The Clinton New Era, 1896-05-01, Page 5WEneENEPawerawieweiliweimwemme • I :r o#sible to seethe- -you're assured of if our;timepieee is sent here to be repaired, .First-class work only. r�. .BALL WATCH MAKER, JEWELER, &o., t TELEPHONE EXCHANOR Lo>zv paces on Sulphate of Copper and Paris Green for spraying purposes. J. E. p O VEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton. AM 'HOIt For preserving Cloths, Furs and Carpets. The best preventative a ainst moths, No disagreeable odor, No Stains. 25c per package or 5c per ounce. GAIN of Hardware and Tinware Owing -to the: repairs on our building taking more time than we antici- cipttted, our great bargain sale of Hardware and Tinware has been postponed until about the first week in May. Watch for the exact date, it vt ill pay you as every sale will be in favor of the purchaser. D BROS., ,c CLINTON. SULPHATE A - PARIS GREEN ... - Close� ;� _.. Prices on quantity REMEMBER Prof. Chamberlain will be at our store on Thursday, April 23rd, wait for him. JAMES H. COMBE'S ionoo &Ca,Blyth WE ARE STILL AT IT The .Auburn Bankrupt Stock purchased a short time ago at 35c. • on the 5. It is true some lines are running low, the rush has been beyond our expectations, but enough remains and at such prices as to make it interesting to the thrifty buyer. We are determin- ed it shall go at any cost, and are also desirous that you should participate in our good fortune. Listen to this: • Brown Brocade Dress Goods, double fold worth 35o, Auburn Bankrupt stock sale primo 150 Summer Tweed DreseGoode, very wide worth 70o, Auburn Bankrupt stock sale price 50o Doable Fold Dress Goods, shot ef- fects, Blue and Brown, worth 50o, Auburn Bankrurt Sale price 35o Colored Table Damask, 14 yds wide, worth 50e, Auburn Bankrupt Stook sale price 260 PRINTS, dark colors, good patterns, BaWr p$e�a, pfl ® 8c Light Prints, good patterns, e a kh el p ;08 urn Bpnkrnpt....8c Towelings, ail linen, colored borders, Ladies' Cotton Hose, worth 9c, Auburn worth 6a, Auburn Bankrupt Sale price 2}o Bankrupt sale, four pairs for L5o Towelinggs, 20 iu. wide, worth 8o, Au Men's Sox, gray and Blue mixed worth burn Bankrupt stook sale pride 6o 9o, A aburn Bankrupt Bale price 6c Another lot of Gtnghame, fast colors, Cottonades worth 92o, Auburn Bank - worth 9e, Auburn Bankrupt sale Se rupt stook sale pride 17o Pride List of Groceries and Boots and Shoes next week. VIcJCinnon & Co., B1� Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Oasb s STEEL Q3 GIBBINGS 0 A Bargain in Hosiery Hose, pairs of Misses and Children's and blacks at 5cts per pair. A Bargain in Print 10 pieces of Print, fast colors, nice patterns, at 5c per -yard. A Rargafu lit' Flannelette Fitt pltide>rrlolil heiivy�Flannelette, light and dark colors at Sc per yard A r'g'aln for' lien 3fl bitwfi'a Shaker Flannel Top Shirts at 2,5ki cub. , . A Bargain in Shoes 25 pairs of Ladies' Oxford Ties, a very stylish shoe, usual price $125, for this week 90e A Bargain in Ladies Slippers Two dozen pairs of Ladies' Cloth Rouse Slippers, very comfortable and easy fitting, per pair 20e A Bargain in Parasols We are selling Par`itsple that are warranted not to fltde, with very 0e stylish handles, at 88 Our stock of Millinery • and uresis Goode ate marvels of beitiftk acid teadOuetl6O.: `lay tliA. bkoke Iiitoui b r `bald nufi weltsot. a t p E P MoNeit; kU ed, r:�1 d ka o opsit ou do - ayes ton oour. „, G. Iadym.n,'`roar� { taker,, and resident"sof er o vt Aa 8 , .d.,j oar., hanged htmedl! ell"hnxlda 'nlghtto he. }' of a bedetesd itr '.the t it riffki1. Tlie Div!eiofi Courts Judge on. 