HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-07-31, Page 4A. O. SMITH, Bditor mid Prop.
President lialburt's words at the Unit-
ed Farmer's Convention, held in I,Ving-
ham on Ftiday, were: "We will never
have a Grit or a Tory on our platform,
if a member of the U. F. 0. at:milts nom-
inationby the Conservatives or Liberals,
while I am president, he will be expelled
from the organization." If this will be
carried into effect in West Bruce anti
South Bruce, and we believe it should be,
the Li F, 0. will lose tivo of their strong-
est workers viz A. P. Mewhinney and
Frank Rennie.
• * •
IJ. F. O. or Liberal?
4 Mr. A. P. Mewhinney of Bruce town-
habeen nominated by the West
Bruce Liberals to succeed Chas, M. Bow-
man. In South Bruce, Mr. Frank Rennie
of Walkerton, has succeeded in capturing
the Liberal nomination. Both or these
gentlemen have taken a very active part
in the movements of the U. F, 0. Can it
be possible that they merely used the
FarmersOrganization to make votes.
Pres. Halburt says that as soon as a man
enters the Conservative or Liberal party,
be is no more a U. F. O. member. The
trick isthat for a few months, he may be
a U. F. a man and even take an active
Part in order to win his way to the hearts
ot the farmers then when he re-enters the
the party of his choice, he expects to re-
ceive a goodly number of votes from the
friends be made, while stumping tor the
U. P, 0. They are evidently using the
latter organization as a donkey engine on
which to ride into power as was stated by
Premier Hearst.
* *
Rowell Or Dewart?
(Orange Sentinel)
Hon. N. W. Rowell has been read out
of the liberal party by the Globe and
Hartley Dewart has been read out of the
Liberal party by the Toronto Star.
These two foremost Liberal leaders, and
the two principal Liberal newspapers are
diametrically opposed.
What about the rank and file?
Will the loyal Liberals who sent their
sons to fight, and maybe to die, fall in be-
hind Hartley Dewart, who toured tee
country with Sir Wilfrid in opposition to
the proposals to support the boys in the
trenches? Or, will thy agree with Mr.
Rowell, that while the fighting is over,
the need of union among the patriotic
citizen e until reconstruction is accomplis-
ed isas great as during active hostilities?
It should not be difficult to reach a de-
eision: It will not be for those who were
anti-conicriptionists during the war. They
have selected Mr. Dewareas leader, with
the help of Hon. Charlee Murphy, and
will do their best to defeat Sir William
Hearst. It is up to those who stood by
our boys at the front to stand by their
friends at home
If you want to live in the kind of a town
Like the kind of a town you like,
You needn't slip your clothes in a grip
And start on a long, long hike,
You'll only find what you left behind,
For there's nothing that's really new.
Its a knock at yourself when you knock
your town;
It isn't your town -it's you.
Real townaare not made by men afraid,
Lest soineboby else get ahead.
When everybody works and nobody
You can raise a towd from the dead.
And if, when you make your personal
.Your neighbor can make one, too,
;Your town will be what you want to see.
It iszet your town, -it's You.
(More Pep)
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross*
• are Aspirin -No others !
If you don't see the "Bayer Cross" on
the tablets, refuse them -they are not
Aspirin at all,
Your druggist gladly wilt give you the
genuine 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin". be.
cause' genuine Aspirin now is made by
Canadians and owned by a Canadian
There is not a tent's worth of German
interest in Aspirin all rights being pur.
chased from the II, S Gaveronsent,
During the war, arid imitations were
sold as Aspirin itt pill boxes and various
other container. I3ut now you can get
genuine Asqirin, plainly stamped with the
safety "Bayer Cross" -Aspirin proved
safe by millions for Headache, Toothache
Barnette, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds,
Neuritis. and Pain generally,
needy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger "Boyer"' packages
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in
Canaria), of Bayer Manufacture of Mores.
acetieacidester of Salicylicaeid.
J. Walton IlleXiblsont Druggl
Corner Dundas and Richmond Streets
Up-to-date touries. Day and night
climes!. J. Morritt, Principal; N Stole
helmet, Vise principal, Phone MK
What is Real Value
You can buy a Four Cylinder S Passenger Motor
price than the Port,
You cannot afford a ear less good than the Dort.
You de nut want servire less complete.
Measure the aerviee and satisfaction it gives you
Judge the power and quietness of its motor, the size and comfort a
its Wily, the so invites catiteleaver sptings mean easy riding. Its erptip.
meit and the years of serviee you .get from it.
