HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-27, Page 6The swo 0 good 40%, U-04 that
the wife 0141C P(
�► r,, U MSA
M Mrs Andrew 1.
Wotdies, C to,
wife of Fred U4
k Yr
11004 ]RAT0. BRXTSH mad(fin Hoxg*k,.L-BPCK
ppmpq get dirty,
ouptoa, eve
q one warranted. See our Ur John Holmes
IN�Ww jNJI"a
,0,64 *be 17th in t,.
(M.;1of * dy'lighter,
Te the "Voitor rlt the IVeep Xr4
awouQW,' on **x
1 of twins, AQU *A.
oeo b posterlk that 04 f4twolro
to a rghis 00•
aro going publeat of good
T449, "At the In$ !tots
1011, On the 24rd, the
of 4 doqgbtor;�
T I -a,* oxftt to be there, I tlifnk� tbal. I
, bpi betteo h*ye my way, tbroqu the 19
The point that -1 would like to call anon.tloli,,
to, fs�'*bo paddy *ppoirAr,oe Of aur
1�t itertownOT01 by Rev 41 10OW40,10 Jrf
Ink old Filled Watchq t them; iboy� %to left in all, the ulievowleas
W*(�h,,Au our. $7.50 G H61wes, of", exich tOwnoh%Mtt.o Mrs, the hilid, held **ben'It'wao firot Q'O*rQd.
smf have wondQted why those OW"P e
mud hollows could not,,� have ].soon
Pftts! 6X'1�44100- Ask as fox prices for the beab Bicycle In Canada. Blyth, at the real- Any
J. Blogodd, (sister of, Mrs JO Holmes.)
or 'y
1�,=,id down when the road work"wam
donee of the. brid Xorqb,20,
W. dope. It, would not take- much time, -and
0a Ntlibi� on
by Rey UtHigipy, Lizzie, eldest dao
BT of Mr Ed. WAsoon, to Mr Goo. Potter, of would -make walking on the rosk4oldo.op.
'R A T WA.TOH MAKER, JEWELER, ft., We' much pleasanter, to say nothing about the W41M ed Lot: tb
-� I -L se
UN. 1134- TaFPHQWB 9XORANGE looks: I know that the wal#g ofd good
B=—Exiins. At the residence of the
road -bed is the illrotAmpolderation, and this
bride's parents, Staffs, on March 18, bywayseem a very small matter, but whop, Hapimv
Rev Jfor.nO. Renner, Lilly, youngest daughter o, little outlay, the -publ1wroa4ii: can, be WIW
of Rev Jac. Zenner, formerly of aiintan, to made beautiful its well as go()d,,*Uy not.
Win. Bell, Cromarty. have thetn so. In travelling through the
COSTS LESS McDowzLL--LxTTLH,—At the reoldence. of country, how refreshing it Is to come to 1%
the bride's parents, HOlott, on March 25th, piece of good road, with aides clean and
by Rov'H. J, Fair, R, McDowell to Miss smooth, trees along the fences, and no piles
B, Little, daughter of Mr Francis Little, of stones, rubbish or old logo to mar the
—1�A11a.—On the 11th inst., scene. See what's come to hand for this week,
-at 25c a pound no, If our road bosses would only have an
at the I the brid'e's uncle, Ed -
Ousts you hiss tbah kou could make itfor by buying the Ingr, N word Haines, by Rev O. Miles, of Lucknow, eye -to the beautiful as well as useful, now
Walt, M.Quillin to Annie Haines, all of much more pleasure there,. New Lawns, New Spot MUSURS, New Black and Colored
a mnWbe in
separately. - We -make it with the purest of cream tartar an so a' West Wawalaosh. driving, •-, By paying more - attention to
Our. Sales are increasing daily. Of. man ds we have sold
oun this matter. our One oonn,try could be- Henriettas, regular 60c., our price 40c.
f —ABR411Ai9.— On Wednesday, made so much more attractive, and there tleOer hada complaint. It the wa a� p 3h as we make it NOINT0813 Wool
0"' is 11W I freak I
several tip Every body who he led I likes it. Try it. 11th inst., at St. Faville rectory, Wingliam, by give: pleasure 4,0 0grealyps
�es,a week. doll who
We Wthii�'4uantity. by Rev Win. L%vie, assiat6a by Rev O. It
travel oar public highway. New Dress DnekS in stripes and spots, New Sheetings
tonne, rootor;of $t. Stephen sr Gorrie, kr
His= GaM.
