HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-27, Page 9VA"h 0 of V'ou- 40bidgtott ilialoi, "-adjusted =b tat _�r_"' - __ -3t, -A vtr. -rr ti Da,& I QQ*O•rg I Q4 VV P _Vb�r". " =�UWO 0 V 4,jp10T4WW%49M 81 fowls wpoo" pips of !: the QolleBil�te; was! 4 C ai i0log to Q various, Allopeti, Vr W 0 Was, lad. up ab that cl a( M V, a, 6imin!! In% X. i npfl�tflfiaip I 13 79 JAIVAON AUA-A1 m'eatlpg.of the South Hut s '0000160-66, (DoWri qwvatu AL3 j Atj'p.W'. sharp. for the ele ofpth! A!T�ere ant +.16- 4 Su a 'Wo 401P�'460` -4 41 - A - ocla 14*4 1k boa# bo, o 9 ! .0, .., � I .�W , , - I Al po;A A dj* - thoC '$OM Am 44cy tq q i. la►9-0, .44 0 00. 4A 0* 0, W. 10) �ihlkh 04, cov", .g p_P "V*060r it bo 5.1 U* 0031 04, ot ��M GQ'i i " '4 - , .,,, . X" lugs, 0 DR ura, 'y' r, 04 W- be" r 'i d t eek. Q er Vel f Ih D, t�4,. 'ift tb* to b A h ITI Vw In ofNin-A W the'yea`--yo4lj and Thip...Ralopqr strong.•;etteve polo:, 'PT he Mo4t Crjtj04'4h6ppe*,'L dg4 and, Ooliivi pIR !*41s 'bj" .4 desired by -t 'P111 4 1 461110. iffieult too 10. 1,4.,morklog, our, now-sto'o)c, of Wal Pa r we have Or lbw Joe Joe to4otbieb, vrbori ve, weirla,*40 wilove the Ve- alve the., Ptibllc the beneft . Great efforts have been"made, this -season. to maintain Of the doubt and. sell the stock cheaper: You can prove this byy inspection. if you pay. more than we ask y too much, our old-time and well-earned reputation'for Fine- Mil- Men Pay 1,eaaaUYb1DU a t;9ecdjftILWP%! h leas. That's in t, w Ole, the 041 41 1, li erv.includiuj� styles from 'Psiviii Bain cio oMessrs R.Iein, R. Ransford, Plam06ier, Jas. Scott, J. McGarva and Goo.rk. Newest fancies in- Feathers, Flowers and Tril6a- SW low. The Sons of England at- wings, at prices always the lowest, Thia-seas'on our t6al'od in a body, a number Troia out - aide being prsaqot. Millinery will be found upstairs' at the front of the store XQTss-_4,xthur McRae, el" son., where we have one of the .best lighted and most. -Com - of Mr A. McRae, of town, has decently modious show rooms in the west,, With evory conveni- 9000 into -the drug -_ business, In Do- 'for Milliner buyers, Our opening days are �Io&,%ucl Is doing well; his brother ante' JUL , 4 Is now with him also. The pda, horopf Mt- Geo.'T. Hiseox, 10010, will iiegret to learn that, for THURSDAY and ;SATURDAY, 6voti-weeke he has' been confined to APRIL 2nd find. 4th, V64.se. with 'rheumatism, and is gpyolUnable to wov very, freely. I rvil, Wife" 0 0. Stewart a )� Tees*ater,. The Milliner y will be on view h -,-A- a4eman' A h 6. I who,w tour, were t . ebk,$h make a specie av gm,�pwA wtheir vVeddi e VM -W11u r, R. J. menti rs av ro to Which you are cord we m a displ4j to ;Thu 'd V warn mouth 6-�ydufig' been ' w sonar' e he r has the go a aT evening from 8 to 10 Vidlock, & he will seek his Bmirian -in the ,eon ly invited, ;e 0 14" �e bit o o eu V1110 Uao ft ie remarkable 9' 7. Bez a gosp zo addressed A temperance 1.0-G,T, NqTES.