ii many burdens. shiei}ioine. was very, very French-Yhlladelphiw C V o ro t v, wonder-working compound 1i s popular 'code are always imitated by Rwor GCi 3 U 'k 4 .xloh and poor, learned and unlearned, by I If, from the winter weather, and the I ans,t•u ulousbmen, buyers of Paine's Cel td el �, • 'rat 4r its.marvelloua aures. vriab}e days of early spits ,you are left f y g 1", ­1 til. A NEW BICYCLE STOCKING. 1`$0 1. i' `�pr�ad to all civilized w}xgh nry qs deblit,0$d0e, iiiso�nia I ary3tt°mpound shoul`n the worldd see that . Look f et �r ,`/, C� zpsF" laude ilial Patdm'sele'ry Oomponnd sural tan aidiieii, end nerves all os. otorder, do dhty�enuine aele}y C J +� ;{ ,* I.and permanently cures even cases too des- ndt hesitate a day longer; use Paine' Uel- I stalk, l}e p fork--;toe ns. y Pale you and the It Locke Lilo a Les Rioe[, But fe Light he and ( �� �� � � C Z 9. ,1'` erste f the 1? Qi n e skill. Froofs of fir CgMpoupd, which is peoially adapted I stalk tie F✓olery-on every bottle you urs of cool [� C' q .. �Y, °� 3 and 'you will avoid futare + fdrad ilealere. Avoid all merchants who p, -+' ,r poh anlyif�?!1Htii?�on>1i1 form ar�`re- tote yet!;. nae, y vrho tvhttit} snbetitate eomebhin that tory The very latest wrinkle with the swell iii !; ,i,. calved every week from he.pp and raWill misery and suffering. c'ly y g 01 g 4.. kOR`� i assn and women saved from the dark gr os_ ton stn # e owoitblesp 'omdam lies oYsr)ervito-. oine tbaoc 4*%ke the place of Psdl eesCelery that looks aelogigiug. Leggings `2 W t .e�?; P61ne'a �iEl nQ ]ognd bed iql y p� Q t $ 2 COPPO"' you most'urgi ally re- are doomed The legging, as every woiriaa Qi � 1?' it , 1, od its power >alnsTier o! c Hpep snit. !►C A tri a'fl iy3at i19p�7mAde Photic by ui�repto make you well. rider will tell you, is awkward It hem- W A y Ind `; indigestion, rhenmatiem, neuralgia, kid- newspaper advertising, and that always de- 9 pt3rs the muscles, Peels heavy, is ancon- We sell them as cheap as possible, but they are made right. $ —_ fortable and hot, and none would wear it i ' I —. ,.. - -- — except for the Bake of appearances �� H E Y 1 '�kr Glatinean Point CatholioChnroli is to OLD MEMORIES AWAKENED, Loather leggings in particular are tin- JOSEPH# I'llIy t comfortable and worry the rider But the Y "I 1� NEWS NOTES have a new bell, to be presented by his Ex- I r'3 I __ Tb* LitUs,Book.MMdo 191mTkouthtful for swell set. see a q' out of it and deolare FURNITURE DEALER AND UNQERTAKER• �•Y o tlency til ,Cxovernor-Qennralrih commem- y + g ee one, Nfghit. that the logging is no longer required. +� ; The Pope on Thursday gave lin au- oration of; the herviee rendered ser Exsel- y Many wear only the stocking as a leg r A `r - diene a to the Vicar-General of Chat- lency the Countess of Aberdeen at the re- It was only an ordinaril bound, �� M ham, Canada. , cent unfortunate accident that might have small sized Bible, and would net attract covering There is s still newer thing I Mrs Buchanan, widow of the late resulted in her..death. asotti than a pi►rring gland hose any on. It looks like. a legging, bat it dopa not v z Ron. Isaac Buchanan, died at Hamill- of the harrying hundred, who passed the �� feel like one It is light, pliable, cool, and SP :®' t Fire broke out shortly before two little tablas in front tit the sroand-bsisd . not expensive Already it is on the aoun- �� rI;, ton, aged 70 years. o'clock Thursday morning in the base- book store snry day. Perhapt 11 had Wn ; tma of the big atores and seen in the rid- s iasis Pot ,Mitre *inotlaod until one day Ing academies Your attention this way for a surprise, in fine spring goods. " Alex. S e �r�t, wor tag at Sleinhofi menu of the Toronto Lead and Color G}ordq idle W laceburg, fell on 'Warehouse, Toronto. The flames last+a/esk, when its former owner found +5 . a saw and sustained frightful injuries went up the elevator to the fourth it Bo was ambling, along, sprronndad , Planne�ettl's in � Coat variety, su ►erb Prints, Skirtings, in the back. stgryy�'setting each flat on fire. Tile I by several boon companion man of t1All IN�IGESTIUN 1 Ze h r and Due Sultl Bess ,� � ,: totalloss is about $8,000. 