.41.11 these things the Dort gives you abundantly.
, As well as genuine survive from the man you buy as ia not so with
mune other so called pedlars who will promise you everything and give
your nothing.
A fulkline of parts for Dort Care alwayskept in istock in ease you
do aced anything.
Buy a Dort and eliminate your trolibles.
Car at a lower
E. MERKLEY & SON, Agents.
Phone 84 WINGIIAM, ONT. Box 62
Dr, D., Jamieson, Mrs, Jamieson, and
.Master David of Barrie are visiting at
the home of Mrs II. 11, Henderson. •
Miss E. Walters of_ Grace Hospital,
Toronto, is spending, her vacation at the
home of her parents, Mi. and MN, John
IVIiss Isabel Simpson of Chiertgo. is
holidaying at the lionie of her Polish!, Mr,
R. W. Simpson.
Mrs James 11elidd1eton and baby Muriel,
of Wroseter are with the former's mother.
Mrs Mirelitiose, for a few weeks' visit
while Mr. Middleton is in the West.
Miss G Fox has returned to Wingliam
Hospital after spenuing- a fortnight at her
home here,
Miss Hannah Coulter of Teronto,is hell
flaying at the honie ot Mr. and Mrs W.
J. Coulter,
Miss Jessie Wilson of Wingham, who is
a nurse recently reterned from overseas,
visited her friend, Miss Edythe Peddle
last. week.
Miss Robina Henry spent a few days of
last week with Wingharn relatives
Miss Ada Clubb conducted the Y. P. S
meeting on Sunday night. The leader for
August 8 is Miss M Gillies,
Miss Vino Smith of Wingham, spent the
week -end at the home of her cousin. Mrs.
Alex Mowbray. •
Misses Jeaniitte and Emma Dobie of
Portland,. Oregon, spent a few days re-
cently with their cousin, Miss C. Laidlaw.
Miss M. Hutchison of Brantford, is holi-
daying at her home here.
Mr: and Mrs Ward have moved into
the village, the former having opened a
barbershop. •
Mrs. Robts Rags, was operated on for
appendicitis, in Wiegliam Hospital on
Monday last. '
.Mr, Jas. Wilson is I -tinning his sawmill
this week. • .
Mrs. Chas. Coulter and daughter Alicia
of Port Arthur; and 'Mr. Wm. Holmes of
Lueknow, were week -end guests of Mr.
and Mrs, joss Holmes,
Mrs D. MeTaS;ish of Toronto, was a
caller in the vilialmon.ltionday last.
- ,-..•
Miss Eva Humphrey of St. Helens, is
visiting. at Mr. A. Fox's,
. •
Mr, and Mrs. nos, Henderson, Mr.
Robt. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. W.
J, Dawson spent Senday at Brussels, the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. White.
Mrs. (Rets) Henderson is spending a
week at Kincardine Beach.
Mr, 0, M. Chotven is at Atwood station
this week.
Miss Evetine Garton yisited 'friends in
isucknow last week.
Miss Annie H. Henry, .Nursing Sister,
C..A M C., arrived bome on Wednesday
night last after two years service overseas
returning- on the Royal George.
Quite a number from here attended the
Reunion at Brussels on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, C M, Hamilton arrived
from the West on Monday night and are
visiting at Mr. Thos, Henderson's.
ritoor imourtior 1RY 8181111M810 Selo
Malta lellaPne
Public interest in the Templeton ease
• has been accentuated by a volume of
further evidence which has been sub-
mitted to prove that Templeton's Alien-
, ;natio Capsules do remedy Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Gout, Lumbago and many of
their kindred diseases.
Canadian soldiers from the frout claim
that these capsules were of the utmost
, benefit in relieving them of sciatic pains
and preventing the development of rheu-,
mai° troubles. One well known Can-
adian General was a constant' user of
T.R.C.'S and his persistent demand for
them is .proof that they gave him the
relief he sought.
Mee gush •ga our Canadian aolcliers
are not prepared to melee (else state-
ments. T.R.C.'S fixed them tip and they
are glad to pay so in order that others
may benefit by their experience. There
is no denying •the fact that T.R.C,'S do
all we claim.they will. Convince your -
pelf. Try tleco;
; Ask youittraggist write WI tor Our new
noosaeti 1iSixterestleg and con
sts you othing
(Temple oos.4ita ssing west, Toronto). We
,rinii zu.c,?* Agy,wfiere"
Sale Agent for \elegem
J. Walton kilb*ibbon, Druggist &Optician
The Greatest Name
In Goody -Land
British Oovertunent Is
Pining Returned Soldiers
On the Land in Et)glinuf
TriN British Goverrintent de.
parttnents dealing with the
. Idris for placing returned
soldiers on the land have
been lax in keeping tbe [table; :xt-
formed of the progress of tho re-
settlement plans. This retleonce has
been productIve of an athomit of
adverse criticism which was not de.
