HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-04-03, Page 3,T essere7ret aesr-srver 7"'
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T1'f14 C'LN�`C�i;r...� ^
. April 0
NORWAY- BMA SYRUP oureo Ooughtl, Oolde,
Hoarsepess, droop, Autism, Sore Throat
and all Lung troubled.
Contains Injurious Health tniermanent Relief is Alcohol. uaranteed in ®e
of Con
etipation DYpePeN vusnss, AlWaknssea Bloodand SkinDieascaIts bad on Glycerine instead of For Pro
dnoing Soft, Clear Akin and Bright Complexion and Relieving all ilia Peculiar to Women it is Unsurpassed.
Sold at ALLEN & W[LSON'4 Drug Store, Oliutou. Be certain to get "HANLEY'S." Take No other
Oare or Turquoise Rings.
A well-known lapidary muttons those
Who own turquoise rings to remove
thein when washing the hands, lest the
dolor be injured. Tho explanation of the
change from blue to green that some.
times takes plane in acid
is emanations
they are affected by oerenin onst
from the skin as well as by
ale -
'ants in some kinds of cologne and other
perfumes. The changes in the dolor
of the topaz aro believed to be due to
light and heat, as experiments with the
tunes show that strong sunlight will
Interest vs. Bent. i00,000 FREE SAMPLES GIVEN
"It's cheaper to pay interest than AWAY IN EIGHT MONTHSrent," so said a business man reputed to Chaee'e Kidney -Liver Pills are the only
kidney pills known with eUWoieu merit to
guarantee the proprietors ing•ving away
hundreds of thousands o' sa.nple paukagea
free. Ask your druggist for a sample if
yoar kidneys or liver is deranged
be shrewd, when asked about the heavy
mortgage on his house. And 'he carried
the idea into effout In securing a house
for his son-in-law. He has purchased a
house for $4,000, on which he has paid
$100 down, and given a mortgage of
$8,900 with interest at 6 per cent. As
the rent would be about $36 a month and
the interest less than $20, the saving to
evident. And 1f he cannot pay up, why
only the $100 deposit is lost. Doubtless
many would follow this pian, but it is
bleach tom. not easy to buy a $4,000 house with $100
bore Trouble Developing.
This new light they have discovered
that enables one to take a photograph of a
man's bones without skinning him will
be a terrible factor in the wars of the
future." said Wilkins. "Take a bearer
f a message, for instance; he is captured,
and, after the old-fashioned method,
swallows the paper; out comes the photo-•
garapher, takes his Internal picture, repro-
dnoee the swallowed message, and there's
the poor messenger's devotion gone for
nothing'"—Harper's Bazar.
A Display of Sentiment.
"Chawles is what 1 calla twne pat-
wiot, remarked Willie Wibbles. "He's
Amerwloan to the backbone."
"How do yeti now?"
"He keepslits tuhnod down
now w4ethnt It is veining in London or
nu t,I/r:1,.`VnN ie et,,on :',tarn`.
The best advice about dyspepsia is—euro
it with Burdock Blood Bitters,and ae surely
as you follow the advice and take the med-
ioine the cure will follow in every ease.
Mr. Wm. Day, of Foil William,Ont, says
in speaking of B.B.B :—Two years ago my
wife was very ill with dyspepsia. No rem-
! edy that she oonld find give any relief; finally
she tried Burdook Blood Bitters, and after
taking six bottles was entirely cured. That
is now more than two years ago and she.
had no return of the malady. I also have
had 000aeson to use B.B.B. and I cannot
epeak too highly in its favor.
I always recommend it to my friends
and in every case with good results. Hop-
ing this may be of use to you, I am, Youre
very truly, WILLIAM DAY.
Ig. the eventl of}:the Hon. Joseph
M trtin refusing the Liberal nomina-
tion, at Winnipeg it is stated that
Mayor• Jairieson will he ,asked to run.
It is thought that he Would iirote a
very strong candidate. The name of
Mr G. F. Carruthers is mentioned in
connection with the Conservative no-
The Lind of Evangeline
From the Acadian, Wolfvilie, N. S.
