HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1896-03-27, Page 2'1'fI
t'.1AN q!v ly' .'� k4•'lltr,
1 • by ` —
March, 27, 189 .� - -
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cord, Mrs 1Papple, of EgInondville, I
T �i` ���iI��EUTAL BILL. I A Watorl9Q , r® A W. NE4i'l9 1`ioTlraS. � 1�14�����1Pili� iui� 10��-- �dix�� ( TA who had been a severe sltwoeer for sett - • Canada's tOW trade per head is less JAM OTT.
anal 4veeks, ltaving perased qquietly ► Valles to day than i19 1874; trade with Great
away on Friday morning. Rhe old A E to®y Sitti4 38 Hours the Com- 4 , __
FRgI�®Y, D4AR0,U 27, 1896. Daaly lead lived alottei most of Flao time Britain was Was in 1894 than in 1874. Barrister ' S01"CitOr �
for many +y tlVrs, but during -her last ldaorlera " A4ljouru. Iauitolba g Crllshiutr �]I.ofeat in the Or- W. J. Hs,XOMOtjtf was committed t
?; illness toss removed to tha.arealdenwe of Oooroio>l1 Sill Road, itt Seasc#udt Ll enhtieat or48t charge oY
• knee Gjxaad Lodge 1�0�vt,rlal�a,. j`sy g CONN TAliOEIt &O.
�r��p Cary �llppin. her son-in-law, Ma+�lex. Mev$,ay.. Time, batt the Maority 1n its --- htivinmurdered his tori®, known as
Mr Lewis, of Oredlton, has been 9ei� ti by poison. Aommlaaionor for Ontario and Msuftoba.
p lonely ill with inflammation a the Favor lei• ov.ly .-fEahttOilll.'_..20 _ .The Nass-Re(wrsi . pultlialteil the ad- $ate oug, , omoo humodtatoly South of Gilroy & Wisemani
Tlie Fnrdwleh Telephone has discon- Ontario CoueorvaiiveB Vote dress of Grand Master Hughes at the Brennan, charged with the rnutAer ,
tinned publication. lungs. sopa( mtieting of the Orange Grand Jo n itra,thy, �vIll be tiles( at the
1t. Six ootbq' H¢11W Re. rbttt it was careful trot "to 911,rel A&aiztas` btl'th'e 6th'of April be- W. ' BRIYD®NE.
�Ve a e rtev to bees of thq goVere ,1ohn Qut'Nie and family, of the 4th 4� ?, ' _ ublisil the re of of the committee On fore Chief Justice Armour.
illness oY Mr �. �.inklater, �Vingllam. 'line, Morrie, have taken up their resid- Defeated Uy 24 of a Majority p - BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, NOTAR
encs in Brussels. •.- e t s�lQh- •ad0Ptt:d. tk$ .1R1 . ,rhe, appraisement of 'the estate of II 0, ETC. ,'
Mp Wt?R+ +,11walti, brother of John _ , Iowa, and which ie published here by 8tf Join Thompson was led �'�
Mollwaln, of Wingham, died at the Mr Alex. McLennan, of Seaforth, There have been long sittings of the re tie t — ,a a she {rte 11
Nile On Thursday. „ ;; ab left on Thursday 'for Winnipeg, where i ! in We Probate Court on Thu Q , Op, Opposite
�u c�tnittiie hrfve� carehllly per- The total value is $7&, O e' IIp stain, Opposite Easter's' Photo aallvey, ,
Evangelist Hy. 13ooper is assisting he has secured a situation as commer- Doltalnlon Howe of Coenegons, rezone aseA dnd' w0&ed'the' iihished and el- stead and house at Willow a are (MINTON '
the pastor, Rev. E. A. Shaw, in special tial traveller, , ing from obstructionist tactics of one a�otate'•address'of'she' R. W the valued at $6,000•
services at Sunshine. The annual spring show of the South pr other of the political patties. Such, , Qnand Master, ,arts ,larks this opppr-;,�,•, FtON
$y thp, t Su a relative 3n Enp- Huron Agricultural Society will be 'a sitting toss 'that forced by. the (Ion- •tunny to congratulate, this (,rand The rare occurrence of . mounted (Formerly of Camoroa, Holt,& Cameron)f 1
land, Mrs John Mallett, of Exeter, was held at Bruce on Friday, 9pr1! 17' servative leaders in the session of 1878, body upotttkie.ahi>I way in whish that pdiice tSaPerintende , 'eomml as been
bequeathedJ a fortune. 11dr J. Williams has leasedhlsfy:ril 17. when the Rouse eat coati ojisly from •address }lets expressed, the. deep satis- tri 1 In A Ma istraw s court has been BARRISTER AND 13QLIC1'COH.