Only a few days ago the monthly
meeting between the local labor
represeutatiVes and the Food .ti
Food Production Ministries sculled
in sucli a storm of proteet againet
the suPPosed Inaction, of tile Govern-
ment that only the eleverneas of the
ebairman obtained a bearing for the
representative of the Board of Agri-
culture, whieb allowed hini to ex-
plain the details and progress Of
woz•lt done.
Tire Government, It develops, has
four plans. The first is the forming
of a training colony. Here the MOi.
take a, course in practical agricul-
ture, whielt le considered newewary,
as many soldiers going on the land
have had little experience, Primilla-
ly in working an allotment or a
kitchen garden only. During tuition
the men are paid $7.61) a V, k ( k, with
a further allowanee If unitried for
their wives and children.
After completing the cotirne ist
training men with capital are to be
provided with plots under the small
holdings act, The Government will
trant on loan for the purelana of
land or stock a sum equal to the
capital of tbe applicant.
Under what is known as a ter.ant
holding there is provided a cottage
with sufficient land to keep a eow
and a little small stock and to pro-
vide a kitchen garden for giNawirtg.
the family vegetables. This is for
men who are skilled workers and is
instituted with the idea that the man
works the ground far his own needs
and spends the greater part of his
time working at is own trade. '
For the man without capital die
plan favored Is that of an industrial
colony, A large farm will be worked
by these men under the direction of
a skilled manager. The staff will be
employed at a wage slight's,' higher
than the minimum prevailing in the
district, and will receive a percent-
age of profit after expenses have been
The Board of Agriculture hes ac-
quired about 6,000 acres in four dis-
tricts. At Patrington in Yorkshire,
Holbeach in Lincolnshire, Heath
Hal in Shropshire and Pembrey on
the coast of Carmarthe.nshire . col-
onies have been arranged.
,-, Patrington, an estate of 2,20
acres, will be run ea a single great
industrial tarn), the profile of Willeh
will be shared by these who do the
work. Holbeach is to be a group of
distbact small holdings ot ten ;acres
each organized on a co-operative
The Patrington Crown ' Colony,
which is about three miles from the
'village of that .name, is not far from
the Humber, and is knewg locally as
"Warpe Land" -- that Is, land re-
claimed from the sea. The deep al-
luvial soil is better suited for heavy
crops of wheat and beans than for
fruit growing, and market garden-
ing, whieli 'are the staple* produets
of the small holdings of ten acres.
This is the reason for the profit-
sharing system and the policy of
working the brown colony, As a -
single big farm.
The colony is easily distinguished
by theidentical pairs Of red;roofed
and red -walled cottages built for the
settlers,..4q01.1 hostile Ilan a half
acre of fendfor the resident's trim
use. :Tile" 'antral ' tionietitead is a
typical 'Ztiglish• farm of ancient type,
.suggeniVe.orpeace and prosperity. -
A.,Itiait:-;:and. hisfamily' can earn a.
fait' "and:liValtliy liVeIlhood on the
Patriiigtonolilny: The current ,rate
of wagalt IS:4W While the settler's
1 rent amounts to :only 72 cents a
week, For thit he gets a five-roonied
hohse and a half acre of garden.
Holbeach is an object lecson in
colonization on a technical plan. It
consists of ationt 1,000 aloes, 200 of
which are reeerved tie a centre/ dem-
onstration term, round which the
eighty ten -acre holdings are grouped.
Prom this central farm the Won-
ists will get implemente, aeede, fer-
tilizers and everything they require
on co -Operative terms, and also tree
expert advice from the director. The
centre will also undertake the dis-
tribution of produee on the most ad-
vantageous terms. Vegetables and
fruit will be the staples of produc-
tion,. and will be ma,rketed In ...he
Midland towns and in London.