—A sleigh load of meeting 1V6 Sumnierbill, on gut M7F & e t'Jrfee J On Good Templars want bob 0 1 twell has the coutri I wt Wedabfay, eveN , 4tic ratan ' Sunday. Good t t I r building new Alpion hotel at A W I - - Goderi The SiWburg correspon- With some betw,,out,0 elbidjes a A The lodge _pent -the Mitchell .Advocate con - J,} pleasant time. o gi Fiezis dent of in p�king great progress,. new mew re .tains the Waiwin suagcious-looking joining us every meeting. This Fri- Paragra, ery 9W.C. Searle, of Olin - day evenin,% being Bun Feed nlg�vt, ton, is the guest of Mra Lpi-ench.,, John outside e, e expeetea sixo Oakes who' has been. .living' forthor some time, has 9t:t8slult Calls for broad experience in the buyinj a 'tiora to -ijovid aii and a keen other on in, The le *6' 1 part t the 0 Ste Marie. members making treea n not John McGuire discernment of all that's newest and beat. the t P , baggage- but be , good time man, has performing, the t. first Consideration is style, and no old stock is wanted at fes of station agent at. Du A FiNg PIANO.—For the past few Weeks the callers at Emerson's Bicycle I'. owiA tQ the illness of the agent there. g, e. The market abounds with opportunitiei to and Musical House have been delight,- M e�naig, timber dealer of Lucknow, any price. has in, bu nice timber ready for tb y last seasons hats and trimmings. Y ed -with the beautiful cabinet You can get grf!nd piano on exhibition there, the design went at Dublin, I rave Londesboro em and fh was certainly much above -S.W Cheap, of course you can but' if you're wise, and and other, pointe. S. Harland the average; the case is of. Japanese left for Tor.ot�. on Saturday morn- want to be in styie, leave them stverel,7 alone. Our Whinutwhichis entirely new here, Ing; as the line -east of Stratford wa& blocked up, shelled to styles and low prices cannot be discou ted. and is very catchy and attractive, 0 round by n Miseg while thei etched panels Is a decided way of Hamilton. I Lizzie Wash. in ton- has gone on a visit to her &A".A improvement. The touch. is vs, In O�r� 2lil9ter, Mrs Tremier, at Glencoe. MrJIM, the tone even, round and fui nT 0get R qh Ross, who haq been with Win.Evans. Bros. Piano C'of In jj� " for some time, has severed hissoll, are the manufacturers, and webelieve Ithas been purchasedbyMr connection therewith. and thinksofN RUSH J. T.2filerton. renting&farw for.himself; he's a good, reliable reli e man. Miss Lilly Kenner, 6 OuT AGAXN.—The many friends of ingest daughter of Rev. J. Kenner, MF Arthur McRae are pleased to a Cluiton.- ee youngest Clinton. wasmar married 411 him out afi:h3F..,thq_9qh he sows the week to a Mr -Bell, of Orpmarty.— Mifisi-J. Helyai:zlefb for Tgibrito this re ;Weekii c6lifiqatuent, to the hoU66 with',nieurd la of-j;he stow - -take a sit. *66k. where slie expects t� _0011. 11&ving bee4ion'te pAtioti. m teacher. Chas. 