HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-07-31, Page 3-t
Ca eeeent City, Vioritia.
June WO; UM
Plorida Land Ownerie Aesecietien,
Creecent City, Fite
Coming trete St. Catharines, Ont-
ario, Canada, which, hi n perhaps tho
' beet fruit and truck farming belt in
the Provinces, natta.ally 1 was mere
or Jess sceptical of lands in anY
Southern States, but Unix' lofting
ever latterly tracts in Florida, it re-
, nutieed for me to see tlio lands you
Were offering: and 1 must eay that
they aro tho RICHEST 'LANDS .X
have over seam would be ideesca
to have any Canadian vtrito Me for
farther verification of this, statement
alut can honestly recommend not.only
your wonderful lands but:the Awe-
lation as a whet°. mar terree
You offer makea it possible for prac-
tically any one to purohase and ud
one aced hesitate about bpYlag be-
fore they el/amine the.lanus as X
ItnoW you wilt select ant), the beet,
and Isiah* a better seleotion than the
Pnrehaser would himself.
wiehing your Association much suc-
cess T am,
Very truly yours,
David Beaver.
7 Prospect g•t.
Crescent City, - Florida, U.S.A.
(By Myra .Kelsey Cost' practical t
Ale oldladleeWhose name Maid
have been hers. 0entraons,ensetegave
4e,m0Ststratton in economics}, when
he eieolined to take all her;eggs to
market in one basket. Though this
prliseiple may,niet appy to,!eVery busi-
21800 'tivIth eqiial arii)PdPrinteness; its
tOrOe Mutt hate ;been Welty, poultiefe-
VI:Avers ietiringlhe Peet. few! 'yieirs of
diftioultiiie._:When Ponhieemen) be -1
gab to be oppee:,aed. by scarcity ofi
teede an4 he.tb' prices, .by 10/Curing
exist of lebOie and equipment; he was?
lucky indied it he had other rano In
CI, tire.
It is aineept inepos,sible to drenderi
Sueh Aleetteteek ntatatable. A
ex40 .expetpe. e.eeoUttte -fetWift on
abrefty existence on dropped waste
rUtap, net .Pi'e.eleely -.as scavengers,
as et ithet4ekeitlesa1vateeo1Ds. In
Ile Yard devotedetoeteoultrycireurne
Mantas eeete 4iitic:bealga. A rigid;,113X-
Iparttel 'aci.e0ant of.;,diehursetnents: re -
vela ogrtoteoften,:tetnarroftvingimar-
rhig „WM. Begdea, room and
ie ad to the fooderesoiireep . of
term fleieks, an,aseet noVeasilY cot-
istited, and yet a need to be met in
uktittetiel a pen.,
..eerreotwe minor oegupatiene teeteniehl
ipPy bp . atieeetiatki• with ' Pholtry-t
titillneandehentetgeonsly and leeitheute
interfereltcee bed -keeping and
frnit-rielng. Their nombinatleh makes,
s :Profitable .trio.
(ireleardee; or commercial,
.tre'The .work in-
volved ,Is seasoinible•,ia.thet.then een-
Ilentous. The atietliatien requisite eto
tlutequiektgroittie.' and healthy devel-
opment of 'fruit • trees !pekes' , the ,
Reiter &chard With Its.,Oft-ttliemel sell
•lhe ident-leln for eictultit. .The parted
ef' growth. preeedieg•Ite etleating • tato
bearing- Is .ono of nont.tetern
for .ini-
-osttnent in'evere reppeeCuriless.et .is,
nsed for saiiiItitis. In tho cane' 01 &Ole
• nesiut trees, that period is extended.
Ienng before, it has become einurae-
'teen'e to plant it in Yettetabw1es-e49
!her trees spread in foliage, thee ;Or
!MI, A shadeinuelt ,teppreciated ax
Peitilire sultry days. t"- -
„„ _
.P91311111Y IN OROH.A7u* t 7c-•
On the, other hand, fowls, aree$tees.,
rAtipoFt0,0ot hunters., with. prefit
to ;thebeetelvila and to the .trees. Be -
1140111 thee Artiltze the isoll,
Ing trOff,firOiitlx. Temporal crepe,
litteli M bleighelehat, scarlet clover Ini
Or wheat . (the. lest •two not
perinjtted to fOrm grain) may be
Fdbetween Tows, furnishing
teed throligh eeveral ref:lithe,
914 orcharde, the perMallent Wel
teettellent neettire and popaier as
relee for all fowls, gee, heng, tur.
keYa,, ducks and gtainetts, At one thee
only to it detrimental. When tititit
taintliisreat quantities, it bee011tee 11.
nifIna0e even to chickens or robust
dipatiell, And delete to mere delieate
fowls, elleit a2 terkeye and gulneare
The grounds Of the eiew.set orchard
may readily he Melded ieto cblekee-
Yerds. Movable eeleny houttee may
be etatiOned eoleceniently and wire-
rtinn taint. Orchard /A10.1440118 are al -
WOO ltealtliftil theeatiFie they are Well -
drained and Venially more Or leatt
The labor empleyed about thee:poul-
try plant le suffielent to share the
WOrk incidental to fruit growing.' This
is visually heaviest at certain seateons,
such es spraying and prunipg , in
Spring Or fall. and cultivation".which
is not continuOuti. When fruit -bear -
Ing begins and the orchard becorees
Profitable, the pieking and marketing
tleually eau, be accomplished with la-
bor already employed.