1 about 38 years, from his general. appear- , Shirtlii s,, Gin 111{'l y P { Messrs R. R. Brett, and W. If Auld, lines of H1ack �russ G ac s. Nothin to beat our Cotton- P ��; 1� of 9txathroy, have purchased the Es- The French excavators at Delphi, i eo=oaeubona heh® kthdiot s Yriane eNr For n staffer of some Forty Yoarw or I sex Free Press, and will take posses• Athens have unearthed a life-size Mora °'• bronze statue of a bearded man, the in the sockets about the amblin houses. ades. Lar a assortme -Qf . T�vice S. Our Millinery is ":I Vii,. sion on June 1. gambling Joseph Gardner, stove dealer, o! 13ntb. �1'' 4,^•• largest yet discovered. The date of I He was bbe jq lfeet+oP'thaoroviq ajrd fn a tlntari°, is a great believe 'in_ Dr• very handsome and cheap. Corsets made to order. if t THAT HACKING, PERSISTENT the work is 5UJ B.C. The statue is boisterojts rya*; ,*as joking his fellows. 4, quickly holding the bridle of a horse, and or- : As his eyes shifted restlessly he happened Cl.uae's Kidue Liver Pills far indigos- {.. P flan, coustipa lou, dyspepsia.. Bright's Field and Garden Seeds. Our 25c Black Tea is a daisy, so we hear from , DISTRESSING' COUGH can be uickl the N oared by using Dr Wood's Norway Pine ticus of the horse's figure have also I to oatch sight. of that little leather•oov di•eare, rheumatibut, and kiclaey, liver our customers, Groceries of all kinds at'very close prices. ' t, Syrup. It' cures all throat and Lang been found. I fired Bible asit'lat on the dirty table In sad stomach troubles generallp. TERMS CASK OR PRODUCE. 11 '"d Troubles. I trent of the old second-hand stat.. In an 1 was troubled for over forty T. I P S-We would like to receipt several accounts. .` t .. A young girl named Lamoureux, instant he stopped as if petrified, and for- with iudigeation and cotietlpation, I be I �, � ... It ie reported that the British Gov- agged about seventeen years, from getting ills companions stood riveted to " fir, ernment are to construct barracks at Iberville, em Toyed in the knitting s writer. "At tutervals I suffered from ADAMS) EMPORIUM, r ADAMS " r, '. Malta, capable of housing 30,000 men, factory St. Johns, Que., on her way the spot. then he walked quickly into severe headache. e1 spent dollars and T ��T�ECtBO�� P home Thurada ,when half way acrosse store and asked the old woman to dollars without result until Mr, Ba14 L l�J r3 �r t'" in view of eventual complications in y come outride. our druggist, advised mo to try Chase's { the Mediterranean. the Jones Bridge, took off her shoes "How muoh for this book?" he asked, Kidney-Liver Pills. 1 did so, and must d t� z t ti� �aGa6bing tiffray occurred at Gib and hat and deliberately jumped into lokln it n 1 ea that they are the only remedy that �J - -Y tar, in which David Richmond re- the Richelieu.river, which is very I p ,•,Thirty-flue cents," was the reply. gave me relief. I would not be with• rys��' "ceived seven wounds in various parts awift at this point, and was drowned The man handed her a silver dollar, out them for anything." n s of the body at the I ,ads of Frank No reason is assigned for her act. end, picking air the book, left the store. Many people suffer from rheumatism. c kw �,r Woodyard The motive is said to have THE RISING GEISERA,TION MONEY NO OBJECT. What on earth do you want with that Siad blooi and dis,'t,sed kidneys hrinJ: ry ,. been jealousy. i book" exclaimed one of the "gang," who it on. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PIIU The amount of money sufferers from :did not see the title. But the man paid will remedy all this and cure rheuma- 1•', . New York is excited over the death catarrh will spend in attempting to cure no ettelftton to the question. Instead he item sciatica and all kindred complaints. Have many things li he thankful for. Man's inventive genius A 1`" Y that foul and disagreeable l6ease is sl• has done much to relieve the strain on the human family. Work =., ., of a child from disease caused b the opened the book, and there on the fly-teal Here is a sample case : �` reftlse.Lof,a schoolteacher to allow her most incredible. i. W. Jennings, of Gil- „ " M bo was all crippled up and ��.i once so burdensome now becomes a pleasure, with results an ,k;,.;r,. raw the lneoriptlon: ' To my boy, and sults red boy with rheum$tlam;' 4". hundred fold. The chief among the labor saving articles of � � a to leave the room, although the pupil ford, Ont., aaj's. " I spent between $200 underneath the date, July 6, 1880. As y " to-da stands re eatodl asked ermission to o out. r�' tat, p y p K and $300 consulting doctors; I tried all the I be read the words two tears came Into his writes Mrs. R. Wille, of Cheslep, Ont y e}illi. , :. Teacheth have a great responsibility ,treatments' without benefit. One box of ryes and one of them plaeheid down neon " 13e also hada torch of diabetes. Th. w in such matters, and it is a wonder Chase's Catarrh Cure did me more good doctors edrild do hien no good, but Dr• e Q(� e 11�' �'r` these cases are not more frequent. than ell the remedies. A 25oboxoared me. the book. His oompanibAe had by this Ohnee'e KidneyLtver P(lls completely y t COpER'S ftJVAp •', " time passed oil and had entered a saloon, " , 1. p, Don't waste money. Clime" Cure, with I cared him. When Geo. G. Hang, 25 years of age, im roved blgwer, 250. It aurae. but-be did not think of them. His Sold by all dealers and Edmeuron, told the occupants of the Monarch P tbobghte il►bre of that twenty-first birth- gates A po., +Toronto. 26a _ w' a i , boarding,house San Francisco, that he The residence of Mr Samuel Mills, I day, ten years ago, when his mother has Put up in 31b bars, acid only by us, a`' i,: ', belonged to a suicide club, and would London, .was set on fire Thursday given the little book to hila on the eve of When all other reinydies tall Dr. Chase's Clinton's Hope, Is Cooper's Soap `r kill himself When the proper Lime from a 6inRular cause, a lass globe 1 his departure for the city. In a minute Linseed and Turpew.ine will cure the 11, bele } + hedtad lived over all those evil fifteen ao�t dhron c cold. g6 cents. r-� '�, /� 'I, a Y, &too oma of Mrs starting the shingles blaztn The years that had elapsed since then, had r O� p f-:[ & / ,os 1.came, t the matter as a g,P�i}C,the 1&of in,Lhe. itcheli , ill lJ �J 1 +-� 1 l tJ ,: joke. en `be took a dose of at ch- such a way as to focus the sun's rut s ,} anis next night to the rooms g g g nnmfnd'ttr'( bf `tlie'puasers by stood in the MYp l ��Itirl`i71107l� J a ". Nellie Parker, who was his apiritu,tl brigade soon suppressed the Hames, m ddle �f t6e crowded 'street the book LlYfi1� F F t In reduce taken ae Cat3h.