HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-04-03, Page 7.r nl� •' .
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�A�IILIA� I Itov Mango 1[''>rascr, ll). Ip► y qvs
I � . 01, nAulLToN,UNT— Two WELL-ENOWi9 �k�De^ T�etaFiff 1s fi tFtX Upt1n 1ho �leaPle.A 1J�S °'TSkIItI>J i8 A LAND OF PD1EtR RxTI aleN DavFNn, I'nsTOlt olr SrlgaOz3uaio$, 'phi importer (tarps It, but adds It tq• R!.
A•4 DI9LI(a}HT," IIA,ptILTON, ANT., AST DfOF Dt}• CHU4W'$ the Oast pried of ills goods. Oonsum- .. B
- UA'rARRBIAL POWDER, AND T#LLS ITS VIETU40 eta pay' all F4ditleCl prices
Whyare Canadian politicians like Turns
11 Dr. tanto watts. Few ministers in the Presbyterian churolL, ba leo ? Cause tkFe Higher most of
CLEAR BRAINS i of Canada, are better kcowri than the Rev. 1 they ��OQ
Dr. Isaac Watts was the son of a school- D p, pg gamilton. His them rise the smaller ey look. -
master at Southampton and was born in Mango Fraser, Belleville Dail Sun. Rxfli•
t t U. been door and ever again y
great to en s
1664. His parents were eminently pious, recognized In i%e %huroh courts. A,s a Perhaps Dalton McCarthy was out .". r lgt0
and suffered much in the persecuting preacher fie has few equals, and the people of order when he spoke oY Government
WITH A SOUND. BODY S times of Charles II., the father having of Knox Church, one of the largesti Presby. Supporters pondering over the Rete- "'
been imprisoned more than once for his terian churches in Capada,believe he stands edial Bill by the al of promises Cf �(► h fed Bloc " � ,
noncomformity, In a memorandum by at the head -of the list. loo had suffered, as posituas and favors in their pockets,
IIx. Watts at this time occurs this note : so many in his profession suffer, from cold but he talo the cold truth. -Ottawa
Are Bestowed Upon All Who "1683, my father persecuted and imprison- I in the head --a serious hindrance to those Journal. In Spring Time get Pure Stood by vsln® S.S.S.
ed six. months for noucorn formity ; aftel who have mental work to do; Dr Agnew's Ifthe Government had not bought
Ilse p1tin ✓'s Celery Com- that forced to leave his family and live I Catarrhal Powder was brought under his up its supporters with promises of offi-
�..�»stic+=r^'� privately Yor two years." notice, and over hie own signature be has oes, the Remedial [Bill would have no No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing
i � ,:"_;. �ilUd The boy grew up and in hla eiQhbeenth ' told of the great benefits it has conferred more chance of passing than a cat and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. 1t pfjt
Poland. year startled the grave deacons of his on him, as it does on all who use it. would have of crawling ,through the only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally,
-- father's church by declaring that the One short puff of the breath through the eye of a darning needle, and making , , r
tr Sweet gentle epriug is with us, presaging hymns they sang in church were sadly blower, supplied with each battle Qf Dr Ag- Y g g all sores ulcers abscesses, scrofulous sores blotches eruptions,
r,' leaves buds and flowere, and, of course, lacking in taste. "Give us something faces on the other side. -Hamilton
new'B Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this pow- Herald. etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. T[tken lntei-
happier times. Thousands will welcome better your man," was the reply. The nally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the
g p y der over the surface of the nasal phesagoe•
the balmy air and zephyr -breezes, while a young man did so, acid the church was' I painless and delightful to rise, it relieves in In Cape Breton the names oP 97a MC- system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body,
multitude, hovering between life and death vited to close its evening service with a 10 minutes, and permanently aures catarrh, Donalds are found in the director The
are unabie to enjoy or even appreciate the new hymn. hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tou, y' restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action.
blessings of a kind Providence. Smiths are downed in the first round, In this way the sick become well, the weals strong, and those
A boat of men, women and young people "Behold the glories of the Lamb, Watts & Cos Clinton,60 cents. Sold b} who have that tired, worn out feeling receive new vigor, and
11 ,aro laid low owing to diseases contracted , Before His Father's throne ; buoyant health and spirits, so• that they feel like work. If your
during the winter season. Prepare new honors for His name,
I npuritiee of the blood, cause it to flow And songs before unknown." A careless shot. � appetite is poor, your
energy gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B.
slug ;isldy, and the results are,continual This was his first hymn, and to Watte A gun loaded with Shot was fired into I well restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life.
hea.faoliee, heavy and cloud edbrains, near- must be assigned the praise of beginning, the carriage of a newly -married couple %A&,� �1
algia; rheumatism, and a host of other in our language, a class of hymns which who were returning from church 1❑
th t endanger life. ,1 ided hold on the Christian Cornwall. The shots passed through the
symptoms a has taken a ec
' For all these troubles Paine's Celery mind of the world. window of the vehicle, close to the faces
t Compound is the great and unfailing cure; In the year 1707 Watts gave to the of the 000upants and entered the deck
it acts like a charm on the nervous system' churches an original volume, entitled ,I of the driver. The gun was fired an a There is ease for those far. -
producing are blood, a soot and easy head, gone in consumption—not
g P "Hymns and Spiritual Songs," and for the alga of rejoicing. -Landon Tit -Bila A �I A �o�� ��
clear brains and a Bound body. copyright he received the munificent sum j� SWEEPIN(i Lf-�1I ,,-'� n Paine's Celery Compound is as superior of fifty dollars. If kept to this day it recovery—ease. There IS jj yy
to the ordinary nervines, bitters Ba would have ,yielded to its owner a solid The Deadly Cutler Trade, cure for those not far gone. .
, illas - apo:pills as strength . is better than million., Thig-book • was followed Boon --
weakness. The use of one bottle afill'soon
A foreign statistician
has re0entiy There is prevention for
convince the ailing that Paine's Celery after by another. Ill the second volumr compiled figures relating to the baneful P
the famous "Old Hundred," which began effect of the unavoidable inhalation of those whet are threatened. TIgE' MAJORITY OF SWEEPER.
.,, �, Compound has virtues unknown to any with the words,
ptber medione.; metallic dost by cutlers and file o ,Ase o � —� .f.TSE —�
"Nations, attend before His throne, Assuming, he says, thab in the case of USE G
With solemn fear, with sacred joy," an ordinary active existence in a healthy
An )Laonomleal out clipper. first appeared. John Wesley altered thtler atmosphere the number of deaths per
The high price which clipped oats brintr lines to the grander ones : 100,000 artificers le 100, the figure of mor- pf COCA-l1VEr Oil hS for y01}. XX
BROON-sl �
n comparison with unclipped has led to tality resulting from consumption end even if you are only a lit- COOPER'S "Before Jehovah's awful throne, other lung complaints among the first y '
by�he construction of a simple and light- e ye nations bow with sacred o tie thin.