'J.. Wallisis IeAn out the boiler at the will one morning recent - buying up horses for the English war. ly, his clothes got wet, and he took a ket. Hector Junorof Hamilton,lat- t severe cold before he got home, with tended the funeral of his netts here l the above "result. He has suffered last week. Reeve Kennedy and wife, R. Fitzsimons, wife and daughter, A, Imodit intensely an4 le,'get v ry weak. This was only the sedb d t the he had a to lay off work in 16 years. T. L. For- at the marriage of Miss Watson, in `IAL SNAP d L?lj and ff; Stevens and wife, were guests A S PEC tun ti Bytb, on Wednesday. Mr Ireland. of W, acm ca, un S 'to bt who has been suffering grea e th, has taken a situation in the ti lei moving a Urian though with considerable difficulty. n Factory here.. On Sunday, while Mrs Adam Cantelon, Princess FiiLiII" bout. 10-911 on Wednesday St., was on her way to church, she evening,. Smoke Was, seen issuingfrom slipped down. and broke her wrist.— IN the north -end store of Harland too., Mrs Brigham of town, is visiting In Aud-.Au, alorjp$ fire quickly given. Hallett. A. J. Taylor, of 17orionto, -Alm-6stjififfie l4tely i0the of hose was M. &St. Paul R. R. )was in town ar il� cf; sir Q. hydrant, and stream of week. Mrs A. Austin, of Blyth, spent A. Seeley.' Exeter and Clinton hockey W Z into the store followed a few days last week with her b t . i + laidbar 41101 M to a,. in the fire engine. The control, but not clubs played a match here on Monday, gader before � cons us ok4ble, damage had been resulting in favor of Clinton by 4 to 2. dodm, UVrIgi ated In the basement,, A. Seeley ,,a t a couple of days visit - by *W'� id Is not lknd*n - as There MEN'S P ANIIS P 9". he Ing friends a Blyth last week. f W_� -Hisictly 4 was an immense cro*d (if peoplb,at A. urpacov., J'V sI running it got to Couch's sale Tuesday conducted by WAUd pariletim . It was checked. T. M. Carling, and falriy gOOai prices ilia second Tibor before I Forturvately ety little stock in this or -Were realize for nearly everything any 0 a I t ;z t the U acent stores was r6mov. Mr J. :H. Mattice, of Hami ton, ed. Harland roe' loss will beconsid, been spendliffig a couple of d us with arable, although the stock is insured. hie brother-in-law DrBruee; Mr Mat- ` ties, has been the fiamil".reprftervi Tgn ST#yietay 98T�P_Tg.—Matters tive of the Globe for seventeen years. in 140biar One Hundred Pairs 8:0 310 ugon *Itji , thii %4to. are R. Irwin is "hoarse as a horse." the Ia in w %1�1111te tAingl6le, ella d result of spendin a night In a car dur- tbe an d• oeerutp laid to an ing the snow bI ac lade last week. Mas. Aftill" The tot- Lu Heywood lefton Wednesday for at per Pair, Attorney -General has ititroddeed a bili Detroit, where he has a situation. W. 'the Local Soviet ftbaling With •H- Brownlee, of Mmut Wawanosb, (for- 'The'Staveler Aolute,'? thoparticalars merly of ti has been e d to of � -he -ye engaged %Ve , mob. seen, but Jqok after this farm of Mr"A.$ worth $2.00 I go whj distri-bu- steel. Tuake romith-, he Is a good com. 66111 -On Monday, Messraro'. petent man. Dr. Blaekall was in Tor- Th— gg4rtaia -RAusf0"ThA4 , I'l. an interns onto this week, as representative to view*lth r, Garrow coricerril the he Grand badge of Chosen Friends.