-TeeDhone 11To. SES. i f a , guide, they realized he meant what. he which did about $150 damage. at •open in hie hand. His companions P , said. A man named McNeill was nearly he '- y this time missed him and came „ , werai 'and I "" ' i 6"014 _ _ _ - - sufiacated din�� hewer In&in �t B&nt ba 1 --"-- ; 1 �' urr u old bo the drinks are or- , _ - ford on Th�irsdityE: He welt ill' to clean y P. y, ., • out n roar-hoi`e, ishan the gas $"ver- died, and there's a gond game aotng on Wakn6ofBody andC.Z 1 *, ', powered him. It is supposed that the upstairs," cried one, but the man only Mind. Effects of py„ �' 'When Baby was sick, we gave herCastorra p shook his head n d uietly spid: � ordinary coal gas had leaked from the ilra� ,. "r lossorExcewAsIn014 r , p When she was a Child, she cried forCastorla, main into the sewer. "I don't think 1 play to-(lay. Good- « Y�y� Robust, ,11WhenehebeennneMre0.sheclungtoCastoiia. by, boys, I'm going home on the 6 Noble ManL00d fall)M,� t"p` DO NOT SUFFER. o'clock train."-Louisville Courier -Jour- QQRRRNm ed, Howtoen- _.;" SW L�'g 1 WITH KIDNE''Y tla6IPLAINT=YOt7 Ctrs RE It A: , �' _ I i `•.'• � altd'Strengthea 11 -. eak, Unde•e1llo'•ppeed The President's Slices �� LIEVED WITHIN SIX HOURS. /�t,�,, ltirta ,and, F•erta Of u fi^ � � � -,- ]_ , � -'I r, I . "a L-•e,4•e 'Ynade nip "i '> of m`• � � I take ,reach pleasure in stating that I . a���_ AbeolutelJ n!r leather pa t>�e plater Shoes-boat, The flour mi1Te &Q,iieyPbint; own have been acing South American Kidney sae Onrtfvacion or AgaatioI'►anae. Ing Ham* American ca falba Money can't ed by Samuel "blathers, were burned Cure, and found relief within six hours The.cultivAiion of aquatic plants in 1 >RitaL-Tlegglit� fD • buy better leather, or better work- / y fuer first dose L ken bee o sick in ' Menfetti tram manship, than ie put in these Cana- i �4ednesday eyp�ta� g', Tobe loss on elle' a �,nuar 189ti c�Hen • 6r�ri to eH At it a"of ��h ekes ib poasihle Por any ono to try than shoes. They are made on the i ` building andg�41't�ie�); iri9ilred fou y, y his skill with Chem Of course he need • �tatef a°d e� finest and most foot-fitting Amer1- $2 1,j ,^o Iyl the local physicians, and was tree<ted-yhly, not expect to bo ablo to ow the rarer Ia• Write them. A6e V. +them until the Fall of 1898 without receiv- �can lasts, by the famous Goodyear .v " r,i , Dr Roatfen says that cut flowers will Ing much benefit. I then began a>ing sorts of nymphaea, but he can succeed dive ookr est- Welt process - superior to hand a small i ch of tp.many beaiYtffnl varieties of water S1,11 and prooh made. Made, too, lathe hes stlabor market on ho i keep vefi r�gah iY P A h gqut1� m a HidnQ Qui afi�li live •t• �� haled ¢�, as ediotlrniitrxMontreaifeilt ane that thera:ifJ ptf0[e etre ie put int t�S�lttt�r Q E 'hili and other plants of that class A half , % + commorti`•9ii p p ih�idd grhA iferivt, anfl am'Etl� U, If not � shoe slue for the money in them than can be had in i • quite oared. Have not been taking any of barrel is not very attractive in itself, but I any American made shoe-blabk or tan. fn which they stltnd. The ends of the n �.�!,� ■ r', stems bndp be cut off a little every tb a elpgf en, soil a f el se .itis 1{tek of beauty may be concealed by gg �E 'QY+� Ylllfu�� MYs, ;Ask#or I, g o ani �7 ��i y� lent or It ma be sunk its depth In Q�1• Q��,�', World's Falr Prize Winners, da toepen the absorbing lio�t3fa. wdiTaeeOet. Mil§.A.rE'.iCbrtria,93A`t#Nerrdx. P s+ y P r -Pppularcience. Sold by Waite & Co Clinton. the earth When it contains a fine apoei. ; ,TL�+ s1ater Shoe• 4, p P ' s men r some aquatic plant wo will spool- i � i8 8 !