eased in ince Albert. ,tau erin-
farm in Stephen, and John Schrader, Thursday afternoon at 8 a clack till faction pts all feel, in tltua grand energy wl:pp p o>lloe—Hamµtoa eSt• .oppWait oolborne Hctal y
Edith Myers, Exeter, left last sr., will return from Dashwood to hie Saturday evening at 7; and there wag and noble ppi1, tie shown by the eplend teq�lent Moffatt of F Troop was the (9t)DE'E�lOH; "ci�tT
week for London, where she has se- farm on the 11th cos. another, thou b Bcarpely, sq len thy, didly isolate fetes beyond the seas. other day sept up for trial by Magie- R, G, P, and L. B. C. s
cured a situation as assistant milliner. gg g We feel that in the interests of the trate Bpenoe, charged with.the offs»ee Rai bu ehN ps$Qe_oRlarft, b ott;Cuuton
On Sunday, while attending to her Thos. Grieve has sold his farm near in 1886, when I e,Liber is to the l Ouse empire, aqd 4f Protestantisiq beyond of unlawfully opening prisoners' letters Night calls at front door of residence on patten
Leadbur to Geo. Nu3doom for the desired to emphasize heir opposition, the bounds of Canada, we are at one
household duties, Miss Janet Brown, y with the R. f C Grand Master of Qn. Diamond Charlie, the man who was bars St., opposito Presbyterian church,
of Exeter, had the misfortune to but sum of $$6,6G0• Mr Grieve and family to the unfair, expensive and unnacea- extradited'from Toronto with a hund- ,
intend moving to Manitoba, sary Dominion Franchise Bill.' But (snip West. We agree also with the red tris es a ainst him, on the under; nR J., L TURNBULL, M. D., TORONTO
her hand severely. never in the experience of Parliament Grand�Master that all true Orange- g DUniverstt bi D. ox., w toriaof the
Jno. Roddick, 14th con., had the mis- standing that he was only to en prose- yCi
Mr C. A• Brawn has sold his fine 50 fortune to fall on a pail while going to has the House of Commons been cont men sincerely desire to promote the toted on two, (las been sentenced .at Society of EdinburigL,late of i nd a Obstetrical
acre farm, on the London road, near polled, by the dictum of a dominant
Hen all, to Mr Jas. Petty, of that, vil• the barn a week or more ago and broke party in the House, to sit for so long unity a tris people of Canada, and Mo forge Mo., to Your yeas ons change Edinbu tenbpitals. Office.—Dr. Nisogy'sotd
several of his ribs. ailed, without intermission in ceder they, mu6tdeplore the introdtictJon of of forgery, to which he Pleaded uilty* answered tai � re etplsoeinEon. Night boll t
lege, who has leased it to Mr Andrew aP sectarian issues, which destroy nation- His name is Abe Rothschild,aliassinyth
Dougall. The collection which wag taken up to flnish a debate upon a great pubic a) harmony and prevent the hearty and was known ,here as Dutton. 1'de S
Mr John Duckett has leased his farm the Presbyterian church, Seaforih, on question. co-operation that should be the die •� �4 g �T
Sabbath, in aid of the Armenians, The determination to speak on the tin isin characteristic of Cana worked the Southern States with his 1JAo1i uaheaarH e6e , oi9bYs Uai�o 1?ataoRe BURGEON
in Wawanosh and intends moving on amounted to the ver y creditable sum of question of the coercion of Manitoba S diamond sdheme and skippped tq Cubt • Ratte❑bury,St. formerly o0cupfed by Dr. Reeve
to his other place on the first line, dians of all classes and creeds." On his return he Bwindled a QainsbOrO Clinton Ont. '!
Morrie, this spine• $9(i, Since then private contributions toss so istrong that the Government
have been made, which bring the found it impossible to shut it off on A BIT OF IMPERTINENCE. Ga., jeweller out, his $9,Qftand,caWe
at j
DR Woop's NonwAY PING BYAIIP Positively y We must confess, to Canada where he toss arrested at es. s, FRFEBoBN iivate L.H.s and u ns
P y, amount up to $113.15. Wednesday night When theeun rose However, that' • St: Mary's, her while trying Ing orae ,q J C. F, A B. U.. (iratltiate Hinge and queens
cares coughs, colds, asthma, hoarseness; on Thursday members were still, talk- some of t15P matter contiuined in the y y 00t eg' of t?}tysiofane, , pip, Irotanq. scan.
