HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-04-17, Page 4L" leek . w rlid pOi� triamz,d of lupe uh'
ft, —00 XJ
Q ',I #�kOS 41$0• Rxpoeitor is grieroulamirong Ili stating da
,,be had swallowed his convictions turd
voted with the majority," the sub- py
I I W� 'is :�t�r�iQ jest being the appointmtrnt oY mein^ in
hers of parliament to ofltCe , gar- he
! BtaYCLE pna >uvBln tainly regret that in the allusion re- eh
%iEr S Hovels, CLINTON Purred to we did him an rnjuatiee, but
when the article was penned we were
under the impression that the Exposi- iii
,,af:xtial>�1►u# for and NEW ERA were of one opinron CI
on this question. We regret that we tO
are not, heaause we think the Opinion of
p`aata-rW B.11L*iz bo of the Nzw ERA is the correct one. J.
Souse fargaie<-S Cup However, whether it is or not, we have
°real �•W e' Searle no intention or desire to place any one d,
rr► 0r ,Wc! $osrle position. foe I Maraball in an unfair or improper $.
11 11
+ ptaale;n-T,daoksriria r much les$ one we esteem so highly as ei
1pAtien & on the able editor of the Expositor and w
11 I Yqt vitli-4 F Rmorwn ..
g- rip M u Resaley do Co a representative for South Huron.
Wet L #d ,13; .ball
6, a,L =yJ0 ,Torok s S
I1pi W 49r,1, L_ Pau a HedBene Bine
§T @-r )innon a Co P
pip; t1 xntireGl3erneoa 1Qe They'd Make a l�tronH T®ant. c
Cl ere^�# tt L --Where -Jackson Bros --- ^ , - It
11 ;gt}1PUdteOf ppox-=JBCombe (Toronto Star) I
8uafnta,Q L. eke- Shaw &Elliott Information from an altYolntely reliable
Not36e tq 9red►tors-A Brydoue
The eclipse Bicycle- H L Brown a; Cot scarce, h�, just come info my posge@sion,
which removes any doubt whatever an to IC
,7 �i the earnest desire on the part of'
f Hon. Wil-
�j lltil, !rid Laurier, that Sir Oliver Mowat should e
7 1 11WW �G� Iv/ enter the #eld for the Dominion G4overn-
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1896. Not only is this a fact, but it was for the t
.:-. - express pur se of asking sir Oliver to take 1
�,t; y : Open deception. the prostep that Mr Lander paid a i
"?`7 }' vieIt to -Toronto Ilsat week.
p l ' W. hest is the use of papers deceiving O$,P:� Tax LicAmussn,. '
�`�'," 'th,Gir readers by saying "The Grits are Mr Laurier went so far as to offer to sur-
-ize ku
1fiAir.gbstructiitg legislation at Ottawa" to sir Oliverrender the !;bntte�leadtehrshipotght� theParty
r :%,I I.. �or�renthe fact is that the greatest ob-to accept.
- 1mt�CtlCtiorlists are men who have hither- The reasons why saoh pressure is beingg
bro t to bear on the,veterau Premier Ot
w,. �� .11o L tean.regarded as strong Conserve-
Ontario are that it iHYelt among the Liber -
a tf;glee., Look at Clarke Wallace, Dr els that no living man can settle the Man-
grQ�lie, .:?ticparthy, Dr Weldoon, Mc- itoba question equal with Mowat. He en-
xlTeili,•.CJoi. O Brien. -Col. T Whitt, and joys the confidence and
esteem of Protee-
.'t, , tante and Catholics alike, clergymen and
..`' � others. These men have done their laymen. His name is known throughout
-r utmost fo prevent the passage of the the D-aminion from sea to ass, and many
tlinedial bill, and it is doubtful if any consider that his entering into the field just
Qlle of them ever recorded a Liberrr , now would be the crowning glory of his life.
< ' vote in his life. His name in Quebec would. b3 good as
l+x It looks very much as if the conclu- J•'turier's
" Y �'S eiorx reached by the Montreal Witness CoxesaveTtvE tit BaetNtrss.
k'�z I'll" is- correct, when it says: It is felt -also that his presence in the
, ��. _ re,fact is, the Government never Cabinet would be an assurance that nothing
I $�J;' intended to pass the bill. The Conser- of a revolutionary character to business in.
ct , ,
{ vative party in general saw its only t9reste word be attempted, and that,
IL"t� "' , hope in the final lapse of the bill, and therefore, he would be acceptable to the
'��s �'.- :. its leaders and members have spent all bneinees and financial portions of the com-
r,`'�>.,.:- dela in tt in every munity, end that he would be gladly re -
•,s, their ingenuity m y la
1',+,1 rx Ir
way, while pretending to be eeived by the better element of the Con-
oremng it through the House with the eervative party, who are ashamed of Choir
, ;, ,ierj. . of desperation, and using the { present so-cslle�-leaders at Ottawa.
- . 3�rntal method of a contest of physical I Sir 04. arc eonld be a guarantee of olean-
i =^ .endurance. After deliberately adopt nese in Dominion politics.
Ing a policy of obstruction, tbg>Yoveru- AN AxswEet SOON.
men,t sent out amender 'to weir or. It is more than probable that a favorable
� + us to raise the c of obstruction
_jFa , &newer will be zeepived from Sir Oliver
�,,t, - , gainstthe- Liberal's, and the reptile Mowat within a week.