' For the person of placid tempera:.
Thent and the taste, the eficient and
bent:arable bueiness of beekeeping
tornie a third source of Mem* with
a minimum of labor andexpense. A
tow hives of superior tbee tr tucked
'away in a proeectedspotamong the
erees, Mean. many pounds' ol .honey,
:not alone for family use, but for. sale,
THE BUSY C&Ii7/5i.
During the depressed period of: the
Oirs with wheat at 60 cents aud 'earn
at 25 cents, a snIali farmer of 1117'ae-
tettaintance managed ageed eivineqrom
hie welletended orchard andehle hives,
which together exceeded thee total re-
turns trom het other products, That'
.etermer ist now deed, but hie son -in -
mw continues the business otffruit anti
;honey att un important source of in-
eOn1e. A stimulating Bight are the
TOWS aed rows of hives in. a spling
orchard oath their ruyriads kif winged
These active creatures accumulate\
remerkable stores of honey"- wb,en fl
rich territory is adjacent. The pro-
duct is always in demand, erne need-
ing harvesting once or twice a year.
lEaceept at special reasons they:„require
ilittle care. For this reason: the bee -
'keeping consorts most readily. -with
trult-raielng and poultry -keeping.
When' relations are reciprocal, The
;more poultry, the bot -Ler fertilized the
sell and tower Insect pests. The mere
:blossoms, the more fruit. ,The more
bees, the more fruit from\ fertilizel
• Bees, however, are not advitsable as
at crop for tho-ameteur without.,practi-
cal knowledge, T.he begingerkFould
do well to eorainet hie efforts to,ne
or two hives. at isedear ‘experiencd‘to
invest in a large neftaber of hives and
nave at the oval of the season no
honey, and nivegy.evitalized by too
= Rh swarming or no store s fordwin-
• •
If Sleeplessness
Is Your Trouble
Read This:
',.Bleeplessness,,is asvarning of forcha
et*war within , the deodyeatall is mit
ettehTine Unites ..out of tea tiad :body h3.
lotided with, tberiso deof halt elim-
inated told !half igestedefoodet Brain
ahd nervesTare firritated, sleepjis ira-
,. uIO proseriptio4everkforreulated pro,
d es tlie rapidfaiestilts\ of Dr. Hamil-
ton's ?Ills. .., .1
Tbey flush eve yimpetrIty from the
body, keep every gatttevorkireo well,
remove the evil dgiect of ,lost sleep,
and set you up ii defew, dais.
Try Dr, Hamiltipnee Pills to -y, see
how much bette\ dA
wou feet see holt
Much ; easter it is to`tface the day's
Your bloodiest nouris4d, eyoutoerves
feed with neweltaltponteregor and
health is sent (to every`part of yeee
system;e .
It's 'because k Dr.Jeamilton's Pill
Make each organ kdo the work l Ntitufa
eepeots of it, beeseuse It ensuree tar-
mony, health aed.oigareto tnetegetietne
that it cures eileepleesneesalansuor,
deDrestion anclinereentenness. .,
Isn't there a reason why.youesbould
Use Dr. Hareilten'stPilts? eSolch,in 25e
begets by, all dealer , ' e -- d
et *le ieeete
.0,0'4 TOWN PLANNING, 1-4
•,.,, it .. . „.
On .Compuliory Basis Adopted
. ,.,. .1 4. \'.
TOveri planning in Greatlairltala 0
so far .advanced beyond the cep -
taleataCettege that it has now been deet
eided; it" make it ecenpulsoyefor ever),
town, baviag 20,040 inheibilante or
more, to gubmit a town planting
scheme for its own area to the local
Goyeriantent Board . not later than
1026.. Such 4 sehentte Must ' entbraCe
the limitation of possible.deneits per
acre, define thelportion of . el et area
to lee covered' with beildn‘ep, etho
character of the}buticlings, thestineeeo1.
arterial roads and the proetelou trif
The Britisb, peopletreelize that thapJ
hazard growth ot totene leadatdotaseri-
etas evtis, and they eare deterealnetl•to
control it. In futeete, land Wile heefe
to la& developeesa aillbEist to sertsehthe
interests 01the community, whldli, he
the king ,run, is neutelly in the hater -
este Of the landholdees elioneseleee.
Only the Iand. seedUlatoq Is adversely
affected. It* the oub4c,- wish to Pla
that ineliVidual out of bueloose they
cannot do it more effectively than by
stetiv,ly peemottiagiproleer• scheme e of
WWII plahning. ,
In Catiada, elle 'Prat/ince of Nova
Seale, took the lead in making town
Weaning compulsory in ,115. The
Orili Other Province Vialich1,1140 la COM.