I �� I � 11 . 1i ]running clipper of great capacity. The joy." named workmen Weald be 8138, end
P That he ever composed one sacred sone among file sharpeners 896. The death sCOTT'3 BI1ULSfON a FOR SALE BY US.
maohine is dustless, as all impurities are
y which can take rank with Toplady's rate prevalent 1II the cattery trade has been endorsed by the medical rotession for twenty
Spemoved the instant the become loosened would, St seems be much heavier were y y
¢rem the grain. Fonr distinct se ars• ' ears. <Aak you. doctor.) This because it is aloes s r
P Rock of Ages" or Charles Wesley's w [a table—aloes sun, orm—aloes stonla,na the areal THE CASH GROCERY
ffiSone are made, first by screening or slay- "Jesus, Lover of M Soul," we do not it not that the allied handle mauafa,o• p v. 1 v P
My Norwegian rid -Gorr Ott urn! HvpophospAita.
�ng, and afterward by successive Strong claim. But he wrote more of the great I taring trade is included in the stntieticS. insist on Scott's Bmaision, with trade -marts of OGLE
[� r O O P E R CO s
air currents gt = dlffsr0nt �ts¢es, h9'.last hymns of our mother tongue than any Altogether the number of fatal termina- ratan and Ash. (`J'I L L V
000tlrring as tlae finlehed'iiifiterla ldi♦ies ether man: Ido lay of a crnnaltied Saviour tions to pulmonary diseases among out -
the machine. This improved olipprar le has ever yet approached in pathetic tare and Elle cutters is nearly equivalent ' Farm produce taken as cash.-Teephone No. 28..
deaths among fishermen
built in nine sizes, from 1, 1160 to 100 bush- grandeur that offering which Watts laid to11.111, the aggregateg UNUSED ELECTRIC POWER.
eta guaranteed hourly oapaoity et his Redeemer's feet: from all causes, including accidents,
wblch are numerous. -London Iron, A. Deal of It G000 to waste. Yet ie
"When I survey the wondrous cross Often Felt.
On which the Prince of Glory died, The man who „ OVER
You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR Ur>n My richest gain I count but lose, Did you ever think," asked le ob. RUN
eayB the St. Louie Joarnal oY Agriaalture And pour contempt on all my pride." os __ - stands idly by and serving man, "how much loose electric-
" the life fading it there is around? It is brought to my
7 in an editorial about No -To -Baa, the fam- This hymn was written after hearing a out of his' wife's notice, especially, every time I have hod
CUB tubacco habit cure. "Weknow of many sermon from the text, "God forbid that I face, sees her health oeeaBlon to ride in a trolley car on a wet
cases cured by No-To•Bac, one, a promi- should for save in the cross oP our Lord ,o going, sees her be- This list and see if you want any Valencia Raisins off,etalk F.O.S., or Selected Seedlea,
•y • g y' ` +•' coming o 1 d and day, 1 have frequently roostvod a sting- Raisins, New Currants thoroughly cleaned, Sultana Raisins, California
ment St. Louis architect, smoked and chew Jesus Christ."
,,,i; ed for twenty years; two boxes oared him He was one of the little great men ` _ faded and wrinkled Ing shock by taking hold of the brass rail Loose Muscatel Raieine, London Layers or Black Basket. Good off stalk
when she should as I swung myself aboard. My feet are Raisins, 6 The for 25 cents. California Evaporated Apricots, California
eo that even the smell of tobacco makeB never measuring five feet in height, an$ \ still be in the perfect wet, you Bee, and water is so good a Evaporated Peaches, California Evaporated Plume, California Canned
titin sick." No -To -Bao Bold and guaran• was proportionately narrow. He was _ enjoyment of vig- conductor that a ground connection is
,,`�.' teed no cure no ay. Book free. Sterling never a favorite with the antler sea orous, useful health, Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Peaches, Canned Pineapple, whole, sliced or
,z` ,, p R J1 established with myBelf as part of the sir- pulped. Nate Of all kinds, Candice, Lemons, Oranges. Finest Elme Figs
;i;y,; R9m�rly Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. though once he secured the affections of a is either less than a g
- , \sold by Allen &Wilson. g cult. The sensation r quite encu h to in 10 and 20 pound boxes. Bright new Dates.
young lady and retained them sufficiently // man or else does net
know of the one be disagrees assure you.
long to formulate an engagement for remedy which will "The metal' doorsill, too, SB another CIEIINAWARE—Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap Call
3;' Drivinc Daeltli out of Mille- matrimony, but was soon doomed to per- bring her back to health and strength. plaou where the current leaks out. Since
,;,at�i The New York Board of Health tae petual bacbelorhood by her fickleness and Most women do not understand their own I have discovered that by personal expert- and Bee our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas
` - been using a email machine, worked on fondness for it larger and handsomer man. bodies, or the things that make them well once I have often amused myself by present'. -
`..fx�er the centrifugal principle, ae a method of His loss in this case proved again to the or sick. The most frequent cause of sick- watching the people who enter and leave
.,''��''''' determiu+ng the amount of fat to cam -.I church, for this circumstance was the ness in women is the cause last looked for. the car. IP they step over the wet
-: L
`''fir`s:;' les oP milk. The machine'simply whirls origin of a hymn, frequently sung in some e s oma cold, of soma acute dihestive di threshold, well and good, but S[ their feet N• B -Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAShand COFFEES to own
,'', of our churches to chis day, which was g � Clintonr.• L a milk around at a high velocity, I turbance, but she hesitates and procrasti- tench St, they are ler. to get some of T ROB O , , 1 1 �J
`�`~"I`"` rowing the lighter, or the cream, to written on the day of her marriage: jjjj\vi '
t�z< nates when the trouble is with the distinctly the superfluous power. Then t e expres-
. _. he center, and the milk clear of fat or cion on their faces Se ludicrous. Most of . Al
.,. q,.,- "How vain are all things here below, feminine organism. And yet the latter is therm look completely bewildered, as if
n ,: Dream to the outside. By a Simple scale, How false, and yet how fair ; infinitely more serious. It is the most seri•
zk' • the relative amount oP fat to the whole Each pleasure has its poison, tool ons sickness that any woman can have. It they didn't know what had struck them,
f e'. quantity of milk can be ascertained. i And ever sweet a snare. is the most dreadful -the most dangerous. and 1 suppose they dun't for the instant.