Swift Made Proverbs,
George Illrkbeck Hill In his stu-
dies of Johnson send Dodwell touched
the insoluble mystery ef Dean Swift;
Here is one of his notes upon a sayr
Ing attributed to Swift's grand,.
mother. • Whether the saying that
Swift attributes to his grandt-
mother was really hers may Well be
doubted. He need to coin proverbe
and pass them oft or old. One day
when walking iti a garden, lie saw
Sone fine fruit, none or whicb wcis
offered to Min by its stingy owner,
"It was an old saying of iny grand-
mother's," he Bald, "always pull a
peach when it lies In your mule," Hs
accordingly plucked one, and his ex-
ample was immediately followed by
ail the rest of the company, under
the satetion a that good old saying,
Another day, seeing a farmer thrown
from his hone into a slough, he ask-
ed him whether he was hurt. "Xo,"
he replied, "but I am woundlly be-
mired." "You make good the old
proverb," said Swift, "the more diet
the less hurt." The man Seemed
much eoniforted with the old saying,
but said he had never heard It be.
fore; and no wonder.
Osteopathic Physician, only qualified
osteopath in North Huron.
Adjustment of the !vine i9 more qiiieltly
secured and with 'ewer Ireatmentit than
)si any ether method,
Blood measure and other estamirritions
All dieettees ireatisd.
tiltALhat TIGNI/EIVA-Addrerael.1 to the
Postmaster General ant be revolved. at Ot•
tawa uutit noon on Felday. the :11,nd day at
hogon, IWO. for the conveyance ef Rim
MaJoirty's Midis on presumed contract, for four
years, sax ttnius nes woes, over OICUP4n QOM NO.
.1, Stara! Route, trout the Pa4tmehter cietterat's
I Blearier°.
Primed notices containing farther_ lacuna -
doe as to conattlpro
eus ot posed th rio root way
be seen and blank feriae at Tender iseay be Ob•
tattled at the Vest oilleea et (Bertram Ian, 1101-
m00e, Teeowater and Winghatn.
• aud at Lite office ot the pest looreLOr.
I.endon, lith July line
l'081., °MOO IuspeetOr
Clean, airy, ounlif workrooms.
Short hourp—a 47 hour week,
with Saturday luilf-lactiday.
Valuabl.: training in agreenhh,
Nt0444: for ti.e inexi•cirit mod.
A good tp; w nip) to beginnt•r
vr1kh tr at isIly it nsvat, es with
experkst and profici,..ncy.
Writ o:
Hamilton Ontario
?Ar.V.MNNITOJY•IWIMAWPWV.+A..c.....,,.... MiANCAICCV. Al.¢7.467i1VitflAiNee
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
Don't suffer! A tiny b i ttl e of
Preezone costs but a few cents at any
drug store. Apply a few drops osi the
0Orlig, calluses and "hard skin" on bot-
tom of feet, then lift them off. •
*MTh n Freezone removes corns from the
toes or callnses from the bottom of feet,
the skin beneath is left pink and healthy
and never sore, -tender or irritateg.
Daylight Saving Time
London 7.30 a. m. 3.15 p, pe.
Toronto and .East 545 a. m. • 8.25 p. m
Icincardine....,. i.0 p. m, 9.40rem
Anatav ?Rom
Kincardine.: , 7,15 a m. 8.10 p. in.
London 1205. p. m. 7.35 p. m.
Toronto and East 12,20 p. m. 9.40 p. m.
W. FeBurgman, station agent, Wiugham
KB. Elliott, Town Agent, Wingham,
TOrmito and East 6.40 a. m. 3.00 p. in.
Teeswater .... 1.04 p. rte 10.32 p.m.•.
A RirtvE ytupc •
Ttemater 6.40 a, m. 3.00 p rn
Toronto and East 1.04 p: m. 10.20 p. m
4. fl. Beamer, Agent, Wingham,
J. W. IVIcKibbon, Town Ticket Agent.
Chiropractic Drugless Healing accure
ately locates and removes the cause of
disease. allowing nature to restore health,
J. A,, FOX D.., D.O.
Member Drugless PhysieiansP'AsstotiatY-
tion of Canada
Phone NI -
Por immediate sale,
complete Small farm, near
Wingham. Good buildings,
well watered, rural mail,
telephone and a fine grow -
ng crop.
Will be sold either with
or without the crop. Best
of reasons for selling. Rosy
terms. Apply to
hawranee and Real Estate
theretanr to Ritchie & Coltent
Wingham, Ontario
na •
Await Trbd In 03* Own Sound
Thursday's papers contained an ace°
of a quarrel a Ayton Stock Yards wh
ended seriously. Neil Coutte, a for
resident of Wingham, ie now await
trial for manslaughter at Owen Sound j
as a result of the fracas,
Following an altercation about $ o'clo
een dathe
g hwhdich
body by a heavy walking stick in t
I• hands, it is alleged, of Neil Coutte a cat
buyer of Toronto, William Vrabach
Ayton fell heavily to the sidesvalk a
died almost instantly, the direct cause
his death being sornewhet disputable.