bronchitis, and all diseases of the palmon- Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia, In and when dacknees set In the his schemes. , ;i t11Fte' 41etaera edictal c ori, Cheat Brits °'s,
and all Throat and Lung aiaeases are oared g+ address does not to tie beertl strictly MembdrmbooU a Pbyriiata anti Bargeone, On. l='
any organa by Bhiloh's Cure. Bold by J. H. Cambs, members continued to address the eminent to the character ofthe as- A shd'accident, occurred y� ednes4a,'i tanto. , .Forme xxaaioe}�VofRQt,ansa Hopp ital,
Mr John Copeland, of Delmore is alinton• .House. Not till 5.30, on Friday morn- eetriblt addressed, and that, In Patti- afternootl tit tlte'ho e of f}tirietophet ty, g A_u, and Gp1i@�olpgaextl doorDublo. Residence �"
still in bed, as a result of a kick which ing was the Sp Speaker able to issue the culai', the 'n'fultitude 'of details con- Jami% a 1ve11 tq-d0', arnd8r, 'living ,cija _J� t enbury 8.0 t, next door to Ontario st i
he of game three weeks ago, from a —An old resident of Grey tbwriship, my,ndate,. , .', i7? 11 R„�� �,e{u!1era.'— rernin theories bf school work would the`toyy++n 'i -m between' Oxford atrli parsonage.
horse; a bone toss broken in the ltttae John t3lAseieir, passed swap on }�tor- $aforreg then, the Ci,o erpup, tfWRa apt . liable if: recommend by this Aldlibrbugli wn9#Ip3,' abtDttG' tthrefli "k;,<
day at tNNe advanced age of 76 ylaars, eared to,tq:goneent,c>, d on the de (4raliid.bodY1 to be considered an lint 'ttiile>3 bin Dditirlcir'lt. '' It, a peau ''' Da lixePTBIIAY, alasDveTE of TBe;�
joint. at hfa 8or►`& residence. lot 3, cora. 12. city, Toronto eformer/y of the Hospitals pad 11 t
As the result of the recent revival ate, beytle tl1e: tie}# >pa pettinent:interference with the educ JBftYi¢s�wetit'titit tdrthh'an8 w €
The deceased Vas 'buried on Tuesday por,iWa,:w& 'pklys(c i i$� ��tl auef byi Hoaal mtati hiriery of a' province 'Of pis WiF etf'dW' oilVbf WSW 14,`1�hkn � ` � Dis neariey, New York, goroneir for he1.
meetings sopor fifty two candidates afternoon atBrus$els cemetery. , the,gtrain, twp da a ap# tats ptglite vvhiOh,vire ere nof;,Olectolss,; g k toil(}led over ufi hitn ahfl toil i , Co 'ot [ttron,9Bwptleld,ont. ,
,wets received `into communion ,with Mr Goo. moKay', has sold his 50 acre , Work b t r FOsfe , haviir 111 Sett , ftEb `
�i , ,, • We. beg, Iurtheri• to. report, that the, III& ' A r A Wh 4y fibs ,tamer, thiel»
the Main street Methodist church, Ex fatty. on the 12th con. MgHillop, to retuXr)ed b tike HQt}�g rpfrgphe b . ,portion of G1ie Qr pd Master's ad �e ti (t dr�a' t}'ddt f Ijim to retain to D t�'ANEW, 14
L steer, on Sunday. Air Wul. ,Holmes. There aro ,good sleep, r@filsed ko�tllRty, l;e, p �a if whlah relates ,.to;he Aianitoba Bch of I�a ifgtlse, tbEnti"t'ttt ld search of him. Londesbom, lancceeeor to Dr Yonne.
The collection taken in the Bruce- buiidin a on the lace, and Ddu Hgllnea lop;n. 8averq Li-. tori i era, uestiaiia ars to our plaity and siq1- fir`s 'ftigtid!hiip,'cleaci ,under the atravp.' T. AGNEW X. B., Toronto University M. D. U, C
Held Presbyterian church On Sabbath ,tit tab, rgain, Paying for it $2,000. ht}d'sp he pre areld. Out; of consid. ole millos.. appears
pf what ant= ' with Borne arY of'l;is body expobad.-r tf„ Trinity University, Member of Catlege Pht-
mmrning, for, the relief of the suffering Yarm Ia ons a ehprt d1sGa ce erhtton; 1 e o pial i e ort re, and in' p - riu 9t1! to posits
his y fOC e laptpets is Lethned special ,pleading.` Mr'JamOs 'about 60 years of age aMioeoaletnii�n3fighttea7l�ieaew'1�re�at the t
f amounted to within a few from Mr Holmes' own place, and he pfil8t tP @@h� . t,en the de ate, did not The declaration of the Grant : Master arts respected by till'who kacfa him. same place. puce boun a to 10 a,m.;1 to'Bp,m:
cents of sixty-five dollars. will,riow have 150 acres. ex rcise, t ,oir privilege,. ,,, , t at we, as Orangemen„ are opposed He leaves a wife Arid 'large family tri to g P.M.
Mr Steele; who'was in the employ of bore were not man . etlrprisea when to Separate Schools, taken, iu,conneN- mourn his lose.