Large machines on the same principle I y Its consequences are always serious, and Those are net the only places where
g "The brightest things below the aerions right at the beginning because ]Cis there Is free electricity, either. In my own Cutters
are used in bi dairies, and these, ib !s debilitating. It saps the life and strengthoonld
believed by the medical experts of the Give but a flattering light ; and works on the nerves to such an extent cillos I onn gat as severe o shook as I rides.
' ' board, can be used ae a means of ridding We should suspect some danger nigh that the whole body is disturbed. Appetite fro n a battery. In Dna of the inoandes•
, ;:':' milk of impurities, and possibly of bao- When we possess delight. . leaves, the color goes from the face and cont light fixtures there is a spot where --
oSlli Dr. Martin says he has found that hollows sink into the cheeks. Irritability the ourrent escapes in gest force. By
"Our dearest joys and nearest friends g p touching this place a Ith a key,
after a thousand quarte of milk bad been j succeeds good tem er and fretfulness takes a knife or
strained through the 8neet etralrier, and The partners of our blood ; the place of contentment. Little by little any bit of metal, and resting my other
F. How they divide our wavering minds life becomes more and more miserable. hand.on the iron of the steaDl radiator A few first-class well -blade and well
passed tbrough the finest mualln, And leave but half for God. The woman is killing herself with neglect I can take a shook of such power finished ✓litters, Cheap, at
there was still a considerable quantity of just as surely as if she were -taking de:.dly near by,
k dirt !n it. If this milk were put in a "The fondness of a creature's love, poison_ Perhaps her husband cannot per- as to burn my hand and make ma dray
' ''' oentrifru¢al machine, out of 1,000 quarte The other day FtRUMBALL'
CL�NT0o ntrifr handful of filth of the barnyard How strong it strikes the sense; suede her to go to her doctor because site t•he ezperiment in e hurry. sur f ``'`•: ' Thither the warm affoctione move, naturally dreads the inevitable examine- half a dozen of ns joined hands andi--
-;f: would be shaken oat. Tho prooese seemsNor can we call them hence. tions and "local treatments." He can per- farmed n line between the two laces.
to make the milk more digestible, par- suade her, if she needs persuasion, to take The man at one end bold a key to the flx-
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This
tialiy gter411zee It, and enables it to keep "Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be trul wonderful medicine has cured bun- taro, and the tallow at Ghe other end laid
"`'`'` I Several days longer than the milk which My soul's eternal toed, yy his hand on the radiator You would
dreds of women after the best physicians
'` , has not been treated. At one time the And grace commanding heart away have failed. It has been in constant use hardly believe how strong the current
i farmer was wont to keep some of the From all created good." and tested every day for 3o years. It isn't wee. Onr bands seemed suddenly gripped
F.. •-,.7„, scum found on the outer edge -alter the an experiment, there are no chances about together and, after we ISG go, our fingers _ p a "-� -
It is an evidence of wondrous ver- tingled for mtnuteafrom the effects. • _
Dream -skimming prooese-to teed to hlg alit. It is a certain and rnfa1 om cure for , I have often thought that a corn uta-
satility of genius that while Watts mm- allderan smears eculiartowomen. Those P
hogs. It gave Bo many of them the tuber I g p tion of the amount pf unused electric
onloete and killed them that ba gave 1b posed the linea which Daniel Webster who care to know all about it, and to re-
fC cul This encourages the assumption that murmured on his dying bed, "Show pity, ceive the best medical work ever prepared force there to around us would be Inter ' r' It ' Isn't s s a
F. centrifugal straining runs out the ban. Lord, O, Lord, forgive," he also wrote for the general public are invited to send satin There must be a number of other
cilli as well as dirt. The benefit of this the moat perfect child hymns in our 31 one -cent stamps to cover, customs and 13• 1 ���
mailin only and receive a copy of Dr. places that I have never ❑uttoed where it t
,. process to the public would be Immense, language. In 1696 he became tutor to Sir g p ose there is no doubt your FOOt'S �aU�t
Pierce'9 t age book "Common Sense escapes, and 1 sups
but until it It made compulsory by law, John Hartopp's children, and wrote for rear World's Dis- that to the aggregate the power wasted ..C'
them "How Doth the Little Busy Bee ?" Medical Adviser. Add accomplish a t•re-
Dr. Martin seen no probability of its gen- pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. would be aufHolenb to ! \.r i
oral adoption, It woulA add only about "Let'Dogs Delight to Bark and Bite," mendons amount of work." -New York .0 it cries out to your,nerves fl om /
�' ono -eighth of a cont a qu'ar4' to ;the prion "Wbegd'cr')( Take My Welke Abroad," Tribune.
' a prlsonhtiutieOfleather. I11-fitti119
of the milk, the fgxmt)T ottld no and❑ Hush,`My Dear. be Still and Slum. shoes would spoil the temper of s,
think be was paid for fila eztra trouble: I bor I charred No as a Fertiliser. T nT.�+�� satnt. But w1Wn y` 11 buy the Slater
Besides, the consumer knows nothing of But Dr. Watts especially challenges our-+1,ECjTRIGI 1 I shoe, you gbt X600 worth of comfort with evefy
d, does not admiration by the transcendent vividness The Louisiana stigar•planters have not ��re to fl feet -made
�, tins+ dirt, sapa gwailovre ix., pq a � , 7 with vj3rielrhaptetnrge the life beyond the yet been able to'aolve the riddle of the e� �>a r�t�brt� ca t�ln, in bIAc14 . tan, by the
o9inoluia. f, bestowal of their surplus molasses. It !e its marvellous advances. from asp
A- - � ' ,; grpve..',1 Iii eetfma t ave lived constantly Goodyear`'Welt )j Ir +ie�'dfblbh' ld'ltBdlitidA4'�XrttYv'tYle`tV
p. ()UR jg1 L(1VED Q EI:N*' on'be��oitf? er rid. Oue who could now proposed to use 1t ae a fertilizer. It tamped on
le found tha the nblaSses can be charred band a2ad0. Lrlahtehapete-m�1}y Qvidtila--9
say, • tan'l my tilad back tonight and G s Idle sAl1i 13.00, X400, 56.00 poli sift`,'
HER M08T RECErrT PnnTo, FIILL CABINET die without alarm," might well write of by waste heat in sugar manufacture, An interview with a prominent electriciai] r, ,.�,i
1. SIZE, GIVEN AWAY. glories that shone so near. ' and, much reduced In weight, and free and Inventor. The Slater Shoe (tor IViCti.)
