The Clinton New Era, 1896-04-03, Page 81 - it NRS'' ' RITCUUEB $II(OP. :MO 'MIAOW gnefi d res to intimate to i 1 e people of Clinton and vicinity that he has opened a botcher shop in the utero of W. Core, Huron Street. He has had many yaars experience, and feels that he oan give tho beat of satietantion. He will sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest pousible prices. • QBDEiie RE P OTIfULLY f30LIOITED M. W. Wright, - Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Bna:Anore to J. W. Langford) Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will suliply our oastoinerd with the best meats at the loweet paying prises. Patron may rely upon good service and prompt filling of all orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I willjnot be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical butcher, and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very beat meats and a full stout always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your money and get the meat at the oaeh priye. We will give Credit but not at Dash prices. i Please Call pnd.liee, vyhat_ you oan do for - Cash at fit.' FITZSIMONS' CITY ` MEAT MARKET COUCH &• WILSON. Subseribere desire to notify the public that ey Have bought out the butchering business ly oonduoly cd tt�gadryJae A,Ford, and will eon- ilueitefe,'eai under their personal sepervieion. ', rtifayrill have prompt and careful attention, , ash bleats of all kande will be kept in season. 1 sold at reasonable rates, and delivered ,anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON ( "4, clatetom . • FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS! SEEDS I f 7 One package of each of the following seeds Long Blood Beet, Short Blood Beet, r Reddish, Cucumber, Tomato, Garden Carrot, Sweet Peas Nasturtiun (tall or dwarf) 25 All for Cents. Also Bulk seeds each as Peas, Beans, Corn, Tinlot ,y, Clover and ' Aldyke Clover. JAS. STEEP tt CO. i e Produce Exchange a ..F Headquarterafor all kinds of R FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS f Two cars choice Seed Corn just ar- e rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Coru. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash Daid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK's F'dourgFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS c In large or small quantities. f` OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 c bushel of Oats. •7 D. COOK, CLINTON. B tt BANKS. N n The Molsons Bank. F Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18561 L CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,375,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J President. J. H, R. MOLBON F. W. THOMAS,.... General Manager. a Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al. lowed on deposits. Er A. TEC R . Money advanced to farmer on their own note with ono or more endorsers. No mortgage re gnlred as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. 0E0. D. McTAJOART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Banking Business ti aneaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed on deposits. FSA IIIAT% & minim BANKERS, CLINTON.. Crrr'r kdvanoee made to farmers on their own low notes at rates of interest. D A general .Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Al Sale Notes bough at ae T -'''P ritTAT)AT,t,_ Ma.,anew '0 IT PAYS TO is sure to attend those Success tbe e_attending their The Canada Business College CHATI LAM, ONT. Last week showed 'the placing of five stu- dents in ohdiee positions, -this week three. Bella Mitchell, placed as seooud sten grn pher with the Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., of Chicago. The first stenographer. in the same Oleo, Mise Anna Moffatt, la shoo former pupil. James Warren as stock -keeper and otpoe as- sistant with Wni, Gray & Sor�s, Chatham. Fred Thompson changed from stenographer with Geo. B. ,Douglas to stenographer with Messrs Wilson, Renkin, MoKeough & Kerr, Barristers, Chatham. IT PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL College re -opens for the new year, Jan. 6th For catalogue of either department address I). Me ACHLAN Chatham McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co FARM &ISOLA TED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSUREIID OFFICERS, Geo. Watt Prasident, Harlot* P,O. , James Broadfoot, Vice-Pres.Soaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Seoy-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdie, In- spector of losses, Seaford] P. 0. coarse rose. Jas. Broadfoot,Seaforth• M. Murdie, Seaforth; (leo. Dale Seaforth; Goo. Watt,Bedeck; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner,Bedeck;Leadbury; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Kippen. AGENTS. Thos.. Netlaus Oarlock; {toot. McMillan, Sea. forth and J. Cumings, EgmonAvil7e. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended tp oft eispileatien to arty notte,atemi omoert adi'�aebd to their respeoitve ofitoes ' ' oumn.iller NINursoz,P RUIT AND ORNAMEYVTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, 011e above ornamentaLr Y 'e and shililabery will e sold at very low prides; and those -Wanting any hing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here, rders by Ma{twill be promptly attended to. Address, OH1 STEWART, BENMILLER WANTED Farmers' sons or other industrial persons o air education to whom 875.00 a month- would ,e an inducement, Write me with relerenses. ould also engage ladies at their own homes. H, LINSCOTT, 155 Bay Street, Toronto, HE PAGE WIRE FENCE. fi ilhIkIIiIIIr!i;■■■�/Aimmmenmid _.., .. (- ,-. .'