HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-04-17, Page 7'�"-7,Rst'+-,:t "'r •,. �>•.-.p4.-••�.f`3gf�:?reti �,y�r�-4-0 gr ..'..+r f' V ERA W. Possible to secure—) (u're assured of—ifyour timepiece is soot here to be repaired. First•class work only. RUMBALL WATCH MAKER, JEWELER, &c., TELEPHONE EXCHANGE +T LESS Oar Making Powder at 25e a pound v Costa you less than you could make it for by buying -the ingredients separately. We'make it with tbe.purest of. cream tartar and soda. Our sales are increasing daily. Of the many pounds we have sold we have never had a complaint. It is always fresh as we make It several times a week. Every body who has tried it likes it. Try it. We sell any quantity. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. SULPHATE of COPPER PARIS GREEN Close Prices . quantity REMEMBER Prof. Chamberlain will be at our store on Thursday, April 23rd, wait for him. -'JAMES F, COMBE'S cKin000 & Co,BIyth WE WANT YOUR TRADE People who shop with us say they get better goods at lower prices than but our ambition snot saere. tisfied, and in order to ge have been ratify it have proof cured the best stook that vim, brains and cash could buy. We wish to merit your trade, and 'to that end mark selling prices as low as'possible with a view of paying expenses, and leaving a small margin for our- selves. We handle so much a little of the whole does us. These lines are decidedly interesting. DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, CAPES and CAPE CLOTHS Take no chances, a look through any of our departments will be appreciated, and you will not be made to feel you are expected to buy. McKinnon & Co. Blyth Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash PLUMSTEEL I GIBBING Ready Made Clothin' g We have received another consignment of Fine Clothing. To make quick sales we will sell at prices far below any competition. We sell only such Clothing as will give satisfaction. Our goods are proffer • fitting. Prices low enough to suit every body's purse. MEN'S SUITS selling at $4, $5, $6 and $6.50 MEN'S PANTS selling at 98c, $1.25 and $1.50 • BOYS' SUITS as Iow as you could buy the cloth for. We save you the price of making and trimmings. Don't fail to see this gigantic stock of Reliable Clothing. IN e are sure to have sometkingghat will interest yon, PLUMSTEEL cw3rnNas Albert Street, Clinton. - CLINTON MARKETS ODrrotted *very Thurada afternoon Thursdtiy, Apr. 16,1896. Wheat, g ring 0 75 a 0.76 Wlieft, fall 0 75 a 0 76 *tlr,'.. « 0 22 a 0 26 all<i►rley ...:., 0 00 a 0 85 048a050 Flour perowt...... , 2 15 a 2 15 • Melt ..........:.... 4 50 a 4 76 Saber ... 0 14 t 0 16 Ikeitper Adz 0 09 a 0 10 • 7'atntilwt...: 0 20 a 0 25 RR�rr . 12 2a It12 00 Slateopalliiitl-.0 25 a :0 25 10» 1 Ttii'nlnea Uidesr., 4 00 tt 4 25 t NNTBB TOO >iftilegg daGllatblieretett* UMW, ortele Gifut)l1 y` ru�1 but• 114i to - than they were before tauter, so the butchers bought sparingly', hoping'math mnlarger sup- plies on Thursdayy. Te best beeves sold at trona 4c to fie per Ib and a few head were held at higher rate.. 1;retty^good animals sold at from' 3;;o to at, and the common and inferior boasts at fret* 21e ;:t0 No nor 1b. Milkmen's strI144 e hm, from 1eue tea) per lb at from 2r to 210 ie per Ib..A few large fat eoWti wore bought for shipment to Britain at freMaktOSic pet 1b. Goon fat calves three Weeks ;cid gold et from�q 313 to g8 oath, and the bold at from es to Vo t aoh. r t Spring are !Wide; n rather scares( and cell at from $4 to $4 16 per 11) lbs. sum .a011 ale7a1efGbarn,, neartheeOtt i& ♦kr0ad OManitoba Seed Orate,, `it!h1O1t-er a Anil axiality and Sleabl. 'Cl niton. new lEtatest t3abinet Photo'Given 411404 The popular orate of the day is now dir- ected towards the, new end elegant. Cabinet photo of Her ¥a sety the Queen, worth ullyy 40 to 50 aan.te esab, that Well. & Eieberdsou co. ere. *ending out as part ppremiums to thonsands in Qai *da and the ignited Staten, mond Dyes reoentlyy Mahe welb4U2own de a arrangemens of ts with the publishers of Our aome, by which they were enabledito make the following of - ter; "An elegant full cabinet ;photo (from a recent copy taken by Royal oominaed) of Her Majesty ;Queen Victoria; a four page pamphlet giving dates of births, marriages and oaths, and other Seine of intoreetng and useful fintorination relating to the royal