The Clinton New Era, 1896-05-15, Page 5-�J ti tf• d, -We lame them in inverted wood, Sliver mountedi nee them .. $1 and $1,50 e ! Mow Sets-. from 20c to $2.60 per set See our 20c set with Collar Button, 3Studs and link Cuff Buttons, 20c Look in our window and see the beautiful gold Watch to be given away on May 25. R V B'&LL, WA TELEPHONE JEWE aHLER, &c,, TOILET SOAPS. French Castile :4 Oen cent cakes for French (Castile 8 five cent cakes for 25c • Saratoga Floating Bath Soap large cake for 6c . Morse'3, Qley, Oatmeal 3 cakes for 15c Morse's, Glycerine and Cream 3 for 15c Refined Tar Soap per cake 5c Prince -of Wales shaving soap per cake 5c Ludwigs Buttermilk soap per box 20c Baby's Own @gap per cake 10c Ox Gall soap per cake 10c Monet; Wonder per cake.. 1Oc Besides the above we have, many other toilet soaps ranging from IOcts. to 35ets, per cake. J. E. HO VE"Y. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. 1PIH4TE of COPPER IIs GREEN Close Prices quantity RE31EMBER Prot. Chamberlain will be at our store on Thursday, April 23rd, wait for him. AMEs H. COMBE'S 071 V� 0,4 44 ;VV P♦ 0;'i r♦4 '•0 h 31,0 -Kianoi&Co,Blyth Don't Hiss it. What ? The lastjweek of /the Auburn Bankrupt Stock Sale. This sale has been an unprecedented success. We have given shop- pers many extraordinary bargains, but none which will exceed the values which we purpose giving the coming week. Those who have profited by our remarkably low prices, we expect again, and to those Who have not visitedus a rare opportunity is given. Here are a few lines which may interest you. SYRUP in pads, the very best, worth $1.25, tor 99c. TEA—our special, worth 35c, for 25c PEARLINE Washing Compound, worth 5c, for 3c ` COFFEE—French Cream, 1 lb tins worth 25c, for ....17c BAKING POWDER in 1 ib tine, worth 20c, for 10c SOAP Morse's Mottled,' regular price 7c, for 5c MUSTARD—Keen's Mustard, worth 10c, for 6c SALMON, quality guaranteed, worth 15c,;for 10c BOOTS and SHOES Women's Boots, very special at IOC. Ladies' Oxfords, special $1. Ladies' Oxfords, extra value, 85c Ladies' Oxfords, beauties .. $1.25 McKinnon, & Co., Blyth Cash and One 'Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash ta11f ►moi-•. 131r► 7.'►���1►�eererni►~irAr, A 41 �► .tr' �♦ y a `ter y -.an' v 4r-►iP-►ir• LUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS argain in Hosiery 500 par of Misses and Children's ,. Hose, (colors and blacks at 5cts per per,.' . A Bar 1n in Print 10pieces of Print, fast colors, nice tternsy at 6e per yard. c. Barg*ln hi Flannelette Five piedee good heavy Flannelette, light and dark colors at 5.3 per yard 1 Bargain for Men „„ao Men'e Shaker Flannel Top Shirts at 25c each. A 'Bargain in Shoes 25 pairs of Ladies' Oxford TIes, a very stylish shoe, usual price 8125, for this week OOc A Bargain in Ladies Slippers Two dozen pairs of Ladies' Cloth House Slippers, very ;comfortable and easy fitting, per pair 20c A Bargain in Parasols We are selling Parasols that are warranted not to fade, with very stylish handles, at 50e Our stock of Millinery and Dress Goode al e marvels of beauty and excellence, PLIIM3TEEL & GIBBIIVGB Albert Street, Clinton. OL1NT0N MARKETS rt'istriatad everyThari6iy afternoon ThUriday, May 14th, 1896. that, B rings,...... .... 0 70 a 0 72 that,#a ....... i 0(7�20 70 ti 0 /7/2 Y Yin i1..........�i. 0 20 a 0 04Ga085 • able at 40. Choice steer$ are quoted at 410 5o. Some cattle Apace {tI **aged at 85 shill - Inge, but more at 40,9 iiia Thee°g about 600 head of butdher'a outlet 600oalv`ewa, 6060 sheep and 150 lambs (Meted for ewe at the East End Abattoir. The btltohe were out in full farce, and trade • was fairl active, but the prig a of cattle, More °spec Ily the comm 2 00 nor kinde, eoneiderabl lower than the common ,ter • 2 W shipmenttotd B Iwtalti at front to boughto pelb, is... s. ii ., c... 450 a 4 75 and the butchers id the same rateper ib, ilr vet*** i:. 