He died in 1748, leaving over seven from liability to olPenetve or trouble- _
Our beloved Queen Victoria; God bless e e ter Ientation .be easily Added;, to ,�.-_
her and preserve her to her loyal and lo4fag' hgndred hymns, and today they are being Oto q Y Mr. D. C. L. Ferguson, of the Eclipse
the Boil as are aommoto(dl fertilizers.
1 Bung by Godo children all the world When in tats Stpt6 It i6 devoid•of stioki. Elebtric and Manufacturing CO'y. 211
people. around. His body rests in Bunhill Fields, nese, ase to handle and contains a large r.� �€e
Few homes can boast of having a really the'e� inater•.Abbey ofd;the glorious y ¢ Church st., Toronto, conseate$ to be .' r1 r', FR �,.
good and recent cabinet photo of Her lila• puritans; close b'y ilia gate', and not far Part of the mineral fertilizers taken by w7 0 _ + + r. 11 n om. y�
jesty, who will soon attain her 77th year. the cane from the sot 1, well as the lime interviewed by our representativetlleother W"N TAYLOR p, l 8 I kb 1� ��]•
The Wells &,,:RihhgrdsoXi Coq mapufac• from Bunyan's grave, is a plain tomb, used in clArifyin A temperature of 860 ��1t� 1 lY
which bears the name of Isaac Waite, the ¢ P day. Mr. Ferguson said : •` To see me
turere of Dinrnfiud'Dyes' liays, made itliecif l father of the'Fggliab hymn. degrees (Fahrenheit) is sufficient to de. now you would not fancy that I had under -
arrangements with the,-pllbliahers, tri: ° Our By his bwn°roquest, at his funeral, the stroy the objectionable gumminess, to gone severe hardships and battled with
Home," Canidae beat, purest, most largely nhymn ao often sung even in this day, was easel nearly all the water and to so ober disease, et such is the case, and were it
cirme," d and mostt,purest,enterprising family pa- the molasses that it !e flt to return to the y "
chanted: soil. It is suggested that the auger not for the events I am about u relate I c.'1 1 $p6
per, poN is its fourth year. of active and °r
progressive 46rk, °whereby'tbe� aro enab(- "Wily should oes tremble to convey manufacturers can easily place a large would not now be able to prosecute further �MR � •
ed to make the following special and gen- This body to the tomb? I pipe in the waste beat of their fur. scientific researches. Vhb QltlIR*�j�:ii'/; 8p*alallatt!■
erose offer, gggod for one mouth only: There the dear form of Jesus ley, ; nacos for the uharring of the molasses, ••I have been troubled with my kidneys and
An elegm I full 8A►tinet photo (from a rr- And lett a long p4rfume." filter press cakes, etc. The mass would d$ Y�ArC Experiano�
cent co taken b royal command, of Her livor for the past to Years. During last 4 years r trsatwent of the Throat rand Lilt¢
PY Y Y ) Tradition places the home of Dr. Watts , be removed by a ohttln scraper passing I have been growing worse rapidly, until I was p w,h, ti Hronchitle.
IYfajeStY Queen yiotoria; p tour page yam- I near the little battery on Southampton slowly through the pipe and, oharmd a
almost unable to work I have bean Ueated by t N Ghronicands Dls�
able[ glvrhg detAs of births, marrla�es and water, lboklug out oh the green glades of 'and dry, and pulverized, it would be doctors and taken a large variety of medicine w W asen and��
deaths, and other items of interesting and I the New Forest. He was invited to spend ready for Instant and effective use ae a without benefit. I had obnstant pain across my , tl *•.1 ff._/....,.1 rworod-Kidney and Blad-
u@eEnl information relating to the Royal a felt weeks with friends to Southampton, 'fertilizer. back, at times almost unbearable, especially at ll�t itt44tMt r trouNa p4r*naneani
fMhily, that but few pAople have aocea3 to; where, owingto sickness, ho spent thirty otr ViN ocstean
six D{amOnd Dye dolls with six extcr MI►king Concrete 1Zrioka Out o[ Waste night My urine was wine mixed with ir(1 ai tuts fed"arltHou�, Nocuc r d
six years. Heaps• blood, and with much sediment, burning sensation ' Syy' hllis sad all Bl Dixasea cured
dresees, and a card of 45 samples of dyed From this rural home the little invalid " .tl wl eaereaq.
cloth, 'ahowing colors of Diamond Dyes had many opportnn idea of courting the An English inventor proposes to utilize when venting. I felt tired and dragged, and t ,., p Suffed:¢f� ftem the effecu of
will be sent tree to every man, woman and waste heaps by making them Into con- was with the utmost effort I was able to work at 1Ctw� rfS9 youthfufWiles or indiscretions,
muse. Nor is it to be wondered at that so orsto bricks. Hie idea la to turn to a0- a11. Seeing the Doan Kidney Pill Co. advertise- EM-14,110't
NKith tvaalmese Nervous
child who will send in 25 cents in money or many stanzas should be evidently sug-�Ay'p°
Stamps for one year's subscription to "Oar gated to hie mind b gazing on the ocean count any Bort of waste, oven tbsb from moat, t thought I would try one bo: of their pills f A4, ICtdrs whle�or'
s Home," s paper that thousands declare to 9 y g destructors, by mixing in certain propor- on the principle that It would do no harm to try the (tttnttkl•Vtinar7�
be worth a aper .l in wrathful storm or beautiful calm. tions either destructor ashes, clipkers, agaln, so I got one from W. S. Robinson, Drugglot, iI. , raft herr it aW" 4 V dy rnre.
Never did ha strike a happier vein than ;chi 1n i ' thur(Irs reason le ei n to the
The cabinet photos of the queen aro pp gs and dust from stone, hard sand, 932 Yonge at. I have not quits finished that first \ \ pbbr. CU __ OVA Iii�D.