'bunds,y Ordered Wei ornu}iottei to Brookville /ail for 0 days for Don -appearance en a 'jadgMent Sam- mons. Tine is believed to have SO reyed on hie mind as to leas to rash the SOV, A cyclone of trereendoi s terve sped through Clay County, Efts., dealing death and destruotion OR every band. Ail tar as known eve people were killed, three fatally v, ended and seventeen injured, New ` dvtrttOcmentlt. JERSEY OOW FOR SALE. A thorobred Jersey Cow for sale cheap. Apply to W. E. BROWN, Myth, Ont. CASH FOR EGGS The highest dash pride will be paid for any quantity of fresh eggs. 3. STEWART, Basket *faker, Victoria Street, near Queen's Hotel, Clinton A ]!'3;IRGAIN House and Lot for sale cheap Terms of payment; will be made so Liberal that they equal very little more .than an ordinary rental. Ads* eau Box 174, Clinton post Office W 1 PERRIN BLOCH 2 FOR SALE 1S3Q0 ar. th and 120 monthly payments of 813 each D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton DR- T. C. BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, C. ,c nate H 0 D S of Ontario, and Trinity UM' vereity, Toronto. Special atLentson given to the Preservation of the natural teotn. Othee, Coate Block, over Taylor's shoe store N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer THE DEAD SEA of Call10 ia, or Mono Lake gives to the world 'wXttfaknoi'vnas limo Lake Salts a salt pre #ed.frotnthe.wa raiatply by evaporat on. It it fttaeatelf!. nd cure for aotarsh.':' lbs. -811 user. 'Il (ruff, • Skin Diseaeee eub steigM.'8yosopees, 4o.- Sic a p80keee.from ALLEN ds WILSbisT, Druggists May 1-3m 4.1"-; Y; Agents for Clinton The following Popular Sta,- lions will travel during .season of 18r 1, as fol- lows: MULLETT'S PRIDE S'IoNDAY, May 4, leave hie own Stable, ooh 7, Huliett and go east along concession to Med is corner, omen north to Andrew Best's for noon; then west t y cons 8 9 to William Mair's for night Teemety. along base line to Summerhi:l,'to 0 Neebitt's,16th con Goderleh township, for noon; then out to the Heron Road and west to H El- ford'e for night WEDNESDAY, along Cut Line to John Young's, 4th con Goderioh township, for noon; then 2fr miles south on the 4th, then east to Andw Motiuire's for night THURSDAY, along the 8th to B83deld line, then to Cole's corner, then up 11 miles and east to W Wise's for noon; then by way of Bal.]eld road to Bell's hotel, Clinton. for night FB•DAY, down Huron road to G irwin'a, Alma, for noon; then 11 miles north and west to M Glow's Con 2-3, for night, S&rtrr DAY, west to the gravel and to his own stable. JAB SNE' "y Prop D REYNOLDS, Mgr EASTFIELD CHUM$ MoNDAT, May 4. leave his own t table, Londes- boro, and proceed east along con. 10, to James Reid'e corner, tnen to the 13th con to W Her- rington's for noon; then to Emigh a Hotel, Blyth, for night TUESDAY proceed 21 miles north, then east by Bnshfield' to John Hagan's Mc -is, for noon; tnen byv�,yway of Sunshine to 1�eigrare hotel for night. WEDNESDAY, west through Er 4 Wawanoah to Alfred Carr's for noon• then by Westfield to Hunts's Hotel, for night. THURSDAY into West Wawanoeh to James Johnston's for noon; then to D MoDonagb'e, Smith's HILI for night. 2 AIDAY, east to Manchester, then to John Knox's, base line, for noon; then b,y the 13th to his own stable for the night. SATURDAY, south along the gravel to Thomas Oarbert'a for noon; then back to his own stable. BELL & MoDONAGH, Prope. E. BELL, Mgr NORSEMAN, MONDAY May 4, will leave his own stable. 3rd con. of Hallett, and go north by gravel road • Don 8-9, then west to C. Lovetts, base line, for noon• then south to hie own stable for the night. TUESDAY—Proceed byway of John Colotough's to the 18th eon. -Goderich township, then north to John Baker's for noon: then by way of Mait- land con. to Holmesville; then by the out line to John Yeo's for the night. WEDNESDAY—Pr..- ceed to the 7th eon.. Goderiob township; then nonth to Robert Hanley's for noon;)then to the Bayfield line and east to the 9th oon.; then north on the 9th con. to Cook's corner, then to W. Col- oloegh's 11th • •n. for night. THURSDAY—Fro- coed south along the 11111, then east by the Hay- field line to Ed. Hathwell's, for noon; then up the Baa field line and east to the 14tb con.; then north to Gilbert Mair's, Huron road fot the night. I''f2IDAY—Proceed by way of Clinton to hie own stable tor noon; then east 00 eons. 9 3, Mullett, to Fowler'; oor•ner; then south to Oeor.ie Dale', Huron ro-,d, for the night. SATt RDAY— Tben by Huron road to Oi:nton to Thos. Bell Rotel. s' here he cont remain till the eveniug•— ln1s route will be( ontinuud during the season. health and weather porniittingg W. 1ieBB,.AN, Man. BEN .CHURCHILL',, Prop. A. Good