+ ` press with ovetc, iacity, started to hiss The seats mentioned as beta available
before a one but their own pa+ ..y g
' n .'.: . -_ one-anythmg.,, are any one of the following: West Brent,
at present held by Jae. Somerville; South
°' Huron, by John Mo Millan; West Ontario,
`'� . +leo Parliamentary Session,
by J. D. Edgar; or West Braoa, North Oz -
On Saturday, at midnight, ht, the long- ford, and West Elgin. All these ere Libe-
y g ral hives, and there would be no doubt of
est parliamentary session ever held Sir Olivier's getting any of these seats.
�': was brought to a close in the Domin- "If Sir Oliver Mowat enters Dominion
zi,1. ion House. The House sat continu- politics, and I am almost certain that he
Duals from 3 o'clock Monday afternoon will," a&ids prominent Liberal who is
to the hour of midnight, or 129 hours, generally right in his forecasts, "Hon G.
W. Ross will go, too. In fact, the Minister
and the scenes enacted during that of Education is more likely, if anvtbing, to
time were disgraceful to anv public enter the arena than is the Premier."
This opinion is now generally believed
i body, The Toronto World (Conser• by nearly all the prominent politicians,
} va'five) whose editor is a member of and already there are forecasts of the re -
the House, admitted that the Liberals constructed provincial cabinet.
were not responsible for the protracted Hon. Mr Hardy will 1 Premier and At -
session, nor for the scenes enacted, torney-General; Col. Gibson will become
but! asserted that the Conservatives Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Hon
themselves were as touch to blame as M.r Harcourt, Minister of Education.
�, any one. One correspondent says:- lion Messrs Dryden and Harty will resiair
"One.tning is plain, ;yd that is that at their old poste. Mr Thoe. Ballantyne
the Parliament of Canada has been ex -Speaker, it is said, will become provitr
brought to sudb a low level as to be offal secretary, and Mr E. J. Davis, proviu
. hooked upon with contempt by people oral treasurer.
generally. Sir Cbas. Tupper has been
very little in the House -for the past A Foreast.
two days, but his henchmen are carry-
ing out his instructions. It has been (E. E. Sheppard, in Toronto star.)
tough on all concerned, but the report- As Sir Charles Tupper, Bert., has fel
Bra in the gallery have, o» the whole, himself moved to prophecy, others thongt
got the Worst of it. Those of them infriti in His Ri ness's right, are statin
who have not had their clothes off for how coming events oast their shadow,
the week, did not know where they g
' were to-day-whetber the day was last before -
11 Friday or next Thursday." I have just returned from a trip to Win
Even the Mail intimated that the nipeg, during which there was a three -days
bill would likely be dropped and other detention in the avow. Three train -load
work proceeded with, but tie Cabinbt^ of passengers, numbering some two hnndre
has decided to proceed with the con- were sit talking politios°more or less, ani
sideration of the Remedial Bill, and 1 did not find Ane amonget them, tbougl
the policy of obstruction has again be- they were from all parts of -Canida, wh
un, and it looks as if this week is to -pressed a belief in the success of th
a repitition of last week. Of eourse 06votra `tens.
it amounts to nothing but a waste of.1 I Retnroing from Winnipeg, I interviews
titrrep and to attempt to follow the ° a tinuibeir'bt lie-tIQbiaW_:f06 l British Co
ngs in detail would be a piece of nmbis and the Northwest Territories, an
pp. Dalton McCarthy began, it on .with one accord expressed themseivt
layafternoon, and he talked in• as being Conservatives, not one of thea
itely on the Remedial Bill, and had the slightest idea that the Gtovernmet
the rest of the :day was spent on the would survive the election, and few if an
same subject. There are all sorts of ' intended to support the,,coeroionists.
technicalities on which the time can be In Manitoba I did n4 meet a main, Coy
Brasted and all are being taken advan- servstivb'oit" otherwise. who ,expected an,
take' Of thing but ilia Government's overWhelmir
' Nothing definite has yet been made defeat. A Conservative and one of tl
known as to the Government a program leading etnmters for the Conservatives i
for the present week, and enquiry in the last Provincial campaign, told me th,
1. usually in well-informed quarters only the Conservative arty had simply bee
gDes to show thati even there the polir.y obliterated in Mamtobs. "We were indu
is trot given out. All that is known 9s ea ,, said he,' -to go out as Conserviit.v
Sir C7harles,Tupper's announcement on end oppose Greenway, though stating
I/ Monday. night of a determination to the electorate that we were as much oppc
go on With the bill. ed to remedial legislation as Greenwi
The announcement was officially himself. Now the general elections con
made yeaterday that, as there was no on and the remedial bill will still be tl
main issue, and it is utterly impossible f
-hdpO of ,passing the Itemedial Bill, the us to go out and support a government tb
Coraml�tee should rise,which was done. if returned would attempt to Osrry it.
can assure you it ie too sharp 'a curve f
Mackonzle BoWell le. to resign, and Sir any Conservatit+b Npeaatker lu Ibis provin
Charles Tnpper goes to ilio :country as to take if he dedrioa to preserve his self-]
J tremler. Prorogation take8 place spot.'.y •
Ddf ug the pr6st tatis"on.Z'think f ha
obbot' Thui%day n@lit, and dissolution had as good O port'finities its sir Chari
initne4iately aft(se, Tupper, to discover the gm6tal fagli'ng
- i I . " tits i&entry, acid my Own bellet'it that
�'it fqg w' 141" Is alway'ik pleased to w ill root hod ovor forty pledged topporti
jOod, A istor ca germ ,
der the ban, is rho subject for $tin- McGinni Seatarth, read & paper on a I ear histoxy oftherr areata.