-, —j %` •`T-'- This fence is the best and strongest wire fence existence, It has a smooth surface, and will urn stock without injury. It is neat and easy put up requiring few poste; it cannot blow own; will not break in winter; it Is pig tight, all strong and horse high. Lastly it is so cheap at it is within the reach of all, The under- gned is sole agent for Stanley, Tucker -smith ullett, Goderich Township and Colborne, and ill promptly fill orderaifor the erection et the anee in any of the townships named. WM STANLEY, LLolmesville or Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRiEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLeod's ystem RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. PECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE or Impure, Weak and Impoverished lcod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint euralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis onsnmption, Gall Stones, Janndioe,,,Kid ay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance emale Irregularities and General Debility AOORATORY, COQERiCH, OMT` J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Bold in Clinton by H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVENSOJ —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FIJLL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. AAIrBERTST.,CLTNTON Residence overetore OPPOSITE TOW HALL TAFT$ ASTHMALEENE CURES S T R M A so that you need NOT T UP all night gasping for breath for fear of bastion. Send your parva and bot aQ r•16l TAFT 06011,8 A HBpT,OH"r ;4,:- r "- 5. ,-anter +, CLINT() W1* Poo $lienee, St. Paul tells Titus to exhort servants to please their roasters in all things, ''not answering again." If there le to bo com- fort in )I o boos°, others besides the servants must not answer again. "Answering again" mains trying to get the last word; but those who desire domestio felicity will rather strive after the last silence. To certain hasbande and wives, and brothers and sisters, we eOi . mend the following words of an old writers "They whish keep ellenoe 'are well said to bold their puma, because silence Oftentimes doth keep the pease, when words break ig." Artificial Thunder. .? Take a plane of twine and tie,p number' of knots into it at short intervals. If this knotty twine is laid aroulad sem°- body's head so that it will turn, tbe,entfl forward, and then the forefinger and thumb of each band allowed to slide along the string, it will cause a noise similar to thunder to be heard by those silo are undergoing the experiment. Truth. "Truth now must be sought, and that with oare and dtligenae before we find it. Jewels do not use to He upon the snrfaao of the earth; bigbways are seldom paved with gold; what is most worth our find- g oalls for the greatest search. "--- tillingfleet. A PROMINENT LONDONER. LONDON, ONT. Chase's Ointment is an invaluable rem- edy for Itahing Piles and in my own case I would pay $60 per box for it if it oould not be otherwise be had. JOHN PEDDICOMB, 160 Sydenham St. Colors Rua Riot. Even the tweeds and olteriote for spring haveieaugbt Innecolor orate and dtapla) many gorgeous dyes, and rhe scald surges and mobalrs lona oelebzaLed for their demurs appearance skew a nuokleas tend. envy to &ivolita with theta VW R#at telexA patterns, Dresden Aeviose, sad dashes o1 brilliant oolor. Silks and tansy satins also show these may bleadings of ooloay but a tuning and seining effect le 1qt, parted by the efemate•bl eg,eoe ttiastestana those of town, rnyt;Hpeijee and lire+green and brown fabrlea to monochrome whioh in various elegant shades are in ktgb favor both here and abroad. The great differenga between gowning In Franca and in most other countries of the world is that the Frenoil woman, whose gown - Is her religion, will eleot for only the styles and fabrics that Indiyidually suit and compliment her. S11e never pats on a garment because her neighbor, relative, or best friend looks charming in it—not she. "Know thyself," is bar motto, anti this is why she is always and ever a pretty figure in art to study, and her gowning a liberal eduoation to women of otho nations, thousands of whom put on what they know is the latest fashion, whether it is suited to their particular style, figure and snrlrosndiugs or nut, but these points are vital considerations with a Parisienne. —New York Evening Poet, Matthew Sweetman, ex -warden of Wellington, died nn Friday. The four-year old child of Robert Fleming, Staples, was burned to death on ,Friday. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a sure cure for Headache and all nervous diseases. Noth- ing relieves Bo quickly. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. Sir Hibbert Tupper WW1 defeated by George H. Perley, of Ottawa, for the presidency of the Rideau Club. Mr Perley had a substantial majority. It is said that Mr MacDowall, M.P., is to get the new Senatorship for Sas- katchewan, and that Mr Daly is to be made Lieut. -Governor of the North- west Territories. V�HY SUFFER from Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Asthma or Bronchitis when perfect sure is so easy with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25o., all 'roggists. Shortly before the departure from Brantford of Miss MacKenzie, who captained the local corps of the Salva- tion Army, a farewell supper was giv- en her, and she was presented with a purse of $30 by friends. The money was turned over to the Army authori- ties of Toronto. One of the $rantford donors threatened to sue for it if it was not returned, and the money was sent back. Tbonsande of oases of Consumption, As- thma, Cougs, Colds and Croup are cured every day by Shiloh'e Cure. Sold by J.H Combe, Clinton. The dlavelling, with all its contents, of Andrew Isaxk, a farmer of Biddulph was totally destroyed by fire two o clock Thursday morning. Mr and airs Isaac were attending a dancing party at a neighbor's, and knew no- thing of their loss until destruction was complete. Origin unknown. The building was insured for $50, but no- thing on the contents. THE OLIO, MIDDLE-AGED AND CHILDREN, ARE ONE AND ALL CURED OF KIDNEY TROUBLE BY SOIITH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE. Kidney troubles are not confined to those of any age. The gray-haired suffer, and keenly sometimes. The man in the vigor of life bas his happinees marred by distres- sing disease of these parte. Much of the trouble of children is due to disordered kid- neys. South American Kidney Cure treats effectively those of any ape, and with all alike relief is secured quickly. In the most distressing oases relief comes in not lees than six hours It is a wonderful medicine for this one specific and important pnrpose. Sold by Watts & Co., Clinton. Mr Owen, Street Commissioner of London, is dead. Mr James Goldie, of Goldie & McCul- loch, Galt, died Thursday night. Karl's Clover !Root Ten purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful com- plexion. Sold by J. H. Oombes Clinton. The will of the late Mr James Scott, Toronto, who recently committed sui- cide, shows an estate worth $90,000. A MAGAZINE'S INFLUENCE. Tho enormous circulation ofeaoh a mag- azine as Tho GadieR' Nems Journal oan in a sense, be understood when it is said that daring the Net six montt B of 1895 there were printed sold and circulated over four million oopien—(in exact figures 4,058,891.) Figures each as these give one some idea of the influence whish may be exerted by even a single one of the modern magazines. Children Crvfor Pitcher's t astoru . LET ME DIE THI'I DEATH 01'1 THE RIGHTEOUS, LET MY LAST END, BE LIKE H1H.—Num. 23, 10. BY O. J. STEWART, CLINTON. Slowly fades the evening twilight, stillness reigns o'er all around, As with weary steps I onward seek a plane where rest is found; In the dietanae now beferd lg e,, dimly out. lined I can see What appears to be a dwelling in the midst of poverty. r� . Soon within the lowly hovel I with knock adulittanoe gain; Grateful beard the "Welcome, stranger, yes, with us the night remain." Small the room and dimly lighted, scant and homely was the fare, Yet to mo; so tired so hungry, they had all I wished for there. Meaneihile in the room adjoining ,sounds subdued arrest my ear, Stealthy footsteps, gentle voices, softened soba I sometimes hear., 'On enquiry, maid informed me very ill her brother lay, Yet they hoped to see him stronger, e'er . dawning of the day. On request, the room I entered; what a sight for brush or pen 1 There he lay, his sunken features told he ne'er should rise again. Father sitting by his pillow, mother by his bedside stands, Sister weeping in a oorner, brother clasping brother's hands. Such a scene, with such surroundings, filled my soul with sorrow deep, As I gazed upon their loved one lying there as if asleep. Soon a smile flits o'er his features, and in accents soft, yet clear, Game the words, "My God, f thank thee that my heavenly home is near." Mush impressed by what I witnessed, more impressed by what I heard, Asked I them how lona their loved one had been serving Christ the Lord. Then his large blue eyes he opened, met my gaze and sweetly smiled; Said, "E'er since dear mother taught me at her knee, a little child. Often feebly, I confess it, wanting oft in Christian zeal, Yet my sonship 1 ne'er doubted, for my forehead bears his seal. Oh, the peace, the joy, the rapture, as I near that city bright; Weep not, loved ones, 'tis our Saviour calls my spirit home to -night. Yes, I'm going, kiss me mother, I shall meet you by and by, Where as stars do shine the righteous, where the eyes are ever dry. Hark, the heavenly music; father put your arm beneath my head. Your example always kept me in the path you loved to tread. But the end is drawing nearer, Jordan's torrents backward roll; Sister, with me, sing the verses, 'Jesus, lover of my soul.' " Sweet and plaintive were their voices, growing fainter, soft and slow, Till they seemed a loving whisper, such as saints and angels know. Long we watched him, e're his spirit left its tenement of clay, And returned to God who gave it, by the angels borne away. Since that night, with God the pleading of my heart moot earnest is, Let me die as doth the righteous, let my last end be like his. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Cestoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Chlldren, she gave them Castorls. It is estimated that the Ontario mea- sure, reducing the size of county coun- ty councils, will result in a saving of $35,00() a year to the taxpayers of the Province. Now, if the Dominion and Local Parliaments could be cut down about 50 per cent, end we could F e t rid of three-fourths of our army of inspec- tors, and other useless hangers-on, our Canadian toiler might get a chance to straighten his back a little. How the Entire SEXUAL SYSTEM of the male may be brought to that con- dition essential to health of liody and ecce of mind. How to DEVELOP stinted, feeble organs EXPLAINED in our new Treatise, •PERFECT MAI800D." A simple, infallible, Mechanical method,in- dorsed by physicians. Book is FREE, sealed. Address (in confidence), ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo. 11.T1 BUSINESS CHANGE Davis & McCool. Having bought out the Livery business of Allan Turnbull. and amalgamated the former business of Davie & Son, subscribers wi,t con- tinue the same at the Turnbull Livery. The pubiio generally will receive the best of atten- tion and care in all crders for riga. Good, careful horses and comfortable due will be our motto, at reasonable chargee. DAVIS & McCOOL. Spring term opens April 7th. The boat time of the year to enter for a business or shorthand education. Our tuition rates will be inoreasod after the next tdrm. Got your training now and be ready for the situations that will hoopoe In the fall, Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. P. McINTOSH,Principal. SR W & ELLIOTT, • Proprietors. r-, a,,, _ April 8, 180 if you DoAre Dead n't wake up on our asf;cou;ut Thision is for thing to thee irehouse after botiho wantse cleaning—it's this—we have now in etock a big range of Small Centre Tables' in Three Styles, Made to wear as well as to ornament. If you are think ing of tables we ask you to inspect these lines. Prices, 45, 55 and 75 cents. Don't judge the quality by the price but come and examine thein for yourself. We've still a few of our Framed Pictures left at 45c to $2.a The whole appearance of the house changed by this kind of inexpensive adorning. JOSEPH We C H I DLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. J W. IRWIN Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prices low in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware TEAS—Blaok, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices- You will save from 6 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of Tea peddlers. Coln. pare quality and prices, SUGARS—We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal refiners. Keep beat quality and Bell at close prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS-3poande Evaporated Poaches for 25o. 31b$ Evapor- ated Apples for 25o. 5 lbs Prunes for 26o. 28 Ib Box Raisins for 111j Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our Imported Goods, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sete, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Caps and Saucers and Lamps of all kinds. Call and see our goods and get prices. No trouble to show goods. Wood's Phospholine.—The Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs, untll at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment—a oombination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure in all stagesof Sexual Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Mental Worry, Excessive Ilse of Opium, Tobacco, or xhcokolie Slimulants, all of which soon Lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Phosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed almost hopeless --cases that had been treated by the most talented physi- cians—cases that were on the verge of despair and insanity --cases that were tottering ever the gravo—but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had been given up to die, were restored to manly vigor and health—Reader you need not despair—no mat- ter who has given you up as incurable—the remedy is now within your reach, by its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happinees. Price, one package, $1; six packages, $5; by mall free of postage. One wil1 plass, six guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont-, Canada. Wood's Phospbodlne Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion. ONE GIVES RELIEF Do You FEEL SICK? TRADE Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, It you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, if your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, , MARK TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve fhe Health. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually 1 cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One TABULE taken at the first indication of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. ONE GIVES RELIEF EASY TO TAKE QUICK TO ACT Ripans Tabules are Bold by druggists, or by mall if the price (50 cents a box) is sant to the Ripans Chem- ical Company, No. 10 Spruce St., New York. Sample vial, 10 cents. $clentIllo American Agency for CAVEATS. TRAVIS MARKS, Ort$IOM PATS/ITS, COPYRIGHTS eto. Por information and free handbook write to MUNN & 61 BROADWAY, NSW Yong. Oldest bureau CO.,for securing patents In America, Every patent taken out by us Is brought before the pubiio by a notice given tree of charge in the grien U is taintvican Largest eirouldtton of any sotentitlo paper in the word. splendidly llluatrated. No in 111gant ntan ehonlld be without 11. Weekly!, Dt3 OO a myart $L50elirmonths, Address)WNN it 0,, i'usrd. armsr 1 I3toadway, Noor York Oit;y s. UNE GIVES RELIEF. R•I•P-A•N.S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common everyday ills of humanity.