Effects of the New Bullets.
The most remarkable fact In connec-
tion with to new steol•eoated Mae bul-
lets as projected from the modern'maga-
zine rifle appears to be that they cause
very little pain to those who are struck
by them. During a riot in France one
man was wounded so badly that he after-
ward suffered from paralysis, yet he did
not even suspect he was shot until ho saw
the blood stains upon his clothes. Another
man, who was shot through the leg, said
that all he felt was a slight shivering
Even in Sorosis.
'Only five blank balls required to de-
feat a oandldate for admission!" exclaim-
ed a male guest at the Sorosis dinner last
week. "Why, that's too few. He'd be
thought a pretty poor sort of fellow in a
man's club who couldn't get four men
to oast in black balls on his more word
that the applicant would make an un-
desirable member."
"Women have more sense of honor.
They wield their power, at least in our
club, with full sense of its duties,"
gravely replied his handsome blaok eyed
vis -a -Iva, a member of Sorosis, who
seldom attends 1te business meetings.
But the gossip of the club strays to
her, neverthelee and so she smiled with a
suspicion of irony When her masouline
neighbor politely assented to her proposi-
Raised His Own Coffin.
Judge Orin K. Farthing of Barthol-
omew County, Ind., who is now 87 yearn
old, was in his day a prominent lawyer
and a judge. He is wealthy and amen -
trio. Fifty years ago he planted near the
front doorstep a walnut with the avowed
intention of securing from the tree
timber for bis coffin. The tree throve
steadily. The other day, feeling strongly
the infirmities of age, the judge ordered
the tree out down and sawed into boards.
Then, by bis direction, the carpenter took
his measure and began the coffin.
Asbestos for Surgical Dressing 0.
The uses of asbestos appear to be al-
most limitless. A physician now reoom-
mende it as a praotioal, speoially service-
able material for surgical dressings.
These dressings, he says. may tie carried
in any paroel,paper bag, or hand-satohol,
may be handled by dirty hands, bespat-
tered by blood or any impurity, and yet
oan be rendered absolutely aseptic in less
than two minutes, by being tossed upon
the coals or into the blaze of an ordinary
kitchen stove. An asbestos dad, made for
I be protection of the chest in skating, is
leo favorably spoken of by the medical
rotession. It is made in the form of an
:nder vest, and while ver'v light and nom -
not, it enables the skater to fade the bit-
irest and strongest wind with impunity.
Wtia. is ,.
The Sexes in the United States.
Some curious things in the census oon-
i nue to come forward as the final rem-
; tote of the oount of 1800 secure a plane
L More the publlo in the bulletins. The
. °portion of the seetee in the eastern
L. id of the state, for instance, as well as
1. s western, shows that Pennsylvania is
o, e of the few Commonwealths where
11 a males outnumber the females by
74,648. A singular difference 1s the fact
I lett while this city has an excess of 24,-
', 80 females, Pittsburg has an excess of
10,241 males. In the United States the
census shows there were 89,067,880 males
and 80, 664, 370 females in 1890, an excess
of 1, 618, 610. The exact census figures
a e long in uomtng.—Philadelphia
7 Ines.
Cestoria is Dr. aamuei Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Oastoria prevents vomiting Sour C3urda
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relied
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
pastoris assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy ,and natural sleep. CM.
toric is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
Palpitation of the heart le perhaps the
most common symptom of heart disease,
coming over him. Another, who was and is defined as pulsations that are per -
shot through the arm, oonld only remem- ceived by the patient. It comes nn in a
her that bis elbow twitohed,and that in- paroxysms, with intervals of more or less
voluntarily he closed his flet. Dr. De -freedom from attack. The heart may be.
tonne, the surgeon -in -chief of the French gin to veat violently; it may pound against
army,who has been investigating the sub- i the walls of the chest; the veesels may
jeot, finds that when the bullets meet throb in the neck, the eves become suffused,
with an obstacle at a short distance, say and the head ache; or on the other hand,
from 100 to 150 yards, they are very apt the heart may be very rapid and very feeble,
to explode, and the pieces of scattered so that the pulse may consist only of a ser -
metal aro capable of doing serious mho- ies of rapid and almost impalpable waves.