with a The subject of fsmily history she says
lav Mr Bond, .of Seaforth, will occu-
Henaall, Preselnted a case In practice. was seldom discussed in the home circle,
the pulpit of Ontario St. church
will preach After each payor a discussion follow- As near as she can remember, Mr. and
art a pul i Rev Ontario
taken Imam in by a number of, those Efss. Meld were both born and married in
Seafortb the annual sermons on be-'
of the ppresent. bi WPhedr&n, Professor o , England, near London, and came to
If of the educational sermons
if of Oliaical Medicine in the University. of America 28 years ago. Their first home
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,+•ria---+ra+^+F" _
j�i d':tite:'(�halrs lie ffterO present
1?! o, ino.eter, intil.Amn,russels;
T "f19 i k "'� 4 GFF,1 �.
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immtilana#red to the ;overnment tll�the
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n?tderR itl,catlneil,uuaiikliK
The adjourned Vestry meeting of w�lfi.
will be held on A7ondtty
McGrnnis,•Bewax anti BOthune, Sear
.�- neW,
fclrth; drmatrong, ]3rneefield; g
wbePearlyfaraily-hiptorj{�:��'oI Jobn (land-
Bex.Fleld wllo died in a •Mandan• ho■ ltpl
8th, it uR fFanl phi el eota
.. `
.`.. -
An GO# TIR"► 4,,*
wtl� riga no.
-'njow appaiptrxmetmts tc oma , until'After
Petit's obuteh
Londeaboro; Thomp000, k�aneallo Afc-
Kenzie, Monktoo'' ,tiiut4etforti> lr latp-
htt►rQh 9111e8ed,
of the"xot;gh �re0m,0nt reasived at;, :ilio
Wirt;hMAt, is
„ yy**�� a
/� '1
via t tnara h lea � �p itxtrlu�e U of
r4, ,
A young titan and young womata
immersed on Sunday night at
wela McPlatedran, `oropw o; Maw Fred-
bOrn, Gunn and TulrtlbiAl,' 0,Inton.
!rands of �► iulob Ga eoufawi>lat
pnoertalnandobicure. f+lrs.Upros■ Me-
.L-�,. 11
P.0 • : # 'Ili! ,
members. that do riot seek rotetectton,
and htyvp been promf d<<I�fdG l+
the Baptist church.
Q A moo, of Exeter, rosented a ease
of sclerosis at spinal cord fol<
Cracker!, a very res table married woman
and a daughter of F391c1di1.lPiDg gin Lansing,
7""1y^� 1
c� ,
, °
wre ehe� n'tires,
On Sunday evening the subject
the Baptist cburah will be "Noah and
h i 1 on Meroz
read, g injury. lar. Dewar, Seafortb.
read a palrer an Haute Nephrntis. Dc.
1Rliah.,aaya tutai veryliitla. wap over told her p 1 G ;
os her brathea tl and siltterq Oonoerning the
L" leek . w rlid pOi� triamz,d of lupe uh'
ft, —00 XJ
Q ',I #�kOS 41$0• Rxpoeitor is grieroulamirong Ili stating da
,,be had swallowed his convictions turd
voted with the majority," the sub- py
I I W� 'is :�t�r�iQ jest being the appointmtrnt oY mein^ in
hers of parliament to ofltCe , gar- he
! BtaYCLE pna >uvBln tainly regret that in the allusion re- eh
%iEr S Hovels, CLINTON Purred to we did him an rnjuatiee, but
when the article was penned we were
under the impression that the Exposi- iii
,,af:xtial>�1►u# for and NEW ERA were of one opinron CI
on this question. We regret that we tO
are not, heaause we think the Opinion of
p`aata-rW B.11L*iz bo of the Nzw ERA is the correct one. J.
Souse fargaie<-S Cup However, whether it is or not, we have
°real �•W e' Searle no intention or desire to place any one d,
rr► 0r ,Wc! $osrle position. foe I Maraball in an unfair or improper $.
11 11
+ ptaale;n-T,daoksriria r much les$ one we esteem so highly as ei
1pAtien & on the able editor of the Expositor and w
11 I Yqt vitli-4 F Rmorwn ..
g- rip M u Resaley do Co a representative for South Huron.
Wet L #d ,13; .ball
6, a,L =yJ0 ,Torok s S
I1pi W 49r,1, L_ Pau a HedBene Bine
§T @-r )innon a Co P
pip; t1 xntireGl3erneoa 1Qe They'd Make a l�tronH T®ant. c
Cl ere^�# tt L --Where -Jackson Bros --- ^ , - It
11 ;gt}1PUdteOf ppox-=JBCombe (Toronto Star) I
8uafnta,Q L. eke- Shaw &Elliott Information from an altYolntely reliable
Not36e tq 9red►tors-A Brydoue
The eclipse Bicycle- H L Brown a; Cot scarce, h�, just come info my posge@sion,
which removes any doubt whatever an to IC
,7 �i the earnest desire on the part of'
f Hon. Wil-
�j lltil, !rid Laurier, that Sir Oliver Mowat should e
7 1 11WW �G� Iv/ enter the #eld for the Dominion G4overn-
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1896. Not only is this a fact, but it was for the t
.:-. - express pur se of asking sir Oliver to take 1
�,t; y : Open deception. the prostep that Mr Lander paid a i
"?`7 }' vieIt to -Toronto Ilsat week.
p l ' W. hest is the use of papers deceiving O$,P:� Tax LicAmussn,. '
�`�'," 'th,Gir readers by saying "The Grits are Mr Laurier went so far as to offer to sur-
-ize ku
1fiAir.gbstructiitg legislation at Ottawa" to sir Oliverrender the !;bntte�leadtehrshipotght� theParty
r :%,I I.. �or�renthe fact is that the greatest ob-to accept.