P y Tueada avenin of last week 'William yy P,
A. M60o•wan' & Company, Brussels, Blashlll and wife of Bruseels celebrated 'the who was finally ratan. , aye ego,' tion with then is surrounxtby which iii• $R.IICEr DE] eonsof It
has mover! to Walkerton, whete he in- the 25th anniversary of their marriage, the whole situation had been canvass- the declaration is surrounded, places L. D.S., Royal College otpentalTargeonsot Ont
tends launching out in the gents' fur- at their residence, Mill street, on which ed, and with the exception of a few him in an. unfortunate post ion. We D.D.S., Trinity University, Toronto.
waterers on the side of the Gloveru regret that the Grand Master should gnQ� wtat You CheW specie( attention given to the Preservation o
• nishing business. occasion a large number of Brussel ment who were hard besieged by emir- g
varies determined to bulldose them into have attempted d wake use of the the natural teeth.
While Sam. Elliott, Wingham, was lisp and persona from the adjoining unary technical decision of the Privy ,, , 1 once, Coate Block, over Taylor's shoe store
' , fixifigg the circular saw at •the brick- locality assembled. the support of the policy of coercion ouncil and should have attempted to j
pard last Thursday, the saw being in Wm. Taylor, senior member of the without investigation, it was pretty P 1 N. eld will visite Blyth every nL t say and �
late firm of Ta for i Sm 1mbex of t e, conclusive, stigation, how the vote lend so much weight to that catch )sayfleld let Thursday of each -mono.
motion, his hand of in the wayof the y word, `grievance,' which, properly ap- "Ill'
54 {�
saw, with the esult of losig the has now completely wound up the bus- would go. By the time the next gene- plied, is no more than the legal ri ht r , i F''
fore -finger of the left hand. The rest iness of the said firm and although Mr. k g E. BLeCHALL VETERINARY Veterannal election taken place, we will now to be heard in appeal before the Gov•PIUC, C l He. Treats adnateof diseases
of the hand was uninjured, Taylor lost heavily by the partnership how many Conservatives in Parlia- ernor-General-in-Council. The mellita College. Treatsstmoall e modern
n domoetioatedand
Mr Robt. Wilson, of the firm of he has paid every claim against the meat demanded their price, in the of the school case were not on trial I mate on the most modern and soientiflc prince-
Seaforth, left on Sat- firm in full for which he certainly shape of the promise of offices of enrol- before the Privy Council of England, edea Office— immediately south l the New Ere
Reid & Wilson, night Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Call '
urday for Liverpool, Eng. taking with deserves credit. ument, before they consented to supp and we feel that a",C�o British sub- �i night orday ettendeato promptly
him several of his thoroitred horses, As Mr McCartney was drivingalong port a policy that they knew was ob- acts, our friends and 'our brothers, re- \\ `'
which he intends to dispose of there. the road between Ashfield anWest noxious to the ]area majority of their sidin in Manitoba, can be trusted to 1� Honorary
Gr nate of NeIO arJBGEON, ,"
y 21 Conner- do j sifts on the merits. B. Honoro Graduate of the Ontario veteri• �*
Mt D. McFarlane has purchased an- going throhi throughonethe many had vativesu from th 9 i Province, or very Q nary Couoge,oronto. Treats alt aiaeaaes k
other fine building lot on McArthur's , g hIANITOBA DEFENDED. \ Domestip Animals on the moat modo,n and
Survey, Heneal), and adjoining his pitch -holes on the road, the draw bolt nearly one-half the entire Conserve- Boienlwe Principles. cop andBa nightcalJs ., wet S:titer Iota, and we believe intends carne out of the sleigh, and caused the tive membership of Ontario, record- "We regret that the attempt is ]Pt
� i 1 answered. Residonco—Rattenbury Bt„ west i•
o horses to run awe ,In the run, one ed their votes against the measure. also made in the Grand Master's ad- t1 al Linton,
building upon the one last purchased. y p p dress to give the distinctly false im- /��.�__J
of the horses had its leg broken and TO the resumed promises Of office ARRIACE LICF-NhE, JAMES SCOTT, :-R., C-'
Har urhe , in its time, had f stores, had to be shot. there was added the appeal to party pression that the Legislature of Mani- M usurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Boom
P p loyalty—the representation that if the toba has refused to render justice to is trice troth the lelarlods coloring. and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. 9
2 taverns 2 blacksmiths, 2 carpenters, Karl's Clover Root Ten is a Bare care for measure were thrown out and Mani- the suppose ob,dl in tired minority in
3 shoemakers, 2 vragan-makers, 1 tin- Headache and all nervous diseases. No`- PP, ` y j cite more you use of 9t'tho better - r
smith, 1 furniture store, 2 doctors, l ing relieves so quickly. bold by J. I3. toba were granted its petition for a full that province. On the contrary, the you Itko It. JADES CAMPBELL LONDESBORO
church. division court, but no lawyers. Combe, Clinton. and fair investi ation, prior to doing Government of that province declared i ISSUER OF ;CARRIAGE LIC'ENiiEs,
full BGtoe -to parties Mt f7&Urie.` tics 4E0• E. TUCK ETT 6 SON CO., inn No witnesses regatred
}si their total ignorance, as We db, Of HAMILTON.ONT.