— prob Muse to which the '$10, &1- Harold Ranskird, son of Mr John lotted Onto could be put, and the hive been in a bank at Rarisfoid, who V 01twhi's Odramittee W48 called to- Winnipeg, has been transferred to the geth6t, thoi4p,6e evening to discuss the Molson's bank, London. Messrs -Seale. lvatt4w.. '' XT,MCTa%gf%rIb saidPt,'Gar- & Hoover, of Clinton Marble Works, We Piave just made a. big purchase.111,610futimAtid am ) al hat-tho. have recently sold a fine rid Swede- governw6nt Would AlF6*`IttOb8 gOanite monument, to be erected to the of 3fien'jo Pants at half price, and used Por any public purpose, ouch r %_ '11OU 10 1 Maracay of the late Archibald Malloy, as long as they last the price will A to- 'formerly Reeve of olborne. on Tues- rT :6.06 de hdidbfivind bt-billirig a dabs "Wai 'held In the. • 6 16 t he St. They are not out own1make luthiinitt - 61 �6 0'. ticattonal or cbjtlF- Young Conservatilvi rooms, on, "Free instils perpp�se,'h+b be i6ved tris 6 but they are a great snap at the verb- Trade vs Pipteed n," Me Hoovot tak. ment, *buld alloW.parit Itti*t,used ing tr Mr Rourke the lat- In this witY. and the ie norma, above figure. 6 .00 fund" ter; Mr ft being ChAlOinan; we UWA-Waled stated that it ne reseal but we are tol4 blisig nary to dome to a Cos, re not clealsion4t once.. In r F, I edhis dUbjeeb i6o well "be"on ."'of parliament eCiall, 'as llf! was SpeakIll _j Inst le'li bo4obaf ` Ao_"Al IUAii, 4A befog tits O%vn We"thAt h6. 416ids rOWde a ;jjL$,0-0s$j6u�'%0. Coar� Contort of the Chairman. 0 r a or pinnae Otd� , 'At Mir 00 a Orr 1ho; mohO`i Dfliv*--who -has, been. confloid-to We for "thoi :_n`d_ a- I b -deft , of a room for several Week )uIldival Co. be 01 %u p is able t6 at. 100 pairs of Five Braces 24,, wo#4 50e., th_P,St;&VfIbY •tondto -his � autitt Rg 4 ect %j 4 'mo Wulf. be IS I bit libritty, foo -AC ;the yal Tompars Boys jo. of Sch00j;()a0& j -,Yfiu 7 was ifitro. to;bg; ftandMd fo"' blifti Ou"-a �1 6oade; 1011filon Gcolion �j , bst osb6d oftfibi1ii'municto byt Our great the talk Of VIV vk Weribb-ibie long, The. lilptovitieJ414 D tw- 101, 61111101611,01100 Vic 010 impOrA shodid b"ra tWsj Ap -,faced 't �,jr# wtoolt tow , "With,"Aii,oub f 41-04,16 oun a the W'014, c ty, 41�et 6,�-AA -4otbing equals it*i� 0 eajj§� thore', fig" tine 6V Mon'th *h (In tialset ;ng 0'10% to' dl A, it at. at 0 uld bot1% to o telae *hore. 011400. 00und TdoW , *$oa 11ill, a bele;( or 1 `ht farvither, L - , ON I , Via** 'e "'T nXV6' 'til 61 fi�* dvIv ch ibi:tnid 'a fit+ fauna Iota A'&fflvn V The W. D. F AT, R- CO., What still remains of . our wifiter ay ba;jp all your own price. 0 0 j1pat at We odnip late Aces of V,00 -ods 1. 7"1 T41s le going to be our 4,ANNER SEASON if mood values count f0i any hing. 'We lia�;64n Asortinent a e called by ague. Our qua bd by few and ex- ".,Offledge of the;Shoe Business, coupled ZWKNOUi4gr6stbuyingfite itiesmakeitpossible for usto offer you Up• -to -date Vpjgpi Poot e A' prices that would be impossible if bought in the old*s We buy for Cash, get cash discounts and sell for caslaaT= prices. Inspection and comparison solicited . Gentlemen wear the celebrated SLATER SHOES We have them in Black avid Tau. They are the best values in the marke we -Ta4r , 0 a 7io-lr Matter and -Eggs taken at Cash prices, Thursday and Saturday, April 2nd and tua. who has " been h6wo for t6wei V *Ao-itlod decided to ask r returned to Detroit, 6hr *tek, e ldjfi$I#jf,Jt6U0d Ouse of Refilitb 0 Aftlift"' bftotL I "-w Oeft: the W Woyes. erdayCr .. Mien Lanier: 001rin'g-tbo. _ 41%6614 Ankt%b'sibilify of dedo in Hebei Mob Wookillitowl" co,operatfian of thivt6unty 11% trettitigbslb td ettiri be ter. toIh#t,6 have thty 606'06 boll bi t e, JACK N OS 0 of V'ou- 40bidgtott ilialoi, "-adjusted =b tat _�r_"' - __ -3t, -A vtr. -rr 4 Su a 'Wo 401P�'460` -4 41 - A - ocla 14*4 1k boa# bo, o 9 ! .0, .., � I .