- 1mt�CtlCtiorlists are men who have hither- The reasons why saoh pressure is beingg
bro t to bear on the,veterau Premier Ot
w,. �� .11o L tean.regarded as strong Conserve-
Ontario are that it iHYelt among the Liber -
a tf;glee., Look at Clarke Wallace, Dr els that no living man can settle the Man-
grQ�lie, .:?ticparthy, Dr Weldoon, Mc- itoba question equal with Mowat. He en-
xlTeili,•.CJoi. O Brien. -Col. T Whitt, and joys the confidence and
esteem of Protee-
.'t, , tante and Catholics alike, clergymen and
..`' � others. These men have done their laymen. His name is known throughout
-r utmost fo prevent the passage of the the D-aminion from sea to ass, and many
tlinedial bill, and it is doubtful if any consider that his entering into the field just
Qlle of them ever recorded a Liberrr , now would be the crowning glory of his life.
< ' vote in his life. His name in Quebec would. b3 good as
l+x It looks very much as if the conclu- J•'turier's
" Y �'S eiorx reached by the Montreal Witness CoxesaveTtvE tit BaetNtrss.
k'�z I'll" is- correct, when it says: It is felt -also that his presence in the
, ��. _ re,fact is, the Government never Cabinet would be an assurance that nothing
I $�J;' intended to pass the bill. The Conser- of a revolutionary character to business in.
ct , ,
{ vative party in general saw its only t9reste word be attempted, and that,
IL"t� "' , hope in the final lapse of the bill, and therefore, he would be acceptable to the
'��s �'.- :. its leaders and members have spent all bneinees and financial portions of the com-
r,`'�>.,.:- dela in tt in every munity, end that he would be gladly re -
•,s, their ingenuity m y la
1',+,1 rx Ir
way, while pretending to be eeived by the better element of the Con-
oremng it through the House with the eervative party, who are ashamed of Choir
, ;, ,ierj. . of desperation, and using the { present so-cslle�-leaders at Ottawa.
- . 3�rntal method of a contest of physical I Sir 04. arc eonld be a guarantee of olean-
i =^ .endurance. After deliberately adopt nese in Dominion politics.
Ing a policy of obstruction, tbg>Yoveru- AN AxswEet SOON.
men,t sent out amender 'to weir or. It is more than probable that a favorable
� + us to raise the c of obstruction
_jFa , &newer will be zeepived from Sir Oliver
�,,t, - , gainstthe- Liberal's, and the reptile Mowat within a week.
+ ` press with ovetc, iacity, started to hiss The seats mentioned as beta available
before a one but their own pa+ ..y g
' n .'.: . -_ one-anythmg.,, are any one of the following: West Brent,
at present held by Jae. Somerville; South
°' Huron, by John Mo Millan; West Ontario,
`'� . +leo Parliamentary Session,
by J. D. Edgar; or West Braoa, North Oz -
On Saturday, at midnight, ht, the long- ford, and West Elgin. All these ere Libe-
y g ral hives, and there would be no doubt of
est parliamentary session ever held Sir Olivier's getting any of these seats.
�': was brought to a close in the Domin- "If Sir Oliver Mowat enters Dominion
zi,1. ion House. The House sat continu- politics, and I am almost certain that he
Duals from 3 o'clock Monday afternoon will," a&ids prominent Liberal who is
to the hour of midnight, or 129 hours, generally right in his forecasts, "Hon G.
W. Ross will go, too. In fact, the Minister
and the scenes enacted during that of Education is more likely, if anvtbing, to
time were disgraceful to anv public enter the arena than is the Premier."
This opinion is now generally believed
i body, The Toronto World (Conser• by nearly all the prominent politicians,
} va'five) whose editor is a member of and already there are forecasts of the re -
the House, admitted that the Liberals constructed provincial cabinet.
were not responsible for the protracted Hon. Mr Hardy will 1 Premier and At -
session, nor for the scenes enacted, torney-General; Col. Gibson will become
but! asserted that the Conservatives Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Hon
themselves were as touch to blame as M.r Harcourt, Minister of Education.