Pabst B1cIntQeh,.91,L%kqD4uphin. 31anito.
• be, to Mies Xorgery4ft New Flainelettes, plain and twill; New
0",.Of WHEAT AND L"D. pretty per-
Mipptousilpg Ckemistoosh.
LovB—Cc To M4 ZAtor of the Cal ll HAS for dresses, one case new
"o w" robidence of the 'Nao Onk :
I ci es Swell Cotton Stuffs
bride's parenflit, on March' Ak by Rev S. Sm—I asked a'qaestlon in a former issue
r n. ft
Acheson, Air Jowes Lois tqVies Margaret concerning the differences in the price of Spring Tiest Collars, Cuffs and Furnishings.
wheat at various points in Canada and the
M. Cochrane, all of, 8
*wAoja—AmAw.—At-Xildouan, Man;to- United States. It has drawn forth,s Be.
b raw. 10 !d illis
F be, on March 4th, by Rev B. Matheson, J. called reply from "Another.Libersh" The But the prettiest thing of
all is a lot of the very sweet-
innipqj son of
R. Wallace,. Of Wi the late writer need not have so signed himself.— est things imaginable in
A most valuable ren"4y.1.9 Samuel Wallace, of Tuokeramith, to Miss His politics are as plainly seen between the
Wa of debility Row, an unpoven
nod deficient blood supply. They dIi66V&Mf6i tbe"'Wod. The use of Maggie 4.11au, daughter of Mr Win. Allan, lines as the guff is seen In the firmament.—
r' these pills will change the pale and sallow complexion of debility into the ruddy of Eguaondvillo M attention was drawn to the subject and
glow Of health. I lid not write "for writing's sake" but for
ye a ver' I'
lie>ie illi h y ergo localsole, apilthe large number mail orders information. All theinformation I get is
'that �li� reptitation o hose vonderf al pills is spreAOin John
simply not worth having. The ordinary
9 nesday, M arch 18, at, the residence of J
Rod dick, . grandfather of the bride, by the
Rev John Rose, Mr, David Ritchie of Her- party reluctance to own any wrong, is
23 cents per box or five boxes tor $1. WOOL PLAIDS
merely distastefully shown. •- The fact re-
to Belle Ballantyiie; of Grey.
mains, not disproved, that whose was uigh-
Fox—DUNOANSON.—In Grey, on Wednes-
er in the points I named in Canada than in
day, March 18, by the Rev D. S. McRae' the' States, and every reason putt- forward
JAM ES H . COMBE Very choice mixtures &lid colorings, for ladies' Blouses.
Mr Edwin Fox to Miss Flora j)uncanson'
to account for it but the true reason, viz,
ti SHkW the duty levied on imported wheat. The You must see these goods to appreciate them.
J, Grey, on Wedneo-
11, it N.P. or anything else, the duty
day, March 18, by Rev D. B. M duty, a.
McRae, Mr
Jos. Show to Alias Minnie McDonald, that protects the farmer in wheat makes
STEWM—FRURB.—Onwedneiday, Mar. wheat that much higher.. "Anoth;r.Liber. Special Shirt Waist Bargain
al"� asks me in a turn a question. The
18, at the home of her uncle, Mr Goo. For -
question is "Do I want to convey the idea
rest, by Rev Mr Muir, Bliss Lillie Frazer
that. obstruction to trade, misnamed Pro. Great special purchase of up-to-date Waists. We
to Mr Stewart, of Ailsa Craig. teotion, is a good thing for Canada?" Well
DIED. - the question is put about as offensively as it offer the finest line of Ladies' Shirt Waists in blue and
Mrms.— In Bluavale, on March 19, Thos. could be worded, but I will answer it, and white, black and white, pink and white and pure vvhite,
o doing teach him how like questions
Hills, formerly of Stanley, aged 08 years.