Those Buffering from palpitation or flut-
tering of the heart should not delay treat-
ment a single hour, and for this reason is
regarded by physicians generally as the
greatest known remedy for the heart. Bold
by Watts & Co., Clinton.
They Will Amuse The Children.
Perhaps there is no more beautiful or
picturesque spot in Nova Scotia than the
valley. of Gaepereaux, in the "Land of
Evangeline." Winding its way through
the centre of the valley is a beautiful little
river, while nestled at the foot of the moun-
tains which rise on either side to the height
of hundreds of feet, is the romantic looking
little village of Gaspereaux. About two
and a half miles from the village resides
Mr Fred J. Fielding, one of the most
thrifty farmers in this section of the
country. Your correspondent called upon
him and found a very genial intelligent and
app.trently a very healthy looking man.—
In reply to our gaeation, Mr Fielding Beide
"Yes, I was near to death's door at on
time, but thank God 1 am a new men to-
day. You see, he went on, that pump in to examine each package of dye that they engraved a delineation of an Ethiopian
the kitchen, beneath is a well about 20 feet
deep, which was the canes, I think of my buy,as worthless imitations are now being princess, travelling in her chariot
sol See that the name "Diamond" is on through upper Egypt to Thebes, where-
illness. 1 went down last fall (1894) in it each package. Wells & Richardson Co.,
to clean it out and was onlya short time 200 Mountain St., Montreal. In the oar to furnished with a kind of
at the bottom, when I took with a severe umbrella fixed tont tall staff from the
pain at the back of my head and a burning i center and in arrangement closely re -
sensation in my throat and lungs, such as HOW TO PLAY WITH FIRE. eembling the chaise umbrella of the
caused by the inhalation of brimsotn. A I present time. The recent cries at
sort of stupor also was gradually coniirig Tricks Performed With the D.vou.*ifR Nineveh show that the umbrella (or
ovea me when by a huge effort, I succeeded I Element and Their origin. parasol) was generally carried over the
in regaining the kitchen once more. A I Juggling with fire Wag praotls d n
lighted lamp let down ,became extinguish- very ancient times. Many of therinks
ed, that' showing that the accumulation of of that sort which aro beet known to -day
gas bad, caused the trouble. The pain at were employed to deoetve the vulgar
the back of my head oontinned to trouble thousands of years ago. There is nothing
me and one day while working in a back ' even now which does more to excite the
field. I suddenly lost the use of my left eye, astonishment of the ignorant than the
right arm and left leg. At times I could breathing of flame, which is a dooeptlun
not speak but towards evening I began handed down from remote antiquity.
slowly to grow better. The next day at I When the slaves in Sicily rose in rebel-
the same same
manner.r.time IIwas
own seized
again our ! ve ge t ' lion ort 160 the wrongs . C. and
had suffer ed
family physician who told me that a blood there was among them a Syrian named
d Ennne He was a man of great craft and
Handsome Dolls With Change
of Dresses.
We have secnred a new and very taking
novelty known as the "Diamond Dye Dol'.'
These dolls are clothed in bright and hand-
some dresses and will prove a great attract-
ions for the little ones.
A set of 6 Dolls with 6 Extra Dreseea
will be mailed to any address on aecaipt c f
4 Dents in stamps. Thousands are going to
all parts of the Dominion, giving universal
satisfaction to all who receive them.
Users of Diamond Dyes will please bear
in mind that it will be to their advantage
hi I. McFarlane, 246 Wellington street,
He Hilton: "For many weeks I have suffer -
en •ntense pain from rheumatism; was
eo bad that I could not atten,i to business.
I procured South Amerioan Rheumatic
Cure on the recommendation of my drug-
gist, and was completely cured in three or
four days by the use of this remedy only.
It is the best remedy I ever saw." Sold by
Watts & Co., Clinton.
Machinery Quickly Stopped.