�, any one. One correspondent says:- lion Messrs Dryden and Harty will resiair
"One.tning is plain, ;yd that is that at their old poste. Mr Thoe. Ballantyne
the Parliament of Canada has been ex -Speaker, it is said, will become provitr
brought to sudb a low level as to be offal secretary, and Mr E. J. Davis, proviu
. hooked upon with contempt by people oral treasurer.
generally. Sir Cbas. Tupper has been
very little in the House -for the past A Foreast.
two days, but his henchmen are carry-
ing out his instructions. It has been (E. E. Sheppard, in Toronto star.)
tough on all concerned, but the report- As Sir Charles Tupper, Bert., has fel
Bra in the gallery have, o» the whole, himself moved to prophecy, others thongt
got the Worst of it. Those of them infriti in His Ri ness's right, are statin
who have not had their clothes off for how coming events oast their shadow,
the week, did not know where they g
' were to-day-whetber the day was last before -
11 Friday or next Thursday." I have just returned from a trip to Win
Even the Mail intimated that the nipeg, during which there was a three -days
bill would likely be dropped and other detention in the avow. Three train -load
work proceeded with, but tie Cabinbt^ of passengers, numbering some two hnndre
has decided to proceed with the con- were sit talking politios°more or less, ani
sideration of the Remedial Bill, and 1 did not find Ane amonget them, tbougl
the policy of obstruction has again be- they were from all parts of -Canida, wh
un, and it looks as if this week is to -pressed a belief in the success of th
a repitition of last week. Of eourse 06votra `tens.
it amounts to nothing but a waste of.1 I Retnroing from Winnipeg, I interviews
titrrep and to attempt to follow the ° a tinuibeir'bt lie-tIQbiaW_:f06 l British Co
ngs in detail would be a piece of nmbis and the Northwest Territories, an
pp. Dalton McCarthy began, it on .with one accord expressed themseivt
layafternoon, and he talked in• as being Conservatives, not one of thea
itely on the Remedial Bill, and had the slightest idea that the Gtovernmet
the rest of the :day was spent on the would survive the election, and few if an
same subject. There are all sorts of ' intended to support the,,coeroionists.
technicalities on which the time can be In Manitoba I did n4 meet a main, Coy
Brasted and all are being taken advan- servstivb'oit" otherwise. who ,expected an,
take' Of thing but ilia Government's overWhelmir
' Nothing definite has yet been made defeat. A Conservative and one of tl
known as to the Government a program leading etnmters for the Conservatives i
for the present week, and enquiry in the last Provincial campaign, told me th,
1. usually in well-informed quarters only the Conservative arty had simply bee
gDes to show thati even there the polir.y obliterated in Mamtobs. "We were indu
is trot given out. All that is known 9s ea ,, said he,' -to go out as Conserviit.v
Sir C7harles,Tupper's announcement on end oppose Greenway, though stating
I/ Monday. night of a determination to the electorate that we were as much oppc
go on With the bill. ed to remedial legislation as Greenwi
The announcement was officially himself. Now the general elections con
made yeaterday that, as there was no on and the remedial bill will still be tl
main issue, and it is utterly impossible f
-hdpO of ,passing the Itemedial Bill, the us to go out and support a government tb
Coraml�tee should rise,which was done. if returned would attempt to Osrry it.
can assure you it ie too sharp 'a curve f
Mackonzle BoWell le. to resign, and Sir any Conservatit+b Npeaatker lu Ibis provin
Charles Tnpper goes to ilio :country as to take if he dedrioa to preserve his self-]
J tremler. Prorogation take8 place spot.'.y •
Ddf ug the pr6st tatis"on.Z'think f ha
obbot' Thui%day n@lit, and dissolution had as good O port'finities its sir Chari
initne4iately aft(se, Tupper, to discover the gm6tal fagli'ng
- i I . " tits i&entry, acid my Own bellet'it that
�'it fqg w' 141" Is alway'ik pleased to w ill root hod ovor forty pledged topporti
jOod, A istor ca germ ,
der the ban, is rho subject for $tin- McGinni Seatarth, read & paper on a I ear histoxy oftherr areata.
with a The subject of fsmily history she says
y morning. case OE plldttsv complicit
lesion of the !:limey, Dr, Thompson, seems to be disagreeable to her fatber, and
lav Mr Bond, .of Seaforth, will occu-
Henaall, Preselnted a case In practice. was seldom discussed in the home circle,
the pulpit of Ontario St. church
will preach After each payor a discussion follow- As near as she can remember, Mr. and
art a pul i Rev Ontario
taken Imam in by a number of, those Efss. Meld were both born and married in
Seafortb the annual sermons on be-'
of the ppresent. bi WPhedr&n, Professor o , England, near London, and came to
If of the educational sermons
if of Oliaical Medicine in the University. of America 28 years ago. Their first home
nofewer than 127 were manufacturers.-
Toronto, read a very interesting paper was in Chicago, whence, alter remaining
s '
Che Brussels Herald reported that on Peripheral Neuritis, which, was a few yeare,tbey moved to Toronto, then to
The country needs a change.
vances had been made to Rev W. T. very much appteclated by the mem.- :Hamilton, St. Catharines, and finally to
, 4,
uff, of Fenton, Mich., to induce him bury, .A, discussion foIIOWeda during Wingham. Mrs. Field died at the birth
o to Exeter, but the report turned which Dr. Gunn related the history of the youngest daughter, now 13•yeare old.
• -
r • a
irincoriect. He is a brother of R. and terminations of a few very inter- The other children are Thomas the butcher
esting cases of this disease that had in Wingham; Rosa, aged 80 years; Tilley
Cluf, , of town.