�W , , - I Al po;A A dj* - thoC '$OM Am 44cy tq q i. la►9-0, .44 0 00. 4A 0* 0, W. 10) �ihlkh 04, cov", .g p_P "V*060r it bo 5.1 U* 0031 04, ot ��M GQ'i i " '4 - , .,,, . X" lugs, 0 DR ura, 'y' r, 04 W- be" r 'i d t eek. Q er Vel f Ih D, t�4,. 'ift tb* to b A h ITI Vw In ofNin-A W the'yea`--yo4lj and Thip...Ralopqr strong.•;etteve polo:, 'PT he Mo4t Crjtj04'4h6ppe*,'L dg4 and, Ooliivi pIR !*41s 'bj" .4 desired by -t 'P111 4 1 461110. iffieult too 10. 1,4.,morklog, our, now-sto'o)c, of Wal Pa r we have Or lbw Joe Joe to4otbieb, vrbori ve, weirla,*40 wilove the Ve- alve the., Ptibllc the beneft . Great efforts have been"made, this -season. to maintain Of the doubt and. sell the stock cheaper: You can prove this byy inspection. if you pay. more than we ask y too much, our old-time and well-earned reputation'for Fine- Mil- Men Pay 1,eaaaUYb1DU a t;9ecdjftILWP%! h leas. That's in t, w Ole, the 041 41 1, li erv.includiuj� styles from 'Psiviii Bain cio oMessrs R.Iein, R. Ransford, Plam06ier, Jas. Scott, J. McGarva and Goo.rk. Newest fancies in- Feathers, Flowers and Tril6a- SW low. The Sons of England at- wings, at prices always the lowest, Thia-seas'on our t6al'od in a body, a number Troia out - aide being prsaqot. Millinery will be found upstairs' at the front of the store XQTss-_4,xthur McRae, el" son., where we have one of the .best lighted and most. -Com - of Mr A. McRae, of town, has decently modious show rooms in the west,, With evory conveni- 9000 into -the drug -_ business, In Do- 'for Milliner buyers, Our opening days are �Io&,%ucl Is doing well; his brother ante' JUL , 4 Is now with him also. The pda, horopf Mt- Geo.'T. Hiseox, 10010, will iiegret to learn that, for THURSDAY and ;SATURDAY, 6voti-weeke he has' been confined to APRIL 2nd find. 4th, V64.se. with 'rheumatism, and is gpyolUnable to wov very, freely. I rvil, Wife" 0 0. Stewart a )� Tees*ater,. The Milliner y will be on view h -,-A- a4eman' A h 6. I who,w tour, were t . ebk,$h make a specie av gm,�pwA wtheir vVeddi e VM -W11u r, R. J. menti rs av ro to Which you are cord we m a displ4j to ;Thu 'd V warn mouth 6-�ydufig' been ' w sonar' e he r has the go a aT evening from 8 to 10 Vidlock, & he will seek his Bmirian -in the ,eon ly invited, ;e 0 14" �e bit o o eu V1110 Uao ft ie remarkable 9' 7. Bez a gosp zo addressed A temperance 1.0-G,T, NqTES.