,F.+arnest Durnin, Bolt of Chas. Dur- Mr F. Beck, of Wingham, meb with would come in immediately as Prem- even the least real' ir)juatice done to MONEY To LEND IN LARGE us IA ”'-`,
Win, ex deputy -reeve of Weat Wawa- a painful accident on Tuesday morn- ler, the weak-kneed ones collapsed, the Catholic population of Manitoba, small sums on good morsgage security �.ef..:,. y
nosh, left u Tuesday for Manitoba, ingg1• He toss driving from Wroxeter and the measure got its second read- and they declare further their eager- moderaterateofintereet. a =. Clinton.
where he in entering the teach- to Belttiore where he met two loads of ing- Whether it will ever get a third ness to have the most ample investi• MORTGAGE
ing profession. lumber, and getting out of his cutter readng remains to be seen. dation, and that whatever injustice, 1 __oF W. FeRNCOMs, MEMBER OF ASS'N OF
if an might be brought to light by F. P. L. ee Pr London Lana Surveyor and
Tho' of oases of Consumption, As. took the horse by the head to lead . The vete o» Mr Laurier's amend- y g g g VALUAtBLE PROPERTY I Cipit Engineer, London, Out. -Office at Deo. 1
thma; Congo, Colds and Croup are cured him past, when he sunk in the soft mentwas: Yeas, 91; nays, 115; majority the most searching Investigation the atswart's orocety store, Clinton.
ev9ry day by Shiloh'a Care. Sold by J.H. snow by the road side, the horse made against, 24. Legislature of the province would IN TBE TOWN of-CLINTON, r
Combe, Clinton• I, jump forward, striking him with one The vote on the inion motion was remedy. We regret that the attempt R. AGNEW, L.D.S D.D.S. 1 y
Mrs Hutohieon, wife of Dr. Hutchi- of its feet on the knee, bruising him 112 for second reading, and 94 against, is also made to confuse the most die Parsaant to t,e power of sale aonfarred by stat
n former, a resident D Dungan- badly. The majority for the bill 1S. The Con- similar cases of Quebec and Manitoba, uta under a serrata m�rcgaI I which will o pro DENTIST.
so Y servatives, includin M sera McCarthy, dueed at the sale, there wr 1 be oitered for ease 0%%duate of Royal College of Dental surgeons
g knowing as we do that there are no atPublic Auctto❑, by T.>4C.Carling, Auctioneer, ant. Honor Graduate of Trinity University
non, and now of Michigan, U.S., ie on Stanley council met on Monday, O'Brien and $tubba, who voted for Mr National Schoo39 in Quebec, in the
a visiting tour to residents in Dungan- March 16th, at the call of the reeve. Laurier's amendment were as follaws: sense that there are in Manitoba, At the tQni'en'sHOtel, Clinton Toronto. aeatione in Dentist carefully performed.
non and vicinity. We wish her a Members a!1 present; minutes of pre- MQBsrs Wallace, McCarthy, Sproule, where the door is alike o en to Pro- Beat ]oeatAn,astbet+c8 for painless extraction. •
pleasant visit amongst her relatives. vious meeting were read and adopted. W p at a p.m on ; orate o osite Town Hell over BwanoR a store,
g McNeil, Cockburn, Weldon, testant or Roman Catholic or to Men- %
Thos. Wiley was paid $75 salary, and Ty O'Brien,mien, MacLean, Hodgina,Bennett, nonite, with no distinction that should SATURDAY April 11th, 1896, wilts agt Honeau every Monaap, and znrie a;
The numerous friends of Jas. Rose, $3 for postage, expended in collecting every second Thursday of each month. ^y;
of Dungannon, the popular and ener- taxes. Tenders are again asked for Wilson, Henderson, Stubbs, Rosa offend the nicest religious scruples. The followi❑greal property,vls:—Cote numbers,.
of Dgetiimplement agent, who has been atone fora culvert on the Bayfield mond, Carscallen, Calvin and Craig. ,,Your committee further beg leave 22 and as in the new survey of the Gordon Be.sTxiRht batt answered fl',
To these were added the votes of res artful! to protest that the follow- tate, and situated on the East side of James Bt.,
very ill, will be pleased to know that road, opposite Alex. Mitchell's, none P y P, in the Town of Clinton, 1❑ the 2 pert a Huron, CLINTON MARBLE W ORHS.