A Frenchman has devised a oontriv-
enoe for quickly stopping heavy maohtn-
ary. Upon touching a button the power
is shut off and a powerful brake applied
to the flywheel. A twenty -horse power
angine working at ninety revolutions per
second was stopped in two-thirds of a
tick Out
For It Has a Very Long Hlatory, But a
Very Short Life.
Nowadays, when the possession of an
umbrella is considered as necessary as
owning a hat,it may not strike the every-
day mind that there was once when an
umbrella was a luxury. Even for years
after they were finally introduced in
Franoe it was considered very effeminate
for a man to carry one.
As a shade from the sun, the um-
brella is of great antiquity. We see 1t
in the sculptures and paintings of
Egypt, and Sir Gardiner Wilkinson has
veeseI had 'burst in the back of my hea .— seen much of the
He 1left me medicine. The pain in the' oonrage, and having will be remembered, makes Robinson
iiltotcvf m'>head never left me and I don- world he had beoome acquainted with a
Crusoe describe that be had seen um -
tinned to feel miserable. About 2 months variety of little known arts. He pretended brollae eployed 1n the Brazils, and
after this second eats whiff kitting itt the to have immediate oommunioatlon with i that he hamd conetruoted hie clan nm -
poet office of thlli.4111/4 t'veoErstiddenly I the'g'dde, and ad is`nsnal in snot ,oases, brella in imitation of them. "I aov-
enured ago t�,l� lttli y h4Y9ee ahs , he oonflrtned his divine mission by mire •red it with skins" Ire adds, "the hair
waggon starie or home. bad not gone oleo. When desirous of inspiring his fol- outward, so that. it oast off the rain
Salc_when a inef dro1�. 8 coif of right !Avers with courage, he breathed flames like a pent -house, and kept off the
�,IEi dmAlit fn�tODmfl.inyve bh" in my and sparks among them from his mouth. sun eo effectually
Iettbye and thmigl ar'm and leftkfl pare- It to said that, in order to perform this With to ad
lyzed. The horses now carried me home marvel, Eunne pierced a nutshell at both 1
but passed the house in the direction of the I ends, and having fl lied it with some
bar gq$ging. drgedire131 .t 7 : 3ttming—irrebetanovehie,epuWela into, his
barn paid Ino attenion for perhaps 16 min- mouth and breatbed through it. The
ntee, when she Bent one of the children to game trick ie performed. better:nowattays.
II4 see wt was keeping me. At x e time L The juggler rolls together some flax of
,pva 011e ti epe'ak 4n liad!;to, eosie into a ball about the size of a wil-
r in te hbnee. flefore lied time began' model
wbtoh ho sets on fire, permitting It
,-,reuove,C,_somewhat and felt fairly well the to burn until it is nearly consumed.
neat morning, tont was again seized during Then he rolls about it more flax while it
the day in the same manner, and the report to yet burning, and by this manna the
reaohed the vil1Ag0 "hat' I wars dead:-- fire may be retained in the ball for a long
Neighbors came flocking oatsltpeoting that time. When be is ready to do his act, be
it was true. As the medicine I had tried slips the ball into his mouth unperceived
see tadQ- rae•np good; 1 now thought I and breathes througsl, it,. Hle breath re-
•wo ry Di.. illiema'-.P1nk Pills, and by, v ves tho fire, so tibat sparks proceed from
thdtii-pe,,� ..ba a d 0 bote(the,pain bad lel and the porforfner luetai-nis not Injury
left my head and felt as goof as new. I so long ae he inhales His breath through
now oeasedtusing them for a month when I his nostrils only. 3y this art the Rabbi
thoughtf • I' felt to recurrence of the pain at tar-Coeheba, in the reign of the Roman
the back of m$ head, I sent again and got Emperor Hadrian, made the orednlons
three more boxes and used them. It is Hebrews believe that he was the long
now about five months einoe I need the looked -for Messiah.
lent pill, and t have' fleet had a recurrence Varlone theorise have been advanced
of the at`ttck, beeidee I feel myself a new to acco*illunt
e rememberedr that mentidurinoned.