—A sleigh load of meeting 1V6 Sumnierbill, on gut M7F & e t'Jrfee J On Good Templars want bob 0 1 twell has the coutri I wt Wedabfay, eveN , 4tic ratan ' Sunday. Good t t I r building new Alpion hotel at A W I - - Goderi The SiWburg correspon- With some betw,,out,0 elbidjes a A The lodge _pent -the Mitchell .Advocate con - J,} pleasant time. o gi Fiezis dent of in p�king great progress,. new mew re .tains the Waiwin suagcious-looking joining us every meeting. This Fri- Paragra, ery 9W.C. Searle, of Olin - day evenin,% being Bun Feed nlg�vt, ton, is the guest of Mra Lpi-ench.,, John outside e, e expeetea sixo Oakes who' has been. .living' forthor some time, has 9t:t8slult Calls for broad experience in the buyinj a 'tiora to -ijovid aii and a keen other on in, The le *6' 1 part t the 0 Ste Marie. members making treea n not John McGuire discernment of all that's newest and beat. the t P , baggage- but be , good time man, has performing, the t. first Consideration is style, and no old stock is wanted at fes of station agent at. Du A FiNg PIANO.—For the past few Weeks the callers at Emerson's Bicycle I'. owiA tQ the illness of the agent there. g, e. The market abounds with opportunitiei to and Musical House have been delight,- M e�naig, timber dealer of Lucknow, any price. has in, bu nice timber ready for tb y last seasons hats and trimmings. Y ed -with the beautiful cabinet You can get grf!nd piano on exhibition there, the design went at Dublin, I rave Londesboro em and fh was certainly much above -S.W Cheap, of course you can but' if you're wise, and and other, pointe. S. Harland the average; the case is of. Japanese left for Tor.ot�. on Saturday morn- want to be in styie, leave them stverel,7 alone. Our Whinutwhichis entirely new here, Ing; as the line -east of Stratford wa& blocked up, shelled to styles and low prices cannot be discou ted. and is very catchy and attractive, 0 round by n Miseg while thei etched panels Is a decided way of Hamilton. I Lizzie Wash. in ton- has gone on a visit to her &A".A improvement. The touch. is vs, In O�r� 2lil9ter, Mrs Tremier, at Glencoe. MrJIM, the tone even, round and fui nT 0get R qh Ross, who haq been with Win.Evans. Bros. Piano C'of In jj� " for some time, has severed hissoll, are the manufacturers, and webelieve Ithas been purchasedbyMr connection therewith. and thinksofN RUSH J. T.2filerton. renting&farw for.himself; he's a good, reliable reli e man. Miss Lilly Kenner, 6 OuT AGAXN.—The many friends of ingest daughter of Rev. J. Kenner, MF Arthur McRae are pleased to a Cluiton.- ee youngest Clinton. wasmar married 411 him out afi:h3F..,thq_9qh he sows the week to a Mr -Bell, of Orpmarty.— Mifisi-J. Helyai:zlefb for Tgibrito this re ;Weekii c6lifiqatuent, to the hoU66 with',nieurd la of-j;he stow - -take a sit. *66k. where slie expects t� _0011. 11&ving bee4ion'te pAtioti. m teacher. Chas. 'J.. Wallisis IeAn out the boiler at the will one morning recent - buying up horses for the English war. ly, his clothes got wet, and he took a ket. Hector Junorof Hamilton,lat- t severe cold before he got home, with tended the funeral of his netts here l the above "result. He has suffered last week. Reeve Kennedy and wife, R. Fitzsimons, wife and daughter, A, Imodit intensely an4 le,'get v ry weak. This was only the sedb d t the he had a to lay off work in 16 years. T. L. For- at the marriage of Miss Watson, in `IAL SNAP d L?lj and ff; Stevens and wife, were guests A S PEC tun ti Bytb, on Wednesday. Mr Ireland. of W, acm ca, un S 'to bt who has been suffering grea e th, has taken a situation in the ti lei moving a Urian though with considerable difficulty. n Factory here.. On Sunday, while Mrs Adam Cantelon, Princess FiiLiII" bout. 10-911 on Wednesday St., was on her way to church, she evening,. Smoke Was, seen issuingfrom slipped down. and broke her wrist.