<5 fir air. 1� great rnt;Imber of cattle around ly. 1116maliy a well d't'eshed and white aft itbout Its lack of grace When proper- I' �� ,4 -1 11�,� -1 i �l Kinget`i 6�iVe died of etarvati6n d"ut= �boatded man who said he was aGraf- Ing for these plants put in rich black . in the past winter and this tspring. g it ton farms , of 72, had a narrow escape mud from the bed of streams, or muck Vquablb tre•tlN end botil� of medioln• NDL i roe so end o d s'<, 1, •r� Alightcropp��of hay was arvee ed idk •fl�om•d`Sit 'Thlttrsdd a,fteMocfn id'T0, frani swam a to the de th of a foo sutrerer, dire Ltl,reN .i Pat cmc• adPUt. >l r �� fall, not stifficier'ib" @t1• tide"�hh htdCc Q y P P �car,MO..]BBW�e^,t6pi•Idp,Bdaa oo . nt. �ont44��1l��X a�gge treet, ust pppos to then lant our roots in rt and fill with _ a' over title 'ter, and many farmers Richiiydiid:4Tn'LCJd881n` over froifi l�'e water Add enough water from time to zt'�. were una 1b e o • urchase the con,modi- g g �+► Wit. TAYLOR & SONS Sole Agents for Clinton. e`. g west side of the street to catch a no[ th- time to make up for that watch is lost T W P_ DEA' MtA t for their cattle as it sold as high elgbteelt dollars a ton. The conse going Y,onge car, be awoke ficin a re by evaporation, and give the tub a sunny voeie of eerie s and cattle fro flrid himself lace in the and or arden IP ou want of Califort ia, or Mono Lake, gIves to the . — Ai J' queues was many cattle died from hemmed in between it and a South ow more plants one you will world what is known as Moila Ake seltq mi a a starvation and many more were kill- P a salt prepared from the water simply by . .. -. , Uzi -; ed. Farmers are behind in their taxes coming motor, which tripped him up accommodate, it is a good plan to take evaporation. itisaremodyaudeurefbr and the collectors say it is not worth and flung him under the moving trail- four, five, half a dozen, or as many as Catarrh, Balt Rheum, Dandruff, skin ,r, ,r•11 .n r. A el of the Yon a street car. Horrified you may decide on and have them Bunk Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, eco.— ��I whit© seizing stock on account of poor $ y 25c a package, from , -It I ,t ednditioh. bystanders either turned away their in the ground close together so that the ALIEN do WILSON, Drug ists I ,. heads or shudderingly looked for the general effect will be something like that p ,v reappearance of a mangled corpse, which a large tank would give A better May 1.3m Agents or Clinton The Old Reliable 8peetallStea 11 but when P. U. Bell p fled the old wan plan, though a morn cxpenslve one to 68 Years i+`-rx er1•lilb,c o DIZZINESL' IN THE HEAD, out he seemed nothi[ Ch,i wore for • I� l oattq out, fe to have a tank constructed ���IEti�n Pta�iie�� 1,�.T� r w pntuYent of tlie•Tj c anti t-+aft'; �s': his experience, except a thorough of heavy planks These should be securely !0 Tionbl•t,Caarrh,wttluat Br°endiitli, '' ,� `.- THIB Ia A aVB$ PRECVRBOR OY APOPLEBY, AND fright and his clothes bedaubed with bolted at the ends, and the joints made Nertras, Chronic and,Speciei Die- ; ;; ' DR. AONEw'f3 6aSE kaA THE HF AT ONCE dirt. When Mr Hinman was seen tight by white lead in the glooPes-La- —AND— wgiffa' Bind"rtpreleii,'.. c 11-1 restored—Kidney and $lad- , half an hour later, he was brushing dies' Home Journal W 1W0Q�=da_"u.h&. °0 ""'snsly . ETAKEN, his despoiled coat. He said that lie DRY H I L N I eafed--GloK,Godorrhoid, var(eeetie.ed�• No ono &n vend the daily papers with- had t•isen but a day or two before frorn Builded Better Than They Knew. V. d. S hi�li'i prd u Dlootod Diseaases cured out being seriously impressed with the a sick bed, and attributed to that fact Tbo tubscriber having the very latest imp rovqd wrl 2tt°drp,ry. fact that alar a number of people in the re- The truly gifted engineer always makes +naehiner anti emplo ing the mott skilledpwox g P P P his being caught by the trolley. one part of his work fit another, and no y 0° p�•d Prom the °Rett, of bent ago haPe within their 9y0tem the ovi- men is able to do work to his lino In the most )iia' fount 61- .li. a i>< Indiscretions, donee of apoplexy. This is seen and felt energy is ever wasted A wealthy engi- satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and od id 'ytry,kce,e Ner.oua 1 of11 'ten in a trembling and uncertainty of the neer who had sot up a very fine place in on the ell^,tent notice. Atria( solicited 4I � €`I iK ,Das' ndai t.the limbs, and b gently in en unpleasant A Request for Dollars. �AOTORY NEAR 6.T R. STATION, CLINTON eeqq fl the country where he had carried out 1\11. 