Pultory set is elaskatettelvan. Theo
are therefore the only two Proviheeti
abreast ot the old country.. in town
planning progress, though Met of Out
proyineee WOO enabling iiets• in force.
4 4 *
Mahn* Can be Cured. ,ets mutter-
ing IS as 114*sedletes att it iwterriblo to
endure. Atter its Many Wears -of re-
lied 01 the Most otu;hborti cures no
euteterer can dean the petteect effec-
tiveness Of Dr. Z. D. Kellogg's Aethires,
reemedy. Coratort et body and petted
III mind !return with ate use and
Oghte of sound ?sleep CAIMS beak
Ifor geed. Ask your druggists; he
can efe,i)PlY You.
, 040,440.............
/01404011013, RATIOS, ..•
"Illoetvie *Resets mete tines from men
than *0Y girt 1 know."
"I don't uneterstatid,"
"Sthe le tr. leiteettea* oestater."—etteete
1111 i(Ill!jr11, mom,
(!7.4. 113/0AWFR
It is said that at .A.Iira, on the Gold
Coast of Africa, gold actually may be
Pieked upon the streets. Whee one
vleitor took the statement as a mere
figure of speech his host immediately
bade ft woman servant go into the
main street, gather a bucketful of road
oceaptnge and wqrle it for gold duet.
In tete minutes the eervant returned
with, two galvanized iron bueltets, one
filled with road ecrapings and ' the
other with waken She also brought
three or four wooden platters, varying
in glee from a large plate to a saucer,
Removing several handfuls of the
scrapings and placing them in the
larger platter, the woman picked out
and threw aside the large stones,
pebbles and bits of stick, and then
thoietened the remainder with water
from the other bucket. This enabled
her to remove smaller refuse.
The residuum she put into the next
Mailer platter, and elm repeated the
process until there was a quantity of
sand and gravel ready for treatment,
This watt sprinkled freely with water,
.end by a deft, circular moven:lent ot
the platter brought the small gravel
.tto the outside, where it could be thrust
foyer the edge. When she had, repeated
dins operation three or four times she
.treated the material, which atow took -
ed like mud, in a still emaller platter,
' At last in the smallest platter she
,had, the bucketful of sweepings re-
duced to a handful or two of sifted
sand. Thi e she carefully washed and
sifted. Finally, with a dexterous twist
site brought tlie sand into a crescent,•
the outer edge of which showed a
thin rtni of yellow. It was Unmis-
takably gold dust. The whole opera-
tion had taken half an hour and it had
produced about a shilling's worth of
Useful In Camp,—Exiplorers, sur-
veyors, prospectore and hunters will
find Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil very
ifeeful in camp. When the feet and
logo are met and cold it is well ta rub
them freely with the Oil and the re-
sult 'will be the prevention of pains in
the muscle's, and should a cut, or
Confusion, or sprain be sustained,
nothing could be better as a dressing
or lotion.
----t---teee•—• ,
trat'egy. of Animals is Hard to
.4..: Explain,
Old Possum is playing dead. Why
doge he do it? Ot course, it is a
Pla9S of deep etrategy peetiliar to the
Iliteaoleuie intellect of the beast. The
ientis, however, is a very sceptical
pout*, and he ' questions even the
eubtlebtaine of the pcosum, although
It is perfectly certain that the worthy
ell feal does lie mute and Motionleee
Until a cOnvenient time arrives for a
atienue Rabaud, Maitre des
COnfsreliees of the Sernenne, writing
in the Scientific American', denies allY
"playing dead" or "lie still" theories
O n the part of amimale.
-When one suddenly seizes a
cetieold insect it immediately folds
Re legs against its body, drawe
down ito• heed and ite antennae and
telealne motionless. Other arthro -
pads (ortustageans, spielers, myria-
Ode, ineects) behave in a very simi-
lar %Won.
e The; has suggested comparison
with death, and it is a common say-
ing that the animals are "Playing
Dead." A'' phenomenon which is
euperficially similar has been observ-
ed among vertebratee. Some observ-
eragree with Darwin that the Ira-
le'ade the enemy astray, that
they appear not to attack dead
deeturee. Moreover, the attitude and
the coloration, together with entire
immobility, often render the animal
Completely invisible, hence it can
More readily escape,
Itt birds and mammals immobili-
zation can be occasioeed at will. In
tete seventh century Kircher immo-
• bilized foevie merely by turnieg
them upon their backs. The experi-
ment, tan be successfully made with
any kind of bird. I have performed
it with sparrows, with, a wryneck and
.With the tincb immediately -setae
their eapture, 'thus excluding all idea
of training. The same result can be
obtained with varioue mammals, es-
pecially with mice.