should be answered. My answer is YEE, all the latest stiff bosoms, collars and cuffs with Adds,
JAcKsox. —In Clintpn, on March 23, Eliz- incapital' lettere. Ido think protection is a
big sleeves and all other late ideas, regularly sold in
abeth, wife of T. Jackson, sr., aged 57 years. good thing for Canada, abed such a good
We, have bought the stock of PAPPLE.—In Egmondville, at the reef- thing for Canada that Canada could not do every Store from $1.50 to $2.25. Your choice for only
75o. These will last but a day or two.
dance of her son-in-law, Mr Alex. McKay, without it; and what is more, the honest,
on March 14, Mary Matheson, widow of intelligent Reformer will allow, if asked,
19. A. ROWED,. Auburn, the late John Papple, aged 67 years and 5 that the country connot exist without a
high tariff. So much so is this the case,
FALT,xs.—At Grand Bend, on the 10th that a prominent Liberal M.P. told we the
inst, Wm.'Fallis, aged 74 years. other day, that if,his party came into
at 35 cents on the $ war, they could act reduce the tariff.
SWAFFMLD.—At 544 Quincy BL, Cleve. They might possibly change it somewhat, ��c '
la'nd Ohio, on the 3rd inat., Win. Percy
THE STOCK CONSISTS OF son of W. S. Swanfield, aged a years and but the tariff must exist, so far as itsduoing powers are concerned. And oro
10 months. ,,
brings me to "Patron's" letter, wherein he
GLAss=R.—In Grey, on SatuWay, March takes a, -dig at Massey, dead and buried. -1
Dry Goods,Groeeriesqchi naware 14, John Glassier, aged 76 years, I month suppose Massey died worth millions be-' HOUSES FOR SALEFOR RENT- SEMD-PEAS
and 6 days. cause he was worth more than one million.
Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full For sale well -cleaned, hand -
threshed, Beed 'tMA
rAMAN.—Tn East Waaanosli, on Frid'ay, But what in reason has Patron to kick as a P.a,
of particulars on application to JOHN McQARVA ALL BROS, Clinton.
March 20, Anne Mar end
daughter of Mr about. If Massey made millions
Mrs 11 Taman, age 2 years and 8 mos. farm machinery, he is the only man in
Canadd who ever did; and if Patron thinks HAY F0 SALE DURHAM BULL for SERVICE
the N. P. made Massey's millions, why
On MONDAY, March 30th Clinton Y. P. Local Union Ten tons of good Timothy Hay for sale at the Subscribers keeps for service at their promises
does not Patron gu' and do the same; the barn of the undersigned, Lot 9, Con. 3, Stanley. 2nd con. of Hallett, near Clinton, the thoro-bre
P.O.*41 D
Topics at the several Yount People's Society N. P. will protect him just as much no ROBT MORRISON, BrucafteldDurham Bull, young Disse Duke from the cele
orated Duke BLrain. Terms, 81,25 at time of ser-
ud fb only we Will havo it in abap me6tings being hold during t a week:
aa�fcdiktolfi nZOdki"s on e — Massey. The truth is, only Patron won't
vice; cows must he returned if nectesary. TYN-
Baptist Y. P. U., Monday evening at 8 o'clock. admit it, thea Massey's brains made that CORN FODDER FOR SALE D2LL BROS.
and will continue the greatest Bankrupt stock sale Meeting. for March 30th will he co9ductod by money, and that Patton and a. handred
For sale, a large U18,12tity of well cured Corn
the pastor.
the County has ever seen. like him could not make one thousand dol- Fodder. Apply to A 9X. M-USTARID, Brucefleld The Queen's Hotel, at Teeswater was.
Rattenbutry St. Methodist H. L, of C. R. Mon- tare, while Hassey made one hundred thou- burned on Wednesday morning, and
day evening, at 8 o'clock. Topic for Marc send. Patron, however, must kick at HOUSE TO LET. many of the guests e
s sots, lulll Bible study, 1st Samuel. Mr Los, seeped with noth-
something, or he would not be a Patron. ing but their nigh -clothes.