family, that but few people have ao- oase to; Six Diamond Dye Dolle with eix extra dresses; and a card of 45 samples of dyed loloth, showing colors of Diamond Dyes, sent free to every man, woman and or stamps forne year'e suld who will send in 25beoripition tomoneynts in ur Hoare, a paper that thousands declare to be worth fn." Wells & Richardson Co, regret very mach that they were compelled to keep so many waiting from 8 to 6 days before the orders could be filled and mailed. The rneh of new aubeoribere- bas been, and still ie ex- traordinary—in fact so heavy that the art- ist has nos been able to keep ap with the demand. Arrangements are being perfected in the direction of a larger mailing staff and in- creased suppply of photos, so that new sub.. scribers to Our Home will receive prompt attention. Bear in mind that the whole cost of Our 25 cents. Address We1Is premiums,hoto and other Richaronly is Richardson Co. Montreal, P.Y. A TIMELY BALLAD.—Father, dear father,come home with me now, for ma has some carpets to beat; she's got all the furniture out in the yard, frorn the front, door clean out to the street. The stove must come down and be put in the shed, and the yard must be cleared of some grass, for it's time to clean house and the mischief's to pay —and the front windows need some new glass. Father, dear father, come home with me „now and bring some bread and some cheese, it's most 12 o'clock and there's nothing to eat—I'm so hungry I'm weak in the knees. All the dinner we'll have will be cold scraps and such, and we'll have to eat standing up, too, for the table and all are out in the back, oh, I wish the house-cleaning was through. Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma is as mad as a Turk; she says you're only a lazy old thing, and that she. shall put you to work. There's painting to do and paper to hang, and the windows and casing to scrub, for it's housecleaning time and you've gat to come home and revel in suds and cold grub. Mr George W. Adams, of Rockway, was found dead, having fallen or thrown him- self over the high bank of a creek near bis home. HORN FOSTER, -In Clinton on the 14th inst., the wife of,Mr .W..Foster,-Albert-street, -of &son:--- REARDIN.-In Clinton, on the 10th inst. the wife of Wm. Reardin, of a daughter, MCCOOL,-In Wingham, on the 6th inst., the wife of John McCool, of a daughter. JOHNSTON,-In Turnberry, on the 3rd inst. the wife of Mr John Johnston, of a daughter. MURDIE.-In McKillopp, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr Michael Mnrdie, of a eon. MARRIED McBRIDE-WILLARD.-At the manee,Kip- p�en on the 14th inst.. by Rev 8. Acheson, John McBride t0 Miss Annie Willard, all of Stanley. MoELROY-WILHIE.-At the residence of the bride's mother Fergus, on March 25th, Mr Jae. McElroy, of Killarney, Man., to Miss Mary Wilkie. C brides parents, 1$Leter, on the the inset. bncey Rev Geor a Jackson, Mr Paul Coates,`of Usborne. to Miss Brace, daughter of Mr Charles Kestle. DIED. WISEMAN,-In Clinton, on April 16th, Mar• garet, relict of the late David Wiseman, of Us - borne, aged 79 years. Funeral on Saturday, April 18. at 7 a. m, sharp, from the residence of her son, John Wiseman, Ontario St., and pro- ceed to the O.T.R. station. ug L -At the14th inst the Saraof Lee,00f Bruslinton, on sels, aged 57 years. p Lake TOPPING.-In In the Woods took, 77thhyeoanthe his age brother of Miss Topping, of the Clinton Colleg- iate staff. FANSON,-In Exeter, on the 6th inst., Clara daughter of Mrs A. reason, aged 13Jycars. 8 months and 23days. 31stofMarch, Cora In E infant daughteren ofof Wm, Stogdill. aged 6 menthe and 22 days; CLOW. -In East Wawanoeh, on the 18th Met, Mrs Margaret Clow, aged79years. Elizabeth, Ste of AleexnlMustard, the 40 years Funeral to- ay (Friday,) at 10 a.m. Winton Y. P. Local Union Topics at the several Young People's Soolety meetings being held during the week: Rattonbury St. Methodist E.L. of C.E.,pMon- Am evening utt my Father's business rMiseuM. Rumbaf my E. L. offQ E. Friday evening fodiaromGirl's o 8. Topto for April 1f, Temperance meeting Ratte unhodist o6o6L. of 0.19., Sudayeet. nng, fromt44.5. nior AprilOnt evening at 8Methodist clock. Topic f r arMon- day, T2,he Books and reading how 10 Jennison. B. Wilson getgood there Onta Friday evening'ot 7 Methodist Topiunior c for April 200, Faith, Hope and Charity -Ada Mitchell, Louis Smith, Minnie Kerr Wevening at 8 O05. Topic for Aprbyterian C. E. il 19, WhatSunday shobid be doing t , save the lost. Catechism question 81 l ondesboro Methodist E. L. of 0. E. Monday evening at 7.80 o'clock. Topic for April 20, The -waning opportunity -Joe, Garrett Rolmesville Methodist E. L. C.16. Monday ev entnpt at 7.80 o'clock. Topic for April 20, Testifying for Christ; 11ow-Luny Andrews; Why -Carrie Walter; Where --Bessie Pickard Turner's Methodist E. L. of C. E. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Topic for April 19, The Joy of saving scuts -Mrs F. W. Orion Ea^bold Methodist .lil, L. of C. E. Sunday even,nr, April 19. Rook of our faith --H, W. Erwin E L bf Methodist q ut v©ntt gdat 7 80 township ter April 17 influence of the world -Miss ss Arch- er, Miss E, Beacom SALE. REGISTER,. mita stook' Afreklf 11 oealek lel Iteiltand tn.,'On Trieedal(•, Mail 21, T.14, oatthiz.A.Adt sathl stook of John VON lbt.sl, 1lelyfeid GOtterieh two tensa st rath«weet Of tons vii MetAer, Apt11211/. T,Iwt. Carl0ttp aunt. 'few Aatertiotmcnto. O lk'Q,R, ct, TrE Per elle, MI very Baryytermikesplendid llglld• Mg lot eaitattenbury k*rest,11o, la& bring ens, eutirter.pf an tiers, with *tow fruit trees there, on,, Por pertiqulars apply to 9,!, JAV$SON, Jr, C1iutna +rn1l HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale on reasonable terms, the hone/ and lalpoo0P)ed by the underepgued, on KIng street, small family' is very a0nvvenientiyy Sku ited, with hard and *plat Water; Of number of bearing trait trees and smelt fruit on fixe place pd4 ,. saminim CQPP FARM FOR SALE,,. A very clearable home; oomposed of west half of 10180, in the 1st concession of Beet Wawanosh, composed of one baudred aures. There is on. the term a very dee Brick House, goon Frame Barn and outbuildings, all in good order. and a anaogaofotistisitaeod under high state farm von.uton the Blyth gravel road, one mile from the village of Auburn, and suee er of a mile from school. Terme easy. Apply to 8, MARSHALL, Auburn NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of Nicholas Itobion, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Grocer, Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent has, by deed, dated the 16th da of Aril, 1:': a madean assign ent to James Watt, of the City of Brantford, 3n the County of Brant for the benefit of his creditors, and the creditors are imaged to meat at the office of George Watt & Sons, in the of of Brantford, Thursday, the 28rdday ofApril 189, ato'clock P.m" for the purpose of receiving a statement of the affairs of the insolvent and for ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. All persona claiming to rank upon the estate of the said insolvent mus e their ()Mims duly proven, with the undo nod solicitor for the said James Watt, on or tore the 10th day ofl 4ay. 12 r wich date the assignee win RR regardto todistribute' the assets thereof. havo those o'aims may of whioh he shallltbon have received notice. W. BRYDON Solicitor for James' Watt, Assignee. Clinton, April 16th, 1890. IT PAYS TO ATTEND Central Business- College, Stratford, Ont. The largest, best and finest equipped school west of Toronto. Everything thorough, practical, and up to date. New students admitted at any time. Enter thie term and take advantage of the Iow rates. Send for circulars. SHAW & ELLIOTT, • Proprietors. To the Owners of Lots in Clinton Cemetry. e All f parer ties wust ho desire to hayve their Iota look- ed fee to the inspector. 11 Reynolds, mit the be- fore on or would fore the let day of May 1896. Again we vrould respectfully remind a number of owners of Lots that there are still some in disorder, and that many have remained in that state for years.- Somare leanng,swhile otherstones are vha've fallen oered with ut of the base and a number are broken. Unless owners assist the Committee n removing fences, hedges shrubs and running plants, we cannot make God's acre As neat and attractive in ap. very reasonable ranee assistance eof those who are the dir- ectlyinteested-to make the Clinton Cemetery view,viland to realizelthat thelggays of fove ones are being properly looked after. At pres- ent such is really not the case. The living will surely preserve the memory of the dead. Kind- ly see that these matters are attended to. W. C. SEARLE, Chairman, Cemetery Committee. Clinton, April 14. SEED WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, BARLEY FOR SALE AT THE Standard Elevator, Clinton R. IRWIN. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE All end blanok tart reds of n gHARLEY. Common PEAK blue and Potter's. CORN. Alco all kinds of Clover and Timothy seed. Sell for Dash or ex- change for any kind of grain; in some cases give 8 to 6 months' time, if desired. Drive right to �qarehonse, oppoeite station. W. O. PERRIN, C.lfton, + 600D FARM FOR SALE Beau composed of lot 41, Con. 14, Hallett 100 acres,5 Being of go xi hardwoodnd gbunt. Gocultiva- tion, c house, large barn and onthufidings, 2 acres of orchard. This is a very desirable property, being 90sitrrods from soated on hogol and 1 mile f convenient s' th nm illage of Manchester. Will be sold cheap and on rea- sonable terms of payment. Apply to .1 • KUBDOOS, Auburn, • Shops speak for Thomsdvos end people who are admirers of eomtort- able Shoes, need not look further than Oar new Spring i BOOTS y Stock of hi . and.. grade . . . 1 SHOES .tact arrived, It Is not so =oh the cheapness of Shoes that eount, but quality and Wee together appeitl to tee. buyer, GIVE ME A CALL ANI1 1313 CON" rn o1 t IY *TWItCHE I vicuna^ *Wok 11/"rtt31(1 ` If not, this warm weather will soon make you think about Well, you know there's no better place in the county to replenish your stock of House Furnishings thau.l ere We profess to carry about everything necessary , an suitable for this season of the year. Big stacks 0 everything to choose from. Tapestry Carpets Good Colors and Patterns at 25e, 35e,, 4 45e, 50c, 55c, 60e, 65c, 75c, 85e, Ole and Brussels Carpets In lovely shades and patterns for 75c, 9gi4�i $1, $1.10 and $1.25 Wool Carpets 36 inch All Wools, reversable sides, elegant patterns and colorings, 75c, 90e and $1.• Carpets 26 inch Heavy Unions, beautiful designs an4` colorings, reversable, at 35e, 40e, 45c, 50c 55c, 60c and 66c HEAPS in all the newest colors and patterns 1Oc, 12}c, 15c, 20c, 26c, 30c and 35c LACE CURTAINS --A case case just in from Nottingham. Portiers, Table Covers. Art Drapery, Window Blinds, Rugs,, Mats, Window Peles, everything complete. Union GILROY & WISEMAN HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Fall partioniars on applIoation to JOHN MOGABVA HORSE WANTED Wanted to buy, at once, a horse suitable for road purposes, not leas than 16 hands high, and to weigh about 1200 Ib,. From 6 to 8 years old. TYNDALL BROS., C1'nton. HOUSE TO LET. The nndereigned offere to rent the house on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr 8'. Hall. The house contains 4 Bedrooms Parlor, Dining. room, Kitchen, Hard and Soft Vater, good stone Cellar; rent moderate. -MBS T. COOPER, DURHAM BULL for SERVICE gnbaoribers keeps for eervioe at their premises 2nd eon. of Enllett, near Clinton, the there -bred Durham Bull, young Dixie Duke from the oele- bratod Duke strain. Terme, $1,25 at time of ser- vice; cows ppu1net he returned if necessary. '. YN- DA J, EROS. CBE SEPARATOR For sale at a bars a Cream Separator ea good as new. Only ran-forone sateen. Cost100, will sell for $65. Will slit !kap and guaran- tee to give perfect satisfaction, -----_ 7 ; JAMES STEEP, Clietr oa DRESS HARING We wish to inform the ladles of Clinton and vicinityy that we are prepared to do first-class wosat- ik sfaction 10 ally work ntrustedntee to us, Shop two doors west of E. Hale's oflice- A. & E. POTHEROII,L, EGGS FOR HATCHING Subscriber offers for sale Eggs for Hatching purposes, from Brown and White Leghorn Stock. Price 81 per don. JAS. HOWSON, Jr., Clinton +at What we would like A Hundred Mothers Of a hundred boys to call in and examine our stock of e Boys' Suits We think in that case we ,would sell 100 Boys' Suits, See our 4 piece Suits, 1 coat, 2 pairs pants, 1 cap. They are new, they are nobby, they are serviceable, they will fit boys from '7 to 11 years of age, price $4 Men's .Suits,$5,$ ,7.50, lam, Are the best we can find at the various prices, and we think are at least equal to any you will find for the same money. The new shapes we are showing' in HATS are the correct thing for this season, and our rprices on hats are never extravagant. T'VEEIiS at 28o, 35c, 40c, 500, 6Qc 75c, 80c and 11 a yard price for price and quality for quality, we defy competition.