Rev W. J. Ford will deliver an ad- occurred in his practice. At the con- 27 years, Daisy, 17 years, and Mrs. Me-
�ess to the Epworth League of North elusion a heat-tv vote of thanks was Ursaken 25 years. It had alwsys been un -
by the family that
Lieut. -Col. Denison. Conservative M. P
for West Toronto, died in that city early
church, Goderioh this (Friday) ev- given to Dr. kcPhedran for his able derstood members of
nest Paper, and he was made an honorary Roes, who gave birth to a child, of which
The highest grade wheel made in Caner
da, and boldet of all Canadian records,
ting, and Tuesday evening
ill deliver as address in Lucan on utember of the society. The meeting Fields was accusedda of being the father,
then adjourned to meet°again in July,,
hletoryghter. Very little fe
ocean homeward bound•
Che signs of the times." known o1 her
Rev. Mr Rice preached in Ontario NEWS NOTES The Lansigg daughter says Ross was
E sire being tosecure the Conn.
b. church on Sunday mornings and -- born in England, and had been adopted
$Sscaab• W -a sell them both.
— - - -
attenbury St. church in the evening; Thirty-one years ago Tuesday last Presi- when Mr and Mrs. Field came to America.
E) is ti son of Rev. J. P. Rice, a former dent Lincoln was samesinsud. Sow time She declares it,was never intimatedlin the /� 'f' p Xl ZW
astor of Ontario St. church,, and is does fly. . (bast that she was an illegitimate child,
immissloued by London Conference notwithstanding the fact that a strong
the con�ggrreazations in behalf of Mr A. M. Mason, reeve of Camden and resemblance which existed between Field
Is just like everything else. The
.lma College, St.'I'homas. warden of the county of Hent, died on sad Ross was the subject of frequent oom-
Wedneaday. , ment. Field never' liked to talk very long
dealer must give the people the beet
line to select from. It is necessary
A thank -offering service in connee-
ion with the W.F.M.S. of Rattenbury Mr Alex. MoOallum, a wealthy farmer, about Rosa. Mrs'McCrsoken declares she
Kingston, to death by a knows nothing about any money which it
to let them know what you have,
and even when they come to see it
,t. church was held on Thursday ev- near was goted
Hing, is alleged was sent occasional! from Eng-
Mrs J. W. Holmes in the chair. bull. B
to have itdisplayed in the best wa
have the Our display s
.'he amount of money, realized by Mr David MaQuinn, of Collingwood, land to Mrs. Field daring the last years
of her life.
We goads-
lrerfeet and our show room splend.
'Went" and •'sack" offering amounted wandered away from home and cut his
o $35. The printed program was fol- own throat fetalis. Government Detective Rogers, who is
busy evidence in the Daae sggBinet
idly lighted. While our price
touches a minimum figure.
D= in addition thereto Mrs A. Ross collecting
a spirited address. Mies Eva Booth, youngest daughter of the leaders of the mob,is expected in Lan■ -
All trimmed free of charge.
The Perspire Advertiser says: -The Gen. Wm. Booth, has been appointed com- ing this week. If the indicted mob leaders
etro mandant of the Salvation Army to Canada expect to prove their innocence by present -
meson which have been
g meetings and Newfoundland. ing evidence that Field's death was due to
for time in the Metho- received
roing on some Dor treatment and exposure
fist church, are being very successful- A young man named Knight, who was while in Lamin the will have ver thin
during a eharivariatNewport, secured g. Y Y
y conducted by the pastor, Rev W. shot
Smythe. The church is crowded every a of against Mr Addy at the packinField rgo on the eceived the witnessstand r in their r Enna
Brantford s3ize
night. Over 75 conversions have tak- Brantford Aesizee. was beyond doubt suffering great agonies
the MacDonnell fetter in the HOuse on
$ti place, and the entire services have Mr Samuel Pardy, of Evelyn, who was while here.
been Conducted by the pastor. -recently nominated as an Independent can -
Last week Mrs Anna Ross, (so well,didate for the House of Commons to repre- Traffic In Offices.
known as one of the most zealous sent East Middlesex,bas retired Toronto Globe.
workers in the county) dirt not Thoe. and Bessie Gray, who were last
church There is a base o[ Mr. 11&aeon a a
happen to be present at the meeting in fall acquitted on the charge of murdering There p -
the interest of the Lord's Day Alliance, David Soollie, near Peterboro, were trie3 pointment as judge of the county of Huron
but it occurred to her next day that I for arson there and found not guilty. as a reward for his vote on remedial
increase its membership, and bill which is not probably generally under -
are all special lines with us
she could Mrs W.S. Hstel of Chicago, arrived
after a vigorous cantos she had the y+ g tfd Fidaon • visit to friends. stood. By the county Courts bill, passed
dozen in Branorry at the recent session of the Legislature, it
It is learned that Archbishop Langevin,
pleasure or securing a addition-
al members. She changed oars at Harrisburg, leaving is provided that their shall not be two
$600 inabag under herpillow in thesleeper, judges for a county having a poplation of
Cooper &Co
The Brussels Post says: --Rev Geo- The conductor found it, and the property 80,000 Or les,. This clause was inserted in
or any of the states, can get , P
b�uu�°a ed yhroAgn and have &eve Gents' nrnishings.
Bug Pin, of Blyth, Chairman of was returned to her. the bill on Thursday of last week, and the
the Wingham District, was in Brits- R. G. Dan & Co., in their report of the bill was read a third time on the same day,
sell on 'Tuesday arranging for the failures in Canada fortbefirst three monthb when the house finished its business and
'Away unfortunate
the advise of a supposed friend -in one
hoisting of the annual District meeting of the year, show that there was a large rose. The next day being Good Friday,
here May 24tn
which will be held on increase when compared with the first the Lieutenant -Governor did not come
and 25th On the afternoon and even- f 1896 Thie ear the failures down to esnotion the bills but that care-
passed by this Parliament, it moat be pea
ed by Chinext.