man. I am novo 39 gram of age, end have middle ages the beret or innocence the
always worked on the farm and never en- middle accused of guilt
was often o
joyed work better than last summer and
de -
autumn, and am positive Dr. William8' terp�iced by ordeal, the defendant being
Pink Piffle cured :me. I now always keep obliged to hold a piece of red-hot iron in
them in my house and when my wife or bre baps, This was another Doge of
okilf3rpn have any sickness our resort is this 3uggling, such Wale being condaoted by
medicine and always with the very best ef- the priests, who covered the hands 01
king in time of peace or even in war.
From the very limited use of the para
sol in Asia and Africa it seems to have
passed both ae a distinction and luxury
into Greece and Rome. The skidrion, or
day abode of the Greeks, was carried
over the head of the effigy of Bacchus;
and the daughters of the aliens at Ath-
ena were required to bear parasole over
the beads of the maidens of the olty
at the great festival of the Panatbenea.
We also see the parasol figure in the
hands of a prtnoees on the Hamilton
vases in the British Mown'. Defoe, It
1 that I could walk oa
in the hottest weather W t greater -
vantage than I ootild before in the cool-
The umbrella was used in England as
a luxurious sunshade ea'r1y to the seven-
teenth oontury. Bea Jonson mentions
it by name in a comedy produced in
1616. The eighteenth century had elapsed
before the umbrella had oven begun tee
be used in England by both sexes ae ib 10
Mnoh of the olamor whiob woe raised
against tho general use of the umbrella
originated with the chairmen and
haoknoy ooaohmon, who, of course, re-
garded rainy weather as a thing especial-
ly designed for their advantage,and from
whiob the public was entitled to no
other protection than what their vehl-
oles could afford.
The early specimens of ebe English
um breila, made of oiled silk, were, when
wet, exceedingly tiillIcult to open and
Close; the stick and furniture were heavy
and inconvenient and the ar:lele gener-
ally very expensive. hen s!! one um-
brella In innfant.nr'r • f (: ' i „i ko, In
fent. those whom they desired should esoape
Dr William& Pink Pills are offered with with a proteotive pirate. A solution of
a confidence that they are the only perfect spermaoeti in sulphuric ether, colored
and unfailing blood builder and nervere- radwith alkenet root, which solidifies
etorer, and when given a fair trial disease at by degrees Fahr. andr'i melts and
adoring itoring mast vanish. Sold by desbel' boils with the heat of the 'hand, fa ripp-
pr sent by Mail, post paid, a* 60o:a box, or Colied to bo .the subs' ,ince which le awl
,13 boxes tet $2,607 by addressing the Dr. et Naphie When the dried ;blood of St.
*1111a6e' Itedioiffo Complany, Brookvllfe, Jafruarlu1l melts ` epontatieou8ly and
'O ti etre of
ega� bo Ue "Iasi
e Castorla is an excellent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Lowell, Mass.
° Castrato le the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted.' I Lope the day is not
far distant when mothers wlll000stder thereat
Interest of their children, and use Castoria tn.
stead of the varipuequack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcingoplum,
morphine, soothing' syrfp and other hurtful,
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves.•
De. J. F. Enw nuen,
Oonway, Ark.
The Centaur Company,
" Cestoda is eo well adapted toohildren that
I recommend it essuperiortoanypreat110W
kmwn to mo" H. A. Anormaji, D,
111 So. oxford St., Ilsooklen. N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
mlent have spokenbTgply o1 tbotrenpa!-
once in their outside practice with Castor*
and although we only have among . our
medical Qyppliee w11at is knowei as ligular
products, yet we are tree to conform that te.
merits of Castoris Lae wonus to look with
favor upon it."
UNITED Roseman AND Dleressa$s,
Boston, Blaen.
ALUM C. Stara, Ares.,
Murray Street, New York City.
What for ?
Because it may save your life!
How ? _
It is thg barometer that indicates
the 'state of your health by its
shapes, coatings and colors.
For example?