Inunediately after the incident Cott
left the scene and returned to the statj
where he was unloading hogs, while ey
wittnesses of the fracaS sent for a doct
and later for the coroner and coon
crown attorney, Coutts was arrested late
From the statements made by an ey
witness the trouble which resulted ot 13
bach's death started at the station, whi
is about three quarters Of a mile from t
village. Coutts had received a load
small hogs from Toronto for sale to far
ers in the district for feeding and wh
making bis sales got into a heated arg
rnent with a farmer, named Charles Re
pert, over the Pike Reipert hatl offer
for some of the hogs
In the heat of the argument Coutts
alleged to have grabbed Reipert by t
throat and was choking him when TJback who was near by interfered an
separated there This interference i
creased the ire of Coutts against Umbac
and he is said to have thrown stones a
Umbach returned to the hotel and a
parently the trouble was at an end, b
Coutts who returned about half an hou
later with a number of other men, is a
leged to have walked right up to Umbac
when he reached the hotel, and withou
speaking to have struck him over the hea
two or three times as he stood near th
hotel and to have continued the blow
after Limbach fell to the sidewalk.
When Umbach did not get up Coutts
said to have returned to the station whet.
he put his business into order, returnin
afterwards to the hotel where he was late
arrested by County Constable John Seim
Both Coutts and Umbach are over 5
years of age, and married men wit
grown up families,
Among those who saw the two men i
front of the Cotnmercial Hetet *ere An
drew Schenk, Leslie Koester, Fred &haus
and Chas, Rahn.. They say they sa
Coutts strike Umbach, and as the tette
fell, Schenk started forward to stop th
affair saying "Here, men, we can't let thi
go on." He was to late too prevent th
tragic affair.
Both Umbach and Coutts were Cattle -
buyers though the former was chiefly a
flour and feed man locally.
Dr. J. L. Easton was called Msoon
as 'Limbach failed, to rise from the
sidewalk, to which he had fallen heavily.
The doctor, who is also coroner, pronoun -
ed Umbach to be dead, and refused to
allow the body to be moved from the heit
el until after it had been viewed a
Witnesses state that it is possible Um-
bacll may have been stunned by the
blows of Coutts stick, and may have been
unable to save himself when he struck
the pavement. They believe Coutta may.
have been uuaware of how seriously Um-
bacirwas hurt, because of the unconcern-
ed way in which he left the scene to re-
turn to his cattle shipping,
At the preliminaty hearing the court-
room was packed with friends of both the
men, and much sympathy was expteated
for the accused in the serious position 'in
which he stands, Immediately the COurt
opened the charge, "That Neil COiittg
did on July 23, 1019, assault strike;
and thereby murder Wm Umbach" wa
read by Acting Crown Attorney Tucker,
of Owen Sound, Barrister Jeffrey, of
GuelPh, appeared for the defencse.
With the consent of the crown the
court acceded to the request of defend-
ant's lawyer foe an adjournment, and
fter hearing the evidence of three witnes-
s adjourned the hearing till August 2,
nd committed Coutts to the country jail
t Owen Sound in the meantime.
The coroner's jury assembled this after -
bon and viewed the body and adjourned
11 August 2, when the reports of the
ost-mortem examination made to -day by
re, Brown, of Neusteacl; Meir, of Role -
In, Jamieson, of Durham, and McFad-
en, Of lVfount Forest, in the presence of
Groner Dr. Easton, will be ready.
The following jury was impaziehld by
oroner Easton, of Ayton: George B.
mith, Jacob Wenner, James Kenner,
illiam Kenner. James Witmeyer, Char-
lVliller. Andrew Filsinger, Valantyne
amain, Peter Benninger. George Faux
nd Henry King.
While admitting that the post-mortene
lowed that Umbach had died as the
reel result of hemorthege, whether from
e blows of Coutes stick or from Um-
c.k's fall to the sidewalk which followed
e asseult.