Ing of the latter date an Epworth
g p
be held-numbered
lllU lUgl
quarter o y
e n poriod,
mons was deterred until the following
The Standard
League District Covention will
in the Methodist church, at which ad-
just ended,the
b56. In the quarter jnetended, the tetlnree
556. I he quarter
in Ont&rio alone numbered h16. Of these
Tuesday. In the meantime telegraphic
information was no doubt conveyed to the
Bicycle of b8Usk
dresses will be given and a+tper,
nofewer than 127 were manufacturers.-
Government and Mr Masson &t Ottawa of
mount In his trip of 21,600 miles around
the borders of the II.B. No other wheel nae READY
and discussed on this growing and im-
department of church work.
The country needs a change.
this new provision. Mr Masson was snatch -
ed from his duties as a watcher over the
the World is J
Ar o: a jukes,
Mr Buggin to it no
be will find it no joky if he hulof
Political Pointers
coercion bill, his commission was issued
on Monday, he made haste to reach Toronto
the District meeting ori the 24th of
Mav: Not only is tt the anniversary
Lieut. -Col. Denison. Conservative M. P
for West Toronto, died in that city early
Tuesday, and was sworn in in the forenoon
of that day, before the Lieutenant-Gover-
The highest grade wheel made in Caner
da, and boldet of all Canadian records,
of. queen VictorWe birth, but it hap-
ocean homeward bound•
nor gave his assent to the bill on the after-
wens also 65 be 'Sunday. The correct
believe, is May 25-26.
E sire being tosecure the Conn.
noon. It was a lively scramble and a
$Sscaab• W -a sell them both.
— - - -
Oate, we
n in
aervative nomination is Ottawa for Bir
Charles Tnpper.
suit ever man's urge. We
Remember that we have the most fully Y p
A. T. COOPER, Clinton
Rev. Jas. Graham, one of the best
k ministers in the Methodist
Sir John Schultz, ea-Lient.-Oovernor of
Manitoba and a prominent figure in Can-
}� ��jjp p o {1�a'nn�j {}gyp {p }
Tho WPHI SE B1Cy�le SIUllUs
C.P.R. Ticket and Telegraph agent.
church, died at his residence, Toronto,
adian politics, died at Monterey, Mexico,
is the present member for 13eauhsrnoiat, - ,
defeat him TAN GOODS -
on Mondav, after an illness of about
three weeim from pat alysis- He was
on Monday.
Mr James Donald has been nominated as
but the Liberals expect to with-
out much difficulty, especially setheir is a Our New York Goods comprise the most ele- r
in the active ministry of the Methodist
the Patron, P. P- A. and Orange candidate
The Eclipse Bicycle was Tom Winder',
church for o5 years, being auperaunu
about two years ago. His last
in South Pertb, in opposition to Mr Wm.
mount In his trip of 21,600 miles around
the borders of the II.B. No other wheel nae READY
charge was in Strat.hroy, and he had
been stationed in both Qnebec and
Pridhem, M. P.
John Haggart Montague, the infant son
stood like test.
Ontario: at. London. Bowmanville,
of Hon. Dr. and Mrs Montagne, aged near-
The Capital is among the best of light, 1,1�Da.%
Newcastle, Dundas, Clinton, Godericb,
ly one year, died at Ottawa Saturday morn-
strong, speedy wheels. It has spring head
Exeter, Windsor, Ridgetown and
ing of convulsions. Ita parents are on the
adjustment, one piece crank, and patent
Other places. He wag for some time
ocean homeward bound•
chain rdjustmect, which ensures absolutely
the assistant, editor of the Chtislian
It is stated at Ottawa that Sir Charles
no deviation.
Gu-trdian. Mr Graham's wife—a
daufibter of the late Rev. Dr. Jeffers,
Tupper before entering the next campaign
wil, join the Roman Catholic church, Mr
Griffith'e Leader—see it and you will
that will suit, both in quality Our stock of Ready-to-wear
of Belleville—survives hien, and he
leaves a family of two sons and three
Belley, Conservative member for Cbieou-
timi, has senk a letter to his constituents to
see a wheel
and rice. Clothing has arrived and we
P can now supply Clothing to
daughters. One of the sons. the
John Graham, is also in the Methodist
this effect.
suit ever man's urge. We
Remember that we have the most fully Y p
ministry in Toronto Confet ence. The
Mr Ewart, legal counsel for the Catholic
in Manitoba s few days shod ex.
equipped Repair Shop in the county.
deceased was 70 years of age and very
by all who had the
pressed himself of the opinion Ubst had Mr
Our line ni Supplies is tall. Come
Men 9 S>i�its from $6 up
highly respected
pleasure of his acquaintance. When-
Laurier been invited to adt as one of the
who recently went to Win-
in and inspect. If you don't see what you
want, ask for it, we've got it. BOYS -We can flt them from
Mr Graham was appointed to the pee-
Mir G of Rattenbury intSt. church, lin-
nipeg, the school question would have been
five years old tip and at prices
ONWARD BICYCLE CO. circumstan-
ton, the salary was about Being
to suit every ones
cos: We are quite busy in the
a man of more than ordinary ability
Sir Charles Tupper referred at length to
opposite the Market,
the Official Board thought it could and
the MacDonnell fetter in the HOuse on
PERRIN'S BLOCK, Clinton Ordered Clothing Departw't
should pay Mr Graham a little more
Tuesday, in which the phrase confi-
than this, and at its first meeting so
1 informed him. He had a quick, brusque
dense in the breed" occurs. He positively
denied writing the words, and produced a
DO YOU TRAVEL? but leave is always a good plan t
your order early and have
I way of speaking, and he remarked in
his short., jerky manner "Didn't come
statement from Mr Maodonnel prove
that the phrase was a forgery in the stolen
It costa no more to start right } -our clothes made
than, Wrong. Travellers to before
the rush comes in the spring.