'A ' ppieg,,K�idme ltoub mor di2zlneeB and lightness of the head. He is many pet constructive projects, was vis- THOS MogENZTE �"'o, any file Uri:tary m. There are man dollars still due its on �\\�� '"• °d r' " ' •may "'r' t '' �aacqss,, a ,06ry unwise. mita who, knowing these y ited there by an old friend tri , L`hardsn : to 'MA gl�r - she n' hi totYittttltii • m ] subscriptions to the NFw ERA. Look The visitor had so much difficulty !n BUSINESS CHANGE �, ``\ poor, RQSV{CAl"ir LSD. , rd ileac tio6°Ifrompt q bake at the date on our label'.bie week and \ lr P d Y pushing open the front gats that he spoko \�\�\-'[hereure maagt:on6ted rde&eiwes to have them remove We P .i�(�i�[�-� 6d�eb, itriiioV of no r8tn'edy that has,been13o rem see how you stand. If yeti owe us rte about It to the porprietor ('1 /�i s°..":, • ' with toot, OAdfl n, uw would fake WAS a special favor that you ought t0 fix that te, said the Davisl� ,L�L�iV�Vj• tions ofthxbla¢i]onaftgti.t¢rot�-iled,'Arrvslight rii,ertinjtrtin+rnlar�art �,� kablq, attdoegrifol. in this panti titk r as would you remit the ,mount due. On condi- gate, r wtakor?in� of thn systrm9n+<tp'atttterthen•tgtlmt4c t"Aotattd(ltittdr. " 1 er rent[.y it "llow 1d dtlrai � r tii0 $i5drt. .Prlmerily it Y guest A man who has every thing men tv to ie o ti,is difficulty, ig rq�orI tofthst a ,+ The ddtt&r *1111. t• �t LION Of OtlC dOlh 60 at OriCe we H ret' t . feet, �fre In all morh ertsistanil,htl3ltht• rorto enrif 0. 1wilri mK • �oh t tt beelrt (turfs: bYtt 3t is as equably efieo- y R g just iib should not have a gate that Is Having boa ht cut the Idvery business of dultarron free, Thasa4�1►1�letdettlircarirtiti •'lall�it laY,;of r' rgytsr�ta►6s , A' .1 tf tbtY a,.eXikttt a. arp11e1 to accept payment at the $1 per annnu. hard to open" Altgu Turri»u ►, ane arnargametea the ,oxine, t�e ilv.�,id vl 4 id 1 • , , r, t, »u+laces d Davin Bob, eubedribere wi l coir- y attfuetirtifi 511d1 prdN a .•1wt tldtr is pe wtaiiY t mh, X" t4 s ftrion rate. t'i s.1 exclaimed the engineer, yon Writln w yefrptt`4r7-trit}tPot(i • , " t medieindecnl» IlfsrGt I 1dvlo i iii b, n 4kh tit ue the same at tha- Turnbull Livery, Al!lre Mod ll x4.,, p rotri s)I iti:^.i>t, o O lY,rrph. tiF►rr[ti�►i r .d„t1r.Y1 r. -- -- , d ild'm economy That ata tedi e ton 0088, of J6111• . a + a � �C�tif�.;k :,,. ,,:;'+ ° nal h sire re nailif atld a roitoinditt r. doll t pn erattt y y til piibliii gripere,tip : it <e b h x(11,` , whoa ttntht , t3 s.7.. , ,.. ,. .; i t tt, C+daB OWN s with the star works of ti, wand .ere tit I I I xiietd l+r 1. r a: ji � Yb ° J1r�llplq+il Nli� dt5lif d hltldtle9d r ,�r rSOSSnmrYnfoate w �w g it , dl f4'Y' :tJ �,1;r V, f c:{i�1lr!�11t11r+ lt. _t1f an;, . (E ' i lir , i , . `, _ s 1}' ba;but snatlso . , . , .. , k! , ; li ... r8✓ i��t , h8 motl borees esu, a,yrrlroxtnbla rtt0 1 .,.. l t n '. li8'iti iY w �1� bile ho � and eyeiy liil stirs co ! , <a,,, . t.. r;� - f . •r;, �,I ,,<a „axe„:..iti 4” ea d Jilalh i#riK !Kfcipiiti. ,,. bi i 1X . tJ . „ t tt rei,ror,ablp aheigat, , t .,I 1Y aktto dd . i aid.::. b f... i1 t u It It tlavnpa' i E,ht11w "#8110'ns of vwa• ti iblt re3imaEbblilii, ,ti►..p k• neon, ” x ,i r .,M , , J't " .: Berl l['hilnrle] iiia attxq lief+ DAVIS aid SC t�a�, Olt 0 �'i� t +. i , r. . r.•. , I'' .° ..' .a..,.. a :Rr'v . .. c + , "* . - , , ..r , =.. ,.+' ,• t. •' �.1 '.f w