• What is the nature of this Immo-
bility? Some naturaliets —there are
few pdtvediewe to be sure—still think
that this action ie both voluntary and
conscious. The Majority, however,
following. Ditrwia and Romartee, re-
etignize that It is scarcely reasonable
to attribute It to any idea of death,
whihe would be the eimulation of a
state which is unknown to the ant -
peel simulating it.
let the presence of either real or
imaginary danger the aniMals May
experience an intenee and paralyzing
terror. Whether they remain unseen'
or whether their corpse -like appear -
ane deceites the °nettle, those who
remain perfectly motionlese for the
longest time would bave the beet
chance to escape. Having thus eur-
Ylved, their deeeeudante would in-
herit the eeeeltY of remaining nee-
tionlees in the presence of danger,
tet that by. the operation of the nat-
ural laW 4af selection the eo.called
inetinet would be developed little by
This is 'the explanation most
geleerany tvilopted. Wbat real advan-
tage could an annual derive front im-
tuabilite? Naturallste have accepted
the hypothesie that the appearance of
death would drive away predatory
Creatures since the ee do not care for
corpese; but on the one hand InallY
animals, far from being repelled by
dead fleeh, are especially attracted
by It; and on the other band the
Mere abeeuce of movement is not
sufficient to impart to any organism
all the propertiee.of a cadaver. In
particular the odor is lacking, and
thie is far more important than the
externhl aspect, so far as predatory
animals are concerned,
An insect Is caught by one leg and
immediately finds iteelf ,paralyzed
and delivered up defeneeleee to its
enemy, By retaining the possibility
of biting or struggling it might be
able to liberate itself, whereas the
hamobiliziug reflex deprives it of all
chance of this.
Immobilization, in fact, whether
or not it resembles death, faile to play
any eesential part in the life of an
aniraal.It is a property of the nerv-
,ous system very widespread.
As to its nature we etell possess
very *complete data. Various auth-
orities have eptiken of hypnotism, but
this term offers no solution, since
It 'teat- designates • a phenomenon
whieh Is far from •being well under-
stood. At the present time we call
do nothing more then set forth the
featuree without undertaking to ex-
tract from *them ;In explanation
which will respond exactly to. all
• - 6
Ca,ve Dwelling . Snakes.
Until recent times no reptiles' were
known to have adapted themselves to
existence in the darkness of .eaverns.
Now, however, it is known that in the
Malay leeninsula a snake, a species of
coheber, inhabits certain caverns, feed -
ink upou the bats,
Thee cave -dwelling snakes attain a
length of betweeneight and eine feet.
Their coloring- sliaulates that of the
Wails of' the ceverns. The rock is a
yellowish limestone traversed with
blackish veins, and these markings and
•colors ate curtousty reproduced in the
snekes,, many of which lurk on the
ledges in the sexandarknese near the,
entrances, watching for the bets.
Pills for Nervous Troubles.—The
stomach is the centre of the nervous
system, and when the stomach aue-
pends healthy eaten the result is
manifest In distuatences cif the
nerves. If allowed to persist, nerv-
ous dcbilitY, a dangerous te aliment,
May ensue. The first consideration
Is to restore the stomach to proper
action, an there is no readier remedy_
for this than. Parmelee's Vegetable
Wills. Thousands can attest the virtue
o/ these Pills in 'curing nervous dis-
orders. e •
sr+,44-44-4*4-4-fr o-44-4-0-4-0-4-4-4-1-4- 4-4
Eleonora Buse, the Italian tragic
actress, Was once walking through
the private garden of a great estate
to which. on certain days, the public
was adititted. She had gone so
early that she was reasonably sure
of avoiding °titer visitor, tor she dis-
liked extremely to attract attention
off the stage, and desired to enjoy
the lawns and flowers undisturbed by
stares, whispers or intrusive admira-
For a happy half lour see was suc-
ceestul; then, turning a corner sud-
denly, she found herself close to
party of &preaching tourists. She
tried to avoid theta by stepping
through, an opening in a high hedge of
laurel, but her flight was checked by
a twig that caught in her hair. At the
same moment one of the approaching
tourists perceived her, and stepped
forward to release her. Then he saw
her face, and stepipng back again
he bowed loW and exclaimed dramati-
'The great Due, the queen of trag-
edy! It is she! Behold, my friends,
the incomparable Duecti Accept,
madame, our united homage, which*
we offer as by right, strangere as
we are. Since nature herself litie
seen tit to bestow her laurele upon
that brow in our presence, it is sure -
ly permitted that we offer tribute.
Allow me, raedame, to present PA.*
wife, tuy eteuehter, MY riteee, my
Not untilitbe ethele party bad been
preeented and peed their complimento
was the captive kqueen of tragedy dis-
entangled from leer uneveloolne lattreis
and perreitted to \wave.
A eonteWhatlsimelar but mare agree.
able story Peerelateci of one of the
"three beautMil Gentling girls," Thee
were, in their' day—whien wee after
the middle of Ole eiglitemath century—
eUce, famous beauties thee tie Lenden,.
crowd often followed their carringee
Iri the';otreet.