bore to preach for moneyt came to
preach for souls; willing to take what-
It is learned that Archbishop Langevin,
Manitoba, Dakota, gats Caps and
i ever you can give me. Our reads
l will regret to learn the Mr Graham's
by the fact
having seen the futility of the efforts made
by his servants at Ottawa to era the 8e-
or any of the states, can get , P
b�uu�°a ed yhroAgn and have &eve Gents' nrnishings.
i latter days were -marred
tbit some othis savings were swept
�y investment -on
medial bill, has consented to the abandon-
ment of any further consideration of the
Parliament. His
tination by applying to
W. JACKSON. A., J. Holloway,
'Away unfortunate
the advise of a supposed friend -in one
measure b the resent
Y p
Onoe stated that as the bill could not be
of the wild -cat colonization schemes
passed by this Parliament, it moat be pea
ed by Chinext.
so common a short time ago. He had
1 many warm friends in this town.
Reference was made in the House on
1 D>naTH.-Una of the few remaining
Tuesday by Sir Charles Tapper to recent
allegations of drunkenness anti immorality
i pioneers of IIabot ne township paaBed
Clinton, Thursday, in the
again the members by Rev. Dr. Mackay,
Sir Charles
t away in on
person of Mrs M. Wiseman, relief of
Of Woodstock, and others.
said two gentlemen bad appeared in the
ti 7
y the late David Wiseman, one of the
- early settlers of that township. For
goose ander the influence of liquor, but
that was practically the only ground on
1. some time Mrs Wiseman ,has made
which calumnies were circulated against
9 home with her son, Johu, here. She
all' the members, Oealenlated to lower the
was a native of the county of Antrim,
country in the eyes of the world.
n Ireland, and after a short residence in
Lanark moved with her husband to
Mr Torte fres accepted the Liberal nom -
Are without doubt the best value ever offered
,t ,
n the,lioundry of 17shorne abbot 40 years
n t
fnetion for Beanharnoie, and the nominat-
ing convention on Saturday was addressed
in this section. They are the coming shoe,
o, where they settled and paeanssed
through all the settled cowman to
by Mr Laurier and Mr Fraser, as well as
and people who can appreciate value for their
money will not take long to find out these goods
;o pioneer life. About IS years ago Mr
h h
by other prominent local Liberals and
some from Montreal. Speaker Bergeron
iceman died, leaving er wr e
care of the farm; after this was placed
is the present member for 13eauhsrnoiat, - ,
defeat him TAN GOODS -
in charge of one of her sons, who still
it, she made her home
but the Liberals expect to with-
out much difficulty, especially setheir is a Our New York Goods comprise the most ele- r
regides on
with her children. For many years a
strong feeling againat the Government, in ant range o Shoes to be found anywhere.
Val eyfieid, on account of the g g
member of the Presbyterian church,
her life by the teachings
and around
cominut6tion of the Shortly sentence. A Our Styles are New
was governed
of di vine tt nth. She was a +woman of
constitution and always enjoyed
number of Cioneetvatives endorsed the nom- Our Colors are New
ITIAHon, and & former Conservative coca- Our Prices are Low
the beat of health her death being due
pled the obsir. Our Selection is big,
alone to age% she is just verging on her
811th year. 1! family of fivo sons and,
, gpeaking at ilio Young Menne Liberal ,
convention at Ottawa, Roy. Ralph Duff of Our Ilusinegs is increasing daily, and is good 3
being appreciated.
two olaughters are loft to mourn her
Georgetown, in seooiiding a vote of Oonfjd- evidence that values are
Ions. 'Ihe farieral takes !rises from the
...... Y..._._ wn,_.-::...,_� �.,,..,.,...««w.r,
oleo is -Hon, Wilfrid i auriei - and Sir ,.
rx_.__rir sir. t,ern.. W,n! tM ,._.. a a, '.
• nate prodlier ty aluong� its 1otlrli%114le' itr4he o6xb Parliitiitenit, raid tba iargbst erl-
1.tituatdl hate 'bKd hived me bjt anyone &i'
oontroraao titin thereat .'aiotiouWO8 „ll 6hveriaamtw;th Cha'UOWr Is the$, he'
irlth 'tila+uililFi the lmprtsved 'appealr >nl`ylirRye stay tar rlxty-fOuv�
of tl>e'ileb X4iberal, which y/ •
1" Ulan ii{/.' h MY
' * wr 'tri fu h*pitrs3a Igiatt, % Mtwy' lil.
�t crnid 01"y, Y.1p°. lvaawtiK htw . lfrtr
diwilhihialrtlY�lw lrrre?earaattrtl iii
r?1��'�L;"_',hjgd, the "116rotf
a:. itlllii-
on yr the 14iat'h inlet.,
I * Vwy -lti*,OW4 PAw", Was
.. 1.. i e ,_ • ,.