— IN the north -end store of Harland too., Mrs Brigham of town, is visiting In Aud-.Au, alorjp$ fire quickly given. Hallett. A. J. Taylor, of 17orionto, -Alm-6stjififfie l4tely i0the of hose was M. &St. Paul R. R. )was in town ar il� cf; sir Q. hydrant, and stream of week. Mrs A. Austin, of Blyth, spent A. Seeley.' Exeter and Clinton hockey W Z into the store followed a few days last week with her b t . i + laidbar 41101 M to a,. in the fire engine. The control, but not clubs played a match here on Monday, gader before � cons us ok4ble, damage had been resulting in favor of Clinton by 4 to 2. dodm, UVrIgi ated In the basement,, A. Seeley ,,a t a couple of days visit - by *W'� id Is not lknd*n - as There MEN'S P ANIIS P 9". he Ing friends a Blyth last week. f W_� -Hisictly 4 was an immense cro*d (if peoplb,at A. urpacov., J'V sI running it got to Couch's sale Tuesday conducted by WAUd pariletim . It was checked. T. M. Carling, and falriy gOOai prices ilia second Tibor before I Forturvately ety little stock in this or -Were realize for nearly everything any 0 a I t ;z t the U acent stores was r6mov. Mr J. :H. Mattice, of Hami ton, ed. Harland roe' loss will beconsid, been spendliffig a couple of d us with arable, although the stock is insured. hie brother-in-law DrBruee; Mr Mat- ` ties, has been the fiamil".reprftervi Tgn ST#yietay 98T�P_Tg.—Matters tive of the Globe for seventeen years. in 140biar One Hundred Pairs 8:0 310 ugon *Itji , thii %4to. are R. Irwin is "hoarse as a horse." the Ia in w %1�1111te tAingl6le, ella d result of spendin a night In a car dur- tbe an d• oeerutp laid to an ing the snow bI ac lade last week. Mas. Aftill" The tot- Lu Heywood lefton Wednesday for at per Pair, Attorney -General has ititroddeed a bili Detroit, where he has a situation. W. 'the Local Soviet ftbaling With •H- Brownlee, of Mmut Wawanosb, (for- 'The'Staveler Aolute,'? thoparticalars merly of ti has been e d to of � -he -ye engaged %Ve , mob. seen, but Jqok after this farm of Mr"A.$ worth $2.00 I go whj distri-bu- steel. Tuake romith-, he Is a good com. 66111 -On Monday, Messraro'. petent man. Dr. Blaekall was in Tor- Th— gg4rtaia -RAusf0"ThA4 , I'l. an interns onto this week, as representative to view*lth r, Garrow coricerril the he Grand badge of Chosen Friends.— prob Muse to which the '$10, &1- Harold Ranskird, son of Mr John lotted Onto could be put, and the hive been in a bank at Rarisfoid, who V 01twhi's Odramittee W48 called to- Winnipeg, has been transferred to the geth6t, thoi4p,6e evening to discuss the Molson's bank, London. Messrs -Seale. lvatt4w.. '' XT,MCTa%gf%rIb saidPt,'Gar- & Hoover, of Clinton Marble Works, We Piave just made a. big purchase.111,610futimAtid am ) al hat-tho. have recently sold a fine rid Swede- governw6nt Would AlF6*`IttOb8 gOanite monument, to be erected to the of 3fien'jo Pants