Thefhandsornest of the trio wern
out by the activities of to London
season, stayed for some time in the
country 'near a ntarket town. it waa
known that he wished to 04/03 UU
noticecenand was uot well; and • her
wish was respected. But on the
day of her departure trom the towll
there was inifunueuei number of pee -
pie at hankl to see the coal start,
As thedevely lady stopped from the
inn door to the step of the coach the
branch of a climbing roge eaught /or
a moment in her hair. Instantly *
VOIGO ealled from the crowd:
"No namos, nay lads, -and no star-
ing, but three icheers tr the Queen of
Beauty that the roses crown o' their -
They were given with a will, and
won the response of a radiant face
at the coaela window, and. a gracious
hand waving tarewell,
Only in REITO Cases Doss Baclt.
eohe Mean Kid.ney Trouble,
Every muscle in the body neede
constantly a supply of rieh, red blood
in proportion to the work it does.
The muscles of the back aro under a
heavy tetra* and have but little rest.
Wheu tho bleed is thin they lack
nourishment, and the result le it (sen-
sation of pain in those muscles. Some
People think pain ie the back means
kiduey trouble, but the best reedital
teethorities agree that backache sel-
dom or uever hes anything to do
with the kidneys. prgaitte kielneY
dieee.se may have progreeoed to a
critical point without developing
pain iu the back. Thie being the
case, pain in tbe back should always
lead the sufferer to look to the cen-
dition of hie blood. It will be found
In most cases that the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to bend up the
blood will stop the sensation of pain
in the ill -nourished muscles of the
back. How much better it is to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the blood
than to give Way to unreasonable
alarm about your kidneys. If you
suspect Your kidneys, any doctor can
make teeth in ten minutes that will
set your team at reet, or tell you the
woret. But in any event to be per-
fectly healthy you mast keep the
blood in good condition, and for thio
Purpose no other medicine can equal
Dr. Williams' Pink
You cen get thee° - Wee through
any dealer in medicine, or by mail at
60 cents a box. or six boxea for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Out.
NM Captain's Suicide After
Shooting at Crew.
Full of sad details, a tragedy of the
sea came to light at Cardiff. It ap-
pears that the little French schooner
Augusta, of St. Malo,left Swansea for
Calais. The crew consisted of the mas-
ter, Captain Oenereaux Seigne,ur, about
30, married, &Ad, a mane of Morthene-
elloGirondel, 'the mate, second mate,
one A.B., and a, boy, and two . Alava'
gunners attached to the gun which the
little ehip earreed—seven, ail told.
Shortly after passing the Mumbles they
experienced bad weatbeta which con
Witted until theteentere: well down
Channel, but in a ..terryplight, the
sane baying been teretto ribbons, One
of the masts gone,, an& the schooner
making no headlfak,•?,*,,Igng, and at
the mercy of heavY, ketistetSignale of
distress weee sent upend the gun was
fired, but there was no sign of any
approaching vessel to give' assistanee,
When the vessel was in •this helpless
state the ship's boat was lowered and
boarded by the mate and the two gun-
ners, A. big,sea then tore the sch.00rter
and boat apart and the latter drifted
away. Those left on hoard the
schooner watched the boat being toss-
ed from wave to wave ("tete out 01 con-
trol, and in a 'short tie* they saw one
of the gunners fall out -of the boat and
sink immediately. Later the tyre stue
vivors were rescued b the ateamer
Guuberk. A tug was sighted and came
alongside, the mato and gunner going
aboard of her in order, to make a,
search for the Augusta, end the Gun -
berg 'proceeding on her course. As the
night was failing' the Augusta was
sighted and the tug made tor hen but
When they got within hailing distance
the crew of the tug were astounded to
see The captain gesticulating freed-
eally and Milt a revolver at them. It
was a weird, unnerving position, and
the tug had to keep away instead of
rendering assistafice because of the
captain's strange conduct. They, how-
ever, kept the schooner in view
throughout the night, and about 7.30
a. m. they approached again, This
time the eaptain was hot to be seen,
and the mate and surviving gentler, to-
• Sauces
DENSON'S is pure prepared corn starch,
delicate and nourishing, unexcelled for all
cooking purposes.
It improves the texture of bread, biscuiti and rolls if
one-third of the flour is substituted with Benson's Corn
Starch. It makes pie crusts light and flakey.
There is a recipe for the most delicious Blanc Mange
on the package, together with a dozen other uses.
Benson's is the best torn starch for making sauces and
gravies smooth and creamy.
Write for booklet of recipes
Use Cuticura to Keep
Your Hair From Failin
flow many times hoe barbers given
this advice ta men who are hieing
their hair because of dandruff and
scalp irritation., At night rub Cuti.
cura Ointment into the scalp. Next
morning shampoo with Cuticera Soap
and hot weter. A clean, healthy
scalp means goodhair. )
Cuticura Soap Ea, Ointment 25 and tOe.,
Talcum 25e. plea Canadian duties. Sold
iverywhere. For sample each free address:
' Cuticura, Deee.N. Boston, U. 5. A.."