is rapidly becoming convalescent, having been received yet. Council Messrs Ross (Dundas,) Hughes and ers of Orstige principles as represented co❑taiuin by admeasurement ea snakes, more
McGillivray against the second road- p COOPER'S OLD STAND. `
and if nothing prevents, will Boon be will meet again as court of revision s g by this Grand Dodge do not need to be or lees. trnine a are erected
bieemisea a ''
restored to his wonted health. and for mieral business at 10 o'clock ing: making 21 bolters on the Conner- lectured on tolerance and justice, and Next to Commercial notes. ,
g vative side. that the repeated exhortations to be TrnMHndTen per lent of the days tae money {:
Peter McIntosh, of Lake Daupkin, 61 11
on May 28tb. TheLiherals who 0 ones the amend Town, and tna balance In so Jaye a req (tor, dehis efilled In the is In fntl t erstlon and ► 11
Manitoba, former, a resident of Turn- l�p tolerant and ij ust contained in the without interest. The pnrohaser wilt be require rdere filled )n the most eetiafaeto•) �y cems-
y Mrs Campbell, of the Seafarth public Ment were seven: sears Beausoleil, (;rand Masters address are at rho ea to sign a oontraot for the comFletion of sale. Ary dna granite went • spedaltpw Prices as u`
berry, and Miss Marjory '.Abraham, of school, left on Wednesday for St. Fremont, Delisle, Mcisaac, Devin, An- least unnecessary and positively un- Further terms and. particulars made known on easonable as those of any esteblishn.eni I
the loth of East Wawanosh, were Lonis, Missouri, where she will visit a ger9 and Vaillaincourt. The same complimentary. dap of sate, or aeon application en or'sundSolicitor
united in the holy bonds of matt imony brother whom she has not seen for members voted for the second reading. COERCION CONDEMNED JAMES SCOTT, vendor's Bollcitor 8IiALE g ]3�)VER L7anton_ 1�s
on Wednesday of laetweek. We wish many years. Mrs Campbell takes this There were three vacant constitu- T. M. CARLING, Auctioneer New Implement Wareroom
them much happiness. trip in the interest of her health, encies: Pontiac, Soulanges and Missis- ,,Your committee beg further to re-
Ata congregational meeting held which has not been in a satisfactory siquoi. The absentees were Montague, port that the present danger impend- MES%R8 BROR'N fi ucDONALD of Beatorth
Monday evening, Mr Fowlie, student state for some time, and she expects Denison and Corby ing over Protestant and British inter and JOHN LERMING, former►y of Blyth have
of Knox, College, and who occupied to be absent several months. Her Sir Donald Smith was ppaired with eats in Canada is 90 imminent that no NOTICE TO CREDITOR$. 9TrronwM ed B ithhssh pCirotm�dslz�l George,
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, daughter, Miss Fergus, occupies Mrs Mr Rowand (Bruce.) Mr Denison word or act should appear in the pro- Notice is hereby given that all persons having on hand a full tine of Farmtag afmplamente,
the pulpit
Iasi Sunday, received the Campbell's place as teacher during her would have voted against the bill if ceedings of this Grand Lodge that claims against the estate of the late William among which will be found the Sylvester Pressure �
aSeafortb,ppppointment of assistant to Rev. Dr. absence. present, and Mr Corby would have could weaken the arm that is being Macron, who died on or about the loth of Janayy Grain Drill with oil the latest Improvements. manta• I
McDonald during the Summer monCbs. An unfortunate accident occurred likewise done so. As for Dr. Mont.a- raised in defence of National Schools oBt�the nnderslgnedgonror beted orelthe 1st f April also the noted tloCormao Bindloehine
No Color
on Conon is too severe to yield on Friday to Ed. Garvin, a farmer on gue, if he were present he would have in Manitoba, and that this Grand body next, after which date the aeeets of said estato
to the sanative power of too leve a Norway the gravel road, south i Brussels. He voted for it. expresses its un ualifled repudiation will be distributed to artios entitled tberetc, PROPERTIES FOR SALE oR To LET � 1
to the cural It has cured thousands of casae had the day before purchased physic The result of the vote dingde as fol- of dress sentence, line or word in the and sand oxecutora wait note responsible to
While Mr John White, of the Exe `for a nick cow and placed it on a shelf lows: For the second reading—Far the address which tends to put the pia ata m LheYb1oavTnot notice atttime o Of dimes
with some other bottles. By mistake bill 112; seal est the bill, 94; absentees, vince of Manitoba in the wrong or to tribute."• An Fe1•eons indebted W the said w. WEST HALF OF PERRIN'S
ter Times office, was returning bone he got hold of the wrong medicine and 3; paired, 2; vacant constituencies, 3; )uBtify coercion by the Federal Par•- Mason, deceased, must pay the same to the un- BLOCK FOR SALE.