Well, a pointed tongue indicates
irritation and disorder in the stom-
ach and bowels.
The full broad tongue shows want
of proper digestive action.
The dry, pinched tongue is the
tongue of acute disease.
The fissure tongue proves inflam-
matory action of the kidneys.
A dry tongue is evidence that the
stomach and intestines cannot do
much digestive work.
Coating of the tongue is the re-
sult of intemperate eating and drink-
ing The Liver is deranged.
The broad, pallid tongue shows a
want of alkaline elements in the
blood. It is a danger signal.
The deep red tongue, generally
dry, shows acid.
Dryness always indicates nervous-
dness, and diseases of the nerve
Extreme moisture shows the re-
Be your own doctor. Examine
your tongue. It will show you
whether or not you are in condition
to stand spring weather chauges.
If you are not almost any de-.
sease may strike you down. Get in
condition at once by using the lat-
est and best spring medicine
The great question is where to get thein. We keep the very best quali-
ties obtainable. We don't pretend to sell them at less than they cost,
but we do sell them at a very close margin. If you are wanting any-
thing in our line we shall be glad to supply your needs. Everything.
you require in the way of
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, &c.,
As low as any, quality considered. We are in a position to sell as cheap
as others, and will give as good value in any line of goods we handle as
oan be got in town.
OUR TEAS are the best to be had for the money, try them. If you have not
tried "Salado" you should do eo, as almost daily we are getting new customers
for it. The best 40 cent COFFEE in town; try that also. A shipment of Din-
ner and Toilet Sets just in. Call and examine goods and prices.
NearPmitOfhce-CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephobe 40
Not Giving up Business !
But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods.
Of hundreds of druggists affords convinc-
ing proof of the great merit of Nerviline in
all painful affections. F.R. Melville, drug-
gist, tresott, writes:—"My oustomere who
have used Nerviline speak highly of it. I
am satisfied it will take a leading pules in
the market." This oxpreenes the universol
veraiot, acid if you are suffering from any
painful o,ffeetion, internal or external, give
Nerviline a trial, and immediate relief will
be se certain se the eon shines. Nerviline
in a powerfully penetrating pain remedy.
imitations and substitutes orelf the we, ot.145 r vela
a0 ' Sold by dealers everywhe'. e.
IiUJ) r e4f° g do,,,t0,19ft11,i fC�"'Aifa'hiie.
New Flannels, and Flanne 1ettes
New Cotton and Woollen Blankets
New Tweeds, Trouserings,letc.
New Ladies' Underclothing
New Readymade Clothing
New shirts and Drawers
New Dress Goods
411 dealeilt. $1.00 per 7arge bottle.
Small teaspoonful a dose.
Scott's Skin Soap clears the Akin.
For sale by ALLAN & WILSON
Will ours CONSUMPTION, Lung and ThroatDUeaaea
Sunnis. bottle sent free to ovary anIreror. dive Rxpr•eaa and
Ae. A 1MeeASlocum Chemical Co. Ltd.. Toronto, Can.
Don't trust to luck, it may assist you, but more often leaves you in the
lurch. Use good judgment and buy where you get a good article.
New Figs
New Raisins,
• Prunes,
tt Walnuts,
" Canned Salmon
at Tomatoes,
New Currants,
tt Dates,
Our stock of Crockery,
your and
while examine.
China for Christmas
'Y.iuble treatise and bottle of medicine sent Tree to an
Snfloror GIre Etpreu and Post Olnoe addrea.. H. 0.
v"o' 1 R lbs we - -.,id. Street Toronto, sot.
_. _L_ stia�saraacm > s. c: .
Cl ntnn 1'i:1 iijH; Mi l
—AND --
C-F..O S W 4A► -L Lt. W;
The subscriber, having the very latest improved
machinery, and employing the most skilled work -
mon is able to do work 10 bis lino in the most
satisfactory manqner, at reasonable rotes and
on the ehertk'st notice. A trial eoliotted
'MOO lr 41140 it
The Finest
are taken by
• e' t • xi-_ at _e ... -tom..