worth 40 to 60 Dente each, and can be ob when one morning from the mainland he colliery clippings, or scavenger refuge, box, but am happy to Bay It has proved the best1461
rained only as premiums with "OurHome,,, looked across to the Isle of Wight. Be- with blue ices or hydraulic Limo. The experiment of my Life. I improved from the start ithts- f vient evws
Pore him dressed in all the glory of spring- mixture le shoveled Into troughs divided and there has been a rapid Improvement daily, I �a'.� �t�d1 ght sin �e� r'i0` teofregea,tee�+
If you desire to have pure and wholesome tido were the earl ricin fields bestirred tions of the bled e . 4Een accempinfed h}+it alight elnatttccg or butnSn aeneatlosq ad
reading matter for one year, end the prem • gently g into sections, and afterward passed until I am today a well man. Pain all gone• weakenin of the §Tatem in a Manner the ItitUat cannot account for. are ars any
a, with flowers. A group of people lined the through a brick press, or blocks may, be Urine natural In color, no sediment, I am men who Is of this difficulty, ignorantal We cause. The doctor will piarantts •
"'T sB promised above, Bend your name shore waiting a trans ort. He touched
1 g P I mad rem the product in molds or ja01t- stronger, and able to work nr Kell as ever I did. . fect cure in ail such eases, Lnd healthy restoration of the p�indito•urinal,tr,� -Ras=•
and address at once, The who a seat, re• 4 sultttlon free. Those unable toreall, cast write full pattinisura o[ titdr nes ad
r the lyre and sang of the green immbrtal eta.' hole are staked and dried in the I cannot be too thankful for the result of my trial medicine sent by e"ress, Kith full Instructions fm aa. Mention fhb pgsat wttss
is Only 9v 601AS.
Wells dG Richardson Co„ Mon- slopes, the perpetual blaze of glory that open ate,, , '1'he'mere costly `prooeCBce of of Doan'BdLidney Pllla. I would be glad to toll ane writing. oflicc Hnnra: From g R. m, to t P. m. Sandals, 9 to' 11 s. tr.
treat Ps kindled on the Never withering flowdrn, ordinary ltrIck-making, tlnirtolt. 'bhe set• one whbiauffersit f havddoiio,hoar l w's baferq e � �' y4'pSi>�t� �#`�slr��'
. t rrow strews of deoLth 'dividing; It �, and drawn Ciro svotdeld how t am atter taking Doua'e Kidney Pllir, U ,1 y 1", CO. t ldr moo.; Xg� >� i
h a f ',,'-,lin g d 4 A
o n t 1sW, s t
c f'om the reeaut state of being, and hats an a dna , i " +k e r 11 � 9 r'r r�'�,�
t; The llliibke',$r Woke ' usuallr i bstdau in they' Will ciil it lay allies ]t► 1`, i11+� ., , -,
� 1' Qt'!1 fOr Itlmdrblli &0*4' df mortals ori the bask, "sbdtA tilyd iuciaths, dhoti
�s ..�, "., shivering ache thought of ctosgie� 044r. C 'For sal6tY A11fi1>r,iit'faV'ilWlli
] x+ oiiar t art >�*. tiro %r tiN # z uuatr,
r P ..:
r .:
' IIY1
. I
� 11 I
I - "
symptoms a has taken a ec
' For all these troubles Paine's Celery mind of the world. window of the vehicle, close to the faces
t Compound is the great and unfailing cure; In the year 1707 Watts gave to the of the 000upants and entered the deck
it acts like a charm on the nervous system' churches an original volume, entitled ,I of the driver. The gun was fired an a There is ease for those far. -
producing are blood, a soot and easy head, gone in consumption—not
g P "Hymns and Spiritual Songs," and for the alga of rejoicing. -Landon Tit -Bila A �I A �o�� ��
clear brains and a Bound body. copyright he received the munificent sum j� SWEEPIN(i Lf-�1I ,,-'� n Paine's Celery Compound is as superior of fifty dollars. If kept to this day it recovery—ease. There IS jj yy
to the ordinary nervines, bitters Ba would have ,yielded to its owner a solid The Deadly Cutler Trade, cure for those not far gone. .
, illas - apo:pills as strength . is better than million., Thig-book • was followed Boon --
weakness. The use of one bottle afill'soon
A foreign statistician
has re0entiy There is prevention for
convince the ailing that Paine's Celery after by another. Ill the second volumr compiled figures relating to the baneful P
the famous "Old Hundred," which began effect of the unavoidable inhalation of those whet are threatened. TIgE' MAJORITY OF SWEEPER.
.,, �, Compound has virtues unknown to any with the words,
ptber medione.; metallic dost by cutlers and file o ,Ase o � —� .f.TSE —�
"Nations, attend before His throne, Assuming, he says, thab in the case of USE G
With solemn fear, with sacred joy," an ordinary active existence in a healthy
An )Laonomleal out clipper. first appeared. John Wesley altered thtler atmosphere the number of deaths per
The high price which clipped oats brintr lines to the grander ones : 100,000 artificers le 100, the figure of mor- pf COCA-l1VEr Oil hS for y01}. XX
BROON-sl �
n comparison with unclipped has led to tality resulting from consumption end even if you are only a lit- COOPER'S "Before Jehovah's awful throne, other lung complaints among the first y '
by�he construction of a simple and light- e ye nations bow with sacred o tie thin.
I �� I � 11 . 1i ]running clipper of great capacity. The joy." named workmen Weald be 8138, end
P That he ever composed one sacred sone among file sharpeners 896. The death sCOTT'3 BI1ULSfON a FOR SALE BY US.
maohine is dustless, as all impurities are
y which can take rank with Toplady's rate prevalent 1II the cattery trade has been endorsed by the medical rotession for twenty
Spemoved the instant the become loosened would, St seems be much heavier were y y
¢rem the grain. Fonr distinct se ars• ' ears. <Aak you. doctor.) This because it is aloes s r
P Rock of Ages" or Charles Wesley's w [a table—aloes sun, orm—aloes stonla,na the areal THE CASH GROCERY
ffiSone are made, first by screening or slay- "Jesus, Lover of M Soul," we do not it not that the allied handle mauafa,o• p v. 1 v P
My Norwegian rid -Gorr Ott urn! HvpophospAita.
�ng, and afterward by successive Strong claim. But he wrote more of the great I taring trade is included in the stntieticS. insist on Scott's Bmaision, with trade -marts of OGLE
[� r O O P E R CO s
air currents gt = dlffsr0nt �ts¢es, h9'.last hymns of our mother tongue than any Altogether the number of fatal termina- ratan and Ash. (`J'I L L V
000tlrring as tlae finlehed'iiifiterla ldi♦ies ether man: Ido lay of a crnnaltied Saviour tions to pulmonary diseases among out -
the machine. This improved olipprar le has ever yet approached in pathetic tare and Elle cutters is nearly equivalent ' Farm produce taken as cash.-Teephone No. 28..
deaths among fishermen
built in nine sizes, from 1, 1160 to 100 bush- grandeur that offering which Watts laid to11.111, the aggregateg UNUSED ELECTRIC POWER.
eta guaranteed hourly oapaoity et his Redeemer's feet: from all causes, including accidents,
wblch are numerous. -London Iron, A. Deal of It G000 to waste. Yet ie
"When I survey the wondrous cross Often Felt.