Towpath Is important in the propelling of canal boats. We would not compare our Shoes with banal boats, and yet we believe they require a good toe - path also, shoes that fit and don't pinch, that look and yet are net tight, are the kind we try to furnish our eustomere at the most reason- able prices.. Call and inspect our sprit`ig stook of Roots, Shoes ,' Harness, Trunks, Valises, Dusters, &c seed Otdirinbftt' rod and tsI'fitive C Sh1i1 les. ° r.18 .Tttp an Y, fa ei.41bn,,o.r11l,ll,,,a, ltaitpll ,TOm tap null, w7latgg tanNB1' XJ/1-I Wleithan , ree::;Ahittz goo rl'rank t7rteolll0ePtte Ont D. Iii till toll, gitA Ft,tli the ?Rl'if f John McR090 1, if a S9.00. A 5t; In Clinton • on April 2aitk the 1�o, 02 ,Nur wn; y, oft a daU;�hror. PANNIR-111 Hensail, do Art Ate, the wlfe of Mr /1),0.911140, of a daughLor'. MA1 RUOD TAMMAN_oA.I TER -ft Tn Brussels, on 4i�rlt 22nd Mr Johal Jelin Tamall 0f Ooderloh, to Mies all, yaweddetightor'of Mr Moe, Qarter of Brussels,13I1pp�� I)ryeedEale onHAprri128t h dbyy Rev ll'ather p A. }or- (agenn,elBreen,eaughter ha Mte MISS r J.Kagan, f the. Parr Eine, Staniey, ORIEVEB,- MoOLYMONT.,--On April 22 by Rev. J. Walker, 14 Ir T. B. Grieves, of don, to Mise S. A. Mo0i -nontt,, of Si pen s and daughter of Mr Thos. MCClymont of $` ley. New Parasols.. and Lop Sun Umbrejlas ea• •.n DIED. • VANCAMP.—I0 East Wawanosh, 00 AMR 17611., George Vaneamp, aged 78 yearn. Eliza- beth, relict of the late Geo. on p il aged years.rs MCMILLAN.-•.At Cripple Creek Col. Mr D. McMillan aged 29 veers,, a native of and Clintonnepphew of airs McMillan. HARRIS.—fn Goderiob, on April 20th, Matil- da wile of Thos. Harris. Ii20DONALD,—In Windser on April 17thp AL McDonald brother-in-law of Mr Geo. Cox, (lod- erioh, aged 67 years. beth A.pn Whyard wife of John Beacom, aged 31 years and 10 months. 'Clinton Y. P. Local Union Tooloa at the several Young People's Society meealug,, being held during the week:— Rattenbury St. Methodist E.L. of 0.11. Mon- day evening at 8 o'olook. Topio for &la 4 Consecration service, roil call, oolleotion and monthly reppyorts. E. L. of 0. E., Fridae eevening fromt 7 bo 8. Topa for May 1st, Consecration, collection, Verses with (0), Oyyntario Street Methodist B. L. L. of C, E. Myon- 1.a4th clause of tat she pledge; Matt. 10; ic 18.90 -Miss LibbiegGibbinge, 2, Consecration anillie Presbyterian C. E. ydd roll esti. evevening at 8.05. 22-23. i Catechism May 3 d, Bees. of good ev9. eningabtro 7.30 Methodist p ofor May t E Toof 0d Monday Consecration, Miss E. Lyon. Turner's Methodist E. L. of C. E. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Topio for May 8 Consecration and roll call. BayHeld Methodist E. L. of C. E. Thursday evening May 8rd, 'The young Christian at home, 1 spire 6: 4; Mark 6: 19. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, Cole's Methodset church, Goderich township 8, L. of C. E. Friday everting at 7.30. ' Topic for May I, The younk Christian at home, 1 Tim. 6: 4; Mark 6, 19—Mille Bothwell. Holmesville Methodist lea,. of 0. Fi, Monday e,o�tng at 7.30 o'clock. Tetpso -for May 4, The sin u. -«.,ung.° Meade Pialtard. MONTREAL LWVE S',i'OO8.3da-tilibre There was some demand for cattle, space on the first outgoing steamers and aquantity was engaged at prides ranging from 42,s to 45s. Some cattle were reported to be bought in the country at 4o for export. There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 400 calves, 12 sheep and 25 lambs offered for este at the East End Abattoir to -day. Butchers were present in large numbers and trade was fair, with a slight improvement in prices over those of last Thursday, but they were not nearly so high as they were two weeks ago. Good beeves sold at about 3fo per Ib, pretty good stook from 3o to 8fo do, common, dry cows and balls from 2go to 2fc per ib. A few Large cattle were bought for shipment to Britain among which were some large bulla, which cost from no to 3o per lb. Calves were in good demand and sold at from 4o to 4go per Ib. Mr. A. McCracken, a well known cattle dealer end butcher of Cornwall, was on the market to day buying some beeves to take to that town to supply the wants of his customers. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Apr. 80,1898. Wheat, spring 0 75 a 0 76 1 075 a 076 021 a 022 0302035 0482050 Flour per owt 2 15 a 2 15 Park 4 60 a 4 75 Butter 0 12 a 0 13 Eggs per doz 0 08 a 0 09 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Hay, 12 00 212 00 ttheeepskins 0 25 a 0 25 No. 1 Trimmed Hides ° - 4 00 a 4 26 Wheat, fa 1 Oats, Barley Pee; SEED WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, BARLEY FOR SALE AT THE Standard Elevator, Clinton R. IRWIN. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full pertioulare on application to JOHN MOGAIIVA EGGS FOR HATCHING Subscriber offers for gale Eggs for Hatching purposes, from Brown and Whlte Leghorn Stock. Price 81 per dos. JAS. HOWSON, Jr., Clinton HOUSE TO LET. The undersigned offers to rent the house on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr F, Hall. The house oontalns 4 Bedrooms Parlor, Dining - room, Hitchen, Hard and Soft Water good stone Cellar; rent moderate,—MRS T. COOPER. MOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE lot 000np ed, by he a deteignned, on King street The house ie a comfortable onstage, suitable for email family' very conveniently situated, with hard and soft water; a number of bearing fruit trees and small fruit on the place pd4 SAMUEL COPP FARM FOR SALE. A very desirable home, composed of west half of lot 30, in the 1st oonoessiou of East Waaanosh, eompoosd of one hundred setae. There IS on the farts a very Hne Brisk House. Poet /Tame Bern and outbuttdtugs, ail in good order, and a Mlle beairingorcliard. The farm 11 alt clay loam and under a high State of cuttivatfon,1itnAte on theBlytti greVeiroad, one mile from the gilldgo of Atrbbnrh, and auarter of a anile frons lohool, Terme easy. A1iji1_1t to a; MARSHALL,, Auburn .000» FARM 001 $din oinptifredbi10 i, Ooi , . acres8681eeredadISagod tton,15adel fgodbadvoodb • bonitos boy C nbi_ With very pretty Stink Hnadle00 New Blouse Silks In Black and White and Gray and White, 50c and 75c per yard, New Black and Colored Silk and Taffeta Gloves In all the new shades. New Hosiery Both for Ladies' Misses and C in all the shades of tan, also in beach and white, and in both Cottf►n a d Cashmere. a , New Cape Cloths New and stylish things in Cape Chill in Fawns, Browns, Navys, Grays, Mat] NEW ART MUSLINS and Draperies, Sash Nets and Lace Curtains. Another lot New Black Brocade Brillianteens. . every day of Dress Goods and Trimumiungs s the- bot days have set, in. GILROY -, "4q;QiI' T°•,nr `fr*�M' R: Si�nf'-. OPENED OUT AGAIN r I beg to announce that I have resumed !business at the old stand, and would respectfnlly solicit a continuance of the patronage so generously extended to me in the past. The stock, which is all of ptime quality, and well assorted, has been bought by me at considerable reduction on cost, and my customers may rely upon getting the best goods at bottom prices, N. ROBSON, - Clinton. arin weather ITS"iELAT,ox TO Boys' Clothing- 11' there is any time of the year which is harder : t another on Boys' Clothing it is just this , time,,,, boys make a rush for outdoor sports, down on. i knees at marbles, out in the squar., at base ball, 'a a foot ball scrimmage to finish up the day. Thos sol finish what is left of their winter suits. Whitt next Their wise mother brings them to Ouimette's , have Ready Made Suits which stand the *e,r,. cut right, made right, sizes and prices to fit the .boy, and the purse. Two piece Suits for Boys Blue Serge Suits, Bl from 5 to 11 years at $I.25 Sailor Lollar, Braid; reed, for boys trout. Canadian Tweed School years Suits, stylish cut, best workmanship, $2 to $2.110 Young Men's Suits, sizes 33 to 35.... $4 to $6 Men's Tweed Suits $1 t i 4 piece Suits, Coat,.:. and two pairs pants, fit boys' from 8 to.'. R, . We are selling large quantities of Wallpaper, good pattern and low prices must have something., to do with it, least our range of patterns and t olorlllga is ex efl n and prices are lower than you. expect to pay. Altthostine andllite4"-Ptailts, are in demand. WO,'have ali,;tlie llesirabile shaded,.