The latest authorities give "one who fil die= CO., Blyth
f Rattonbur_v St. Methodist Girl's Junior JR. The undersigned offars to rent the bonne ori
John H. Perry, Registrar of Ontario
L. of C. H., Friday evening from 7 to 8. To -pie contented generally, one jealous of the slio- Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr F. Hall.
'gine Prle6. Butter and Rjg�, tai4v, as pasb for March 27th, Bible reading on promises. cess of others, one *be kicks," as the no- The housecontains 4 Bedrooms railer, Dining- County, died at Whitby, yesterday.—
room. Kitchen, Hard and Soft Water md stone Deceased had held the office, for 43
Lottie Cook. cepted meaning of the word Patron 11 Collar; rent moderate.—MRS T. C06 HR. years.
Rattonbury St. Methodistunior E. L. would remind Patron that he misquotes
of C. E Sunday evening, rM1M1oy;6t0J 6.45. Match
29th, E.
a boy can do. Silas Androws. me, I said that the value of assessed lands
Jm - Ontario Street Methodist E. L. of C. ]Z., f4on in Great Britain had decreased 11%, and
day even 8 o'clock. To . added that isolated cases as that quoted
_pIc for March 30th,
11 The rook our faith. Miss Ida Carter. 2, in the Niow EnA could a
Literary ng. the fall was much greater than 29%.
!WW me recommend Patron not to put words
be instance where
meeting. ti �`�`�e`1r�'l1�'ll
���atS Ontario St. Methodist Junior E. L. of C. E. House
Friday evening at 7 o'clook. Maroh27th,Con- into othereople's months that he himself
Your attention this way for a surprise in fine spring goods. Booration meeting. The,Presidont, speaks. Ind now, Mr Editor, on to your
Willis Presbyterian C. R. Society, Sunday reply to my question. I asked yon if Free
eventog at 8.0& Topic for March 29th The bright balmy days of spring remind us that .
Flannelettes in great variety, superb Prints, Skirt Thing that keep us from God. CateebiG Trade caused the large shrinkage in land
the semi-annual house cleaning time draweth nigh.
question 78. Miss M. Twitchell. values in England, and you do riot answer
Shirt infs, Ginghams, Zephyr. and Duck Suiting. Best Lond.Rboro Methodist E. L. of C. E. Mon my question. I asked the question be. We have placed in stc(-k a good assoitment of
Black Dress Goods. Nothing to beat our Cotton- evenlu at 7.30 o'clock. Topic for March ;`dth� Cause, as yon know, 'come of the leading
Ag conscience. Miss S. Lyon. men in
es. Large assortment of Tweeds. Methodist H. L. of your party are talking of "Free
ad Our Millinery is unda, Trade as it is in England," so a bait for
Tar'n, MW
evening 8 o'clock. To very handsome and cheap. Corsets made to order, of our faith. Mr W. Townsend. the Canadian farmer. Your party also W4%u Re pers,
blames the X. P. for the decrease In the
Bayflold Methodist E. L. of C. 2. Thursday
Field and Garden Seeds. Our 26c Black Tea is a daisy, so we bear from H.
Canadian land values. I think, therefoie,
eveninw, March 26th, Alphabet of,pmyer. Roll
call. . Peck.
our customers. Groceries of all kinds at very close prices. my question was a fair one, and I regret Wall, ceiling and barder to match. Patterns are
Cole's Methodist church, Goderldh township. you did not answer it, because, had you
TERMS CASH OR PAODUCF. E. I. of C. F.. Friday evening at 7.80. Topic done so, yo would have been cow
pelled to new and attractive, and prices are lower than you
P.S—We would like to receipt several accounts. for March 27. Watchfulness. Clam Perdue. allow that li, is not the N. P. that has re -
Air Wallace astonishedthe Dominion ducal the value of forms ben. What ban have been accustomed to pay.
Free Trade done for the English farmer ?