0 10 a 0 11 sma beeves. Petty geed stook d atpfromm lib r . a z q w ..... w b9 A 0 09 s ere cCO hid r lbtsff ompm�}oon dry cows and rough .r,..1..>f44a..+...12;110 it19 0(1 large number of milkmbrisetriThere were a i i r. r.. y i 0: 25. 0 26 market, d d theme sold at fXo strippers; on tho 0 t6 ei 0' 10 Ceivee ROM et from $1,25 to 6 tO 8 o or ib. •i., Y 4 00 4 26 OC$ w►n4lr3'v .8t 4tiisi�� id8tyil'tlb ted Stn tie' ai eta of unehern abbey sold at &beat 90 Pet Ib and the Eli 1pped ones at about 81x; lambs sold at from.1275 to if4.50each, and apitfrefVerYOno p Jambe veer& 'sold for 869,50 the pair •Pitt boa 'soldatabout'40. per lb, andlesn Riots hogaat front ;$5. to 8 , ea8ilf. 'Ynn otr Jg5'aboat fear n8s l4- twClti old old atrrdm *1 to'1'..5 etieli; . PIE gi *9=84 At Sarnia the fowr-year-old dAn htor of liae . R. Oran wee bnrnod to doatf i wIlila starting a bonfire, John O. Sp tin ate, alad at thirteen years, was kiUen by a "delivery waggon on Queen street, IXAmllton. by a oto c �iomanoon Sunday lana fort merely taught sehool at Winghairn. The Synod of Huron bas been nailed to meet for business on the 16th of June— nomination day of Dominion eleotions. The body of a boy named Kay, who was drowned at Paris in December last, was found in the Grand River at Brantford, J. L. Hopwood, an ex -Color -Sergeant of the Queen's Own, shot himself through the heart Saturday morning in the Armories, Toronto. Rev. A. C. Courtioe, editor of the Cllrie- tian Guardian, who was reported to be i11, is now reoovering and is able to attend to his duties. Mr. Murray Pettit, President of the Oa• tario Fruit -growers' Association, Bays the prospects around Grimsby were never better at this season of the year. Mr. M. K. Cowan, Liberal candidate fgr the Commons in South Essex, and Dr. S. A. Hing, the Conservative candidate, have agreed to hold a series of twelve joint meet- ings in the riding. Abraham Claus, an Indian half-breed near Burford, was stabbed with a hatcher knife by Jacob Hill, his stepfather, and died in a few minutes. The murder was the result of a family quarrel. Hill has surrendered and is in jail. Wm. Conway, a young farmer living near Harrington, attempted to commit suicide on Saturday by nutting his throat. He is said to be about 80 years of age, and has a wife andsmall family. Despondency ascribed as the cause. The out is a boa one, but hopes are entertained for bis re- covery. A brother named Robert com- mitted suicide a few years ago by hanging himself in his father's barn. Mr. Conway, sr., resides in St. Marys. Justice Meredith has handed out Judg- ment in the action brought by Mrs. Dale, of Weston, against the Weston Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., upon a polioy of lite insuranoe. The society defended on the ground that Dale had been behind in his dues when he died, and therefore, was not a member in good standing," as required by the by law. The Judge, however, finds that the widow is entitled to judgment and directs a re- ference as to the amount. The case of Henderahott v. The Coven. ant Mutual and the Mutual Reserve Insur- ance Associations was taken up at 1Niddle- sex assizes on Monday. It is brought by the father of the young man Hendershot, who was murdered in Wardell's woods, El- gin, to recover 510,000, the amount of two polioies on the life of the deceased, which were payable to John Hendershott, one of the murderers. This evening the case was concluded, the Judge dismissed the action with costs. A woman's headaches may come from several oanaee. She may have a headache arising from nervousness, or from digestive disturbances. Nine eases in ten, her head- aches Dome from disorders peouler to her sex. It may show itself in the symptoms