at half price, and used Por any public purpose, ouch r %_ '11OU 10 1 Maracay of the late Archibald Malloy, as long as they last the price will A to- 'formerly Reeve of olborne. on Tues- rT :6.06 de hdidbfivind bt-billirig a dabs "Wai 'held In the. • 6 16 t he St. They are not out own1make luthiinitt - 61 �6 0'. ticattonal or cbjtlF- Young Conservatilvi rooms, on, "Free instils perpp�se,'h+b be i6ved tris 6 but they are a great snap at the verb- Trade vs Pipteed n," Me Hoovot tak. ment, *buld alloW.parit Itti*t,used ing tr Mr Rourke the lat- In this witY. and the ie norma, above figure. 6 .00 fund" ter; Mr ft being ChAlOinan; we UWA-Waled stated that it ne reseal but we are tol4 blisig nary to dome to a Cos, re not clealsion4t once.. In r F, I edhis dUbjeeb i6o well "be"on ."'of parliament eCiall, 'as llf! was SpeakIll _j Inst le'li bo4obaf ` Ao_"Al IUAii, 4A befog tits O%vn We"thAt h6. 416ids rOWde a ;jjL$,0-0s$j6u�'%0. Coar� Contort of the Chairman. 0 r a or pinnae Otd� , 'At Mir 00 a Orr 1ho; mohO`i Dfliv*--who -has, been. confloid-to We for "thoi :_n`d_ a- I b -deft , of a room for several Week )uIldival Co. be 01 %u p is able t6 at. 100 pairs of Five Braces 24,, wo#4 50e., th_P,St;&VfIbY •tondto -his � autitt Rg 4 ect %j 4 'mo Wulf. be IS I bit libritty, foo -AC ;the yal Tompars Boys jo. of Sch00j;()a0& j -,Yfiu 7 was ifitro. to;bg; ftandMd fo"' blifti Ou"-a �1 6oade; 1011filon Gcolion �j , bst osb6d oftfibi1ii'municto byt Our great the talk Of VIV vk Weribb-ibie long, The. lilptovitieJ414 D tw- 101, 61111101611,01100 Vic 010 impOrA shodid b"ra tWsj Ap -,faced 't �,jr# wtoolt tow , "With,"Aii,oub f 41-04,16 oun a the W'014, c ty, 41�et 6,�-AA -4otbing equals it*i� 0 eajj§� thore', fig" tine 6V Mon'th *h (In tialset ;ng 0'10% to' dl A, it at. at 0 uld bot1% to o telae *hore. 011400. 00und TdoW , *$oa 11ill, a bele;( or 1 `ht farvither, L - , ON I , Via** 'e "'T nXV6' 'til 61 fi�* dvIv ch ibi:tnid 'a fit+ fauna Iota A'&fflvn V The W. D. F AT, R- CO., What still remains of . our wifiter ay ba;jp all your own price. 0 0 j1pat at We odnip late Aces of V,00 -ods 1. 7"1 T41s le going to be our 4,ANNER SEASON if mood values count f0i any hing. 'We lia�;64n Asortinent a e called by ague. Our qua bd by few and ex- ".,Offledge of the;Shoe Business, coupled ZWKNOUi4gr6stbuyingfite itiesmakeitpossible for usto offer you Up• -to -date Vpjgpi Poot e A' prices that would be impossible if bought in the old*s We buy for Cash, get cash discounts and sell for caslaaT= prices. Inspection and comparison solicited . Gentlemen wear the celebrated SLATER SHOES We have them in Black avid Tau. They are the best values in the marke we -Ta4r , 0 a 7io-lr Matter and -Eggs taken at Cash prices, Thursday and Saturday, April 2nd and tua. who has " been h6wo for t6wei V *Ao-itlod decided to ask r returned to Detroit, 6hr *tek, e ldjfi$I#jf,Jt6U0d Ouse of Refilitb 0 Aftlift"' bftotL I "-w Oeft: the W Woyes. erdayCr .. Mien Lanier: 001rin'g-tbo. _ 41%6614 Ankt%b'sibilify of dedo in Hebei Mob Wookillitowl" co,operatfian of thivt6unty 11% trettitigbslb td ettiri be ter. toIh#t,6 have thty 606'06 boll bi t e, JACK N OS