House by presenting 70 ctitions, , on Let me tell you a few things you perchance
Tuesday, lnrgui drat the anitoba Co- do not think of. It ban driven out of cal. Rea aints
'Id not be passed. tivation nearly 2,500,000 sores of land.
erci6n f)fl ano, dy Mixed P--*-
ItiF;offlcially announced to he the People will not work it any longer. In
Government's intention to put the Re- free trade England it does not pay. Why?
In half pints, pints and quarts. These paints are
media Al through, no matter: how The loaf Is too cheap, and whereas, in 1868
`_NG§-wW with a pfbviak�ftached that it shall go in 1888 they did not raise half that quain-
the Winnipeg negotiations r'ead but 128,000,000 bushels of wheat were raised,
L 61 true to color, easily applied and guaranteed to
into effect onl5t by proclitmatioti, andif tity, Mid tM awo4ut is door I atming. To- give perfect satisfaction. We sell -Church's Ala -
Manitoba legislates on behalf of the day free-,tradip England, to protect the bastine for wall coating in all desirable shades.
minority, then the bill -will not be pro- Engljhh farmet, h&wvIrt4*l1 prohibited
Claimed. the portation'of dattlei�!' L there any
W L mol* frut,of roW" than to
w BoNrl at, �MA 0
prohlUi1j, U 4()91161�' 1100i QrAikit Me to
XURFUL DISCOVERY; -one 6 the strongest
Field and Garden Seeds
thank you for placing
J brgvme?#s in w*, hand that can W� in
4 . rotectl6n. You yonrgelt
WILL K99P Javor of
y in
1[GQ8 FRFGN '�,4hriixt not
EXCOTIV,e, I S i 0 r You cannot exercise too great care in sel6eting
1" the llipe-,P
ron 12 : , 4 1 01tiot ot, al�, a what ap. in
rl 6* ladt
t64-1 a p � tAln4viles", the 0600 ig low; Jt Would. be dear. if given- you free
or *om ''25C up. nec I - grass seeds—donot buy an - ferior Seed because
" , o it ��be.6iher,
just no -10 6,
mes. on this you
Egg. Right for ace, I a," of charge, We,havel a powerful ^ seed glass that
'31en?8 ""Felt It 11 ft9m 40 cents up. -with all your poliilcod foot], my -
join hands
'It enable you to see exactly what -you are bu
St and self Included, tot that is exotly what the W1
Fedora, Tour! -Conlletvitive party claims, that while in ing. Our seeds are clean and free from weeds, Y -
Crush Hats, and, brieway free, trade. is good for England,
here in Canada t
Yet he cirournAisndes are
40i)ly 0ter. desirable '0tylesln Blue, Brown, &c., ' entirely diftdront, and We need, protection. Prices to -day are
Let *tJua cowe'ag quickly 09 -
the elections
sible, the 06fisory6tives at,- rand can :96N do,
460 Choke TIMOthYi $%50 to $2.75
not fear the result. Appeal t6tbeeleotars
on the trade quostion, the of (m'pbktent Red Clover $5.,50 W $5.75
question, and he result of gadvight.
luoye Veit -flatso air elegant assortment from 209. to 75c. and Lucernej
lover $0
IT.Is N6,PICKLE0 t 0 tbi8eplintr Ill a&' b elifvotetlytetAt Ih6 E t at tot tion is the 'beat poll yf,"besike. Cver $5
You isimp tgp with & Ing yo for eVabe.
P XING 5 largest tu r. hnuki Garden Seeds trom 0. N. Ferry Coy and
PRESHIZVEM4 and lay them AWAY I am ours, etc., 0 Notallb.
hUiRud in a boket or hok. me,&%* . I I 1 11 1
War XV The, steel"aliggs. ■Co.,
0avideff rotdivedEa#e ill
ed trip to btaill A Provincial oil-
"ty&ti,Va ColiVenji6lu
hosbeon ibriao popt�
1JU J call tot book, alvIltift full inf0m4tiob ftm
NGS Ll;1 0
poned for hii 6dn1vbAIeuoe,1, it will Ilow U
of, ohm#*,
Stft* .0 t S.&T LT4 I)Atto(
J0. By A 4 8IT8call iolrlde5 or