which are characteristic of a dozen disor- ders. Thousands of times, women have been treated for the wrong disorders, Jr. Pierre's Favorite Presoripticn was com- pounded for the sole purpose of relieving womankind .of these ills and pains. Thou- sands of women have testified that after taking treatment from several physicians without benefit, the "Favorite Prescription" cured them completely and quickly. It has been used for over thirty years, and has an unbroken record of success. The woman who hesitates is invited to send 81 one -cent stamps to oover only the cost of mailing a copy of Doctor Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, which contains plain, clear information about all of the organs of the human body and their fnnotibns, Pokitieal Pointers. Sir Charles Tapper, speaking in Fort William on the ManitoIea school question, said:—"I am speaking now not to the Lib- erals, for it is no use speaking to them, but to the Conservatives, and ask you, can you vote to turn out the present Gov- ernment and put in a French Roman Cath- olic Premier?" Sir Charles Tupper has deolared himself in favor of the Hudson Bay Railway, the wildest of all wild•o•t eohemes, Sir Chas. is willing to promise anything 'and every- thing to obtain power. Apparently he does not care if the oonntry goes bloke as long as he "gets there."—Toronto Star. The Winnipeg corresp s dent of the Ter - on to Telegram says:—TT6be reception accord- ed Sir Charles Tupper at the mass meet- ing here was certainly cordial, but it is equally true that the vast andfenoe lost up opportunity of impressing on him that they were for national schools and resented co- ercion. Charles Topper has reoeived • warm welcome from the westerners, but all through this welcome he has been told as plainly as people could tell him that Mani- toba would not tolerate interference with its soboul system. Sir A P. Caron hay declared that he is going to give the Tapper Government his heartiest support. But his acts rather con- flict with his words. A few days ago he withdrew his candidate, Mr Roy, from Belieehaaee, leaving the field there preo- tioallY clear to the Liberals, and now the Evenethent annonnoes that his dear friend, Mr A. Tarootte, is retiring from Montmo- %enoy, as the requirements of bis business demand iris oloeeet personal attention in future. This also practically gives Mont- morency to the Liberals. At a recent meeting in Alberta, N. W. T., Professor MoEaohern, a Dominion Gov- erntnont employe, asserted that it would be a good thing if Canadians had tree ac- cess to the United States cattle markets. Last year seventeen head of a herd of oat - tie in the Nest strayed across the line. The herd was sold at Medicine Hat for 840 a head. The seventeen cattle were sold in Chicago, and after all charges were sub. treated, the owners received 857 per heed. Fasts like these tell severely against the #non who oppose reciprocity in trade, and profess to believe that it world be hurtful to oar people. The Hon. Wilfrid Laurier delivered quite an important speech at Ste. Cane- gonde, on Monday, in which he announced that if Sir Oliver Mowat did not leave the Ontario Premiership at once and contest a Beat for the Commons, it was because he (Mr Laurier) had ex ressedly asked Sir Oli- ver not to de so. "I want Sir Oliver in the Senate rather than in tile Commons, where we already have good - Men to defend the Liberal batse." The lion. Mr Laurier iflae adnotlnced that When the Laurier litowat !lover i±leht was forpied a coma fsafon With Sir Oliver at itR bead would be nR pdirtioa'to onquire ;mato 40,111601 gtteatioa ti OW , ill . ' lel 1l'M Tho death of 7i?r. i voicf lathy was appointeai rogietrar o Ontario county, io anlienneod from Oshawa. ]de had been; in o eo only about toren, week . E:',B, Osiorbroker,and B,FClake nresoo,ntast,ifrseiWest Toronto lWgbatethythey deeluired that they were against Sir Charles supper's school policy. At a Liberal meeting in Centre Toronto, on Thursday night, SIr Peter Mo,[ntyre, a well-known Conservative announced that wouldd tand byLahierfand conciliation.nd One of the most confident men in Mont- real is Mr James McShane, He say; there is no man whom the Conservatives could put forward who would have a ghost of a chance aganat him. And this, indeed, ap- pears to be the truth. —Montreal Witness, BORN 13ARR.