Coutts was accompanied in court by a
other, who , had come from Toronto,
d appeared to feel his position very
utely, especially when he was leaving
0 courtroom prior to his removal to
wen Sound.
m -
Mil Rig Overturned
Harridan was recently visited by one
of the most severe electrical storms that
has been seen here for years. The lighb
ning was most vivid. The ram felt in
torrents and the streets were soon a roar -
in it stream. The sewers could not carry
the water away, and as a result there
were many flooded basements,
Thomas Fyfe, one of the rural mail
carriers, had an exciting experience when
just outside the town on his lawn trip,
his home and buggy Was upset by the
wind and he was dreg -ed for some dis-
tance tinier the boggy. 'rhe rig was com11
pletely dtmolished, and how Mr. Pyle es.
owed SAITIOuS. injury ia it Miracle,
July at) 1911
South in
Have you seen the latest in Ladies' Waists.
We have just opened up a large shipment of all
that's new in Waists and Skirts.
Pretty styles in waists made a fine quality
Voile, Silk and Georgette Crepe, a great variety to
choose from, excellent values.
Is There Anything You Want for
Some Vacation Need?
Something You've Forgotten?
Some Little Thing That's Import-
ant When It's Missing?
You may find just what you need if you pay us
We want you to feel that you are always wel-
conie here,
H. E. Isard & Co. irt
xkxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxl
If you want to come and look around, . please feel
free to do so. Come and inspect our excellent va1-
-4es in Women's Wear. .
Agency for the Popular New Idea Patterns.
&Nig, fie emmaimmlo amionstagelas ormilowseste
=- —
TAKE NOTE -Will close every Friday evening, one half-hour 'before
sundown, until Saturday, one-quarter hour after sundown. Time this week:
Friday, 730;, m. to Saturday, 8 .15 p. in. Meals Will be served to regular
boarders during this time.
PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor.
Special Discount, Ta Regular Boarders. - ;" ••
limaimmumine. asegmemaxecommoneeliannateigMSONNSISMONS4 IMIMMIPAIMININ" 00011
To Settle a Horse Trade
se, e
"On several occasions I have had Ills,
ptite`s about horse trades, A man' • not%
knowing much about horses would burg'
horse from a trader who would say the
horse was sound and a good worker; ,and
afterward 'the purchaser would find. that
the horse was unsound and not able to
work. He would complain that he had
been defrauded. He would get a sum-
mons, and the case woeld come before me,
charging the trader with defrauding him
by false pretences out of the price of the
horse, say 6100. The facts would come
Out before me and the evidence of veter-
itiary surgeons would prove that the horse Learn to take things as they come,
was worthless. I would then say to the This world is not so bad;
trader, "what have you to.saY?" t You evill never mi gs the little thinge
He would reply, "The horse is alright." That you have never had
intended to cheat lira frOin'thebeginning,
• s
,and I will know what to do."
•This scheme generally Puts things right
‘nd no one was wroaged.-Cal. Denison
in The Canadian Magazine.
Did it ever once possess you
As you walk the path of life
That no matter what besets you'
In this world of toil and strife
There are others just as bad
If even not worse off than you,
And though you suffer hardship
Others suffer hardships to?
I would say, "You are sure of that?"
"Is it worth $100?"
"Yes," •
• "Are you sure?"
Though trials and cares beset you,
Why, just perk right up and smite -
Por this thitig of feeling downcast
Is not evert worth the while.
So if yell think you're out of luck
Just back pp, boy and grin;
"Then there is "no difficulty, you take Dismiss dull care, display your pluck
And you are sure to win.
And remember through life's journey.
'Ere your fate you would bemoan,
That the world mines with the smiler
And the griever grieves alone.
your horse back and give the complain-
ant the $100,"
The man would object. I would re-
mand the case for a few days and say, "If
you don't do that, then I will know you
031,St4.ti a
‘A. 0A • A '0014 le# 44* IA OA* •A is+o- os A A 4,1* •••fit 4.4 *
Ontometrist Optician
Por 20 years we have made a special study of
in 1003 I took my first emirs°,
• in 190 graduated at the Canadian Oplithahnie College, Toronto.
In 1012 took a speeial course in imisele treatment and shadow testing.
And in 1918 took a Post Graduate Course in the Canadian Ophthalmic
College, Toronto.
In every cese graduating with honour% `41'
Our optical parlour is equipped with the most up-l.-tiate instruntentq
for sight testing that can be procured, and is seetind to none in Canada.
We examine yonv eyes free, and reeommend gla4geN only when
tritely necessary.
R. lifi*
1,1,„1,,hitiltk,,.,Eng,,„,ertna optician,
Portnerly with Ryi.ie Bros. Ltd., Toronto.
Succeasor to A. M. Kno •
* ****** *************
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