On which the Prince of Glory died, The man who „ OVER
You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR Ur>n My richest gain I count but lose, Did you ever think," asked le ob. RUN
eayB the St. Louie Joarnal oY Agriaalture And pour contempt on all my pride." os __ - stands idly by and serving man, "how much loose electric-
" the life fading it there is around? It is brought to my
7 in an editorial about No -To -Baa, the fam- This hymn was written after hearing a out of his' wife's notice, especially, every time I have hod
CUB tubacco habit cure. "Weknow of many sermon from the text, "God forbid that I face, sees her health oeeaBlon to ride in a trolley car on a wet
cases cured by No-To•Bac, one, a promi- should for save in the cross oP our Lord ,o going, sees her be- This list and see if you want any Valencia Raisins off,etalk F.O.S., or Selected Seedlea,
•y • g y' ` +•' coming o 1 d and day, 1 have frequently roostvod a sting- Raisins, New Currants thoroughly cleaned, Sultana Raisins, California
ment St. Louis architect, smoked and chew Jesus Christ."
,,,i; ed for twenty years; two boxes oared him He was one of the little great men ` _ faded and wrinkled Ing shock by taking hold of the brass rail Loose Muscatel Raieine, London Layers or Black Basket. Good off stalk
when she should as I swung myself aboard. My feet are Raisins, 6 The for 25 cents. California Evaporated Apricots, California
eo that even the smell of tobacco makeB never measuring five feet in height, an$ \ still be in the perfect wet, you Bee, and water is so good a Evaporated Peaches, California Evaporated Plume, California Canned
titin sick." No -To -Bao Bold and guaran• was proportionately narrow. He was _ enjoyment of vig- conductor that a ground connection is
,,`�.' teed no cure no ay. Book free. Sterling never a favorite with the antler sea orous, useful health, Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Peaches, Canned Pineapple, whole, sliced or
,z` ,, p R J1 established with myBelf as part of the sir- pulped. Nate Of all kinds, Candice, Lemons, Oranges. Finest Elme Figs
;i;y,; R9m�rly Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. though once he secured the affections of a is either less than a g
- , \sold by Allen &Wilson. g cult. The sensation r quite encu h to in 10 and 20 pound boxes. Bright new Dates.
young lady and retained them sufficiently // man or else does net
know of the one be disagrees assure you.
long to formulate an engagement for remedy which will "The metal' doorsill, too, SB another CIEIINAWARE—Fine Dinner and Toilet Sets cheap Call
3;' Drivinc Daeltli out of Mille- matrimony, but was soon doomed to per- bring her back to health and strength. plaou where the current leaks out. Since
,;,at�i The New York Board of Health tae petual bacbelorhood by her fickleness and Most women do not understand their own I have discovered that by personal expert- and Bee our Fancy China, Glassware, and select your Xmas
` - been using a email machine, worked on fondness for it larger and handsomer man. bodies, or the things that make them well once I have often amused myself by present'. -
`..fx�er the centrifugal principle, ae a method of His loss in this case proved again to the or sick. The most frequent cause of sick- watching the people who enter and leave
.,''��''''' determiu+ng the amount of fat to cam -.I church, for this circumstance was the ness in women is the cause last looked for. the car. IP they step over the wet
-: L
`''fir`s:;' les oP milk. The machine'simply whirls origin of a hymn, frequently sung in some e s oma cold, of soma acute dihestive di threshold, well and good, but S[ their feet N• B -Do not forget that I have the finest quality of TEAShand COFFEES to own
,'', of our churches to chis day, which was g � Clintonr.• L a milk around at a high velocity, I turbance, but she hesitates and procrasti- tench St, they are ler. to get some of T ROB O , , 1 1 �J
`�`~"I`"` rowing the lighter, or the cream, to written on the day of her marriage: jjjj\vi '
t�z< nates when the trouble is with the distinctly the superfluous power. Then t e expres-
. _. he center, and the milk clear of fat or cion on their faces Se ludicrous. Most of . Al
.,. q,.,- "How vain are all things here below, feminine organism. And yet the latter is therm look completely bewildered, as if
n ,: Dream to the outside. By a Simple scale, How false, and yet how fair ; infinitely more serious. It is the most seri•
zk' • the relative amount oP fat to the whole Each pleasure has its poison, tool ons sickness that any woman can have. It they didn't know what had struck them,
f e'. quantity of milk can be ascertained. i And ever sweet a snare. is the most dreadful -the most dangerous. and 1 suppose they dun't for the instant.
Large machines on the same principle I y Its consequences are always serious, and Those are net the only places where
g "The brightest things below the aerions right at the beginning because ]Cis there Is free electricity, either. In my own Cutters
are used in bi dairies, and these, ib !s debilitating. It saps the life and strengthoonld
believed by the medical experts of the Give but a flattering light ; and works on the nerves to such an extent cillos I onn gat as severe o shook as I rides.
' ' board, can be used ae a means of ridding We should suspect some danger nigh that the whole body is disturbed. Appetite fro n a battery. In Dna of the inoandes•
, ;:':' milk of impurities, and possibly of bao- When we possess delight. . leaves, the color goes from the face and cont light fixtures there is a spot where --
oSlli Dr. Martin says he has found that hollows sink into the cheeks. Irritability the ourrent escapes in gest force. By
"Our dearest joys and nearest friends g p touching this place a Ith a key,
after a thousand quarte of milk bad been j succeeds good tem er and fretfulness takes a knife or
strained through the 8neet etralrier, and The partners of our blood ; the place of contentment. Little by little any bit of metal, and resting my other
F. How they divide our wavering minds life becomes more and more miserable. hand.on the iron of the steaDl radiator A few first-class well -blade and well
passed tbrough the finest mualln, And leave but half for God. The woman is killing herself with neglect I can take a shook of such power finished ✓litters, Cheap, at
there was still a considerable quantity of just as surely as if she were -taking de:.dly near by,
k dirt !n it. If this milk were put in a "The fondness of a creature's love, poison_ Perhaps her husband cannot per- as to burn my hand and make ma dray
' ''' oentrifru¢al machine, out of 1,000 quarte The other day FtRUMBALL'
CL�NT0o ntrifr handful of filth of the barnyard How strong it strikes the sense; suede her to go to her doctor because site t•he ezperiment in e hurry. sur f ``'`•: ' Thither the warm affoctione move, naturally dreads the inevitable examine- half a dozen of ns joined hands andi--
-;f: would be shaken oat. Tho prooese seemsNor can we call them hence. tions and "local treatments." He can per- farmed n line between the two laces.