—In Hullett, on Mai hit, the wife of Mr Isaac Barr, of a daughter. McCREIGHT.—In East Wawanosh, on May 2nd, the wife of John Mo0reight, of a son. CARR —In Turnberry, on April 27th, Mrs Wm. Carr, of a daughter. MARRIED NESBITT—ACHESON.—At the residence of the bride's father, on May 18th, by Rev G. W. Andrews, Mr 'W'. Nesbitt, to Mies Emma youngest daughter of Mr Robt. Acheson, all of Godertch township. or,omelonlGeHuller, Hsvile brother-i-aw of the bride, on May 13th, by Rev G. W. Andrews Mr Kemp,of Fullarton to Miss Emma Potter, daugher of the late Thos. Potter. DIED. inst.,r William Louis, eed Watts, formerly the Clin- ton, n his 85th year. The remains are being brought to Clinton for interment. PARROT.—In Blyth, on April 80th, Mrs Jane Parrott, aged 68 years. HEWITT.—At the House of Refuge, Clinton on May 10, Jonathan Hewitt, of Grey, aged 51 years. ELLIOTT—In Bayfield, cu May llth, Edward Elliott, aged 67 years FOX—At Morden, Man., May 6th, Mrs John Fox, formerly of Clinton, aged 65 years, SALE REGISTER. Tailor's supplies and sundries at tho Com' mercial Hotel, Clinton, on Saturday, May 23rd. D. Diokineon,auctioneer. Clinton Y. P. Local Union Topics at the several Young People's Society meetings being hold during the week:— dayaevening at 8 Methodist Topiof c forEMaayo18 Anniversary yyevening. L. oftC. E., Friidayevening froth 7 to Junior.opic for May 15, Song service, Ontario Street Methodist E. L. of C. E. Mon- day evoning at 8 o'clock. Topic for May 18, Literary meeting. Ontario Friday evening at 7ho'clock Junior op o for Maf y E The murder of Abel—Thos. Carter and Harold Steep. Willis85ySociety, Sunday at 8.05. Topic May 17, How God re- wards those that do his will. Catechism ques. 85—Miss 51. Dowzer. nietro oloEMiBevenga7.3o'cck Thole for Monday Our gifts to Christ—Miss Ella Lee, Turner's CSunday eveningk. Topic for May7, Influence of little things—Miss T. Livingstone He eitng sat117.30 o'clock. t E L. Cfor Monday Consecration meeting—The President Hayfield und evening, May 17thjDuttiies of church member ship. Sixth clauee of pledge.—A. E. Thompson epic's Methodist church, Goderich township E, of C. E, Friday' event" 7.opic for May 15, The grace of humility—Latil80.y ThTome• son and Laura Perdue. gtty AM, ertlScllil.'litO. CARD OF THANKS —1 hereby desire to ex- press my sincere thanks and gratitude to my burning nd neighbors limekiln the pasta week, rid Ig trust if the opportunity is afforded mo I will not be backward in returning the same, HENRY LIVERMORE, Londesboro. Tenders for Addition to Huron House of Refuge. signed (marked tender be for the House the n to the 2nd dayy of Juno 11806 for buildingan Plane and n specifcations can be se© at Willam Coats' office Clinton or at the office of the Ar- ohiteot, H. C. McBride, London. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HENRY EILBERjChairmao of Committee Dated, May 12, 1896. Crediton P.O. Don't Hesitate. We are more than ever on the alert to meet your ezpeotatione. ON SALE THIS WEEK : Good Can Corn......,. 25gerloinfbnikPickles, per quart.. io 5Ibs Grannlatod Su 25 Yellow Sugar, 8 ibe forar Baaketa. 5 7 and 0 Washtubs Bial Globe Washboards. 20 4 lbs Cornstarch 45 10o bottles Castor 011 5 l00 Sewing Machine 011 25o " Castor Oil 15 Essence, Lemon or Venula........ O ee, Lemons or Bannanae, two doyen............ ... , ,15 21�rst-claw Swede Turnip Seed 25 Salt Meat per 100 lbs... 6 75 Stocked picnic Hams Scribbling books each at Large Nutmegs, 8 for........... 5 1 lb Pail Black Pepper 15 15 Bars Electric Sok; 96 Whitening per lb 7 lbs Resin "' ""' •' • • •>5 2 September Cheese 10 Butter Tube, new make, 50 lbs 10 Fine Bottled Pickles Fanny Biscuits per Ib Cream Sodas,.. 81bs Rice Prunes per Ib. Dried Pedohe'sfour ibe Hair Oil, 2 botiles for a 25 10 5 25 5 24 Sheets Note Papel and 24 Envelopes for 8 Fine Ceylon or Japan Tea,per lb.... .. Kolona Ceylon Tea in lead paokets, per ib....25 calf -ricin, Buokwheat 10 Bird Seed per 1b 5 dozen Clothes Pine. 5 Celluloid Starch 0 10 Starch Sealers of Baking Powder 5 Peanuts ter Ib........•••••10 10 Dieing Sugar.. 8 Eddy's Matches. 10 Exercise Books 5 2 hoop Palle Broome 10, 15, 20 and 25 18 (Mimes to the Pound. Great values in shoes. See our Men's Low Shde at $1, blank o;tan. Telma—Clash or Eggs.— Open Evenings. This week 10 oents for egg& — M. JESSOP & Co, Blyth SEED CORN—Just arrived, two oars Ensilage Fodder Own for Seed. White or Red. Drive right to warehouto atstation. WGPERRIN WATCH Silver Watch Mny morning, etweendeesm and the Union Cemetery hill. Finder will be rowarded on leaving it at the NEW Elan office, Clinton. I AST1t7'RE TO LET 4444444. ferules,ss pie d Oft shade, Water ken into pasture.lt. No Barbed wire. A ttlr to i7. HAS 11, at Stapleton or 10 AL GLEW, of Ote,nae Ball, Eullettf • 4-iii'route O'ekse`. to* itni.. w1te elbep;. 4151Piy tb' W. g.• ;3lLt ,•i , 0 enders For Hot Weather Ladies Cool Vests, see them Ladies White and Colored Lawns Ladies White & Cream Silk Cloves Ladies Colored Mullins, see them Ladies White and Cream Parasols Ladies Cool Blouses, see them Ladies Fancy Shirt Waists Ladies thin Hosiery, Cream. Tan and Black, see them. Ladies Fancy Wash Goods 0 GILROY dc WISE1YIAN SEED POTATOES. For sale, for seed, a quantity of Empire State Potatoes grown from seed brought from Guelph last year. The Empire State has headed the list for several years at the Ontario Experimental Union and Model Farm and are regarded as the best potato grown. Price 25o. per bushel. F. GRANT, Clinton P, 0. 1 ondon Road. Township of Hullett Court of Revision is hereby g o Notice f the Curt forh eReision ofen Assessmenthe t Roll of the Township of Hullett will be held at Londesboro in the said Township on TUESDAY, May 20th at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against avving b business at he Cuil rt wiRoll. pleasePaett attend at the said time and place without further notice. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. CASH FOR EGGS The highest cash price will be paid for any quantity of fresh eggs. J. STEWART, Basket Maker Victoria Street, near Queen's Hotel, Clinton A BARGAIN House and Lot• for sale cheap Terms of payment will be made so liberal that they equal very little more than an ordinary rental, Address Box 174, Clinton poet Office EGGS FOR HATCHING Subscriber offers for sale Eggs for Hatching purposes, from Brown and White Leghorn Stock. Pride $1 per doz. JAS. HOWSON, Jr., Clinton Crockery A Few Specials Printed Toilet Sets, 10 pieces, blue, brown and pink M'per set $2.25 Printed Dinner Set, 97 pieces, only one .... $g,y Two French China Tea Sets 44 pieces at.... $4,0 One White Granite Tea Set, 44 pieces .. $1.85 20 dozen White Granite Cups and Saucers, regular price; $1, now per ,dozen 75ets 54dozen Soup Plates, regular $1 a dozen for .. 65cts A Snap A Six quart Granite Stew Kettle and one pound Baking Powder for 50 cents. Only a few of these, come early if you want one. Tinware An assortment ot,Pails, Milk Pans, Puddling Dishes Sprinklers, Dippers, &c., in IXX(qual ty. Y N 8 2r. ,�w The Co,b Dente # Londesboro.;