• ome•Pwass••••••••.••••••.
gethor with some ot the tug's crew,
Went aboard, An' astonishing etato of
thinge met their wee, and they were
told a story of tragedy ana horror. It
seems that when the boat drifted away
the captain beettme frantic because ot
the helpless positeon in which he
found timeelf in a: seemingly slaking
ship. He must have lost is reason,' for
he got his autematie pistol and started
firing at the 'remaining three members
of his crew, who had to seek shelter
• wherever they could from him. One
of the men was shot in the upper lip.
By a subterfege the captain was
eventually secured in his cabin, where
he was barricaded., in, all the timber
and heavy articles to hand being piled
up against the door and on top of the
cabin to present his escape. It was
tylient .that the captain had gone
stark mad, for he kept firing bullets.
After some time everything became
quiet in the cabin, but no one dared
to investigate wbat had happened
there. The tug took the schooner 1 -
tow to Cardiff. When the cabin was
entered a terrible spectacle presented
• itself. The unfortunate captain was
found dead on the floor, with a
French service rifle near him. It was
• evident that he had placed the barrel
of the rine under his chin and shot
himself, the bullet coming out at the
top of the head. On the bed was found
the pistol, which was seen to have be-
come clogged owing to a cartridge
leaving stuck in the berme The whole
cabiu was riddled with bullets and in
indescribable disorder, the floor being
eovered with spent cartridges.
- 4,444
Didn't Want Much.
It was in the far south,
"How's times?" asked the tourist.
"Pretty tolerable, stranger," replied
,the old fellow who was sitting idly on
the.sturap of a tree. I had 'a pile of
'brush to burn, artd• the lightning set
fire to it and saved Inc the trouble of
burningeit up,"
"That was good,"
"I had some trees to cut down, but
the cyclone levelled them and saved
• me the trouble."
"Remarkable, biat what are you do-
ing now?"
"Waitieg for an earthquake to come
along and shake the potatoes out of
the ground."—Detroit Free Press
• 4 •
"Just can't
work any
more.'! The
faded, jaded,
woman, with
pains here or
should a s k
her neighbor
for advice.
Ten- to
she was
down by the
pains and ail-
. mente of her
sex, and twee completely cured by
that temperance tones made from
wild barks and roots, and known for 50
years as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion, When a woman complains of hack -
abbe, dizziness or pain—when everything
looks black before her eyes—a dragging
feeling, or bearing -down, with nervoue.
nese, she should turn to this "temperance"
herbal tonic, known as Dr. Pierce's Favo.
Lite Prescription. It can be obtained in
almost every drug store in the land and
the ingredients are printed in &tin Beg -
Fish on the wrapper.Put up inattblets ot
liquid. Dr. Pierce, of Invalithe Hotel, Buf,
' fake N. Y., will send a trial size tor10-cents.
Tore:erre, It Dr. 'Pierce's Medicine hal
been a wonderful help to me and 1 recommend
It in hope that others May be benefited bY Its
Ute. When I was a „girl I was always delicate.
My mother thought 'she could never raise me.
As( got older fierier worse; doctors said 1 would
baVb to have an operation. I suffered at times
untold agony. My Mother istarted
'Favorite Prescription,' and It finally cured me
of ell my trouble, After I married 1 used it
again. My children are all healthy and strong'.
This medicine did wonders for me, saved me much
suffering'. and 1 can highly reeommend It to weak
WOMAA or those raising A Itunily.'L-Mas, It. W.
1101us, 116 Tecumseh Strad.
4 4 *
Kiddies ' Digestions Are
Bully lips.6t in Summer.
And These Pointers Will Be
airbag the hot weatber eepecialle,
it is essential that care be given to
the feeding of these little people that
they may receive tottriehing food and
at the same time foods that will uot
overheat the system and cause great-
er diaeomfort durieg the heated sea-
• eon, saYS a writer in the Cleveland
• Plain Dealer,
• Food 'Must contain piefity of the
right sort Of material to band up and
repair the living tioeueo of the body;
enough material to use as foot to turn-
• lab exiergy tor heat And work, abund-
anee of 111illetiti Matter and the other
•substances with which we are lees
Whieh regulate body health
14 Ad .444Vor h„
Children, like all youltg animals,
quire more growth or lately -building
Material relative to thelr Wee thau
they do wtten fully grow.
There are eertela feeds wialch are
Indespensebie articlee of diet for Chile
Oen. These are:
le -Whole milk.
liee(ireen vegetables, especiallY leaf
4—Starchy food% which are the
Principal ski ewe of energy, but are
not growth foods.
Meat, inducting Veil aud ewe
Choose easily digested food for the
eliiid aud see that it is properly- eeok-
Plenty of food should be given at
mealtime and nothing between male.
A baby at one year may take a quart
of milk a day, After this nee eft
he takes more cereal and bread with
egg and vegetables, reduee tho inflk
to three cups a. day. A child will take
more food' if he drinks most of the
milk at the end of the meal rather
than at the beginning.