to make the milk more digestible, par- suade her, if she needs persuasion, to take The man at one end bold a key to the flx-
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This
tialiy gter411zee It, and enables it to keep "Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be trul wonderful medicine has cured bun- taro, and the tallow at Ghe other end laid
"`'`'` I Several days longer than the milk which My soul's eternal toed, yy his hand on the radiator You would
dreds of women after the best physicians
'` , has not been treated. At one time the And grace commanding heart away have failed. It has been in constant use hardly believe how strong the current
i farmer was wont to keep some of the From all created good." and tested every day for 3o years. It isn't wee. Onr bands seemed suddenly gripped
F.. •-,.7„, scum found on the outer edge -alter the an experiment, there are no chances about together and, after we ISG go, our fingers _ p a "-� -
It is an evidence of wondrous ver- tingled for mtnuteafrom the effects. • _
Dream -skimming prooese-to teed to hlg alit. It is a certain and rnfa1 om cure for , I have often thought that a corn uta-
satility of genius that while Watts mm- allderan smears eculiartowomen. Those P
hogs. It gave Bo many of them the tuber I g p tion of the amount pf unused electric
onloete and killed them that ba gave 1b posed the linea which Daniel Webster who care to know all about it, and to re-
fC cul This encourages the assumption that murmured on his dying bed, "Show pity, ceive the best medical work ever prepared force there to around us would be Inter ' r' It ' Isn't s s a
F. centrifugal straining runs out the ban. Lord, O, Lord, forgive," he also wrote for the general public are invited to send satin There must be a number of other
cilli as well as dirt. The benefit of this the moat perfect child hymns in our 31 one -cent stamps to cover, customs and 13• 1 ���
mailin only and receive a copy of Dr. places that I have never ❑uttoed where it t
,. process to the public would be Immense, language. In 1696 he became tutor to Sir g p ose there is no doubt your FOOt'S �aU�t
Pierce'9 t age book "Common Sense escapes, and 1 sups
but until it It made compulsory by law, John Hartopp's children, and wrote for rear World's Dis- that to the aggregate the power wasted ..C'
them "How Doth the Little Busy Bee ?" Medical Adviser. Add accomplish a t•re-
Dr. Martin seen no probability of its gen- pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. would be aufHolenb to ! \.r i
oral adoption, It woulA add only about "Let'Dogs Delight to Bark and Bite," mendons amount of work." -New York .0 it cries out to your,nerves fl om /
�' ono -eighth of a cont a qu'ar4' to ;the prion "Wbegd'cr')( Take My Welke Abroad," Tribune.
' a prlsonhtiutieOfleather. I11-fitti119
of the milk, the fgxmt)T ottld no and❑ Hush,`My Dear. be Still and Slum. shoes would spoil the temper of s,
think be was paid for fila eztra trouble: I bor I charred No as a Fertiliser. T nT.�+�� satnt. But w1Wn y` 11 buy the Slater
Besides, the consumer knows nothing of But Dr. Watts especially challenges our-+1,ECjTRIGI 1 I shoe, you gbt X600 worth of comfort with evefy
d, does not admiration by the transcendent vividness The Louisiana stigar•planters have not ��re to fl feet -made
�, tins+ dirt, sapa gwailovre ix., pq a � , 7 with vj3rielrhaptetnrge the life beyond the yet been able to'aolve the riddle of the e� �>a r�t�brt� ca t�ln, in bIAc14 . tan, by the
o9inoluia. f, bestowal of their surplus molasses. It !e its marvellous advances. from asp
A- - � ' ,; grpve..',1 Iii eetfma t ave lived constantly Goodyear`'Welt )j Ir +ie�'dfblbh' ld'ltBdlitidA4'�XrttYv'tYle`tV
p. ()UR jg1 L(1VED Q EI:N*' on'be��oitf? er rid. Oue who could now proposed to use 1t ae a fertilizer. It tamped on
le found tha the nblaSses can be charred band a2ad0. Lrlahtehapete-m�1}y Qvidtila--9
say, • tan'l my tilad back tonight and G s Idle sAl1i 13.00, X400, 56.00 poli sift`,'
HER M08T RECErrT PnnTo, FIILL CABINET die without alarm," might well write of by waste heat in sugar manufacture, An interview with a prominent electriciai] r, ,.�,i
1. SIZE, GIVEN AWAY. glories that shone so near. ' and, much reduced In weight, and free and Inventor. The Slater Shoe (tor IViCti.)
He died in 1748, leaving over seven from liability to olPenetve or trouble- _
Our beloved Queen Victoria; God bless e e ter Ientation .be easily Added;, to ,�.-_
her and preserve her to her loyal and lo4fag' hgndred hymns, and today they are being Oto q Y Mr. D. C. L. Ferguson, of the Eclipse
the Boil as are aommoto(dl fertilizers.
1 Bung by Godo children all the world When in tats Stpt6 It i6 devoid•of stioki. Elebtric and Manufacturing CO'y. 211
people. around. His body rests in Bunhill Fields, nese, ase to handle and contains a large r.� �€e
Few homes can boast of having a really the'e� inater•.Abbey ofd;the glorious y ¢ Church st., Toronto, conseate$ to be .' r1 r', FR �,.
good and recent cabinet photo of Her lila• puritans; close b'y ilia gate', and not far Part of the mineral fertilizers taken by w7 0 _ + + r. 11 n om. y�
jesty, who will soon attain her 77th year. the cane from the sot 1, well as the lime interviewed by our representativetlleother W"N TAYLOR p, l 8 I kb 1� ��]•
The Wells &,,:RihhgrdsoXi Coq mapufac• from Bunyan's grave, is a plain tomb, used in clArifyin A temperature of 860 ��1t� 1 lY
which bears the name of Isaac Waite, the ¢ P day. Mr. Ferguson said : •` To see me
turere of Dinrnfiud'Dyes' liays, made itliecif l father of the'Fggliab hymn. degrees (Fahrenheit) is sufficient to de. now you would not fancy that I had under -
arrangements with the,-pllbliahers, tri: ° Our By his bwn°roquest, at his funeral, the stroy the objectionable gumminess, to gone severe hardships and battled with
Home," Canidae beat, purest, most largely nhymn ao often sung even in this day, was easel nearly all the water and to so ober disease, et such is the case, and were it
cirme," d and mostt,purest,enterprising family pa- the molasses that it !e flt to return to the y "
chanted: soil. It is suggested that the auger not for the events I am about u relate I c.'1 1 $p6
per, poN is its fourth year. of active and °r
progressive 46rk, °whereby'tbe� aro enab(- "Wily should oes tremble to convey manufacturers can easily place a large would not now be able to prosecute further �MR � •
ed to make the following special and gen- This body to the tomb? I pipe in the waste beat of their fur. scientific researches. Vhb QltlIR*�j�:ii'/; 8p*alallatt!■
erose offer, gggod for one mouth only: There the dear form of Jesus ley, ; nacos for the uharring of the molasses, ••I have been troubled with my kidneys and
An elegm I full 8A►tinet photo (from a rr- And lett a long p4rfume." filter press cakes, etc. The mass would d$ Y�ArC Experiano�
cent co taken b royal command, of Her livor for the past to Years. During last 4 years r trsatwent of the Throat rand Lilt¢
PY Y Y ) Tradition places the home of Dr. Watts , be removed by a ohttln scraper passing I have been growing worse rapidly, until I was p w,h, ti Hronchitle.