on Saturday evening, be had the mis- only after he had swallowed a uanti- S eaker, 1; total, 215. liainent. aoraignod. A�
q p MRs FRANCRP wt9El Make me an offer for this, Say e300 or;8400
fortune to fall. On examination it ty of it discovered wbat he had done. The vote was, therefore, a large one. HUGHES' PAST RECALLED. SARAH J. MASON J} &xeeatare cash, balance as can bo mutnally arrsnged•4
was found that his hip was severely home remedies were at once applied All the members west of Ontario, ex- LENA MASON D• J, C_AMPBEI.L, eye Main W.,11 1"1on Ont
ln�ured. Under the circumstances the and Mr Cornish posted off in riot haste rept Mr Martin, voted for the bill. "The sentiments of your committee Dated at Clinton, this 8th soy of March, 1i39a,
irSjured limb is progressing as well as to Brussels for a doctor, who used a No Conservative member outside of are well expressed in the followingg FOR SALE.
can be expected. stomach )pump with such effect that Ontario, except Dr. Weldon, voted quotation taken .from an address
of --
Mrr T.J. Behry, horse buyer, klensall, Mr Garvin was soon himself again. a�{ sins( the bill. the Grand Master. Bro. J. L. Hughes, } �j pR 7��1 The andr aigned will edit li aesorefieo, Lot 1st
an Mosses Rout. D.' Bell and Jas. W. One of the oldest residents of the The bill war read a second time, and delivered to this Grand
dir ho 18th, 51894 Val at) 1 x"O� RT1LiJ or I>a, R►itrra Terrace Clinton, Perticularo
B lT both of rho ��hip of Tucker- Stir Charles Tupper tried to force the bled at Chatham, —^ upon application, JeMBt'� SCOTT. IS
�gg t section, and a gentleman, universally
Bi7AfG� t, re'tur'ned home las week from esteemed and respected, passed *.way ' ROu� into committee on h but Mr 'du believe in one national eyetem of FOR SALE ON EAAY TERMS
'h old couptry, }vherethey had taken Laurier resented this. The Govern- education of all the children of our Y,.
on Saturday morning. in the p rson of
a tine shipment of horses. We are tom. Murray, .father of Mr. John D. �0 bill bora ma crit wouldhave
hfov r Conner every bila the inestimable i4 agiving
ta a For Mlle dr to Rent. Lot 88, Mai,land Concession, Goderioh
pleased to learn that they sold them to Murray, cattle-bu -buyer, of Asllfleld. De- y j n thoroughPhy li L•,dAjl, Dptfll, Olioton. Township. For terms sod particulars ap-
very good advantage. vstive votes had t e seven Liberals in a al edu morally,
sits y�
ceased was born in tkbe Parish of On- intellectually and mp;ally, and the A e lends B{a d, w era good business ie ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton
p 1,
While Mr Louie Wever and hie oro- voted for the bill. P. R
f ar•cl. f3m, er3andsp e, l3cotla-1 oh All the old-time French Liberals ; �,_ .y way b9 which the c Ildren of all on,e�. Tl3e 1�pao has pzoelleat a000m-
"Ir Ither,,, Adolph, were in the big Zurich arch eth .180Q and had, •reached the creeJo, and classes can b6 trained to 'U171 lou toi 6ravell is Fud ublio generall FOR SALE
Ir stood by Mr Laurier. chin each pp yy
swamp on rueaday, cutting wood, by ripe old age of M yeara and 8 days, ,The House act journed at b a.m, after grow Up in harmony,(. respect g. tj, nix areae known on appHostion io JNO.