Fruits should appear daily In the
diet of the child; fruit juices for the
baby, stewed elates, or prune pulp
later in infancy, Raw apple at „first
scraped, oranges, ripe peaches and (toy
cooked fruit may be given to the old-
er child, Bananas are not fit food for
a child to eat unless the elcin is brown
or the banana is cooked.
Children eraye meets and thee
should be given these, especially in
the noon deseert, as simple puddings,
custards, home-made ice cream, cook-
ed fruits, jellies or simple candy,
*. it
Thousands testify to the
lasting benefit secured from
One of the finest discoveries in
medicine was given to the public
when "Catarrhoione" was placed on
the market about fifteen years ago,
Since than thousands have been -cured
of asthma and catarrh. An interesting
e.Se IS reported from Calgary in a
letter Om Creighton E. Thompson,
who eves:
"Nething too strong can be said for
Catarrhozone. I suffered four years
from aethma in a way that would beg-
gar description. I went through every-
thing that man could suffer. I was
told of Catarrhozone by a clerk in
Fiecliay's drug store and purchased a
dollar package. It was worth hundreds
to me in a week, and I place a price-
less value on the benefit I have since
derived. I strongly urge every sufferer
to use Catarrhozone for Asthma, Bron-
chitis and Catarrh."
The one -dollar package lasts two
months; small size, 50e; sample size,
25e; all storekeepers and druggists,
or the Catarrhozone Co., Kingston,
• 4, 0,
Here is an illustration of the tricks
in trade to which unecrupulous deal-
ers, in antiquities will resort to get
large prices for their wares, Tbe
two parties were Alessandro Castel-
lani, a clever dealer, and Baron
Adolph Rothschild of Paris.
Castellani had a superb enamelled
ewer, with thTdiala on which it stood.
The Baron etan arriving in Rome
Yisite'd iCasteila.41's shop and was
ehown the beet things the dealer
had except the enamelled dish and
ewer. Wlaen eeerything else -had
been inspectee,Oastellani drew from
hidden cupboard and dish, but not
the ewer. The'Beron was so pleased
with the -dish that lie,ogreed to buy
the lot of which it wage, part. The
Baron paid heavily, lamenting that
there was no ewer to stand on the
dish, and departed for Florence.
There he was visited by an agent
would fit into the hollow of the dish.
ed to tell several beautiful majolica
pieces. He visited her house and was
disapopinted, as tile ,majolica was not
fine enough. The old lady, seeming-
ly chagrined, left the room to order
refreshments, and the Baron saw
through the open door of a bedroom
a ewer, covered by a glass shade, on
which rested a wreath of iminortelles.
When the lady returned the Baron
asked permission to examine the
°war. It was brought out and the
Baron saw that the enamel was of
the stone work as that eif the dish he
had bought. He wished, however, to
be certain that the foot of the ewer
would fit into the hollaw of the dish.
The Bron went 'back to his rooms
had the fish unpacked and found that
the foot of the ewer fitted perfect-
ly*. The next day the Baron sent the
agent to offer the old lady a prince-
ly sunt for the ewer. He brought
back a refusal to e'en. But at last
the widow's scrupleis were overcome.
'Castellani, with his Italian can-
ning, had planned the whole affair.
First Gossip—Don't tell a soul, but
ow a whole barrel of whiskey delivered
to the Topeleys' this afternoon In broad
Second Gossip—Itow'd you' know It was
First Gosolp—Why, Topeley liltustre
helped the delivery man handle It with
care.—Buffalo Express.
4 *
"Why are len looking so sad, cad
chap?" "My wife leaves for the ewe
to -morrow. If 1 look happy she may
postpone it."—Doston Globe.
„ er/ yiee,is not
oatrito tO 41 -he
0.160 tvalihc
04 VatittA IMAM It )44 i0.41 161$6114.4.1tion boot ti
"Tilt HOUSE et nory.
oveilt .4.44.1444.1.4‘fo.•
414 to* leo,* 44 4.41-1. ,o4 4, 4.4t 4.**,*1.4,444*
trot 110 *4 *111444 Y.. ogkis 1.044.0 •04•4144,4
atorgt * riA't
Real BMW Pant
:On Witnani Shad
Out of the Celleible Of the greet
world ar the fiery spirit Of freetteM
• has ewein Over England, and the
people, no longer looking upon titled
nobility with a feeling of awe, are
deinguding that the rich lords and
erouti reer8 prove their right ot
to the great landed Oetatee
witielt were aequired by their an
ecatote lour end five ceiltitries ago by
ghat1 Alleged he he doubtfulinnate
Derive' the wor d "ear dm eigh Woe,
mete.' with the inereased need ef
at et own food, Y. rought into eulti-
ution 1ttlIy of those broad limiting
; v Melt for genoratioes had been
tie(d only for the plover sheenier fox
pleatare-lovieg lords and
113the turning tif many thousands
Idle acres int fruitin 1 fielebt
deviate the ever has
r• al: out an iintiScrt1 (lemma op
111 atlott be
vati!latp d tit time of • 10a0e, Setae
1.0(t1,1e warn a Mop futteer and de-
toandee tent the big estates should
broken fdr Inc tettitrOil gaud Of
Li nation.