IYfajeStY Queen yiotoria; p tour page yam- I near the little battery on Southampton slowly through the pipe and, oharmd a
almost unable to work I have bean Ueated by t N Ghronicands Dls�
able[ glvrhg detAs of births, marrla�es and water, lboklug out oh the green glades of 'and dry, and pulverized, it would be doctors and taken a large variety of medicine w W asen and��
deaths, and other items of interesting and I the New Forest. He was invited to spend ready for Instant and effective use ae a without benefit. I had obnstant pain across my , tl *•.1 ff._/....,.1 rworod-Kidney and Blad-
u@eEnl information relating to the Royal a felt weeks with friends to Southampton, 'fertilizer. back, at times almost unbearable, especially at ll�t itt44tMt r trouNa p4r*naneani
fMhily, that but few pAople have aocea3 to; where, owingto sickness, ho spent thirty otr ViN ocstean
six D{amOnd Dye dolls with six extcr MI►king Concrete 1Zrioka Out o[ Waste night My urine was wine mixed with ir(1 ai tuts fed"arltHou�, Nocuc r d
six years. Heaps• blood, and with much sediment, burning sensation ' Syy' hllis sad all Bl Dixasea cured
dresees, and a card of 45 samples of dyed From this rural home the little invalid " .tl wl eaereaq.
cloth, 'ahowing colors of Diamond Dyes had many opportnn idea of courting the An English inventor proposes to utilize when venting. I felt tired and dragged, and t ,., p Suffed:¢f� ftem the effecu of
will be sent tree to every man, woman and waste heaps by making them Into con- was with the utmost effort I was able to work at 1Ctw� rfS9 youthfufWiles or indiscretions,
muse. Nor is it to be wondered at that so orsto bricks. Hie idea la to turn to a0- a11. Seeing the Doan Kidney Pill Co. advertise- EM-14,110't
NKith tvaalmese Nervous
child who will send in 25 cents in money or many stanzas should be evidently sug-�Ay'p°
Stamps for one year's subscription to "Oar gated to hie mind b gazing on the ocean count any Bort of waste, oven tbsb from moat, t thought I would try one bo: of their pills f A4, ICtdrs whle�or'
s Home," s paper that thousands declare to 9 y g destructors, by mixing in certain propor- on the principle that It would do no harm to try the (tttnttkl•Vtinar7�
be worth a aper .l in wrathful storm or beautiful calm. tions either destructor ashes, clipkers, agaln, so I got one from W. S. Robinson, Drugglot, iI. , raft herr it aW" 4 V dy rnre.
Never did ha strike a happier vein than ;chi 1n i ' thur(Irs reason le ei n to the
The cabinet photos of the queen aro pp gs and dust from stone, hard sand, 932 Yonge at. I have not quits finished that first \ \ pbbr. CU __ OVA Iii�D.
worth 40 to 60 Dente each, and can be ob when one morning from the mainland he colliery clippings, or scavenger refuge, box, but am happy to Bay It has proved the best1461
rained only as premiums with "OurHome,,, looked across to the Isle of Wight. Be- with blue ices or hydraulic Limo. The experiment of my Life. I improved from the start ithts- f vient evws
Pore him dressed in all the glory of spring- mixture le shoveled Into troughs divided and there has been a rapid Improvement daily, I �a'.� �t�d1 ght sin �e� r'i0` teofregea,tee�+
If you desire to have pure and wholesome tido were the earl ricin fields bestirred tions of the bled e . 4Een accempinfed h}+it alight elnatttccg or butnSn aeneatlosq ad
reading matter for one year, end the prem • gently g into sections, and afterward passed until I am today a well man. Pain all gone• weakenin of the §Tatem in a Manner the ItitUat cannot account for. are ars any
a, with flowers. A group of people lined the through a brick press, or blocks may, be Urine natural In color, no sediment, I am men who Is of this difficulty, ignorantal We cause. The doctor will piarantts •
"'T sB promised above, Bend your name shore waiting a trans ort. He touched
1 g P I mad rem the product in molds or ja01t- stronger, and able to work nr Kell as ever I did. . fect cure in ail such eases, Lnd healthy restoration of the p�indito•urinal,tr,� -Ras=•
and address at once, The who a seat, re• 4 sultttlon free. Those unable toreall, cast write full pattinisura o[ titdr nes ad
r the lyre and sang of the green immbrtal eta.' hole are staked and dried in the I cannot be too thankful for the result of my trial medicine sent by e"ress, Kith full Instructions fm aa. Mention fhb pgsat wttss
is Only 9v 601AS.
Wells dG Richardson Co„ Mon- slopes, the perpetual blaze of glory that open ate,, , '1'he'mere costly `prooeCBce of of Doan'BdLidney Pllla. I would be glad to toll ane writing. oflicc Hnnra: From g R. m, to t P. m. Sandals, 9 to' 11 s. tr.
treat Ps kindled on the Never withering flowdrn, ordinary ltrIck-making, tlnirtolt. 'bhe set• one whbiauffersit f havddoiio,hoar l w's baferq e � �' y4'pSi>�t� �#`�slr��'
. t rrow strews of deoLth 'dividing; It �, and drawn Ciro svotdeld how t am atter taking Doua'e Kidney Pllir, U ,1 y 1", CO. t ldr moo.; Xg� >� i
h a f ',,'-,lin g d 4 A
o n t 1sW, s t
c f'om the reeaut state of being, and hats an a dna , i " +k e r 11 � 9 r'r r�'�,�
t; The llliibke',$r Woke ' usuallr i bstdau in they' Will ciil it lay allies ]t► 1`, i11+� ., , -,
� 1' Qt'!1 fOr Itlmdrblli &0*4' df mortals ori the bask, "sbdtA tilyd iuciaths, dhoti
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