some means in passingg the axe to W n death. ¢la'rirtgll him, He carne sitting $8 ,boors., qth r. re ognizin eaph others rights, R�88IER. Benmiller. T e folio is valaa6te rosidentet ropertp to
Adolph, it fell onto Ills fuce, cutting a to' $nada in 1834, and h yjng learned' gg g the sown oOtnZoh to ottered for saps. Lot ioz
It (nay tats all nexb weak to dt the andedapeiopi��rrgg tpitG„mutuayl interest and partb1l IM Viot'oria at., Sod'pa•rt of lot iia
big gt h in his cheek. It took about the trade of carpenter an joiner, work- Nouse into committee on the bill, and that wC 1 Ua1Ffy them (jar f;iendly and' ''' A1dtr orl t �lExeE r 1+TQrLL Bigb tiyrsrrt. There ore tw000mforta'bse dwelling
one and a half hours b fore they got ed at that buslrlesa' for three years in ��qq @8 Hactsa a o trio propeirty, in to excellent stats
G I 'ch. be fl tnarri In no opef fen Ottawa .thinks that the roar- aym atI elle cp oPeraEipt; in the uIP`' With b elliti od (Ewfi 8 dtid floss iltaYe a p r9 MYther artlonlars dna terms
tome and tad the wound dressed. n Toronto• after whi t p n o ntfiy, b id csith hod onibd11t1ingt.i pt par- of xeprir or
go cion bill can'becoma a etatnte by April h gilding q£ them, ,c pr
p r ]� ifl �, epplyto JAMES SCOTT,
that time he;lost,a rpt of blood. andaattled qq:n a farm In the :township'. this,P�•rliairaent must die. a i11en who ve to �4rk or e. '%idulare ap Ib l J. rP.' Wl�'t T00TT -
ol Z�orns, OxFord canlnty. in 1881 he r'e- ,when , #} pp rd�
A ver ha y event occurred at the , , Among ,politiolattq beak a¢ ui}l, ed 1; de' a citizens of the papas country Easter, or 70H2�1`1201 s1IER, B�nmiller.—A
home of Mr i3s a Forest, (Stanley, on moved to„Huron county, nd : took A a itk •PrgMie , Green By and :ldenito a, Qhpui play $boplder to shoulder as 'T8 `AR iERB
Wednesday, the occasion being the farm in the township n urAslt�eld, there is little bopa that the conference boys in the same school grounds."' Also, FrittIlll bf 200 ACRES_ An excellent o portunity is now affordaa to
marriage, of Miss Fraser, a niece Of ;Mr bete be !lived continuouelq iii 1Siia h ln. West Nieaquri. Ifo sense cleared the P
death. Re was a man well known artH'' will Settle anyt ing, and they w Id Qsil Hein a good bush of hard wood; no termer with rma i stocker, woo aeewi to obtain
Forest, to Mr (Stewarts' of Craig. The not be surprised if the impossibilit of r il g imp ted farms or stack ranches with irrri a-
11 ha p couple left on the evening train highly respected, and his funeral to passing either the coercion bill or the Pre§idebt Cleveland was 59 ears old bq• singe worth speaking xp The land fa (fon bbuatdtn and fences, in the District of °of
the -Lochalsh cemetery, on Monday estimates at ,this short session should y (Inst rate; a good prion ie expected, bat not horned tile, or oe. sheep terms. The Is rape of
for ibeir future home in Craig, attend toss very lar sly attended by old on Wedne,3day. mono than rho land Ie worth. develo cattle, horses, ct.and u ie rapidly
ed by the best wishes of their many g drive the government to dissolve Par- Lord Aberdeen will open the Indus- developing furnish in too aistraot. The nnaeraes.
l ffi neighbors and friends. liament before April 2. wilt f N. w. o. r answer Calgary,
h friends. Rev. Mr Muir officiated at B � trial and X3rantford Faire. Also FARM of Fro ACRES-- N. w, C. MEYERMEYEIt, Q. C., Calgary, N.w.T
the ceremony. The private banking firm of Geor e 1.
While in hockey on the Sea- The inmates of Kingston Peniten• P g Within one mile of the former, bean@ part
p g tiar need 2600 lbs. of tobacco last year Mrs Sarah Jenkins, the widow of the Dobie & Co., Glencoe, has suspended. of the Wigmore Farm, being composed of GOOD FARM FOR SAL1F
forth rink, on Friday evening, Mr Gen. at a coat. of $I.300. i
Chesney met with a nasty accident, late Mr John Jenkens, merchant tailor. Alex. Archer of Glencoe, was sand- East baif of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of Weat
which migght have cost him his eye A 13 year old girl has confessed to Brantford, died suddenly at her res'- bagged 9nd robbed of $85 at Windsor Nisaoari; the land do first rate, and with Sutbbscrribder offor ionrE al threes ire d f zi lot
During one of the skirmishes poisoning her parents at Craig, Nio. dance, on Thursday. She sat down to tory iittir auitivatfon will make a form tains loo acres, with about SO acres cleared and
the puck Struck him on the eye ani�ah- because they woald not let her keep read the newspaper when she Sud- J,C) Rykert, who some years ago second to none of its size. free (tom stomps, Frame bongo, barn and driv-
denly fell forward anti expired. was expelled from the Dominion House togshotid bearpa oroftna, crack runs through
ing one glaeb in a pair of spee`tac. e e an organ in the borne. P i Milot from Port Albert, art
was wears n Fortunately none of the _ of Commons, has been again nominated Any of the above are good inveatmanoi rho dot, d. Wi od
glass went ,,,to his apes by the Conservatives for Lincoln co and all particulars can be obtained on AV ay to ALEi7tbBADolOyiE, nOtaspisVlt�pno '
children t�r� for Pi c3herilR a� �x ;iib linty. application to JNO. ROSSIF�R, Benmitlor to V. HOLT'. 0 DERICH
We have again another death to re- i
I d
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