Then tame the question: note' did
these lords acquire title to all tills
land, anyway? This question, which
lias been sleeping for realty genera -
Sins, was probed before the Coal Com-
mission. The gestin bas been made
an issue by the Miners' Federation
Bill for the nationalization of all the
teiT(1;1 recent 1
S 01 f Great Britain, Aud itt
earing before the Coal
Commission om this measure the labor
leaders attacked unmercifully the right
of ownership of the last landed estates
held by the peers. Nearly all the coal
lands of Great Dritata are owned by
these titled landlords.
The labor leaders, like Robert Smile
lie, president of the Miners' Federa-
tion, have gone tack to the eerier
history of land ownership, and have
shownthat up to the time of the
great entr the amount of land under
ontivation in Great Britaiu ltts 1yeen
steadily decreasing for generations,
because it • was held for hunting
grounds by the nobility,
A fair exempt° of this line of laves. -
Ligation le that of the estate of Lord
Bute, the third richest peer of Greae
Britain, who was summoned at the
instance of the labor leaders to appear
as a witness before the coal commis-
Lord Bute's estate consists of ono
hundred and twenty thousand acres of
agricultural land, six splendid country
seats, a gorgeous town house in Lon-
don, miles and miles of land in Pales-
tine, and the entire Island of Bute,
off the Scottish coast, which contains
31,151 acres, and he is ,the absolute
ground landlord of the entire great
Welsh town of Cardiff. His estate is
worth more than 100 million dollars,
and his annual income is one and a
quarter million dollars. He spends a
fortune on his stud and stables alohe.
While Lord Bute wits on the witness
stand Frank Hodges, secretary ot the
Miners' Federation, cross questioned
his lordship as to the evidence of the
title to his proitertY.
'Have you studied the history relat-
ing to the property granted in 1547,-
1550 to Sir William Herbert, your an-
cestor?" asked Mr. Hedges.
His loedship replied that he had not
done so, and that the only thing he
knew about it was that one of his an-
cestor's services was the raising of an
arniY. The particular , property herein
alluded to was the. land upon which
stands the city of Cardiff, Wales, alt
of whose docks, railways, warehouses;
and a big castle, with the outlying
collieries and coal mines, are con-
trolled by Lord Bute.
•Mr. Hodges then quotedfrom what
he said was a copy of the actual dom.
wheeh granted the property to
Sir it is stated that the greet was
'William Herbert 372 years ago,
made "for quelling rebels the weset
ern part of Eitgland." This document
econ lost for a eoupie of ten-
turies; arid had beett discovered re-
cently in the records office by an em-
ployee or the Cardiff corporation, -and
this corperation still holds the deed.
Mr. Bonged alleged that Sir William
Herbert was one of the guardians of
Ring Edward the Sixth, when the
latter was. between 10 and 14 years old
and was then on the throne of Eng-
land. Hodges declared -that eir Willlam
Herbert had the boy king grant to hint
enormous areas of land,,,which at that
time were in the possession of the
crown, thus using the boy king's name
to enrich hinISelf. Mr. Hodges pointed
out that therefore a minor had trans-
ferred to Sir :William Herbert one of
he greatect proPerties that had ever
been known to be granted to auyone,
and that "literally millions of money
had been paid and received as the out-
come of this gigantie fraud."
Answering a query, Lord Bete said
that if the Leal lands of his property
should be taken back by the natioe in
the interest 61 'future generations he
would certainly expect the nation to
compensate him in this generation out
of the public funds,
Pill lYlaltnig Crabs.
These tiny- creaures, most of which
are about the eine of Ife pea, are in
abundance oe the stores of the Malay
Peninsula. They are usually first
noticed on the beaches after the going
out of the tide, when they snake the
beach look covered with loose, pow-
dery sand and holes of various sizes,
Upon loolcing More elOsely it is Seen
that little paths converge in the sand
to each hole, and that the sated itself
Is in minute balls.
At the approach of an observer
there immediately becomee apparent a
peculiar twirikle --the simulteneous and
rapid retreat of a myriad of the tiny
Crabs tato their holes.
Should the 'watcher take up his poet.
lion by one of the hole mid remain
perfectly motionlems, they will in, time
come out, when he Nut see the* at
Coming eautiously to the mouth Of
the hole the crab will recortholtre. Sat
Jetted that no enemy Is near, it will
venture about its own length front its
lurking place. Then, rapidly takitig
up partieles of Aged be its- elawm, it
deposits them in a grooet beneath ite
'Ip.'iltritaue put aeide,. the proeese being
extracting path...len et toed from the
Title is evidently the trab's method of
rowelled until the smooth boleti is
covered with little Witte or pills,
As it doee so a, little ball of rand le
rapidly projected through its mouth,
Some fellows feel that they are
hargin15 an obligation when they give
the devil his duP.